. , ji-"'" ' ' " c l piirinun rniTintl ll DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION WEATIIF.H ea. -. toniKht and Salut.Uy fa Itotf, 'JajjJLOCwraturr 7: mini- II tt,,. .. namtht. wind. w.-t TO ADVERTIBKH8 Th Rut OwlM hM ,th1 ,?r"e"',,r" fid and urutwl Pm circulation ' DM? In Orexm. esst of Portland sod bj !r circulation in l-.ndl.ton of any nawipaper. fresh: weT -clear. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER NO. 9143 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1917 . r. v.. - VOL. 29 MAJOR GENERAL PERSHIWG AUSTRIA TENDERS SLAVS OFFER OF GERMAN GRASP POUNDED FIRST F One Hundred American Navy Aviators to Aid in Detecting Submarine Operations, etc, Have Arrived. TEUTON LINES BEND10G- UNDER STAGGERING BLOWS WASHINGTON. June a. A himdmt mniia navy aviator i aid In dpwvuna; aubmarliKt iHirmkm and for oilier active duty baa factoed ITS nor aafrly. It I ofrkaalljr announced. Time are the fin officer ami bmmi of tlwi mruW fUrtitliut fon-o ' actually iwwtilna" tVnK. IXMiU-nant wnltin of Mtaa fhuHrtM, la ivmnaandliut limn. LONDON. Juur I. erow a blunt wIk five mila broad at the. Apex, the Hrttlsh ffintinued their advnnce tnduy. amashlrur iiermunys irrtp on r.Hirluni. The German line whs bent In the Initial mock of the vairt Mine explosions, hell nre of artillery nnil the dashinr blow of the Infan try The Hermans are maaalna- their riiTVes and fiercely opposing- everv loot of the nrltlsh advance. IJI'e ,m,l the Important Industrial towns ..f Tourc.itnn and HouhoU are dlrecl ly mennced hv the newest and prob iibly the moat powerful British drive. r.reat torn fields, hilars fur rnn and tona of loam turned and fbtirned Into blackened dust 1 the imirk across B.-Ilan fields ! by the Itrltl.h who turned loose explo sive under the (5erm:in lines ahen i hey atarted the offensive, rle-lit In IvtBlum for rrrwh Town. I.ille. Tniircolna" and Koubol are the renters of FTnnoe'n IndiiBtrliil nr.- on the north. The rixhtinit Is ov. .r Helalnm soil the objectives nMiKht are In prance. The capture j chaete to Meeslnes b Important be- I .use It donminatea the flat HIi'lai'Mli :i,t,l French fields In this sector, of r.ri an Heal observation base and ulv.-s an advantageous strnteaic i"" tl.m from hlch to turn the enemy's I flitik above Armentteres. Hix thou- j sand have been taken prisoner In tm drive. Uritish cavalry Is still in Bi llon. This la considered significant because the cavalry Is used only In n fighting. The position captured yesterd i was one of the enemv'a most Import ant strongholds on the western front. Ilaig retained today He did not sdd .l.-t .lis of the fighting FIGHTING ADVERTISING FOR BIDS TO BUILD 10 MILES OF HARD SURFACE ROAD WILL BE COMMENCED NEXT WEEK AdvertiMiiK f"r rr ln" C1n" iru tion of the ten nile of hard foirfnre road between l'endlettn and :ttikely Mat ton ill le commenced next Tueeday or Wedneeiiay. 'instruction work will l-egin Just ;iM miii nn the contract can le et. The ten miles ill ?e cumt'leteil Milhiu 1 J1' !.. and the ril will l In pasa Me otnlil Ion l the li t i:otind-l'p A FORMAL BELGIUM AMERICAN ORCE FRANCE BULK METHOD OF HANDLING GRAIN GROWS III FAVOR llla-h l"rtcr if fca-k and I'run'vtl1! Miortacr of l-nrai lhor ITovlna Klfectlte Ariiimrnu Willi Farin- High price of sacks and the pros pective ahortaxe ot farm labor this summer are proving effective argu ments for the bulk method of hand line main and not a rew farmers are already makina; plana to equip them aclvea to use thla method. Quite .1 number of othera are aeriously con-ald-rlnit th.t chanire from the more cumbersome and expensive sack method. The