EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONTAN, PENDLETQM nRECOtt, SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1917. PAGE THREE The Dean Tatom Co. Phone 688 Now as the warm season is coming on you will find our store cool and clean ; with our up-to-date refrigerator plant we are able to keep all perishable goods in the best of con dition. Don't overlook the fact that goods sold for cash are sold on a close margin, and WE SELL FOR CASH. FOR SALE in Riverside Five acre of Chi best gardVu land. All in alfalfa and gar den; 150 young and old chick en; splendid five room house; beet of water: Rood barn, shed room and chicken houses; everything hi perfect order; like to sell at once an the owner wanla to leave noon. Price. Tea Arrrs In lUversldt: pjilendid house und barn; good water; About eight acres in al falfa, balance orchard and ber ries; th hst of garden land; lfj al place for a small dairy or h-c ranch. I'rtoe tMJoa, terms. KaM-Laatz Investment Co. Main Street. I 'hone RS. Maybe the fond (rambler dr no! know what elc to do. just the mime, they would not care to make cano seated chain in the institution e'. aside for Kiilwr second thought. ECHO SUBSCRIBES PIONEER SONS AND DAUGHTERS SELECT OFFICERS FOR YEAR III 1 00 WAR HAHV HOY ItOH.V TO HII. AJN AVKIKS1AV. Npwm and Ptfxonal Nne of InureiH to X-ho and Ihe Wtgliboriiii: Community Am OatJicrod by the Kaiit orcaoiiuin oorrcMixnidpfit. FOUR-FOLD BENEFIT From Two Grand Medicines In Spring. Tou know that phyHlcians often give j two prescriptions, perhaps more, or ; medicines to be taken together, or al ternately or at different times. one reason may be that the medi cines are "incompatible" do not aaree when closely mixed In taking or that desired results cannot be secured by one medicine alone. The most successful romhinat inn spring medicine treatment thiit we know of because Derfectly "cnniDBt- ihle" and productive of the hem re sults is in Hood's Sarsapnrilla and I'eptirnn I "His. The former thoroughly searches out and expels Impurities from the blood, while J 'opt iron IN I Is give the powerful tonic they literally "put iron into your blood." Ffoori'M Sarsaparilla should tie taken before meals and I'eptlroa fills after moalM patients taking them so report the benefit is four-fold prompt, posi tive, permanent. Hoth these medicine are economical and pleanant to take.' When you buy your 711 Get the most for your money Guaranteed for .'1500 miles and cost far les.-. KELLY-SPRINGFIELD (East Oregonlan Special.) KdfO, June . a total of $780') was subscribed for the war bonds at Echo on Friday. Anionic the sub scribers were Joaepn cunha, Sr., F. W. Andrews, Frank Correa, Otis Mc carty, Fred Buckamn, it. l. Stan field, Manuel Cunha, Allen Thom son, H. B. Stanfiela, Thomas Itosa, L. 1. Hhively, p. C. Hunter, A. Longwell, Hichard Terxa, I T. Fu git and CmatlUu Lodge No. 4 0, A. F. (k A. M. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crim m f ns on Wed nesda y. a ha by boy. Mother and child are doing well. Mrs. A. I). Thompson is visiting; In Portland with her mother, Mrs. Har riet Stanfield. Mrs. Frank Wamsley of Seattle is here visiting with tier brothers, Messrs. Fred and Edward Van Horn, at thelf homo near the Carvia Hutte. Kyle Moore left this week for Holse, Idaho for a snort visit. On hit return home he will be accom panied by his grandmother, who ex pects to spent the summer here. Mrs. OurMta Wilder, returned home Thursday from Bonny vilie. where she has been visiting with her sister since attending the Kebekah Assembly1 at Eugene. Fred Markham has returned home from Hnntingt n where he has been w ith the Jake Vu:t'nhurffT shear ing crew. Thorns Itoss left yesterday on a business trip to Pilot Itock and Nye. Mr. and Mis (Maude Sloan were business visitors in indlcnon F"ri drty. They made the trip in their automobile. Mrs. Hoffnsgle and Mrs. Worldly spent yestt-rday in Pendleton and re turned home on the motor car in th morning. It. Holmes was a business visitor in Enterprise the flrnt of the week. I.oui; Kcholl. Jr., returned home last evening from Pendleton w here he assisted In making the official count of the votes cast in the late election. Lynn Iti'lcl of Athena la Prosldetit, Scott JVtnistcr of 4, Vcsiim, Vk, I'nwduVnt and Marjorle fiulflnHi TreaiMrer. WKSTO.V, Ore,, June 9. (Staff Correspondence,.) 'Lynn Keid of Athena was yesterday afternoon elected president or the Sons and thtughters of Cmatllla County Pio neers at the big Pioneers' . Picniu here. Kcott Hanfster of Weston was elected vice president, Alice F. Price, secretary, and Marjorie Hulfinch, treasurer. " The first day of tne annual gath ering was a big success, -the weath er man contributing his full share to t he e ent. The program was a rery enjoyable one throughout and the afternoon closed with a number of sporting events that entertained the crowd. The Weston ball team played against the Holdman team, which was reinforced by Pendleton players. The Holdman team won 12 to 1. Mcrarrigle pitched and Pe terson caught for the winners whil the WetTton battery was Hafner and Claude Oliver.. Jumea price umpir ed the contest. BAKER JUDGE BEATEN IN filTTER CAMPAIGN B. Messick Recalled by 32 Votes; W. J. Duby Made Successor. J. IRCH ES Learn To Prevent AsWellAsHeal Skin Troubles With Cuticura How much better to prevent kin suffering by using Cuticura for every day toilet purposes, the Soap to cleanse and purify the pores, with touches of Oint ment now and then as needed to soothe and heal the first signs of ec zemas, rashes, dandruff and pimples. You will use no other once you try them. SAMPLES FREE Address piist-cardi "Catfcarai Dept. 27, Boston." Furulc hy yiur druggist. Ilaptist. You will be welcomed at the p,ibl school at 10 o'clock when the Chil dren's day program wil I be given. Preaching at ll o'clock. Subject. ''The Pretence of Jehovah in thi; Assembly of the Kalnts." B. Y. P. V. 7 o'clock. Preaching, 8 o'clock. Sub Pct, "The poverty of the L'nsaved." iJirtMlan St-Jem-e. K. Webb and Johnson streets. Ser vices Sunday, ll a. m. and 8 p. tn. Sunday school. 10 a. m. Wednesday, 8 p. m. Subject of the lesson ser son "tiod the Only Cause and Cre ator." The read in room at the church is open darly, except Sun day, from 1 until & p. m. HAKKlt. r., June "ft"fcial count today showed that Countv Judge J. P. Messick. had been recall ed by a luralit of Z2 votes, that Wllliiim J iMibv h:id lu-en elected his ! .,n,i th-it ih.. itttiooix to re call Commissioner J. P. liitter has failed. The vote whs completed just be fore noon. Mr. Duby was sworn in it once and immediately began his du ties. ' The vote of llaker county on the retail of Judge Messick was: For. 134. That on the Hitter was: t .w 1 n - . .r i i rt '1 1 1Q The V ! T- '-'. F on the election of a successor to Judare Mewick was: Iuby, Jl . 1; Messick. 0 76 The vote on the poMsihle successor to Mr. Hitter, had he been recalled, was: Kitt r. 2144: John Fraser. iO;i. V ! : 166. arainsl. trncnll nf Coininijwloner 51' 2 Presbyterian. This is Liberty Bond Week. Even1 patriotic citizen should attend church tomorrow. Mr. .Snyder will speak upon ' Multitude. Multitudes in the Valley of Decision." Follow ing the sermon a prominent layman will speak f"r a f'w " moments on what Pendleton can do to help thv w.-ir. In the evening Mr Snyder wil! prea h iipnn "Sett ing tp Our Man ners. The ouartett will sing in the morning and the chorus choir in the evening SECRETARY OF NAVY GIVES HIGH PRAISE TO "SFA SOLDIERS" Soriv In Jlariue CorM IK-dard to lie a Badgti of Honor; Are ort-n 1r(t to Iuid In Times of Xeed. UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIinillllllllllHIIIMIIIirilllMIMIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIMMHIU j We make our appeal for 5 ; 3 through the corsets themselves We convey in cannot hope to words the merit of a corset which finds its most fitting ex pression in figures. We can only tell you the new designs of MODART Front Laced Corsets seem to have acquired an added grace and to impart to: the figure still s .i r i . TtrnlK xning more 01 ucautj ir and of poise. Catholic Church. Second Sunday arter Pentecos . M;tses nt 6, S and 10 o'clock. Sun day s hor.l at 2 p. m. Evening serv ices at 7:30. Daily mass during tho week at 7:30 a. m. Friday is the solemn feast of the Sacred Heart. Kditor Kast Oreonian: The secretary of the navy says "There are no better soldiers In th world than those in the Vnited States marine corps. Familiarly known aa soldiers of the sea. They have won their place by their splen did bearing, courage and bravery, al ways among the first and often the first to land whenever the country needs trained armed men. They have borne themselves in such a manner as to win tne complete ad miration and fullest confidence of the American people. Service in the ma rine corps is a badne of honor and promotion in the corps can be at tained only by merit, in no other military service is promotion more certain to a man who demonstrates his capacity. June 10th to June 16th has been designated by the marino corps recruiting service as marine corps week and special effort will t be n:aJe during those days to add four thousand recruits to the marine ' corps the number desired to bring th corps up to the strength lately ' .'uthorized by congress. Young men with real American stuff ready . to ' serve in all parts or the world on laud and sea will f:nd In it a place I whereby they can serve their country ' in a way to win its gratitude with the , opportunity of winning distinction for themselves.' I (Signed.) JOSE PHI'S DAN'IKLS. I bespeak your generous cooper i- I Hon aud support by patriotic organ- j We consider MODART the best corset at any price. MOD ARTS are priced at $3.50 to $15. ALEXANDERS TltllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIllltllllllllllllMtltlltllllfitllllllllllllltllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllflltir? izations, busir ss houses and Influ ential citizens In mailing successful this extraordinary recruiting effort. GKOROE BAHXETT, Major General Commandant U. S. Marine Corps Steamer pilen Turns Turtle. THE DALLKS. June 9. The steamer Ellen lies bottom side up here. The Ellen was stranded on a rock three miles below the rapids. The Dalles City pulled her off the rocks and the Ellen Immediately turned turtle. The ooat will be left here until low water leaves her on the beach. Then she will be righted and relaunchedK It is not anticipated that the cold spring will reduce the crop of June brides. m Direct From the Factory All White Enamel Ware HOME COMFORT BREAD AND CAKE CABINETS. PICTURE FRAMES AND WALL MIRRORS. ALSO BEAUTIFUL PICTURES WITHOUT FRAME. Closing Out all Flowers and Plants at Vt Price The Bee Hive Pendleton 5-1 0-1 5c and up. Opposite Pastime Kour IIHd A KidliaXT. Nl"NHl"HY. June S.-Juhn Am- hriiNH. JoKpuh Ih7ji. r.arnev Husii and iMaKKip Amlrni won- arretted late V, ' lnt niKht whH thov uliKhteil from Ihe train. Vilkeslnrr p.ilh-e ordor- ' four- Thiy are ho!l in conn-tion wilh lh kldnappiKK "f !.!" d K'l. IMain tread guaranteed for 5000 miles. Kant-Rlip tread guaranteed for 6000 miles. FORI) SIZK, plain tread, guaranteed for 6000 miles. FORD SIZE, Kant-Slip tread, guaranteed for 7500 miles. REPUBLIC Guaranteed for 5000 milos. FORD SIZK. guaranteed for 000 miles. GOODRICH SILVERTOWN CORDS Are kings of the road. WARNER LENSES VULCANIZING AND RETREADING EVERYTHING IN ACCESSORIES FOR AUTO MOBILES. OILS AND LUBRICANTS Gasoline Service Station a't our Curb. Free Air and Water. Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. HOI KSAl.K AM) HIT ML Christian. Sunday. June 10th. at the Chris tian church, corner of N. Main and Jackson, h. H Huhbell. pastor. Too S. S. meets at 9:4;. We have claw- I es for all ages. Morning preaching j and communion servtce at 11 a. m. Sermon subject, "Tne Strength of a Christian." Sunday Is visitation day in hehnlr of the church. Chil dren I av ExTcisei ai the event ns hour. The children of the s. s will uf e the program. Ever boi'y invited. raniniiimiBninit'iiiHinmiiiiinninnniininnniKinniHiii lUiiitlliliiMai Hark Ye! Hark Ye! in iiTCfwiBaQwll "Cured!w Mrs. Gus Oriffilh, of Everton, Mo., writes: "I suffered for three years with various female troubles. My life was a misery. I was not able to do anything . . . bear ing down pains In my back and limbs, and bead ache . . . weak and nerv ous. Dr. recom mended Cardui to me." TAKE Card-u-i nit Tne Woman's TcrJc "When I w.-s on the sixth bottle", she contin ues, "1 bgan tcclint; like a new wo-nan . . .1 am now a well w oman . . . I know my one is per manent for it has been three years since I took Cardui." Thousands of women, now strong and healthy, who once sul feied from women's ail ments, K've Card-u-i the credn lor their good health. Try it, lor your troubles. N. Malhx-k. llwtilMit. soa I a4 t'ourt Hi. m. Iunn. lanirrr. Trlepliunr I SI 5rS m ffl All DmjtiiU EBHS Mctlcsll-t. Attractive serMcea will be held ;il the Methodist churcn tomorrow. Tht Sabbath school convenes at 10 a. 1:1 See htt our children attend church school. This will be mutually bene ficial. Treachinn at 1 1 a. m. and S p. m. At the morning hour the pastor will speak upon the subject of "Religious Vagaries and How to De:tl With Them' and in the evening th theme will be, Permission Without Sanction." The Epworth League from 7 to p. m. This is the npjKU-tunlty of the S.ibbath for the voiine people. Young men will sing a special. Special music by Miss Esther South and the choir at the regular services. With open hands and hearts we give you an unstinted welcome! t bun -ft or th- KMlMmec. j 3 There will be a celebration of tk j Er j Holy Communion at 7:30 a. m. Sun- i 3 day school at 10 a. m. livine ser- vice snd a rnittn at 11 a. m. The Itiv. iteorge I Van Waters, the gen- ZZZ eral mifsbmarv tf Fastern Oregon, j will onduct the ter. t.-ea snd preach j There will be no evening service. The j offertorv "The Ird 1 MV Iight." Tud1ey Ituck. will be sun bj W. E ! S Hose itnd Will V n land. j 3 (Hfitian) Man- IUk 'ounir. I'AltlS. June t. -;erm:ny has ap- ! "Eps parent ly started a "'iinii-r offensive j on h greHt sethn if the Krnrh front. Violent enen honiKtrdment uroimd St. Qneiitin and L-fer- officiall : rr-porttSl. iterman sttacks fnih-d. 13 lj-st niaht was the i?ost jtattatl oti 1 the entire fr.-nt. North ..f Mouht. ' 3 lAfreiiv and south of Kilain In the ' Carne s-tor the art iller f ir niot violent. F We H-Tietrtted ttie enem I me ; r J twnrt S-iiim Hill, in the rvttion "F3 of Ptlfort and tok prisoner, st.ttcm. nt sa d. Starting Today at the DELTA Frennnilla Ice to Manufactured for the highest class retail trade, therefore contains no substitute for butter fat. Made from pure, rich cream and eggs, sugar and vanilla. All our products are made by us for retail trade exclusively. ICE CREAM WE STOCK FANCY BRICKS TO ORDER French Vanilla, Roasted Almond. Va- Philadelphia Bisque $1.00 nilla, Strawberry, Chocolate. Xeopolitan 75 SHERBET Fruit and Nut .75 Orange Sherbet. Strawberry, fresh. Victory Brick (round) 1.00 Tineapple. Marble Brick 75 Nesselrode Pudding 1.00 OUR FOUNTAIN SERVICE. ner 'order therS' OUr Sunday d'"" Our drinks Fancy Sundaes, Parfaits . and Fancy Drinks are made to your taste and fir your delight by experienced SOMETHING NEW. dispensers. Don't be experimented on : Tarrytown Caramels, 25c the half pound get it .here as it should be made. .... in our north w indow. Sundav Chicken Dinner Cream Chicken in Patties Shells, 12 Noon to 5 p. m. Roast Chicken, Sage Dressing, 5 p. m. till 8 p. m. E. J. Morris IF WE SELL IT IT'S PURE f"3 11 i 5 -i - z I j r i t i i 1 M. Weston Lake si!M't'j',itpitinHfMi(,',(I,a,nn"( ifor P!t!i .trnp'ni,MMiHMVHi!H;HiitMt'ajM!Mv?(ttM,S'Mt tttit MliiiiiiithHhtMiHii aJiotutil.MiniithittHlU(iItHMliMmtktii J ii aiti .ti.m ! f r