5S DAILY EVENING EDITION W KXTIIHt Partly cloudy tuniKlit and Sunday; cooler tunlKht. Maximum. HI: niinlmum. 4S: rain fall, ,0; wind, louihwut, aentle. wea ther, partly cloudy. DAILY EVENING EDITION TO AJDVERTlHEJtft Th Ka.t Oregonlao haa the lawat bona ride and naraniel paid circulation of anjr paper to orenon. eaat of I'ortlanJ and bj fai larei circulation In I'endlrton of any newapaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER NO. 9144 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1917. VOL. 29 9J aa I J jf SLAV II IPS ARRFST THEIR Four Regiments of Seventh Russian Army Mutiny; Ker ensky Orders Arrest and Courtmartial of all Respon sible. PEACE DELEGATES FROM AUSTRIA INCLUDE PRINCE PHTlUMJIlAn. June . Four ri.-lmutilH of Uic arvrutli Ruxalan army rrtruweal to obey offloorw. It la rrnnrlKd tliat atuxlii-r n Imittt arwMl lm own officer. Mlnlnuv of War Kwenaky or ..tI tin- ant of all rwiioniet 1,1.1. Tliry will ho ort martlal- Three vim.kx !.' Auatrlan OctK-rat Tl-hr wlfcttid two pace delenatea from every division of Auatrlan li..,p on thut particular part of the Iront, totMllnic ISO men. The lrl t.ii. accnrdliiK to the Iluaaian wiir i.fll.e. Inclutlcd nn Auatrlan prinrr. Kiirly Ihla wifk ISO Auatrlnna. t.e.ir.nir white fliiK and hlowlna- hu-ali-a. advunrrd to the Ituaaian lines. The RuaHlnlm met the enemy. The Austrian apolfanian outlined plana for the ceaxxtlon of hoatllltlea with out waiting for mere avrrnmrnlii a'ti,.n. ToUl to tin to VimrurJ. The Kuaalan emmnander told the Autriana to ico to PetroRrad. An Austrian prince and one other unrter military eacorl. were detailed. The others were wnt Ikick to the Au-trlan linen. The wnr office declared papera tier.' found on the Auatrlan officera t.. .fleet a peace aareement with the .,....B,nir Kuasiana. The Itusalan of f i. i J believe the Austrian aovern ni. nt cnKlneered the peuce deal. DISASTER AT SANSALVADOR EXAGGERATED llla'OM lllttS. IIK4 :IVK Mll.Ki lWI.ltlXi lMA.l-: FIMIM VI KK SM II I. vkV YORK. Jiiiih !.- IteportM ol .h. nt life ami .ril"Tt 1m:Ke were li.-.(ty ex.iifK.rJit.'tl in the San Siilvrt l..r fiirth.!"''. HrrfnllntC ti cable '!lim Urother have reeived. The consulate of San SaUad-.r Mild !, if the urthiu:ke a marked by beavy low of liff. infornmtion con c.Tnmit It would have oome to th .t'iUite ..ffiiinlly. NuthiiiK wjip re-Cf-iv d. JAIL AWAITS UNREGISTERED OF DRAFT AGE l. IT' OK MI. WHO I 'A II. I1D 1M IJST TIIHMH-J. KS. A drive f"r wlaeker i to lie nm.-ni.-i,.-.'d by federal. Mate, county and t-itv ffU'inK arcurtlltm to word from ..nlad where Adjutant lieneral Wh'f haw lxn notified that all men h.ten 21 and SI who fuibd to rett Ht.i Tut-tula must 1m- rounded up ,ioi pitted undtr arreat. Sto-riff T. I. Taylor in on th hnk toil for thee slio kers but d.ea not bele vr titer were many in thin county who fatlfd to rwHid to th nl I H hrn had word of thre Mm ban M-ctiii haioU mho failed to re ltr but them men all claim to be vr SI. Thf are unable to pro do. birth n-rtificatra te'atie of the turmoil In M1o. they mate. A fw t.lh. r rw are telnir lnetmated ii the who rnltered In thi county. I-! claimed esemntions. 1 !,. i iMtmtnx d.rendent relaton niiiiilxTH l ITS 43 claimed orrupa-t-onal em?.tbn. 1 rb-lmed total d!-a'Htty and i t" bold b-nal. Ju i i. in I r xciit ive if fier There wi-r- 1 2 :hns who r'tPtTd and 1 ; i r cituten of enmy Ciointrtfa. Yhe w. rv I a cbrtd rlflwn hn r.-rfi-ttr d tbr-e of whm f la lined rfnifHti i niimN't of hln a .'d hNiu' lii'iiHiia i r jif.i-rd OWN OFFICERS OPERA SINGER AND HER t j m , w .jiUJi-'KJi Ill II y m ( ' "t "' , , X . , i 4 ft , -j (. i "1 Viet, ' I Jl,;v,i:..., CaJ ? v M Hh MarKU. rltii S Iva -in privai lif Mrn. litTim-J 1. Smith, wltV ( ('Hptu'.n I'frniinl Smith. Ann-r'niii rmval uttiirhi- tit IN.riK. Iouk populHr It ru fit.Kt'r in Ihi- t'liiU'd .'-tnies ur.U UNKNOWN PERSON BATTLES GUARD SHOOTING AFFRAY AT CAMPBELL THREE BULLETS ALL G0 ASTRAY ;u:trlrntei) of Company M. who have b-fn standing guard over the bridgex and tunnels or the O.-W. ft. & S. in this county for the pant few ' nu-mhrt. urt wr niucti on the qui ive these da and have ca.sod to ri'Kurd tlit-ir Aork a hoys play hk a revolt ol an exehamte of ehuts the other flight between h Ru.irdsman at .ut.iiUll .station and an unknown person. KepottN hive been current in I'm-dl- ton toi Heverui dayii uMiut a hootin; it t Campbell and they have Mirifd from an affair of serious an peet to an incident oorn of a ner vous Illusion The railroad authori- ties have font u red t tie latter beli'-f i the corporal arrived. The ards at and ha attempted to suppresa the j llicth were searched and a message facta but the best accounts olitaiiiabh j wiia .sent in to the f'endleton police indicate that there was more to th ! to be on the watch, afialr thun "nerve.- j MaiiT i inTpstlttatcd. laiiUYii la Itrokiii. j The matter waa inventixated by' Accorrihttf to the mot reliable ac- ( railroad men and also uy special se eount of the Incident, a member of cret axent who Is reported to have to. M . new to guard duty. waa j declared that a man answering the guarding one end of tiie tunm-l when j vame description had caused similar suddcnlv .i nick or bullet struck hi) trouble at other places. The features lantern mid broke it. nehind a si i;- I of the man were plainly visible to nal iMittt. about 100 yards away, the 1 the guardsmen because of the moon :iiard aaw a man am: promptly took i light. a shot at him. The man returned the j Since the shooting, the guardsmen ffi- once and then started to run are ver much on the alert, it Is said. PATRIOTISM TO BE BASIS OF FOOD CONTROL DURING WAR; AUTOCRATIC MEASURES ONLY AS A LAST RESORT ASI!IMiT". June . Pair!-, ism will ! made the bais of fd ctiutrol dtiruia the war and autocrat ic iiH-usurt-s will ni be utilised ex cept as a la--t resort. rim farm t kitchen ith regu lation pru e and the supply admtti-tM-r-wl thnoiKh voluntary agreement i th- id a. ao'ording to the plant 'i Hoover Hoover plans to have a i-oiiirol bod Tor eacn product cm in under his department. This body will be c.inpoped of representatives of ever link In the chain, from pro ticer to consumer and will verfect a volunturv jirr.iimemeTH deplaned i- conserve the food supply and reduce prices. Here I- tMitMnr of Han. Here's Hoover's p:an a ith hu ekMIIipie Th-j tll I BABY NOW AMERICANS I Kiiripf- -hiiH piime buck t the ITnittd Stiit-K to h sure nhc tn the American fitizt-n h'r niarriHKe makH her. She iirrU'tMi with h-r lnhy on the Krenh liiifr KNpaKni-. The u.trdsman took a second shit Just a the man fell, ne picked hlm alf up tmmediately and the Kua.'d tried to fire a a third time but, bfin unused to the Kun, hud jammed his cartridge. At this juncture other members 01 the guard arrived, am oiijf them the corporar. The unknown man mounted u puMSing train and the coroparal in said to have drawn a btad on him an he reached the top of the car but refrained from shoot ing for fear the fix u re miKht have been a brakeinan The corporal chiih' u t tiieth at wtuch place th tram had mopped However, anoth er train had pulled out lust before agreement on the price of wheat, say II SO per bushel. Simultaneous ly they will determine a price for every other cereal to prevent substi tution They will rati elevator, own ers together, tell them the farmers are willing to pay 11.50 a bushel, the government loaning them the mom to make the pur, hases. tie, llo-nr at That Halo. They wdl call th mill owners to gether and tell them the elevators will sell wheat on a basic price. The miller will te urtted to mill straight flour and since he has agreed on a fixed charac for milling so the con . inner ill get the flour practical at a flat rate, -a Ith some variation?. ' for I r; n porta t ton. Following the ill !a wheat thnui:h Its course. l)oo wheiit . ver predicts flour to the consumer h an si 16 T O t f 7 per Parrel 167 ARE HAVE MNE BODY OF KEET LOCATED IN OLD WELL Fourteen Months Old Son of MillionaireSpringfieldcouple was Kidnapped May. 30 .. CRIME "RING" DISCOVERED SIMUNt. FIELD. June S. The body of baby I,1oyd Keet. 14 months old son of J. Holland Keet. kidnaped on May was found this afternoon in an abandoned Well eljiht miles south west of Springfield. The Cronshaw pluce where the body w:u found was mentioned as the proposed rendezvous of the "Hiley ganf" in a scheme tv Kidnap C. A. Clement, jeweler, accord ing to the confession of Claude Pier siil and Ta lor Adams, suspects. The boy probably was thrown Into the well shortly after;b.i diippfcur aiiiv the night of iecrtiitn day. It was wrapped in an old undershirt and the body was partly decomposed. Search in abandoned houses several das ago resulted In finding the bab crib. 1 fore announcing the discov ery of the body, six prisoners in the city jail were hurried to Springfield. TO SEE THAT ALL CARS HA VE THEIR PROPER LICENSES J. A. ltlAKKI.Y M AIK XHXTA TUAI'MC OKFlKH WITH 4IElKltS TO .AB NWe I.K.KNT lit YKHS. In orler to provide all the money for the state ro;ul funa to which it entitled, the county court this morn ing appointed leput Sheriff J. A. Blakel as count tratftc officer with special instructions to m' that all ai to owners purchase i;ie proper state license. This order of the court is aimed at those auto owners wiio. intentionally or from nglect. have failed to pur chase a 1917 auto license. It has come to the knowledge of the court that there are quite a number of au to owners in this county who are running their cars on old licenses and some of them, it in said, are very prominent residents. Inasmuch as the road bonds are to be financed by auto license fees, the slate will make special effort to see that all such fees pre collected. The law provides a fine of $50 for failure to take out a license and this fine money also giws to the road fund. Deputy Hlakrly will give a preliminary warntnr to all delin quents before miking an arrest. REPORT SENDS WHEAT HIGHER; JULY $2.35 CH ICAitO. June 9. Jul heat leacting to the hullih w inter wheat government report issued after yester day's close, sonreit Ht-vt'Ti cnts to $-.:; at the tMning tolay. A few minutes later it climbed to $ J.40. Sptemler wheat. It-cause of the spring wheat report named only one cent, going to ft i. "HICAlt. June . (Special to the Kast Oreroniaii - Kange of wheat prices toda : 0Hn. Hih Ijo . "lose. July. $-.vs:, f2.t - 15. !t t4'pt !. tl VI. $J : rtlaitl. IM itTLM . ''re.. June iS.n-l- Club $-2.:-. Muesivm $:'!. BABY BELIEVED TO BEEN KILLED IN FIRE Bodies of 35 Recovered From Blazingl Speculator Mine; 415 Mem Working in Level When Fire Breaks, 213 Escape; Government Sends Two Mine. Rescue Cars to Scene of Disaster; Conflagration Still Raging. NEW FURNITURE FIRM UP-TO-DATE i KwiYm hkiw;es. opknkd IX JOHNS IH 1 1. KINO. TO CAItKY fiOOn STOMK. Presenting a most attractive and inviting appearance, the new furni ture store of Crawford & Hedges in the Johna (Judd) block waa form ally opened to the public this morn ing and many townspeople and coun tryfolk have been calling during the day to Inspect the elegant house furnishings which the new firm has put in. The store room has been entirely remodeled and Improved with paint and paper. New display windows that show off the furniture to the paasersby have "been put in and in the hack of the at ore la a.- bairwpy which affords additional .store space. Though the firm has not yet been able to unpack and set up all of its furniture, its stock already in sight gives the public a wide latitude of choice. The furniture is all right-up-to-the-minute stuff and the mahog any and oak sets and beautiful tap estry pieces exhibited would be a credit to any home in Pendleton. The new firm members are exper ienced In their business and plan to give Pendleton a furniture service that will leave no reason or desire to buy in Portland. Spokane or any place else outside the city. ' What we haven't got in stock, we can gt ' said Manager Hedges this morning, ."for we have connections with the biggest factories and wholesale houses in America, We-can get any rug or piece of furniture, from the cheapest to the most expensive, and we can undersell the out-of-town houses thut have been putting furni ture in Pendleton We are here to stay and we hope to be a credit to the biggest little city of its siee in the world. The stor today is decorated with fragrant cut flowers and buttonaire of red sweet peas nre being present ed to each Caller. PERSHING IS RECEIVED BY KING GEORGE VMKIIHAX uKNKHAI, AVl ST IT STMIT TO (.Uk Mill V . a . -a l ,ir , A,U Ml : I.OIiN, June ! King i;er:e has formally, received Major general Pershing. (Jeneral l.ord ftrookol.tk made the presentation. IVrshitig and staff went to ,ork I early, conferring with Hruish mill- j tary officials and preparing in everv way possible for the transfer so.u t France. ; Ionion naspalHT comment over flowed its cutsomary bounds of en thusiasm in greeting tne American general "The landing of 1-rhing is an i historic event." declared the IXiiK ! y. press "He will le irn from Admiral Sim how affectionately Hnt in welcomes Americas aid His arrival is a re minder that while we're hammering, the Vnited States is preparing with ent hustasm the order to hammer. too. Cershinir talked privatelv with th- , kinc for half an hour, then presented j his staff. The king expressed grattfi- 1 cation at meeting the American. av - ing proof was tnus aiioroea imn mr "Kiiglish sH-aking p'opc in war for civilisation." ere united j BALFOUR REACHES A BR1TISH PORT SAFELY tMaihm. nmtiliMi ! an ecliange el OMHt, June r:n Mmi- eram diM- tcr Italfolir ha- nwlMil a llrlt-h ! I limb ltr - il lle 4-rman r.M. HM-t. returning from tin- I uul - AT Bl TTK. June . Tfatrtr-flve bodies wre recovered from the Maziiyr Speculator mine this morning. The fire which has been raging: In tin- mine since midnigliU becam when a high voltage wire Ignited far ln the twenty-four hundred foot level. The .fire .spread quickly and aftread burning gaflea to the ad joining Diamond mine. Four hundred and fifteen men were working In the speculator mine wlin the fire broke out- Two hundred and thirteen eacped Ll trough cniinettimr levels adjoin ing the shafts, leaving; 17 unac counted for. There h little hope of recovering them alive. W hen the fire prevented escape from the lower levels between 40 and 50 men managed to escape by working their way through the pitch darkness of underground pawage tuU the Iladser amine, - adjoining, coming out through the shaft. Scenes about the oocning of the mine are heartrending. ;roipa of women and children stood outkle the gates or the mine while rescuers worked. It Is believed the disaster Is the greatest mine diater In the west. The total dead is expected to be between IOO and 1M. WASJHT,Tt.V June 9- The bu reau of mine immediately following the receipt of the news of a mine dis aster at Butte, ordered two mine res cue cam. one In Colorado and the other in Montana, to the scene of the disaster. UMATILLA COUNTY GAVE ROAD BONDS MAJORITY OF 220 I'miitiH.i county cave the roao bonds a majority of 1'2m votes at the ..1 l....i .n'.-.irHiiiir th of- ficial canvass rompleted yesterday af- ternoon. The five outlving precincts not included in the Kast regonian s ;m mplete report all went against the bonds and reduced the majority 71 otes. IVndleton r.m cbMm the credit of havinv carried the bonds in this eoun tv as the majoriiv in the 14 local pre cincts was '22 otes. 'Mitside of this city the bond?- lost in l'matilla county by one ote The vote in the fiv.- prvctiicts not ! r " ""' ''V' ' 'v "v ,- N hn ies A. Ni t ; : N.-Un follows: Fern- 41; V;inscle. Yes 14. No a9: Willow S, rmus. Y 1't No 12. I'kiah Yes 1. No 42 I The follow-in if the totHl cmplete vot on all ineas'iref in the countv Port Indebtedness. Y s 1 T 4 S, No Its':. mai'ni for. 4. limiting Hills. Yes 7i. No a-5 tiKijoritv iiRiiiiist "4t. Implied Hepal Yes 1113. No 51V majority against. 1i7j Cniform T Clanstf ication. li 4S No is4. ma.toritv against : lt v -Htate KlecT ions. Yes ; 1 T l3v majority for. r.;. NV reiiitemiiirv. Yes 1 4 4S '.T.Tt. majoritv MCamrt. tl?S. Koad Bond-. Yes No Yes : s. ; No l ' joritv for. 2'2. KAISER JUST I4mV Juie t. Three tcruian j rtfTUr wre killed and the kaio-r ' tkarcl v --ai-l when ja-roiUm- rv- c miI Umltrtl'd the t.ltent rallwa I ti I w i M S DEATH BUTTE GERMAN LINES ARE ENTERED HALF A MILE New Drive South of Lens Achieves Big Gain; Teuton Positions on 2 Mile Front are Taken. COUNTER ATTACKS REPULSED UMIIOX. June . A powerful (.nrian aiurk diiwtrd over a front of nix milra rovf-rimr all (lie ground JuM won In llPtelum waa completely rr pulxed by Krltio rirv. liaiK reoortML Hair reported a new drive aoutli of Ix-iiti. The Itrltlsh entered tiernuui poBitkHix on a front of two miles to a depth of over half a mile, rijrhtiiur a parUeulurly fierce, eawt of Melnea and near Kletiuillebeki. The Brttlxa retain all mroamd sained. The my loHwea are heavy." CHAIRMEN NAMED TO HANDLE RED GROSS WAR FUND IH-ndleton Itetrcatlon Vblts W Knd f County and Select Men Who will Have -fiance In Var-loos fommunitlcH. I 'rj, the first organisation trip for I raising the $30,000 Red Cross fund from I'mattllu county a lcal delega I tion composed of Chairman James j H. Sturgis. I-e.-n hen and J. r Uobinson visited atl the towns of the west end esterday and named chair ' men to take charge nf the work tn (the various comm unities. The?e men ar I Oeorge follows: Kcho. Fred T. Stanfield. Ralph Holte; Her- miston. Thomas t.mprell and lma- ul!a. William Swi trier, in each town the chairman will call a meeting ant perfect a local organization that wi!l endeavor to raise the quota assign ed to It. In general vest er cay the commit tee found an enthnsta-stic repn and great hoiws are entertained of raising l'matilla county" $.1 without great trowole. However. earnest wtirk wtl lte reouired and this the Nmm)tteemen are preparing I to do in a ViK-Tous. systematic man- ner. j This afternan Kev J. K Snul-r will address the ploneera picnic it Weston in behalf or the Ited rw fund. WILL CASE BEING REHEARSED AGAIN iJONt. IMIAWX 4HT sTl ItTr. M tlMIT t I" Ttll l t IIWl IT It r The long-drawn-out Siurt- v u.i ill Cvntet 1 belnic rehe-ir--ed i.. i toJay upon an . j peal frurn t h. d--cision .if I'-mni? Jujg- Mrh to th circuit court Crcuit Jjd- nlln Higg. t.f mtrf t situn n of Jud.ce I'helv ? ho s i i.i 1 1 r f i through conne!i.n with the ii th d tt t-efore he was Judice Judge .Mdil declilrj ttie nte-.f in f.ior of the contestant who .i th children of lra Murfvant. d--oeaeel. The appeal w .t j tS- n t M'trfc Sturtevant .-f the i.t. A J SturteiATit and -rii-f lrn?iu.' Under the iTvt. d Will VA fuiv.-r the d-- l-H.n I it the .r. nl otun t to- will undoubtedly te ..rri-t the ilprei!i CHirU Jfl.r J A. Ke an-l W f.. if r premnt I tie . r . la tl I W l I U ' I J II !.!. to k "-: W - i . i, u i m r. t. - i. ,