a mum nt- 4w' vtma ! I t PAGE SEVEN DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1917. EIGHT PAGES PRESIDENT OF CUBA AND HIS NAVAL AND MILITARY STAFFS Vi -e A' if. 4-f g AXON III III! -r -rJ f V r More "Pep" Lower Price And you get all the beauty, performance, comfort and easy driving of the big high-priced cars at a lower first cost and far lower operating cost. Stripped chassis here for your - inspection call and note the specifications. Car here for immediate delivery. Repair Shop With Competent Mechanic. Tires. Accessories, Gasoline service station. washed and City Auto 722 Cottonwood St. Cheer up If you find that you are not a genius. A scientist "' that genius Is a sort of epilepsy. How's Thu? We offer one Hundred Isjllors IteKard tw ssy cae nf I'stsrrh tlist rsnuut be .iird br lltill'ii t'sisi-rh M.illrlne. Hall's i sisirb Mr.ll.liH- baa been taken lir t-atsrrb tufferers .r lb ant tblrrj lie Jesru. and has berooie kunwn aa the m.-l reliable remedy for Calarrb Halls l aisrrb Medlrlue aits thru the rlloud od Ihe Iikous surfares. einelllag the I'olsoo fi.nn the lll'ssl and beallu( the dlaeasea LtNr liana. After yoo hare taken llalla Catarrh Uedkine for a Kborl time you will see a areal Improvement In four general health, start' taking Hall's l atarrh Medicine at once ahd get rid of raisirh. Seud for les unionists, free. K J CHK.NKV a TO. Tnledo. Ohla Hold nr all lirugglsts. ".V. SEEMS EVERYONE - HEARD ABOUT IT MA, WANT TO TIIV SKW IR.I"J THAT DRJFX l l-HSS M TIIKY NIT OIT. Jood new spreads rapidly and druggist hera ara kenut busy dispen sing freeione. the refcent dlsoo-ery o! a Cincinnati man. which Is said to loosen any corn so It lifts out with thi fingers. A quarter of un ounce costs ver little at any pharmacy, but Is said to be sufficient to rid one's feet of eiery hard or soft corn or callus. Tou apply Just a few drops on the tender, aching .porn and Instantly the soreneea is relieved, and soon tha corn is so shriveled that It lifts out with out pain. It I a sticky substance which dries when applied and never Inflames or even Irritates the adjoin ing tissue. This discovery will prevent thou sands of deaths snnualy from l.wkjaw and Infection heretofore resulting from the suicidal habit of culling corns. WHEN YOU WAKE ' UP DRINK GLASS OF HOT WATER Wash thg fcolaong and toxins from system bsfors putting mora food Into stomach. . Say InaMa-bathina makn am. ena leek and feel elean, west and refreshed. yourself on the Inside before ! breakfast like you do on tne ouisioe. I his Is vastly more Important hecausi the skin pores do not u'worb Impuri ties Into the blood, causing Illness, while the bowel pores do u.r everv ounce of food snd ilrlnk o.ken Into the stomach, nearly sit j ounce hf waste material must be car ried out of the body.. If this waste material Is not ellmlnsled dsy by da it niilcktv ferments, and aener.it.- and toxins which arc absorbed ir sucked Into the .iSm throiiKh the lymph I.UmvI ducts which should suck only nurlshnieiit t.i sustain the hodv. , A splendid health measure lw.f(re hreakf-ist esch la dsy. glass of real hot water with a tea e,onful of limestone phosphate In H which Is a harmless way to wash these poisons. gaea and toxins from ihe stomach, liver, kidneys and bow-rls- thus .cleansing sweetening and freshening the entire alimentary ca nal before putting more food Into the stomach. ' A iu.trler pound limestone phos. Phst- c,.ts but very little at the drug store but Is sufficient n make any one, an enthusiast on inside-bathing. Men