PAGE ETC TIT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1917. EIGHT PAGES Tin OO SO If oo -oo T 1 i S3 oo f?1 I iff" v $ i Wafr.hYourHeaJth improve with its use OLIVE OIL The Highest 5taodeirci of QuaJtly. Made and Bottled in NICE , FRANCE FOR PEOPLE WHO PI5CjyifATE GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. "QUALITY" Two Phones 28 823 Main St C3 DO ca -i do oo Real Values in Valuable Footwear Let us help you to be comfortable during the coming hot summer days by fitting you in shoes that will give you comfort as well as style and ser vice. t Having just received today a new shipment of l6w shoes in W hite Kid and White Reignskin with the low cadet heel, and wing top, also the Louis heel and long vamp and at the right price. We call your attention Darticularly 1o this line and invite you to visit our shoe department before buying. New shipment of House Dresses in our Down Stairs Store. 03 OO The Government Has Ordered 3300 Republic Trucks J no km. w ht hat iri-an? :-t .i:r nrW in Klf.lfT NOW. ...,7I ..I ',?."' :,(,!,- Ttt Ct "UIAT H'.IVK V-.f i.KI) .-j I-V TMI.s VKAIi. PENDLETON AUTO COMPANY 'Cars of Merit' Addition to lwvliii. Will M. Feterson has tnken out :t permit to build an addition to hif home at 30," Lincoln street. It will coat -J SO. luiitautiUft Tu W1fi on Salt. t Tickets tor the Pendleton chftutau j qua w hirh will open here a weeK from tomorrow are now ou sule at J the Tallin an and Pendleton dru i stores. Stills New mi Inters. The fity Auto to. reports the sale of a i1hahners Six 35. one of the new series, to T. B. Sinionlon of Adum. The company also has sohl ft Saxon export model, to A, P. Knight. Hlakely station for receiving hard surface. A frce f seven or eiht men in at work perfecting the drain Kc at various places it is the ex pectation of the county court to h;ie this end of the road In shape so that the stae highway commission and contractors will not be delayed in beginning work. To Urn Cherry Hay. Thirty autos loaded with Freewa ter I'heriy 1hv boosters will be here Friday evening for purpose of adver tising their show to be hold June '2S. Act'-ordmi;- in word today from Mayor 3. H. i-ishop of Frcewater the party will arrive .ibout 6 p. m. Hot urns 10 Canada. Halph Knight, who is farmitiK near Strath more. Alberta, and who has been visitimc here for the. past few weeks, left today by auto for fan ada. He was accompanied by 'Pinky IJillette. Infant Child lic. The infant child of lifirw N. Peck of Lexington, died last night at St, Anthony s hospital and the body has been sent to Heppner for inter ment by the side of Us mother. The mother died on June 4 at 'the local hospital a few days after the birth of the child. nv School to start. I Voters in the newly formed school I district No. 14 on the south reserva ' tii ui section held their first election ' Monday at which time J. M. Cornell ! son. Knr Kirk pa trick and Kay Fa 1 1st (were chosen as directors and Charles Serrell as clerk. A new school house ; iy to be erected soon near the foot of Cabbage Hill. Shoes Are Not So High AS YOC AIII-: li:.VI TO IlKldKVi;. We are holding tin urU-0 down every tiny. Newer Mini niftier no Kiel, as up 'art? Hliowlng cannot Ims" produced today. The price on our Nhoe will fit eer one's MHk et book. Alwaya rcnicmlM-r that wv are buying for 17ft Htorea. hih! In alien large (uaiitlticM ihut hc run uiulcrbiiy and undersell all competitors. Plain White Kid . S7.V0 Plain Ivory Kid 97.90 Itrown Kid, Ivory To 97.00 Hlaek, White lliick Top .. 9tt.A0 (iray Kid Vnmp. ray Cloth Top 95.90 Black Kid Vamp, ;rap Too 9-1. Ml PaU'lit Vamp. llrown i'loth Top 9-1. AO All Gray Nnbiiek 97.90 Hlaek, Itrown Buck Top 97.00 YOV CAN OO HETTKIt AT While Itrlgnskln shoe White CuinuHH, Itubhcr Sole . ' White Canvas IiiIm Hi-el White Canvas, Knullsh White Canas SIIpimtn . 4 lilldren s White 8llpMrs Chlldren'M Patent Sllptiers.. H1K-, hlldren's Gun Metal SllpMT"t. . Chihlren'H larefMt Sandals. THE GOLDEN RULE !' 9I.A0 :t.K 92.08 9'J-0H , . 91.60 to 9 J. Ill . . 7 We. H1H K- K4'. 91 a.- 0He. 91.25. 