1 I DAILY EVENING EDITS h rt J 3'' , an, Ma-spaper. 1 1 Jl,iMiiiii,i.ii..lui..WML WMIlJ Ml ,M1IM """ ''Mff Wff tiulWJTjgj CITY OFFICIAL PAPER ''CxO' 'J VOL. 29 SAILOR DIES Oirigo, Attacked Without Warn ing, is Ransacked by Ger mans Who Then Sink Ship With Bombs. TWO WINDJAMMERS LOST lAnSVOS, June 1. The admiralty bu announced, Uu submarining; ol the American bark iMHjco sad tliei drowning of Uw mate A submarine attacked the latrlgo without warning, t.lns deck guns. TK Germans bmrded Uki bark, ranwkrd hrr anil link tile alilp with bomb. live admiralty reported tt. nrt-umahly followed by sinking. two American windjammers, the rTun M. and Unrbam, Iioth crew unr saved. WVailNlrTOX. June I. The nl nV-nartment haa received nwflrmi tlon at tlie anhmarlntng; of the An eruwn bark Illrlgo of Frnsacola. W imwaxn Mild First Mate John lt va .lr nod, tin- rw of the in boing saved. STREAM PfllLDIION 10 BE' PROSECUTED h-piiiy lIwni urU4-l llh-a (m plaint An" In- II. K. Martin of Mivu4imn Imnrliuc Vlolaiiou 01 l-ri'Mfciiiiiina fur nlli-aed pollution 4.1 nr.aniK In I'nmlllla cunly hi l.wu Martrd by the alttte fwh and can.! iximiniiton. IWiuty Wiirdfn i.-ori.-' Tonkm t.lay filed a com l.lnni aanlnat Hvn K. Mrrlln. nr. kmtwn Mrai'ham resident, rharfflns hiin with throwing manura. di'caylni: and itWeterinu mattfr Into Meairham cre.-ii i-ontrarv to the flh and iralne Ihwh of the atata. Th Marlln raw will. If succe-ioiful. b only a beiflnnlnc In thla county. a. , i . .rain to Mr. Tonkin, and thirdly of itndleton will be ma'ta a defend wnt unlea Hlrpa arr taken at once to I'Ul in a wwiurc tank. Ilinifham lirlnir and other pmcea alonn th river will l reciulred to tak more annitary procautlona. Mr. Tonkin atalea that the caaea he lonir more properly to the alnte b. ulth board but thnt the (tame com nuwion hai ample authority to act. Many romplalnta have come from people living- below I'endleton liecnux.' ,.r ih. delay of thla city In putting In a ewHKctank and Mr. Tonkin alntee thnl he will either aerlire Immediate ai-iion or atari proreedlnga. S2.000.000 SHEEP LOSS IS SUFFERED LAKE COUNTY b. ; Jcwvtt Jut Home from Trip Over llancra lMv4am PM WIiiut U jsii-eiMJonally WTm In TIkws I'arta. There waa a two million dollar I . of aheep In Ijiae couuiy alone liwt winter. Thla ia the atatemenl made by Htanley . Jewett of the bi ol.rvHnl aurvey uMin hla return from a till over the ramcs of lJike. Hur ne Mini Klamath counties. Me gives hit. authority an lr. Uon. eortar ol the ljike fount jr Woolgrowera axxoriiittou. Mr. Jewetl reports that the winter in the southern counttea waa much niore eevere than In these parta. Th hav fiipply waa not sifflcient to keep the stock until the graaa came on and a a result io-k died by the thoinuinda Mr. Jewett states that he "aw the carcasses of sheep and ratil' on nil of the ranges. A great many of the aklna had been removed from the eheep. There la a heavy tons of tsniba this spring slso. he states, the weather being very cold and wet. The senaon Is i-onsidarably more backward In th.tet' counties than here, not a green h-sf linvlng et made an p.ear- U. S. BARK IS SUBMARINED; DAILY B--I-..,. . S) NURSES FOR WAR KILLED BY PECULIAR ACCIDENT rrrrr . ,-. lr. Killth vrt-H Mr. Kdilh Ayrc and MIhb Hvlcn Iiurntt WikmIh. the two nuraea of Chl raffo, bound for Kurope on the Ameri can t.'mHhlp MoiiKnlia. wit klllel Sunday. May 20. when the brans cup h!ch hrld a chara- of powder of a ui-inrh tun ricochrtled Iwck from' thf -ai.-r und atruck th-ra h th- y M.f . ihn H.wiL Th. tfnn wu biniE f irwn oiu Hint it miKin ? i ruu) nl...,...n..a .. ixiiyn u 1.1.4 ra N'hvuI ot tnh un a-cid-nt. BONDS SHOULD BE VOTED BECAUSE OE MACADAM ROAD HEEDS SAYS HODGEfi Only Chance for Saving Local Road Lies in Success of Bond Issue. il; i.oHh H.. linen. Representative fr. in t'matllla County. I'lnapine. ore.. June 1 The vi cious attacks that have been made on the alx million dollar bond Ihsuh by the people who are Hunting the bond Ismic. ought to r.'i-eive an an swer from the people who know the true fai ls. For this reason I woul1 like the courtesy of a little space In your paper In which to answer these aftneka. . The bond hill was not put through the Icginlattire by the patented pav ing company. It was put through the legislature by aome members of the legislature who believed that the road legislation adopted up to this point did n"t go far enough. Hcpre sentatlves stanrield. HUner and the writer of this letter ail united In In introducing the bill Into the house. I nm not ashamed of the part thnl took in H We favored the voting the bonds outright In the senate. some inemocrs. incoming .-Trui..--. steiwi-r of I'mntllla county, thought the matter was too Important to pass without the vote of the people and the hill was snhmltted to the people for their action. The house concur red In the amendment hy the senate. The hill ss submitted to the people aas the free act of the majority ol both houses of the legislature It had the support of a number of peo ple who had fought the paving trust from the lime the legislature, started. The purpose of the bill Is to en able the slate or Oregon to connect up the iM.pulou centers with good roads at an early date The auto mobile lioenss and the quarter mill tax whti-h haa been on the statute books for a nnmher of years, will pay the Interest, on these bonds snd retire the1 bonds and maintain the roads. The best Informed authori ties have always conceded this last proposition to be true. The bond Is sue therefor will not bring about new additional direct l.n on the peo. l ie tr e w; nt gooie roods the bond t-tle Is the be wav to get them The pire of tht bill means : that almol sronre there will be a hard aurfnee road from P-end'eton to the east enl cf the county on the line of the present mscsdm roid. I'matlila roiintv will receive for this purpose a great deal more monev than thev a III contribute. Portland will contribute million" of doll-irs The rest of the sts'e w;ll get the roads. Now Is our chance to ret some roads hullt br the aid of the state. I want to remind mv friend who oppose the bond bill that It will (in them each one of them, to do a little figurine and be will see that he fa standing In the read of the devel opment of our county This Is a good time for eltlrens of this count1 to poll toirethf-r for an advance an-! not t-ui' l.ai-w ti.ca'1 Ihi"! hsve no EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1917. fa - .! as- .mw. A . (.' -- ! J v I'"' fc - f - .. r Kt-M i'.i, j V " J IV Mrt'iMMi Amti H-lf Bnrn-tt taki-n the trouble to know what they .ire kicking about. The tiuic.uia in mail from I'endle lop to the ftute line Is almost worn out. If the bond hill passes the state will pave the macadam road. f the Ismd bill fails the state cannot pavn the macadam road. On account of I he 6 per cent tax limitation. Uma tilla county cannot iave the maca dam road. What are we going to do about It? It has cost nearly n quarter of a million dollars." .Shall we lose that quarter of a million or shall we save it- If we pas the bond bill the state will save it for lis. If we do not pass the bond bill th whole Investment is lost. I vet every one ask himself the question, what are we going to do with the ma cadam road? I.ol HoimfiX. CAMPAIGN TO RAISE y.M.CJ. FUNDS IN THIS COUNTY BEGUN WoM Knd lii sorlfon VMied Bv 4 mini 1 1 too and 1 1 "k hmimo I llrarty Full Sura Kpeclxl by Knil of Srxt Wwt Th cainpnleHi to rain the Uma tilla county portion of the fund de sired l) the National Younf Men " t'hrlnt.Hng AKttociatinn for lis war work, in nnw on In earnest In the vanillin town of the county. Yfttrday the Rtate representative, Mr illicit, accompanied by member or the iccal committee, vtaited Her-in.i-uon, Hianfleld, Kcbo and Not in. where .''Jdreeeea were made, and ar uii nifr received of full reepon?1 to the acquirements without delay. To m ir w Helix, Adam and probably I'ilot l:x-k will be vtoited. Saturday Athena and Wee4on will be thr ecene of the cnnipaiim. Sunday Mr. Iillon will k eati from the church plat form it Milton and FYeewater. The I nd let on committee will he Rin tn wi-:rk probnhly either Sniur d.iy or Mt r.rtay. It t expected that th- full un required. IJ40AO. "will b In hand by the end of next week, ("n-ltnn'm full apportionment la ft 3, tor Several of the counties hsve al ready completed their work and met thMr niedif'-a. Menprs mhop an I T!ln;in accompunied Mr Oilloti t dav. SEPT. OPTIONS AT $1.82 AT CLOSE HH'A iO. Junv I. (Special ic the Kmmt Oreconinn t Kane of h at pru-ee ttd:t'. ( -pa a. UiRh. laoa. t'lowe. July f t 1:01 fl.95 ll.9t Hi Pi. tll tl.t tt.T' tl.s2 , IN nt land. lOi;TI. N T. Ur-.. June 1 Me -..ill Club 2 4A. t.lu.-vi, ;n t : 1. RUSS TROOPS PREFER BOOKS TO FIGHTING Are so Busy Acquiring an Ed ucation They Haven't Time . to Make Wan Children are Crowded Front Schools. FOOD PROBLEM A WORRY Hupply Considered Suffk-tent But Transportation la a Tremendous I To Mem; I Jfo Insurance Bureau for Soldier's Benefit KiatbUahed. : PKTROGRAD. June 1. A demand for a alx hour day ap- peared likely to paraly-te a hus- dred and twenty of Russia's largest factories! mostly the munition plants. Workmen de- rided either to strike or enforce the regulations under which they are employed. Complex regulations make little work possible. A number of work- men are reported to have struck already. . KTKOriUAr. June 1. Many of Kn--i.i t- Holdien are- so biuy iicquir ii.p un education that they haven't time to fiKhl and are crowding chil dren from the Hcbrv.is. Soldiers in iMnnv1 .ctlin nav'tiirtel Iheir own i-rhiMds. Minister of War Kerennky ha." had tieinendouK siHM-fM1 in iiistillinn the fitfhtinar spirit in the troops, actual! at the front. ThotiFands of snldien rojim about freely or have laid down their rifles for school hooks. Soldiers YandT Around. Kxtraordlni.rv efforts have lwen n.ade all over the country to make the soldiers fiKhl. but all trains are crowded with uniformed men, visit ii:g their families or wandering around. To stop the soldier wanderings. Premier Uvoff ordered all Rovernmeni coniiiiiHsi'nrs throUKhoiit the prov inces "to take speedy and energetic teM to return deserters to th front." Fond Proldem W orries. Food difficultiee still worry. The Uusian's meat stocks are officially estimated at two hundred million poods, which is considered a' Rood Mipply. The tremendous prohlein is trans portation. Krrensky has ordered the estubiishmeut of a government life insurance bureau for the benefit of It u ssi in soldiers. ELKS ARRANGING TO OBSERVE FLAG BUI PIUHilt-VM VIIJ UK riiK lAHf3 rXU fl'KE; I.K.K t'Al.lVKIli CHAIRMAN" Dana are being made by the Klks to observe Flag Day with more than the usual program this year. I-a--t evening a committee waa named to have charge of arrangements for the occasion and details of tbe program for the day are to be worked out soon. The committee named con sists of Captain I.ee Caldwell. It. W. Ultner. William Lowell and K. I Aldrlch. Klsg Day la June 14- MAY SHIPPING LOSSES MUCH LESS SEVERE BUinSH AIIK lrTIEVIN'i MOItF Si I.MKIXF-S KYS FO(l lCTTtlt. l.NrH-.N, June 1.- "May shir-plng IOSS4H nrr the licbt'St so fur in the submarine war because the British are detmytnc more uTmiarinsw than before." Knne.ly Jonea fiwd direc tor declared "The Germans are meeting this with a similarly increased output of submarines Fn;l nd has a reserve m pl of c-rea sufficient for 13 week, it I umerrain ber her this .an b maintained until harvest. If It full b-lo seven weeks. K :l T;m nen m ill result " SLACKERS WHO WOULD LEAVE U. S. WARNED President Issues Proclamation That Attempt to Leave the Country Will Expose Them to Prosecution on Return. IAlIKJ-fe June t. "hcckinc Um exodus of so-csUied slacfcera, gowrnment amenta refused to al low men of oonwrlptloa ae to erosw tbe liorder into Mexico. The flrnt two Americans detain ed were held by toe buresvu of Invefitifrmtlon. CsharRed with "fteck Inv to leave the. I'nlted States to avoid ailtttary rcglMtxatloo. WA HHINOTON, June t. The President haa issued a proclamation, warn in R slackers that an attempt to evade registration by leaving the country will expose them to prosecu tion on their return. The proclamation says: "Whereas, the President in his proclamation is sued on the eighteenth of May. set apart the fifth day of June between the hours of seven and nine for the registration of all male persona be tween the axes of 21 and 30, both in clusive, who may be subject to resis ts alion, in accordance with the act of congress approved May 18 th, 1917, authorizing the President to increase temporarily tnV military establish ment of the I'nited States. FlidWe Persons Warned. "Now. therefore, I Wood row Wil son. President of these United States, ir- hereby frive warning; that all per sons subject to registration under the provisions of said act. and the procla mation of the President, withdrawing f l om t he Ju risdict ion of t he I'nited States for the purpose of evading sucb rotfist ration, expoee themselves on their return to the jurisdiction of the l'n lied States to- prosecuzion 'r such evasions of reiristration pursuant to section five of the act of congress, ap proved May 1Mb. which enacts that . ny person who wi!fulJ fails, or re fuse t present himself for registra tion or submit thereto, as herein pro vided, sl-all be guilty of a misdemean or und upon conviction, be punished by imprisonment for not more thai one year and shall thereupon be duly registered.' " DOES THIS COUNTY WANT TO LOSE ITS ROAD OPPORTUNITY It mm only throucti hard, earut-i work by tlie F mat ilia county lcieca tkm and ohr hMMtom fnn north, eastern Oregon Uiat powerful inflii-cim-cs were ktnn from putting tlic rlohn Isay highway sctosh the statu i hi tlic map In ro."erviK'e to tJho hlghwwy from Tlio Ikalteti, Arlingtoo. IVikIIoii, a irmmic and I laker to the Idnlio line. At the outset of the mwdiHi llte way waa all awrranged for ilie John I My road to lia.e prefer ence and lortlanl eo4e were In line on tliat toahject. If the road bonds cmrry our nrtnet-n route will he perniaticilJ tmproved and made the offW-ial cru- Mate higliway. if the road bouti are clffeated the tawe of a road from thU section to Prtland will be Met back many cwrN and wry likHy Uie jolin lai route will again be Trought forward on the grooiMt tliat emite Is IOO mihw aborter. If t mat ilia coiiiiIt people eon?ilt iIm'It own plain Iikwu Uiey will vote unanimously for the mil la it hot n laiH.'" tas r. stiinfN'Id. MISS BUTLER WILL TELL FOOD VALUES IKVMFSTIC IFNF ITHOUITV Wil l. I.1VK TALKS 1 M.. tMMt NITIK. The aork woman iw never dne This is tnore i"ten true than peopV ..!(.. It ( HalsUMallv iril. att lh hiusewtfe of tod.iy. June 9 is The 1 date of ihe talk on to.nii. to ive Riven , by Aht"e Butler at I'mapine. Miss Butler mill talk to the f"l- loatng eomm unities June t. Free- aater; June t. Sunny Mtie, June . Miltn ; June , Freewater. The following week. beginning June 11, she will talk at Pleasant Valley- June IS. Weston. June it stun nitiuntaiu: June 14. Adams: June 15. Helix; June l. liobiman. If these dt-s are not oonvenient thev may be changed by communi cating with the chairman, Mrs. Wade Miss Butler hoi!, to give in a eon ci.e wav the fwd v.ilue compttsition uMitvti'ii and "ts of ireatx. veg a tU mi k. cere t'i. bread and Trujif 75,000 PRISONERS TAKEN IN THREE ALLIED OFFENSIVES APRIL CANTONMENT CAMPS REDUCED IN NUL1BER WASHINGTON". June I. w The war department baa decld-- ed to reduce the cantonment w camps from 32 to II. . Inaofar as poasfble the camps will be established in the south 4 because of better conditions there. Secretary Baker sold the change waa due to coec w Congress is considering a $75.- w 000.004 appropriation . It is estimated the cost of 12 canton- ments would have been a hun- dred and fifty million FRIENDS BLAMED FOR FAILURE TO RECOVER CHILD SPRIXGFIKLaD, Mo., June 1. Crazed mith grief and anxiety over the kidnaping of his son. J. H. Keet. millionaire, retired banker, blames his friends for his failure to recover the boy from abductors last night. Following directions, Keet last night stole away to meet the kidnapers. He carried $.irtu ransom. Before leav ing he asked his friends not to at tempt to follow hltn. The kidnapers letu-r" tald he 'alone : niust" take the money to the kidnapers. "' Friend, leaning foul play, followed Keet all night. The kidnapers did not appear at the appointed spot. Keet drove all night. Keet intends to hunt the kidnapers with the ransom tonight. The police fear others, knowing of the circumstances, may attack him. UlfE IPCAL Floral Society Meet. The Pendleton Floral Society will meet this evening at 7:30 in the Com mercial association rooms and all members are asked to attend. 1 Son Ih Born. j A son was born early this morning , ai St. Anthony's hospital to Mr. and Airs. Jack Hitsman. The father i an O-W. brakeman. llowmait IHvorce , rati ted. Judge Phelps has granted a,, divorce to the plaintiff in the case of Com modore P. Bowman vs. Mary E. Bow man. The property rights were set tled by stipulation. Indian Woman Want Alimony. Ifioma. Pierce. a fnllblood Indian woman of the FmatiMa reservation, this afternoon filed suit for di orce against her husband, Mike Iterce. a half-blood, alleging he is indolent, re fiiMv: to ork ami- lives off income toni hei allottments. curses her and t-hoko her. She asks for x attor-i.i-v fees and $-. a month utitnouy. W . M. Peterson is her atiorne. 1 ,00 king For f.o-4 Heir. An effort is being made to tocut t.eoti-e T. Heinhiirdf. who ts supposed to Ive a, resident of this vicinity. His rrother. H. K. Rinehardt. died re cently at the soldiers home in south ern California leaving propertv which will escheat to the state irntet-a heirs are found. W. M Peterson has re ceived a letter asking him to locate the brother. L As a result of hts trip er the stat- ',.. k.. i..r.nl investig.tion. W 1 -r-a. n,umhar .if 1 ii aiit I hiKhway commission. predu-tK that I the nix million dollar rd Umh! mea nure will re.-eive a substantial nia ijoritv n.-xt Mondav at the roil". Sen timent ha been crvMa I it ing in favor of tbe niejure both in Portland snd o. r the itits- ithin the ii t-n . d.v . h 1te. ! I.rtl.pd t'- C ve t d ",:it..r;l. M.-r th !.-. tui. t.- i.t,. .w ,n.! h- FROM SUBSTANTIA ROAO BONDS DAILY EVENING EDITION HF.ATHF.ft Fair tonight am! Hnrurday, Maximum 77; minimum 41; ruin fall 0; wind, wL, brisk; weather, partly cloudy. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPEB NO. 9137 15 TO MAY 24 British Move Forward by Inches in Number of Engagements Last Night; German Third Line Pentrated. TRIESTE'S FALL IS REAMS (HEN'RT WOOD.) FTlENt II ffJ-:AIsQt'ART-ILS. Jane I. Between April 15 and) May 24 tha French nave bnnrlHoned Sir 'J Cier Bians. aeordinaT to headquarters llMi-. Adding those tbe BrttMi and Itali ans captured It Is ewtlmated T&.OM have been ca pea red d urine the three great offeafstvea. m XdONDON. June I. The British moved forward by inches in a num ber of successful local engagements last night. Haig reported. They sue- cessfully raided the Oermans. Front dispatches say the British Loos attack reached the Herman third line. The French repulsed violent Ger man counter attacks, the Paris state ment said. SIMI.aoo Austrian I-oM. ROM E, June L The great Italia offensive has already cost the Anstrt ans toa.Oft'r killed, mounded and mis sing, it is conservatively estimated. Tbe Italians are now consolidating snd reinforcing their lines with new troops and refortifying their posit. - UertSsJ They an cv.ntinualltnflietu.a' . friuhtful losses on the nen.y by re pelling counter attacks, (Seneral ('adnmi halted an advance, today, permitting the bringing up of new supplies in preparation for fur ther attacks. Hope to Preserve Trieste. It is stated the Italians hope te capture Trieste with the smallest pos sible amount of damage to tbe his tone city. Guns of the allied war ships will not be directed on the city, if it is possible to avoid it. Trieste's occupation Is considered a matter of weeks. It is reported the continued Italian success has created a' great depression in Bohemia. TORNADO TOLL 75 DEAD WITH 150 INJURED WIMt F-STIMATKn To HWK TltAVKl.RI IS MILKS IN" IS MIVTTIX ST. M1 IS. June I. latent re ports) today estimate that the tnrnn- do toll In wheatrrn MisMHtrl re terdtay was 75 dead and I5 Injured. The wind It ! eKtimau-d traveled . milew la la mlnuirw. The propertv I Is esa4mated at over a amiUloa. ' Tlie trti'kwn dNrht la faw-ins? hun ger and di'-ea. rmnmonliaiisn w-itli tlie dKtrt-i tw cut. Tlill.v TO llt; SFI-F BIT Oils FTIOM 1 l I. e a hKTLV.n. June 1 -a H. lin gen filter for manv vmi. the I'nited State d iMtriet attorne v of Idaho, hanged himself at the hospital. Attendants saw hi in before he died and cut the nP laingenfelter fell front the h..-- piral window two atoriea the fall killing him. d MAJORITY FOR IS 1 isiiitv that I Visa t uia eiint a til te aligned in the V column He ha r-e.tved trtanv suran--d t hat aot t th southern regn enntlea r fr thp no-asure s . rrs- of th W j 'amette valley counrwa am k mgnn,-4 .it he think, hut b sin. Mil rr.si Nr itt j though be flf U lMfr th! t,p Mr,.f , Wawh inicToN) 111 rvtr it v on it.n H. 'Hwn of ,illi.,ro. t r-.oh. I uhr ( nut MMiiM) .ne .-r i h-r- h- ' Mi-wa f to- rrt f ...,', ' 1 I I h -I r- r 'f-r Ip.,o PREDICTED