DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1917. TEN PAGES QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PAGE TEN o o o o o o o o o o o ft o o o o o o o 1 3f II o e o e e o o o o e o o e e o ' e o o o 6 O o o o o o e o o o oooooooooooooooooooooooeoo White Salmon Berries STAN FIELD BERRIES MILTON BERRIES All Fresh Stock to Arrive Saturday. Fresh Canteloupes from the Imperial Valley. Bing Cherries from California. Sweet Cherries from Milton. Fresh Apricots. Complete line of Fruits and Fresh Garden Vegetables. QUALITY SUMMER DRINKS Vugh's loganberry Juice, bottle lOr. 25c, 50c "Welches Grape Juice, bottle 25c, 50C. Appleju, bottle ; 10V C'liquot Club Ginger Ale Sheboygon Ginger Ale, bottle 10c GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. Attending stotUiihit- convention. Dr. luy S. Hotsinston left on the midnight train for falem to attend the annual convention of , the Htate osteopathic association. Vat 4)mu Sunday. Water has been turned into the Natat.-vinm and the po l ill be .eady for use Sunday. The Nat will be open from 10 a. m. until 3 p. m. Buys Ilond With Saving. Homer Welch, lime son of Mr. and Mrs. James R. "Welch, yesterday purchased a liberty flond with mon ey he had saved since hit babyhood. In all he hud SM which he invested with t'ncie Ham. Mrs. Henderson. The funeral will probably be held Sunday In Milton under the auspices of the Knights of Pythias lodge. Walla Walla Union. DrtU Tonight. The Pendleton Reserves will not drill this evening. The next regular drill will be Sunday morning at 9:30 at Round-Tp Park in uniform. Iloy Slayer Given l-artiur. Lawrence Col well, the boy who shot iind killed James Short, an aged cast end farmer in what appears to have been a shotgun duel on May 7. being given a hearing before Jus tice of the peace Parkes this afternoon. New rniviiian Arrive. J. K Keene. Ford expert, until re cftii'ly with the Ford agency in Port land, has accepted a position na fore- (.rattan pays I-1im K. F. tirattan. arrested yesterday I on a charge of removing a barricade i from the Pendleton-Itieth road. afternoon 2 Summer Is Sure Here Don't kick, thia is whit you have been waiting for. Have you prepared for this wea ther. We have the finest lot of summer merchandise at the' most reasonable prices. Be Cool, Be Comfortable, Be Contented. 1 lure Silk Fancy Itotw ftHr lni'; Iloot Silk lliwe im- Slimmer JMrasolM ss.Vr to Alllo Cpa 4- l yi.DH Iknutirul Wash Mutertul. yurd. IIK- to l(K 'Hie New Iti'ailiti Milk Ha as 4-, rhc Middy HloiiHeM 7Be, 9Hv liainty Oonmn 8.1c. 4k WHe White Voile Halsls Hc, SI. US VOD CAN White Iti-Itllsklii SIliieH, IiiiIh IIim-I ... SI. .VI Willie t'unviiH. (xhiIh Hifl S2.HS lilio Canvas, Rubber Mole SS.98 White Canvu KnKllxh t'J.KH While Ouitas Pump sa.49 White (anvaa Hllper, 8 bar hi rap 93.19 w iiite t ajivaa Hliiifier, 1 ntra . W Iiite Canvas SliiMT. Mmlliini W hile 'Knmiy Imu" Kllnier . . . Heel 2.2S $1.49 HO HKTTKR AT THE GOLDEN RULE Gr J WE I.KAD oTIIKliS I'OIXOW f. ih. cimiw.lr. Aim. fn nrl is ' pieaiiea gmuy jwfnmj netore J ustlce or t ne reace i-araew "QUALITY" Two Phones 23 823 Main St now at work here. The old foreman as well as the booKkeeper at the Simpson Auto company have enlisted. If W. a Plunge ii it Joins -Vientiane xrps. j tHn Mice, University of Oregon graduate who was formerly with the ( Hartnian Abstract Co.. bus enlisted in i Ambulance Co.. No. 14 organized by f Ir. J. k. Kuykendall of Fugene and ' recruited from studentn and gradn- ' ates of the state university. and