9 1. . Ie, It He, 9i.g WE IjEAD oTin:its loi.row Woman BiuihxI By fksollne. Mrs. Itay MccTarroii was burned about the hands and arms this morn ing: at her .home on Thompson street when gasoline which she had placed in a boiler to help cleanse clothes took fire as she was worKing over it. An alarm was turned In but the fire was extinguished before the firemen arrived. llhap for Donald Itnss. t Oonald Koss. prominent local ; sheepman, broke his arm In a pectili ar accident yesterday afternoon. lie was talking up town from West Webb i street and started to run across the street to catch a passing auto that was waiting for him In doin so Mr. Koss tripped on some woven wire In the park ing and fell heavily on the paved street. He suffered a broken forearm and u badly skinned face. son, Is in Pendleton today. having come in n No. 1 7 from La tjrunde where he was visiting. He Is one of the university stud en is who Joined the ambulance corps organized by lr. .1. K. Kuykendall of Ktigene and w hich will leave within a few days for Pennsylvania for a month of Intesive training before Iteing sent to tho Eu ropean front. Bartlett, who former ly lived in !a Crande, has many friends here, having spent last sum mer In the harvest fields about Pendleton. (Guardian Appointed. Mrs. Nettie Well man lias been ap pointed guardian of Harry. Marjorie and Wayne Wellmun. Iteuben ipvkw lih Kidil. Reuben Heckwith. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. s. Heckwith of this city, has enlisted in the quartermaster corps or the regular army at Seattle and now at Fort Lawson, according to word received bv his nn rents- Hp is an accomplished musician and hns been located in Seattle for several ea rs. I toad Work Has Started. The county court has begun work on the preparation of the 10 miles of macadam between Pendleton an 1 Allege lie concealed I'roportv. ! H. J. Warner, as trustee for tin j creditors of Charles Ktanton of He- lix, who recently filed petition in t bankruptcy, is resisting his petition j to be dscharged by the court of It- j ability for his provuble debts, it i alleged by the trustee that Stanton conctaled property from the creditois j and made fa tse affidavit when he filed his petition. It is alleged that he had money in the Helix bank iu j his mother's name and checked against the account. Referee Fit I Gerald has been up point erf to ta k j testimony on the matter. ur-e In lliepital. .Mrs. Clarence Kd mu nils. a nurse, underwent an operitti morning at the hospital. local this training stat ions were overcrowded, have been recalled. Several Pilot Hock boys bft last nluht. I.ouis Humbert and James Morris of Pen dleton are leaving toda v as are nine boys from the west end of the county. Among the number are Clarence Car s.n. Harry Todd. (ieorKe Challls and K. II. Shaw. Two new recruit. Allen Kobert Simpson and Jack Smith, left for Portland Monday. PI UIKY NKW YOHK IHvMOCHACY Martin W. Littleton Heads llody Ui l-Vht Tammany Hall. i.oi iv 4 aich. ii. V. Knight, A I Knight and Fred W. 1.41 m pk in spent esterday fishing on Cpper McKay and made a nice catch. Is ;ien Judgment. J. U. Kaie has been giM'D a default Judgment against Anna liellwo t (mi. interest. attorney u $U.r costs. NKW YOHK, June 2'.J Announce ment w as made here tonight of the formation of a new democratic or ganization "to put the democracy of New -York on a basis consistent with th national ideals of the party." This it was declared, "necessarily means immediate and relentless war upon Tammany Hall." Th tu'W organization Is headed by Martin W. Littleton as lemporitry president and includes in lis member ship, the announcement said, Franol I- tide Stetson, Froderlo. K. Coudert. ''rank 1. Polk. II. Snomleti Marshall, Cleveland II, Hodge. Irvin S. Cobb und Kills Parker Hntler. ;oon vision l iood vision does not necessarily mean that your eyes are perfect, headache, dlzxiiiess, pain In or about the eye. twitching or lnflammed eye lids, pain In the back of tho neck, crosH eye, etc., are often symptoms of eyestrain, that are quickly relieved vhen proper fitting glasses are worn. If you experience any of the abut symptoms, no matter how well you see It will pay you to have your eyes examined, und if there in any eye strain proper glnsss should be worn. If ou come here you are sure of tho rbiht kind of an examination and consequently the richt glasses. Rea sonable charKes. DAI.K HOI HWI l.l, Optomi'trlHi and Optleian. American National Hank Building. und I On Way to France. Kenneth Fart!ett. a mmber of th" I'niversity "f l iretmi football team that humbled Penns lv;i nia lust sea- liretors sworn In. ( I. M . H ice and Manuel Fried ley were last night sworn in as directors of Uif Pendleton scImiI district, the old hiiurd hi'vliuf canvassed the vole and found them dul electetl. TWO FAMOUS PREMIERS IN CONFERENCE ' pMudi 1 lEemoYcd. I yir. H-nrv Suninicivr of 1 1 r m i - J ton underwent an operation for ap pendicitis thi- morning thony's hospititl. at St A i Iirr W&9ffSFW f?