TEN PAGES PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY. JULY 21. 1917. ECONOMY! It icn't difficult to understand TRUE and FALSE ECONOMY when you once think about it. f TRUE ECONOMY is to buy what you need, when, and as you need it, for as small a price as possible WITHOUT LOSS IN QUALITY. FALSE ECONOMY means the buying of unnecessary things just because they are cheap or a too close expenditure which tends to SACRIFICE QUALITY. Bear THIS STORE in mind when figuring on expenditures. Let us help you all we can toward PRACTICING TRUE ECONOMY, WHICH WE CAN NOW DO BETTER THAN EVER. Note what we have to offer MONDAY. LINGERIE WAISTS $1.98 Linjrerie Waists of voile with lace trimmings. Made with long sleeves and large collars. Regularly priced at $2.75. Special $1.98 LINGERIE WAISTS 98c Lingerie Waists made of voile and lawn, white and colors, such as lavender, rose, blue and green ; long sleeves, large collars, for ; BRASSIERES Vt PRICE Only a few to offer, as they are " a broken lot of sizes and styles. Made of fine quality embroidery. Values $1 00 to $3.50. Monday Vt Price. Offered in Copenhagen $1.50 values 98 V mm y SPECIAL MONDAY EMBROIDERY PACKAGES Y PRICE Including gowns. combinations. Corset Covers, Children's Wear, etc. In our Art and Needle Work Dept. On sale at Yi price. LADIES HOSIERY We are in position now to fill your every want in hosiery, full fashioned and all sizes. Cotton Hose 25 to 35 Lisle Hose 35 to 65 Silk Boot 35 to 65 Silk Hose 85 to $2.0O FANCY RIBBON For hair ribbons in many colors and patterns. The yard 25 and 35 CHILDREN'S PARASOLS Every Child's Parasol Ys former price. COLORED TABLE CLOTHS Shown only in turkey red. A full sized cloth, neat patterns all around, 2 V yds. long. Just the' thing for the ranch. Each .. 91.50 LADIES' NECKWEAR Always newest styles, economically' priced. LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS In plain white and colored borders, 10 to 75. CHILDREN'S SOX Big display of children's sox in plain colors and fancy. Pair 15 to 50 THE BARGAIN BASEMENT Our Down Stairs Store Where Every Step Down Means A STEP TO ECONOMY. During one of our last week's sales an out-of-town customer saved ex actly $14 on his' list of wants There are just 14 steps down to ur Bar gain Basement and here are the re sults of his efforts : 1 ONE DOLLAR FOR EVERY STEP. If you would make a dollar as eas ily as this, then accept our invitati on and VISIT THE BARGAIN BASEMENT Pendleton's Greatest Dep't. Store The Peoples Warehouse Where It Pays to Trade DltAFTKM XOIHK11S AS TIIKV WKItK lUtAVN (Continued from Page 1.) 11 i 1 1 1 1 Why Do You Continue to Buy WHITE TRUCKS?" This was the question put to D. O. Seiple, P loungstown, unio. "Four years ago we had a string of bi tuminous slag road construction jobs in West Virginia. As a rule we had two jobs going at once. "There were the Fairmount Pike out of Wheeling, the High Ridge Pike from Keliaire to St. Clairsville, the Brooks Run, the Xeff Road, the Bannock Pike and others. It is hard country for haul ing on account of hills. Average haul round trip was about seven miles. Grades range from six per cent to as high as 15 ; per cent. "Those two 5-ton WHITE TRUCKS handled all of this hard work. No other resident of Seiple & Wolf, Contractors, of Here is bis reply hauling equipment was used. I consider that they could not be beat for low main tenance cost. "After three years continuous service in West Virginia the two trucks were put right to work on Ohio roads. "You know we were pleased when we bought four more White Trucks." Experiences such as this