PAGE THRES 1DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETQM OTtTeCQM. THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1917. EIGHT PAGES The Dean Tatom Co. Phone 688 i SOAP. Clean Easy, 6 for ........... 25? Bob White, 6 for .'- 25? Wild Rose, 3 for 25? MACARONI Bulk, pound 10 Packages 10c Spaghetti .. 10 Noodles ....(. 10? SARDINES. Imported 15?, 20?, 250 American 10? Cascade Butter, pound 45? Strictly Fresh Eggs, dozen 35? Flake White Cooking Compound No. 10 .. $2.25 Kream Krisp 75? and $1.50 Cotosuet, pail .. 75?, ?1.25 Fresh Vegetables from our own garden every morning. , , .mitf r JVi.-IY I mi PI "How Much Should Cost?' Hil LJfii Ptdlctvn Rubber 4 Supvtv Co. THIS may be a good deal like Abraham Lincoln's question: "How long should a man's legs be?" And it can be an swered almost as shortly i't need to pay a cent more the price of a Diamond Tire the service and mileage can ever hope to get from tire. Come into our store today and learn the "Fair List" price for your size. We will be glad to tell you, if we can, how to get more mileage out of the tires now on your car. Every Diamond Tire muif deliver full value in ser vice. If ever a Diamond Tire fails, a cheerful, willing adjustment will be promptly made. Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. 305 E. Court Street, Pendleton, Ore. I it t A You don mWs$K than lfU.!UW for all fllir Y you m j OPPONENTS TO WEBB STREET PAVING ARE GIVEN NEW CHANGE Council Adopt J.rMoIulion Ielarfnc All PrmredlnKM On Tlil Stref Null and Void After Itcftudug fCv-XMXmHtrnnvc. Opponent to the paving1 program on Kttt Webb street are to have one more chance to halt proceedings dc Hpite the fact that the council re' fuped to recognize their recent re monstrance. After adopting a reso lution laKt night refusing to accept the renionslrunce on the grounds that It did not represent 80 per cent of the property involved, the coun cil immediately adopted another res olution declaring all proceedings on this street null and void, and wiU start all over again for the third time. The council did this In order to ply fair with the remonstrators, in asmuch as they had been given to uiidTHtand that a 66 2-3 per cent re. nionsi ranee would be recognized. (Vmlife Street Svxt, A petition auking for the paving of Coxbie street from Court to Alta was presented last evening and referred to the street committee. The petition was incorrectedly worded inasmuch as it read from the north line of ?ourt to the south line of Alto, thus taking in two intersections already paved. The billboard ordinance was a?afn referred back to the city attorney Inst evening in order that a provision be incorporated to hold the 'city Bale In cas of an accident. The owner of the billboard will probably have to furnlnh bonds. STANRELO REO CROSS NEW HEADQUARTERS i Kost Oregon tan Special.) KTANFI ELD, June 7 At the spec ial registration Tuesday 7 a showed their williiiKm'Hs to fight for Uncle a m . A1 iss Iva Ulsick spent Puwlay with her pit rents in I'endleton. Mrs. A. Karl of Pendleton, spent Kundaj with her daughter. Miss Ed na, i Mr. inn! Mrs. F. M. Hodges of pi- i lot lM'k were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. li. Stuart Monday. They were j en route to Portland to attend the Kwe Festival. Mies Eva a nd Mar ilia Dunning arrived home Tuesday from Corval- lis, w here they have been attending the ( t. A. C. Mrs. II. M. and Mrs. F. H. Stuart, will entertain the Ladieat Aid Thursday afternoon in the churvti parlors. W. I. Lothian of Pendleton. , If spending a few days here. Itev. o. F. Jones of Maker, gave an interesting talk to the ladies of the Hed Cross at their headquarters Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. P. If. Huchholz was a Hermis ton visitor Tuesday. Mm. F. K. Kverett was calling On lie ho friends the first pf the week. Mrs. Joe (unha Jr., of Kcho, was visiting her aunt, Mrs. Pregnitz, this week. Lloyd Riches has accepted a po sition as manager of the Weekly Oregonian in Portland and left for that city Sunday. Maurice Hyde of Kugene, will have charge of the Standard during the absence of Mr. Miches. Mrs. Maurice Hde of Kugene ar rived here Tuesday to join her hus band. They will make this place their future home. The lied 'rem Society has moved ijj headquarters from the high school into the uktHii'I building u Main strt-i't. 1 S ! SPOR TS 4 S 3 9 n Mails llouck iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii iimiiiimiiiiiiiii I Government Calls for Sub- scriptions to Liberty Loan e have subscribed for a portion of Government Two-Billion Liberty Loan. Bonds bearing three and one-half per cent E interest may be subscribed for in denomi- i nations of one hundred dollars and up. We are receiving subscriptions now. It is your duty to take part of .this loan. Call or v rite for details. ' American National Bank Pendleton. Oregon f,iiiiiiiiiiihiiMiiiiiiiMimmiMniMiiii:iimiiiiiiimiiimiiiimiiiiii n mimiiir Pv'er. (10 in- tXMMt I.utih. Suit Ijk lkortlHiid Hofr and llnnnah ami S.pulveda. San Krani-i?ci S 13 Vernon 3 9 4 ":tlvu and launi; Mitchell and Si. mon. li Anffflcii 4 7 1 Oakland 8 2 Krnwn and ItolM; Burnfl, GoodbYed and Murray. Northoot Irtmif. Vancouver "IS i;r-at Kails 8 IS 4 Itatterl.-s--Acoala. Kllnk and Cad- man: ;ardntr and nlng!".) Taroma Uutle IMltlorlew - - 8ulhcrland, Klein. Itunnrr and Slpvens; llydrn aJl'l Hoftmau. Spokane 3 S 4 Seattle 5 fi 1 lotteries F"itsiatr1ck Zamlnrh and ItnMwin; Alexander and T Cun- lllliKliam. N'allnal I.eMtiir. New V'rk 3. Cincinnati t. St. I.ouls . BuMon J. t'hlcaito 0. Philadelphia 4. r.iokl n-rittbiirir postponed. IHrott 3. Uoton . l'hjlolclpliia 11. lloKloit t. Waxhinatnn 3, i hicait" 0 J HE WH ceiiB Annual June White Sale in the Dry Goods and Ready-to-Wear department. Dozens of crisp new white materials and garments offered at greatly re duced prices. Some lines are limeted and will go quickly. If there is anything in white goods you can not afford to pass this Great June White Sale. TABLE LINEN DEPT. We are offering some good specials in Table Linen for the June Bride. 72 Inch All Pure Linen Satin Damaak Regular $3.25, for S2.75 72 Inch Plain Satin Damask Regular $2.00 vavlue. for ?2.65 72 Inch Pure Linen Regular $2.75 value for f 2.45 72 Inch Plain Satin Damask Regular $2.25 value for f 1.89 $2.50 Table Linen for f 2.19 $2.00 Table Linen for f 1.75 $1.50 Table Linen for - ?1.35 $1.35 Table Linen for - ?1.19 $1.00 Table Linen for , 79 NAPKINS $8.00 Grade of Napkin?-for S7.25 $7.50 Grade of Napkins for $6.35 $6.50 Grade of NapRins for $5.25 $5.00 Grade of Napkins for $4.45 S4.75 Grade of Napkins for $4.25 $4.50 Grade of Napkins for $3.95 S3.50 Grade of Napkins for $3.15 TURKISH TOWELS $1.25 Turkish Towels for $1.00 Turkish Towels for 79 85c Turkish Towels for 9f fi5c Turkish Towels for - 5 60c Turkish Towels for 42 40c Turkish Towels for 34? 35c Turkish Towels for 374? SOc Turkish Towels for - 24? 25c Turkish Towels for J 20c Turkish Towels for 36 inch White Indian Head Suiting, sofe finish. Bpecuri at yard -- 22 BED SPREADS $10.00 Marseilles Spread for .. $S-73 $8.00 Marseilles Spread for $7.50 Marseilles Spread for f?2f $6.50 Marseilles Spread for : $5'I5 $6.00 Marseilles Spread for - $r $5.50 Marseilles Spread for .5 $3.00 Marseilles Spread for $2.65 $1.50 Bed Spreads for .... : $1.35 $2.00 Bed Spreads for - $1-69 SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES $1.15 Sheets, 81x90 for 8s $1.25 Sheets. 81x99 for $1.13 3-4 Sheets, 63x90 for ., Pequot Hemstitched Pillow Cases, 45x36, each 40? Plain Pequot Pillow Cases, 45x36, each 30 COMET PPILLOW CASES 45x36 Pillow Cases, each 184p 42x36 Pillow Cases, each - 15 JUNE WHITE SALE of Gowns of Nainsook with beautiful yoke combining Val enciennes and Shadow laces, prettily ribbon trimmed, price $3.7 Hand Embroidered Gown in the very finest material, all seams hand work $2.95 Petticoat with firm cambric top. has beautiful ruffle of shadow lace, ribbon beading, lace trimmed under ruffle, price $3.75 Filet Lace and Embroidery Trimmed Corset Covers, all sizes, price 49f Nainsook Envelope Chemise, is edged with Valenciennes lace. Shadow lace motifs trimming $2.75 Cluny and Val. Trimmed Envelope Chemise 85, $1.25 Separate Summer Skirt of white cotton Gabardine, Ramie Linen, Honeycomb, Pique, Washable Satins and Yosan. price $2.95 to $25.00 Special Lot of Voile Waists, prettily trimmed in Val lace and Ami-French embroidery. Some are made with the large collars, others with frills, sizes 36 to 46.... $1.95 Dainty UNDERMUSLINS CHILDREN'S UNDERMUSLINS Children's Pants, all sizes 10f Children's Knickerbockers, best of nainsook, trimmed in . fine embroidery edges and beading 49 Pretty Tea Room Aprons, made of India, Union, Swiss and daintily trimmed with lace or embroidery, special lot Va price. Muslin Gowns in extra sizes from 19 to 21, slip-over and button styles, prices $1.75 and $2.25 White Sateen Skirts to wear with wash skirts, wide flounces, price $2.00 Children's Dresses in dainty Organdies and India Linens, trimmed in laces, Swiss embroidery and ribbon orna ments, size 6 mo. to 14 years $1.98 to $9.95 Tailored Ddesses for little girls from 1 yr. to six. made with fancy belts, pockets and collar, the materials are linen, Indian Head. Children's Muslin and Crepe Gowns, trimmed in laces, ribbons and embroidery 49? Children's Slightl Soiled Dresses in white from infants' size to 14, special, 12 price. ALEX BUY A LIBERTY BOND" ...6 ...11 11 lt.. ? 1IIHS HNIM.vrKlt KN- e i.ivr. pwawHMMaMAMapwMMnx&A. . I -1 Cl innt American bandmaster, has en IlKtvd in the United States navy and been detailed to the Hreat Ijllf s training wtaiion to (trKanixe the tand there He hnM-a to develop tin greatest naval hand in the wrld aiid expert; t have under him mote th iu "0 tiiu.-ieianj. mH holla lit. !ele are learning that a forethoncht often saw them little H hit I jiiiiiiiit;iiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii Six Hundred Thousand Lives are lost annually in the United States from prevent- pble diseases. The disease germs enter the body princi- pally through the mouth. Poisons from the teeth are tiansmitted into the system by the most direct possible 5 rt'Ute during mastication of food. We give you reliable lientistry at reasonable prices. Newton Painless Dentists expfiif. Hr In an ins(an, f r.. . Aroer. al1eI1, ithlo. ritt. "I do nt thai our f.inuH h S without i',hrtii.trhin'i' tln thlr:i nitnrd koepinc htu fan stco. s Whin n bo on uil ptfndfvl vicit e , r take It with u ' tM.iin.l.U rrv ! H 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 heri Adv. i Cor Main and Webb St Phone 12. Entrance on Webb St. Open Evenings. H i (.HIM W I'HOTrVT H KrXKl. HV mt.II- RIO 1K JANKIRO Juhp r m.n ' trtnal prtt aaut I'.rn- ril jiznr of ;riii:.t. itt riil , Hflu haw hn Th imperial Kovrmmt-nt rprr1 rrnt nrprif lhat an actum ma takn without (lM-inrutin of war. Kort-mn Min-it-r IVtmiho ftpft-tHi t anwi ' thr nit tomorrow. It authority- j uvt-lv Matrd he will nrv!v en full ; .r- - nt) and rvf i.- to drawn iiit a tniiiri'rry. Direct From the Factory All White Enamel Ware HOME COMFORT BREAD AND CAKE CABINETS. PICTURE FRAMES AND WALL MIRRORS. ALSO BEAUTIFUL PICTURES WITHOUT FRAME. Cloainf Out all Flowers and Plant at t Price The Bee Hive Pendleton 5-lC15c and up. Opposite Paitim ili n to :u f.itu- dw'U-r "How t : (rani n ." j -rd 'I Til.' In Hi' J.1iii I'lulip S.-ii. thr mojf itu-