East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 20, 1917, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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q ini irti in
OB3QI ipcaoi 3Q
Social and
ioco i
Mr. and Mm. William U Thompson,
of Pendleton, who are sojourning at
the Hotel Mmr. S.-asid fUH'i trtim-tl
with a dcllirhtful dinner f.trty Tues
day niEht. their pin-sts inHudinn M r. weekend.
and Mrs. Clarke Nelson Mrs. Henr I
fnlllnm Mrs. James Sturuis. Mrs
Newton Huruess, Hrooke lurkson. Mr.
rnmmelin, all of IVmllelon. and
t'harles Sharpsten of Walla Walla.
Portland Oreynnian.
Deputy Sheriff A. Funk spent
yesterday at Hin.cham springs.
Ollie Bussear was in from the
Sturpis ranch at Harnhart for
Many IliiiiK-rx sp"areli mils for Fv
tivo t.rou-e hut With only Imllf
roreiu StK"tfw: Ilucklfbil-rici Plen
liful Arouuil Mountain Town.
Mr. and Mrs. It W.
family are spending a
ham Springs.
Fleieher and
A-eek .it Hinir-
F. K. T Brown and W. O. Hujes
of Herpner. were at the Pendleton
R. E. Manning, proprietor of leh
man Springs, is down on a short
business trip.
.1. T. I-ambert. teller at the First
National Hank, has returned from a
vacation spent at Seaside.
Judsre J. W. Maloney ond E R
Aldrich left last evening on a short
Miss Cladvs 1. Prownfield of Pen
dleton, who Is spending the summer , shooting expedition into the hills
i.. I'.irilAnJ mid at coast resorts, nas
returned fro ma motor trip with Mrs
K. Campbell, during which they vis
ited Seaside. Astoria. Ti lainook and
other beaches Miss Brownfield will
go to Canny to visit Mrs. Walter C.
Clark for a few days and will return
to Pendleton in time for the Konnd
l'p. Portland Journal.
C H. P.hea of Echo spent Sunday in
the city
Robert H. Hunch of Hermiston is in
the city today.
Ad A. Gripes was down from nib
bon for Sunday.
W. J. Furnish is up from Port
land for a few days.
J E. Tourtelotte. Porttan.1 archi
tect, is at the Pendleton.
G. Cornstock of Rtanfield was a
Sunday visitor In the city.
Kelly Clark of Albee was among the
weekend visitors in the city.
R. H. Thorn of Echo was at the
Powman during the weekend.
W. P. Smith of Stanfield was up
from the west end of the county yes
terday. Enoch Pearson and family spent
Saturday and Sunday at Lehman
Alfred Dorn and Gail Sherman of
Echo were weekend visitors in Pen
dleton. Judge and Mrs. T. P. Gililand of Pi
lot Rock were Sunday cuests at the
St. George.
Arthur Johnson has returned to
Pendleton after a visit to his home
at Echo.
RKPor.TKW sKiiiorsi.y
William Howard Ta't, former'y
president of the I'nited States, is re
ported quite seriously il at a hotel ot
'lay ('enter. Kan. His form of ill
neis i reported by the phyn cianF in
attendance a an intetina. oomp'l-
at ion. Mr. Taft wan on a speaking
tour when taken ill. but now- has
fanc.eled all upeaki ng date
s&!- immM -W ism.-
Canning Season
Is Here
Phone 520
6 Cloger Kot. 'IT-
4 CIa k IVpper '2'n-
; ..z. .MIkj.c- ... 2."h-
0 oz lill Se d. . - . 2-V'
fi.-d I'epper i'odf rz. .V
ti ox, Must::rd Seed
4 in. 4 'nv' .... 25.
4 fix. Cin:ti:i-n Hurk 2ftc
4 ox. rurmrir. . . 2.ro
1 Mac- ... !
Full hin of Siuitbi
.uWi:ir.-(l ri:.i.
ProtKpt tit liverie?.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Nelson arrived
home this morninp from Seaside
where they hud been for an outinp.
Charles H. Carter and Le D
Drake are upending a few days irrouse
shooting out from Bingham Springs.
Carl Cooley, bookkeeper at Alex
anders, has returned from a two
weeks visit in Brownville and Port
W. L Thompson, president of the
American National Hank, is home
after spending several days at Oear
hart. Oeorg J. Stangier has returned
from Seaside where his family is
spending the summer. He will join
them in a few days again.
