EIGHT PAGES PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, JULY 3. 1917. 10E30C ANARCHIST l.KADKUS 1IK1J) , E3 ix n.u, (' .-mmh. fea Social and Personal SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT AND AT GREAT EXPENSE THE MANAGEMENT HAS SECURED FOR THIS CITY OFFICIAL CANADIAN GOVERNMENT FILMS S3 D w ! -wi Mrs. It. wisclcr left this morning on No. for I.a tirande to spend a few days with hei" daughters, Mrs rtturdevant and Mrs. Donne. She will leave there Thursday evening on No IS for a two months visit with friends and relatives In Nebraska and Iowa. Harlen Fell and Wesley Fletcher are spending the 3rd and 4th at Bingham Springs. caoi ioi Mr. and Mrs. E. R Parkes of Los Angelea, who have been visiting a the home of Joe H. Parkes, left this morning by- auto for Walla Walla to visit other relatives. 1. H. Henson, Miss I.ucile Henson, Miss Annie McKee and Chester Au dorson, all of Horse Heaven, Wash., composed un uulo puny that stopped last night at the Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hammook of Kcho are leaving- today for Wallowa iake for an outinn. Ted Shehan .of Orcon City and W. Fallen of Portland motored to The DaJles yesterday, beinjr on their way to Pendleton where they expect to jpend the summer. Da Ilea Chron icle. Mr. R. F. Turney and family "Siect to If-ftve July 5th for an auto tour through Telowstone Park. Many messages of sympathy are finding their way from . Pendleton friends to Miss Oeornia. McCoy of Rtanfield. who slipped this morning and broke her font. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Penland and Ilrtle win. John. A. K, McCully and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gtw Byw and A C. Funk will he among1 the pen 11etonian spending the Fourth at Hintrham Spiinsr. R. B. BraKK of Hwd River is at the fit. !enrge. William Mills, Helix fanner, spent the night here. Mr. and Mrs. Pert Mansfield are up from their home at Kcho today. K. A. Johnson, owner of the 101 Kanch at Range, is a Pendleton visi tor. , Mrs. R. 1 Bryant of K;nela was down from the top of the mountain yeaterday. Mm. KdKar Thompson left yester day for Taeomr to wpend two weeks with relative. Dr. and Mra. F. I Ingram and win Clarence will leave Thursday f..r Hid ati' Hpringa to enjoy a nhort nut int.. R. Hill of Echo, was a Pendleton visitor yesterday. John Rothrock of Athena. spent Monday in the city. Walter AlcCutchen of Nolin. was n from his home yesu-rday. Ed Hammer of Gurdane. is reg istered at the Golden Rule. Mrs. Ray Hicks came over thii morning from Paaco on a visit. J. H. Wagner of Ukiah is down from the south end of the county. William Knuckles of Helix.- cum In on the N. P. train this morning. H. R. Ellis of Echo was among the west end residents in the city ye?rer day. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Garton and daughter of Wallowa, are in Pendle ton on a trading trip. J. M. Ooy. traveling r?wnRr agent of the Northern Pacific. is spending: the day In the city. Ian Macdonald, in charge of th ZilUaru 5-10-15 cent store In Enter price, is paying Pendleton a visit. Henry Iatourelle. ft., lft today for Gridley. California, to spend two months with his daughter, Mrs. A Fuinl. Jack Hiaaett, formerly rlerk at the St. George and How man hotels and who is now ranching 28 miles up on putter creek, is returning home today after making a short visit .here. l.XQt'KST 11KIJ INTO 1KAT1I OF Ml IS. PAIXJXK KEY ICS Relatives of Mi Yarncy, Arretted iHk Murder Clutrge, Say They Thought She Was Jy Wife. BPOOKL1NE, Muss., July 4. An inquest was held- today into the death of Mrs. Pauline Keyes, wife of Georga H. Keyes, a real estate operator, whose body with bullet wounds in the head and hand, was found in her ipartnient here on June 19. Miss Harriet A. arney, who was arrested at Cpion on .June L'ti, pleaded ot guilty to the charge of having; mur dered Mrs. Keyes and is now in the county jail at Dedham awaiting a