- mi -11 - r ., AnnAtmtt nnurvT nwAtf iT?r rf-T n'UT'DCTA V TTTXTC T IftIT " EIGHT PAGES ram m ma y.tyv.j.T.f.-.'.?.-.' ?- t.h t.h m gt fl- .-j -t i-i f.h tv, ilm.v-v. a i- aii . . - "i "" " ' i'w m J? OUT . THEY 1 at" WtkT 1 $17.85 11 j For the "solid" young man You want clothes as young as you are ; with style as lively as anybody's; and they've got to fit. You get it all here in Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes; style, all-wool quality, long wear. Your size is ready with the Hart Schaffner & Marx label in it ; a small thing to look for, a big thing to find. Prices range from $17.50 to $30.00 T. P. W. Pure Food' Shop . 3 Main Phone, all 15. Cleanliness Economy Service Home Crown Strawberries 3 .boxes SO New Home Grown Beets, Tur nips, Asparagus, fresh from the garden daily. Fruit Jars and Jelly Glasses Buy them now. Mackerel Extra fine fat fish. Priced at.... lZYst Frezh Mackerel Can 30 50c Japan, Green, Tea Speci al, pound 30 T. P. W. Special Blend, the best 35 Coffee on earth. Pure Fruit Jelli 5 pound cans $1.10 10 pound cans $2.20 Pure Apple Butter 4 Va pound can 95 Shelled Nuts By . express to day. Salted Almonds and Pecans. Queen Victoria Chocolates Shipment in today, box SOf and l.OO. , THIS PRICE INCLUDES EVERY WOMAN'S CLOTH SUIT IN OUR STORE. Former prices to $40.00. In keeping with our policy to sell every garment in the season for which it is intended we are fairly slaughter ing the prices on all cloth suits now remaining on our racks. There is not an undesirable suit in the lot, as same are all made in the most attractive styles at present in demand in such materials as Gabardine, Serge, Wool Poplin and Burella Cloth. The colors are gold, tan, apple green, navy and Copen hagen blue., fancy checks and grey. . All sizes from 16 misses' to 46 bust are included. Come early for best se lection as the quantity is limited. PURSES The newest styles and colors in purses for ladies, well made and finished right. Each Sl.OO to f 12.50. SILK AND WOOL POPLIN One of the most popular dress fabrics of the sea son. Makes up well, drapes well and wears bet ter. Shades of silver, rose, battleship, green, navy, black, etc.; 40-in. wide. The yard.. $1.50 t CHILDREN'S SUMMER SOX A brand new lot of Children's Sox for summer wear. Shown in plain colors and fancy top's; all sizes. The pair 25c to 50s? HAIR BRUSHES "Keep Clean" hair brushes, the best made. Especially constructed to give service. Can be washed and boiled as it does not harm the bristle. Each 91.00 to S 1.50 U. S. FLAGS Flag day will soon be here and every body should fly or wear Old Glory. Our stock is complete ; we have all sizes. Each 15 to 815 Pendleton's Greatest Department Store The Peoples Warehouse Where Jt Pays to Trade WWW! SILK UNDERWEAR A full stock of women's fine silk underwear, of the best grade in white and pink ; vests, knick ers, envelope and combinations, all sizes. Neatly trimmed. The garment S1.50 to $5.00 RUGS We are now carrying RUGS in our Dry Goods section. These are of the best quality, and shown in a good number of neat patterns in ex cellent colors. 18x24 Rugs 91.50 27x:56 Rugs 93.00 36x72 Rugs 95.50 36x72 Rugs 96.00 SAY RATE RAISE IS JUSTIFIED BY THE INCREASED COSTS 'T Railroad Dollar of Tod r lias PunAaaac power of Ijnm Tnaa Half It Parct-urd H Years Ao, Deolara YV. Bouuaa. That an Increase in freight rates la more than justified by the Increas ed costs to which the O.-W. H. N Is subjected because of war condi tions Is declared by William Rollins, division superintendent who was in Pendleton yesterday. "The cost of every commodity which enters into railroad operation has increased," says Mr. Boiling. "The railroad dollar of today has a pur chasing power of lew than half It possessed five years rko. Transpor tation, the only commodity that the railroad has for sale, remains at the same price that it was before the in creased cost of the article bousht now was In effect." "To meet present conditions, the railroads must increase their capac ity for delivery. This need must be met. no matter what the cost. The Union Tacific System expended dur ing 11 and for early delivery dur ing 117. $12.42,587 for freight cars and $5.62.C18 for locomotives. This outlay of nearly eighteen millions of dollars was made necessary to meet the growing traffic along the system Mns. The individual knows the Increas ed cost of rilling the family market basket. The shipper realises that rates have advanced, for he confronts a risen market and an enlarged pay roll. The railroads do not differ from the Individual or the corpora- Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of - and has been made under his per. sonal supervision since its infancy. twSfVSweCs-S-f Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Irritations and " JuEt-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of luianta end C-ildren Experience apainst Experiment. What is CASTOR I A t Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, I'rops and Soothing Eyrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. It age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has Wn in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; ilaying FeTerirhness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mutter's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Rip-nnttire of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought tion buyer in the matter of outlay, but there is a very material differ ence when the question of the rais ing of revenue arises. "The merchant or the manufactur er adds to his gelling price the am ount of the increase that he is com pelled to pay. Not so with the rail roads. Their rates are fixed by fed eral and state commissions, and any increase must come With the author ity of the regulatory bodies. Ap plication has been made for a fifteen per cent increase in rats, which, while it will not meet the deficit by fully forty per cent, brought about by the advance in the cost of what the railroads have to purchase, will afford certain relief and lessen the burden of the roads. ' "It in believed that the shippers are willing to be fair, -This is nil that the railroads ask. Our earn inn and our outlay are common property. Our books are open to inspection through the federal commission whicm supervises our business, fix ing our rates and attending to meth ods of operation. We have nothing to conceal, and no power to hide any fact in connection with the conduct of our business. ' "We are confronted with abnor mal conditions. These, it is fair to assume, will not change radically for some time. Tht-re is Increased de mand for the products our shippers originate. There will be augmnted req uest for fact lit lea to move t hee products. To handle the commodi ties of the nation, or of any particu lar section, the railroads miust be prepared. Preparation means main tenance of way and ample equip ment. Thftse, with other require ments, mean that the railroads must have income sufficient to pay for la bor, fuel, repairs, new rolling stock, and all the outlay incident to the conduct of a transportation business. WELCOMES ITALIAN WAR MISSION ti i - .. t ft f, A " i i' J .hi i ', .-.r w v ' , : '3 Jt , ,-! -. 'i "9 -,' )-" "'l I Ifsads of the distinuishd ar now In sad to hav devised an ef- . , , f-rtie invention for diro ln suh- nti.i(.n from Italy. At the 1-ft maritt ard on rUh Vrinc -f thown ;ugtl"lrn Marconi. invfr.tr iirf. (in rf ih luke of Onoa and of 1 he wir"lM t-l-itraph, and who .iin f Kjng Vi tr Kmmaunl, "The railroads serve the public. That is their sole function. To do this, they must be given certain re muneration. They are asking for this in part. They are willing to bear their share of any burden brought about as the condition of un toward times, but in all fairness and in spirit of Justice, thy should nit be aked to carry more ihan their share, or to do business, except mi business principles." Stomaoh Troubles and Constipation. "I will cheerfully say that -Chamberlain's Tablets are the most satis factory remedy for stomach troubles and constipation that I have sold In thirty-four yearn' drug store nerice.'' writes f. H. Murphy, druggist. Wells burg, N. T. Obtainable everywhri. Adv. VKNK-H'KTA FlUENni-Y TO I. . WASHINGTON, June 7. Publish ed reports of German overtures for a submarine base on the island of Margarita, off the Venezuelan coa-st. drew a statement tonight from Mm ister Dlmlnci denouncing the story as false, characterising talk of Ger- w Tmat. A Woman's Trouble. Tronlds'p, Ors VftZi ann. " 1 w s "ftOtil. trembled with !ilf wpsktims from Tnhfi. whirh s-nmpn snf I far smi sftr tAk- ? i"K two IkiMIps of ii, rnrnnw rn'crii,- turn I ws entirply rciipvea.- n k. K. JOHSBOS, tUal'',Orpgon. 'The miplily rstrtive rwr o( rixir 1'iiTPp's Favorite Pnwript'on stemlilv raiiscs nil womanly troubles lo disappear roir.ppls "ie organs to propt-rly pprfnm thrir natnral Inno tions, corrects displacements, over comes irregularities, removes pain and diiserv at certain times and brngs back 'health and strength to nervous, irritable and exhausted women. For all diseases pecnlinr to womei., Tr. Pierce's KavoriUi Prescription is a powerful restorative. For nearly bO years it hns banished from the lives of tens of thousands ' women the pain, wornr, rnisery and distress caused by irregularities and diseases of a ff iDiuiu clutractcr. What Pr. Pierce's FaToeita Pre criplion baa done for thousands it will do for yon. ct it this very day from any medicine dealer, in either liquid or tablet form; or send fiO cent to lr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Bubalo, 2i. Y., for trial bos of Ubleu. man influenca in Venesuela as non sense and declartnR no circumstances would arise to chanKs the friendly "Honor and dignity force on Ven ezuela an attitude of neutrality In the present war." he said, "tnjt this attitude of his country toward the neutrality la most friendly toward the ITnited States. United States." PUBLIC DANCE Given by WOODMEN OF WORLD TONIGHT Sawyer Orchestra. ADMISSION 50c. LADIES FREE in mm sm im I, nil h -M -MZ ZycMEVROLEr ITU ri r i r ill Qwttitm of Srxl Are fnlly and J properly atiswered in The People s Oon- j mon 8enso Medical Adviser, by R. V. i Pierce, M. D. It contains the kr.owl- erifte a yonn man or woman, wife or dau;liter, eliould Iiave. l pacrs ' with color, pfa'i-s, bonml in ckitii. l;y mail, prep.'d iu n-ci-tx't tl 3 dimes or stamp?. r -i- r ii r i irjy H H H N ii Is K H H H Ms Another Carload Here This Week Of the Famous ibj63AsM-?i "The Product of Experience.' The little car in price that per forms alongside the high priced cars in every way except cost of operation. Model "Four Ninety" $635 in Pendleton. SIMPSON MO COMPANY Comer Water and Johnson Streets. Telephone 408. X H H H I If 15 ft if h H H H