Pid a J 10 fine. He stated that he had proceeded so far along the road before he observed the barri tae that it was Impossible to turn. Iorsl Shou e Ung. A the city hall this evening the chairmen of all eimml,:w for the coming floral show ar to rant and a full attendance is desired bv pr. Temple, head of the oramwtUon. It will be the last commit:? r.ieeling prior to the show. The citv council has voted $-5 as a eaoital prize t the show. lVndlei.ni May tie rnvention. Pendleton will very likely get the 1M convention of the Fraternal Or der of Eagles. This Is the word I brought back last evening by M. A. j Ferguson. V. Strohh-, R C. Lawrence and H. A. Anderson, Pendleton dele t gates at the state aerie just closed in , fort land. Marshfieta was given the 191S convention. Mr. Ferguson was 1 elected as state chaplain of the or : tier. The "Nat" will be open Sunday and you will want to be there. Are you ready? We have anticipated a bis trade in Bathing Suits this season and are now ready to show you many beautiful suits in all the new, natty combinati ons of. colorings and at prices you want to pay. The dyes are as good as money can buy and you cannot get a better suit anywhere than you can buy here.' May we show you? Miltim lioy Killed In Mine. The remains of Hershel Hen'ler son. president of the Whitman col lege Associated Student hody. who was killed In the Speculator mine dis aster at Butte, was snipped from Butte direct to Milton. OreRon. la-a, evenliiR and should arrive there to day, aeenrdilil- to word receiver! from toy Aeliibli'H l-onl cr. John Simpson, II year ol, son of Robert Simpson. manager ' of the Sinison Auto fo., is the proud driv er of a Ford tourlni? car which he as sembled himself from parts in stock at his father's earaee. Yoiine Simp son was In high school here and as sembled the car following the close of school. Last Thursday he left in the car for Portland. taking- hLs mother and brother down for the Kose Festival. He drove to The Dulles the first day. later was found to be Major I'e Moor house and his thlevry resolved ilself into a (patriotic, not. Krom a studv oi flaw etiquette he had learned thut all fluus should be lowered at sunset. Therefore, when he discovered them still flyiiiK last evening, he took them down. At least he took four down und kept them until this muruiim. Ilouiflil Saxon Itisidstcr. Frank ljuiiilun has purchused a Saxon roadster from the City Auto Co. Will Drill TnnlKht. The military unit of the Olrls Na tional Honor guard will drill at 7: SO o'clock tonight at the city hall. Children Are III. The two children nf Mr. and V's. iley Winn are reported (ulte ill at their home 4n this city of tonsilltH ' in A A dee-lightful place to trade. Our "Down Stairs Store" is all that. 69 Du COLE EIGHT SIXTY Have you ridden in one? .Have you tested its abality to glide over bumps as tho they were not there? If not, then yon don't know what a Real Car is capable of. The cars are HERE for de livery RIGHT NOW. You need only to b -hown to be convinc ed of these facts. PENDLETON AUTO COMPANY "Cars of Merit" Morse's Kever failing SS for best remit in Spriatf flowm aut TctfetftbtM. PUat mw- Swatt fCM, fai'uil etacr GnmA Pru California Seeds AIm Cabbatfc, Carrot. Onion. Beet. Pea. Spiaavk. Turmiaa. D't taa NtJi tkat ar "JmM m Ct Motm . Oa SU ny all LaaJiag Daalara t your denlar dm sot mmrry Mra' Scait. J iirct imr mar caulvtfu Ftm. Vwr 9r4mr will pnptiy ttmmd4 t. C C. MORSE S CO. Seedamea Sua Francisco ;f.