PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST OREGON! AN. TENDLETON. OREGON. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. 1917 EIGHT PAGES ITTflfH JfM-HM -1 fl 1 "ti irti it? OBOE IOS30Z xotao Social and Personal ioboi aoi Mia O W D. Noncren. pianiRt, who has been spending her vacation with her parents at Vancouver, Wash., has returned and la resuming studio work In connection w th Mioa Esther South at 50J Water street. The W. C. T. l will hold its regu lar meeting tomorrow afternoon in the library. A delightful surprise was Riven Miss Sybil Farley Saturday evenmp at her home, 110 Lincoln street, the occasion being the birthday of the honoree. Mis Farley wan the recipient of many beautiful gifts. The evening was spent in games and music. Those, present were: Miss Pansy Bybee, Xola ("hildreth. Jean-tte Jack. Alma Rohr nian. Ttnia Sherman, Mary Joerger and Sybil Farley. Mrs. Mary J. bine and Miss Neva I-ane Arrived home Saturday evening from an extended visit in Portland and other interesting western Oregon points. While in Portland they were extensively feted with a veritable round of dinners, luncheons and the aters. Miss Une also made an inter esting auto trip to Crater Lake. During the Kound-l'p the Ijunes "re planning to entertain as theit house guests. Mrs. William T. Fos ter, wife of the President of Reed en lege, and her mother. Mrs. Carrie Russell nf Auborn. Me. Herman Oberteuffer. principal of the high school at McMinnville, was in the city Saturday evening while en route to Portland after spending the I a st months in the harvest fields near Athena. He was working on the Floyd Pinkerton ranch. Pen Oeorge Win berg of Nye dleton visitor today. Manuel Pedro. Echo stockman, came in on the motor car this morn ing. Robert Simpson of the Simpson Au to Co., returned this morning1 from a business visit in Portland. D 30 Carl Nelson of WaKula was in the city Saturday. r. s. LrfHSrow, Athena banker, is in the city today. O. V. Steele of Nolin came in on the motor this morning. Ed -Goodnight is up from Portland looking after his leases. H. M. Fish was in yesterday from the Pen C'resswell ranch. Frank Sloan, well known sheepman is a Pendleton visitor today. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Holte of Stanfield are spending the day in the city. Lawrence I Lietiallen, Adams far mer, was a Pendleton visitor Satur day. Oeorge Krnst was down during the week end from the Roach Pros, ranch. R. B .Stanfield. cashier of the Bank of Echo, was transacting busi iess here Saturday. M iss O ra ce St oc king has ret u rned from a visit of several weeks with rel atives in Tacoma. Glen Storie. who was injured some time ago on a harvester, is able to be out on crutches, K. E. Cot en t, Stanfield orchard ist. is among the visitors from the west nd of the county today. Oeorge A. Price, cashier of the First National Bank of Milton was a Pendleton visitor Saturday.- C. A. McOIavy of Lrfmg Beach, Cali fornia, formerly a local farmer, is here looking after his interests. Mrs. J. H. Dunham and son How ard. returned Friday evening fron t-alifornia, where they spent two months. J. M. Banister of Weston and T. A Lieuallen of Adams were here yester day enmute home from a trip to La Grande. C. P. A. Lonergan. manager of the Smyihe-Lonerean Co.. has returned from a trip to Portland and Washing ton points on a wood-buying expedi tion. U-BOAT CAPTAIN GIVES RECEIPT FOR AMERICAN SHIP HE SANK 1 He used a pebble in his day. to keep bis mouth moist i I f s was un from Stanfield f W S"e '. was here from Wes- J v s of Cayuse was in the -V ft VI j of Koho was a Sun- V ' xY W4 VRI.GLEY5 gives us a wholesome, antiseptic, refreshing confection to take the place of the cave man's pebble. We help teeth, breath, appetite, digestion and deliciously soothe mouth and throat with this welcome sweetmeat. The Wriley Spearmen want to send yon their Book of Cum-ption. Send a postal lor it today, Win. Wrigley Jr. Co., 1732 Kesner Building, Chicago. The Flavor Lasts! 