'"-STfe Jfeu DAILY EVENING EDITION U'KATHFR Parlly cloudy tonight and Friday: coldtr tonight. Maximum, si; minimum. . raln nli. O: wind. aouthsl. frrsh; wra ucr, partly cloudy. DAILY EVENING EDITION TO ADVEKTISS&a . Tus Bast Ori-onl tu the Isrgwt bona fide aud guarsulesd paid circulation or aujr inner Id Oregon. of Portland and dj Jar the Unrest clrculatloo la Pendletoo of aoj newspaprr. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON,' THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1917 . - " " " " - w - -w NO. 9142 VOL. 29 A ONE HALF OF FIRST DRAFT SEEK RELEASE Most of Claims are Based on Alleged Dependency of Rel atives; Will be Carefully Ex amined to Determine Validity PRESIDENT WILL ADVISE BY PROCLAMATION SOON The totul registration In Umatilla county In the war wn- sus taken Tuesday was ISS7. ac- rurdlnir to the flKUrt-a received by tlie county registration board. The elaht precincts .Muslim yesterday returned a total of numes. Sheriff Taylor, t'lerk Urown and County Physician McKaul, asMsted by Deputy Kin-riff Funk and Mrnn It. E. I'hloupek and A. K. While. ar checklnK over the card today and preparing a report to Adjutant Uenoral White. The number of those lUUminK exemption haa not yet t.--n determined. The lust precinct to report ar.d their registration follows: KVrndale No. 2. 22; Hiillcy. 6.1: Fairvlew. It; tiibbon. -t; Juni per. 20; ilearhiim. 24; Nolln. 3; and I'klah. 33. WAHHINOTON. June 7. Keturne rea.hln Provost Mnrahnl tjencral I'rowder Indicated the exemption lulrr.s may exceed r.O per cent of the war reitistrallon. official expecta tion were not surpassed, inasmuch n a uirtte ahare of the claims are on the aliened dependency of relative". Exemption claims will he carefully examined to determine whether they are bona fide. It Is indicated that only a email per cemaae haa hidden behind women'a skirts" to be freed from military service. Conscientious nhjertora. If physically fit for aervlce will probably b used behind the lli.es. If unable to fully prove enn wlen'iniw objections, they are aubject to the actual bearing of arma. only HcimthI cnitllne ;lvrn. Only general outlines for guidance will le imposed in local board. The resident Is prepnrlng a proclamation embodying tfi-se outlines, and the means used to select the first levy h lot. Included In the proclamation Is n broad plan for forming local ex emption board". In each federal of Judicial district an appellate board If provided to review the work of the lo cal hoards. The appellate board has (rliriial Jurisdiction over the plans f..r occupational exemptions. Many SliirkiT llrporled. Mnnv shirkers- were reported to I'rowder'a office. All were referred l,. the department of Justice for Im mediate attention The adinlnlBira- t,.. has Ide.l definitely iiKainst the wholesale class exemption", such i. farmers, shipbullera and niunlilon workers. Kxemptioii power will rest v. nil the local boards. PLANS FOR RECORD ROUNL l-UP ARE Director Hold Meeting- Last Night; Bert Whitman Chos en to Handle Competitive and Non-competitive Events. Ife-taiL and plans for another rec-vrd-i reeking ltound-l p this yean. September 20. Jl and J!, were In Hiixurated last night at a very enthu siastic meeting of the loard of di rectors. All preliminaries were ar ranged kikI work "III commence Im lu.'dtatel.v upon the advertising prop K.in'la. W. C. K. rruitt. wh has had barite of the work for five veers, b-rt today for an extended trip through eastern t iregon and , the Willamette valley for the purpose or gettlna the dates before Ihe peo ple and Informing them of the tact Hint the ar is making no difter- en' wilh the World's tlrratesl Kt. .oiler Exhibition will take In the t 1m ill in the lalle.t a Asbl.tnd n this trip h" i frontier show I'hilomiith and Runaway team dashes into buggy; 2 hurt MUM. M. '. AIHHSOX AMI MKS. CAKXKV ICHOIlKS Itltl 1SKI MY KAI,li TO FAVKMKXT, Mrs. M. C. Addison of flyers- Orove and Mrs. Carney