EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY. JULY 27, 1917. PAGE EIGHT a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o 0 o o o o o ftX h nflnaaflaoOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO c V 1 orn r laKes QUAKER BRAND, OUR REGULAR PRICE 3 pkgs. 25c SATURDAW SPECIAL NO. 1 Wory Gloss Starch, 4 packages 25c SATURDAY SPECIAL NO. 2 Shinola Tan Shoe PWolish, 5 boxes 25c SATURDAY SPECIAL NO. 3 Good Taste Baked Beans, 1 doz. tins $1.20 CRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. "QUALITY Two Phones 28 823 Main St. o o o o o e o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o PKture of Artillerymen. Miss KUxabeth Bowers has receiv ed a panorama picture of the Tenth and Eleventh Field Artillery at Camp Harry J. Jones. Douglas, Arixona In which Tom Follett of this city Is en listed. The picture Is In the windows of the Kconomy Drug Store today. Now grocery Store. A new grocery store Is soon to be opened in one half of the room form erly occupied by the Specialty tiro eery and now used by the I'nited States employment bureau. Alexan der Arvanitis Is to be the proprietor. He has been conducting the shoe shininx business In the Tempi-: build Ink. for the boa but there is a shortage in bedding and Captain Caldwell is asking that anyone having a quilt or quilts to loan (or a few days notify him. SATURDAY SPECIALS-We Don't Have Them We maintain one price every day and that price is the same all the time. Spe cial sales are foreign to us. We never "Sell Out," "dose Out" or have to raise money by putting on a big "Red Letter" Sale. How much better it is to trade with an establishment where you pay the same today as your neighbor pays tomorrow, knowing all the time that the price paid is far less than other merchant's "Sale ' price. " ' i rnnWirufN Operation. Miss Kite rVrgusoh. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ferguson, this morning underwent a mastoid oper ation ut St, Anthony's hospital. Appraise Appointed. M, A. Kin by. W. I Polsby and C. J. Koch have been appointed apprais ers of the estate of the lute John M. Howmun, '5 l:nv-low- Combinations. ...... . 8o, SI. as, Sl.lu Mee Quality of downs T, Hu, l.l , rrlmws Slip Separate travon 89, '. 5o, sue. tki Jlalntv White CntlrrsklrtH 98. I.-I9, !. l.nw Knee Gauze I'nion Suits USo. 40o, 6o Tmh t Kne ;ause I'nion Suits. . . . 25c, 4o, 6c Summer VONts a l-lc, 10c, U l-2o. I so, !Vi MIsmW Gause tTnlon Suit" , , , 85o, So TOU CAN Men's .Summer I'nion HiiIIh. . . 40c, Bo, H9c, So Light Milk Halt ; " Hport Shirts o, SKo. 9i.4 MilrtM mill Drawers !lfo, 4Bo Solt'ndld tirade of Handkerchiefs So and S for 3o Dress Kill Ms 48c. 9H SI. -IS FiiKllsti Shorn $.SU to . I toys' Kiigllsh Shoes S3.3.1 Men's Dullon Shoes $2,1)8 to M.ftO DO BETTER AT ; Finishing ltleth Road. Work on the grading of the road to Rieth Is progressing slowly but the county court has hopes of completing it during the summer. The work Is slow and expensive by reason of the necessity of much rock work and the court is further handicapped by the fact that farmers are hiring the la. bor away front the Job. . Phillips Kstate ApprulstHl. lleorge Uerking, Frank Itogers and jj. M. Price, appraisers of the estate of A. Phillips, an incompetent, have Placed the value of the estate at 113,- i )( tQ PeIldleton from Los Angeles, i.ti 111 int'ir report, ' 7 SZ? WE LEAS) THE GOLDEN RULE TIlliHS FOLLOW I QOG00000090000000000000000 fr'ffrfWIHnillllllHMIIIIIMMIHnillllMIHIMIHIIIIIIIMIItMIHIIMtlllllllinlllllllLr"'r Paul Jones MIDDIES (REGULATION) A nice shipment just arrived. Every one correct and a beauty. White with navy collar, white with navy col lar with braiding, khaki with red col lar and khaki with navy collar. No advance in price. These are the Reg ulation Middies and every young lady will be interested. We have all the sizes now. May we show vou yours? See the "Miss Plattsburg" Regula tion Camp Suit. W'uaswUMiiniiHiiiiiniiiiiiHiMiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiii.iiiiu THE FISK NON-SKID TIRE HKI. C.ILKV ami K!.A K Toft Thse thre tir-s ipivR the Krpatjft dollar for dollar value that can be found. In (juality, price and nnn-nkiiJ pf f itienry tht-y ur exrvptional. Tht-se are RKAL Non-Skid Tirr. Th- prottr!ive dfiKn all on ihe hut faf.