and women who are accusomed ,,. wake up with a dull, aching head or have, furred tongue, bad taste, nsa tv hresth. sallow complexion, others who have bilious attacks, acid stom ach or constipation are assured of rr. nounod Improvement In both hi ill an l appearance shortly. Cars stored. Company Telephone 46 41 My Tuesday and Wednesday. XKW WTYI.K IN AltM Y -.IMKM War ltfartjmiit Wltli More May AKnjl Suit" WASHINGTON, May 1 fncie Sam's army offb-ers may wr a new service uniform. If a style now being considered by the war dep.u-tment is approved. The uniform Is the one to bssrorn by the officers who will accompany the Hoot commission to Russia, The c.sits or tunic resembles 1 loscly that worn by British otMcers visiting this country. Instead of the j. recent colbir. which fits tigmly nnout the neck, the new collars falls over with lapels and strlis-s to designate the ser vice branch of the officer will be sus pended from the' fnpels. , It was ex plained that the new uniform wilt give officers more swaauer.' The uniforms worn to Kussla will be ciom ne..n-. than khaki' nnd resembling tel. J They will tie olive dia"to and trench belts. ill have Mum- u man who boasts of his will- 1 -1 ... .h. a hi. last dl of blood for his country In doing his level t est to avoid shedding the first one. !'" -" '" eansajssnsMss- ' je f o. 4 i I "- - - T s . ... ' 1 5 i i i ' : ; i j . . - ' f- ... . L3ANIKC J-JlAMfJEilOO.OOO.OOO- ent.tlve. of the French re - nubile receiving la. . 'he . ..M i. l.ndlna that nation with which to meet exper.ee. : th..;Fr,..ch an. baador Jaa-eranJ. Seer .is i-r.Hii.iBn ..rii fii.i-r-J:. umnnl. ' ! of the Kallant little llepuhllc ., Cu- ha, surrounded by hln military and j County Library NEWS NOTES 10:00 II 5 JO KICHTS 7 tl . SUNDArS 2 tl 5 I THK HRAXCII .IItHA(tlFj. . Items from several of the branch libraries as given recently in the ' county papers show varied activities land progressive interests: Athena. ; Following is a comprehensive re- ' port of the financial condition of the Athena Bruoh library from March 3rd. l!6, to March 12. 18lT. as ten dred by the secretary-treasurer of the local board: iluliinee on hand, 1916 ; Ponated from city 100. Hec'd from library hall, cake J sale and entertainment ... 170.47 j Total ' Kxpendilures- I Kent Janitor Coal I Uthts donated ' Magazines j HiH.ks 1 Hook oases . laut.si . .$ 76 3". 24. 0:i 6 l; lis-, 2i.r,s 14.00 14.90 Incidentals Building fund 182.00 $359.4.1 J 15. 5: Balanca on hand Fines (ah on hand from ilf.-l. Ami. fines collected . . 2 o 15.27 Total Dit-bur nients for P iper ' . .1 1 Ink, glue Cs'.h on hand Hental books Balance on hand from 1 31 A-nt. collected Hl.1-16 1915- . ."! 3.34 70 !S go "1 ' 52 Total pisbursed for new rental books Cash n hand ANNA FUSS, Sec.-Treas. The annual library hnll proved complete success, hoth from and financial standpoint.. social large j number participating and the toiai (receipts of the evening were rtnes for the evening were ;".' jleaifnir n tidy lltle sum In the treas 1 ury Athena Press. j Increase of business has necessitat ed lengthening the hours. The library Is now open both Wednesday ' Saturday afternoons in charge 11 I of i mriiilx rs of the board. UNI. The H.llx Library was moved int- i its new .M.-irters last m eek which arc : more conveniently situated than th ! old location, itver sixty dollars was ' recemlv sut.scriiH'd by citizens of He- It for the maintenance of the local f tsi , library The circulation of books In LENDING FRANCE $100,000,000 cuotry dortr-g May, The photograph shows left to right. M t-ssenaoe n I the Fter.. th Emhai-sy. 8lmon, MJUTAKT AND NAVAJ tTrrg. mini xiuffB. C.uha I 'prepared to I i:uce jfi the iIlHpoeal of the United KtatM un army of 3o.M)0 thoroilKhlv trained and equipped troops for der- was almost double, that of the pre vious year" and prospects are bright for even -better results this year. The new library hours will be on Tuesdays from 3 to 5 and Saturdays from 7 to 3 for rearling and exchange of books and on Sunday afternoons for read J:ig only from 2 to 5. IX'ho. With the. money raided at the pia-.in-rade dance recently, the library hoard has i.urcllased cork linoleum lor the library room of the city build ing. The new floor covering im proves the appearance of the room and makes it much more comfortable 'or the patrons. Echo News. l-TOewBUT. The library social In the I. O. O. F. hall on March first was a success from every standpoint financially and socially and the promoters ar( ... ..1 .Ilk 4hu .a.lllt 49 ?iM re;ui lm- " . was realized. All. the entertainers re ceived liberal applause and had to renfond to en,cores. Miss Kicheys se-lec-tlons being .especially attractive. Cafeteria supper a'as served. After the program the cakes were sold to the hiKhest bidders. The "hard limes" coatume prize winners were j Mrs Memory, Mhel Johnson. L.roa Johnson and Kmerson Huffman Frecuater Times. Stanficld. Another book case has been Install ed in the .Stanfield Library t.l accom modate the children's books, also a table and chairs added. Miss orpha Dunning has been ap pointed libiarian with library hours from 4 to S on Tuesdays and Thurs days and from J to 1 on SaturdaV evenings. The library ball given May 11th Is reported as a very successful affair. Weston. The Library Board of Weston has allowed the library room to be used a the headquarters o the Weston Auxiliary of the Vmatilla County Red Cross with meetings held on alter nate Fridays at 1:30. WtOIKN 1KIN; WBOi WOltK One of the most striking results of the great war in Kurope is ihe extent to which women are doing tne wors ! Franc reports that practically every i able-bodied man is in uniform and j women by the thousands are engage.l i 'n doing men's work acting as con-. tductors and drivers on tne cars anu : doing nil sorts 01 heavy work besides. ' This shows unexpeciea pswumi" 1 i" what has l.en mistakenly called the weaker sex. Women are suujeui to ailments which men do not have, and v. hen so ailing become weak, helpless sufferers. But a remedy has p.een found. For forty years. Lydia E Pinkham s Vegetable Compoun i has leen making such women well uml str.mgnn.l as able to do wor as any other women. u-H--t llot to Blow nrt. KOItT jiXKIJ.INtl. Minn., May 22. Finning a Mile print with writing in a foreign language on the reservation led military authorities to believe there was a plot to dynamite the fort where -,an reserve officers are truin- lug. The finding was reported 10 me . 1 department of Justice. ' . . i ExvrassintMa' tarv of the Tressury Wllllsm G. Mc'1 Adoo. aeisisnt Pecretarv or tne Treasury il'v and J. i. Williams. ! Cniteil Ststes iomptroller of the Cur. n-ncf , i. is T merican force, that j vice with the A :re to he sent to 1-rance. Cuha', declaration of war aaln Germany , was brought about solely because of SWINE MARKET I'DI'.TUN'D. May 22. Very seri ous decrease In the runs of livestock was shown at North Portland over Sunday," this heing rull confirmation of recent forecast in this paper. t There was a further advance of 25c in tops