to : "soa ,1 to to .ito.;. fcs &a (to to to to to DAILY EVENING EDITION W EATHr'.R Fair tonlKht anl Thursdsy. TO ADVERTISERS Ths East Oresonlan has ths lsrrest bourn flle sad luulDlMd paid circulation of soy pape? Id ()w, east ot I art sad and bj I., Ibi lr.t cltculatloa Is I'sadlston of maj newspaper. Maximum, tl: minimum. 44; rain fall, 0; wind. wes. fresh; weather, elear. . l . COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPEB CITY OFFICIAL PAPER NO. 9141 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1917. VOL. 29 DAILY EVENING EDITION 1 CHINA MAY BE DIVIDED INTO 10 NATIONS Autocracy . is' Apparently Tri umphant; Long Struggle Be tween Militarism and Con stitutionalism Expected SITUATION IS SERIOUS TOHIO. June . AuuxTU-y In Oiiaa baa apparently trlumjibnl. It la evldom uxlajr tho republic Is practiimHy dHrtoL The tllviKkm or ilua mu two na ' lion scrtnai probable, A lnT MirucvU) of militarism aalicu ..mMUutionalism la expetrlMl to fullow Uie nneii( rovxrtutlon. The revolution la moat serious." said Dr. W. W. WillouKhby, Ameri can constitutional adviser to the for mer republic, who la en route to tho I'nltcd States. "The republic H l i a. (.tally lorn. ' The present trenU i- strongly to monarchy. Mllitarlaia are absolutely in control of the sit uation." Northern and southern China la expected to each constitute a M-mrate nation. wmolon of WMilll Ijkcly. l-:v-n If through conipromlae a new government In established In northern China, chaos will atlll con tinue throunhout the whole country, since the secession or the aouthern l.rovlnoea la moat likely,-- Wlllough ny continued. ' The militarists' object In tha re volt la four fold abolition of the j.reeem provisional constitution;" the retirement of 1.1 Yuan Huna-; the es tablishment of the new government at l-eklnc the new parliament and the new constitution." Japan -U Not Interfere. TO.KIO. June . Japan will not Interfere In China's domestic trou-bl.-s. the foreign office announced. All Japanese diplomatic, consular and military representative In China have been ao Instructed. The for eign statement reiterated tha Monto ro declaration made in the laat diet. ..iitllnln a policy of non-interference In China's domestic and politi cal affairs. MEET HERE JUNE 21 TO FIX STANDARDS FOR GRAIN AND HAY SAIJvM. June $ -Th WashlnK hurtun and Oregon public service , ..nm.isslons will hobl four Joiiu lirnrlneja before prescrlblne; the rules and resjulnll.ins for standardising Brains and hay. Frank Miller, chair man ft the orefton commission, an iioiinnd today. The hearlnirs will .e held In Portland June IS: 1a loma. June IS: Kpokane. June ;0: lVmlleton. .tnne -21. recalls- W-ahlimton and oreiton ma n bureaus operate under stm'lar 'awn. the two commissions agreed ! fix ihe standards for ernln I" two elate, rnd Issue exactly the eanie rdlcs and renulai 'one an I rhartn- th.- (Blue fc li-re fee ar'. cha rcrd. SUPREME COURT RULES IN FAVOR OF J.W. MALONEY ,-AI-KM. r. J tut . ifcil to th Kiint re(rin- i.m i- Thp niprMnp ciun iiay nfflrnipd th derision of t'ircult Judso PhMi In the 4a- f Kmnk IlitHtTM. hivI' l..nt, vTitii J W. Maliiie, th 4 .im Itetnc Rt-i"'! frm I'm- till., cminty. The action man In r-lniim to forcible entry. Thf alnive rieollon In Iho fl- mil Htfi. in the litlfratlm he- tw'n Frank U"(cer anil Jn1 MIney fvc-r lu.iwerfon of liidinn land claimed y U-th men. the rontroverny nt 0 tn- time rtmiinji clow to ihe 0 firhiitiK oini when Judire Ma- l.-ney iwd a hot mm to mop CcCfm from hiirnlnir a. ft u It hie t !.. The lHal court decided in favor f Muloney and the 0 'iTreme ciirt upheld the de- i in. APPROXIMATELY 2300 UMATILLA COUNTY MEN REGISTER YESTERDAY Pendleton Registration Alone Totals 648; Cards Will be Checked and Held Here Pending Further Instructions From the War Department. FIFTY PERCENT OF REGISTRATIONS EXPECT TO BE EXEMPTED Appriximately 2300 men between the acea of il and 21 registered In I'matllla county yeaterday for Uncle Ram 'a war draft. Sheriff Taylor ha received reports from all but eight of the 4 prectneta In the county and the totul hna reach" a I! 104. The other elKhl together with carda be Inir aent in by reridenta who are tem porarily auaent will add cloae to 200 The: registration rlgurea In Uil county exceeded the estimate deKPite Ihe fact that more than 300 men were exempted from reaintration through enllHtment in the army, navy or national guard. Aa Boon as the other precincts have reported, and tney are expected to do ao this afternoon. Sheriff Tay lor, clerk Urown and County I'hy Hician McFaul. aa trie official regis tratlon board, will check over ihe cards and report to Adjutant Oener al White. The carda will be held here pending further Instructions. Just how thoae exempt will b elim inated Is yet to be announced. It Is expected that fifty per cent or more of those registered will be exempt because of their occupation, through having dependent or for other rea sons. l"cndltn IlritT 6 IS. The registration In Pendleton to Inled 6IS. precinct . the city hall precinct, registered the largest num ber In the county. 104. The fol lowing la the registration by pre cincts as reported np until noon to day: tv.lionwood St. Ferndale No. J. S5. Freewater No. !2- Freewater No. . 4. Freewater S.i 7." 30. total Freewater 103; Milton. No R. 53. No. . "1. No. 10. 24. Noll riK.l:. 31. total Milton 13T; Mountain 1, Weston No. 15. It. Weston No. 1. 17. Wes. ton No: 17, 18. total Weston 6 Athena No. IS. 30. No. 19. 3. No. :n. 2. to'al Athena 9s; North Hepe--vation 35. Adams 49. Helix 45. Van- sycle 27. Fulton 37, Itlverslde 19. South Keservation C. Gilliland In. Pendleton No. 32. 2, No. 33. 41, No 34. 2 8, No. 3S. SO. No. 38. 104. No. 37. 44, No. 3. 0. No. 39, S3. No. 40. 30.No. 41. 2. No. 43. 31. No. 43. 2. No. 44, 24, No. 45, 85, total Pendle ton. 84D: irnlon 47. Holdman 4 1. Echo No 49. 51. No. 50. - 63, total Keho 104; Htanfleld No 61. tl. No. 52. 46 total Rtanrield 77; Hermiston No. 53. 45. No. 64. 37. total irermls ton 32: Columbia 28. I'matllla n. Hogiie 19. McKay 29. Pilot Rock No. 5,9. 79. No. 60, 65. total Pilot Rock' 134; Vinson 24; Willow Springs 18. Albee 19. 7.YOOO Iterfsu-r In Oregon. POItTUANl), June 8. Adjutant Oeneral White estimated that over 75, 000 registered in Oreuon. le la well pleaat-d with results. Many counties registered eonscriptlonable youths without charge to the government Polk and Hood Kiver counties gave the first teletraph totals, both filing tele grama at 2:10 o'clock this morning. Josephine completed the count aoon afterward. It will probably be to morrow before the complete Oregon registration Is known. KiorenV U KUmacs. WAHHINIVTOV, June t. The regi stration total Is expected to exceed th war oVpnrtni fit estimates. . In some districts half the population registered. COUNTRY VOTE REDUCES ROAD BOND MAJORITY Italians l.ov TrenHios. VIKNNA. June 8. The capture of an important portion of the Italian trenches south of Jamlano is offi cially stated. A hundred and seventy-one officers and six thousand five hundred men weretaken prison Austrian recaptured ground the Italians recently won. ers. The NEW LAW MAY ENABLE MAYOR BEST AND 4 COUNCILMEN TO HOLD OVER FOR A YEAR MORE With Five Small Precincts Missina Majority in Favor in County is 296. MISSING VOTE IS AGAINST The complete unofficial count from .- precinct in I'matllla county ahona: ICOAI BONUS. Yea. 2233: No. ! From M pm-incta of I'matillai coun ty the vote on otiirr measures staud as fullowM: ItKT INDF.BTKIIXrSiS. Yea, I SOU; No iXO. umitim; kimbkk of bii.i.s. Yea. 75; Ho. l7. IMI1JK1 -ONKTITlTION-.X KKIKIj. cs, JHnlj, Xo, ITM. INIKOlt.M TAX fl.ASSlUCATlOX. Yc. i:iih: No. ir.xs. t'lTY' AMI BTATB KJ.KCTIOXS. Yes, l"o: No. 131. XKW PK.VITENTIAISY. f. I VMS: No. 20 IH. t'matilla countya majitrity for the n-ad bonds meAurcia being conaider ahlv reduo-d by the returns from out- lln precincts. With 13 precincts missing ysterday. tne unofficial count save the bonds a majority of 466. Today with only fie prfcincls yet to hear from, the majority is cut to 298 and the remaining precincis will undoubtedly reduce this lead atill farther. Holdman. Fulton and Mountain gave strong majorities aaainat the j measure. Cottonwood. C.llliland and Albee were also decidedly lorninsi. Columbia gave a majority or two votes for the'nuas'ire and Freewater No. 6 was In the list of Veses. While the Yes column was gaining an even l0 votes, the No column added 270 The precincts of Nolin. I'kinh. Fern dale No. 3. Vanaycle and Willow Springs, all considered against th---measure, have not ben listed. The official canvass may be de laved several days owing to the ne ccssit of County Clerk Drown serv ing upon the board checking over the war census reKistration cards. XTRA HATTI.K I'KI KK, Midi.. June . A ctHoiie CHI a swain to lrls'k vlilo ilirtoi !! Hmlli 4 rock till- aflcr- N-cral arc injured, hut none iik rc rtcj d l. Tlic daniaae I ' lu'iw. t Im- twKu-r tpph-l over hous jcs. Ilftol '! and ili-moli-lM'd bus!- JULY CLOSES AT There Is a poasihilltv of Ma.M.r Heat ; its hienwial election next Lecember ... , , ,, ...,ms "" believe. "'" " I'nder this amendment also It will . - fr Q. I ID XDA V would ordinarily expire on Jan. I. 11 ,. pwjhl,. for cities and towns to, H 1 tiJ J 1 I lLrt I holdliiK over until the next general avail themselves of the use of the i ARMED U. S. SHIP SINKS U-BOAT IN 90 MINUTE FIGHT SUBMARINE FIRES 35 SHOTS. ' AMERICAN VESSEL USES 25 87 ENGINES TO QUIT OIL FOR COAL JULY 1 Locomotive Oil Doubles in Price for 0. W. R. & N.; Coal Hard to Obtain. llecause the price of oil has dou bled during the war with the result the O.-W. R. A N. will after July 1 have to pay $1.40 per barrel instead of 70 cents, arrangements are be ing made whereby 8 7 oil burning lo comotives between Kteth and Seatti will return to the use of coal. This news was brought to Pendle ton today by William Bollona, divis ion superintendent. The change will be made because at 81.40 per barrel the use of oil would be more ex pensive to the company than coal. However, it ia going to be difficult for the company to secure enough coal, it Is feared. I'nheard of ship ping tactics are being resorted to to secure fuel for the company and there is worry over next winter's supply. A feature of the situation Is facilities for storing coal are lim ited. However the Immediate prob lem ia how to secure coal to store. . An incident showing methods em ployed by the o.-W. R. N. to meet the car situation is abown by the fact the company this spring has paid 317.50 each as freight charge on 3000 new box cars, handled be tween Rt Louis and Kansas Citv. Ordinarily the cars could have been slate eleetinn a vear from next because of the passaKe of the mea sure requiring city umi Mate elections to he held on the same dates. Tills Is the opinion of some of the local al tornes. The law passed Monday by Ihe voters Incomes effective ill once, and the clt can not therefore hold full i iM.uiity registration books, in place of Ueeplhg a separate set of such books. It will be necessary for the cities ami loivns to make the boundaries ot their (lection precincts identical with Ihe boundaries of the county election precincts, and to make use of the names registered with Ihe county clerk of the imrticular city. CiriCACO. June . Op cial to the Kast oregoniant Kanire of w het pri ces today: lpen. High. If. Close. Julv ' 19 92.22 12.17 J2.19S Sept. 32 00 12.01 31.93 11.95 S Portland. l'OUTl.ANI. June . (Special 1 Club 32. IS. bluestem 12.54. WITH OUR SEA FIGHTERS i - ' ...2 V-' n vi'..'" I i A fontinued on Patre - BONDSliOWLEAD BY 17.280; VOTE ALMOST III FROM ALL 36J0UHTIES Multnomah Margin of 18,000 Will Save Issue Even if the State is Opposed. 1li:TI. NI. June . Practieallv complete returns from all eouiille-. this nftcm(Hii give majority of a provlmately I7.000 favoriug tho road bonds. TlH flgvircs as compiled at S n. m. arc Yea. S.IH: No. 5I.USH. Tlic road bonds otc by oonntics a liovn at 2 o'cha-k Is as follow: Star marks comlolo return. County ROAD BOND VOTE IN, THIS COUNTY Precinct. 1. Cottonwood 2. Ferndale 3. Ferndalf 4. Valley 6. Freewater 8. Freewater 7. Freewater 8. Milton .'. . Milton 10. Milton 11. Milton 13. Milton 13. Mountain v.-. 14. Fairvtew '. . . 15. - Weston 18. Weston 17. Weston 18. Athena '. 19 Athena 20. Athena 21. North Keservation. 22 Oibbon 23. Adama . . . 24 Helix 2- - Vanaycle . 28. Juniper . . 2 7. Fulton 2S. Riverside ; 29. South Reservation 30. Meacham 31. Gilliland 32. Pendleton 33. Pendleton 34. Pendleton 35. Pendleton 38. Pendleton 37. Pendleton 38 Pendleton 39. Pendleton 4 0. Pendleton . .". 41. Pendleton 4 2. Pendleton 43. PendtWon 44. Pendleton 45. Pendleton ........ 46. I'nlon 4 7. Holdman 4S. Nolin 4. Kcho 50. Kcho . . . 51. Stanfleld 52. Stanfield . 53. Herniiston 54. Hcrmision .:.. Columbia 5. 1'matilla 57. Hogue 5. McKay 59. Pilot ;ock Pilot Ho. k 8f. Vinson 6' Willi. w Sprmss ... 6". .VI l-e- SI 1'kiah Totals Majority- Tes Tea. ..11 .. 28 '. 45 . 31 . 82 r 80 . 28 . 37 . 39 . 45 . 28 . 1 8 . 37 . 48 . 30 . 2 . 4 3. . 33 . 12 6 , 81 32 , - 7 23 . 88 8 3 . 33 , 49 . 48 . 71 . 57 . 4 28 33 43 . 41 31 .103 . 84 , 32 . 24 11 3S 53 47 3V S3 23 15 41 19 39 41 53 55 It" 14 10 21 31 31 3t 84 1 18 I 4i 13 50 27 8 33 13 44 4 52 i: 14 30 i so 41 4 J 39 4 29 32 S3 1 1 10 2 32 17 21 4 40 t 84 i 1 10 j Navy Department Withholds Name of U. S. Steamer Lest Germany Try Frightfufness on This Ship. WASHINGTON. June . After ninety minute running fight between an American armed merchantman and a submarine the merchantman sank the submarine, the atate depart ment has officially advised. The sub marine not flying a flag, fired thirty five shota. The steamer's twenty fifth shot pierced the submarine, which i eared out of the water, stern ufv standing upright for a few second and then disappearing. The steamer captain and "commander of the gun crew believe the submarine was sunk. The' navy department ia convinced if the description of the battle la correct that the submarine was unquestion ably bagged. ' Name of Steamer withheld. The name of the steamer ia with held. It la known the easel is not the -Mongolia. . It Is eblieved her -saw . Mongolia was singled out for the at tack because the Mongolia, attar ked a submarine on her prevloua voyage. The name of the second ship is with held lest Germany try (rightfulness on this ship. The state department officially an nounced: "The .department of state is advised by telegraph of the en gagement between an armed Ameri can steamer and a German subma rine. The guns of the steamer were manned by an American naval crew. tight lAsta an Hour and Half. "The submarine was first seen at 7000 yards. She had a six Inch gun forw-itrd and aft another, fthe flew no flag. f'non sighting the subma rine, the steamer hoisted an Ameri can flag and waited ten minutes. Aa the submarine approached. the steamer fired and the submarine re sponded. The steamer kept up a speed that would permit the subma rine to come within range, then fol lowed fighting that lasted an hour and a half. "The submarine came to within a distance of about 2300 yards. Fty then the submarine had fired 35 shots and the ste.mter 25. The last shot of the steamer apparently struck the suhmarine. which raised clear out of the water, stood stern up a few sec onds, then she disappeared. The cap tain of the steamer and commander of the gunard. believed the subma rine was sunk. The steamer was un damaged." The department report came from the consul abroad, who ascertained the facts carefully lu-f.ire reporting. (tie of I'nel Sam's pre-dread- have been of great value to the Kn-248 tons disl lacenient. She carries 1 four 12-inch nn. eiht S-im-h guns, nousht tj of battleships- the I'. S. ttnle Allies in the present war. The n 4.lnh ,..,,.,,. rifles and f.- r S ..wa. l:alllelit.v of tlii class low I was l-Milt in vv:'. and i of I I . - j six-l-oumicrs. IWlkCT flcnton . . . . Clackama . Clalop OHiimiHa I "(am Crook t urry Iescrintrs . . Ifctuclas . Cllliam . . . . tyrant Harm- . . . . x llootlrivcr . .Iack(nn . . . .IcffoTwn . . x .loximlne . klamalh laikc lane Lincoln . x l.lnn Xlnllicur . . . Xlarton . . . tomw . . x Mnllnoniah Polk x HlM-rnian xTillaamMik I matllla . . x 1'nH.m . . Wallowa . . . x A -"o . . . XA a--lilitcton V hcrlt-r . . . x Yamhill . . Total- . ... . Xlajorlly for I7.2MI Vr No. I 9HI 2.02 1 ' :t . i ei i i . I..W 2. Ills, . 2 ". 1 1:1 j TO I 279 j . .2.-. :toi i III 4 ! ill SIT I I TT . 2.nii i.T.-tn ! 42 2 i 37. 2 i aa iuh . i .ah? 3ia ; 4 -vO 3I." ! IHH Htl I s,l 717 2 7 122' aa la 1 I. :-.! 4.2:M 1 212 l7 ; . I.ST3 4JMK 4 1 1 S2 : . 3:l-"-. I.H20 3I -V.t ' :ut li ' . I .. I.IM 47U 3H : . i.;n .via ! . 2.132 !. . i.e.'M i.siu j I .Ml lT ! I.iat 7 . I.T7H l..2! I 2a I. Tan . I as II- M.3.1 ; ENGINEER BENNETT WILL HAVE CHARGE OF WILD HORSE WORK Deputy State Engineer Loaned to County; Paved Road Will be 16 Feet Wide. Wn h M i . lienntr. lput v iiit rnKlt'r. in hre. net work of pr 'iarinvf th WUil H'rw hiithwa. inr !'irfarin by th? t:it- hitchw.o '4?r luission wan strt-i today hn Mr Unnolf iitM'1 rtn ir!pM,'tin of ih-' rat w ith a vi- t ntHrt irw iTk t . ontf lt Helton of tht ttiiihwav v'otnmts in Mr, Itfiinett if MAnnl t t hfl ro;ini urt t I'ntHtila fuitnty mi I w i It iHr. m Ally il : n et t h pr-p. rn tr wrk on the nHx-atliim ro.,il Ttu work w ill in luilo arit Vinic f oortitma f th? raii ntl tl ac lit thinsfji iii nrai h-r utul tht-r- t ninkf th roa.l -Triirm to Mate !' i fixation Mr It4fntiftt arriv 1 thi m-'nun : 'Von. Nrti.tri'l aooiiipitnvin; V !. Th"'mi!on on hl rrurn from h rminiwon mftinc fnirrxl. v Th count v xt.iirt m swicn pr "i j ! pr. l tT; r t he deputy ennint-er and prpAre.l to do tit'cewsarv ork to secure th paxtiiif of the Ttutfi Tv- the tat- suirt at pf-iHlhimt. Th Wild H..r- r-ad will he r-.v.-.l t thin time for a .TUtun.'f .f t ro and the ;ii h m.oli- I H tVet in w tdth Tht w.rk will nt.ft at IVnd e-ttin In rnnertlon it l hTk tied that Juti.-f r.ill-j f..r ucli proA-edltiic not unit -e-.nue .f t r f- fl ( f.nt mWo T--j IJ-' the tioftim .f ivn.jlfion AiU;o Aih n.i Hti 'I .,tr,i f..r th rud rtiiil w hTi . tht -.-M -fnl the r!imt n a wh-1e m tn oci""-' I or in.ltffer-tit wtih fh .-fMi.i f KTewiT . A-'v.-rdin: t Mr Th'.-T.p- -n ih wrk of i-MVitic ' h i null- tn irh .tf rntl II 1- atvTt i4-d f..r Irnim -dl..t-lv ;i ii.l t h ii trr - t il nn' d-la v if (iO"r.itili- Til ejrr -f in i T Suit Htarb. M-;ni hii- th oininiiMi-n idrnujah f'hairrtnn i:.-n-n m .tl fi;ir a ft ,--,. J 1 nt to tt h- ,ilt.f itv f 'h' Hnd :4M'tin ' that a iHK k d- i ion tov n'iiri Tn Ito . u.- th.if th (Jin of th- f rl null -in i-H:tf. it h.ii''- !i i ' iri.-d .iit.i.i- i