&- pjt'g 4 7 T. I -r.y 5- j ;"fVRfs I' 4 i .1 - ' m"' f & : jwrnm mi , I ' , 4 ) Able to h Home, ( I William Brown. E ho bote I man who had his appendix removed at th lo-al hospital last week, was able to I return to his home this morning j ! I'Me CainMtlun Statement. I I The Kastern t)reson Highway assu-J ! elation today filed Its statement of I campaign expenses in the Interest of i the road bond measure. The assocl ation spent j:t7.!H which was ed-j j b cted by private subscription. 1 j More Men r'or Cavalry. I Troop l of I'endleton will soin start to recruit up to war strength and among the new men needed are two j cooks, a horseshoer snd a saddler. (The troop will be mobilized about July i 'JTt and the officers want to take a full i p along. I t iNiluled VlmllilMrnlor. i Arnold Wood has been appointed I administrator of the estate of the late j William H. Wood of Athena, his bro ; thT. The estate is valued at some thing over :,tttm. Mr. and Mrs. i lienry Wood, parents are the nearest i relatives of th deei-ased. IKtvid IJoyd Oeorge. premier of, together in a recent conference on Great Britain, and M. Aristide Bri- the war. held in Uoyd Oeorge s office and, premier of France, photographed in iHtwning street, London. i l ib" Suit For IMvoree. ' Alh-ginu cruel anil inhuman treat j no-tit. Bay Crstnl of this city today i fib-d suit for a divorce from his wife, jceiievieve (V Crystal, and for the care and custody of their minor son. They vere married In Medford In lfl5. Ualey A Haley are attorneys for the Plaintiff. Contract Fr FomsII liad. W. 1 Thompson, highway enmmis- ........... Ihla mnrnlnir from IHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMfllMIIIIMIIIIINflllMllllllinillllllllllllllllllltMtllllllllllllllllllHif ! P'oxmiI wh-r yesterday he and ni- missioner Adams let the contract for S three and a half miles of grading be Ejtween Fossil and Msyvllle nn the John EllrV highway. He expects delega Eltlons from I'nlon and Baker -counties 1 tomorrow. PHILOSOPHY ARE YOU PUFFfD UP OR PROPPED OP? Thf pP I" """ Kran-.NVw l uuarantHi in fnrntli th nc" rarv lp to PllKP you up. Kviri ilv r oolllln BRAN-NEW ROOT BEER GINGER ALE SARSAPARILLA VANILLA CREME r.-r Vol" and our .!hT fri ii'l. Tli m-p l in th.- bottl. Wm. Roesch Bottling Co. I S Siilt lietwwn AlKnr. I William Kupers. assignee of the es- !tat of John T. Thome,' has broimhl E suit In the circuit court to have the S 1 court determlno how the I220J.1 s! which he has In his possession as 'stakeholder shall be divided. He claims that It. I Snhln. assignee of r , ih estate of F. I MctVu. and K. W. S i Mi omas eanriot agree iiMn t he di- ' etjBjt.n nnd makes thm defendants iS A. l.weil ii attorney for the pl;,in- tiff At HOME or in the GAMP usp: BIydenstein's Self-Rising Pastry Flour You will find it ECONOMICAL a well a LABOR SAVING. For Biscuits or Flapjacks Water alone will do; a little shnrteninir, milk or exsr, will improve on it. It will roake better CAKE, WAKLES. DUMP LINGS, PIE etc. with less work and less short ening. For sale by all GROCERS. DON'T FORGET Blydenstein's Prepared and Unprepared Dietary flour For Buna, Brown Bread and Mush. MADE IN PENDLETON. lydonstcin & Co. Phone 351. illllliillllliUli I'fllMWWIII!!!!!! iimimuiiMUii The Motoring Sea son is "On" Get the $rreatest good out of your car; the most pleasure, convenience and at the name time Kreat est economy of operation and upkeep, by driving a Toncpit may pufF a man up tut It never props him npi Pendleton Oregon 2 Two Mnrrtae Lb-en's. i A m.'irrinwe Itrvnse w s Issio-d t- dji to Kred H. f I'ortlAtid. 37. nd 'Miva Wilson, 17. of Fendle- tori Mr. lyof" I THilrond tele-ScrMi-h-r and w formerly employed Slt Kb-th. He wnm one of th hK-m 2v hn wnlked from the enst to thi Klks t-oi)-nti'n In Portland several m ;. Miss W(lrin la th- daughter of Mr. H . Wilfon. A licence waa u-d bite vewterrtay to F. Hnwn 41. i.f ;itbn and Anna Towne, 7, of tin city. waiv-IM-HEAO ffo ClL MOTOW CAW II The ownership of a BUCK is an INVEST MENT, not an experiment or speculation. Always pleased to show you why. Oregon Motor Garage Incorporated. 117. III. UJ Wrt Court St. Telvphon Ifit h wilt h"iii. l...niir 'h ii.lilllillllilllHliiilMIIIIIHWItiiHi iiiiiniiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiimiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiMiii