EIGHT PAGES .llll!IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllMlllllt I WE ARE NOW AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS 1 CHALMERS I Six-30 I 8 1 470 in 'Pendleton I A BEAUTIFUL CAR Giving You the Maximum and Service. , IMMEDIATE RESPONSE That' what i always at your servvice when driving behind this 3400 R. P. M. motor. I City Auto Co. 722 Cottonwood St. HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHMIMIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlftlllltllllllllllllllllllir f?ourth of July Tickets and information application to T. F. O'BRIEN. Agt. Pendleton, Ore. PECTDLETOIJ, SAT. MY 7 -OOO-HEM, WO H Elf 500 HCAD OF MORSES 100 RARE WIIO ANIMALS ACRES Or TENTS 10.000 SEATING CAPACTlY TOCOKTOKTtomSTi iO TUMBLEF1 40 ATHLFTEs 40 GYMNASTS S IUIE SrtCTICDLM TsUTSIVI Rare and Complete 1 STUPENDOUS STREET PARADE ,fy ia ibm m 1,7 jffl f,y ftV iff, j a m li VJarmth and Economy go hand in hand with those who use our ROCK SPRINGS COAL Lump or Nut Dry Wood of All Kinds B. L. BURROUGHS Telephone S DAILY Pleasure, Convenience s Inc. Telephone 46 excursions Round-Trip Tickets at Reduced Fares On Sale July 3 and 4. return lim it July 5, to points with in 200 miles on rail lines UNION PACIFIC SYSTE M O-W. R. & N. Co. America's Great Rail road Wm. McMurray, O. P. A..' Portland. upon ; AND HORSES 1000 CLOWNS t E0UE5TR1ANS 20 AERIALUTS JO LiPtRS 20 Zoological Collection, EVERY MORNING AT lOffCWrr v!eiaiSJSSTJii 11-2x1101 EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, niUCCOV. TUESDAY, it "' V is j The above photograph allows a remarkable view of the Great Ijikes Training Station at Lake Hluff. where several thousand young Americans are being prepared fur aetive service in the I'nited States Navy. generally steady Hog Hit SI3.UO. I loiter in the day one load "f extra 'good hogs Hold at 15.0 at North j Portland. This is a rise of 30c over : iast Monday. i PORTLAND. July 3 Seventy sewn loads of livestock were report ;ed in the North Hon land yards since ; the Saturday report, compared with j 70 loads for the same period a week l agu. The bigger totals were aidd b' ithe counting of the bunch of Calilor ! nia grass stock, news of which was i printed In the reports on Saturday. I There was little change in the eat- ' tie ntarket situation at the star: of the week's trading. Cows did not show uuite as much strength, but the dif- ference ae the start was llmlled. 'Steers sold UP to $10.50 again. I General cattle, market range: 1 Best beef steers . , ' (iood beef steers . HO.aS'B 10.50 to oo 10. ir. ; Best beef cows 8. BOW j Ordinary good cows .... 7.00 fit I Both heifer s.7r. 1 Bulls s.ooia Icalvs 6.0ift Sto. kern and feeders ... Muk Market ifigher. I Firmer conditions were showi 8. "'I I iwlne in the North Portland yards at the start of the week's activities. The total run of hogs over Sunday consisted of 1314 head, compared with 1333 last week for tha same pe riod, while arrivals a year ago to day were 1S28 head. Karly sales of quality .hogs wen made, around U5.66, and the market in general was considered strong. Cleneral hog range: Prime light 1 5.60 ci 1 r. So Prime heavy 15.4015. Pigs 12.5 15. Si Mutton Market Nominal. trver Sunday there was only a scant run of stuff reported in the muton and lamb section of the Nort'i Portland yards Total receipts were hut 237 head, compared with 800 In-t Monday, and 1310 heai a year ago Trade condition for oth mutton and lambs started about steady with List week's cleaning market. Oeneraf mutton and lamb market Vallev sprang lambs ... 