EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1917. PAGE THREW LIVE NEWS OF OF STATE 111 The Dean Tatom Co. Phone 688 THE NORTHWEST CRISCO, small 45; medium 90c CRAWFORD PEACHES, box 85c TOMATOES, box 75c STRICTLY FRESH EGGS 45c COOKIES, 2 doz 25c This is the week to can To matoes and Crawford Peaches. A full line of pickling spices. VAN'COUVKU, II. C. flept. Ca nadians today are asked to bo patri otic when they eat. l.'nder recently enacted orders In council, restaurants under penalty of prowecuton are com pellod to display prominently signs asking patrons to practice economy when ordering food. "OH persons in ordering their food ought to consider the needs of fireat Ifrltan and her allies, and their arm ies for wheat, beef and bacon and the food controller requires the public to do everything in their power to make these. commodiiieH available for ex port by eating as little uh possible of them and by making uho of substitutes and avoiding waste," Keef and bacon must not be served on Tuesdays and Fridays and whre white bread Is served, some subnti tute is to be made available. TO REGISTER ON SEPTEMBER 15III CKiAKFTTK starts nici-: THAT IH-STKOVH Mill HI'OKANK, Auk. 31 thrown into a fuel bo A cigarette In the boiler room of the Owen Lumber Company plant set the mill afire. The plant was completely destroyed. The loss Is $0,000. Fifty men are out of work. "Sure Mcmwe found your hoy, He is &ere now eating Is ho cllritffat?" cm seo mm; -fevx-' fell 73 All Wheat Ready to Eat ilMitllillllMlilllllllliklllillllillilllllUlllilllillllllli.lMlUlllltllllllliillltl FOR SALE Seet ion of wheat iand. fair house, Rood barn machine nheJ, all but thi ee aires tillable, ,ny Price :0.00 per acre. Half section of wheat land. impro ement fair. summorfallow ge.eM with the pace. Pr.ce $20.00 per Half section nf wheat land, good improvements, ecres in su miner ful low. une half section of rente I (toes with it. Pnco $6000. New & room Ilung.ilow on north side, price $3 New 5 roon i Itu iikuIow on north side. Price 'i Hood 8 roui.i residence on Kat Court street 4 from Court H.U9-. Priee. $.1000. 10 room hou"o on coiner lot. 2 blocks from street. Price $"T00. This is Just a small portion of our listings and bear the closest kind of inspection. One quarter section of wheat land: l;'.o acres in sumi ,.v: 4 miles north of Atlvna. priee $M.T'o. Three th 'is adjoining can bo rented. and fine more HCTP 200 land .00. 4O0 locks Man will ner fnl- r quar- "15 m 1rt Authorities Convene POJtTIANU, Ore.. Sept. 4. Twen ty five port authorities from Victoria, J. C, to Iob Angeles, met here today at the annual convention of the Pa cific Coast Association of Port Au thorities. The convention ends to morrow night. A discussion of shipping after the war, and of war-time commerce was one of the features of today's pro gram. Mayor George Baker form ally welcomed the visiting officials and Charles B. Moors, chairman of the, Port of Portland and president of the association responded. Teaching Fruit Parking1. COHVALL1.S, Ore., Sept. 4 Teach ing the best methods in handling and packing pears and apples. a fruit pad: in j? school practically free to northwest fruitgrowers opened at the Oregon A gricultural college here today. Packing, grading, car-Ion ding and the use of storage houses are be ing taught. Modern machinery is be ln demonstrated to the fruitmen. "We are facing one of the shortest fruit crops in the history of the coun try." sai l (t. I. lwis. chief of the horticultural division of the col eg? today in explaining the purpose of the I sehool. "A decrease, of 1 2 per cent the upp!e crop wilh a sma!' j ornnire- crop will create a nig demand fep apples. There was never before r.T' iif.n s c.reet a n'd f'ir correct end careful ha rid ling of fruit." Character Keeps Iffm Out. I 'UT ANGKKK.-, Wash.. .-Vpt. 4 M. K. Kit sent hater's character will keep him out of the new n;:t ional army. lie says so himself. Kiten i hater's exempt Ion claim is believed be th nir6t uni'jne one filed In thi state. Kltrenthaler ;iys he has a dishn rab'e di. charge from the army and that his character h:isn't improved since it was given him. He tried to ti 1 1 j-t earlier in the war. he pays, but recruiting of fi"rs refused to accept him. Hit sent haler, howevor, says he j i willing to go before a local board for examination. HOOD RIVKR. Sept. 4- The Wo man's Committee of the Oregon Council of Defense, through its chair man, Mrs. Char.es H. Cast ner of Hood Itiver, has designated Saturday September lGth as official registra tion day for the women of this state. The registration is wholly voiun tary and is for the purpose of the federal government becoming famil iar with the woman power of the state listing all girls and women, both tra ned and untrained, for work in the government service in some, capacity, should it be found neces sary for the nation to call upon tho women of the country to take the places of men in Industry in order that men may be released to join tho co'ors. It is also essential so that trained female help may be secured for government positions and posi tions dfredly connected with mill tary affairs that can be f iled by wo men. Munt fill ut Cards. A properly printed card is to be fiMed out by every woman and on the day of rejrstration all assistance will be rendered in fi 1 ng the card. Local committees have been formed in nearly all localities of the state for the purpose of caring for this work on September 15th and f lover nor Withycombe, appreciat ng the importance of this undertaking, has issued the following proclamation: pro Ja inn 1 Ion . State of Oregon, Executive Depart ment Salem. Sept. 1, 1917. Whereas, the women of America, as well us the men who are givinR themse'ves to our nation's cauce, can j now perform a great and timely pub 'lc service; and Whereas, the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense is organizing local councils in every community in this state with tho pur, 'one of systematizing and making effective women's latrintic services; and Whereas, the Orrgon Division of the Woman's Committee of the coun cil of National Defense desires trmt faturday. September 15. 1917. be set aside as the r'ay for the registration of women in th s state for service; j Now. therefore, n view of the fore going premises and by virtue of the j authority in me vested, X, James . Wii hyeeml e. governor of the stnts j ..f Oregon, do hereby proclaim at- t urday, September 1 Hi 7. as v , men's Registration Way, and I d earnestly ak thnt all patriotic wom en register on th-it day for patriots; "ervtce. In testimony whe-eof. I have her unto set my hand and caused the Seal of the State of Oregon to be hereunto affixed this 1st day of Sep- j tember. A. D. 1 It 1 7. JAMES WlTHYt'OMRK. Oovernr Hu- Wells at Cain p. CAMP LEWIS, American Lake, Wash.. Sept. 4. Five wells that will tap a stream of pure underground water aro being completed today. They supply the cantonment camp here with water. The territory forming the water shed for the springs has been made a reserve and trespassing is forbidden. Water will play an important part in the life of the soldier in the making. Petween 600 and 700 washbowls nnd -600 shower baths are being installed. CANADA WILL FMAT 4TII WAR M IX OCTOHKR OTTAWA, Sept. 1. The fourth war loan of one hundred or one hundred tnd fifty million will probably be floated in etober. U'-presentatives if the Canadian bond dealers asso 1'iation and Sir Thomas White dis LtiRed the terms. The dominion has ilready floated three loans aggregat ing three hundred and fifty million. UF.ItMAXS CLAIM ii AIXS. ESTES & FRIEDLY Who "Sell, Rent or Insure Anything." 14 MAIN STKKKT TK.LLPHONF. 604 :-ilMI!tlMIMMMMM'llltllTlinMIMIlll'lli)IMMni'lfM1liMi;MIjMllintMMMItHIMl7r:i lll.'IM IV Cut 1 It iu ..ff inittllv stated that southwest of Lecaleiette tile Hermans wres-ted a portion of re cent Knglish Mains from the enemy. Many English were irnprisonered. WM'IJi PK(f(Ti: SOLIDARITA'. South Americans Hold Meeting a Salpingo. SANTIAGO. Chile. Sept. 3. A gathering of representatives of South American countries, intended to pro mote solidarity among the nations of This continent, has just been held here with every evidence that ;t hns been a success. The participants comprised the members of the spec ial embassies of the different nations who attended the recent inaugura tion of Jose Gu terrez Guerrera a? president of polivia. and who visited Chi la on their way home by special invitation of the Chilean government More than 20.000 persons partcipated in the demonstration in honor of the distinguished visitors. 1 kSLP' fr:T.,,;v' and Coats We are now showing a com plete collection of Coats, Tai lored Suits and Tailored Dress es for Autumn. You will find among- the as sortment the extreme novel ties as well as modified models of coming vogue. We are more than pleased to show you. OUR CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' LINE OF COATS and DRESSES are now here. They are made on the same lines as the older garments and are trimmed in faraid and embroid ery. The colors are brown, green, navy and red, all sizes. COMPLETE LINE OF SWEATERS FOR LADIES', CHILDREN AND INFANTS. ALEXANDER'S IWY KMPl'ltOU SPFTKItS SlHM"-k Chinese HcpuhlUnns Demand) Ran- tshmciit of IiiiH ril Family. PK KING, Sept 3 Huan Tung. th-13-year-old boy emperor. who was unwtllinglv dragged back upon the Manchu throne in the interest of am bitious military leaders and o,uite un- e; emoniau.sly deposed again, suffer ed a tad nervous shock as a result of the bombardment