-1... PAGE FOUR -jLILY E-AT OEflOXIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1917. EIGHT PAGES ocaoi ieneE 30E30 Social and Personal Today Today W30L- iobol- -a rjucsts at day were Will Hall and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Hyatt. Mr. and Mrs. 1.. B. Ncrlvner. Mr. anil Mrs. Roy May. Claude price and mother. J. M Price, Mr. an,1 Mm James Price, .losie lavender. Zilla Simpson. Mr. and Mm. R Carmichi Sapp. Rufford Price. Fred Fred Rnrkhill. Uulen Smith. Virgil l.undell, Ray Jones. W. H. WarfieH. C Rhea, all of Weston. Those from Pendleton were Mr. and Mrs. On. IVringer. Margaret Ad ams. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Orcsswell. C.oodwin and boys. Portland: Dr. Gll leland and family. Pilot Rock; Mrs. A. Bond. Pilot Rock; Maxie Schannep. Pilot Rock ; Velma Smith. Pendleton; H. a. Casteel. Pilot Rock; V. M. Hartford, Portland: F. V. Horten J. Wesa Smith. Pendleton; J. W. Mo Clark Israel and family. Dayton. Wn.: fwenun, Pendleton: Harlev Hinderman, Pilot Rock; Walter Gill. Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs. H. ,T. Peters, Pendleton: Earnest Howell. lone- Mr and Mrs. M. E. Shuterum, Pendleton: Portland; Mr. and Miss Agnes Cresswell. Max Hopper. -enon f-nulerum, Portland; Mr. and Mr and Mrs Keese. Mr. and Mrs. C. ,Mrs- Trace Baker. John Day; and .1 Hanscom. W. J. Stewart. Mr. and i Sawyer, Pendleton. Miss Bridget McDevitt Mrs. Geo Fell and son Harlan. T. W Ayres, Mr and Mrs. rv D. Phelps. Oenrge Phelps, olady Slaughter. Mr. jmorninit fo and Mrs. w. c. McKinney, Wm. ,hon , -c Aeviit. I Mr. and Mrs. Henrv .1. Tavlor and I Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Wickland arrived I home Monday from a tour of Yellow stone Park in their auto. They re- l.iHie Ware. Ada neFTeeee. Virgil : p"rt a delightful time. They traveled Dr. Loretta Stnrba will leave Thurs- o make her home in c. Harold Casey. Mr. and Mrs. X Ankeny and son. At Willahy. E. W K sel. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Cannon. Archie Mclntyre. I-anra Mclntyre. Ijiwson Rooher. wrne rmdley. Mai- n". rpkeVoVro. Rr,,h- The-have rd the O. M. Mi and family. Cliff nily. Mr and Mrs. Dave Stone and mother. Mrs. Jerry Stone, Walla Walla people were as fol lows; Mrs. A. A. Durrant. Miss Vera Hull, Mrs. F. H. Richmond and two sons, M. A Stafford and family. Ad.i Pierce. Melva Cave. Iola Van Vran ken. B. R. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Starrey, Mr. and Mrs. C c. Mills. Mr and Mrs. R U Smalley. Zoa Smaller and Earl Croxdale. Paul Knautz.- Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Campbell of to their Mm. George Kinz and children left last night on the midnight train for Cannon Beach, where they expect to spend the remainder of the summer A delightfully the form of diversion N. Irs. William Burirhardt Jr . of Salem. of Mrs. Wilson D. McNary. Old j fashioned garden flowers in a gay ri- three weeks at Leh- or .co'ors aecK('d the man springs. t jtlve tables. The affair deviated from Helen Raymond. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. !the conventional in that It was ar Colesworthv. J. B. Colesworthy and ranged for the morning, the guests E. M. Colesworthy of Pendleton spent j arriving at 1-1:15 o'clock and enjoy Sundav at Lehman Springs ' ms sv"al rubliers of auction before . ' the luncheon hour. In the play. Mrs. R. Alexander and wife, Mr. and'J p Robinson, captured high score Mrs. E. P. Dod.l and Roy Alexander honors, two beautiful silk flags of spent the week end at Lehman. niwia.nu anu rnnre wnicn a Dr. Turley and wife from Walla sentation. A similar gift was also Walla are spending a couple of weeks Presented Mrs Burghardt. at Lehman. Miss Evelyn Mortimore. assisted by Miss Fave Mann, yesterday afternoon! Alpha Assembly No. 9. United Ar tisans. met last night in regular sion for the installation of officers. the following members being Ii ed with a pretty ceremony at I Woodman Hall: Frank Deebach. : of the Methodist church on the banks of the river with a picnic. The chil- with a delightful home about 5:30. registered at Uhman lv- Thelma and Ed HUtin- Mr anri l rs V" I ) H Phrey. Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Cox. Pendleton: Mr. and Mrs. F. Campbell, Portland; Dr. and Mrs. F. I Ingram. Pendleton: Clarence In gram. Pendleton: Dr. U M. Spalding and wife. Pendleton; Treval Cottrel, Koine. Idaho! Vivian Gibhs. Pendle ton: Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Warner. Fi ll Rock: Theodore Janes. Pilot Rock: Mrs. Effie Lee. Chlco, Cal.: William Fmtnun, Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rankin. Pilot Rock! R. M. Can irel. Pilot Rock: Mr. and Mrs. U B. Carter. Herman Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Im Kvrea KMim Hervford. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Van Lisen. Cove. Ore.:Edna intendent; Lottie Long. ve been Emma Bybee, Junior conductor and a recent- ! Mr. and Mrs. Duke, field command ers. Following the Installation the , members adjourned to the Delta Mr. and Mrs. George Fell. Mrs. W E. Brock and Harlan Fell left this noon in the Fell car for a trip to Hep- lassie Kellv. Clvde Bloom. Effie Con- Iry. Cove Ore.: E. E. Cleave. Pendle tr.n: Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Samuel. Day ton. Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fra zler. Milton. Ore.; A. K. Thomson, wife and daughter. Echo; Mrs. 8. F. RANGE IS THE BEST POLICY" Insure aeains Dr. and Mrs. A E. T.i Williams of Portland formed a is enjoying a picnic y. Miss Gladys L. Brownfield of Pen dleton is the house guest of Mrs. R W. Lee, and from here she will visit Mrs. J. M. P. Snyder. mother of Mrs. William Lowell, is expected here norrow for a visit with her daugh ter. C. J. Fletcher of Walla Walla he night here. Dillard French is in from his the thai! It is even more- important than the proverbial ad vice about hay. In a half hour a sudden hailstorm may wipe out the results of a year's work. Pro tect yourself from loss with a Hail Insurance ;x Policy Mr. and Mrs. B. L. S4e lem are at the Pendleton. O. M. M S. P. & s.. is here today J. It. Hildebranil of Grass Valley W registered at the Pendleton. Claude Brown of Hood River is registered at the St. George. John Marshall, postmaster of Cat tle Rock, is a Pendleton visitor. W. s. Ferguson. Athena hanker, is tr in-acting business here today. L. it. Harris of F;irmlngton. Wash., was at the Golden Rule last night. Mr. ami Mrs. Hugh Stanfield are on from the west erul of the county O.-W Is over Ned Nester and Charles Moore TWO BIG SPECIAL AND THEIR 10 PEOPLE 10 THE BIGGEST AND BEST MUSICAL COMEDY CO. EVER STAGED IN PENDLETON DIRECT FROM THE EAST. in MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC COMEDY COMEDY COMEDY a Coop to Sii SPECIAL SCENERY SPECIAL ELECTRICAL EFFECTS UP TO THE MINUTE SONG DANCES COSTUMES THE MAN WITH MARVELOUS STRENGTH. BIG SPECIAL PHOTO FEATURE The Winsome VIOLA DANA in "LADY BARNACLE" A STORY OF YOUNG LOVE THAT WILL RESTORE YOUR FAITH IN HUMAN NATURE. n 0 h I) f ONE SPECIAL 1 REEL FEATURE "SEE AMERICA FIRST." II 0 8 0 HF. I finOIUlBDCfi SPECIAL FREE ff Th fT IT n yu Will demonstrate his marvelous strength by pulling with bett team of horses in front of Alta Theatre IT'S MARVELOUS SEE IT IT'S FREE. 7:00 p. Dl. 7:00 p.m. Matinee Adults at 2 P. M. PRICES Children 10c Ev Adults 50c Box Office Open 7:15. Curtain 8:15. 