EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 6, 1917. PAGE SEVEN n e a WHEN YOUR GAR ii NEEDS TUNING UP NEEDS REPAIRING NEEDS OILING NEEDS WASHING 1 BRING IT HERE 1 P , . -a J We have an up-to-date repair jj H shop with competent mechanics H in every department. ' jj m Promptness and satisfaction guaranteed fij City Auto Co. Inc. WITH UNCLE SAM'S BOYS SOMEWHERE IN THE ATLANTIC Br -rrwvk ; r i it $ - ij p 722 Cottonwood St. Telephone 46 3 Be Patriotic -Be Far seeing ' Combine your love of country with good business sense. Buy a Liberty Loan bond. They are as low as $50 and as high as $ 100,000. They pay three and one' half per cent interest. They are exempt from all federal, state and local taxa tion, excepting estate and in-. . heritance taxes. The' time is short. See us about one today. AKX TKNIH-KTON BANK OK MflRCIIAXT mm BETTER AND SOFTKR LIGHT 9 la anured by the uw of Mmi of then beautiful f'itur of our. They lv a light thai lllumlnatea tha room perfectly, but that does not tire or atraio the eyea. They are not pn Iv conaldprlna their extr ef ficiency and extra beauty. Why not at leaat themT J. L. VAUGHAN LOW EXCURSION FARES TO ALL POINTS EAST Round Trip Summer Excursion Ticket on le daily June' 20th to 30th and certain day in July, August and Septem ber to Middle West and to Eastern States and Canada. Northern Pacific tly DAILY THROUGH TRAINS NOHTII COAST l,IMITKI. Oborrvatlon far Train, and ATLANTIC FXPKESN. to I'hloiin " Mlnncanolla-St. 1'aiil. and one Dally to M. Ixula . Perfect Dining Car Service Visit YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK Enroute flfcurf full lnofrmtion trtna fram to rates and WALTER ADAMS, Ag-ent, Pendleton, Ore. A. D. CHARLTON, A. G. Portland, Ore. P. A. TO C.(I.IHKM . . H. fn. l"Utll stranihl V.irthrm I'aiHfk"" arid H.rrat NortSrni. fnm lortlaml. the quick and ilraanl trl. HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR LIBERTY BOND? 'SOMEVHERE ON THE ATlAMTIC Flrit p""tiKritph to be publihed I Mince the United States entered theben climinHtd by the ottnmir. The Khowln'4 the- activities of bluejackets I e'ar. The picture was made on board j lecation of the Atlantic fleet in known of the I'niled Htntea Allantle fleet. a arhl) the name of which hasjuniy to Government officials. LIVESTOCK TONE FAIRLY STEADY I'OKTIXVD, June With' the exception of three tarlojids of stuff the only arrivalM at North fortland over ninhl wer drtve-in. Two load- of hoKH came forward. one from eastern Oregon and th other from the Willamette valley. General trade conditions show prac tically no change for the day, General hoir ranre: Prime llffht 15.2S'1S.S0 Prime heavy J.40 15.50 With 12.&0&' IS 50 'ttle Market Havomllp. While the cattle market In -ener.l wan favorable for frood stuff during the day, practically the only arrival, were odds and ends. Mont of thene came from nearby points. Trade prices are about steady. General cattle market f Mixed stuff -ilobert MctTrow. ; dendale. Wash., J load cattle, and sheep. Gol. hogg AVIATOR DIES. YALE MAN HURT, IN FALL 5,000 See Hydroplane Drop to Buffalo Coast Guard Re cruit Will Recover. ranRe; 5i 10.25 9.00il' n.r.o 7r0(W 7 .00 & Rest bfef t leers $ 9 Good nef steers ..... Ret beef cows ordinary Rood cows Rest belters R 0 41 8.75 j Willis 5.00tff 7-ftn j Stackers" feeders .50 ' A ihk her small Klw' Supply. There was another Miiiall supply of j Mtutf reptirted In the mutton yarns at North 1'ortluiid fiver tifaht. Trad conditions are steady to strone wl h former prices well maintained. General mutton and lamb mark'' : Valley sprintr lambs. . . $l3.flfl i 1S.."T Eastern rea;on sprinir lambs 