are convinc ing contractors everywhere that White Trucks aYe the best equipment that they can buy. Let us send you special infor mation covering the work of White Trucks in your line of business. Wife J J lliM xaj) What a truck actually costs is not known until you nave operaiea n ioi um time. The purchase price is often insignificant htn compared witn tne mainwnanci nd operating hills. The largest users of trucks consider it tar cneaper lo invest, nran monev in White Trucks and enjoy unfailing service and low expenses over a ions ptrioii of years' than to buy medium-grade trucks, pay higher bills for less depend able service and stand more rapid depreciation on the investment. Pendleton Cadillac Auto Co. CADILLAC DODGE BROS. CHANDLER Water and Johnson Streets. WHITE TRUCKS Phone 530 S23 Prod it.. Lamb. FVwater. 2066 -Jamps Amos Sellers, Herml ton. H41 Oeorire William lxaf, Pen dleton. 117 Louis 1L Nelson, Umapine 2630. 602 John Kanlrm, North Reserva tion. 390 Jesse A. Ferguson. Milton. 2233 Don Albert Utter, Pilot Rook. - 75 Otto Behnke, Ferndale. 772 sHvinor Newton. Juniper. 1456 James Neville Watkinson. Pendleton. 721 Hurry H. Hicks. Helix. 1419 Glenn Adam Vlckers, Pen. dleton. 756 Charley Pof fenberRer, Juni per. 1549 Georjre W. Reed. Pendleton. HT Ci-rnwllus SanTord Perdue, Pendleton. ISO Karl B. Storm, Milton 2322 Manuel Vlerla Alves. Nye. 1292 Thor Andreas Oranbeck, Pendleton. , 972 Vern J. Dresser. Gilliland. 9S3 John Schmidt. Jr., OUIilnnd 757 Ralph McKwen. Vansycle. 966 William A. Harp. Meacham S6S Francis Minthorn. South Reservation. 2230 Archie Steven Ronil. Pilot Rock. 332 Orzo Oraham. Milton. 379 Victor E. Coffman. Milton. 1560 Volney Bl.vthe Bybee. 542 Jesse K. Gordon. Athena. 2107 John t'arl Myqulst, Umatil la 194 Clarence E. chase. Free wa ter. 874 Raymond R. BadKt. south Reservation. 552 Arthur H. Chapman. Athena. 2295 Archie Bdward Mustard, Nye 1300 Guy Richard O'Melveny. Pendleton. 2147 John Louis Hellgen. Pendle ton. 1673 Lester Ray Stltes, Pend!e. ton. 1S87 Albert Wfst Echo. 298 Stanley LonR. Milton. 675 Charles E. Owens, Adams. 1769 Benjamin Harrison Oaskill, Echo. 1294--Roy Arthur Nulph. Pendle ton. . 114S Fred H. Brown. Pendleton. r J647 Oscar Tasklnen, Pendleton. 1354 Will Penland. Pendleton. l!'07 George William Frederic):. on, Stanfleld. 343 Leslie A. Mayberry, Milton. 200s Alarlin a. Gardner, Echo. 1613 Lynn Vanlandlngham. Pen dleton. 21 Gust Grasolus, Umatilla. 9S2 May H. Blatt. Oilliland. . 726 Vernon Lv. Vanderpool, Helix .15 -Harvey D. Green. Cottonwood. 905 Merrett Indies, So. Ueserva tion. , .- 933. 2331-r-Wllllam Howard Bull, Echo 1531 James Hartman Sturahi. Pendleton. ' 2209 Lark Lane Fletcher. Pine Grove. 128S Archie Allen Mouser, Pen. dleton. 452 Albert F. Reynolds, Weston. 365 -Harry O. Walker. Milton. 1S43 Fred Walker Hale. Echo. 530 John R. Catron, Athena. S09 Ambrose Q-rantly, Fulton. 1114 James E. Watson. Pendleton. I 1470 Floyd Vernon Horton. Pen dleton. . 645 John Finns, ' Gibbon. 2135 Walter I'nrtnn Main. Pen. (lletnn. 1 218 Clyde W. Kendall, Freewnter. 620 Sam W. Hopper. North Res ervation. ' 1334 Allen D. Anderson. Pendleton. i r.r.O jjterlins; S. Parris. Jr.. Athe. ; na. i 1611 Aristithis T Z"l?i'aphos. I Rleth. i 574 Leon KicMer, Athena. i ' 31 Harry Miller. Cottonwood. j 1432 Arthur J. Hatton. Pendlt- ! ton. : 1727- Sidney Alvin Crablll, Hold man. ! -'''47 Merle Miller Phelps. Hcrniis. . ton. I 9M Lowell stubblefielfl. nillilan'l. ' isjs Floyd Henry Ha!e, Echo. ! 1570 James Alitor Fee. Pendleton 117 Albert Clarke MinHce. who. 770 John I). Caldwell. Juniper. SS2 Johnson Barnhart, So. Reser vation. 