Khodes of Illver sklo had a narrow escape from seri ous injury this morninic about 10 o'clock when they were thrown from their buggy as It was struck by a runaway team. The accident occurred on East Alta street by the Episcopal church. A team driven to the Cham berlain garbage wagon by H. B. Tex hune became frightened at a paper and plunged forward ao suddenly that the tongue Topped from 'the neck yoke. The started to run east on Al ta street and veered toward the side walk. They straddled a telephone pole In the curbing, striking at the same time the buggy occupied by the ladles and which was traveling west. The shafts were ebroken from th buggy and one wheel cracked. Both ladies pitched over the dashboard to the pavement but fortunately escap ed with only alight bruises. The run away team was caught us they broke loose from the wagon. Neither horse was hurt and the wagon only sliKhtly uamaged. AMERICAN WARSHIPS ARE ANCHORED OFF THE FRENCH COAST PAItlH, Juno 7. American war- I., off coast. It I officially announced. The vessel: convoyed from the I tilled Slate a large traiiwrt carrying wheat. The American vt-mHs were accord ed a tremendously cordial welcome. May Have lloom in Klks Itldg. The Commercial association nu have new quarters in the proposed new Elks' building. A "meeting was held last evening of the board of di rectors of the Commercial association and the building committee of thi Elks to discuss the matter but uu con clusion was reuched. SILVER SHELL NAME OF U.S. SHIP WHICH SANK A SUBMARINE William J- Clark, fhJrf Turret 0p taJu. Win High l-imtaet for KtTeo II e Work In iHroeting un crew. W'ASHIWVrON. June T Th American tuiiir Silver KhHI in ihe first v'w- under ine L'ntted .tuteH fin officially reportf d a I he prob able vi. tor in a fight with u Ptihmii rlne. Following; the French Mtate ment thui the Silver Fhel battled a MuMnarine, the navy department an notinad the Silver Shell wad the veMMl reiiorted yeaierday U have Hunk a HiiNnmrine. William J. Clark f New Tirk. chief turret captain, from the t'nlt ed Stated fhip Arkniiwas, command ed the Silver She jun rrew. Secre. tary Ihmit l commended ilark"? work highly, declarlnir he cm me from the enlisted rank and s;iid hin pr nit'tlun ttndor comideration. Th navy department r'-eivd mewiioi from mem tier of the Silver Shell p liun crew, coiif irmlnaT yesterday re pori. th;il cleared an liimerttiK' douM J a to the authenticity the ntry. Iwt curds of lt iint -l "i scene, incluttitikf the fn itiutis Jurkin Sun down pirture. are nnw ready for fi-e itiptrihut ton and t he UMini-l" liMt.t(r' iir in it d ti r.tll ut rtMUti . Temple l.i.ll.linvr. get a M.ipplv of the?- I't-ft ird mid write o friend them r tine thm f-r in MTl in l-ltr. They are ecP timiltv httfh hi work and will he in great dettiHiid. lu-rt Uliitnuin I litrn. T fill the MttHtiry n the lHir ra iiMd by the remgnHt : m of H. V foil inn who h;i handled the com !! Ittve snd non-coniretti vt et'lntn fi mi ninny enrs lth tnt h great nif ces. itert Whltmnn a unmiiiiinu ly eU-rt-d It nitht. Mr Whil mn a iH at on re lake up th work of getting t he show lined tip for this yt-ar. There will he pit-n t v of per -formers and plentv or cnteetnti und the nh" nl he 1 he hictce! ihnm the l.ir.l li.i 'ir .ttfiiipi-il BREAKING V' INAUGURATED 'SF BE PROTECTED 'Both President and Hoover Warn Against Allowing Allies to Come Here and Bid for American Food. PROBLEM UP TO CONGRESS Is ono of Uie siost IMfflimH Ahead of That IKsd; loMl 0ntro Bill Will IV It -ported In llouxc Varlf Jifxt Werk. (liDBEKT J. JiKNUKK.) WAHHI.VITOX, June 7. Congress must protect the American food sup ply from the allies, warned both the president and Hoover. Lrf-aders both parties turned their attention to this pressing problem as the most difficult ahead. England's clamor for more food is growing louder and prices here climb hieher. The laborer s demand ror governmentai action grows more in sistent. The president