DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1917. PAGE SEVEN gll'lll'HIII Illl Illlllllllllllllllllllllllll Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllll K FIRE FIGHTING AEROPLANE IS THE LATEST I Second -Man eight pages I Car Sale I I At City Auto Co. 726 Cottonwood St. One Saxon Six Touring Car, fully equipped with chains S and extra tire, and guaranteed like new. 5 5 One Ford Touring Car, equipped with demountable 5 wheels and oversize tires, which are all new, also has 5 shock absorber. , One Oakland Bug. Just the thing for fishing and camping trips. One Overland Touring Car. Equipped with seat cover E and extra tire and chains. sj Come early and get your choice of the cars, the cars must be sold this week in order to make room for new 5 5 cars. Every car a bargain. I City Auto Co. Inc. W. C. NAY, Manager. 722 Cottonwood St. Telephone 46 1 Tllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllililllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllir AN OLD RECEIPT TO DARKEN HAIR MUK TH AXI SfUMICIl TI'KXS l,mV, FAIKI 1IAIII DAKK. ssvt ;issv. AlmoHt overyone knows thut Sage Ta and Sulphur, properly com pounded, brlngn hack the nuturul rotor and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray, year ngo the only way to Ret thin mixture was to make it ul home, which la niUH&y und troublesome. Now adays we Him ply ask at any drujc more for "Wyeth'a Hage and Sulphur Compound." You will get a lurKe bottle of thia old time recipe Improved by the addition of other In-Krettli-niB for about 50 rent, I-ery-body uh'8 thin preparation now, be cause no one can putwlbly tell thttt yiiU darkened your hair ax it does It naturally and evenly. You damp en a upotme or fort hruh with It and draw this through your hair, uikinic one nmall atrand at a time; by morning the jrray hair dtHuppenr, nnd after another application y two your hair beconieii benutil "ully dark, thiek and hIobbv and yu look years you mfer. Vyeth'a SiiRe and Hulphur 4ompniind is a delihtful toilet re riuiRiie. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of di eane, - TAKE A GLASS OF SALTS TO FLUSH THE KIDNEYS ADVIKRK FOlJiK T( (IVKIlrOMK KUNKV AND IIIAIIKK TIUM lll.K,VIIII,K IT IS ONLY TIUHIII.H KatinR mat reKulnrly eventually produvA kidney troublw In wmo frm or other, nayn a well-known authority, because the uric acid In meat oxcilen the kldneya, they he come overworked: net sliiKgish; cIor up and cause all wtrtH of dlKtresn Prtlcularly backache and mlaery in the kidney reitlon: rhpumatlo twln sresi, aevere headaches, acid atomach. conatliMtlon. torpid liver, aleeplew neiw. bladder and urinary Irritation. The moment your back hurts, or kidney aren't acting- right, or If bladder bothers you. got about four LOW EXCURSION FARES TO ALL POINTS EAST Round Trip Summer Excursion Ticket on sale daily June 20th to 30th and certain days in July, August and Septem ber to Middle West and to Eastern States and Canada. Mhorn Pacific Ely DAILY THROUGH TRAINS .NOHTII COAST MM1TKI. Observation Cr Train, and ATLANTIC KXntKSH. to Chicago via MinneaimlU-pit. Paul, and one Dally to St. IxmiU Perfect Dining Car Service Visit YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK He 8ecure full Inofrmatlnn as to rate and trains from WALTER ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton, Ore. A. D. CHARLTON, A. G. P. A. Portland, Ore. TO CALIFORNIA, via G. N. P. S. 8. Co. Palatial Steamship Sorthem Pacific" and "Great Northern." from Portland, the quick and pleasant trip. EXPECTS AMERICA TO END WAR SOON Gen. Sir Francis Lloyd Reviews 103 British Recruits From United States. I.O.VIX)N, July 12. A continent uf 103 BritiKh residenta of the Unit ed Ktaten who have Juut arrived in Circa t Uritaln to Join the British ar my wan reviewed by Gen. Sir Kran- , cln IJtyd on the Horxe Uuard.s pa rade this morning. The ceremony attracted a larre crowd from the j nelKhboriiiK wired s. I AlthoiiKh the throng: was unaware of exactly what was ffoinff on it hailed the contingent as "YanUfc." and cheered the men lustily in the j belief that they were the vanguard of the American army. I "You are the firHt continjeen to come here from America to Join in the war in which the whole Aiib Huxon race in now enKafred." h-atd en I.oyd In his add res. "I am fit' aolutely certain that the advent ,f America will put the final touch to the war and finish It quickly. "We have fouKht side by stde 'tie fore, but never in Bo'prreat an