fit the swine division of the North Portland -yards Tor the week's owning, one lot of extra good stuff commanding $16 25. or the high est price on record for the. open mar ket here. ' fT- V- Over Kunday the total run ofstfine at North Portland was but head, inc'udir.g a fair run of stackers from California. I -ant Monday morning th. ..,,, r Ind vear ago today the showing was 2H1 head While tops were quote at an aa vanee of 25c for the day, the general market was 15 to 25c up. General hog range: flest heavy tl6.00le.2' 15.759100 14.75 IS. 25 15.2514 50 13.5014.54 Best light Hough heavy Pigs Stockers Cattle .Mai-ktt Steady. Steadiness was shown in the cattle trade at North Portland for the week's opening. There waa a ver small run for the Monday market, to tal receipts being but 33 head, com pared with 845 last Monday, and 69t head for this same ay a year ago. Early sales in the cattle division In- dicated a generally steady to strong tone, with prices not tested for top stuff. General cattle market range: Prise light beef steers. . 1 10 50 1 1 1.25 Prime heavy beef steer. 10 50 it 10.75 Choice beef cowa .O0 .50 Best heifers .0010.00 Ordinary good cows. t.26rS 8.7S prime heavy butcher bulls g.OOW 8.50 Light bulls 5.00 7.50 Calves 7.0010.0. Stocker-feeder steers .. 7.00 g 00( KtocKcr-feeder cows ... .00a 7.60 Mutton Market Nominal. Whilt a somewhat better showing of sheep ajid lambs is expected in the north Portland marketing during the immediate future, there was only a very nominal supply reported in the yards over Sun. lay. Total showing was but 2 7 head, compared with 1033 last Monday, and 535 head this same day a year ago. Not enough stuff came forward during the day to test the trend of the trade. Nominal wool mutton and lamb market: Kast mountain yearlings $1 3.504X1 13.50 Best valley yearlings ... 12.25W13.2S ! Kwes 11.00 12.00 Best east of mountain spring lambs 13.50414. t0 Coats 4.25 4 4.50 Best valley lambs 1J.00W13-50 CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ATTORNEYS. r w BA1LET. ATTORNBT AT Law. Rooms 7. . . DespaJ Bldg. GEORGE W. COrTTf, ATTORNET at law. Room 17, Schmidt block. 5ARTKR SMTTHE. ATTORXETS at law. Office In rear of American National Bank building. FEE FEE. ATTORENTS AT LAW. Office In Deepaln building. IOHN W HCrF. ATTORNET-AT-Ijiw. Room I. American Nation al Bank building. R I KEATOR. ATTORJfET AT Law Room 34. Smith-Crawford Building. A NEVTRKRRT. ATTORNET AT Law. Smith-Crawford Building PETERSON BISHOP. ATTOR ney at law: rooma 3 and . Smtth awford building. IAMBS R. PERRY. ATTORN EW AT Uw. Office) ovsr Taylor Hardware cmpany. i " RALET RALKT. ATTORENTS AT law. Office la American National Bank Building. FREDERICK 8TKTWER. ATTOR ' oey at law. Office In- Smith -Craw rord building I a A. LOWKLU AT-l-orotl a-" ' counsellor at tow. omee in pain building. her strong feeling , or aympathy and admiration for ttw tnitea in return for our aid in the Oihan war for independence. HITS NEW MARK Shorn stock 1 1-2 2c per pound less. Mnndaj. iJvexUx-k, Shipper. Mogs Kiddle Bros., Union Junc tion, 1 load; F. B. Graham, Elgin, 1 load; P. U. Johnson, I Grande. I load; P. D. Johnson, La Orande, 1 load: L L. Miller. Nampa. Idaho. J load; P. Vlx. Pecaoo, Idaho, I load; J A Luce. Corning. 3al... 2 loads; Geo. , Wurster, Montague, cal., 1 load; G. W. Of field. Cottonwood, CaL. 1 load. 1 H. Howland, Condon, 1 load; Dalles i Dressed Meat Co., The Dalles, 1 load: j J. Martin, Maupin, 1 load. , Cattle O. D. Teal, Echo, 1 load: 1 H R. Kuehn, Castle. Rock, 1 .load. I H. R. Kuehn. Castle Rock. 1 load; William Bhepard, Waahougal. Wash., j 2 loads. Cattle and calves O. tl Weed. Cot- j tonwood. cal., t loads; Joe Mellis. 