East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 10, 1917, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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August Clean-Up Sale
Straw and Panama Hats
We are offering our entire
stock of men'i and boys
Straw and Panama Hat E"vrs
at -clean up prices.
$4.50 Straw and Panama Hats,
Clean Up Price
$5.00 Straw and Panama Hats
Clean Up Price $3.65
$6.00 Straw and Panama Hats,
Clean Up Price $3.29
$6.50 Straw and Panama Hats,
Clean Up Price $3.78
$1.00 Straw Hats. Clean Up Price.. 59
$1.50 Straw Hats, Clean Up Price.. S9
$2.00 Straw Hate, Clean Up Price $1.19
$2.50 Straw Hats, Clean Up Price $1.45
$3.00 Straw Hats, Clean Up Price $1.65
$3.50 Straw and Panama Hats,
Clean Up Price $1.95
Now is your time to buy, even if you dcn't wear the hat much this summer, it will
be just as good as a new one next summer and you'll save almost one half the price.
These are all this season's newest most desirable styles.
Special Sale of W omens Waists
We offer a special lot of Women's Voile Waists at one-half price for Saturday
only. Plain blue and rose voile, finished with white collar and cuffs. Striped Voiles
in yellow, blue, rose and lavender; all sizes; regularly priced from $2.75 to $5.00.
Sometlilnjr Worth Remembering There
are many incidents connected with ihifl de
partment during Its t years and 4 months
operation, that have proven this a real sav
ins department.
A Man's Suit bouKht during the basement
opening week for I1.9S is still in Sunday
Also a Pair of Woman' Shoes are still
giving service after exactly 24 months'
wear. The price paid was
A tong t'rH'k Customer saved 131.50 on
his list of wants that he was going to pur
chase elsewhere where he said the prices
were cheap. "Didn't know I could get good
things here at a cheap price," he told us.
An Out of Town Woman bought more
remnants than she could carry away with
her during Inst week's remnant sale. Bought
enough to last her (or two years. Bought
for the whole family. Another remnant
sale starts tomorrow.
Did Vour Boy ever outgrow a pair of
shoes? Well, we have a line of shoes that
will hold him. They're Just what their name
indicates, "Rugged." There's no wear out
to them. He'll outgrow them.
"We Should Worry." "aid one of our wo
men customers recently when speaking of
the high cost of living, and she immediately
dived into her purse and bought a boys'
blouse waist for 10c, a suit of of underwear
for 2c a girls' dress for -4o, a pair of shoes
for herself for S1.8S and a hat for her hus
band for S1.9M.
It There la Anything sold In Pendleton at
a lower price than is the Fiargain Basement
we haven't heard of it yet. And our quality
is better, too.
Vour Neighbor Knows WTwre the Bar
gain Basement 1. lo You?
White wash skirts made of gabardine,
poplin and basket cloth, cut with full
back, finished with belt and pockets.
Special prices for Saturday only.
$2.50 Values, Special $1.98
$3.75 Values, Special $2.59
$5.00 Values, Special $3.98
Pure Food Shop
Clean. Cool, Flyle, as Well as EeonomkaJ
Basement -8up in Today.
Saturday's shoppers will find every nook
and corner brimful of "good things" for
your table. Shop early.
New Home Grown Sweet Corn, Umatilla
Canteloupes, Fancy Green Beans, Ripe To.
matoes. Cucumbers, Green Peppers, Black
Berries. Raspberries and Loganberries, Ca
sabaa. Watermelons, Sweet Potatoes and
Picnic and Quick Meal Kiij-gw.tlonH
Boiled Ham. Minced Ham, Dried Beet,
Fancy I jean Breakfast Bacon and Sugar
cured Hants, Potato Chips, Olives and
Orange Marmalade Tt's really good, the
jar 25c
Creamettes The new Macaroni, cooks in
1-3 time that takes to prepare macaroni,
order a package today, package 15c
T. P. W. Tea for iced tea. lb. Mc to $1.00
T. P. V. Soecial Blend, the best 35c Cof
fee on earth.
Shelled Brazil Xma, pound 91.00
Pendleton9 s Greatest Dep't. Store
The Peoples Warehouse
Where ft Pays to Trade
Private "Rattlesnake Pete'' of
(Troop D. who has distinguished him.
(self already as a fighter and as a vo
jcabulary expert, believes In preparing
the kaiser for what Is to happen.