under taking. No wrd ran convey the fee 11 ii ire of thn Hritirth nation at this reunion.'' In a real democracy culfure wiil nut tH'gln vilih a capital K. IF YOUR BACK HURTS ounces of Jad Suits from any pood pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a ahum of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This tamous suits Is made from the ncld of irrapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthia. and has been used for generations to flush cloKKed kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids in the urine so It no lonffer irritates, thus undliiK bladder disor ders. Jad Halts cannot Injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent llth-la-water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary oriranfl clean, thus avoiding serious Tildney disease. 4"&RIAi- -JXE DEPT. San Dieso, Cal., it layiitK claim to being one of the most progressive communities on the map. San DI-ko PORTLAND. July 13. Hokh and Khet'p were Mteudy with a fair ttupplt ii hand. Cattle were extremely dull with little on hand. Few sales were rf ported. General cattle market ranne: fl.00 Best beef steers $ H.O'U Good beef steers . . . . BeHt beef cows Ordinary ood cows . Best heifers Hulls Calves . . . Stock era and feed its G-nt r-tl hos ranKe: Prime lijjht AN Daily Chats With the Housewife ,kavk hahy iii-arrs ttm wixtkis ISE. WASHINGTON. July ll.-Xitw is a guotl time for jrarden uwrieru in many sections who have more bf ets of the 'u r ly vr f than I h ey on n 'lit in t he fresh form and uti ahunl;mc of glass Jura and tin cans, to can hahy beets, a8 the Vnited States de Iartnn'nt of agriculture. How to cn liaby ruM s. Grniie lor &lzet color, and decree of ripeness. Wash thoroughly, use vege table brunh. Scald or blunch in hot water sufficiently to looRen the kin. Dip quick ly into cold water. Scrape or pare to remove skin. Pack whole vegetables, slices, or crons-seetioii pieces in hot Klass jars or tin cans. Add boiling hot water until full. Add level teaspoonful Halt to quart. Place rubbers and tops of jars in position: partially se;il. but not tiKht. "ap and tip tin cans completely. Place on false bottom in a vesel of ht wa ter which Just covers the containers. Sterilize at boiling temperature In hot waiter bath canners for 90 minutes. nryinic licet. If the early crop of beets is abund ant but Jars or cans are not available the surplus young beets may b? dried for winter use. Pelect young, quickly grown, ten der beets. Wash, peel raw. slic about 1-S inch thick, and dry over Good Health pood appetite, good spirits--man n( discord in the body To keep the organs in har mony-when there is need use BEECHAM'S PILLS Sokl ettYTwhtra. to box 10c 25l. STOPS HEADACHE, Soot differ I Got a dime pack of Dr. June' Headache Powden. Toa- can clear your head and relieve a dull, splitting or violent throbbing headache in a moment with a Dr. .Tames' Readaehe Powder. This old time headache relief acts almost mapi cslly. Send some one to the drug atore cow for a dime package aud a few mo ments after you Uiae a powder you will wonder what became of the head ache, neurahzia and pain. Stop suffer ingit's needless. Be sure you get what you ask for. ha everythinp any other city in the counlO' ha, and in addition has the first and only aerial municipal fire brigade in the United States, and, it SHEEP ARE STEADY Trinie heavy 1 5.50 ft 1 5.60 I 12.50-?! 15.60 j General mutton and Iamb market: Valley sprinp lambs. ...$12. 5012. 75 KaMern Oregon sprint? I lambs 12.r0r 12.75 (Shorn yearlinss 9.50(& 9. 75 Old wethers . , 9.00& 9.5o S.OO S.50 Shorn ewes 6.00Q 8.00 6.50 W 7.00 j Cosj?rove Brothers, Woodburn, hops, X.OO'fi 1.00 mnd sheep. 1 car; W. Givens, Estaca 5.00 7.0" J de, cattle, calves and hogs, 1 car, 7.00' 9.fiujue Mellist, C'latsganie. 26 cattle and 6.00i 7.RP lo calves by boat; E. F. Conk. Tilla jniook, hoKH, 1 car, B. K. Burdick, Sa-. 