R. L. Roberts, an Idaho guardsman
stationed at Pasco, and his wife,
were here over Sunday en route to
Boise during a short furlough.
A. T. Shaver of Bend and Oscar 1
Black and Jake Bock ot Hampton,
Ore., composed an auto party that
registered at the Golden Rule yesterday.
8? r.JWIWivi
r i
!' ? 5
r, rmmmv urn i mrti r nfft-Mi mmm' M iltok
Kiist Oregonian Special. )
MEACHAM, Aug. l!0j All day
the j Wednesday and even on Tuesday I'
M. hunters and dogs were arriving
here, for hunting. Not many had
good success, for the long winter
has made late birds. However, some
did get the limit.
Huckleberries were plentiful during
the past week. The Indians havo
been going through here to their
spots of previous years.
Miss Rhoda Mangers went to Port
land last Sunday to reside, after mak- !
ing her home here for the past two
years. !
Mr. and Mrs. P Riddle and chil- ;
dren went to Iai Grande on Tuesday ,
to visit with relatives until Friday. j
C'arence Hawes went to Ia Grand. !
on Wednesday to visit with his sis- j
ter. Mrs. J. Larson. j
Mrs. F, H. Fair and children re- '
turned to their home in La Grande j
on Thursday after spending ten days ;
with Mrs H. Fagan.
Mrs. W. Chelf and Mrs. TV Black
burn went to Kamola mi Thursday to j
cet huckleberries. I
J. r. Casey went to Pendleton on j
Thursday to get some alterations on
his new auto truck which he is us
ing in hauling lumber in from the
To Attend Picnic.
Miss Genevieve I 'helps went to La
Grande on Friday tn be on hand for
R R, picnic at Wallowa.
On Friday P. M. we had a bad
thunder and lightning storm, follow
ed by a heavy downpour of rain. The
rain was much needed as th arrns
was so dry, someth'ng so unusual for
here. The mads were a'so in a very
dusty condition. j
Mrs. Dick Hilyard returned home
from Telocaset on Saturday aftftr
spending a week there, where her
husband is farming. Miss Ruby Hil
yard and Miss Thelma Ernhardr ac
com panied her home.
Several from here went to the
dance at Kamela on Saturday. Black
among whom were Mrs. F. Black
burn and Miss Ruby Hilyard. rnd Mr.
and Mrs. O. Merra.
Ed Welch went to La Grnnde on
Saturday P. M.. tn visit with his wife,
who has been there for several weeks
Breaks Shoulder Ilia I
Boyd pidenck passed through here
on Saturday p. M. to his hom in Iji
Grande. He was carrying his arm in
a sling, having bad an accident
while working with a brakp on a
freight train. He is a brakeman and
in adjusting the brake. it spr ing
threw him from the car. breaking hi
shoulder. He was well known htre
as a telegraph operator several years
R. Wilkerson. teacher and principal
of Greenwood school in La Grande,
spent Sunday hfre.
O P. A. Lonergan and family were
up from Pendleton on Sunday.
mmmsm if
See Our Big Window Display
To insure you against
skimpy thin Aluminum al-
. ways look on the bottom of
Only One Set to a Member '"S,, IoTa
our uppoirran:
to become the proud owner of this MICH GRAPE
cash and SO cents a week on our
Sequoia Brand Aluminum Club
The Manufacturer of this FAMOUS "SEOUOiA BRAND"
WARE has given us permission to offer only eighteen (IS)
7-Piece Sets, (exactly as pictured, heavy weight and full cap
acity) on the attractive Club Plan Terms of $1.00 cash and 50
ceuts ji week, complete set delivered to you upon first payment
Biggest Selling Event in History
Never before in the history of merchandising has such HIGH
GRADE ALUMINUM ever been offered on more attractive terms,
now made possible by taking advantage of our Easy Payment Llnb
No kitchen is complete without this Guaranteed 7-Pieee Set con
sisting of the most useful Utensils at a GREAT SAVING.
YOU WILL NEVER MISS 50 cents a week, and in a few weeks the
Set will be entirely paid for. Also the FACT that you ran use the
complete set while paying makes this offer even more attractive.