Therefore. Instead of devoting his llt
jerary talents to a farewell oration to
j Pendleton he has employed them to
! indite a letter to the imperial ruler
I of the Germans. He has kindly fur.
nlshed a copy of his epistle to the
Kast Oregonian. Here it is:
Pendleton. Ore., Auk. 10, 1917.
Keiser Wilholm Der Gross,
Ruler of all the Heinles. the King'i
Palace Berlin, Germany.
Dear Keiser Dill:
On this momentuous occasion it be
hooves me to take you Into my con
fidence, for the reason that I note
that you are attempting to condole
your subjects Into the belief that the
entree of Uncle Sum Into this strug.
glo of which you are the chief insti
gator. Is not of serious moment. 1
want .you to know that I have your
interest at heart, and hence am tak
jlng the liberty of writing you at this
I time.
In the first place, l want you m
realize the fact that once Uncle Rim
Is aroused there Is little likelihood of
him quitting until his end will have
been accomplshed. Why, Bill, as a
matter of fact it could not be other,
wise. Uncle Sam always has been In
the right, and even though you may
attempt to nut on a bold front and
! pretend that you are in the right this
i time, away down in the bottom nf
your heart you know better. And al
though your cause may prevail for
a time, as our old friend Abraham
Lincoln once remarked. "lu can
fool some of the people sill of the
time, and you can fool all of the peo
ple some of the time, but you can't
fool all of the people all of the
No doubt you understand by this
time that while It was possible In the
past to lead the people Into the be.
lief that Monarchies are all r'ght, and
that the King was the Divinely ap
pointed of Ood, you have I am sure,
become to feel as do all other pro
gressive people that civilization is too
far advanced now to hoodwing tne
people Into a belief of this kind much
longer. True It is that Monarchies
are all right, provided the head of
the house proves to be the right sort
of a fellow, but you know. Bill, that
there has only been about one out ol
even- dozen who nas proven to or
the right sort of a fellow. Take
your own kinsmen of the House t
Hohenzollern as an example: FVeder.
ick the Great, of course, was a vers'
able leader, but my dear Bill. Just
take a look at his successor. William
the Fat. He was a Joke and you will
have to admit it . And too, Just
look at that son ' of yours. He
couldn't lead a horse to drink, let
alone a nation successfully. Yet you
have the audacity to attempt to con
quer the world, and then after you
are gone, pass the whole cheese over
to him as your successor. Seriously,
Bill, .you don't thlnn Uncle Sam
would stand for that do you? And
so it is I could go on Indefinitely
calling these instances' to your atten
tion, but it is really unnecessary for
me to do so. We all know that your
whole idea of government is a Joke,
and you are aware of it, too.
You overlooked one or two tmngi
when you Insisted on Uncle Sam get.
ting into this struggle. For inslanco,
you forgot that he has more resources
than you and your allied cohorts put
together, and you know that you
can't kid yourself Into the belief
that the matter of resources Is no:
an important Item, and then too, you
must have forgotten that he has
about 10 million of the best fighters
In the world. Oh. yes, I know that
thev are not prepared to deal you a
knockout blow right off the bat, but
just let me remind you that since
Uncle sam has the resources, and the
inclination to get these men prepared
to fight, you may rely on it that it
won't take long now that the fur
has been rubbed the wrong way.
You see the crux to the whole sit
uation Is this: There is a whole lot
in this world that you have never
seen nor heard about. For instance,
1 don't 'suppose that you know there
is a place In the world by the name
of Pendleton, Ore., in fact I doubt
whether you have ever heard of the
town they call "Lt 'er Buck." Yet.
almost every one else In the world
knows of th'place and has heard of
the Round-Up. And so It Is l'say
that your scope of knowledge .Is ex.
eedlngly limited and the . things
that you do know are pretty iiruch
out of date. Well, to make a long
story short, when they start to do
things In Pendleton they always put
thiiiKS across In grand style. Not
long ago Uncle Sam floated a Liberty
Loan and do you know, Hill, that lit
tle city alone subscribed approximate,
ly ItiO'i.OOO to that loan, and all be.
cause of the fact that these people
here desired to give you a punch In
the jaw. And then again came the
Re 1 Cross Drive, and strange as It
may seem to your comprehensive
mind, dad gum my calB If Pendleton
hadn't raised her portion of the mon
ey even before the mum arive nau
started. And they did this. Bill, be
cause they wanted to give you an.