3-2!4i 13.7 Shorn earlinrs 1 0 50 fi 1 1 .2!". Shorn ewes 9.5" l 9.75 Wool stock 1 l-24i2 1 -- a pound hiKher than shorn. TumU) iJteMfM'k Shipitern. Hokm Elgin Forwarding Tom pany, lxtsiine. i load; Georire Kolil hiigen , Ilose burg. 1 loa d . in'KKAI-O, Jone 6. In sisht of S,0)0 persons, attracted by com pet i tiv drill of Buffalo high school ca dt, Krederick Zimmer. twenty-nine, an aviation instructor, was fatally hurt, and Seymour H. Knok 2d, eigh teen, was seriously injured this morn ing when a Curtiss hydroplane, driven by Zimmer, dropped 200 feet, hit an arm of a telephone pole, fell atop an automobile and thn struck 8.50 j th ground. 7 50 Young Knox's mother was at the rivr front aero station from which the fixing boat rosa and saw the acci dent. Knox, who toniKht was expect ed tip recover, is the son of the late 5 and 10 cent store milionatre and a member of a Yale unit of the Aerial !toant Patrol. Naval Reserves, t Five times Zimmer- had taken his machine into the air before the flight : which was to prove his last. As it i msp over the park where the cadets were drilling it faltered, then fell, for some reason not yet determined. Two men were slight hurt in the auto hit by the plane. Zimmer died four hours later. Knox hus not been able to talk. menu; i;i-opks with max SI IK HAD K.NOUX 3 DAYS In the mightiest war of history; its na val forces already are engaged in It. Hut Instead of training its recruits for serv ice in thin nav y 1 1 la swear i n g them into aervtee and sending them t In all Its msgf hack home ber.aus of the lack of training facilities. Between 7000 and K000 men have boen accepted in this manner and ant back home, on gov ernment pay, to await orders to report for training. We ought to be training men night and day." $100 Reward. $10O TO DARKEN HAIR APPLY SA6E TEA MKK YCHnVUS BRIANS BACK ITS . ANI ATTllA rn V H KHS The renoVrs f ISM eper wilt hm all to learn thai thr Hi at tesnt o M-aM dliSMe that tem- hnm tee sl4 ami thf is f ararrb twlng rtly Inftnemwt -ti- tnflensl ftindithir. r mitres rcHtM trsiinent. 1 1 r 1 I'm 'srsrrh MiHilrln ta aMa lntfmnllF and acta trim the tke wm MnrofM Hnrfurni r tne iT"a 'wmf uroytng the rininUrn or tte lag ttM patent atrntrth by cMuTirnroa a no aawiiinn Ira ark. Tb iirour Vet ra nave mm aw wi fattb In ttoe mratl powera nt al atarr h MhII lae that tbey nfffr Otae aaa dre1 LMiliara tor muj ease that t falbi a rtire 4end for lint nt teal imnntata. A.Mr- V J. HI rN r.V '.. Ohio, Hold by all lruggiata 7."e. the rtltaaav tL1 aarnrw fa asiwai n have mm aaK Miiit-bcr'H latmht r, 'aH urcd by Her I ins band and Sister,. SUU Pre fer: Song; Rooster. PHIIAIEI.PHIA. June 6. Mrs. Norma n Spangen berg. a in i nister's daughter and a bride of two months, was held in 3800 bail today by Magi strate Mecleary in the Central police court, charged with eloping with Rert Williams, a professional song booster. Williams, who is thirty-one, is a na tive of Dallas. Tex., and "demon strated sheet music at a, & and 10 cent store at Easton, Pa.," where Mrs. Spangenberg was employed as his ac companist. He was held In $500 bail. The two were arrested at Eleventh and Market streets, where they were traced by the eloping woman's hua band and her sister Mrs. Mattie Nay lor of Lambertvllle. X. J. Mrs. Spran genburg Is seventeen years old and is the daughter of the pastor of a church at Belvidere, N. J. At tne hearing: her sinter testified that Mrs. Spangenberg knew her hus band for several years before she mar ried him. She knew Williams, how ever, for only three days when they decided to elope. "Yes, I knew my husband three years the bride retorted, "but