- (Jf the tread w hf-re, add only her It dosH any toward ire- vntitiK the Hkld and sidf;-wlip on wet I'aviMiifciuw or muddy roads. At the pric anyone can Wt-11 afford there Kafety Kivtn trad on alt four PENDLETON " ' AUTO COMPANY l-TSK M.HVH K STTIOM (x. m Boys to Irve. The guardsmen of Company M, who hare had headquarters at I .a Grande for several months and out post detachments of whom have been guarding bridges In this county, wilt leave for Camp Withycombe at Clack amas by August 1, according to re ports. Captain Neer is said to have been notified to be ready to leave be. fore, that date. where he played in Cluno's Broadway. The Pastime management is fortunate I in securing a man of Mr. Whlttlcker a ability. He plays both by hand ana ltlulio Officer Here. enroute from Woise to Fort Wright uutomttUc; and while here visited with his frien.l ' , Thomas Young of the Kconomy Drug , 1 '"'V" f,,H"rfT , , ,ftr West (' ,h. ,w .,. h.v.n h-. ,,i..rt. 1 -M' Madge. Albright of 10Z West in four d'Alene. , Webb street underwent an operation : at the hospital yesterday morning. FiuMTal of Sirs. XeM Sunday. The funeral of the late Mrs. James C. Neil will be held Sunday evening at 5:30 at the Baptist church. Her brother, Ed Hayes, will arrive from I Am Angeles Saturday evening, ac cording to a telegram received. t.rass Fire This P. M. 1 A fire alarm at 2 this afternoon summoned the fire department to the Pendleton Meat Co.'s ground where grass had caught- afire. The flames were put out without any damage. Troopers Want Quilts. Troop D members are in need of guilts while they are quartered tem porarily here. The troop has not yet received any equipment and those members who came from out of town are sleeping at the Happy Canyon armory. The Round-Cp loaned cots Wright Hoys Out Partner. H. D. Kent of the paint firm of Kent & Wright has sold his interest in the Kern Wright business to Sam Twelve Fords Arrive. Twelve Fords arrived In Pendleton yesterday, having been driven over land from The Dulles. They were new cars for distribution tnrougn iiif Wright who will henceforth conduct gimV!,on Autu Co. and other ITmatilla both the paint business and the Ore-' Hlr.,niH gon theater. It is reported Mr. is to leave Pendleton. TRIUMPH A NW Ingersoll SEE what a quarter extra fcts for you: antique bow and crown frosted nickel finish plate ultra-modern compressed figures on dial. Extremely graceful and neat looking. We want you to see k. 1 ou Royal M.Sawtelle , Jeweler Since 1887. Barbers' I'nion I vim-d. Employes of the local barber shops have formed a union which 13 now in working order and will deal t ty Sheriff T. !. Taylor upon informa with the subjects of working hours. 't(on from Kalispell 'stating that i pat, etc. Henry Lowe of the Patton ; warrant was held for him there on Cowboy Wanted at Kallspe'L "Rube" Fisher, the cowboy com edian who has been riding for Barney Sherry and Dell Blanoett over the northwest, was arresteed last evening ECHO HARVEST IN FULL BLAST yiij,i ai'I'kahh Bfcrrrrcit thax liPTKl HIT NXJT 11 TO liAST YEAR. Srcnnd rop Cutting of Alfalfa Hay Ih Al StttrUtl; otlwr News ami IN-rMonal NHcs of intOw to the vmni unity. ahfp tion. is president of the orKaniza- ThrraiomHl Wife; .lalled. Pecause he rowed with hi wife all night long Wednesday iiLkM and kept the neighbors awake, M. I Taft, who lives at a local romiinR- huu.se, was tried in police court yesterday after noon on a disorderly conduct charge and was j?i'en a sentence of fine or 12 days In jail. He has not yet paid his fine. His wife alleged that he had threatened to kill her and her daughter. Want Car TjoadVd Full. Advice to shippers to fill all rail road cars to the maximum is contain ed in a circular with instructions re ceived by T. F. O'Brien from Super intendent Rollins of the O-W. R. & N. this morning. The circular contains sketches showing how in many cases cars may be advantageously loaded to capacity whereas the minimum car load weight i but half the capacity of the car. It Is contended that if shippers will generally observe the request to load cars full the car shortage this fall may be materiall reduced. Onnsan 'aw To Jury. The Dungan 20,000 damage suit against the O-W. R. & X. went Jo the jury this afternoon. The testimony and arguments endnr at noon and this afternoon Judge PhelpH gave his in structions. By agreement the oppos ing counsel limited the argument to one hour for ech side. Against the contentions of the plaintiff, the de fendant held that such injuries as plaintiff received were minor and j whatever defect in the car that was i responsible for the accident whs con. cealed and could not have been known i to the company. DALE ROTrTWEt.I Optometrist and Optician Eyes scientifical ly examined. Glasses ground to fit. American National Bank Building Pendleton. Paxtime i"t Kxpcrt OrKanM. Ham Whit ticker, expert on the pipe organ, has taken a position at the Pastime, playing the $5000 orchestral pipe organ which this popular play house Installed some time ago. Mr. Whlttlcker has spent years in pipe organ work In the large cities, having rilllllllllllllllltllllllMinilllltltlllf IIMI tlllllltlMllllllllliuillllllllllllllllf IIIMIIIIIfllMl' 1 BILLY'S BRAN-NEW I PHILOSOPHY statutory charge. Word was received today