other punch. But that's not the
worst of the whole business, and
right here is where they are going to
get your goat for fair. We have or
ganized here a bunch of those ltough
Riding Fiends who have put the
Round-Up on the map, and VhJy are
leaving in a few days for the express
purpose of ehadlng the procession
when it, heads into Berlin, and when
they do start just lake a hunch from
me, Keiser, and get your little Heln.
ies out of the way. and by all odds,
don't forget to hide yourself. If you
ever had seen the Round-Up and had
seen those Hungry Hounds do things
a biff scale you would have some
idea of how long you or your Hein
les would last once those fellows get
on your trail. And that's why I am
giving you the hunch to begin to
pull In your horns while the pulling
is good.
If you don't, by all odds, don t De
surprised when you hear those boys
shout through the streets of Berlin.
"Let 'er Buck!"
Yours In all sincerity.
U1INIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IllllllllllllllllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllg
Senice and Supplies 1
Recommended by the Ford Factory for use in Ford cars.
Run no risks safety first. 3
rx-pntles Declaim Runaway IjOwtn
Are infatuated.
SPOKANE, Aug 8. Deputy sher.
iffs who succeeded in taking Bdgar
Var and Natal a Haynes Saturday
night found them In one another's
armB ready to fight to the death for
one another. Var Is in the count
jail and the girl In the juvenile de
tention rooms.
The infatuation of the young cou
ple for one another Impressed the of
ficers and they hope the lovers will
be permitted to wed. Var fares an
abduction charge. Miss Haynes, who
Is a pretty lyear-old girl of Kiea
ling, is held by the Juvenile authori
ties. ,
The voune couple are certainly In
fatuated and we felt sorry for them."
said Deputy sheriff Clarence Long.
When 1 caught sight of them com
ing across the field to their hut of
boughs on the old California- rancn
they were embracing one another and
had their heads together.
"The girl stood In front of Var
when we appeared and he drew 8
gun. We finally had the girl throw
the gun down. She was ready to
fight for him and we could only sep
arate them from one another by
"We learned they had no bedding
and only some bundles of grain ai
the'r hut. They went into the hilU
during the day and hid away or se
cured food.
"The toy seemed to think they
could live there as long as they lik
ed. He finally broke down when ta
ken to Jail and said he loved the glri
and she loved him and they ran
Var was not inclined to talk yes.
terday at the Jail.
rtal Hero's Iee4 Kills Theater and
Not a Press Agent In (Sight.
CHICAGO. Aug. . Fate has a
habit of making the slickest pr-as
agent that ever spun a tale look sills'
hen it Is so minded. For instance.
Frank Stanley stood in front of a
movinst picture in Bvunslon exhibiting
his skill as a lariat thrower. The ex
hibition hud something to do with a
ild w-nt picture that was beine
shown within.
Try a dish of
Post Toasties
I wnn cream
J for lunch
i ? eA nn Unt daVS
Quite a crowd had collected. A
scream suddenly rent the municipali
ty and along came a frightened steea
G'racRing Fred Martin over the cob
btVsttines. It was a runaway and
Martin. 16 years old, was hanging on
and screaming. Wiz-z-z! went th
lariat. alighting around the runaway
horse's neck. The animal came to a
fUi.p as the lasso tightened.
Fred was saved. Frank, the lasso
thrower, received the congratulations
of th? police. The crowd flocked
into the threater, excited by the skill
ful exhibition. And not a solitary
pr-tm agent In sight.
( nitcd State Organization Will
KctMt change of Name.
NEW YORK, Aug. 8. U W. Am
erman of No. 7 Maiden Lane. tras
ure- and executive officer of th1
Tnited state Hoy tfcoutu said yes
terday that the suit file in the su
preme court Tuesday on behalf of the
Boy Stouts of America to compel a
change of name and an account ng
wilj be fought to a finish.
The real grievance. according t
Mr. A merman, i that the public is
swinging support to his organization.
which is a mllftary body, while the
other is non-miltary. Answer to the
suit will be that the T'nited States
Boy Scouts is the original scout or.
ganlzatton in this country and the
first in the world to be incorporated.
It changed its name in August, 1913,
from the American Boy Scouts of
America. The latter, he say. Is now
using a federal charter and the nam
of prominent men "for the purpoMe r.f
crushing this ogantzatlon.
