J .si , , PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, ORBCoN, WEDNESDAY, JULY IS, lflll,; EIGHT PAGES Summer Kimonas Lawn Kimonas, just what you want for these hot days. Flowered effect in pink and light blue, full run of sizes. Priced special. $1.29 Values 9Sff $1.75 Values $1.29 MIDDIES Wear middies during these warm days. Short sleeve in plain white, blue and white, stripes and white with blue collars. Special for tomorrow, values to $1.75 98 GINGHAM PETTICOATS Gingham Petticoats in pink, blue, brown and grey stripes, with scollop ruffle, all lengths. Each 59 GOING ON A VACATION? If so you'll probablv need a NEW HAND BAG and a SUIT CASE. We have just received a big lot, showing the newest styles. These are well made, neatly trimmed and insures ser vice for traveling. Hand Bags 81.5Q to S25.0Q Suit Cases S1.5Q to S34.0Q Vfc r m&n - ,. m r i -- tti1 s UlTS for boys Who are particular as well a for those not old enough to be. Whether your boy is of the tender age when not too much thought is given by him to his clothes or whether he has attained the age at whicji he has become particular as to style and personal appearance, you will find the model to suit his individuality here. Bovs Wash Suite $1.25 to SS.OO Bovs' Woolen Suits ... $5.00 to SIO.OO CLASSY SUMMER STRAWS here are We've seen a lot of classy Straw Hats in our day, but Gentlemen, we have not seen any finer ones than we are show ing in this present new stock of ours. All the favored styles. New styles in Pana mas as well as straws. Straw Hats SI. 50 to 83.50 Panamas S3.50 to $7.50 3a, 1 The Pendleton 's Greatest Dep't. Store Peoples Warehouse Where It Pays to Trade : HE WIM, KAKFI.E M1M8KI.K. t J f-i sWfW v f h h " : if i it i ' - . V I ft fi v j M is , W M i .y 'i - - n . v. -- ! v H I I '- for II it t l A I 1 M HOW TO ADDRESS MAIL OR WRITE TO SOLDIERS ABROAD Location of Unit Must Not be Mentioned Even is Known to Writer. luiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii For FORD Cars I Frank McCMnty, chief henlth in. apeetur of Hoboken, will raffle hinir seif. He hus promised to wed her. be che thin, thick, tall, short.' old or young, who contrmutes inoi to wie Hoboken Young Men s chrimlan As sociation Fund for camp comforts for the soldiera of the New Jersey regiments. Mr. Mciinty is past tnir. ty.one years of age, so ne did not have to register, and thus there U little chance of the mart interferinK n-ith thn hitnuvmiMin on which he stands ready to enu-r. He has con- ' that fessed to these attributes, raying in cidentally that the raffle i open to all the women of the I'nited State Health.- good. Eyes, attractive. Hair, intact. Disposition, (penial. Voice, pleasant. (No telephone tests reversed.) Salary. $lS004a year. Habits, inexpensive. Principal trait, curiosity. " Mr. McKinty adds the all-import, ant fact that he U a bachelor. WASHINGTON, July 18. Pei-sons sending letters or cablegrams to Am. ericaa soldiers in France are caution ed in a war department announce nitiiu to include in the address only the name of the soldier, hU com pany regiment or other unit and tha words "American . . Expeditionary Fprcea." The location of the 'unit should not be mentioned, even if it be known. The envelope should bear the nam and address of the sender, liaii ad dressed care i the adjutant Bener a of the army, Washington, will be forwarded only when the writer doea not know that the addressee has act ually embarked. Similar rules prevail for communi cations from members of the expedi tionary force to friends or relatives : in the United States. Troop locations or movements must not be mention ed. j Money may be transmitted through postal orders, ' but arrangements have not yet been completed for par. ' eel post service to the expeditionary force. Private cablegrams to the soldiers should be addressed "Amefcforve, London" with the addressee's name an unit appearing as the first words' to the text. t To comply with Kuropeun censor ship regulations, all messages must be written In plain language (Kngltsh or French) or in international code, and must be intelligible to the cen sors. The use of two codes or two languages or of combinations of code and plain language in the same mes sage is forbidden. ' 'Teh-grams with out text or with but one plain Ian. ' guage text word are not admitted. Kvery telegram message must be signed. The surname alone may be ' used but such a signature as "John." '-Mary" or "Mother' will NOT be . passed. riiAxrK nm nomk turn TO IjOSK A Hl'SBAXIJ SPOR TS llvlteni. Who I (;Mnx to War. .Mayor Miu-lM-1 lo II ml lllm a Wire. NEW YOKK, July 17. Here's a chance, girls. I William Bettens, thirty-five. Hat I kell, N. J.. has written Mayor Mitch- lfe be found for t him. rieltens, who is Kngliah, but had his first citizenship papers, expects to go to war soon but promises in hit) letter: ' "If Jny life is loat in this war my wife would inherit all my property. 1 have some ca-h In a bank in Urooklyn. '! prefer,'' explains tlettens. 'girl wh have experience at housekeeping, and not those candy parlor, canary or white light beauties. 1 want a good, sensible American kIH, age from 2& to 'SO, nice, attractive and good look ing. Hhe must have, no objection to country life." Heltons adds that his future spouse must be a' "good plain cook" and. above all else, must not "run around with gossips.'' Coa JLcague SUunuinjc". San Francisco Salt Lake . . . . I-os -Angeles . . Portland Oakland Vernon 60 53 4 7 49 42 44 .577 45 6:tt 48 .625 ,"U .4r. 55 .471 61 .4Ug Ye-K'rdaj ' IteNUltx. At Portland Portland , Vernon 7. At UiiklanU Bait Lake 5, Oakland 0. At Los Angeles No game; San Francisco t'-ani traveling. CHICAGO, July 17. Chicago won both games of the. double-header from Washington today, 5 to 0 and 3 to 2. First game: ' Washington 0 Chicago 5 Uuniont and Henry; Cicolle Schalk. ( Second game: Washington . . . . 2 Chicago 3 1 1 K i) and 2 5 1 3 13 0 A anew; 0(AL uPMUrOIIS W11J. h information obtained to the INSIM" Wll KKVMKJITj iiivrrniwnt The committee will al- tu, devise some plan for coal distrib- wKms-tiTON July l. A com- ution. . , .. ft mlttw of coal operaiorn imib ,rmn met the cl production com mittee of the council of national de fense and adoyfd a resolution by which each coal operator pledged to the irovrrninent such sopply of c-l i. .......Li r.nlre. AnothT rei a- i Mteam ..... i. l f..r the app'lii'"ent of i to and out of eoiil water. Pack dl . in.. c..nistiii of a delesaie jreetlv into hoi Jar or rani. front each of the coal prodo ,i .irf. whli'h sill comi'i'e Hon tegar lmg ioal "IjIi. To (o sarinK ReaiU. fin the North and West.) WASHINGTON. July ls. Use frh beans. Hiring them." Blanch them from five to ten minutes in Remove and dip quickly in. Pour in ni i r no'iich boiling water to fill the cm- mf'Tiua-! twiner. Add one level teaspoonr ul oi and re-; a t to ath iU.irt. Put ruober rings and caps on Jars Into position but do not tighten the wir clamps. Seal tin cans completely. Place containers on a false bottom of woodenslats or wire mesh In a vessel of water deep enough to com pletely cover the containers. . Keep the water boiling for three hours. Remove the Jarm; tighten covers; Invert Jars to test sealing, and cool (not In draft as Ji-rs might crack.) Tin cans may lie placed in old water for rapid cooling. After the containers are cool, store in a dark, cool place. Johnson and Ainsinith; Faber and .Scliuik. Kt. I.OUIS 3, Boston a. ST. I.oL'IS, July 17. St. lmis de feated Hnston today. ' Boston . . . St. I.ouls ilatteries Leonard and Plank and Severeid. let eland 2, New TorV 1. CLEVRLAvVD. July 17. Scoring two runs without the aid of a base hit in the sixth Inning. Cleveland to. day defeated New York. New Vork 1 7 3 Cleveland 2 5 1 Batteries Russell and Walters; Klepfer and O'Neill, Billings. ixnrolt 9-1, PhifeMtelptiia a-3. DKTKOIT. Mich, July 17. Detroit and Philadelphia divided a double header today. First game: Philadelphia 2 9 2 Detroit 9 15 0 Batteries Bush, Schauet and Mey. er. Schang; C. Jones and Stanage., Second game: Philadelphia 3 II 1 Detroit '. 1 4 0 Noyes and Solving; Ehmke and Stanage.' MIKkKIS POISON SIX; TWO IEA1, MH'R II. I SANTA CKI"Z Calif.. July !. Poisoned by a feast of mussels, two are dead and four other members of a family outing party are In a critical condition today. The dead are: John Cardoia of Stockton and his daugh ter, Marie, age 5 . Those not ex pected to recover are: John cardoz. Jr., Mrs. Cardoza. Jane Cardoza nle'oe. and Maurice Vlerra. The par. ty. all of Stockton, gathered mussels alioveihe tidelaml and became vio lently ill .on a.t-r eaiing them. IIKI j's.stokfs orrr THK SOCIALIST PARTY NEW YOKK. July 17. J. O. Phelps Stokes and his wife. Hose Pastor Stokes, announced Inst night their resignation from the Socialist party. They said they had "lost faith in the Party as an effective instrument for advancing the Socialist cause." Ap proval by the party of a report dis approving the entrance of the United States into the war was given as the cause of the resignations. They declare themselves sincere ad vociitps of a just and lasting peace but rcali.e that "International peace and coml w.ill cannot prevail while the sword of a modern Attllu continues to ravage Knrope and to threaten all mankind." THK M.AV UKKKK KINfi, f 1 'I m iii i ) a ' "I , , ( " " ' i (As 7 The above photograph shows King Alexander of Greece. He Is consid ered! pro- British and received his ed. ucatlon in Kngland. " CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Surnature of 1 We recommend the - Doss Gosolinp Control j 5 The greatest gasoline saving device ever invented, ulvea you as S 5 high as SB miles per gallon. Prevents carbon and keeps upark a 5 plugs clean, (lives you more power. Causes motor to run more g S smoothly. Makes motor "pick up" quicker. Permits you to de- s 2 scend steep grades with little aid from brakes. : WB OUAHANTKB IT. CALU AND 8BB IT. 5 ordsl lO-II Soctiof for F C pan nol wear out. No colls nor rheostats to up your magneto. E Cut no wires. Change no globes. Installed In two minutes. Over S 25.000 In use. Gives bright light at low speed. Makes lights In- 5 dependent of each other. It prevents bulbs from burning out. but S 2 should one burn out It will not ari'ect the other. This feature H alone has prevented many accidents. . S We sell all the practical accessories for FORD .cars Simpson Auto Co. Water and Johnson Sts. Telephone 40S eTiuiHiiiiinnHiiiiiiiniiiiiMiMiiiiiiiiiMMiiHiHiiiiMMininiiinrniiiiiiiMUiiiiiiiiiiiiHc MVI-LUKT OP GUARD MAY BE IKI.YKD WA.SHlXf.TOX, July 18. Move ment to camp of national guardsmen moblltfed to train for service with Pershing's Sammies In France, may be delayed by trouble In vamp con struction, which threatttm to hold thousands of the men In home armo ries for weeks. Which troops will move and which remain in armories has not been de cided. With some of the mens hulls and kitchens for thosa now mobilised not yet completed In southern camps, con tracts for camps to house those to be called July 25 have just been let. The second group may be -held in home armories even longer than the first. Department officluls at Nw York, and ChicHKO are directing the first troop movements to camp.' QUALITY DENTISTRY Dr. F. L III DENTIST. Rooms 3 and 4, Belts Bldg. -, Telephone 523. ft- njr "I never knew it could be done!" THfIS exclamation is often heard sfter i our representative has i shown a typist how to accom plish some desired result on the L. C. Smith SC Bros. Typcv;ri:cr C There are so many things about this midline that add to the quality and quantity of work Tf an operator that we have written about them in two booklets, which are ycurs for the asking. CI, " The Silent Sr.iith " is the title of the one on the Silent n'.odt-Is, while the Standard models are descri'-ed in "A Lason in Operating." I C Send for the one you wish today. fe'4 Lj C. Smith fi: Bros. Typewriter Co. SJis:'A. Factory and Home Oflice l Syrscme, N. Y. I04-A Fifth PORTLAND, St. ORE. NO JOB TO LARGE BEFORE BUILDING f r a w .ir st sf tvT A THE CONIKAC1UK AINU ISUlLXItK. s NO JOB TO SMAI I a J Hundreds of designs of pretty Bungalows on hand to ee- 5 5 leet from. Complete plans and specifications here. K ? American Nat. Bank Basement. Res. Phone 270-M 5