declared con greas must give the rood control de partment ample powers or the allies will come here and bid for American food, hoisting the prices higher. Hoover declared adequate machin ery must be established immediately Hoover opposed government price fixing. Congressmen are feeling no rest from the food situation. They are re ceiving thousands of letters, demand ing governmental action. The food control bill will be reported in the house earls next wee.. The hou committee is sitting almost constant ly in an effort to finish th he work. (iulbther vs. cullahor. Alleging cruel and inhuman treat ment. Marry t'.allaher of I mapine hu. I, r.,ueht suit for divorce from her husband. Krnest V. Gallaher She alleges that her husband made her do manual labor on the farm and that he accused her unjustly of in fidelity several times. Peterson & lilshon are her attorneys. They were married in Walla Walla In 103. EVEN CHINESE BOYS ;eore t'hu, ne 11. and his friend, lee Koon. sk ten. of New York Citv, are determined they shall show what jro.nl Ameritans they are When they .tot the opportunity t le the first to Join the American Junior and Mi ri:n H-'iitJi thi hui:led up i;ni't.i! NATION OD SUPPLY MUST I I - ' H ' i .sawsasasW. i ' -. ' J fj2j "Hi : 1 ! v X 1 i ' V -.W HAIGS OVER PROJECT MEN SAY NEW ROADS NEEDED OKI.KtiATION' ntOM tOfl'MHIA SVTKM.T PftKHKN'Tg C1.ATMM TO tXM'NTY (Ol'HT. Asking that the Columbia rond district be divided as originally formed and that the court spend $5000 on gravel work In the district a committee of prominent L'matill project .farmers were before the county court yesterday. The court partially granted the petition for separate district by authorising a special deputy supervisor for the east end of the district. Thomas Bras field being appointed to that place by Supervisor William leathers. The court will be at the Columbia school house on June 30 fo a meeting to further consider the request for travel work. It was pointed out by the farmers that though their district is growing in productivity, thus making the need of good roads more press in g they have had nothing but their own money expended on roads for the past four years. Consequently they feel it is time for them to have some recognition. Those in the Columbia. district delegation here yesterday included L. If. Pearson, chairman. W. T. Mellera. secretary. T. H. Haddox. . B. Knap ton. A. N. Raymond. Thomas Bras field. Frank Waugsman. FTed Brun son. J. H. Re-d. Will Downer. J. H. Tabor, . CaMwell, William Mannan. Jens Skovba. M. Dubois, William leathers, supervisor, c.eorge Brlggs and Mrs McljUleju. JULY OPTIONS UP FEW CENTS TODAY CHICAGO. June f. (Special to the Ejsi Oregonian. 'Range of wheat prices today: open. High. Low. Close. July Sept $.'23 $2 57 $3.0 SiiJVs $!. !. 5 $1 portlana. PORTLAXn. Ore., June 7. (Spe cial i Club $2.49: bluestem. $2.55. ARE READY FOR WAR M IVdell and had h.m swoar thei i tn They w ill le aiven training w tilth will rcmtlt in their leing fit to n the mil v in later enrs if they wih. and it wlU in the meantime te.eh them w hat I tie tinted tStat- ff America mr n". TROCSS ADVANCE NINE FIRST DRAFT MEN GIVEN NEW CHANCE ' FOR REGISTRATION All Who For Some rxxl Ileaaou Were t'nable to sign l"P on War Ceasaa Day WU1 Hare Short pe riod of Grace. PORTLAND, June 7. Men be tween the agea of 21 and 30 year, inclusive, who for some good rea son were unable to register on War census day, are to have one more chance. If they will present themselves Im mediately to the registration board in their respective county, their reg istration will be accepted and the necessary card made out, provided a valid excuse is made for failure to appear June 5. The county ooard of registration In each county Is made up of the sheriff, county clerk and county phy sician, and the board sits at the county seat. Haste Is FXneatia!. Haste is essentlul, though, for the negligent ones who failed to register at this