1 Ridgefield and Sauvies Island, . 10 cattle and 11 calves, by boat. Sheep J. W. Weeks. Caldwell, Ida- ho, 1 load. . t Mixed stuff . e. Flslc, Parma, Idaho, 3 loads cattle and' hogs; Cald well Equity society. Caldwell, Idaho, 1 load cattle and bogs; H. J.rStillings, Hermiston, 1 load cattle and lkogs; C. R. Belshee. aloro, 1 load hogs and sheep. Aa tfm goes on the intelligent mu sicians at the movies learn that "The Star Spangled Banner" is npt for frivolous momenta. Uormfh and Economy go hand in hand with those who use our ROCK SPRINGS COAL Lump or Nut Dry Wood of All Kinds B. L. BURROUGHS Telephone 5 FCTiERAL IRBCTOR8. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE gTORF Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most mod era fnneral par lor. morgue and funeral cars. Calk responded to day er night. Corn.' Matn and Water streets. Telepnon. JOHN 8. BAKER. FUNERAL D5 rector and licensed embalmer. On poalte poatoffloa. Funeral parlol two funeral ears. Calls responded ti day or night. Ptoce 7. MONTANA FARM LANDS. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY Lands In eastern Montana at 93 50 to IIS per acre Suitable for farm ing or graalng. Easy term a For In formation write or see W. H. Holt. Miles City. Montana. AnciTTTECT. RAYMOND W. HATCH. AR'IK' tect. Desnaln Batldmg. Phoe TCI. Peadleton. Orecon. SECOND HANT TtEALrTR". V. STROBLK. DE4.LKK IN M8 and eeeond hand gooda t'aa paid for aH led haaut geodav Cheap est ptece te tnay hotaseheid goods. 31 Itsoa 37 1W. INSrR-'CE AND LAXD Bt KlK. PENTLET MONTGOMERY, RCa estate, flrw. life and accident Insa ance asenta. (U Main street. Phos pfe I 3 Early VcgetaUea ncl r L Flowers g" " houl be atarteJ now. Plant jt J Mors'a Grand Prize Carrot. L C Cabba)(.OnioB.Bt.Peaa. J J SpiaackaadTarais. Also Mowss e "V L Swsst Pass aad Fsaa. J J All ara IctaJ J California Seeds Ji Doa't taka aecda tbat are "J aw Y eW." GrtHors j, Ji Oa Sab W ad UaJks, Daakea I TO AoUr SM rrr Mma a Jt I Sdm m4 det lr Mr llHe ryfc g T y,'rtowilll srT !" S W Jet M0RSB 8 CO. C K SeeUror Sm fnmcimca Women nhould remmfer that m persuader a ktM alway discount & frown. BUY BULK Portland Seed Co.' Seeo. recommended by the Oregon Agricultural College and Pra fessor Fendall of the Pendleo High School. Cut Flowers and Buddine, Plant. G W. Hooker Fl.tmlST. Oregon Journal Agent. Phone 522 Messengers. Store Depot Block, Main treet. Free Delivery. Open Eeninn DOCTORa. & A. ROE. M P. PRACTICE LT sa lted to the eye. ear. nose and throat. Room 21. Judd Building. j MlSCELLANEOra. ATTENTION. 1.1'TTKIl e PfcK round we w-sll pav $li.oa rewara) if our Hme Bitter Merger faila te J me.--e one i i Tit of mMk and one 'poind ofl.tilt.r into two rw.unda la lto miiutivi. Sweeer thun creamery 1-uti.r. Price 15 U'l riruiiy Buttar j Mcreer Company. 410 Kai"t Oak Hl yyaiia a;ia. n iwninci.tn. I'KTAI.l MA IMTtllKRT. F.-TAB- lished 12 '"an ship day ol chicks to points r. s he. I In three daya Five yaneti.s v challenga the h. n. Fee circular. L W. Clara. 1'etaluma t'al;f. ArCTlONKKIt, COL W. F. TOHNKA. AUCTION, eer, makea a socially of tauraneaa eftock and machinery salea. man that gets .. the money. ' 1 order at East Ore-rcnuui offlea. MlrtCKl.LAX KOI. HAZi:i.I. WINDOW WAfMIKU Carpet and l!flr cleaner a j ranlnr An- k.od of work done s.s i the d.v er y b. rta'Ssfsc.i..ti I Mria. I te-d I h.'l.s !' Ill f. o.rt. I- I ' f