112.00 j I S.V' Kastern Oregon spring lambs 12.50W1S.7-. LIKE ELECTRIC 1 BUTTON ON TOES Tia.l.K WHY XUX IS SO 1'AIX- KI'Ij ani says citting MAhlA TI1I JM GROW. Press an electilc button an, I you form a contact with a live wire which rings the bell, when your shoes press, against your corn it push es Its sharp roots down upon a sen sitive nerve and you get a lpck ot pain. Instead of trimming your corns which merely makes them grow. Just step Into any drug store and ask for a quarter of an ounce of freesone This will cost very little but is suf ficient to remove every hard or soft corn or cull us from one's feet. A few drops applied directly upon a tender achins corn stops the soreness in- istantly, and soon the corn shrivels up jso It lifts right out. root and al!. 1 without pain. This drug is harmless 'and never Inflame or even Irritates the surrounding tissue or skin. DULL SPLITTING SICK HEADACHE Dr. Junes' Hstdsxh Powders rs- at once 10 cents a packs. Ton take a Pr. James' Headache Powder and is just s few Moments vour head clears and all neuralgia and distress vanishes. lfs the quieke! and surest reliei for headache, whether dull, throhbinc splitting or nerve r:i,l.ing. Send someone te the drag store and get a dime package now. yuit suffering it s so needless. " Be -unr tou get 1T. .lames Headache Powder then there will be di-BoUkUcelil GREAT LAKES TRAINING STATION STATION LI vestolk market Shorn yearlings H-at'Q 9.7ii i ' lid wethers s&O'w 9.00 j Shorn ewes f.Vtitr 9.0') Monday iJvej-UM-k fchliK-rs. ilKS i'oatfue Bros., Joseph, I loud: . W. lilouster, Wallowa. load; W. A. J-ines, Joseph, 1 load; M. r 1. K Hon. t'ondon, - load; Peter tiro ver, t'orvallis, 2 liiads, P. K. Fish, 1 loud. . i t'attle c. A. Underwood. Condon. . 2 loads; James Nelson, The Ualles, j 2 loads; M. liosan, Heppner June- tiou. 1 load. o. Farlow, load; l'eter Wyers, Grand Dalles, Wash., 1 load, j A. Laice. Durham. Cal., & loads; O. Ijns, 4 loads; G. W. Harrlger, Te- I liaml. cul.. 3 loans; j w. i-nno.e. . Durham. Cal., It loads; C. W. Se- vier. t:oitonooa, v . LeaiMT, Voncalla, 2 loads; W. A tireenwald, Koslin, 1 load; F. B. Decker, Sllverton, 1 load; Station Ac I Dixon. Terrebonne, 2 loads; F. Han- son, Montour, Idaho, 1 load; F. 1 7 f,.) Vifk. Parma, Idaho. 1 load; Mr. . 9 on Thompson. Baker, 2 loads, W. Phil 7.50 hips. 1 load; Benson Bros, I'nion , 8. .VI ; Junction. 1 load; Pendleton Meat Co.. j 7. SO I Pilot Rock. 2 loads; Mr. Strachen. ' The Dalles, 1 load; Charles Hunter. . i ' for ! 2 loads. j t.lt AXDMOTHKU. TIIR PIONKKK ' PHYSICIAN. in the good old pioneer days of this country, when drug stores were few. grandmother's root and her!i remedies were what were always de pended upon to bring relief for fam ily uilments. and some of grand moiher-s root and herb remedies are now found upon the shelves of the modem drug store, and are amon the liest and moi't wisely used pre pared medicines. Such is L.ydla B Pinkham's Vege table Compound, a botanic remedy, origina'ly prepared ny I.ydia E. Pink ham. of l.ynn. Mass.. 'over forty years ago, and which has hrought health rind happiness to more women in Am erica than any other medicine Adv. ELEVEN KILLED WHEN WATER TANK CRASHES ONTO BIG WHALEBACK Ship Carrying Excursion Party on Lake Michigan Brushes Structure. MILWAl'KEB. Wis, July !. Elev en ei-sons met death and at ieast ten others were injured, some serl- usly late Saturday, the result of a t0 ton water tank, erected on the Milwaukee river front, topplli.g down on the whaleback steamer christo pher Columbus, as that vesiel was being swung around prepar-c.ory to making her return trip with about a 00 passengers for Chicago. The steamer was In tow of two tugs when he rammed the East Water street dock abutting the ware house of the Yahr and Lange Drug company, with su-h force as to cause the steel supports which held - the SO-ton water tank to give way re suiting in the lofty reservoir crash ing down, hitting the vessel near the bridge and not stopping until It had ripped through two decks, causing a panic and carrlng death or injury i to all who were In Its path. Captain Moody, who was on th bridge at the time of the aecld.-nt. gave it as hi opinion that the tugs on.hl. to hold the boat and I that had there been leeway of but six Inches the accident havS happened. Many a man ho cares nothing for irt worships the portrait of the blond Udy on a t:0 gold piece. ' -TtOIK ON. YOF AMERICA VR IS ARMY'S CUJ. TO NATION WASHINGTON. Juuly 5. Adjutant General McCain has sent out the following call to loyal Americans to enlist In the regular army: -Enlist now! , Vow ITe4dcnt Calls you! Tlw army wants roe! Tlie coontry nce-ds yon! "Cnrnr nn, ou loal Amrrl nn and let ua lHp freo llie m-rki that mr t-lklhlr-cn may live In -cat-c! JULY 3, 1917. Amusements What the press agents say about Pendleton s pres ent and coming attractions. To illustrate the i-Ati l to whlc'ii the press of Oermany is. muzzled ar.d how the people arc !