-ts fioll or IimIIiiii i-1trhtrM. j While in 1'ortluitd mis week, M A. I FVncu!iin rHll'd tit the if flee of Ad- lliuitl I ai'raUtl on WimnIhiiw. The tittle sun ot Arthur Gibson .stif ft-red a hadly la ie rated hand la.t eveoiiiK when ilaing aloUt a wimd- Under tlie road's contract the gov ernment tnuiHportM the mails from a station to a nod office If thi office it a quarter of a mile, or mor from the station, when the new structure was planned I'mle Sam van confi dent the Job wuuld fall on the road. because the plot wuh Biippoited to be Irthtide the riuartcr-inlie limit. Now (t develoim It in IS reet outalde. The pontitl aiHhnritiea tried to get Patrick rran to let the wagons pass through hi driveway, thereby cre ating a short cul, nut .Mr. IV. run would not do It. MarHnin I.h-enfce IwuhiI. A marriage license wuh Issued '" teroay aiternoon to Walter P. Kus sell of Pilot Hock. 20. and I-Nmda A. Wolfe of this city, 19 Mcn-iirv ltwhow 97. Toda iK the hottest of the year so far. the tiiercnry in the offiriul thtr- j rnntneter reach in 17 which lw four t ilcureex hli:hfr than lhi iimviniiim j juiam i ienerai nite ana copien ) x ( from the record ih names of the men who participated in the Battle of Willow Springs In this county in lh7N The full lint was there toK't ti er with ttie time of service. In most cases the service was given as eight days and this may prevent the sur vivors from securing pensions under the new act. Col. J. H. Kaley will present the claiirm of the veterans. II,R KOTIIWfXr OptotiM-trlt and OptH'laa fviawfe ground and fitted, ten sea duplicated. American Xatinnal Bank Building Pendleton. ; Sua mi of IUom t airturcd. j This morning a swarm of bees from nobody knows where aliuhteil on one ! oi the first trees 1- the court house i yard and formed themselves into a i buzzing knot on a limb. Janitor , tleorce MmpHon let it he known that irnybody could have the bees for the taking and this afternoon lideon lirow n aii pea red with a box and, dif ! regarding the danger from their sting j i rs, bfildly scrapt-d the honey-niukin j fiiKectH into It. 'hlld neth KaVliiir. j I.ittie Alice t row, daughter of Mr. ' ami Airs. (Maude t.row anil grand -j daughter of John W. Crow, promi j nent reservation farmer, read in the J papers that Uncle Sam wanted to t borrow money from patriotic citizens. : She had saved $lf in her ten years ; of life and yesterday she sent It in ; hy her mother to loan to her conn ' try. She is only one of many small . children who sulscrired for IJtrerty j Itond. This mtirning Raphael Kav j mond. Jr., 1ft years old. walked : the F(rft National Bank and laid j down utj with a request for a bond. ' J Larceny Wan Patriotic Ad. j This morning there was consterna i nation among the Court street busi- mss men when they discovered that four of the six flags they had raised yrsterday to the street flat; poles were missing. They sounded a warning atcainst the thiff so low as to tear tlown the American flag. The thief esterday. ICcttiru4 I rom MuvoH. W. Huff, local attorney u ho has been takiujf treatment at Mayo Cros. i nst it nte at Itochester. M inn., has re turned' to Pendleton. He will prob ably undergo an nra ration In Port land tati r. Ha Chalnicr Aucncy. W. C. Nay of the City Auto Co. has Just returned from Portland w here he made arrangements to secure the Chalmers acreney for eastern Orepon, distributing the cars from Pendleton. Child Is Adopted. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Crownei have formally adopted Thereoe Max ine Parrlsh with the consent of the j child's mother. The father deserted the mother some time ago. The lit tle child takes the name of Crowner hy order of the court. IrvitM on Hound-1 p ; round. For the first time in history a circus will have the use of the Hound-Up grounds when the Al . Parnes circus Is here June '!'. Arranaements have been made with the Hound-Up direc tors Wherehy the cireus KetH the use of the grftunds and it wi lbe a coi -Veriieiice to the public as the distance to the Ktulinds 111 be lessened. i.iiiutTv imnis it- S4 KIUI . Continued from Page I . I BILLY'S BRAN-NEW 1" tney uon i ivnow it l(rfliiml I.ctds the CoaM. PtHTLANI. June IS. The Pa cific northwest has oversubscribed Us allotment of the liberty I-oan. Oregon. according to figures com piled at noon today, has subscribed a total of twelve million, eighty four thousand six hundred, leading all coast states. PHILOSOPHY They are dead from the neck up. What we all need is more pep. We bottle pp for you In Kocmitln l slumping. WASHINGTON. June 15. The aovernment will pmnaldy be forced to draft additional forces for the reg. ul.ir army and militia In addition to the new army. Kecmitlng has slump - i ed recently. Only a thousand enllst S j ed yesterday. "Some men h&ve'nr 1 brains enough to rtave a decent headache" BRAN-NEW ltXi.W bi-:kiiv KTHAWHKIIKY KAHI'HKItltY I.KMfl.V I'INK.AI'I'I.K 'IIFHKV Th l5it you Plt-r tatt-ri. an ,4. re t.M. th litM- I.AMTH. Try h bitll ii.-M tiiiif. Wm. Rocsch Bottling Co. Pendleton Oregon 1HISII PHIHM-;HS AUK .llNTi;i ;KNKHAIi AMNKSTV IXN'I i.V, June 1 r.. Chancellor of Si 'he Kxnheiuer Faw announced In the Sjhousti of commons a areneral amnesty S j to Frlh political prisonera. The pru 3 ners are mainly those concerned in I th Dublin riots and Hinn Keln plids ' of recent months. Sf IIOOXKK ts ItKAniFh. Ei Hl0. done f.V Tlie anihart urn -clicMim-r inalo. Nund from Kan S i t rawtwo to storia, was braclM-d iM-nr aie Uamo early today jtftf-r 'triktiig a ! f near Uia rant. sle r: f mnm M-aklng hawlly and had tm firt i of uarr In tho hold wttcn beacJird. timMr guard N retailing Uie II iHdlV H v hi -red ase 1 your dealer, to any part f the -altliliiHiiiiiiiif iiiif rif r iiiiiiri iiiif tliliiiliiitiiiiiiiiiif iiiiiiJiiif iiifiiiniitf iiiii if in if nf; HOAH H .AI ; OX V. S. l-lrtei-M Tort Mean tfJoveninwni ( P!r for Hauling MalK i E nitKKNWICII. Conn.. June 15 j If a railroad cn n lie said to Ktin. the j ?3 I New Haven Kail roan is arinnlng for the federal aovernment "put one I -3 over on Itself when If tniill the new $:-0.Oy postoffi. e. O. A. C. Poultry Experiments show that Meat Scraps and Soy Bean Meal make a better egg ration than wheat and are actually cheaper at present. Now is the Time To feed your hens well to get results the coming Winter when epjrs will be hijrh lydcnslcin 2 Co. Phone 351. U liuUU ninmniiiiininiiniiiniiiniinHiiniraniiiiiiniii We are agents for the famous o) ONE, TWO AND THREE TON SIZES Trucks are raising in price. In if order to protect our patrons we have H ordered a carload to be sold at the H old price. Get your order in now. j When these are gone the new prices will prevail. If Truck now here for demonstrating If Call and see these important DENBY features 1 Strong sturdy frame. iif Heavy truck type motor. Denby Multiple disk clutch. fj Internal gear rear axle. Denby cooling Denby drive. Extra road clearance. Always pleased to demonstrate. Oregon Motor Garage 17. II. Ill Incorporated. 113 Wul Court St. T.lcphoa Mi lliUtuUttutuuui4i!!UUiWUiUliiiliUiUiiiUiuttuu.uiii