DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY 14. 1917. TWELVE PAGF coooeoooooooooooooooeooooo PAGE TWELVE o o o o o o o CI o o o o o o o o o o o o o o FRUIT JARS Jelly Glasses SEAL FAST JARS, BEST ON THE MARKET. We keep this brand in V's Pint, Pints, Quarts and Vi Gallon Size. ECONOMY JARS, OLD MASON JARS, GOLDEN STATE MASON JARS. NEW MASON JARS. Economy Covers, Economy Clamps, White Crown Covers fit any of the old style Mason jars; Golden State Mason Covers, Old Mason Covers, Baby Mason Covers, Kerr Self Sealing Mason Covers, Old Mason Rubbers, New Mason Rubbers, Jelly Glasses, Parawax. QUAKER CORN FLAKES 12 Packages for $1.00. Exclusive Agency in Pendleton for GOLD MEDAL BUTTER, OLD MONK OLIVE OIL -and CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE. We Sell American Express Money Orders. CRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. "QUALITY" e o o e o o o o o Klre ThTrvatrited At Itiiiiidry. A fire was threatened hi the Troy Uundr- this murnlnK when the bis smokestack burned out. The lire department hosed the building and prevented any spread of the fire. Leavtuje Oil Auto Trip. Walter S. Bowman, pioneer photo grapher of Pendleton, accompanied by his wife and daughter, expect to leave today or tomorrow for a six weeks' auto trip through Oregon and California. They expect to go as fat south as San Diego. , . o o o o e o o 823 Main St. O oooooooooooooooooooooooooo Two Phones 28 Will Oonrt-r With V. S. v. V. Dean Shull left this morningfor Portland as a representative of Atala bon Camp U. S. W .V., to confer with the authorities in Portland upon the matter of cooperating in the pro tection of the grain fields of thH county during tho harvest season. pn-clation Tor Rood headKcar Is in no wise impaired, saw the hat and took !n insane fancy to It. When the editorial president came to leave the hospital, his hat was not where he left it. It required a diligent search by the attedtiantg before it was recovered. HaURhter Born. A daughter watt born last night at 506 Union street to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Zerba of Athena. Asf'oclaU'd Charities Meeting. A special meeting of the Associat ed Charities will be held this evening at the council room of the city hall. Don't be Sceptical We are getting more business each day from Pendleton and Umatilla county. Why not get yours? The higher prices charged at other stores are compelling peo ple to find a more reasonable place to trade, and that is us. Some of the reasons: .f. I", ("out Sewing Thrvail 0 .1. I". Coats Crochet Tlircutl. all hIm-m luo American Alarm Clocks h ho Irrigates Talcum jac IjA lUaehc Face l'owtlpr 8e ('lgats Tooth Panto -. He, ltte New Cohered Beads 25o, 4 no Itoudolr Capa , a Ho, 4c, BHo Val. Uwpa, yard 3c to 13 c India l.lnon. yard . . . .a 1.3c, loo. 13 He, ibo 83c lliiH MumIIii, yard lie Figured ami Ktried Ijihiis, yurd I -4c r'aii y IHnigx-e Silks, yard He Plain IHinuce Hllks, yar, . d. '. . . . . 7Be, Hf, fl.seiv Hummer Parasols titto to t'J.8 Auto Capa lttc to SI.VH Mlildy Blousos IVmgw Silk Waists Crepe IH thine Wulsts 811k Petticoats TOC DO BUT' AT ETTEB yf 7Z ..... 890, Ho . . S2.2J SJ.BS tl.M) to !. WE LEAD THE GOLDEN MULE OTHKRS IXlM.OW Buys Into Schacfer'a Jewelry. Jjt. E. Green, employed as watch maker for the past three years at the A. I Schaefer Jewelry store, has purchased an interest In the store. Mr. Green has had 18 years' experi ence in wholesale and retail jewelry business besides having an expert knowledge of the intricacies of watchmaking. Held I'nder $1500 Bonds. William Kennedy of Hermlstun, charged with assault with a danger- I ous weapon upon his son. was yester I clay afternoon' held under 11600 nft I er being arraigned before Justice of ithe Peace Joe H. Parkes. granmmmiroiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit; aaafAiairAmflHiayA l v ii m m m m m in m m m -i.m nwT,,r,m.,, ifjed SmaU Mtv Can Knh.st. The minimum height and weight for acceptance as an army recruit has been reduced so that a very small man, providing he is otherwise quai nt ay now enlist. Recruiting ' Officer Frank Harvey this morning received instructions that the mini mum height had been reduced to 61 inches and the minimum weight to 110 pounds. Thermometer at lu'i. The mercury reached 10'J thin aft ernoon, as high as it has been thia season. At noon the official ther mometer registered 100 and the max Inmm was reached about 1:30. At 2:4r the mercury had sunk to 98 ow ing to clouds blowing up. mi mm lf ! For Warm Weather Wear one of our cool Warner's R list-Proof Corsets will make fy distinctness and comfort all through the summer. You can wash a warner's it will not rust. Buy two or three at a time and so be sure of a fresh, clean corset everj- summer day. See our Special Display. Has Beautiful Skunk Hides. Stanley Jewett of the biological survey had Just finished mounting four beautiful skunk hides and they now form the most attractive part of his exhibit of Bird and animal skins i The animals were captured by him recently while on a moving picture Market Writer Hen-. Hymen H. Cohen, market editor of the Oregon Journal, arrived in Pen dleton early this afternor.n on his an nual pilKrimuge of inspection over the Inland empire wheat fields. He has Just been through the Palouse and Walla Walla countries and finds conditions better than he anticipated. He expects a big crop this year. PIONEER WOMAN DIES AT HER ATHENA NOME Mrs. izala'tli Ktamier nses Away Thursday Alteriiooii, Aged B2 Year 8 Months and 15 lays. KKIVATOIt HtXIKVKN THKKK AUK SI'IKS 1 NAVY 1K- l'AKTMKNT. live I'roni I'nlty Kullst. From the little town of Unity, Oregon, five young men arrived in Pendleton this morning for the pur pose of enlisting. All of them enlist ed In the Tenty Field Regiment of the National Army at the office of t orporal Frank Harvey and will leave for. Portland for final examination. They are Arahie J. Davis. Hav It inpwun w li nniB mey surarcu- faust, Arthur R. and Dclbert W. nusl.aiuls and Joseph O. Hard man. j ed in getting some good motion pic jj: tres of the little tsrlped animals but 5 had a rather odorous time of It then i and for a few days succeeding Kaaari IUroroe Suit OLsmiSMcd. j Mr. and Mrs. Jacob B. Kasari yes- ' terday settled their domestic difficul- i ties' and the divorce suit and cross- , complaint was dismissed by their at S torney. Mr. Kasari brought the suit ; f or divorce and his wife promptly 2 1 brought a cross-complaint What thrtatened to be a bitterly fought . C5U. ended nencenhlv when thn hus- 'i band, wife and two children met dur- i nter alc,nt? on the farm Afraid or Huxhand; Wants Divorce. Afraid that her husband will kill her father or brother, accord ins t' her all. ';il ions, Mrs. Artie M. tteu the of haket Mountain hua brought uit uainat Clarence Hniitht: for u divurce. She alleKeH that he has or dered her father, H. Case of Wes ton. iwuJ htr brother to keep off ht-: farm and threatened to kill them if they cmiit upon it. She further al leges that he left home laat May. leaving her and their IS year old dau- Day before ( Kant Oretffonian Special. ATHENA, July 14. Mrs, KMzabeth Stamper died Thursday afternoon at the home of her sou. ii. W. Bush, at the age of 8 2 years ft montliH and i; days. She had been ill for a number of years, the Immediate cause of her death beiuK due to paralysis. Mrs. Stamper was one of the few remaining- pioneers who came to Umatiila county in the early 70's, coming to this county 4 4 years afro Since last fall Mrs. Stamper has been lMnjr in Athena with her son. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. B. F. SwatfRart and Mrs. James Stamp er and three sons. Milt, Willis and Tube. The funeral was held at 2 o'clock today at the M. K. church itev.. Walter S. Olei.er officiated. The bin ial took place in the Athena cemetery. Notice. Future meeting of the Carpenters' and Joiners Pnion will be held In the I,tttle Kagle-Woodman (ITnioin Hall J. H. HOS-. President. Karl a. WILLIAMS. 8ecretar'. 7-1 Thoujrh a great many cows are sr' Uiff dry. the result Is not due to the eloquence of prohibition congressmen. r ing the afternoon and agreed to for get all past differences. T3 Buy your pillow cases and sheets in ur Down Stairs Store. Pruittn Keturn Yom Trip. W. C. E. Pruitt, publicity man for the Pendleton Round-Up, arrived home yesterday from an extended trip through the Willamette valley and southern Oregon where be frun i much interest In the annual frontier Jj ! festival of this city. He attended several of the small frontier shows X ; does not believe they will interfere its with the Round-Up crowd. He was j j accompanied on his auto trip by his js j wife. Miss Mary Juerger joined them Ei j t Salem and returned with them, as j I also did Miss Jean Jacobs of Port jSjland and Miss Margaret Fell of Eu jS j gene. Miss Jacobs will ie a guet j of the Pruitts and Miss Fell of her grandmother Mrs. Clara Stocker. eserda he returned and found that her father had been visiting her. His actions so alarmed them that her fa ther was hurried away, she alleges. She further alleys that he is ex- I tremely brutal and orupi in his treat ment of his stock. She wants the cus tody of the daughter. Carter & Smv the are attorneys for hrr. uluimii ti) o ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 i n 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 mi 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 1 n hTi 1 1 i UHlllllUJIllllllIlUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU OVER ! Enjoins Every One to Economize. LET NOTHING SPOIL This Means TACOMA STREET CAR EMPLOYES THREATEN TO STRIKE MONDAY I.K.WKS KVI'IICK KTUK. $3A, TO I'KAIMJHV IXSTITl TK TACoMA, July 14. Street car mo tormpn. conductors and fmpbs of every other brunch of the Tacorna PreHidnt lAt His Hat. railways voted today to call a strike President K. K. Hrodie of the Ore- .v;onda nurning unleas th ir rcjiifStH Son State Pdltorial Association went j to tht- inanat-nifiit were acceded to down to the Eastern Oregon State I befure then. The rnen ask for rein Hospital last evening with a hat on j statement of the six street car rnen his head but he had a narrow es-jan one electric operator recently dis cape from returning hareheaded. It charged for connection with the uni so happened that one of the inmates on, it was alleged. They ask the of the hospital, whose faculty of up- right to organize locally. Th nu h his es ta t e is v hied approximately at $3T only, Charles Hammond. veteran Kni;IIsh bootblack who died here recently, left a will in which, with the exception of 2S cents to each of several rela tives In Kn gland. he deviled and bequeathed all of his pro perty to the Peabody Institute of Netv York, a charitable? insti tution. Hack of the will there is' a story. The will was drawn in 1106 by City Recorder Thomas Fitie Gerald and was . turned over by him today to V. Strohle administrator. At the time of the making of the will. Ilam- j mond was under the impres Hton 'that someone in Kngland ! had left him conniderable pro ! pern. In some manner he de veloped a belief that a promi nent Cortland at torn i y and tho Pritlsh consul were conspiring to defraud him of his property and. knowing that the Pen body institute was a wealthy corpor ation, made tha t institution his chief beneficiary, thinking It would undertake to Hecure the property by Inial means. i: I . " m m .mi., L J i Ln.nun i,i.h ii, limlJ s department Is the opinion of 1'nlted StKtoH 8tnator Oconee E. ihamber laln, of Oretcon, chairman of the mil itary affairs committee of the sen ate. Senator Chamberlain made thia assertion on the floor of the senat-. and added that If these aples can found they must either be ahot or hanged. Henator fhHinherlaln say.- ha feels certain that information re KardiiiK the 1'erHhimr expedition to Franre reached Germany from spiel In Amerti-a and that these aples have aids in the nnvy department. K(il AND'N IX)SKI'S N WKKK AKG i VKSSKI.M IXN'IKN. July 12. The slnklmt of 14 British merchantmen of more than 1800 tons Is reported in the weekly summary of .shipping losees issued today. Three merchantmen of less than 1K00 tons and seven fishing vessels also were sunk. That there are spies in the nn Kehlnd the Knst St. i.ouIk murders Ih the skulklmt figure of the scoun drel who sprea'ls deadly r'imors. 1 M.K ROTHWEIX Optomi'trlut and optic-tan Eyes sclelitif dal ly examined. .iaea ground to fit. American National Bank Building Pendleton. illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiMlllllllliiiiiiiiiiiHiiMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU BILLY'S BRAN-NEW I PHILOSOPHY LIVING PLEA FOR NAVAL RECRUITS i'syt-f it! "ifiiff Economy and Comfort W liave met the issue by reducing the price on ice . btok3 in spite of the increased cost of manufacture and owr;itn!i. J Phone 178 I Smythe-Lonergan Co. I rr , QUALITY QUANTITY SERVICE i.iiiiiniiiiiiliilllllllllllllllillliiill!illllllllllllli!illllili:illiiiilililiiiiiiiiilllijiiili7 i i When soiiM-one offer lo buy a' drink no one wants to escape especially If lis , BRAN-NEW MMi A.N. HKIiKT . rITKAW'HKKKY ItASI'IlK.HItV , l.f.MON ' n IMNKAPILK I JIKHKY .-" OltANt.K 'i There's pep- in every . bubble. It's the joy-aivlig midsummer Juice. We hoi tic it. "It's awful the way some of us chase temptation: ft has fit a chance to escape? niMiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiniHiiiriifiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililiiiiiiMiiiiiii Wm. RoesGh Bottling Co. j Pendleton Oregon ft A'- u7 iiiiiiiiiim Owing to theirmore practicable construction are sure to become Umatilla County's mont popular TRUCKS Carload Now Here Another Carload Coming One-Ton Denby Truck ... $1500 Two-Ton Denby Truck $1985 Three-Ton Denby Truck $2450 This is our last shipment to be sold at the old prices. Hereafter they will be advanced in price $100 for each ton of capacity. BUY NOW Oregon Motor Garage This Htatlrin, intercetinn pl-a for mival reiruitx tu HUiienl by niivnl rookiex at the Orent Ijik lke li.uff. III., n-ar Chicago. Theie are al-nut .si-ientv men to each letter. 117. 110. 121, N.ivil Training Incorporated. 123 Weft Court 51." Telephone 4M m'mmnmimiimiiHHimmiimmmniMHiMMimMi! M'Hiim'iiiH'irnniMiiimiiii'iMiiiiiiiHMM!, 2 lli,ual,,iiilllJiuiilllJullUiuiuiiiiuJJ.li,.,i,;.i;.lu1 luuiiuiuiiiuiuiiuuiiuiiilliliiiilHIlLiliiiiiulii.-