12,000 TONS OF MILK attribute EXPORTED EACH MONTH ,,hl",t; Fven Meat Packers Have Into Dairy Business, So At tractive Are Profits. attributed the boost of milk price in other creameries. John Wild! and the i)rv Milk Powder Comnanv of this The Health Department says there; city also have Invaded the nearby dai ry regions for the same purpose. The Hf rsheys and other American choco late manufE some of their :se this month and next In t of condensed milk for In the supply of fresh milk for this city, which av ; erages over 2. "00, 000 qu.'trts a day. j lhis supply is drawn from five ! Mates. Tne suijolv has not dimin- NKW VOHK. July 10. It was slat- ! i: h.d at Hoston. Philadelphia. Chl- Hi.use thm ' -'go or inner large cities. The He- for condensed milk fur export lly increased production in it A. H H Comnared to the nrofita vou from your crops, the cost is trifling. It will give you the guarantee of ranee company that aim promptly in all the more than a hundred years ThaTI HEARD, Inc. I.IAKIUI, IXNI-KVVCE S3 Xaln hi. sk Nit HUXIIIK HIE MHE. on of Huntington, is ::n..tiir the visitors from over the state. Ilea i..st of Tacoma, organizer for the Marl.ers' Cnioit. is ' making i'en- i;et.,n a visit. ! L r. Campbell f 1'ortland is here work on the new mausoleum. K. I.. Hoppel. traveling freight agent for the Northern l'aclflc. Is making one of his regular visits tendants at the Kastern Oregon Mate Hospital, left this morning for a va cation in the south end of the coun- ed yesterday at the Custom American condensed milk t'.tri ..piiinx of ling abroad at the rate ofr'11 'be dair states. 24.0OO.OOO pounds a month The nuiit packers have been drawn less than 2.M0O.00O pounds ! into the war. i account of the un :inil t.ihl.v r.-v..tt A T il.Vo- powdered milk. About half is con-Ure Investing millions,, it is said, in signed to the Allies, an-l of the rest. ' creameries in the middle west. They half is shipped to South America, anil bring the milk, after it Is Holland. Denmark and Switzerland. t AM, ll AIIOA.VS TO FIX WASIIOKT PRAY IN PETROGRAD FOR THE PRESIDENT Russian Church Also Honors American Railroad Com mission With The Bordens have hullt up a large n.ilk since the Kwiss manufacturers over the American plants of the Ar milk buyers for At mostly to Se.i yrk j ,heir in friKerator cars. leavily milk. The Korrtens hav their . KOISK. Idaho. July 9. An appeal is sent broadcast throughout the Uoise valley tonight by the Cnltec .-tales reclamation officials usking for 10 volunteers to be on hand Sat. to help fix a washout In the J1.300. 000 .New York canal, midway lietween I'olse and Harber. which prices, and to their activity la chicfl) has .-oeriieiii s ns zone lordens have recently. condensing facilities bv The heailgates to the canal have buying the l lmann Houck, the Cen- '"en closed and 160.000 acres have I few words tral and the It. I-'. Stevens Companies, been cut off from their water supply, ic Christianity in America, thus adding fifty to sixty creameries It is estimated the crop damage will No disorder attended the great to their string. reach $1,000,000 A week at least will demonstration by Workmen's anil The Hires Condensed Milk Com- be required to fix the break. D. W. Soldiers" Delegates tin 1 the revolu- lany of Philadelphia has invaded Cole, project manager, stated that tlnnsry democracy yesterday, al- Orange county. .New York. in the work will be begun early Saturday on thntigh the anarchists hod declared HKTIKXIRAD. July 9. For the st time In the. history of the Hits in church a special service for for- wns held In the Kazan Ca thedral in 1'etrogran yesterday. hm Archbishop platon. head of the Tlus sian Church in America, conducted a mass in honor of the American Itnll- rond commission headed by John p Btevens nnd the embsssy staff. Knth- Alexandroff of San In A special nraver for closed the service. The A d to the c. gallon by Archbishop IMatnn with a practical democrat - through Petroiia,t the revolution are hurled. Hostility against the wealthy ami I or patriotic h the Duma and the ,., r the Kmplre! Down with the Capit alist Ministers.'- and "The People's Fight for Peace:" were consnicuous A banner rend Inn !., .i.k th imperialistic war. We want am armistice on all fronts to discuss and secret treaties with t-is- EERNHARDT TO START TOUR NEXT SEPTEMBER TOIIK, July 11 which M.l.'nm.. Sarah Iternharilt will start on a lour of the I'nlted States in reperto.r- to June, her manager I