DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY. AUGUST 23, 1917. EIGHT PAGES 00000000000000090000000000 o 3 DO YOU GET OP EARLY THESE PAGE EIGHT 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o & o o o o o o o o o Salt Fish Our Stock is Always Complete, We Carry Salt Salmon, Columbia River, lb 20 Irish Mackerel, each 15 Holland Herring, best grade, 4 for 25 Pickled Herring, 6 for 25 Cod Fish, 2 lb. brick 35? All Ready Cod Fish in cans 25? Shredded Cod Fish in cans, each 15f Columbia River Salmon, Gillnetters, large 40? Small 25?. Complete Line of Canned Fish; Prices Always Right, Considering Quality. GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. o o o e o e G JutUiiff l'p Hound-l'p Slpivs. The big Hound-Up symbols which last year decorated the lawn at De pot Park, are being: again put up to day. The four figures, representa tive of the events at the show, have been freshly painted and will attract much attention from tourists passing through on the trains. men being: able to communicate with prisoners. Ho was instructed to draw up an ordinance covering; the case. Porter was convicted of vagrancy yesterday afternoon and given a son tence of IB day a in Jail in order that he may communicate his fill with Walker. "QUALITY" 823 Main St. oooooooooooooooooooooooo Two Phones 28 Hand Injured On Combine. John Johnson, who formerly work ed at the Eastern Oregon State Hos pital. is wearinjr his right hand in bantiajres as a result of an accident on the combine of Georsre Hess a few days auo. Hia hand was caught in the coks of a wheel and the fingers were badly lacerated and mashed. j Wilt Repair IiOvee. ! The city council has decided to make some needed repairs to- the levee during the low water period. llratiiiK l'p Again. The mercury today made another attitude climb, jumping nine desjrsos from the top mnrk yt'stcrday. The maximum today is 99. S IS Can't you feel that Fall is in the air? It wont be fong now before y6u will need that Fall Suit and Coat. We certainly have some beauties this season. Every day sees quite a number disappear and also sees quite a number of new arrivals. Now don't wait too long. Come in and look then over. If you are not able to take it today pay a small deposit and we will hold it awhile for you. Beautiful Plush Coats (in stock at present) plain and fur trimmed $17.50 to $49.50 The Newest Ideas in Cloth Coats, Wool Velours and Fancy Mixtures, plain and fur trimmed $12.50 to $19.50. A Wonderful Line of New, Snappy Fall Suits $12.50 to $37.50. Taffeta and Satin Finished Dresses are all the rage. We have them from $9.90 to $22.50. TOll CAN IX) IIKTTKK JT J I tic UUL.DEN RULE J K LRA lr. Waffle In Hospital Corps. Dr. Eldred B. Waffle of Astoria, who was raised In th:s city, has Join ed the "Rainbow" hospital corps r.rotlK-r Pays Fine Jack Walker, wiu recently was convicted of lootU'ji$;iug and sentenc ed to pay a $lt0 fine, was released raised nt Iji Orande and has been!""om Jail last night when his brother given the commission of first lieuten- - laid his fine. ant. He win report at one? at uiacK- amas. This unit is expected to leave next week for New York from where It will proceed at once to France. Mrs. B. S Waffle and Mrs. Ida Fowler, mother and sister of Dr. Waffle, will go down to Clackamas before the unit leaves. This is the same unit with which Dr. J. D. Ptamondon of this city is connected. ' To Meet In Portland. 1 Local members of the G A. H are today much gratified over the fact I hat the next national encampment of the a. A. R. will be held in Portland. Civil Seriine Exnma. The TJ. 8. civil service commission announces that an examination for ijmiiMiiiiiiii!iiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiMiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii: g WFAtlnTTlfr,... iim .i .... .m j 1 ...rW-rT.T, ,.,r--f5T , announces mat an examinauor g gytMwasftSJH stenographer and typewriter for men j orfltvr Oranted 11 -j- nuiy weneer. ; I'lulerjeoes Serious Owratkm. I Mrs. Frank O'Hnra yesterday