Republican Ia-W and R. W.
C ham hers on IS. V. Ivxemptiou
WASHINGTON, Aug. 9. Oh as. Ev.
ans Hughes, Robert W. Chamber,
novelist; Nathan Strauss, philanthro.
pist; Norman H Mack, democratic
national committeeman; Louis Mar
shal), lawyer, and many other nation,
ally known men are members of the
d. strict exemption boards for New
York state and New York city, Oen
Crowd er, the provost marshal, announced.
m 1 "1J -jjup Mflnjli U$ wsfys)ssW)SSfT)w
f.r U 1
If ' i I
'i' v; -I
I-s. ; A . v.;
-! i
The Juice of two fresh lemons
strained Into a Dottle coniainins
three ounces of orchard white makes
a whole quarter pint of the most re-,
markahla lemon akin beautlfler at
about the cost one must pay for a
small Jar of the ordinary coll
creams, fare should be taken to
strain the lemon Juice through a fine
cloth so no lemon pulp gets in. then
this lotion will keep fresh for month".
Every woman knows that lemon Juice
Is used to bleach and remove such
blemishes as freckles, sallowness and
tan and Is the Ideat skin oftener.
smoothener and beautlfler.
Just try It! Get three ounces of or
chard white at any pharmacy and
and two lemons from the grocer and
maks up a quarter pint of this sweet-
Captain Ralph U. Taylor, instructor i ly fragrant lemon lotion and massa.
in aviation to the hundreds of young ge H dally into the face. neck, arms
men learning at Mlneola. Ixing Island and hands. It naturally should help
to fly In France, was killed Thursday! to soften, freshen, bleach and bring
when his airplane dived to the out the roses and beauty of any skin.
Short accounts make long friends ground from a height of a thousand It Is simply marvelous to smoother
-sometime. feet. uh. red hands.
IXXDON. Aug. 7. Some falling
off in the loss of British merchant
men is noted in the official summary
issued this evening. Eighteen raltlsn
vessel of more than 1600 tons were
sunk while no fishing vessels were
Girls! Use Lemons!
. Make a Bleaching,
Beautifying Cream f
Agency and service station for
Carried in stock for prompt service j
to our patrons. s
Simpson Auto Co.
Water and Johnson Sts. Telephone 408
The figures of merchant tonnage
sunk by submarines and mines given
by the Germans are known to be in.
accurate, said Andrew Bonar Law.
chancellor of the exchequer, In tne
house of commons today. The gov.
ernment, however, has no Intention,
at present, of changing the form of
the weekly statement.
The admiralty report of the pre
vious week showed twenty-one Itrlt.
ish vessels of more than 1600 tons
sunk, three of less than 1900 tons,
and one fishing craft. The average
weekly sinkings of vessels over 18011
tons Is 21.
OTtANGKVlLL,F3. Idaho. Aug. S.
A car occupied by Hugh Taylor and
Fred Rothlisberg and the Misses
TVinnlfred Khoades and Kuby Kra-
kau overturned on the road a few
mileB west of Orangevllle late Friday
night. Miss Krakau sustained severs
bruises about the hlpa and may have
suffered Internal injuries. Miss
Ithoades' back was slightly wrench,
ed. Both the young men were scratch
ed and bruised. The car was not bad
ly damaged. Both front and rear
tires on the right hand side of the
car were punctured when the car
skidded slightly, causing It to turn
For Infants end Childreit
In Use For OverSO Years
Always bean
Signature of
ask for
Children know that SNOW FTAKES
are good to eat and good for them,
Made of the purest and best ma
terials In our big daylight factory.
Sold in 3 tizea of Package,
and in bulk.
Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.
rortlantl, Oregon.
I say
!Dean Tatora Co.
Lynde Bros.
The Peoples Warehouse
The United States -Government
with the 7,600 member ban Its In maintaining the
Federal Rettery Banking System for the protection ,
ot the buslnwe tnteresta of the country. Through
the Federal Rwwrve Board In Washington It luper
.Be the twelve Federal reserve banks; It appoints
one-third of their director; It deposits tta funds
largely with them; It guarantees the currency they
This cooperation greatly Increases the value of
the system to us and our community.
Are you linked up with
this new national system as
one of our depositors? If
not, you should delay no
sSkSY s te M-eeS
8rnl for llooklet, "How foee It llrncflt MT"