last period of grace may be ended any hour by the government If they desire to escape prosecution, with the penalty or Imprisonment for up to one year in jaiL after which they will be registered and probably drafted anyway, they should lose no time before going before the registration board. Open Only a FVw Days, This last chance will be open only for a few more days. Men who show their good faith by immediate ly presenting themselves will prob ably have their excuses accepted for not having registered at the proper time. Hut any further delay will ba unwise, to say the least. Non-residents who nave not yet registered should apply immediately to the board. They will be register ed under the procedure for registra tion of absentees. ACADEMY CLOSES SUCCESSFUL YEAR Ami ua I xnuiin wiient KxecHstf lipid YfottTdajr at orison Thrali Tack l.uildiiitx to (Jk lKr. I'll min ir the nit.-t successful year in Ihe history of the Institution wr the annual commencement exercises vesiertiav afternoon of St. Joseph s academy which were held at th i ri;on theater. The theater was-pii- kit i. the doors, many chairs having been taken in to incrt-a the seating cupacity. Six young ladies cumpuvd the KraduateM of the clnim of 11T. They are Ito !rher Mark. Agnes C Met tie. Nellie M. 8hults, L-enort-i SwHStart. Olive Wilson and Ivuise Itramll. The jrocrani whit-h markt-d their exit from the academy w a a very excellent one. It closed with an address hv Kt Rev. O. J. O'lteill . I . IV. w hirh a a very Insi'irat ional to the younc peopl The li.-lip al so conferred the honors "pop. the grnduates. The program opened w ith a i horal number. "America. Our I'ride-' whih waa followed by th .ilutatory ad dress by Miss Wottie. Two douMe trio nuni Iters proved ver popular while the selection on two h:ri h Mms athne Belts and Miss oj-h..-Andersn had exceptional merit A stately minuet was danced to a harp j accompaniment and 36 little i;d K'rom. nurses participated in a ter- j nentine dance. Misses Shnltz and j Mark sae pinnti solo and tner were several ther musical nmnWr . A feature was the "Arch of Success hv the entire cl.iss. Miss Mark gave the vi.h tlctor address. The academy has now closed f-r the summer hut will open atfam about the flrt Tuesday in Sept em ber. The past year was an excep tionally good one and very gratifv. ing t the Sisters There were "9 rvMdent pupils and a total anee f more than 0. attelld- w NninlnsUr XanN-sl. of I VI ice A R. Itohert- I " night nominated scsr WaM. it-.-irti-lr t the Uound-l'p Feed Yard, a rHundmnter. and he was approv ed b the council. MILE FRONT UNEXPECTED BLOW FAR SOUTH OF LI NS NETS British Win All Objectives in Messines-Wyschaete Sector Located in Small Triangle of Belgium Just Below ' Ypres Which Had Been Quiet Nearly a Year. FIFTY AUTOS WANTED FOR STRAWBERRY DAY Fifty autos carrying PendletonUins to Strawberry Day at Milton next Tuesday. June 12 are wanted and are now being lifted by Claude Penland who haa been appointed to handle the oriranlzation of the Junket. ,The proceed from Strawberry Day this year are to be applied for the benefit of the Red Crow and the lo cal chapter officials are therefore put ting their energies back of effort to have a good Pendleton showing at the festival. The Pendleton Honor Guard Girls under Captain Lola Rogers will drill at the festival. BIDS FOR BRIDGES OPENED JUNE 20 Oon tracts ror Two 1U o I atloa Bridges to ft Let IMrwt From WaxhJnston. Bids for the construction of bridges at Mission and Thorn Hollow are to be opened at the Indian bureau in Washington, D. C. on June SO, ac cording to news Just received by Major Swartzlander. agent upon the reservation. All information aa to the bridges Including plans. etc.. must be obtained from Washington as the agent has not been provide! with plans and specifications. With the bids being opened June SO there will be a chance. If prompt work is done, of having the bridges in place In time to meet