EIGHT PAGES r pir.F Tirn - uaili UKtouam. rr.nuLr.1 u. wh-ovj - - j i ' " -i l r k .---.'.'-j.w-wmwm.WK'mmWm? El b t r e I E E t 1 '1 SATURDAY IS THE LAST DAY OF OUR HOME FURNISHING SALE ITS AN EVENT YOU CANT POSSIBLY AFFORD TO MISS. VALUES SUCH AS YOU'LL NOT SEE AGAIN THIS YEAR ARE BEING OFFERED ON NEEDED GOODS OF BEST QUALITY. AND REMEMBER TOMOR ROW, SATURDAY, IS THE LAST DAY OF THIS SALE. SHEETS ! These are torn sizes before hem- j mini;, of best quality sheeting with 3 inch top hem and 1 inch bottom ; heavy weight and durable. JMX 63x99 Sheets for 82 S1.05 81x90' H. S. for 90 Sl.OO 72x90 Sheets for 87 1.10 81x90 Sheets for 4 SI. 25 81x90 Sheets for S1.07 951.35 81x99 Sheets for $1.17 PILLOW CASES Heavy weight muslin, double sewed, wide hem, in all sizes, plain and hem stitched. 30 Quality for 23 32 Quality for -' , . 26 35e Quality for 2S TOWELS AND TOWELING The largest stock of Towels and Toweling we have ever had. We can furnish any kind that you may so de sire. Best quality, largest sizes and heaviest weight. lO Quality for 8 12Vi Quality for lOe 15Quality for 12 20 Quality for 16 25 Quality for 19 35 Quality for 27 40 Quality for 32 50 Quality for 39 65 Quality for 52 75 Quality for . 61 85 Quality for - 69 S1.0O Quality for ..... 78 151.25 Quality for 98 S1.50 Quality for If 1.19 RUGS As an introduction to this depart ment we are going to offer these beau tiful Rugs at a big reduction. S1.50 18x36 Rugs 81.18 SS3.00 27x54 Rugs S2.39 S5.00 36x72 Rugs $4.20 $6.00 36x72 Rugs 84.95 1 in BATH MATS These are of the largest sizes, heavi est weight, neat patterns of good colors. 75 Quality for . 59 81. OO Quality for 73 $1.25 Quality for 98 S1.50 Quality for . 81-19 82.00 Quality for 81.61 82.50 Quality for S1.83 TABLE DAMASK Now is your chance to fill your wants in Table Damask and Napkins. A showing not surpassed in the city. Most beautiful patterns, heaviest weight and best quality. 65 Quality for 53 LUNCH CLOTHS Including cloth and six napkins to match, made of finest quality double satin Damask hemstitched by hand. Beautiful floral and conventional de signs. . LUNCH CLOTHS AND SETS 84.00 Quality for 83.39 S4.50 Quality for 83.85 S5.0O Quality for 84.10 $6.00 Quality for 84.95 36.50 Quality for $5.39 S7.50 Quality for $6.39 SS.50 Qualitv for $7.35 SIO.OO Quality for ., 88.20 $11.50 Quality for .... $12.50 Quality for . Comes in plain and cut corners in BED SPREADS hemmed, crochet 75 Quality for 62 Sl.OO Quality for 78 $1.25 Quality for 98 $1.50 Quality for $l.l $1.75 Quality for $1.42 $2.00 Quality for $1.69 $2.50 Quality for $1.98 $3.00 Quality for S2.37 NAPKINS Napkins to match the Damask and some odd ones, too. 83.0O Quality for .. 82.39 S3.50 Quality for 82.95 $3.75 Quality for 83.10 84.00 Quality for 83.37 84.50 Quality for 83.87 85.00 Quality for 83.98 Ss.00 Quality for $4.95 S6.50 Quality for $5.39 87.00 Quality for 85-89 1$6.50 Quality for 85.39 57.50 Quality for S6.39 87.00 Quality for 85.95 $8.00 Quality for 86.85 $7.5 Quality for ?6.3 $8.50 Quality for 87.35 $8.50 Quality for 87.35 S9.0O Quality for $7.85 i$9.50 Quality for $8.25 $10.00 Quality for $8.15'S10.00 Quality for $8.75 $9.75 $10.95 scolloped and satin Marseilles. These come in single and double bed sizes. $1.25 Quality for 98 $1.50 Quality for $1.19 $2.0O Quality for $1.63 $2.50 Quality for $1.98 83.0O Quality for $2.39 $3.50 Quality for' $2.95 $4.00 Quality for $3.39 $4.50 Quality for $3.85 $5.00 Quality for $4.10 $6.00 Quality for $5.15 Buy your New Coat or Suit NOW at a Bargain Price Now is the time to get the best selection at a price that is only a part of their real value. Backward Spring Weather has made women slow about selecting new spring apparel. You can now profit by our radical method of dis posing of these desirable garments. EVERY GARMENT ON SALE IS OF THE LATEST STYLE There is not an old suit or coat in the lot. The materials most in de mand are shown in all the bright colors as well as the more conserva tive shades. ' . , Low price was of less importance than quality when we selected these garments and now we offer them to you at the price of cheaper merchandise. CLOTH SUITS ARE REDUCED AS FOLLOWS: $25.00 Cloth Suits are Reduced to float $35.00 Cloth Suits are Reduced to $40.00 Cloth Suits are Reduced to $45.00 Cloth Suits are Reduced to $ZS.75- CLOTH COATS ARE REDUCED AS FOLLOWS: $25.00 Coats are Reduced to fJo f f $35.00 Coat are Reduced to iik $40.00 Coats are Reduced to $24.75 i BEAUTIFUL GEORGETTE WAISTS If you could hear the enthusiasm daily expressed in our vaist section by delighted patrons who tell us that no where else are they able to find such a beautiful assort ment of the daintiest blouses, then you would not won der at the great number of waists we sell. The beauty of all of this lies in the fact that our mod els are all distinctive, as constant searching of the New York market by our buyers supplies us with the quality we need in a variety so wide and varied as to avoid duplication. All the latest shades in models that feature the last ideas of the greatest design ers are here, at prices reas onably consistent with the quality. Georgette Crepe Waists, $5.75 to $13.75. A wide variety of waist in both cotton and silk ma terials, all reasonably priced. The Bargain Basement WEEK END SALES. Saturday it will pay you well to visit this best of all Economy Centers where we are cleaning up the odds and ends of several lines of goods sent from all over this big department store. WEEK END SALES IN THE FOLLOWING UNES Men's Work Wear Overalls, Caps, Shoes, Sox, Shirts and Gloves. Men's Dreas Wear Suits. Pants, Hats, Shirts, Shoes. Women's Everyday Wear House Dresses, Aprons, Waists, Wash Skirts, House Slippers and Shoes. Women's Dress Wear Summer Suits, Silk Dresses, Wash Dresses, Dress Skirts, Silk Petticoats, Silk and Wash Waists and the prettiest of all Dress Shoes. Boys' and Girls' Wear Everything to dress up your boy and girl, and at an exceptional saving. For tho Baby The most important of the whole fami ly; lots of Bargains in the Baby's Wear. For the Homo Don't miss a single bargain offered you in our Home Furnishing Sale. Every item is a money saver. And Remember If it's in the Bargain Basement it's Sure a Bargain. Pendletons Greatest Department Store The Peoples Warehouse Where It Pays to Trade TEXT OF OPIII REGARDING MOHEY FOR THE LIBRARY N T 1 CEJf It you are thinking ot i The following- la the complete text of the opinion Klven to District At torney Keator by Attorney uenerai Brown in reimrd to the use of city money for the benefit of the county library: Salem. Ore.. May 1,19J". Honorable R. I. Keator. DIM. Atty.. I'matilla Co., Pendleton. OreRon. Pear Sir: 1 have your favor of the 2Tth ulti mo, in Mhlrh you ask my opinion whether the city council of The t'itj ot Pendltttnn may contract with the county court of I'matilla county to contribute tn the support of the public library owned and operated by said couiuv without violatina iction 9 of Article XI of the Constitution of Oreuon. and xt-ttimc out the facts which call forth this question. Sid section of the Constitution reads as follows: "No county, city, town or other mu nicipal corporation, by a vote or iti citizens or otherwise, shall become i stockholder In any joint stock com i inm-. corporation or association w hat : ever, or raise money for. or loan its i credit to. or in aid of, any such com I pany. corporation, or association." -I Section 431. Lord's Orecon 1-aws. ! which is a part of the public library 'law of Oresun. reads as follows: I "If there exists in any incorporated city a secular or nonsectarlan library owned and controlled by a society or ' corporation, the council of such in corporated city city may. when deem ed best for the Interests of the city, levy the tax hereinbefore provided fori and in lieu of supporting and niaintnininK a public library, enter In to a contract with such society or cor poration for the purpose of providing the Inhabitants of such city with the free use of the library upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon between the council and the society or corporation: ana tne terms of such contract may give the control and management of the li brary to such society or corporation, in which event section 4319 shall have no effect, but the other sections there of shall be considered to be a part of said contract; provided, however, that all money paid to such society or corporation under' slid contract shall be expended solely for the mainten ance of thr library, and for no other purpose." It Is. therefore, evident that the cllv council has authority to make such contract under the statute un less the same is In violation of the constitutional provision above quoted and In fact they would have such au thoiity independent of the statute, if not prohibited by the Constitution. The Supreme Court of Oregon in the case of Municipal Security Co. vs. Haker .County. 39 Ore. .. at pages 403-7. considered the effect of this provision of the Constitution and Its opinion as set forth on said paces Is helpful In construing its provisions. Quotlnu- at pace 405 from the decision t.t the Supreme Court of Ohio, as fol lows: ...... but It (the city) cannot ugage in an enterprise with an in dividual or corporation for the con struction or erection of a property which, as a completed whole, is to be i w-ned and controlled In part by the rity and in part by an individual cor poration." Our court considering this language says: "We cannot believe that the lar.gu-.-.Ke of oir constitution hereinbefore luoted is susceptible to the construc tion given to .a similar clause by the Supreme Court of Ohio, nor yield our consent to the reasons assigned for the decision there rendered." The court then proceeds to explain that this section of the Constitution was adopted In view of the experi ence of municipalities of other states taking stock In railroads and other business concerns In order to develop their communities and to avoid the disastrous results which followed such investment and that it Is not inteno ed to prevent a municipality from owning property Jointly with an other person, association or corpora tion, and concludes: "In the csseat bar. if the relief de manded were granted, the county would not- thereby become a stock, holder In any Joint stock company, corporation, or association whatever: nor would it be raising money for. or loaning Its credit to or in aid of. any such company, corporation or asso ciation." It may be added that this was a esse where the county had purchased certain real property and Issued its warrants therefor, but on account ot the constitutional limitation upon county indebtedness such warrants were declared Invalid and the county was sued to compel It to reconvey the undivided Interest In such property I represented by the unpaid warrants. ! It- the urrscnt Instance. the city would not become a stick holder in any corporation. Joint stock compsny or assoclat ion. nor would it be rais ing money for or loaning Its credit to. or In aid of any such company, cor-i..--.f ln r association, as the words ''are there used. It has authority to ' I maintain a library either as the owner Jithereof or by contract with another ilto maintain such library and furnish i .Ill rary facllltii s to Its cltlsens snd in '(either case it does not become a stockholder of or contribute In aid of the one furnishing the library facili ties. It may In f.ict be an aid to the M.int.- r..r fh citv to make such ftj i contract but It is also an aid to sny tptf-pon. firm or rornorat Ion to fur tnlsh any city supplies and It could 'hsrd'y be h-ld thet this is a viola tion of said section of the Constttu jt nn f.-r if so the countv would tie In-Ih.l.it-d from purchasing or ontract I li:c f.-r an1 s.ipplles or service what-'-,....! ;ted white ttl'l Is redocinK !h.' ? Duying a ruiu, u is uu- a solutely necessary that you 0 come in and sign an order, j 5 i 5 The factory has notified us that we cannot 5 stock cars and no cars will be shipped us except for bona fide signed orders held by us. ' All orders will be filled in the rotation in which they t-re received, and all cars arebeing sold under the fol lowing factory rule: , . If die retail price nieilon.rt on this order bci liu-rcased before delivery of car or i-liaxaa. the" pun-baser may at his or hT option pay sia-li increase or have dciHw.lt returned and order raocHled. Simpson Auto Co. Water and Johnson Sts. Telephone 408 5 Water ana jonnson ats. icicpiiune vo oarryln ih theory advanced to it logical conclusion. I am. therefore, of opinion that th contract mentioned In your letter in not a. violation of.tha wclkm of th? Constitution above quoted.; Very truly yours, OEO. M. BROWS'. Attorney General. E1 I.wm of Appetite is also toss o vi tality, vigor, tons. To recover appe tite and the rest take Hood's Sai:ip arilla that strengthens the storo -ch, psrfects digestion, mskes eating is pleasure. It also makes the bl.ol rich and pure and steadies the nerves. Ad. Potato Doughnuts gWrlu far Rsripsl retain the moisture several days. An excellent wholesome'food when made with the pure IIC Baking Powder Always sure to please. Try a can today at our risk. A Hand? Book containing 10 Cook ice Lesson, and 54 Tested Recipes will ks mailed yon FREK if 70a will send your name snd sddress to J8vu , W E 4H 4 JAQUE3 MFC CO, CHICAGO H- Grocert m, nm- YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOUR MONEY nrY LIBERTY LOAN BONDS Hy ho doin? you ierve your country. Yo can buy them on the Installment Plan lemocrncy needs its dollars for defense not tribute. Kvery dollar aid be spent In Americs. SIM of Bonds: 3O.04, lOv.OO. S.VKl.OO. I.IM..M and up. lUte of Interest: S'-4 percent. IVndhton's Kher". sloO.ooo.nO. Voar subscription will be recrited .1 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ' PENDLETON MMIIIIMMIIIIIMIIIIMIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIlii; I Neglect Leads to Pain 5 Why stay away from the dentist till you can rtand the 5 pain no longer? Neglect is the mot expensive con- f aidering; both pain and money. We can fix your teeth S with the best guaranteed work . possible, and do it with- 5 out pain. Give us the chance to show you our high claim painless dentistry at prices all can afford. I Newton Painless Dentists 1 Cor Main and Webb Su Entrance on Webb St. 1 Phone 12. Open Evening-. ,,lllIIIIMIIIIIIHMIIIIIIMIIIM!lllllll!lllllli:illllllllllllllllllllhllllllWiIMIII.7 XZiyj)' : ropHion to n absurd.ty. It is onl.