that was three years too many." Spangenberg announced at the hearing that he intended to divorce his wife. The elupin couple were in this city for five da a prior to their arrest. Renew the Joy of Living Don't let ill health any long er rob you of life's pleasures. Get back your appetite, strengthen your digestion, stimulate your liver, repu lata your bowels and im prove your blood by taking Their action is prompt and thorough, and you soon feel their benefits. You will eat more, work bettel", sleep sound er, and feel new strength after a short course of these depend able pills. They restore healthy conditions, and soon Bring Health and Energy Lmrtw 9mtm A., Mnlichra M Ik. (ii Sold Itwrn. In bain. xc. I'OI-I'M STItJKK SPKKAJW HFSIMTK WAOK I.VCltKASf-I JKROSI B. Aria. June I. Members of the Boilermaker union were call ed out today at Clarkdale, in the third ympthetic strike supporting the demand of 250P. atrikers" in 20 copper mine In trila district im-c lat Friday. Oiirpentern and ricians jirt1- vlu-ly were called out. Inireaaea in warces have been Kranted by the oierators, but thn men'a demand for recorsnition of the union waa refused. xwv nmc i-'K sats navy wn.i. M- KI IWIMHW MEN IN THK WAII IMflan-H Itecrttlts Should hr T-mlncd al imee. Iitoad or Being Kent Home to Await Order. f'HIfAUl). June . '"The Vnited States navy will need 00,000 men be fore we are throuch with thin war. 1 said t'apt. W. A. Moffett. command ant at the tireat Ijikes TraininB Sta tion in an adilre before members of the Tress flub of fhicaso yester day. 't'oncreRS." he remarked, "haa au thorized an increaf in the strength of the navy to ISO, 000 men, but I think four times this number will be needed before we are throuich. "This is a nation which thinks Itself sreat." he continued. "It is at war. Common garden mitre brewed Into heavy tea wltto sulphur added, will turn gray, streaked ana raaea na.r beautifully dark and luxuriant. Juxt few applications will prove a reve lation if your hair is f.idlnc. streaked or gray. Mixing the sage tea Sulphur recipe at nome. momn, m troublesome. An easier way is to get SO-cent nottle of Wyeth' Sage and Fulphur Compound at any druK store all ready for use. This is the old time recipe Improved by the ad dition of other ingredients. While wispy, gray, faded hair Is not sinful, we all desire to reta.n our youthful appearance and attrac tiveness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one- can tell, because It 4oea it so naturally, so evenly. Tou Just dampen a sponge or oft bruah with it and draw this, through your hair, taking one. mall strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have lisappeared, and. after another ap plication or two. your hair becomes beautifully dark, gloesy. soft and lux uriant. This preparation la a delightful toilet requisite and Is not intended for the cure, mitigation or preven tion of disease. , SALTS FINE FOR ACHING KIDNEYS VK KAT TOO MPCTII MEAT WIIICII OAHiS KIDNEYS. THEN TKB BACK 1 UTS. Most folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need a . flushing occi lionally. else we have t.ackache and dull misery in the kidney region, se vere headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, s'.eepleas ness and all sorta of bladder disor ders. Tou simply must keep your kid neys active and cler.n. and the mo ment you feel an acta,e or pain in thr kidney region get air-out four ooncM j MITM K SCHOOL M r-"ITNk NOTICE JH IJKFKBY OIVr-N ttf the legal voters of Hchool District 1 of rmatllla County, Ktate f r- gon, that a (StUool, MEET I NO ! mi id district will be held at the CM Hall on the 11th day of