price of sacka has been stead ily soarlua- until the ack bill for a harvest will be a very considerable Item. One farmer who has already made provisions to handle hla irraln in bulk eatimatea that he can equip his harvester, construct wooden bius and waRons at a cost leas than his sack bill would be At the same time the chanire wll (enable him to disensH with three alen on hia ma chine and to store ma grain as soon as he harvests it. The butldin- of the elevator In this city has aivn an Impetus to tne hulk method. At several points alomt the .-V. small receivlnl blna have been built to take care of such bulk irrain a Is tributary. I. II. Nelson has equipped his farm with shectlmn granaries, hav ing convinced himself of the super iority of the Milk method Sam It. Thomiwon Is building btns at the Hlakely warehouse to care for hi own crop. J. o Hales or Adams Is limJth(,r m hi) , frM,in, the expen- leparting friqti the old method this "ear als. ami there are many othera SMALL RISE IN .... f r 1 T- DIT TinA V rrnLiAl Til i VJUC I t-HK:il. June 1 - .-(Special to the Kast tlr'goniiu I Itallge of wheat I rices haa been as follows: ( Ipell. Ilorh. low. (Most-. Juia M iz --.-'( .ms : !( spi. us;. $i.i, ti.sn ti.s:. Portland. PoHTI.AXH. nre.. June9' (Spct-I-all Club $ .:;. bluest. -m !!..'. The com to the county will not ex- ceed I HovO 4 Those very sixnif leant tidings wre anmiuiu-ed this afteruoain by Herbert i Nunn. Mate hlnhv engineer fol- , lowing an tnpe.'tton of the road In company with i he county court ami HWhw;y ('t.mtiiiwti'inT V. 1-. Thompson. ( Mr. Nunn snu. ei y imit h pl.-;is.-l j Jit the roiulitifti tf the macadam t road. It Is practically In radim" PEACE Oelegation From Each Austrian Division on the Front is Authorized to Enter Russian Lines and Propose Compact AUSTRIAN OFFICIALS IN RUSSIA FOR CONFERENCE I'KTKtMiKA l. .Inline It. l-'urnial roMsals for a sciw-atu M-acc have lat-n Insiltutcd by AiiMrijili tMH-rul Itolir- An aullioriccd df4i-Katlou frtun each ca-li Austrian dlilslon on the front to iiikt the ItuNfeian lliws and roMfsc Uic couiMtt is rc- IHMtCd. siiiiiilluncoiisly wlicu the nous mus rcoclvctl a delegation of AuslrlanM. iiiciiKliug two iscni-r-als. arrived at Klsbloeff. inning a conrcn'iiif with the worknicii'H. and soldiers' salM'll. and a dele- . - ralkm of llusslan solillcra ac conipaubsJ tlir-in. Tlielr arrewt Is ordered. Itankers uod businessmen not ul- tied with the uutooratlc regime net today. The sense of the meeting was voiced by a speaker declaring "We were formerly mastered by fxarism. now its mobilism that masters us." Itlctator I Necdi-d. tnly a dictator can restore dt cipline and stir the Itussian troops in to a renewed offensive. None Jet has oared assume the power. The work mens and soldiers council dominates the situation. . President Tschoid,) with his colleagues are masters of Russia. They openly declare the pres ent war is "imperialistic." All at temps to show that ltussia must f'.aiit tlerman autocracy to retain Its d-'.n crncv have failed. They oppose r.us sia's fighting participation -mtil 111-' allies imperialistic alms" nre .ilmn- doned. They insist that the publica tion of the ullled peace alms free from imperialistic demands would bring immediate peace. They do not furnish any explanation for the belief that 'ermany will abandon her own im perialistic aims. Kcrrn-ky In IVaar Health. Minister of War Kerensky'a health is poor. The magnitude of his task Is plainly wearlnsT him down. "It's very dlfifcult to make the army strong-" he said, "because Its tired and sinister elements are working there. Home regiments