the hauling needs this summer. COLLIER JUPITER WITH BIG WHEAT CARGO SAFE.lin h offensive. WASH1XOTOX. June 7. The electrically drien collier Jupi- ter. carrvlng 10.500 tons of w heat a nd ot her commod i t ies. e Hub ronrhftl French waters, it ! is officiiilly announced. ! ' a a a4s4s4l WORK OF PREPARING WILD HORSE MACADAM ROAD FOR RECEIVING HARD SURFACE WILL BE SIMPLE Deputy State Engineer De-1 dares County Will be Put:w to Little Expense in Getting' the First Ten Miles Ready Preparation of the Wild Horse nm c 'dam rod for rct;i mg a hard sur f will he much simpler than ami- cp.;ted. aifomnu to M. o. .-nnett. deputy state ftitCilleer wh eterday went out over the road With the comii j t court and took a number -f cro !! iin. The county will be pat to but Utile rxpen-i' to gt the f:r?t ten mil- stretch in readme. " Tat"t Mr. Bennett a agratU ur pn-fd by his faminatit Tti. ro.-k ba--. he states. s in firl claw con i diti.-n. The road h is a l it le too much j crow n for a hard stir face rod .mil I the dramaue w pr in several place Mr I'.ennelt's idea are tint ifnut esajht or ten in he of the r.- n wil. hae to te r moved . m.-.'i ..f ' s. o-tf:er and arnl. r 7ie h-.l. r j th" mm ad itn. w h . h . m ! '- iU-t ttlll lo pete.i. .)! 1 lb if BIG VICTORY IjOVDOX. Jun-7 The Brttiab thin afternoon captured Mrs nines and m noon of other im portant point. The : prlitonera reaieta a total of four flcurrav British sea planes xuocewf all j bombed tne German aerttrome at X lew M n nwcer. admiralty state ment Maid. One nned ra hit. Several bombw felt near tne ma chiea and aerdrome. 1 LONTWrN, June T. Haigs re newed offensive progressed victori ously over a front of nine miles on the MeasinesWyBCh&et sector. Front dUpatchea Indicate the com plete success of the initial move marking the complete resumption of the British offensive around Green land hill The Brituth have gained all objectives. Today's activities follow twenty days of quiet. Blow la I'iMxported. The Messlnes-Wyscnaete ridge is located in a imal ltriangle of Bel gium just below Ypres. Excepun raiding sallies and occasional artil lery fire, this sector has been quiet for nearly a year. tHirlnjr the lan two days the British suddenly began almost raids in this section, the Brit ish artillery roared a continuous bombardment. The Germans prob ably figure the raids were to acquire information concerning the forces opposing the British and the artil lery was preparatory to an assault. Haig crossed' the Germans by hit ting a tremendous blow far to the south around Lena. He kept the ac tion in the resumed offensive going furiously all yesterday, then sudden ly this morning delivered the biggest blow in the Mesyines-Wyschaete sec tor. Austrian lioee Many. ROM K. June 7. Furious but futile cuiinter attacks by Austrian, cost the Austrian five thousand kilted, wound ed and taken prisoner, according to semi-official etintats. The Auntrt pns did not ucrel In denting tht Officially it is estimated a hundred thousand Austrian participated in. the counter f.ffensive f the last threw das. I mlt-rgoeN feratkn. Mrs. Wlmiersten of this citv under- ' rent an "pe-ratlon at t. Anthony s hospital this morning. material move I und the loo hui't ms of the road will uiin I l-"w"ted SiMn. fXlect Herbn Nurm in' ad enginer. to arrive soon to rnak a p-ronal examtnution il the tin. the State ha teaTeil t he honJ .Hot jrt- verusd for bols. Mr tiennert h..pe to have a coup It of m 'le of rai r-a-t " ti re-eive a hard siraee The t-' -tatH Miiiinif of the co-it of pr-i-.t ration u II. a a nute May Itut 1 rut-k. Tlie o -unt v ii'iirl ni w ttt "- - o. if SeiU..Ily f oiteriog the t" . T ' U.t ' f Three n..t"t Irto-Uj f.r 'tmm in haul" ii'u ya.-l nari.t r'il-". th 'b "nc avvav Mh iton M - 1 he fiirt h ext fall if ii The id- nit .....l.lr n ut . .L I I . f i t u -h.l tiN i ifcii'i f'XIflk' the ii ar.. a t4 - l i . ..ole ..f h curt t -.pi )ti and fttio are lv-i n I f.,r OH,i,,l