morn j ing underwent a serious operation at I St. Anthony's Hospital. She hail been ;' spending the summer at Lehman j Springs but recently became quite ill and was brought here for treatment. against J. 11. StrniKbt and toward the latter end of the course he made u hole in three. While teeing off for the next hoI he discovered tltat his caddy had led him t' another play er's ball which had fallen close to his own in the approach to the hole, instead of taking advantage of his mistake, he played his own ball over and made only a four. Had he taken the three score he would have won the match on the ixth hole and thus have qualified for the finals. Mr. Hartman arrived homo this morning from the beach. Mm. Hartman will not return until Hept. 1. mites, being burned out in our heav ier atmosphere. It ts my guess then that these strange heavenly lights ob served by several recently, nil in the month of August, as they should be. are the annual shower of Perselds when their orbit cuts across the orbit of the earth. They are supposed to be the debris of an ancient comet which traveled the same path. w E bring to Pendleton the good taste of Pans and other style centers. C il 1JJJ A Cm TJ ft )vT Right here in your own town, in this store your store you have garments that are identical with the vogue in those big cities that are acknowledged leaders in fashions. And the assort ment is thoroughly repre sentative. And you'll prob ably pay less than you'd pay in some big store in a bigger city. SUITS that are suggestive of Parisian influence. COATS that have a de lightfully attractive air of utility. and women and for for men atfcl women 45 different cities in the Northwest on ! August 31. 1917. Z The usual entrance salaries are iE j from 1900 to $1200 per annum. All umii.u oitjuug, n-H'"- a miu i.yjc. ti ers are urged to apply for and take the coming examination, as a suffi cient number of stenographers and typewriters have not been reached to meet the needs of the government service. For application and full inforcation apply to Herbert F. Ward, District 2 ' secretary. 303 Postoffice bui.'dlng. Se- ; attle. Wash. typewriter only Billy Senear, veteran member c.:' will be held in i the police force, has been granted two weeks vacation dating from next Monday. Joe Coffman of the fire de partment, was a so 'granted two weeks. S i 15ttT Ijcave Prisoners Alone. A drastic ordinance aimed at men , who try to communicate wtth prison- ers in the city Jail will be passed by HZ , the city council. Tt was suggested by City Attorney Fee last evening as f result of the arrest of Charles Porter while he was communicating with ! Jack Walker, convicted bootlegser, 5j through the outside bars. Judge Fee cal ed attention to tne danger to ine officers and to the city property Kilpack to Ixve. J. G Kilpack, re prase ntiti .e nf the Koys & oirls1 Aid Society, is here to 1i y on his last trip in behalf -f rhe society. He has resigned h:s position end expects to enter the government service in the children ." w ili'are bureau. Buys New Car. John Arkell has purchased Six of the City Auto Co. I iitlersoes ertlon. Mrs. J. W. Spencer of Adams un derwent an operation for the removal of her tonsils at the honpitnl tins morning. Behind the wholly admirable stvles is an hon esty of workmanship pledging both excellence of fit and long wearing satisfaction. The Store of Quality ;niiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiinMiMiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiMiiiiiiiMMiiiiiiiriMiTiiiiTM..,..- Some Very Excellent Values in Second Hand Cars FROM 8250 to S475 BILLY S BRAN-NEW PHILOSOPHY Ms (film PENDLETON AUTO COMPANY tVKS OK MFJilT" Lb: "A film cocaiJ Is th? kird that wakes you see moving pictures" While we have no film cock tails, we have a line E of drinks that impart vi- gor to the tired, and re- newed energy to the thirsty these hot days. S e BRAN-NEW .H AI'K-O KVTIU in: V IIY-B.lLf. inxyr iikvh I Wm. Roescli Bottling Co. j Pendleton I Oregon Itr. Smith Hvrt. Ir. C J. Smith, former prominent Pendleton physician, spent the morn inir in tin city, leaviiiK fur his hunn in Portland on So. 17. He had been inspecting his wheat fields In Idaho and in this county. He found some extraordinarily guod wheat and a very Kood avfraye crop on the whole. Lost. Knd of Mnatnr, William Shea, employed at the Blewett Harvester factory, lost th end of the little finder of his riitht hand yesterday afternoon when it cat.c in contact with a saw. KIItKS ON Rlazen Were SOl'Nl C.THUJif3 Oowltd In Clallam. and King OvuntieH. SEATTUK, Auk. 23. Forest fires in the Hood Canal region in Cal lam county along the Htrait of Juan de ruca. In Cowitz county along the Co lumbia, and in eastern King county are all under control, according- to reports received by the Washington Fire association today. Strong Man Here. V ra n k A t k i ns, i ns ;i ra n ce man with the l-iiverpool, Itndon- & ( Mobe, is in the city today. Mr. Atkins served in the Fhillipines in 1S0S and had the reputation of being the strongest man in the islands while there. DALJ5 ROTirWKXL Optometrist and Optician Eyes sdentlfical- ty examined,, Qlassee ground to fit. American National Bank Building Pendleton. BIG DANCE TONIGHT Given by WOODMEN OF WORLD Sawyer's Orctatia EAGLE-WOODMEN HALL 4IIIIIttf IlllllllllltlelllllfltlfllflllllllllltllllllflllJffiiifiiiintlfllllf milMtlltl War l;jt'Ud fjBHt Sprlnx- -Mrs. Cora K. Geiss, reported yes terday u-s just having been re-elected as teacher In the grades, was in re ality re-elected at the meeting of April 16. Her contract, however, mysteriously disappeared and she did not sisn one until she returned from her summer vacation in the e;iM. Farewell to r Jen tenant. Senator C. A. Karrett. Henry A Barrett and York De l nf Athena drove down this morning o bid fare well to Dr. J. D. Plamondon. foi mer ly of Athf -na and now a lieutenant In the 1a Grande hospital corps. Dr. I'lamondon spent lat night and this morning at La Grande and is return ing to camp on No. 17. iwen though a distillery is con verted into a manufactory of innoce commodities, it will be a long 'JTi before it loses its own and ac-iuir ine odor of sanctity. ITS -I W U E r? ie STRANGE LIGHTS ARE SAID TO BELONG TO THE METEOR FAMILY Holding Hay for $20. Hay at Stanfield has sold this sea son as high as $16.50 a ton, aecordiiiK to lion r'ruitt, secretary for Stanfield I'ruM.. who is up from the west end t.',day. Kven the third crop ha.s been ;l whopper. -he says, and with prices soaring Stanfield bids fair to attain in unequnlcd prosperity. Many of the farmers are holding their hny for $-U he states. I'Might Two Quarters. In addition to the iiarttr section f land bought yeter. iv by H. II. VWssel from James Johns tr., .Mr. W easel has al.--o pur:haEe :tift acres fr tn J S. MeLeod in th same re- sion. A price of $800 w.is n.tld for the MeLeod land. Mr. Wessel now has Soon acres of wh- of the county. nt l;ind n mat I r (;ai(P n Ile stolen. rfctors nr" not immune from dis fle and police judges are not siife fmm thieves. Judge Thomas Fitz Gerald discovered the latter to be trtit when, on his return from Ih- man Springs, he found that some thief had made away with his 1 00 feet of garden hose. Dr. T. M. Hen derson also lost his hoso while absent on a vacation. Insurance Men to fi Et. ' K. Nelson, assistant state man- . ager. Charles R Heard, district man ager and Carl Kupers and Powell lant. local agents of the Kquitahle TJfe Assurance Society, expect to leave soon for Mackinac island. N. T-. j to attend the nnnual conventi n .f ; the Quarter Mil inn and Century Clubs. Mr. Heard will be the first to leave. He expeoU to go Saturday. Mr. Kupers fa the Hel x agent and Mr. P'ant the Milton ngent. V.ntr and THer Thlelc. T. B. flurdanc, who in dawn 'rom the Smythe-Roylen sheep camp nea" Meacham. reports bear thi-k in the mountains this year. Beside th" three recently killed there, he re ports having come upon another just above a herd of shoep last week. He ine unarmed he coulri not five chase Tie has seen many deer In the moun- i 8ell'om come closer than 60 to ta rs during' the past few weks and ratrlesnakes thicker than h has ever Keen them, he state. Ki-. J. Mf. Cornefto.,n rjve Very Plausible Hxplmiatbni of Ph'tHni entt Hound Muaclium. Another explanation of the strange lights In the heavens above Meacham and Kamela is furnished by Kev. J. M Corne:ison of Tutuilla and it is a very plausible one. The lights belong to the meteor family and are astro nomical y known as 1'erseids and tra- d it ion ally as "the tears of St. L.n w : rence," he states. ! Writing to the Kast Oregonian, I Hev. t'ornellson says: j "r have rt ad with interest an I I some amusement the various an -j uniinc omen ts of strange lights, air ; ship.-) and whatnot in the local heav I ens. I have seen them, too, most i every year, especially in the month j of July and August, say from the nil-Idle of Ju y to August 22. Being somewhat of a star-gazer myself. I took the trouble to look up thee heavenly visitors for they are very beautiful and a little different from the ordinary meteor, though of cours they belong to the meteor class. "Those appearing on or around these dates are known as I'erseids and derive their name from the eonste tion of Perseus where their radiant point Is situated. When any of this swarm strike our atmosphere their rapid motion soon burns them out but their trails often persist for a minute or two before they are dis- seminated, or burst, into a shower. Their habit to burst into a shower has given them a traditional name as thev frequently appear on or near the Jrtth of August, which is known in some church calenders as the day of Sa'nt I-awrence, so they are called the "tears of St Lawrence." "Two years ago Just at that date I was camped in the mounta'ns about half way between Meacham and Ka mela getting some 'ple dope" known as huckleberries. One dark nlffht one of these Perseids broke across the sky, while I was out hobhling my horses. It fried. st7JEled and crackled In Its courfee across the heavens, and I Instinctively ducked my head for safety first reasons. for I was sure It was singeing the tops of the pine trees. But as I watched the trail of beautiful fire I came to my senses to remember that the highest astronomi cal authority assurer? us that they 100 ii We make a specialty of fuel i EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR 1 33 jiiiimimiiiiMiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiuifii f-'Hmlnalnf br Honesty. Too much h'-nestv robbbed Gearg A. Hartman of a rhanc to compete in the finals nf the championship folf to'irnam-iit nt fJpfirhart recent ly. He was playing in the semi-f fnalf Dr. I K B akesle. -ho i nlun-il to Pendleton a few days o, has IrdllKflfSfcl (L Most Heat Units, Thats the Reason ALL KINDS OF Cord and Slab Wood f The Best on the Market Phone 179 I SMYTHE-LONERGAN CO. ( Quality Quantity Service I riitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ? "MinuHitiiMHiiiiMiii iimmiiimiiimuiiiiimiiiiiiiiuniniii! DENBY TRUCKS Go in the Field to Load the Wheat, Operate on Distil ate. Durable Economical Reasonable Highest Clearance on the Market (131s inches from lowest point to ground). Lowest Deck on Market Makes Easy Loading. SIMPLICITY Propelled just the same as your tractor. All gears enclosed, dust and mud proof housing. Our Last Carload at the Old Price. Buy Now and Save the Advance. Factory Man Here to Demonstrate. E'2 "The U. S, Government is placing orders now with truck manufacturers and on account of short age of materials prices may advance at any time. We are in a position to protect purchasers at the present prices for a limited time. "First Cost Not Prohibitive." Oregon Motor Garage leaiwvl thff office In th Ttettn blook i formerly occupied Dr K. K. rtln- 5 ffo and recently by Or. J. D. I'lnmon- J 3 d'tn He took pfH-fiion to Iny inl I fc will resume act ve pmrt'c. 1 : 117. 119. 121 Incorpora 1 23 WM Court St. ted. Telephmw 464 l'fl!m!nll!!5tr"'!!!'n!!"'r!'l!!,:il' iiitiiiiiuiriiiir.uiuiii 'iii oihik