TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 29. 1017. PAGE F1VB u IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S If yau are looking for the lowest grocery prices in Pen dleton, you are looking for CONROY'S New Potatoes 4 lbs 25C EXTRA FANCY KltKEN PEAK, Ml " Lemons, the dozen 25 Cucumbers lO Best Jap Rice, 3 pounds 25 Macaroni, Spaghetti or Noodles, package.. IO4 Matches, the box 5 Iowa Corn, 2 for 25 Light House Cleanser, package 4 Packages Crepe Toilet Paper 25 Log Cabin Syrup, qts. 42; J gal. 70; gallon 81.55. Star Naptha Washing Powder, package ... 20 9 lbs. Yellow or White Meal SO 9 lbs. Cream Rolled Oata 0 Hershie's Cocoa is lb- 20; 1 lb. 35 Pork and Beans, the tin lO Canteloupes, 2 for 25? Asparagus, 2 pounds 25 Corn Flakes, 3 for 25 IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S "INSURANCE IS THE BEST POLtCV Vhfle1h4Siin Insure against haiL It Is even more important than the proverbial ad vice about hay. In a half hour a sudden hailstorm may wipe out the results of a year's work. Pro tect yourself from loss, with a Hail Insurance Policy of thm Hartford Firm Inmranem Co. Compared to the profits you expect from your crops, the cost is trifling. It will give you the guarantee of an insurance company that has paid every just claim promptly in all the more than a hundred years of its history. CMS. E. HEARD, Inc. GENERAL INSURANCE 635 Main St. see me kkpokb the kike. MOTION PICTURE NEWS What the Picture Theaters Have to Tell You. Poineroy Cannon, who play the role of the hufky driver of the brew ery wagun in the Butterfly picture "The Clrcua of life," shown at the Cosy theater today, 14 really one ut the atrongeat men in pictures, and a tremendous fighter. He subdues a whole (tang of barroom toughs In thin picture. Alia Friday and Katurduy. ' In making the Famous 1'Iayers Paramount picture, "Heart's Desire," starring Marie Doro, director Gran, don took a party of twenty-six to Jacksonville, Florida. The party in cluded a nvmber of extra camera men, some "BUpes'' or "extras," be sides a generous allowance of prop, erty men, maids and wardrobe wom en. This is one of the largest par ties ever taken "on the road" for the filming of a picture and i an indi cation of the lavish scale on which the production, like all Famous Play, ers pictures, is staged. This excep. tional picture will be1 shown at the Alta Friday and Saturday. -'IIIIMIIIIinillllllllllllllllMltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIU: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllie JUST RECEIVED absolutely the latest : and most popular i ideas In E STATIONERY Pound boxes, pound paper, tablets, etc. : Call and see it : tY J Economy Drug Co. If Hotel St. George Building Day Telephone 711 Night Telephone 718 j itlllHIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIMIIIII?? lllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllilllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMlllllllllllli LOCALS (2b Advertising in Bi ief ttAiUtt. Per Hot first losertlot. tor Per Hoe. additional lasertlou. . . . 5 I'cr Hue. per auouib 91-VU No locals tsken for leas tbao ite Couot 9 ordinary words to lint. Locals will oot be taken over tit telepbuoe except frota Ivast Oregon lan paid op aubecrlbers. HOT DRY WEATHER DAMAGING GRAIN lU'port IVinn Pilot Illicit Counli-y if'larr Much or Wheat In I tartly Burned and Only ltahtN and Cool Wratlirr Can Kate. Not a little dttiiiHK has lnen done during; the pant two weeks to the Kraln in some parts of the county, ac cording; to reports being brought In to 1'endleton, and farmers are aenerally anxious for rain. The wind of yea trrday win a hod one on tho Brain but Just how much damaxe waa done by it will not be known for a few day. Keporta from the Pilot Rock coun try art) to the effect that already much of the (train haa been badly burned and that only ralne and cool weather can brio arood yields. The noil in that country If hunt and haa already dried out. The stands of it fit In were quite heavy and the land waa unable to sustain them In the face of the hot, dry weather of the pant fortnight. Indications of the burniiiK are very apparent In some section. The name condition la re ported from land went of thin city. Another effct the recent hot wea ther haa ha J wan to advance the har vest season. The spring; season was a month behind schedule and it was not anticipated that harvest weuld begin even In the llaht land sections