15.75 'Vi 16.00 ' lem. sheep, 1 car. a stove, before an electric fan. or in the sun. The dried product may be Packed in paper cartons, in pa rra fin ed paper bass, baking-powder or coffee cans, or other containers which will exclude moisture and insects. Vlonn and ctise Old parafnn. WASHINGTON", July U. Paraffin t that has become unclean through usage in canning and preserving, may be cleaned and reused. Don't throw it away because dirt and trash have become mixed with It. Many times paraffin can be cleaned with a brush in cold water. If this does not remove all the dirt, says a spec ialist of the United States department of agriculture, heat the paraffin to boiling and strain it through two or three thicknesses f cheeseclotb placed over a funnel. Or a thin lay er of absorbant cotton over one thickness of cheesecloth may be used as the strainer. One straining should be sufficient ordinarily but if - the paraffin still is unclean, heat and strain again Any pari f fin lodging in the Htrainer may be recovered by heating the cloth and pouring off the liquid to another strainer. PH.stlnir Sunday and Monday. StM-lAl.lNTS LOSK TIIK STOKITS. Viuioumw Tliut They Have Iot I'lwtit In party. NEW YORK, July 11. J. O. PhelpB Stokes and his wife. Rose Pastor Stokes, today announced their resignation from the socialist partv in a statement in which they said they had lost "faith in the party as etfective instrument of advancing the socialist cause." A proposal in a ref erendum conducted by the socialist pnrty of a report disapproving the action of the United States in enter ing the war was given as the cause of the resignations. SPANISH NOHI.KMX "ASSASSIN'S TAIMJF.T MADRID. July IS. An attempt was made here today to assassinate Aiuniuis Ortina. Senor Cauibelle. a former deputy. fired six shots at the marquis outside ) the Spanish credit bank. The marquis, who was formerly minister of commerce, was wounded ir the arm. The would-be assassin had accused the marquis of ruintnc him. II? j;C : Lfo&.J It f; U believed, in the whole world. The picture shows the aerial fire patrol with the chief and his chauffeur, be? pardon, aviator. Iurin courtship they arsue; after iTiarriae they quarrel. Women Love Babies Tt to woman na ture to naturally re spond to the charm of a pretty child. Who does not admir ba bies? The longtnr to possess a baby la often outweighed by the In herent fear of the period of distress. There la a most wonderful external preparation known as "Mother's Friend". It la a safe external massage which re lieves pain and discomfort at the crisis; makes elastic those fibers and muscles which nature Is expanding, and wonder fully soothes the Inflammation of breast glands. It enables the expectant mother to pre ccrve her health and strength, and she remains a pretty mother by ha Ting avoided the suffering and danger which would otherwise accompany such an oc casion. Every nerve, muscle and tendon la thoroughly lubricated. Get a bottle today fram the druggist, and write to the Brad field Reg lator Co., Dept. G, ZOO -Lamar Building, Atlanta, Ga, They will mall you an Intensely Interesting little book. "Motherhood and the Baby". The book la free. Every woman should herself aid nature In her glorious work. "Mother's Friend' makes it possible for you to do eo and should be used regularly without fsJl Aigni &AJ nionua- j Sraie uf Ohio. t'My of Toledo, Kii.-as Cuuiuy. ss. Kiank J. I'bfiify makMi oath that be is senior partnor nf the firm of F. J. Clifiiey 5. o.. dnhijs hu-iupus in tiie 'ity of Toledo. 'ouniv nnd Srate aforesaid, ood that Mid firm will pay ihc fuiu of OXB ill'MUtKD 1 m )I,I,AHS for f:vh and very . ase pi t Glnnb liiat niDiift be cured by tbe use Oi UAl.i;S I ATAKKll MKKH1XR. FRANK J. CHKNEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December A. P. ISNtJ. A. W. CLE A SON. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's t'ntarrh Medicine Is taken intern al! v and ads through the Blood on the Aiticoim Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. rHKXEY A CO., Toledo, O.. Sold bv all (InijTBiKte. Tftr. Hall's Family Fills for constipation. ; : . - . 1 CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y ATTORNEY 8. D. W. BAILEY. ATTORNEY AT Law. Rooms 7. S. 9. Daspain Bids. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Room 17, scnmiai oioca. CARTER 8MYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear ot American National Bank building. FEE A FEE. ATTORENYS AT LAW. Office In Despaln building. JOHN W. HUFF. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room i. American Nation el Rank building it r KBATOH, ATTORNEY AT Law. Room 14. Smith-Crawford Building. SrATNEWBERRI, ATTORNEY AT Law. Smith-Crawford Building. PETERSON ft BISHOP, ATTOR neys at law; rooms 1 and 4, Smith Crawford building. JAMES B. PERRY. ATTORN EW AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware company. RALET ft RALEY, ATTORENYS AT law. Office In American National Bank Building. FREDERICK STK1WER, ATTOR ney at law. Office In Smith -Craw ford bulldlna 9. A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY ANT counsellor at law. Office In De nain taillritna AFCTIOF.ER8. COL, W. F. YOHNKA. AUCTION eer. makea a spdalty of farmer. kck and machinery salea. "Tb, .n . n thai Mts von the money. Laay nrdera at East OreTonlan office. VOVTANA FARM LANDS NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY Lands In eastern Montana at II I' to $1$ per acre Suitable for farm Ing or grasing. Easy terms. For In formation write or see W. B. Hott Mllea City, Montana, Better Banking Service for Farmers A vairt fund, now ascreK.-itlnis a thousand million dollars has ben anrmblMl ny Act of f'onKrma to stand back of the farming and bunincKS Interests at the country. This fund is the Federal Resterve Bunking System, of which we are a member, and It enables us better than ever before to supply our farmers with th credit and currency they need for harvesting crol-s and to protect them aitinst disorganized markets. If with pa-MEMBEBfJ THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON (SECURITY Send for Booklet, "How S BEFORE See A. J. 5 THE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. t NO JOB TO LARGE 2 a 5 Hundreds of designs of pretty Bungalows on hand to se- g 5 . Ject from. Complete plans and specifications here. 5 f American Nat. Bank Basement. ARMAND'S The oitfy NEW face powder in the past 50 yeara Oh yes, there are many, many kinds of powders on the market, but this one is absolutely different from any you have ever had. The price is reasonable, too 50 cents KOEPPEN'S Have It. HELP WANTED MALE. AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAI earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; 140 to $60 monthly In spare time; experience unnecessary; no canvassing; subjects suggested. Send for particulars. National Bureau, Room 4&SS. Buffalo. N. Y. MUSICALS. MASSE Expert Piano Tuning. Headquarters at Warren Music House. Phone 524. FUNERAL- DIRECTORS. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STOR1 Funeral director and licensed em b aimer. Most modern funeral par lor, morgue and funeral earn. Call responded to day or night. Cornel Main and Water streets. Telephone JOHN B. BAKER. HCNERAL DI rector and licensed embalmer. Op posits postofflce. Funeral parlor two funeral cars. Calls responded te day or night. Pfcone 75. INSURANCE AND LAND BC SI NEWS BENTLEY ft MONTGOMERY. RBa estate, firs, life and accident tasur ance agenta. tlf Main street. Phona 404. ARCHITECT. RAYMOND W. HATCH. A ROB tect. Despaln Building. Phoa, 7(g. Pendleton. Oregon. Dorrrona. a A- ROB. M. D. PRACTICE LIM tted to the eye, ear. noee and throat Room 11. Judd Building. SECOND HAND DEALERS. V. STROP. LH. DEALER IN NEW and aecond hand goods. Caal paid for all tnd-haad goods. Chena est place to bay household goods, II' B. Co art pnooe 71W, I ji i r ' 1 you are not linked u-? this system as one of . our depositors come In ftn let us tell you how It help you. Does it Benefit Me?? BUILDING t GIBSON ?! NO JOB TO SMALL "d Res. Phone 270-M S Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES HOT TABLES chilli con CRi;E SPANISH STYI LUNCHES COFFEE Tarrtlilng clean and up-te date. FIRST CLASS SERTlCal TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Oor. Wbb and Cottonwood Mk Fhona iT. Pandlaton, Or. HELP WA.NTKH HOtAIOB. AN INTELLIGENT PJSRSON MAT earn MOO monthly correspond tatf for newspapers; $40 to $50 montMty an spare time; experience iinnsiiaasai f . no canvassing; subjects sua Send for particulars. National Bureau. Room 485. Buffalo, N. w. aCISCEXXAJTEOCSw LBOAt. BLANKH OI rvpbw acripUon for county court, otrenn coon. Justice court, real estate. eta tor ami at East Oregonlaa otflsa. SOLICITOUS. RICHARD G. PA It K, JR. SOLICIT- or of Patents, 141 K. St.. X. W Washington, D. C. t- FARM L.1NUS. THE GOVERNMENT NKI-7DS FAR-. mers as well as fighter. Two Bali lion three hundred thousand acres aft Oregon ft California Kailruad Co. Grant Lands. Title rev. st'd la Ualt ed States. To be opened for bums steads and sale. Containing soma of the best land let in I "lilted Huusav Large Copytighted May. shewlnc land by sections and description of sol, climate, rainfall, elevatlona, temw perature, etc.. by counties, peetpalft One Dollar. ;rant I-rids 1 scaling. Co. Uox 410. Portland. Oregua. MiwKiJArtiooua. LEGAL BLANKS OF BVEBY aeriptioa for county court. court. Justice court, real for sale at Bast Oregoalaa efnee I