732 WHAPPtO IN 7 nraTiTarairr-fT Nell Rmk yemerday. A. J. Harnett ton hist niKht. Jess V. fates L'ity esterlay. A. H. Sepanek ;lay visitor here. Mr. and Mrs. (1. B. Small of Kaker ire at the St. OeorKe. Miss Edith Maison of Helix was a Pendleton visitor yesterday. U K Harlan. IMliit Rock editor. was here Saturday evenins. Herman Heilke, Coombs Canvcn rancher, was in over Sundav. A. J. and Don Morse of Bend were oveiniKht Kuests at the St. GeorKe. Zoeth rfcuser. Stanfield farmer and former sheriff, is in the city today. T. o. Tates. stanfield lumberman, is a Pendleton business visitor today. J. H. DeWitt and M. J. McDermott of stanfield spent Sunday in the city. O K. Gross. Campbell farmer, came in on the motor car this morn ing. J. T. Hinkle, Hermiston attorney, came up on the motor car this morn ing. T. O. Tilackweil nf Freewater was anions; the Sunday visitors in 1'endle- ton. A. J. Stuart and C. R Maddock of Heppner, were at the Pemlleton yes terday. Michael Kennedy and family of Heppner Were at the Bowman yesterday. Mai Hopper, who is now with th' First National Bank at Athena, spent Sunday In the city. Mr. and Mrs. Burr Johnson were passengers on the incoming North ern Pacific train today Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Everhard of Se- ittle. motoring through spent the night at the Golden Rule. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Poffenber- ger of Helix, a recent bridal couple were Pendleton visitors yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Baughman. H. M. Runnells and B. M. Pettigrew com posed a party of Joseph people here Sunday John W. Campbell, foreman of the grand jury, returned from a weekend trip to his home at Hermiston this morning. Mrs. B. Parlett and son Sieirel, ar rived home yesterday after spending two months with relatives in New York and Pennsylvania. Krnest Noble, Misses Rozella and Margaret Noble, Miss Hazel Harington and Miss Sib Mudget. all of Boise, composed an auto party that stopped over night at the Pendleton. . CAPT.C K CROOKS James Means is up from Stanfield today. Frank Davis visited in Freewater and Walla Walla yesterday. U. D. Phelps and family spent yes terday autoiug to Meacham and other mountain points. Mr. Phelps got the grouse limit an hour after he left Pendleton. Ij. Ij. Mann and family returned yesterday from Meacham where the family spent the summer. Miss Lucile Taylor of Athena, mo tored down from her home Saturday and spent the day in Pendleton. O.W.R. & N. BAND TO BE HERE FOR ALL THREE DAYS The Christ tune, un America 11 bark wus destroyed off the Azores Auk 7 Captain t. M. i'roks was taken aboard the German submarine, com manded by Captain KyriiiK. who it is believed was the second officer in ct mmund of the Deiitschland when .-he came to the rutted States. He Kave Captain Crooks the receipt here shown for the vessel at the same time ( remarking he did not like to sink j A 11 1 erica n vessels. The following is a free hand trans lation of the receipt: Oit lire. "The formerly in Finland belonging but now (and since March 17. under the American tlag, sailing vessel Christ iane was captured today as an enemy vessel. At sea Aug. 7. 1917. The signature of Captain Kyring is followed by his rank as captain lieu tenant. The submarine is designated as X. In the lower left nana corner is the seal of the submarine flotilla. AKuhi President Farrell nf the . W. r, & N.( shows that he has the in terest of Pendleton and the Hound Vp at heart and la a grent booster. This year he la going to give th Hound-up the famous O -W. R. A N. hand, not only for one day, but for the entire three days. They will be up here In their nntty uniforms on Thursday morning and will take their place along with the other bands for the three days. This makes six bands for the Round-Up tht year. And there will be plenty of music. There will be four hands for all three days and five for Friday and six for Saturday. The I.a Grande Rika bund will be here on Wenesday to play for Happy Canyon on Wednesday night; the Joseph band will come in Thursday morning; the North Powder Hand on Frulay morning and the Baker hand on Sat urday morning. With the famous cowboy band of Pendleton this makes six bamls for Saturday. There will be plenty of use for all of them this year for there Is going to be music, every where and nil the time. It will take music and lots nf it to keep the enormous crowd mov- SCANDAL a . here's 14 ing and in good spirits. Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllljf now in; pi:.mi.i:to.n IIISIIKK across the lino. JI'NT A little space to TKI.I !' that Walla Walla HUNT MM people to your 1IKIJS IIOOYFIl IV CAM- I'AUiX TO SAVK AMKKI- tX WKH) Mr. and Mrs. W. R How man have returned from an extended auto tour of f )regon and California. While it California they visited with Rev. W K. Polwine a short time before the latter's death. Men Wait Their Turn. A man who is drafted cannot be sent to the national army before his turn comes, according to advices re reivfd by the lucal board from Adju tant General White in the ease of James X. Watkinsnn of Pendleton who was drawn .No. 131 hut who desired to be n u m be red a mon g t he f i rst 4 :t to go. The regulations are such that he must wait hfs turn or else enlist in some other branch of the service. CONSl'MPTTOX TAVKS AUK TAKKN OIT UKVKNTK HIM. WASHINGTON'. Soot. 10. All eon--pmption taxes 011 t"tt, corfee. rcxim ami molasses were stricken from the war revenue hill by a senate vote of r2 to 20. PJU--SI I KST IN" M SSAOlU SKTTN GIjOrCKSTKR. Ma-1.. Sept. 10. President and Mra, WW m are here as dm gUeM of Ooloncl K. .f. Hon se at the latter Kiimmer home. EX-EMPEROR OF RUSSIA AND FAMILY I ROUND-UP FOLKS Who visit the I Pioneer Pow Wow 1 il: VT IKHMI-I I' lant year AM) THAT we ll uKuin ItK TIIKItK with helln; ... .M-SO THAT Walla Walla in noiNt; soMirriiiNt; in the at SHOW MM! herci lf thin year I Walla Walla I Al WWTS I'enillelon to Till ltSI.Y, FKIIIAV. SATI H HAY Of thi week are eorrtially vited to I THE LIBERTY I THEATRE KNOW IT and rome over. Z.WAlXA WAMA'S show Is called in- sr IHW-WOW, so named 1 Iii: AI SK SOHI S of the brave. IIAHIIV. VhAiVl.K who settled On Second, near Alder. This z: theater. Walla Walla's favorite E THIS (iHKT bread-basket of has built up an enormous busi ness with its splendid THF WKST are coining back nmEgwgtrw m jj mil to :; up. f ' i i t . - t e- $ I W. V. M. A. VAUDEVILLE I TO (JIIKKT old friends and and there will he a sperinl pro Krani there startlliK Thurila. TKI.I. M-: Mli:llS of a few of 6 Act Road Show TIIH II ltllSIIII-S an Well g. Z mude up in C'hlcaKo h the same Z peole who control the Orphe- um clreuit. llunrlretla of NeatH Z at 15, 25 and 35 centM. . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TIIK IKI.k;iit( of early. IY MVIMi, OF THIS KettinK lot-elher I OF 1'IONFFItS w ho 'I ... FVF.ItYTHINt; to help Sllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli:- EM KF. THIS nunlry what r 1 - wumi ii NOTICE! lit viwf 4 4 i, McDonald Music Studios 311 ThumpKon St. Fall term opens Sept. 15th i lit- Whiting McIor.a!d. piano; IJ'-rl Al!a 'i Mrl.iiiiid. Vt-j'.in. As-i.-:.tni ir;;r!nTf and trained pr.ictic- u achers. -J'l4 I AI- IVANTAKS itn in II. ri-ioT'V hlli ll 'f.ISM IIS. arid i!:iory .f Music. 4 H F IK" Li' J ''Miss Catherine J macJok .M iss 'atherine J. M:tcKay. presi dtnt of the American Home llct no mn;s Association, and de-in f the di vision of home economise in the Iowa .State 'olletfe of Ariculture, hue be- rmo a member of the advisory com mittee on home economics in the cam paisn Herbert C. Hoover, the food administrator. Is waxing to xet Am erican women to save food. She asks them to save by careful buying; pro per coolkm? and sane eating. Choice nteers at $ 1 6.75 will ob viously not be our choice these wheat less, meat : ess days. IT IS Ti I. Y. Walla Walla 1 IS .IVINii its show. There a 3 WIIIj IIM daring cowpunrher ZZ ' WHO MKi; their living on IlKi HANCTIIsS, cowcirlH WHO It!IK efinally as well 5 AS Till-; Mi;: Indians from ! . E Vi;i, Tltllirs dressed 1 That you can gvt your TN ;ayi;nt and aisn cabinet work done cheap- l(,,VTI1VT t i x , r, , A ; S( ANT1IM ( X T 1 to e er and better at Pendeton ... Woodworking Co., than ' l''OrI. WIIII horpea and you can some othor place? i ... r.Wll.liFH STFFIts there are Oet our prices before you have your work done We guarantee our work, DO YOU KNOW PENDLETON WOOD- E WORKING CO. 5 Oscar Warnstrom, Prop. I 617 West Webb St. E Telephone 72. Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiir; A Nb holas Homanoff. formerly Nich olas II, emperor of all the ItUHSia. phoier i bed with his daughters in the ?.ir !-n f the T'trkoe S- o !; 1 tf , where he and h:s family w-r' t.'ii pM iii'.-f s oy the re.olut -n,try government until recently, w hen re moved to Siberia. The children of the ex-czar are a I way n lively and in 'iuige In nou"y gam s, in wh i h the gnuid Itiche-s tt'ifn ah. ;res, despite b-r twenty-two yi-ar A VALUE YOU CAN'T BEAT OVERLAND MODEL 85-4 When you consider the relation of price and value the Model 85-4 Overland stands out conspicuously as more automobile for the money than any other car of similar specifications. It is produced under conditions more favorable to economies of manufacture and distribution made possible by the huge production. The car is powerful, rugged, reliable and econom ical in operation. It is of beautiful design, and has e-fry feature to make it comfortable. We recommend this Overland Four to you, and in vile you to call and inspect it. PRICE $1010 PENDLETON. OVERLAND AGENCY JAMKS I.. T.I.AM AT IMlKPCMIDNT ;.A(;K. IT.NW.KTON. moNK 0:13 ry pr rr wt ft "iflrr mksh v IX)(.M(HVs ami benr E ! ... 1 1110 SAMK relation to un :ltlINAUY KTKKU that a Si ... Rl-:i HOT TA.MAIJ-; loe to ! ... OATMKAI, Ml SH. Thefln ,Pr. ... GltFV I P with nn Inherited ... IIATItf; l-Xlt anvthlnu In panW. i . . jl'OOIt (OWIIDVS who helped ... iKKCOUT TIIKM North from I ... TKXAH Wlltr.l ahenrt that I ... TIIKV WAVTr ll their money th 1 ... MINI TI: TUh- Kot here, for I ... KNOVfJlI In n i!fflelenry," ... AS ONE man said. ImaKltip ... TrilNINi; ONK of these four- . I.Kf;;Kl CTYfTAtN oosp ln ... AN AI5KNA and nulldoKKin- . . IT. TllltKK rhnneea out of five . TIIK STOF.H will hulldoir ... THE ClOWHOT. f!eorKO Irumheller. . WHO furnlKh 25 wild ... HOKFS FOIt thn Pendleton . . UOI XIMT, l.ays that he hna ... jSOMR WICKKII bueh.-rs for the ... inONFJTU Pow-wow iSI'K TIIKM In aetlon. I . . . ;IATIX AUK Sent. , J, ) r, ! . . . ' Tinitsnw. Fridav. Saturday. ome and The H u)tujCMt!. :ouh. ;. I THANK F.