hearing on July 6. Relatives of Miss Varney have told the p jiee that she was believed by ilitm to be the wife of Keyes. For some tinse before and after the death of tne Brookline woman Miss Var ney ruarie her home with a married sUter :n Upton, where Keyes is said to have made frequent visits. She was absent from that town on the day of Mrs. Keyes' death. The Jcad woman was Keyes' second wife and was married to him lat year. He obtained a divorce from his first wife in 1914 on the grounds of desertion. EMMA GOLDMAN CAMA PA IS ANTI-DIIAt-THUS AUK lUSIIKO. Returned Soldiers at Winnipeg An noyed by a, Demonstration. WINNIPEG, Mian . July 3. Fif teen hundred returned soldiers broke up an anti-conscription meeting here last night by a concerted rush on the crowd which had gathered in Market square tu hear an address by Alder man J. Queen. Several persons mis tained minor, injuries. Police dis pensed the crowj but made no ar- jvsia. ALEXANDER BERKMAN; Alexander Herkmaii and E,,,,u (ioldtnan. annrrhist leaders. i,,-h the best known professional anarch ists in, the I'nited Stales, have been in the Tombs of New York City for several days because of their activi ties In connection with the selective draft. Their bull was fixed at J5U.OO0 by the I'nited States commissioner. They could not raise the amount. 6000 FEET OF OFFICIAL MOTION PICTURES. A COMPLETE RECORD OF CANADA'S ARMY "OVERSEAS" WHICH SHOWS .THAT, WITH A POPULATION LESS THAN NEW YORK STATE, PUT HER MAG NIFICENT ARMY IN THE FIELD AND COV ERED HERSELF WITH GLORY. A VALUABLE OBJECT TO THE UNIT ED STATES. PEOPLE ASKED TO AID IN PREVENTING FIRES ON FOURTH OF JULY Pire Chief w. E. Ringold is asking the cooperation of the people of Pendleton in prevent ing fires tomorrow. He does not want to interfere with any patriotic demonstra tion but wishes that sane pre cautions be taken. " People using firecrackers or other fireworks about their premises are asked to "wet down" the grounds. Residents are aked to re frain from sending up flaming balloons during the evening. Everything is dry and many people will be away from home In the -evening. Before leaving your house, make a careful inspection of the premises to see that there is no. smouldering fire. Slate Fire Marshall Wells yesterday tinder the heading of The Fearful Fourth." issued a bulletin asking the people of the Ktate to take measures to prevent fires and fatalities. LA GRANDE MAN HEAD OF ELLENSBURG SCHOOLS Linden McCuIIough Chosen I H .. Superintendent Over SO Applicants. ELLENSBl'RO, Wash., July 3. L.inaen McCuIIough, superintendent of the La Grande, Ore., schools, was elected superintendent of the Ellens burg schools over SO applicants re ceived by tne school board. Mr. Mc CuIIough for four years was super intendent of the HoKlyn schools in this county and made a great record especially ror nignt school work tor adults in the mining town. He Is to ! speak on this work next week at th-. -National educational Associati-jn meeting in .Portland. Mr. McCuIIough succeeds E. J. Klenime, who was superintendent of city schools and at the :ame time a teacher on the normal school faculty for the past inx years. Mr. McCuI Iough formerly taught at the Baker. Or., high school. He has attended j the universities of Washington. Ore- g gon and Chicago, as. well as graduat- j jng from Lake Forest University. 13 SEE Battle of Jutland. Battle of Somme Battle of Ypres Destruction of a Zeppelin in a Raid Over London fTTn fn Troop in Action Battle in the Cloud Sea Dogs of Britain Positively the same film as shown at Windsor Castle to the King and Queen of Englaud by Royal Command WITH LECTURE ON HIS ACTUAL WAR EXPERIENCE By Sergeant "Doc" - W E L HOW KKI CROSS eor.NTs SI MKCHIPTIOJis OK MILLIONS .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlitllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllK Bond Clothes fOR THE NATIONAL HOLIDAY and all hot Summer days Bond Clothes will add to your coolness, comfort and happi jiess. Complete enjoyment and satisfac tion reig-n supreme from the first day you wear them until the last. Smartly dressed nen prefer them. The Bond labed identi fies them as the aristocracy of clothes. Summer shirts, neckwear, hose and other accessories in abundance at agreeable prices. (HIMSELF) ONE-ARMED HERO OF YPRES, AND EXCHANGED WAR FROM GERMANY. PRISONER-OF- "No one can hear Sergeant Well unmoved." He ha a big message for the American people, and comet to us after a triumphant tour of Canada from Coast to Coast. A THRILLING STORY OF HOW THE BRAVE BOYS IN KHAKI LIVE AND DIE. HOW IT FEELS TO BE UNDER FIRE, AND AS A PRISON. ER-OF-WAR IN GERMANY. Thursday m II I ! itlftllll Bond Bros. i USliflli Thursday A T7 A ! 1 W 5 il A iy 5 r V'X 7 AND 9 O'CLOCK. 7 AND 9 O'CLOCK. MSS'; il 25c M M 25c I , ?7Tfl m All Performance. PRirF.S All Pf 1,1 g'ol i , - : -ii ii un DHLVD HLB 1 .. ' ' 1 v ' j d I " - ' I" "IIIUIIfHMUMlNW'tWiiMMIIIII III! MtMIHIH MIHIIIIIIIMJ IKNIHIIHHIMIIHHMIt UIHI1MIM IMHIHIHlHllUMill ti.i-;' r-, -T- ' AM "-sV 'XKW MKMKJfTO r.ltl rn has been prepared for distribution bv ; l AMIUra OP V. 8. MAKIXW th v. M.rtne.. ,t h de. I fi WAHHINOTO.V. Julv I A nr- ""Sn-J to replace cards, formerly dl- 5 '"" l f " U 1 t.i . ard that will soon appear on many u-lhuteI by that organization, that E I' rtyy Il ' i houses throughout the Unites himio j read: "A man from this house is ij - j," l Ittil1! FRENCH TAKE GERMAN TRENCHES fzr -i , , i 'W irt I IK 'fi"$7-.T' Jfty rryyaaa i SSD- I I'm ! mum mmmmmm xa ffr t 0rnt f1T1TMHl-IA'TT ,C ' HMBW KOAM rm rmiilru nethuni PesHlhnaa's lalasj GtotlMera. Cimiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, In Its campaign to raise 110 000, 0 the Red "ros, under thedlrec tlon of if. p. Davison, partner In J P. Morgan AY Co., who loaned him for the work, used this novel method of advertising In New York Cltv the progress of Its national effort. The photograph here taken shows the barrel on Fifth avenue at Eleventh street, near the - First Presbyterian church, an historic old structure built In I84S. when the subscriptions amounted to $11,001,000. The next dav the barrel was moved to Thirty fifth street and It has been golnc . north toward One Hun-lredth street ' rapidly. serving In the United Htates Marine In Prance with the I'nited mates Corpa" The new announcement, prUit-d In . white and blue letters on a fac-slm- ' Cable reports are that the Ainerl lle of the French tricolor, hears the can woodsmen arrived In England simple but more impressive legend completely equipped and ready to be "A man from this house is righting gin work. Why. of course! illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll: Is Your Money Supporting i the Government? I 1 At thin critical period in our history our manufac- 5 turent are offering their mills, and our young men f are offering their services to the United States Gov- S ernment. Would you like to do your share and help by put- ting your money where it will support the new Fed- 5 eral Reserve Banking System, which the Govern- ment has established to stand back of our commerce, industry and agriculture? You can do this by opening van account with us, as part pf every dollar so deposited goes directly into 5 the new system, where it will always be ready for 5 you when wanted. Following heavy artillery a-tlon in the sector east of Ithelms. the French forces through a hrlllisnt in fantry charge carried Herman trench es on a front or nearly half a mile American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon MKtllllll l'KIKltI. ItlVKItVK SI M X between ML Carnlllet and Mt Blond These operations are designed to prt as forward their lines toward s ! Xauroy CI) and Moronville fj .jH which cover the Herman t ank d -- s fending I.oan on the east. , i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tt II t J 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1'