You Must Act Quick
As soon as we have 18 members our Chib will be closed, then we
can not furnish you a single set on tlie Club terms, and the vjreat
numbers of people that will read this announcement makes it cer
tain that our supply will be exhausted early. Therefore, to make
double sure that you will not be too late we sugebt that yuu Tall at
Our Store K;irty or phone Your Reservation.
Court and Main Phone 496.
JnXiK WHjU ixvkstiuate
A new- picture of Prince Adelbert,
third son of the kaiser, and often
railed "The Navy Prince." berause
he is the only son of the kaiser in the
U' rni::n navy. At present he is with
the landed naval forces doing coast
Jefense work on the coast of Flanders.
Howard A. Frick et ux to J. J.
I-und. 10. lots 4 and s. block .
-Newport's Add to Hermiston
yinthia A. Koontz to Viva S
Homeland et ux 3"0. Ix.ts 1, 2. 3. 4.
Id. .i k J. Koontz Second Add. to Echo.
li'ff for Insanity.
Frd Kitzman, a S'-ction hand at
i'h uk, hm been taken in custody by
the Mhf-nff t an insantiy charge.
j Mif-riff Kills Itattlrr.
j ht-nff T. I. Taylor yesterday,
j while t-iii oute to Hingham SprincH,
jMli.-l a rattlesnake with ten rattles
and a hutton.
V.-..-' . . . ; -:: v'-ijl
If the people of L'mutillu, c unity
will listen to M. D. rane of Pilot
Itoi k, Herbert Hoover's Job Is ffuuiK
to be made easier in these partn. as
a solution ti the food problem, he tie.
dares he has located enough sarvice
berries to feed the allied army, in
a letter to the east Oregonian this
morning, he writes as follows
Bast Oregonian, Pendleton, Ore.
Gentlemen: Some people are talk
ing of the high cost of living and the
high cost of fruit. I have just come
back from my fall grout--? hunt and
I have decided that there is enough
sarvice berries up in south canyon
to fill every empty jar in Umatilla
county. One canyon I was up will
afford pickers
$6 4-6.872 for war work since Jan
uary 1. i;M7. it was announced today
This includes the unconditional gift
to the American Red t'ross of $&,
000.000 An appropriation of $300.
000 was made to build and maintain
a hospital to teach new methods of
war surgery, and a like amount giv
en to the y. M C A. international
committee for foreign military an)
prisoners-of-war work.
As a special session the trustees
voted that for the present year "in
addition to the income the principal
of the funds of the foundation, to the
amount of $ 1 0,000,000, may be dis
tributed from time to time by a vote
of a majority of the corporation or
of the executive committee." -
.lotto.- Amrndnioot Would
Amort 'an I ntrwtM.
WASHINGTON. Aug- 20 .Senator
week's job- and not j j,,n,.s today introduced un aim nd-
e very thing from acting as an emetic
to giving you hydrophobia bu'. if so.
all our grouse would be dead a long
time ago.
I picked a gallon and brought
home and had them made up into
butter according to a recipe of one
of our old neighbors and I claim
there is no better berries grown.
I believe there is enough berri.
Chief Justice J. Harry Covington growing on these slopes that can be
of the supreme court of the District of . gotten at with a car to (fori the nt
Columbia has been asked v the pres- ties even though we are short on
go a, quarter or a mile. ; meat to the Fletcher bill, whi h pro
I-ots of people are superstitious of pones to admit the foreign ships to
this berry and some hunters claim coastwise traffic The Jones' amend
that if you eat ton many (he will do nient wou'd bur them absolutely
Hope Held ut For Kerovrr
of Idaho Prelate.
ident to make an investigation of la
bor troubles and the I. W. W, dem
onstrations in the western mining
camps. The department of justice,
which would in the usual order of
events handle the situation, is so
busy that no one fan be spared for
the work.
l'ORTMND, Ore.. Aug. 20 Bishop
Alphonsus Joseph Olorieux of Hoise.
one of the best known Catholic cler-L'vmt-.n
in the west, is ill at St. Vin
cent's hospital, his condition being WI'IIR KXIOUT IUMj IS
regarded as serious. He !s 73 years
old. Pishop Olorieux was brought to
the PortUind hospital two weeks ago WASHINGTON,
to receive treatment for a complies- Webb export bill
Hon of diseases. H- hup gradually ( nations of busine
grown weaker.
Portland physicians who are in con
stant attendance said tonight that lit
tle hope for the recovery of the dis
tinguished patient can be held out.
Aug. 2 0. Th
permitting com hi -
interests to en
gage in foreign trade was reported
today with minor amendment, to the
senate by the interstate commerce
committee It already has passed the
These berries must re picked in the
next week to be saved. If anybody
wants to enme up I will direet them
to the proper place and if the en
tire Pend'eton population conies T
ran send them in one c-inyon and
give them a week's job and then have
enough I erries left to feed th birds.
A prson can gather about f!o gal
Ions in one day.
Yours truly,
Rox-kefcllcT Give 4tA.oofl.000 sinv
pirxt of Year.
NEW YORK, Aug. 20. The Rock
efelter foundation has appropriated
from the Alaska trade and would re
iiuire that a foreign ship could enter
the oather coastwise trade only when
it was owned, leaser! or chartered by
American citizens or corporations; in
the case of corporaeions that corpor
ation's capital stork to the extent of
7 5 per cent rmiHt be owned by A men
cans, and the president aid managing
director must be Americans.
NotW of OHintv Rotird of KiiiulfxA
Uen. Pendleton, Ore;, Aug 17. 1917.
Notice is heroby given that the
Hoard of KqualinUlon of Umatilla
County, State of Oregon, will meet at
the county court house In Pendleton,
In said county and wtate, on the sec
ond Monday In September, being Sep
tember 10, continuing for 15 day,
and publicly examine the iimwimrnt
rolls, correct all errors in valuation,
description or quality of lands, lots or
oiher property assessed by me
It shall be the duty of persons in
terested to npepar at the time rind
place hereby appointed.
Assessor for Cmatilia County $ ?
Farm Rii.vctn. Attention.
We have a choice lot of farnip in
vicinity of I-ewlston. Idnh ond you
can't afford to buy without first
looking them over. If you are inter
ested send for our list at once, giving
us some tden of about what you want.
I'Wiston. Idnho n-IStf
He's telling her that nothing he
received from home brought more
jov. longer-lasting Pleasure, greater
relief from thirst and fatigue, than
v TP V'' ' '
New MilHner Arrive.
St irs li- ll Patterson of Seattle, an
xj'-rn ii' ed iii ilhner. has arrived to
take "ham of th- millinery depart
ment of Th'- liee Hive.
RIth .lap lloMx-d.
W'a' irnaio. a J;tpMnes- laborer em-Pbtv-d
;tt li"th. has reported to the
sheriff h.- th.ft .f t'O in ah a pay
check for fvk.TT, a ladiep watch, tie
Pin and other articles.
nofri Irn t i f f VS
r,er I ir-' la'nf
I rrr ' ;;d-r
' : v ' 1 tv r- p' 'e !
Aug. 2. The
.r M urdork, for-
'f'-m Kansas an-!
t'i hf a member
rr..Fiin. was
t-!.'iv bv 'he fen
fr. . committee.
-,2 y"'
. r 1 1
X '"-S "
of th
France. ha had the m'.p-t wonrlerful .canlon was Been to fall. The youn
Kap- on recrd at a retain frem-n Arnf.r)can wno ha() cmr(ed from the
camo for tra.ninir aviatom While
flving In Nieuport his machine got debris without a snatch, wa- ordered
beyond his control and fell r00 fet when the capta n csrne up. to hurry
to the ground, cmyhfng through the into the bakery and help the pilot
roof t the c..mp lakery. i who had fallen, if he was -sti I aliv?
"Hed' Scanlon. sometimee of the : The captain in command
S. A. and the Foreign Iegion of coirs and others rushed t
ficanlon -minted the captain, say
ing, "He's all right." "Who was it
that fell?" asked the captain. fVtan
lon again saluted; "C'etait moe, mon
sieur le capital n. ( "It was I.") Tim
next day Sanlon- went up attain t"
wh;it 'he hob- in the bnkery ro t
looked I i k fr'im above. '
She slipped a stick in every letter
and mailed him a box now and then.
Naturally he loves her. she loves
him. and they both love WRIGLEY'S.
"ftree pf a Hind fteep them In mind