until the latter pnrt of July. How ever, present Indications are that cut ting; will beKln between July 10 and 20. A number of farmer declare they will have barley ready for harveat by the 10th. This rapid maturing: of the Kraln la not reRarded as a very Rood indication for a Rood crop. Favorable weather during the next two week a would do much to bring the crop up to standard. A day like today ia very pleasing to all farmers of the county. Auto Stave. For Ada ma, Athena and Weston, leavea Allen-Knlffht Co. at 10 a. m. and S:?0 p. m. each day. Phone 400 for reservations. Ralph Shaffer, prop. -Adv. COSY TODAY LAST TIME Present Butterly Picture LITTLE ZOE RAE la THE CIRCUS OF LIFE A romance ot an old love triumphing over new phi losophy, and staging thril ling fights. It's bigger than a circus , and costs I Also a Big Wriitim Comedv SHOT IN THE WEST" We wonder whore that is. PASTIME TODAY LAST TIME Presents Selig Master Feature The Lad and The Lion A frreat adventurt? ftory of the jungle and wild ani mals, with a masMg-e lion as the star. Also Mutual Educational and Cartoon REEL LIFE Aptfl. for Rale. 400 K. Alta. -15tf Apia, for rent. 400 K. Alta. 6-ltltf Furnished apt.. Hamilton Court. 8-20tf For sale Good fresh milch cows. Call 4KU. -30 Watch the Bee Hive. Low ; mes during war time. Two light housekeeping rooms for rent, ("all 250 K. . . -l-tf Wannd 75 tons wheat hay. In iuirtt IVnliind Urns., 6-26tf Wanted Good, clean rags, at Th Enst Oregonian office. For rent steeping and housekeep ing rooms. 60s Willow I haul your garbage and trash Phone 553M. 1403 W. Railroad stree Furnished housekeeping rooms. SOj 'lny. -19tf For rent -Two nice apts.. 617 Wil low. -9tf For Kfile- - Six head work horae. inquire of V:. P. Marshall. 6- ' When you stop in Kcho eat at the Frili Uestaurant. 6-23 tf Wanted A milliner. For particu. lura inquire A. B.. this office. C-SStf For rent Furnished houaekeep'ng rooms. 301 So. Main. S-4tf Five roi m furnishO hout-s fr rent. Phone 654. 6-itf Wanted Experiencel girl for aen eral huuat'Work. Phone 5 16 J. 4.25tf Modern aeven room house for rent on Grange street. Apply John Vert. For sale Fresh cow. Apply Jh Hill. Helix, Ore. -23tf Kor rent 6 room furnished hous-. Kstea c Friedley 6-18 f l-ost On street, diamond t claso pin. Finder please return to this of fice. -22tf Sandwiches, coffee and soft drinks at The Office Cigar Store, 711 Main street. 6-22U Wanted Housekeeping or cooking. city or country. Addretw G. T thW office. 7-8 Horsea pastured by the month. For particulars write or phone George Uambdin. Touchet. Wash. FoV sale 150 sheep. 70 head half Lincoln and SO Oxford Down-. Ad dress J. M. Swaggart, Athena. Or 7-6 New cook house and wagon for saJe. Apply E, P. Tulloch. 7-3 For rent Three modern light housekeeping room. 809 Garden strret 6-26tf Ford with demountable wheels, in first class condition, for sale. Call at city Auto Co. 6-lStf For ale-m& llulck in good n . pair 1 no. utre Will Kan or G. 1. I-a lw. W. Court, 1ty 6-10 New five room apt for rent, fur niture for sale. Apply Uay CrystK. at T. P. W. 6-21tf Wa n t ed Fosl r i on on ra n c h a houMekee per. Widower ireterret. Phone S4.1H. "-2 Wanied Scrap Iron, bras and ilumtnum. Highest price guaran teed. Hie wet t Harvester Co. & C. Jackson sella wall paper and linoleum. Samples taken to your home. Phone i 29-ill. For rent Modern seven room house on College street. Apply John Vert f Milk for sale Pure, sweet and clean. Call Kd Morgan. Phone 1-2 Chiropody work for ladiea an 3 gentlemen at Pendleton Hairdreeaing Parlor. Rstericnced man wants ranch Job. with houti for family, wife can cook tn harvest. Inquire thla office. 7.3 r you know th.t Retes A Fried ! "Sell. rnt or Insure Anything?" 614 Mam street. Phone 664 Wanted Hoard and room In prl ie famll. 'ls- n. Iy y-uitue mar-.-ed couple A ldre, ttm 7?. City. 7-2 Try the Human Bake oven at Gol den. Hule Hotel. Room 2. Furnished one room apt. at 109 Water street or see Manuel Friedley. 7-2 Nicely furnished front room apt., with sleeping porch. 502 Water Phone 205M. Uoorrnng house for sale- Main "trtet. in center ol business district. Doing good buaineaa. Inquire of Pen land Bros. Persian kittens for sale, colors black, brown, tubby, gold and white. Phone 4F3 or write Hog 77 City. 7.2 Expert waitress wanted at once .Short hours, light work, permanent. Phone, write or call at once. Eoho Hotel, Echo, Oregon. , 6-25tf Wanted Woman to do general housework In country. None but a competent person need apply. Phone Farmer 13 Helix. 6-25tf Mattress making, furniture repair ing, upholstering, called for and deliv ered, city or country. La Dow Bros. 219 Beauregard. Phone 227J. For sale New and second hand Sewing Machines. Singer, White, New Home and The Free Machine. McCllntock & Simpson. 400 E. Court. Call Penland Bros, van to move your household goods. Telephone 339. Also baggage transferring and heavy hauling. For Rent Sewing machines of all makes. $1.00 per week, S3 00 per month. McClintock A Simpson. 400 E. Court. Wanted at once Lady cook. Short hours, light work. $40 and room, per. manent. Must be good cook, phone, write or call al once. Echo Hotel. Echo, Oregon. 6-25tf 350 acres clean fallow. 160 good growl ng wheat , smal 1 com bine, miles haul. Price absolutely right for quick sale. N Berkeley. 7-2 Lost Black 2-year-old . filly, Dranded H. L. ot. left stifle. Fin del return to Henry Lorenxen- Suitable reward. 7-2 For sule 20 foot cut Brown and Lewis Combine Harvester with Au rora engine. L'sed only one year. Will sell reasonable. Adaress L. L Lieu allen, Adams, Oregon- -20if For sale or trade Good corner 120x120 feet. 2 blocks south of Da cres Hotel. Walla Walla, Wash. A bargain for apartment. Call or write P. Hounds, 7 South 3rd street. Walla Walla, Wash. ... 7-2 For sale at a bargain 10 acres well improved, within 6 blocka of S. P. depot at Cornelius, Ore.. 24 miles weMt of Portland, on a fine rock road. Good buildings, city water, etc. Address Neff Brothers, Cornelius, Oregon. 7-3 Alta Theatre Friday and Saturday Presents a Delightful Story Beauti fully Staged, With '1 IN DORO MI HEART'S DESIRE It is a pretty romance in which a courageous young- girl wins. And Good Laughable Comedy Entitled "LOCKED OUT." VAUDEVILLE GEO. HALL Singing, Talking Comedian. THE HUMAN NIGHTINGALES ROCK and ROCK In Comedy Sng;ng, Talking and Whistling. IH NlXKhS MKX MKKT HO.M WMMXSSIOXKKM (Continued from Page 1.) will not only be more traffic as the roads are n.ade better, but there will be heavier -traffic,' he said. 4The auto truck bearing ten and 15 ton loads will soon be common,' he said. S. l;enson, chairman of the com miFsion, turned the laugh upon Mr. Haley when he interrupted the la tr' eloquent appeal for good pave ment by asking with a shrewd smile. J "How long have you been in the em : ploy of the Warren Construction Co.?" Mr. Haley, though taken unawares, was equal to the occasion. "About three months," he confessed frankly, "but I'm not speaking a the com pany's representative. I am simply speaking- for these business men who have no interest in the company. However, as a representative of the company I am gratified that Mr. Ben. son should associate the plea for the 'best pavement with the Warren Const duct ion Co." S3 O CSS O t QCf iocaoci i4r4 COK! SUNDAY MONDAY MARGUERITE CLARK , VALENTINE GRL ALTA Theatre Wood Choppers Norte. We have advanced our price on wood cutttnir It will be to your ad vantage to see 8mythe..L.onergan Co. at once. Phone 17i. "-- fe! Free! Another 1200 phonograph to given away at the Boston Store, it In their window. Ad. Sports "o- l.onjrue. I Portland 6 7 - Vernon 2 It 4 lenmr and Ftsher; Marion an' Simon. Oakland 11 1- n Salt Ijike 11 0 Prough and Murray; I ubuc Hughes and Hannah. Ios Angeles -. ? 3 San Francisco 7 13 0 Ryan. Brown and Bassler; Smith and Baker. North we I-eCU J.reat Falls 1 6 1 Tacoma 3 9 liattertes Peierson and Cheea, B ler; 8chroeder and L-apan. Vancouver 1 7 5 Spokane Clink and Cadman; Z.imlook an-1 IVhroeder. Seattle ? I 2 Butte 7H fl Batteries Alexander and T. Cun ningham: Hdorn and Brennin. Ka fora. Xaitottnl 1 esuriH. 1 tor ton 2. New York S. Brookhn T-0 Philadelphia XI. St. l.oui I. 1 IMttfiMira ' f-lnr- 'i nMt I CM iU.'. Nw Y rw ?-A .. Chicago 5, Detroit f. Clev-lam1 I, L lOUU . pBussseDir BUY A Universal Combnanon Range ltl"IJ'S tiAS. COAL OR VMn. PAItTS TO t llAX.K. ujhi ' NKIjF STAKTKU HR tiAS. ) MATIDtS, SELF STAKTKK ll COAL OR WK1I. NO KIMM.INti. TIilU:K R.tNGKS IN OXE .".T ONK I'lllfr:. SETS IN KUHTY INCH KPAt'E. A COOL KITCHEN IX WARM WEATHER. A WARM KITCHEN IN COOL WEATHER. Only One More Day, Grand Factory Demonstration and Our OFFER ONE ELEVEN PIECE SET OF PYREX TRANSPARENT OVEN WARE ABSO LUTELY FREE WITH EVERY UNIVERSAL COMBINATION DURING FACTORY DEMONSTRATION ONLY. V ,We take your old stove in as part payment LET US DEMONSTRATE. GEO. C. & CO. 643 MAIN ST. PHONE 81