677 Edward R Pell, Adams. 211!' Georife John Lekas, I'mat il ia. 23(50 -nrl B. Rehbere. AHxe 749 John H. Irenzen. Vansycle. 22r Ttntiert Llnmer. pilot Rock. iri09 Benjamin Franklin Stratum, Pendleton. 1211 Paul i-ake Smith Myrlck. ( 525 Lawrence R. Plnkerton. Athe. na. 14 17 Harvey Grimes McPherson, Pendleton. 1574 Lawrence Clifford Brown. Pendleton ;034 T!obert R. West. Hermlston. 760 -Hermann J. Anderson. Van sycle. 13 (Tlmi'le, J. Prltchett. Free wa ter. Belva J. Cochran. Ferndale. 1791 Fred John Rolule. Echo. 5 Rapatel E Thompkins Cotton, wood. 350 Tra W. Day. MIHon. 54 William C. Mason. Ferndale. ' S70 Jones James. So. Reservation 7t4 Wiilard Wllber Wales. Hold man. 54s Curl M. Cook. Athena. 1132 Thomas' J Keatinn. Pendle ton. 440 Vernon L O'Harra. Milton. i I4s5 William Henry nonavan. 1 East t T-onis. 1674 William Christian Rhode. ; Perdleton. inr.4 Blaine C. Bnrton. Pendleton 127". T.yle Wln'on Tjimphear. Pendleton. 222' John Wallace Michael, pi. lot Rock "11 Thomas U. Ghormley. Helix. 1022 Clarence Scott, Pendleton. 841 Hermann Noeblus, Riverside, 63S Waller G Reed,. Gibbon. ( 623 John PnlloKlanls. Gibbon. 26 Charley E. Warfleld, Milton. 6S5 John S Rimer. Adams. 1141 Clarence O. Tubbs, Pendle ton. , 1314 Walter Coffey. Pendleton. 16SS Raymond Albert Marks, Pendleton. 335 Sidney B. Rhanttle. Milton. 1430 Emmett Leo Collins, pendle ton. ' 493 Raymond R. Hopper. Athena. 923 Theodore Q. Ximmerer. South Reservation. 1305 George ; Reuben La France. Pendleton. 341 Henry ' L. Smith, Milton. 10017 Bylake Jenkins. Pendleton. 1764 Harold Smith. Echo. S9t .Frederick Rockhlll, Milton. 1366 Allle Skeels. Pendleton. , 353 Neil W. Best, Milton. 970 Pleas L. Doan. Gillland. 736 Marion rt. Norton, Helix. 2024 Clarence B. Johnson, Her mlston. 360 Glenn W. Montgomery. Mil .ton. 1 2055 William Bryan Dyer, ilermls .ton. 571 Harvey Booher. Athena. Ig73 Frank Blair Simpson. Uklah. 48(i Lester M. Martin. Athena. 1543 Carl Phillip TJean. coupe ville. Wash. 2102 Frank Chapman McNurlin, lTmatilla. -704-r-Al Gruhhe. Helix. 73 James W. Baker. Ferndale. 1053 Harry J. Moon, Pendleton. 1S96 Joe Carrlea Machado, Echo. 1709 Jesse Harp, Holdman. 356 Harry H. Harrington, Milton 112 IJoyd E. Gentry. Umnplne. to7 Edwin Glenn Sturdivant. Pendleton. 2082 Theodore Clifton Pnrks. Her- miston. 2116 Charles I-afavette Bennett, Umatilla. 128 Roy Haley, Umapine. 2012 Dale Hinkle. Hermlston. 679 Martin Trek. Adams. 80" Adolph Sulier. Fulton. 11 Rudolph A. Xibbler. Cotton wood. 900 Oliver White Mo. Reservation. 1981 Frank Hincs. Hermlston. 727 'Ernest Gellette. Helix. 2303 Joseph A. Arsln, Pilot Rock. 363 William A. McOlbbon, Milton. 1287 Clarence William Gatchell. Pendleton. 1142 'Elbert Stamcy. Pendleton. 1 765 William McKinley Swaney, Echo. 6 Winfred Quinn. Cottonwood. 2167 Charles George Portugee. Pendleton. 664 James R. Haslan. Adams. f.'i Roland J. McSherry. Umapine. 144S William Howard Lee Davis. Pendleton. 1 722 Jonathan J. Thorn. Hold man. 957 Athanasios r Karkavetoas, Meacham. 1744 Joseph William Birnie, No lin. 1 1 1 2 .Wilbur, J. Cederdale. Pen dleton. 1(45 Jesse HurrinKlon. Milton. 1595 John J. Thiin. Pendleton. 21K4 Marvin Louis Roy. Pilot Rock. 13"i5 Kotaro Kotabe, Pendleton. 103 Earl S. Fox, Umapine. 1585 William Hazel Van Orsdale, Pendleton. 1912 tlenge Andrew Buchanon, Stanfleld. 1221 Raymond Hylvester McCar roll, Pendleton. 1 102 Charles L. White. Pendleton. 1625 Hrlsanthos Iiukulolos, Rleth. 556 Linden Vincent. Athena. 1 565 I.eonard E. Sampson, Pen dleton. 2109 Raymond G. Vose. Umatilla. 154 Robert B. Hough, Sunnyslde. 1281 Carl Tester Kirk, Pendleton. 51 Oliver F. Haley, Ferndale. 717 Frank E. Engdahl. Helix. 109 Ross B. Trayley. Pendleton I2T.6 joe Hart, Pendleton. 1973 Charles W. Morton. Pendle ton. 30 llhrry W. Nack. Cottonwood. 199 Jesse K. Hurst, Freewater. 388 Frank K. Feaglns, Milton. 773 Albert S. Powers, Juniper. 608 Glenn O. Rust, N. Reservation. 406 Jacob. Narkaus. Fairview. 519 Donald B. Dudley. Athena. 1730 Malcolm Albert Cochran. Holdman. 25 Robert B, McCiimber. Cotton wood. ' - 392- Benjamin W. Lee. .Milton. (Continued on Page I.) Itching fep!2S Kept fir. Simpson Awake for Hours. Suffered Badiy. Healsd By Cuticura. "I ufTcrrd very hadly w:;h my head Vhich came out in little white pimples. They would coawnv in a w.ck and then COItlC OiU K rfK-OO. I 1117 icsiered and came to little v,liiti heads and my scalp was fjiic. It itched' and burned St bariiy 1 would just lie awake for hours with the pain and I used to have hie eruptions on my head from scratching. My hair was also thin and dry. "1 was told 10 wash my bead with salt and water, but it did no grind and I tried . but witli no rclicL Then 1 sen! for a free sample of Cutirtira Scap aix. Ointment. I aiterward txsusht morcwul when 1 used twu larire Ixjxlsoi Cutii ;ira Ointment and two bars of Soap i ;:a nealcd." (rii((ncd) Charlie himps.-:. Oak St., River Cnne, ill., June?, lo. V'cn Cuticura lias cli.'arcd our rkir of pimples and redness keep it clenr In vf 'mif the Soap assisted by the Oinlir ;,l for everv-day toilet purxes. Abso lutely rerthine better. For Free Sample Each by Return Mail, address pisr-ard: "Culirura, Dept. K, Boston." Sold everywnt r HIIIIHIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU (For FORD Cars j 1 We recommend the 1 Doss Gasoliho Control 5 The greatest gusoline savinit device ever Invented, (lives you as S 5 hlKh as 35 miles per gallon. "Prevents carbon and keeps spark 5 pluss. clean. Gives you more power. Causes motor to run more s smoothly. Makes motor "pick up" quicker. Permits you to de- s scend steep Rrades with little aid from brakes. '5 . WB GUARANTEE IT. CALL AND SEE IT. 5 M Sochot for Fords j Can not wear out. No colls nor rheostats to sap your mairneto. 5 5 Cut no wires. Channe no globes. Installed In two minutes. Over 5 5 25.000 In use. dives bright light at low speed. Makes lights In- S E dependent of each other. It prevents bulbs from hurnmg out, but S should one burn out It will not affect the other. This feature 5 alone has prevented many accidents, I We sell all the practical 1 accessories for FORD cars 1 Simpson Auto Co. Water and Johnson Sts. ' Telephone 408 flllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC mi limit ij LLLir llllilt Hill Every Farmer Needs a Typewriter Typewritten letters, bills, records are a sure sign of business-like methods that mean success in- stead of failure. Carbon copies kept and . filed away prevent misunderstandings and even lawsuits. 1 H It doesn't require an expert to oper- I j I ate ar. L. C. Smith & Bros, typewriter 1 J It L simple and durable. I ij J J j Send for handsomely illustrated free catalog. E 1 1 1 1 j j L. C. Smith &L Bros. Typewriter Co I I , 104-A Fifth St. I I lllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllt!lllllllllllllllllllllllllll Big Private Sale of HORSES and MULES at Levi Eldridg'eY Place, Pilot Rock Oregon 1 130 HEAD HORSES AND MULES I The mules are three to four yearn old and 15 to 16 j H hands high. Horses four to five years old and weight from 1200 to S 1400 pounds. 1 H. W. VOCT and LEVI ELDRIDGE 1 J OWNERS j niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiinir;