PAGE TEN DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY. JUNE 8. 1917. TWELVE PAGES THOUSANDS OF GERMANS SEEK TO ENTER RESTRICTED ZONE 0. S. DFEPLY IMPRESSES The vv Blackt A i THE FRENCH PEOPIE i-iV , t 'i' aVd fc 1 r5" KnovltHlv of Auier!-an proimrutloa f r .May lu iHM'ldlnic ractor In Victory for the Allien, Cuitihou lHelui-e. 1 nion Livestock Show Union, Oregon. June (3, (4, 15 RACES STREET PARADES r PRIZES Best horseflesh in the West on exhibition and in action Round-Trip Fare $ $3.S5 va UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Ti trts on sal June 11 to 15; return limit, June 13 T. F. O'BRIEN Wm. Ncftairw. Gwaral fmiMg Amti Pof1tMi4 M7HK TO TTRX ClAX'K AllKAD UKta Savin" ljc.-JatJon Will Ojosr Itrfarr Senate Soon. WJLSHIXGTOX. June "Daylight kwmKm Inflation, requiring all time --rer to be set forward one hour dur wx the wmmer months, is expected to before the senate within a few with the faorable recommen ef the Commerce Committee. Robinson of Arkansas has a report for the committee upon 3 tMll of Senator Oalder of New Yrk approving; it- 5,000.000 Corns Lifted Right Out "Tha comfort and convenience of n any millions of our people will be promoted by its passage." the report states. 'lt is regarded of special ravlue in the present national emer gency. The legislation is indorsed by many boards of trade, chambers of commerce, and other commercial and civic organizations. Thousands of! letters have been rec-eired in advocacy of the legislation. That the legislation afcould not go into effect until next year is recom mended. The change in timepieces would be in effect from the last Sun day in April until the last Sunday in September. 1 ' : v" - Y 'f : : I XEW YORK CITV, June The j other important government buiUUiiKs drastic measures taken to keep the ! in many cases would prevent these citizens of the nations with which we r8idn of this city from coming are at war away from armories, arse- Tkln ttom their humiS l theiV nals. public stores, the navy yard and For this reason thousands of Ger mans and AustrinnSy are bcHlogirm the Federal h'ullding here to secure permission tn go about their pur suits. The photo shuwH how these foreign residents are applying Ynr this Permission in the Federal Hi:ilding. LIVE NEWS OF THE NORTHWES T "l AIT- K Altl. O WIS KHJt i AS SW1MII.KK IN ICTKOfT Try 1 ln of Ia-i- "Ht-It. I mit ri4 ot m Cur uow nd ttie ay to ml l rf to e( rid of it obiy fur or fir ttu '(ts Ii tiatt rToliittonised fcijitory. It's ilie only corn reiaedj to- 9 irp f tiftm-MS wrr 111 J i4 Ftrl That Cora l:irWI Off tf J lf Gonr Mm" 9Jat arts oa th new principle, not only riWin up the wn, bat of loasD iaT ik wa rfT a 1m that yxi can lift C ft iVM atitk your finger. fut ' drop v F-"tlt" na 4MJ ra or cailoa tjnitit " HaTi ail. To cm a ifl toom1 sar a - wart)M ata. or tTnb. or areoeai 4 away oar and for all -ita tue " j4 img baadax. ;o-tfiDK aalvfw and WfeWfrt tut-uts. T ry It (et aur- Xv4t- ai wid ererywheri". 2.V a b-t r arnt oa rev.p of prKv by K. Ia ew a Tblrai;.. 111. tMQ in Po(tJTa anf rwmnr4l aa kr1it'a bp? corn ri?dy by TaJEmaa sul JradiHt Dnig. DKTROIT. June . Charged with c:nleMling and swindling several hundred persons on rainina- stocks. b and other srhemea, Karl Davis, fifty-one years old. said to be a form er en plain in the United States army, was arretted today by private detec tives and turned over to the Detroit police. Davis is wanted in many large cities in the t'nited .States on a charge of .-windlintr and his operations have fetter him more than M00.00A cf-rdmu to local detectives. i AMhoiiKh Davis is middle aged, he ! h:is the at oenrance of a man twentv years oll. He was well dressed. j stood erect and smiled when the offi cer grabbed his arm. Without resist ing Davis walked to police headquart ers. Ser.-hed at the station. $3,146 in cash nnrt diamonds worth $1,000 were found on him. Davis v hi hnm b San Wnn. Koir J Cisco, but the police say he is a well known figure in Xew York. TURN HAIR DARK WITH SAGE TEA if mih with MiiPiim' rr UAICKKX.S 0 KATVIt-lIJ.V IMDV AS TMJj. ,1 Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES -r HOT TAMALES CHILLI CON GARNE PAtlSH STTT.B LUNCHES COFFEE jthicy cl.a and up-to-4t FIRST CLASS BERVICB TEA Sc Package Under State Hotel Oar. Wtn and Cottonwood P" rotia MT. PandletOB. Ora The old-time mixture of &ge Tea and Sulphur for darkening gra . ' streaked and faded hair is grand- mother's recipe, and folks are arin uiititf it to ke-p their hair a good, even color, which quite aetiHihle. a- we nre li ine in an are when a youth ful appearance ii of the greatest ad varit.ige. Xowadays. thourti. we don't have the troublesome task of gathering th ace and the musy mining at home. All drug stores eli the . rftcj-t'-uh produt-t, improved by ! the :idd: .n of other ingredients. 1 called "U'v!h'i Sage and Sulphur ; Compound' for about 60 cnta a J tKtt!e. It is -'T- "populnr iterauj-e j nobody can diKcvor it has been af- ; phed. simp! moisten your comb j f -r a wtft bruh with it and draw thif j 'rhroujfh votir ha r. taking orie sma'l J tr-iiii hi n tir); by morning th i tzrny hair d' -i i.eas, hot what drt- j . luring the la 'iie with Wyfh Sa-t I ati.l s ,l.h..r p-ind. is th?(. b- ; ; sid- s t. M u' if ill-' darkeniiig th" h ir S'ifr a f-w ;fM ! aton, tt mTko pr -j tiu-." td.-t ...if !'ii-tr and Mit'r- ' ;iti i tf a"!'"''' whih is s' a- J t i a '; i . e Thi ! .dy-tr-u-e iir-f;ra- ; 'in ik a l;-:h"'il toilet re(uisi j ; ffr th' s- ft-ho '1 re a m're youth i ful hp--arn'e It ts not intemlt J f-'f tii- nr" tiii' itntinn or prevention . "f il'eH. VANCOUVER. B. C, June 7. Anson Penfield Date nam of I'ort- land. sailed from Vancouver today for the orient aa an agent of the de partment of agriculture to find a market for fruit from the Pacific, The department is seeking a market for fruit which was formerly sold in the United Kingdom. England ha placed an embargo on fruit. Date ham will first go to China and -lub-r will visit Japan. Australia. Xew Zealand- the Philippines and eastern Si beria. The investigation will re quire a number of months, but he will send back to tlie United States such Information as may be useful to Pacific coast shippers during the ac ; coming season. Dateham will re main in the most important markets through next fall and winter, assist ing the shippers as far as practicable by observing the actual handling of the shipments from America. Clar ence W. Moomaw, in charge of the foreign market investigations of the bureau of markets of the depart ment of agriculture made the fol lowing statement regarding Iate harn's trip to the orient: "An efrort will be made throughout the Investi gation to relate the worfc as clearly as possible in practical ways to the organized activities of those produc ers and shippers who are most in terested in the marKet development work which is expected to follow. For this pu rp'tse Mr. Dateham and myself already have neld extensive conferences with fruit shippers rep resenting a very large pereentaife of the fruit shipiers of California and the Pacific northwest. As the re sult of thee conferences the specific phases of the investigation have lwen filed with a very definite amd practi cal program nf wrk. In addition to this the conferences have resulted in definite plans on me p:irt of the shipper in taking immediate artva n tae of fuch opportunities as the in vestiK ition may reveal." men and farmers came to Corvallis to go to school today. Beginning to day classes are being conducted for six days to familiarize grain men with the variety characteristics of the principal grains or the Pacific northwest and with the grade re quirements of the new grading law. SKAPLAXF.K TKK HEAVY TOM COUVAI.I.IS. Ore.. June T- Orain TiOXDOX. JntM 6. Ilritlsh M-a-plnrtos tiNjk a heavy t.dl or the (ior. man aeroplane Niiiadmn which vis tcrday raldtni the KnglUh cfiat tl ad miralty tatotiHiii Ttn!ay al. KiulMicn enemy aircrnfi were sight ed off (Kteml. priNtHHtliiK In a north west direct ion. The on. my planes er eliased to Kngluncf and on tholr r turn one pilot and two nemy nlancH were downed. I -atcr two or three wcie (Mnijl4tely dftmvecl. four others downed were out of control, two be ins? einsid'red defitroed. ;crman A-autt- Kopulsed. PAIiiS. June . Kxtr-mely heavy losses were inflicted on two Crrmun uFHaulting naves whi h tried vainly to i each the French lines at Hurtebise. the statement said. Heavy luniu:;c at Ostriul. IOXIX e, June as.- Yesterday's bombardment inflictt-d vast dumaee n the (icrninn naval depot Ht Ostend, the admiralty statement said. Photo of reconnaissance shows a majority "t the workshops desroed or serious ly damaged. The entrance gates tn tho dock ards. thtf submarine bae, the shelter and a dst rover under re pair were, badly damaged. Several vpftvla were sunk. LONDON", Jun . Haig has swun the Itritish columns forward nnd re newed the offensive. "North of the Soarpe we further protrssd on the western sop-s of ( ireenland Hill." the statement said. "WVst t( l.oos we gained ground -Hv-htly." The rport Indicated pro gress in enveloping Lens. TORNADO TAKES TOLL OF 32 DEAD. 200 HURT Property Damage is Estimated at From Two to Three Million Dollars. CHICAGO. June 7. Tltlrty-lwo are known dead and iSOO Injured as llie result of toriuidoet xnivp lug four states TiM-mlay night and etenlay. TIm prfHrt.v chtmasre is stlnuit,d at rroni two to Uiree million dolours. I'AUlrf, June 7. "The French government is deeply nnpresfled with the result of American enrollment for war." declared M. Jules Cambon, ex-foi efmi minister. "Officials . reHli.e that a certain time miirtt ellipse before there is thorough cooperation wli h (Europe. In the meanwhile tiiey are struck with the preparations t" dute. Knowl edge of American preparation may lie the decitling facror in victory for the allies." Cam bon declared, "has - demon strated that the Kufsian tempera ment ts oriental, hence easily influ enced by occidental thought. Thia the only bad feature ut the Stock holm 'peace conference. Otherwise it is not important. France." the official orders of the day declared. "n firm in her alli ances and faithful to tho ideal of in dependence and liberty for all peo ples. She desires to continue the war until the restoration f Alsace-Lorraine in accomplished; punishment for the crimes against her Is obtain ed; reparation made for damage and guarantees atralnst the return of the offensive by German militarism. Con. fldence in expressed in the senate government "which has the sole right to enter Into an engagement on behalf of the nation, exercising all internal measures necessary for its safety.' PLANS FOR COALITION - CABINET ARE REJECTED j Proposal Advanced by Borden Refused on its Conscrip tion Issue. ruKxcn aviytou 2 MACHINES IX A MINI Tl 't. ;iiyiiemer Total for ay Was FKe ;;2 Airplane lctroyed in Two Week. PAIiiS, June 5. --The following of ficial account of aerial activities was given out here today. "In the period between May J7 and May si. 32 (German machines wetv destroyed on our from during aerial combats, in addition to 57 others which were damaged seriously and prtholIy crashed to earth within tlv enemy 1 iues. Cart. Ouynemer brought down five machines, lour o' jthem on the same day. Two of tht ne airplanes were fellf d rn one minute, which is. perhaps, the lir-tt time io the war that such a thing has beti accomplished. These five new vic tories tiring up to 43 the number of 'ierman machines destroyed thus far by this valiant officer. "In the same period Lieut. Pinsard put out irf action three Cermau ma chines, triumphing over his fifteenth adversary. Ifere are the names of 01 her pilots who have Increased the number of their exploits; Adjutant Madon, lit machines; Substitute-Lieu -tenant Tarascon. 11; Adjutant Jall lier. 10; Opt. .Matton, B; Sergt. Soiiil lier. 5." OTTAWA June 7. Plans for a coalition cabinet were rejected by I.auricr. the liberal leader, it is defi nitely announced. The proposal, nd vmiced h lreinier Borden, was re jected on its conscription issue. Tiiu tier holding the country should first FEET AREN'T ACHING OR TIRED NOW "TIZ" I'SE "TU" i nn TEXUKJt, I'lTt'. KD-I P. Ill It.MNti, VIKM S I U 1'rlET AND HtXS. In roifard to alandiKham our civil w:ir president said : M ust I shoot a siiuidf-minde 1 soldier box who deserts, while r must not "touch the hejwl of the wily n'zitntor who in-dU'-fs him to deerl ?" The applica tion to the present puliation is ob- VlolIS. HONl'ITAli SHfP rll.TllY, TAILS SAY ARRESTED AS ANTI-DRAFT CONSPIRATORS -IESS MEAT IF KIDNEYS HURT OR YOU'RE BACKACHY AND RHEUMATIC! IMF, . i' . nate fWileeM Prbe of mditlon. Aboard Sirtae VASHLVOTN. June A pro test from 30 Kailors against allt-ge I cruel treatment, neglect, bad food, and insanitary conditions aboard th- nuval hospital ship folace was pre sented to the senste toda y by Sen ator rald'r. of New York, with a request for investigation. It was re feriid to the naval committee. The sailors charged that when -offering high fever thev were com elb'd to rarrv their own kits- that di-hs were washed In the lavato- j rie. that fod was srrvd ti many . sick men on me fong plai ter arnl j th;it men unable to bathe themselve. wenf unwashed. I Surgeon fJeneral Craisied of th j has rcrirred the complaint , People who are forced to stand on their feet nil day know what sore, tender, sweaty, burning feet mean. Th'-y use "Tlx" and "Tiz" cures their iet right up. tt keeps feet In perfect condition Tlz" is the only remedy in the world that draws out all th" poisonous exudations which puff up the feet nnd cause tender, core, tired, aching feet. It Instantly stops the pain In corns, callouses and bunions It's simply glorious. AhY how comfortable- your feet feel after u-lng "Tlit' You'll never limp or draw up your lac- m pain. Your shoes won't tighten n nd hurt your feet. iet a u.'.-rent box of "TU' now from any druggist. Just think! A whole ear's toot comfort for only ' cents. 0 Out of the inky storm clouds he comes, the arch-enemy of all good farmers. There is nothing you can do to stop him from reaping his destructive harvest. Though you cannot prevent such damage you can protect yourself against money loss by a Hail Insurance Policy WITH Benttey & Montgomery 815 Main St., Pendleton, Ore. Phone 404. Phone or call on us and we will tell you how to get the most protection for your money when buying Insurance. It is better to be safe than sorry, we write everyining in insurance. Let us do it now. pus on the meaaur. Bordea will now prera the roruirriptioii bill, which will probably- he passed after which parliament will be dissolved. QUALITY DENTISTRY Dr. F. L. INGRAM DENTIST. Rooms 3 and 4. Belts Bldg. Telephone 523. ARM ANFJ'S The only NEW face powder in the paat 50 years Oh yes. there are many, many kinds of powders on the market, but this one is absolutely different from any you have ever had. The price is reasonable, too 50 cents KOEPPRN'S Have It. .. f ' ' r ' v i Ljmvy ! Ceur ! The ! and jthe : i!h Admiral Mn tt. commander of At bin tic fleet. rr IiiewtlKat ion report. fieneraf ItraNted said Solace may have been crowded patient! f.,r a few hours" on sNd mijii Udd-r. 11 'it b' t 3 sillw mU ,ptami :uruv v bo t i r nc if .! yv Cte kiin- M frui it. cme tst uw i h t with m dai, HHn,ti b sour ih . tt. r e i merv p. II. ! lis. CiT-Z'Ii I it eilr i! s n-te-l th;t n '-at moM parl- j Til-) i-- 1 tht-n "i ; i k.l- ,Mie b.- W , ai d an I i k r-l -' t-.o or three t:m- n Mi- I .Kill. ' t;t r.i ! i ih- imMlir c ss'-td f-T-. ri th- ki'in1' i r,d fia-li off ! rt: ff'U waste Ret four - .f J.oi Siilt r in any phar-r-i her-. tke a tablespoon ful in 1; .f w;.tr 're Lr-kfat for f h fir, nod w.iif kidneys will ii mm t'i e Tlii famoua tuiltfi is 1. fr.oi the ;nid t-f rraie mi ,'.n ju torn .:n-d with lithia. 1 h - trf-rt ui-d f-.r trenersation to h 'il M:ti.ij iie flucirb kidnfl. i riit r;i iTjf th acid in urio j ii. I'fiit'-r irr iar-. th'u endinit Mi v b . T he . r v- LYS i : louif rerf-nt trip, but that ni Insan- j itarv nit tonj nor rnrelcw wh- j inf tf ntensiU ever wan permitted !n the hospital hl. Ixin't think eue men were born i to role iind women to obey that they al h yn do . FRiGKLES 'llllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllillllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 BEANS, POTATOES, ONIONS, 1917 CROP 1 THE ORKGON FRUIT CO. of PORTLAND. ORE.. through its Pendleton Branch, solicits a list of your 1917 acreage of such crops as Deans, Potatoes, Onions, Apples, Melons, Etc., and will E contract t market such crops At Best Market Pricer, I . here CARLOADS may be assembled. For full informa- tion call on . The Pendleton Fruit Co.. BacX f the Ice Plant f niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii eiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitii. I STALLIOHS and JAClfl I a Ma Stable 1 Wilh I -a ti-u re J.. II lines m- f"r a K-o r: of antl- ncript lniftH be -if . the I'll it d St a ton de- M.r;i- ut of J lift if h.-if r-tri-k it find int ; afifift in N-w Vork "it . A n ' a'..i t u . mn. h.r-i-'i '..:h iiipir;ti ' to violnte lb'' nt:i:irv e-.totription l:i v , -r- ar revtrd tat CoWiiibi l'imersit and he. Tilt ) ii await the rmirt Jiirv. 'v-n f dtt'll. tv I'rofo r Mi Khj bla. tb- tMlh-Mf n vr:i ;b, and 'harl 'i.l'iiiillii ft iidfii t t ,ir- U b attel. of the it r-t nt I rf i or IlllO- a-lfor Thow trt'l I j.tiell. of ill in the phtt I'hilMpn. f-nothf nh-vi o fn thi !' y.ifn i:i'-aitor Wil I'.ir k- r a P-ni'ir at I'arnard v It It-, Wiiaf aii"j i-luccd undtr arrest. CW IS Til K TIM; TO HIT Itlll ! lK Tlll bK I I. II SlflTH. ' ! There's no lonicer the llhtet nd ..f ftellnr ahmned of your freckle.-. 15 !mi the prescription ftthine doubt' l.-tr-nnfh 1 irimmnteed to renion th h'Miiely poia. , Simply mn oinc of othin-- 5 double ftrrnitth from any druKKi-t 5 i.ind npplv a Mile of It nlKbt and t 5 mortduK and inu nhould mfn-n e that (even the wr!t freckl hv becnn 5 j lo d.'pnar. hile the 1 1Kb ter one 5 i have Rniwhd enttrdv It I eJdoi lh.t mre t ban a " oin. e in ne ded I eompb-tHy i-lenr the hjti and Kabl . ' l-autlful f b-ar ctmtlemlon. j lie jsare t' flPk f'r th double 5 !'rensitb othiiie n th'p i inb1 urd r 5 I 2nnt;oil of nion'-i Imi k .f It f.iuf lo rcui-ne frecklea. ' PENDLETON, OREGON 1 Season of 1917, after June 1 1 Lxtra good rercheron, tieigian and Shire, also extra good big Jack that has proven good. Terms will be $10 E cash at time of service, with return privilege to either j horse or jack that is there and not sold. J. R. JUSTICE ;illlllllllllllllllllllllMlllllllllllllllllltllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIII!lllllinilllllllllIMir-