June, 11. at 2 o'clock In the afternoon to on the proposition of levylnaj a special district tax. Poll ctow at 1 o'clock v. m. The total amount of money needed? by the district during the fiscal year beginning on June 18th, 111. ani ending on June 21, 11. la estimate-- ir. the following Diidgol and IncludM the amounts to be received from tfce county school fund, state school ful. special district tax. ant all ataer moneys of the distrlrt: BlilKiKT. I'tlmflted Kjienotirfr 1. Tea' h-r' ularl lnetti.uaic 1'rin. tpuls and Hop. 2. Furniture 3. Apparatos smf pn-. scrto as Si. p.. rhsl. eraa ers, storefi. enrtsiiM. ete. 4. Library uouks. Including Km- eyrlopeilias - - 5. Plags 6. Repairs of elioolhoiefl, rat- sommg High School Wall and Hidewalls 7. Improving graiuMts, i;ral M-hflM and lii;b srhent ... 8. Playground equipment, extra labor aboot M-bnnls.... 9. iDtermt on warraats aad iav snranee - 10. Telepboaea. express aad dra)a - 11. Jxnit.cs wages . l. Jaoitwrs supfrllea . 13 Koel .. It. I.kgbt aad power water .. Tapa 1.417 t 3.W l.e a.e e ijiaf.ea. 1 Clerk's Ml err IKlO: ceasae iV: printing f .'too 0 17. Poetmge and stationery 72 12 ; trnant officer ST2.eS 18. Per the payaient of boaoed debt and Interest tneteno, imoed under Kettlnns 117. 144 to 14H. and TJ of tke rVhool Lavs of Oregon, 1MI7 . lASMM- 19. Manaal arts, tirade and lligb :bool 1.1-e JO. Domcwtk- seteore aad art. aue and liigb arbool aad bbuxIc anwaa Jl s-leB.-e and roaiBaerce de partments aaB.a 22. InHdentals iBrlndlng applies. paier. ele - l.r)xa Ilib .ehcKil and tirade Buin. al training revolving fund, contingent fnad. etc 24. Total ejuimated smmmt e money to be expended for all purposes during the year 74.1S KMTIMATKU RECK1PTS. From county srbool fnnd daring the coming stbool yeer u.ew.v 34iv.t tbe the comma school vear 'a-h now In tne bands of dietriet clerk Canh now In tbe bands of tbe county treasurer, beloaguig to Ike district of Jad Salts from any- good drui! i pronf , ta.l fund "during store here, take a tablespoonrul In a glass of water before breakfast for a few day and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, oombined with Hthi.i. and is harmless to flush clogged kid neys and" stimulate them to normal acUvity. It also neutralizes the acid in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending Madder disorders. Jad Salts la harm'esa; Inexpensive: makes a delightful effervescent 11th-la-wnter drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean, thus avoiding serious complications. A well-known local druggist sav he sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kidney trouble. Xs Total estimated receipts, aot in eluding tne money to be re ceived from tbe lax which It I proposed to vote -.g22.0a. KKCAPlTCIATIO!. Total eatlnuted exnenees foe the I year 7,M. total esrimateu receipra an in cluding tb tax to be voted tl.ltm Balance, amouat to be raised district tax Itated this 1st day ef May, J. T. BROWN. . w. riiKi.psv B. L- SMITH. V. P. KTHAIM. ELLA LUW1XU Board of rKrertors rVhool Dlst. Attest: LOT LIVEKMUUK. Clerk. 32.M 1917. Na 1 0 K OF AMKKICAN A V I - TtlltS I'l.YlNti IX FltANt F REMEDY FOR MEN. AT Y0UI OHUCGrST. I ..... y 1(4 U "T- V i i ' J - : ' s I I " . '.-j; ' :. .;J I v; j en r W1NVFL - CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y ATTORNEYS. AT n w BAILST. ATTORNEY 'Law. Room 7. t. . Daspaln Bid. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORN f at law. Room 17, Schmidt block. CARTER 8MTTHB, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of American National Bank building. FEE A FEE. ATTOREXTS AT LAW. Olfic la Deapain building. Kdward K. HinKle. ar American .'Muter Mth the l,fa.'ttf S.iia iron f Americans flitig in France, ilmkle ns Ihtii in Cincinnati in 17. He s attemliiiK the s,-hool "f Fine Arts. I'mi Is. m hen aar declared, and itnnie.liutely enluted. JOHN W. HTJFT. ATTORNET-AT-Law. Room . American Nation al Wank riulldtna' r L KEATOR. ATTORNET Al Law Room 14. Smith-Crawford Building. o uricnrBPt ATTORNET AT Law. smith-Crawford Building. PETKRSON BISHOP. A TTO Re ne y at law: rooms I and 4. 8mlth Ora ford building. JAME8 B. PERRT. ATTORNEW AT . law. Office over Taylor Hardware company. RALKT RALKT. ATTOREVTS AT law. Office la American National Bank Building. FREDERICK STXTWER ATTO nay at law- Office la mlta-Craw Snrd balldtna R A. LOWIU. ATTORNET ANT eounaelloe at law Orflee la te II tit AL DIRECTOIW. J. T. BROWN'S FURN1TVRE STOR1 Funeral director and lice need em balraer. Moat modern funeral pax lor, morgue aad funeral car. Calb responded to day or night. Coraai Mala and Water street. Tdephoat . JOHN a BAKER. FUNERAL. Di rector and licensed embalmer. Op posit poatofflce. Funeral parlor two funeral cars. Calls responded U day or night. Pfcone 7t. insCEIXANEOCS. MONTANA FARM LAMM. NORTHERN PACIFIC HAILWAI Land in eastern Montana at (t.a to tit per acre Suitable for taraa Ing or grazing. Eaay terma. Far aa- rormatloa writ or e W. K. Miles City. Montana. ARCHITECT. KAIMOXD W. HATTH. tect. Pesnain Building, 't. Pendleton. Ore go a. SECOND HAND DEALICRH. V. 6TROBLK. DEALER IN NDW and second hand goods. Cask paid for all 2nd hand goods. Cheaa ent place to buy household goods. lit Et Court Phone 17 1W. ATTENTION. FCTTETt 4e PEP pound, we will ray uncc rewarr If our Home Butter Merger fails V. merce one pint of milk and one pound of butter into two pounds In j two minutes. Sweeter than creamery , rtiitt.r. triee IS 00 W.,nI?v Riittar ' Merger Companv. 41 Kast Oak St. . : AN 1CTBUJ'1 KNT 'KKS.N MAT 1 mumniT correvpondtaf HF1.P UANTFI MAI.Fi Walla Walla, Washington. B A KELT. WINDOW WASHER Carpet and Wallpaper Cleaner and gardener. Any kind of work don by the day or Job. fmtlsfactlon gnaraa- d Phone It. Sit E. Court. I for newanapers; t)0 to tio monthly ha spare time; experience u 1 1 swan. m canvasinr: subjects aiiggsetsd. Send for particulars. National Frees , Bureau. Room 4ia8. Buffalo, ft. T MAI.K Ha.P W.VNTTT1) ArCTIONFERH. faDIilCTTOK.S. RICH A RO a. PARK.. JR.. 91UC Itor of Tatenta 141 F. St., N. W Washlncton. D. C. Miscn.ijNFora LEllAL PLANKS OF EVEPT D enptien for county court, clrcnl roort lustlc court, real estate, etc tor ea;e at East Oregon laa office SI.S5 WTIAj be r.iri 1 1 each of several rtv-'t'e. wtm apply for work to delreertar Tne Kater-fay r tne Peat to coMnmers. Ontv N.ittM.,. cteaa. gentleeianly and iwMllje l4 appty. Tbe at ta la addHiua e llherai rs.b proAts aad maay oihr advaatagee Apply to MR. U tt. PRUim 719 Mala Ktreee. lMMl.tea. trev, INSTKANCsI AND LAND m'SINRsji BKNTLET MONTOOM ERT. RKaJ estate, fire, life and accident Ineur anew agsata tit Mala etreex Phoa 404. COL W. F. TOHNKA. AUCTlOrt- eer. makes a spdarty of stock and machinery salsa anaa that gets yoa th money." Lee.ee orders at East Oeanslaa errtea nocrniin S. A. ROPi M P. rU-CTH-R MM Ited to the eye. ear. ntw, and thrvat r.cxim SI. Judd Butidlng. IIFIJ W NTtS KKM l.tl AN INTKUJiiKNT PI?ft4tN MAT earn tl"0 monthly correepndra4r for newspaper.; tto to t monthly h spare time: experience unii.i i I . no canvasainr: subjects aurgeseeav Send for part cilliirs. National Preaa Bureau. Room 4!S. Buffalo. .M T LEGAL BI-A.VKS OF EVERT I scrptloa for county eonrt. eti ! court, justice court, real estats. for sale at Eaat Oregoalaa of flee.