have actually made peace with Oermany. I hope the soldiers and sailors will prove that democracy can sacrifice itself to iron disipline.'1 $75,000 BONDS ARE TAKEN HERE TODAY lttxrty Itn ftubsrr.pt i"n to the rxint of 175, 000 wer made hre to day through the Kirnt National Hnnk. tht total amount of the bond now taken by IVndleton aniountin to i47fi.t"-o. Anionic the aubscrint.ona ir tide today at the above named bank were n Rood subscription by John Ogle, a fMiheeriptlon by If. J. Taylor and one by l"nr f;oe. local Chinew nicrchaiit. now to receive a har surface, he stated. All that tim county will have to do la to per reel the dralna n a ft.w places. leTl up m. few low ,Hce4 and dresa the shoulders. Th is ran be done at a cost of $150 a mile, he eUim.-ites, ami a little additional will le Incurred if the road in Mraighteni'd at one or two points. ,, thing lll have to be dune to the (Ci'iiHiiued on rage 7- AND HIS AMERICA MUST AWAKE TO THE WAR'SGRAVITY Frankly Admitted -That Hope for Allied Victory This Year is Gone and U. S. Plans are Predicated on 3 Years Fight PROPER DISTRIBUTION OF WAR BURDEN NEEDED WASHtX-JToN, June S. Hope for un allied victory this year is gone, ac cording to best Informed government officials. It Is frankly admitted that American plans are predicted upon the probability of a three years war. The 1'iiitcd States munt land a knock -out blow on Merman militarism. The foremost Hritiah military cri tics admitted the entire plans of the allies offensive were -Completely up kci by the Russian upheaval. .Feeling" is strong among some Rovernrneni of ficials that public opinion in the T'nl ted States is chloroformed and facts withheld. The facts must be made public before the successful mobili zation of the entire resources are achieved. - '" j liusKla In Out- of -.aiiic 1 It Is no secret that Russia haa col I l.'tpBed as an offensive ' factor, and is out of the military plans for years and probably for good, t ranee huh pass ed her high point of efficiency. Kng land. still on the upgrade from a mi litary viewpoint, has almost reached the hijrh point and economically is on the downgrade. America has not awakened to the gravity of the situation they declared. Patriotism without profit ot the ex pense of long hours and many sacri fices. were the conditions Kngiand finally accepted. j Igiftlatton I XtwHary. I Administraton leaders, members of j the council of national defense and : congressmen, irrespective of partisan ship, recognize the existence of a dangerous situation in capital. They say neither capital nr labor will re- pond to the ru-dica) demands neces sary until legislation is enacted mak ing certain the proper distribution of the burden. Industrial leaders and j big employers say unless the food bill I and other legislation designed to check the soaring cost of foodstuffs ii enacted quicklv, serious and wide spread lubor troubles are inevitable. Congressmen freely say the delay in passing the legislation necessary be fore direct action can be obtained is due to the lack of confidence in either the cabinet or the council of the na tional defense. They declare a small war council is necessary. Each coun cil, they argue, should consist of about three men, having authority to render final decisions, similar to the British war council. It is freely predicted such a council with real authorit will come within ninety days. SPRING WHEAT WILL GREATLY EXCEED 1916 WASHIXtJTOV June . This year's crop of wheat, oats, barley and rye will be suretiaiitlally grcafl-r than 1st crops, acnirdlna; to estimates of the bureau of crop climate of Ute department of aurloiiHiire. Winter wheat shinv a do-rcase, but tlie sprliiK hcal crop will imirr than make up tlM lews, Tlic bureau made tin- followtiia c- tlmal.-s on sna wheat, the ""' i f acreage ! cm m pared j Hm total acreage- Is niiMlcc j million unny - imn-. niiK t, u,r. " 7 etc my cigni inn i ' icnthn hiulHH again eight and eight truths for 1 Winter wImwi K c4i mated at seven- ty nine and fonr Usiths of the m total atrragi , .r iiiHiii' aH n million I rt hundred llMMi-and: emUtion 1 I seventy and nine tenths agaln4 oecn- . tv three and two tenths in ll; the ri.ji mw in fifteen aiKi five .k. KHKKak. wrwlnt lliln.en In ISIfl: the total etMltietbm 1- three, liniHlreil and -cemy tlr,e milltwn , bn .......j f....i- hmMlr.-a aud cletit two million In ll. STAFF ARRIVE IN MARINE "ROOKIES" FIRING FROM BATTLESHIP i ' , - i v, 9 "t &2 Here are some of the on ye who Joined the Marine Corps less than two months aao. They were taken ln action on one of the largest bat- PENDLETON STARTS BIG DRIVE TO RAISE HER PORTION OF THE NATIONAL RED CROSS WAR FUND Mass Meeting Held at Arcade - Theatre and Seriousness of i Situation is Pounded Home fendletun last night started her I campaign to raie the $16,000 which is to be her share of the $30,000 ai- j lotted ImatilU county in the state- . wide drie for $400,000 of the na- I tloual $ l"0. Orto.oo 11 Cross fund , mass meeting was held at the Ar- I cade theater at which an executive j committee was appointed and the , seriousness of the situation pounded home. KVVWlve (mmltuv Named. The executive committee as an nounced bv Chairman .1. H. r;winn who railed the meeting to order w.U ( consiM of James H Hturgis. t; M i..m '.ihen J v l:..!iiitoTi. i liev. J K Snder and Harry M. 1 hamlMTs. The meeting ratified th innointments. This committee m ,.hiir r.i .ho i..r,.M.f., of the campaign. Kight team captain I will be pointed and to each will , be' assigned the tapk of necurlnc $2'too when the week trive becin- ning .tune li is hid Messrs. Cohen Chamber, and Sny der, who attended the recent confer ence in Tort land were called upon to Impart some of the Inspiration and enthusiasm which thev trained at that conference. Mr Cohen. after speaking briefly upon the matter presented Mr. Chaiiib. r, and lte Snx ra,.n of whom made a ring- . for Hupt for he in,tl,. ti.,n that carries romfort ni,t hik mercy into the bl k pit of war I Vital er-4t Klnt. ne to raise a hundred mtt- y-- the Red Cross gros out of a tiul neeewdiy. they said, a necessity that ' ni - men of the ie and t f the nation sre giving their : h ents toward solving the j r. r " o- The spirit of the Hed : i . W it h 1 n . g: ittg ' ( rs.-i Is fcicri'ice. they said the oung men of the country their ser ices and tn. -ir lives t.-arl . h redeeming The word to dnn.t. t c the leaot th.t ttio at n.me can u .j Is to give treel tlie:r pioney -- ssii teships. The marines are the sol diers of the sea, and It ia their duty when on battleships to fight with rifles and with all the means em ployed by land soldiers. ; tr; and dying may be hey said. At the conclusion of the meeting, Mr. Gwinn asked that Pendleton send a large delegation of citizens to the Milton Strawberry Festival, the entire proceeds of which are to go to the Red cross. . r A tLCi f Lt A J UAY TO BE INSPIRING I.M l "Ml. If Skl H TO I'MTK l llltl(ITIf .sMOUIVt;: MKH1 MI SIf AIIHVMiHI. The Klk Flag Pay service to be held at th Arcade theatre Thursday even- inc .tune U w ill be made a larger af- th.m usual and the public will be Mt d to attend as a manifestation f patriotiMti- The commiltee in et.ar-te f the program is head-d b Caftain l-ee 'aldwM. commander of 'Tn - op I, while U. W. Kitner. exalted " ""r- .. .c;de from the beautiful rituulistic J pr- unim bv the Ktks there will be j Is. - nie excellent music! numbers. Am- one t he noloists already selected are ' i-- Kdna Cotitts and Kugene Moll COLLINS IS SOLE OWNER OF HOTEL I lit ft ItMM ll SI LK'S INTHllM IN s Ki lt V : t.HHK.F (.oiMi: tF I .K MF, M t.r It. , ' r"" " -.. , intt ..f hw partner. Fred it!,., h m .the Hotel IVndleton -ml is now the ..--.. - niij ts-si-n encludd tMj. The w nnager ol the hotel will h-- t oHde. former : of the S-nt r Hons- at ta (Zrande. Mr ',.hiI rj .,rne tonitrr"W . I -Kin po - tl Ml. - II.- I- reC ,1,1. 1 t x. ! . h fllMt.' ' !4 i ENGLAND WAl WFLCOME GIVEN TO PARTY BY THE OFFICIALS Trip Over is Uneventful; Persh ' ing Amazed at the Absolute Secrecy Guarding Fact of His Departure. IN LONDON THIS AFTERNOON BRITISH PORT. June 8. Major General Perahinfi:, com mander of the first American expeditionary force, arrived in England today, with his staff. He reported a pleasant trip and expressed the utmost as tonishment that the news of his departure had been so suc cessfully suppressed. Pershing and his staff were given a tremendous ovation. A special train carried the party Londonward. "We're very glad to be the standard bearers of the United States in Ithis war for civilization," Per shing said. The voyage from America was uneventful. With, Pershing waa bia staff and de tachments of engineer and nurse. Distinguished British army and navy officers met them with the warmest Welcome. American destroyers con voyed the ship. They were joined by a flotilla of British destroyers 100 miles off the Irish coast. The ship carrying- the Americans arrived at ft: 30 this morning. It was ffiven noisy welcome. When the ship dock ed, an honor guard lined up on the landing- stage, including high British officials and stood rigid at salute as the Star Spangled Banner was played. Pershinr descended th gang; plank and formally inspected the group of British soldiers, stopping to talk: with one guard man wearing- stripes, show ing he was twice wounded. Pershing; asked about the stripes and wounds. Pershing received a large party of American newspapermen, answering (locations freely. BUILDERS OF FLEET HAVE FALLING OUT W.sl;TtX. June . Differ. ence. between the mm m are to htiild Uie great fleet cwnie to a hea.1 tKlay wImhi (twral loehals) dl-w. ml4M F. A. F.uti. atlant general nuniajtei1 of the 1 tilted States etm-r-gem-y fltit mruoratloo. sum! F. II. t lark. MiMihinar rnrineer. Tlse sm" tlon followed tiM huibajlltv or (xethl. FitMl and Clark to agree on a pet. grant. .net ha I wa n ted steel h I m. Clark and KiMls chmjuttled WiHKlen. PATRIOT SPIRIT STIRS PIONEERS SPI FIII WKTIIK.Il M (.mill ATTFAl K AT M l. MV.VT AT U1STOV WKSTX, June - it.ff forr.--iMnden-Nj With bnsrht skies and nice breeaee blowing the I'loneer of I not till a count v a re f.weti: l'f-d h-re t mI.i . fr Their annual ret.mon and t-1 ti i and it is bmbtf it if a more nrttno .Utic erowd : e.er t-f-0- Mi :tTtefnl iince. There has tr-.-n a distinef flat vor of I'wrriotistu atout the pricrot this er snd a spirit .f b:t is ir n ifeMt 1 b-. rto pa r t teipMf seg t"t of the fc'n. anl r-nlftig h iv- ftrt-ti ..f a I'.itn.'f if ri..rure The pfsnito wt i'ini ifti tta; riiiiM. find The pint iii of nit run bt the VWtun hand. - Tltintt -rr Klen b the rti'fi 'itr-' 1 ni. j;d t -sl s.-it km r-fider-: t-x Vii. r (,Me "f I' t'ri.m l...r J M M;tir -it ga. the ia.l.ir.1. ..f ( 'inn' n.1 the f-l-ri w it t" . F 1 a- Oi th- n. '..(. I f . 1 - . . f. r I I I aw 'I l"t ' t , I f ' '-