-:iig fed on n tisbue of lies, is told by Sergeant jioc-' Wells, lectunna with the of ficial Motion Pictures at the Al'a theater . Thursday, July 5th It oc curied at Cologne as he Mas on his way to London. A PruU-n "home guard" officer came ana told hir? ' that while be was luckr to be getting I to Indon, still the Ci-nnan legions would 'e there in two weeks. As J prmjf of this assertion he lead from the headlines of a Garruan newspaper 1 tulletin, the following: "Our Troopt I Are Now in Calais'; "Out Zeppelini lAre Bombarding !nd.n Daily And ' It Is t in Fire " We Shall Soon He There." Jus think. And we considered Ger many a dreaming country of peace loving people. The wondrous music or Beethoven lingers in our ears, but we now know Germany to be a dreaming country. yea, dreaming down through the years of the world domination of the "Super-Man" and "the Magnificent Blonde Beast." and for music the roar of Krupp ma chinery is heard in the land. Maybe Germany will shake her dream. FIXHI TK MITM FOR SPILLWAY SALT LAKE CITY. July i Inad equacy of the temporary spillway to ' carry flood waters was responsioie I for the collapse ot the mammoth dam of the Price River Irrigation company, near Fatrview. in the text of a semi-official report made today by State Knglneer George F. Mc Gonagle. after an Inspection of the broken dam. Reports today state that the waters are steadily receding. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ATTORNEYS. r W BAILEY. ATTORNEY AT Law. Rooms 7. t. . Dsspaln Bide. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY . I st law. Room 17. Schmidt block. j CARTER SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS I at law. Office In rear of American ! National Bank building. FEE FEE. ATTORENT8 AT LAW. Office In Despsin building. JOHN W. HUFF. ATTORNKT-AT-Law. Room f. American Nstloa 1 Ban bonding" tft. I. KBATOR. Law. Room 14 ATTORNEY AT, Bmtth-Crewford Building. . saT NEWBERRY. ATTORNEY AT Law. Smith-Crawford Balldlng. I P-rrCRsnN A BISHOP. ATTOR- neys at law; rooms I ts4 4, Smtth Crawford building. JAMES B. PERRY. ATTORNEW ATI law. Office over Taylor tiaraware would notleompany. . RALEY RALEY. ATTORENYS AT I law. Offlos la American Bank Building. FREDERICK STErWER. ATTOB nay at law. Office la Sralta-Craw illdlns & A. LOWELU counsellor at I Date bulMtwS ATTORNEY ANT iw. Offlos la De A rCTION FERA COL. W. F. YOHNKA AUCTION eermakea a spclalty of farmer Snck and machinery sale T--nan that ss ro the money." Lea vdera st Fast or -Milan offlea WONT N A F HM I.Str" KORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAT I Land In eastern Montana at II jto 111 per aero 8itahle for farm Ing or graalne- EaT terwie. For la - I foeenstton write or eee W. K Holt Miles City. Montana. Home of the yacht owners. In turn ing their ships over to the government are. making sacrifices that indicate great love of country and the cause. .stale of Ohio. it of Toledo, Lucas fount y, ss. . .. ....,,.., makes oath that he IS senior partner oi io ioj - - JL Co., (kiinK lulnes io the flty of Toledo. I eunty HWI msie siorfi. bu'i rirm win pay ie so i ' ' " '- imi.i.AKn I'jr mrm .uu " " t'atarrb that rannot be cured by ttie ov. o. cr.M K-.A-a m anil rltMW-rltf IK rnj prwwiv-fl, tMm 6tb day of iti-rmbr 4 841) Notary I'utotw Inlty nod arm throoifh rlw Bx "n th liii'otm nun H'-rn wi me c;-'""' F. J rilKNRV A ' O., Toledo, O. Hold by all 1ropKli. ". Ilall n Famity I'HIx fr t-ODfltiparrm. HAVE ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL FRESH AS A DAISY TRY THIS! Says glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast washes out poisons. To see the tinge of healthy bloom In your face, to see your skin get clearer