that extradition papers had been secured and that an officer r olild arrive here for him tomorrow. Fisher was with Uluncett's bunch in Kalispell and only arrived back In Pendleton the first of the. week. He has been appearing us "a rube" at wild west shows and putting on comic riding stunts. Fisher had come back with the Intention of going with Troop D. 22l JOIKI AHMV VKSTKItHAI (Kant Oregonlnn Special.) BOHO. July 27. Some wheat and barley of the 1917 year crop la com ing Into the warehouses here. The yield and quality is better than was was anticipated but is not up to that of last year. It la too early In the season to state with any accuracy what the quantity and quality will be but harvest Is in full blast, as Is also the second cutting of the alfalfa hay. There Is a demand for much help but apparently no shortage of laborers Miss Fern Long came home Tues day evening from Meacham where she had been visiting. She was ac companied by Mrs. J. R. Jordan who returned to her mountain home the next day. . , . i, 4 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rtanfleld re. turned Wednesday from a two week auto trip Into Idaho. Mrs. p. M. riryant came down Tue) day from Duncan on a short visit to the home of Mrs. r f. Schlvely. she says that her daughter. Miss Opal Bryant, is now in Portland attending the telegraphy school. Lee Savely left yesterday for Sea side on a two weeks' vacation. He went with a party of friends and rel atives. Mrs. A. Longwell returned home Wednesday evening from Portland. She brought a little three year old boy, Gerald, from the orphans' home. The Tjongwells expect to adopt the little lad. The Misses Rather Hcholl and Em ma Oelszler returned home this morning from a short visit In Pen dleton. Little David Lehman of Pemlleton Is here visiting with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Wells. WASHINGTON', July 27. I'nde. stimulous of the draft recruiting for the regular army showed a decided increase yesterday, bringing In 2294, with four districts yet to be heard from. This makes the total obtain ed since April 1. 1S9.007. leaving only 23.KS1 to be obtained to bring the regulars to war strength. OI R VKWLV AI"I"01NTIvI AMBASSAIXMt TO jrAPAX. y 1 f ' - 1 rn -A immj "A fly bafl is apt to be a 1 safe hit when two play 1 era ctase after it.' Ttie more who drink our pure drink, the MggT tlie hit they make. TH your dali-r to serve you a bottle in cracked Ice, of BRAN-NEW ROOT BEER GINGER ALE SARSAPARILLA VANILLA CREME or httr still h;ve a case sent hm. VV- are giving you a tip. Win tail Bottling Co. Pendleton Oregon Roland 8. Morris, our newly ap. pointed ambassador to Japan, posed 2 'especially for this photograph In his ' Philadelphia office. Ambassador Morris will succeed the lale Ambas- sador Guthrie, who died at his pus: of duty In Tokio. PHOSPHATE IS A VERY HIGH FOOD VALUE Phosphate is removed with the bran in mill ing white flour. The leavening in BLYDENSTEIN'S SELF RAISING PASTRY FLOUR is supplied by the purest acid phosphate obtainable, thus making a healthful, easily digested food, (contrary to some baking powders, especially those made with alum.) ASK YOUR GROCER FOR BLYDENSTEIN'S SELF RISING PASTRY FLOUR ALSO Prepared and Unprepared Dietary Flour More economical than flour and baking pow der, besides making better Biscuits, Cakes, Pancakes, Waffles, etc., with less work and less danger of failure. ITP5 life! TIRES ll that have stood the test of time Notice of 1U"U for Street denning. Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the (,'lty Kecoraer In Pendleton, I Oregon, up to August th, 117, at f. S '. o'clock p. m. for cleaning the paved E j streets of the City of Pendleton for H one jear. including those streets to S be paved during the season of 1917, ' a certified check in the sum of one hundred dollars must accompany E each bid made payable to the order of the Mayor of the City of Penille S tortu be returned to the bidder if 5 , uniWccessful. and to be forfeited to 2 the City of Pendleton. If the bidder is j; awarded th. contract, and fails to en. S ter Into the same In accordance with the terms 'of his said bid, the city to 2' furnish flush tanks and water and 2 the contractor tofurnieh all else re 2 quired to fulfill his contract. The 2 I common council reserves the right o 5 reject any and all bids. 2 I Pate l at Pendleton. Oregon. this 5 7lh day of July. 1917. 2 TW1R KITZ oERAr.n. , A large stock carried and prompt, efficient service' rendered. Get used to receiv ing more mileage, by retiring here. 11 3 13 11 Ktg. V. B. Pst. Office Oregon Motor Garage Incorporated. 117, 119. 121. 123 Wett Court St." Telephone 46 3f ?iiiiiiiiiii(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii; City ItecorJer. 8-N tlllliiiMlililUluili