of the Forbidden City by the republican forces Republicans are emphatical in their demand that the annual allowance of $3,000,000 si ver given to the Tsing household shall be cancelled. They ask also that the imperial family be banished to seme interior point, de prived of ail titles and imperial rights and carefully guarded. KH1U IT MANY HUITOXS UKKK Six lull itaifalHms Have Krilisted Since Kffort Began. CHICAGO. Sept. 3. Colonel John S. Iennls. commanding the western division of the British recruiting sta tion, said today that sufficient Cana dans and Britons had been enlisted since the recruiting of England's sub jects in the United States began to make more than six full battalions, and that work now under way was a u gment n g the n u m ber at the rate of 300 a week. 'It should be 1000 a week at least," Colonel Iennis said. "I am authorized in saying that Britons and Canadians living in the United States who do not voluntarily en ist within the next few weeks wil lbe conscript ed." ASK IJCXDKItS TO BE EASY. Drafted Men Have Fears of Mctrt sae ForeclosnroH. HELENA. Mont.. Sept. 3. Tha district appeal board of Division No. 1, today passed a resolution declar ing that "it is the sense" of the board "based upon its knowledge of drums made for exempt-on because of agri cultural industry that the hanker? and money lenders generally to whom such c aimants are indebted shall be as lenient as possible in settlement with such persons when they are certified to army service under the selective drutt. it is believed that th-. profits made by bankers or money lenders in consequence of the certifi cation of such men called to the ar my service is most reprehensible, un American and unpatriotic." It is said the board has learned that the fear of foreclosure on farms property has influenced large num bers of farmers in asking exemption MESS TIME IN AMERICAN CAMP IN FRENCH FIGHTING ZONE :tllllllilllltilllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllillMlllllllillllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllli: YOU I W h o iue n og I eet 1 n g your t v t h wul soon pay the penalty. That little pin-bole that appears in r your tooth todav will become a H big tavitv tomorrow. Ouaron- 5 twd IJrst dus work at moderate 5 prices. Z Newton Painless Dentists Corner Main and Webb Streets ; Entrance on Webb St. z Phone 2 0M-n Kiealnr MiiiiiiitiM:ii.iii::.iilliiilili;tllilil!lflllllillllllIiti:ill!ll!liliillllllllllllllllllllllti l GIRLS! MAKE A t rriiT 1 rvrirvM DLrtUIT LUIIU1M I WITH LEMONS i i At the co.si of a small jar of or li nary cold cream one can prepare a ful iiirter p'tu of the most wonder ful lemon skin softener and com ploxion beautifier, by squeezing th juice of two fi sh lemons into a bot tle containing three ounces ti" or chard white. Care should be tttkeu to strain tHe juice through a fine clth so no lemon pu p gets In. then this lotion will krep fresh for months. Kvery woman knows that lemon juice N used to bleach and remove such blemishes us freckles, s.tllowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, smoothener and beautifier. Just try it ! Get three ounces of crchard white nt any pharmacy and two lemens from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweet ly fragrant lemon otion and massage ft daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. It should naturntly help to whiten, soften, freshen and bring out the roses nnd he-iuty of any skin. Tt s truly marvelous to smoothen f'u-;h. red hands. ST-" V &r3Drjvrrjo Aft. . JAJPAXFJSE SEE NAVY AIU. WASHINGTON, Sept 3 Vice Ad miral Takeshita, Major General Su gano and other naval and military members of the imperial Japanese mission were escorted through the Washington navy yard today. They were much interested in the guns un der construction and in the relics of past wars. Viscount Ishii w:II ad dress the senate and Ambassador Sa to will give a rec ption tomorrow evening. HEADACHE STOPS, E Dr. James Headache Powders give instant relief Cost dime a package. Nerve-racking. splitting or dull, throbbing headaches yield in just m few moments to Dr. James Headache Pow ders which cost only 10 cent a pack age at any drug store. It's the quick est, surest headache relief in the whole world. Don't suffer! Relieve the agony and distress now ! You can. Millions of mn and women ' have found that headache and neuralgia misery is needles. Get what you sk for. riESS TIME IX FRANCE Cheering "Sammle of General IVrthmg's expeditionary force, ready for their mid-day meal. They di justice to all that's put before them and there"" no kick coming with the grum They are cheery, happy nnd just waiting to take a little 'f ycr over the top . , J J HltKM. .v.j j- A ;.v QUALITY DENTISTRY Dr. F. L DENTIST. Room H and 4. Belt Bldg. Telephone 623.