and clearer, to wake up with out a headache, backache, coated tongue or a nasty breath. In fact to feel your best, day In and day out. just try inside-bathing every morn- ing for one week. Before breikfaat each day. drink a glaas of real hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate in it as a .harmless means of washing from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's indigestible waste, bout bile and toxins: thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal beforo putting more food into the slomach. The action of hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach is wonderfully invigorating It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases and acidity and gives one a splehdid appetite for breakfast. A quarter pound of limestone phos phate will cost very little at the drug store but is sufficient to demonstrate that JuSo as soap and hot water cleanses, sweetens and freshens the skin, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on the blood and inter nal organs. Those who are subject to constipation, bilious attacks, acid stomach, rheumatic twinges. also those whose skin is sallow and com Dlexion nallid. are assured that one week of inside-bathing will have them both looking and feeling every way. better in VOTR-K OK IMPS FOR SEWER BONDS. Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Citv Recorder in Pendleton. Oregon, up to b o"clock P. M. on July llth. 1S17. for the purchase of 112. - 000.00 or more of 20-30 t per cent Sewer Bonds of The City of Pendle- ton, to be Issued for the completion of the sewer system ot The City of Pen- dleton. Oregon. Each bid must be ac- companied by a certified check In the sum of I60S.0S made payaoie to toe crder of the Mayor of The t tty or; oer lineal ft , Pendlelnn. to be returned to the bid- 1 Trench. 5 to ft. In depth. der if unsuccesaful. and to be forfeit- ! p,r lineal ft. ........ ed If the bidUer ia awarded the bonds j inlets, each S and falls to enter into a contract in Manhole, each t. ...... accordance with the terms of his said For entire improvement corn bid, j plete (total bid) t The Common Council reserves the j The Common Council reserves t)e rlcht to reject any and all bids at its , rifrht to reject any and all bids, pleasure. j Dated June 2. 1 1 7- - Dated this Sth dav of J"ne. 117 TH( FtTZ OFRAUrt, THOS. FITZ GERALD, ' Recorder of the City of PendletOSM, 7-10 City Recorder, i 7-10. HELP WANTED .MALE. AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MA) earn S 100 menthlr eorrespondlna for newspapers; t to 1st monthly Ir spare time; experience unnecessary no omnvasatng; subjects suggested Send for parMcnlara. National Bureau. Room IMS, Buffalo. N. T- M UtUCALK. MASfB Expert Piano Tuning. Hemdejuarters at Warren Ifoeic House. Phone 624. FUNERAL DIRKCTOK8. J. T. BROWJT9 FURNITURE STORf Funeral director and licensed ea bslmer. Most modern funeral par lor. morgue and funeral oars. Calk responded to day or night. Coras-' Mala and Water streets. Telephoaw a. JOHN I. BAKER. FUNERAL DI rector and licensed embalmer. 0 r-ostoffleo. F-sOVm pariot ( two foa(,ra,t ears. Calls reeponded t. day or nttmt. rcoas . . INSCll-V.tCK AND LAND BUSINEBV BENTLET MONTGOMERY. Rial aetata. Bra, life and accident I near snce agents. Ill Mala street- Paoa 44 ARCHTTECT. RAYMOND HATCH. ARGff teet- Deepala Building. Pbos Tft Pendleton. Oregrss rKXTORa. a A. ROE. M D. PRACTICE L1M Ited to the eye. ear. noee and throaa Room II. Jodd Balldlng SECOND HI DEII.EKs V. STROFtLE. DEALER IN NET and second hand gooda Ca paid for all Ind band goods. (Taaar mi nlace to buy noueehold goods. II' ' ft. Court, raoae I71W. PAGE SEVEN iynrF. OK RIOS KOH 11 RK IttOKsJ- Votice is hereby given that bids will be received at the uffiso ih. f-ltv Iteroriier in Pendletoat. Oe K.-ii. up to July llth. 1!1. o'clock P. M for the Mriilarttn City of Pendleton, of 500 feet MtmssS aid Brand Fire Hoe. wi!h inaSMSsuss' counting, delivered F. tl. M. e" ton, Oregon. The I'ommon Csis1F.. reserves tha right to reject any ssat ! bid. Haled this 2th dsv of Jits 11"V TIIOS. flTV. itKRALtX 7j0 Citv Koms SHSTa. rl.l for itm.H. NOTICE IS HKRKBV GIVKTJf. tSSJ sealed bids will be received at tfe SSV fice of the City Recorder f Tho Cty of Pendleton, Oregon, up to 5 o'slfMlh p. m. on July 5. 1917. for the I "' nient of the fillowing parts of th foe lowing street in Siiid i-lty, to-wH: Perkins Avenue from the NesftTa line of Raley Street to the Month tkm r Wnshlnaton Street. In fir with the plans and specifications such Improvements prepared by Osi Klmbrell, City Surveyor, and sow as file in the office of the P.ecordsr o said city: each bid must be aieoea panied bv a certified chec Is) ttss sum of 500 made payable to I he eT der of the Mayor of The City of Pea dleton. the check to ! returned the bidder If unsuccesxf ul and te forfeited If the bid is successful ss the bidder falls to enter Intw a e- tract in accordance witn tne termw his bid: sealed bids shall specify as follows: Gravel Bitulithic pavement including the surface fin ish course, and Bituminous foundation as - per plans and specifications, per q. yard J... . . Excavation per cubic yd Curb, per lineal ft ....... Bitulithic headers, per line al ftf - For entire Improvement complete ftotal bid ( I The Common Council reserves th ripht to rejectnny and all bids. Dated June 2lt. 1917. . THOS. FITZ OBRAtJT, Recorder of The City of Pendletosa. ' CI,I, FOIl BIDS; ' NOTICE Irf HEREBY MIVKf, thsvB - sealed bids will be received at the of-, fice of the City Recorder of The CHw of P ndleton. Oregon, up to 5 o'uksssk p. in. on the llth day of July. IMT. for the improvement of the folowiwst parts of the following street la sat city to-wit: Webb street from te East line of College .Street to the Kontst line of Court Street, according to the. plans and specifications for such laa provement, prepared by Geary Khste brell. Cltv Surveyor, and now o ma in the office of the Recorder of BoJsk city; each bid must be arcompasie by" a certified check in the sum es 100. made payable to the order of tTse Mayor of The City of Pendleton, Osev check to be returned to the bidder, sf unsuccessful, and to be forfeited If tbe bid is succeaeful and the bidder faM to enter into a contract in accordance! with the term of his bid: sealed bids) shall specify as follows: Gravel Bitulithic pavement, including the surface fin ishing course and bituml- -s nous foundation, as per plans and specifications-. nor sq. yd t. Curb and gutter, per lineal ft I....... Excavation, per cubic yd.... S ..... Headers, per lineal ft.. S. Wooden headers. 2 in. by in. per lineal ft t. J, jn vitrified pipe, per lineal j et. I ;g fn vitrified pipe, per lineal ft $ !10 , Vitrified pipe, per lino- a) rt ......... 'Trench under A ft. in depth, j j.r jneal ft ...... jTTene.h. 4 to S ft. in depth. HELP WANTED FEMALE! AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAT earn $100 monthly correspondlaa) for newspapers; 14 to ISS monthly as spare time; experience una no canvassing; subjects sngg Send for particulars. National Bureau. Room 4285, Buffalo. N. T. lascxxxAinsoija. MAN AND WTFB WANT WORK OK wheat ranch. Good workers. Twa citildren. State wages in first lettosv 527 E. 23 St., Portland, ore. LEGAL BLANKS Or EVE FY D Dav. cum I at. 7 scriptlon for county court, circuit court, jastice court, real estate. for eale at East Oragoalaa offlos. SOIJCITOUS. RICHARD C. PARK. JR. SOlJCTT- or of Patent. 1411 F St.. N Washington. D. C. T-tl FARM I-NIS. THE GOVERNMENT NEL1M FAR mer as well as fivhiera Two sai. Hon three hundred thousand acres as) Oregon A California Railroad t?e Grant Land Title revested la Unit ed States. To be oi-enerf for home steads and Fale. Containing some nf the be" land Irt in I'nited States. Large Copyrighted May, eboeraac land bv section and dee-r1ptloa of noil, climate, rainf ill. elevations, team, perature etc . r-v counties. f'oatsaJA One Iol!r Grant l.nr.l Localans Co. lios 14. l.riUn'l. Oregon. M1M tlXANtXJla. 'legal blanks or eviki urn i scriptlon for county court, sareasl 1 court. Justl. e Court, real eetaae. essw for sale at East Orefoakva sffaea,