DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1917. EIGHT PAGES "4BntniUNHllllllllllllllMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllltlllll!llllllimiHIIHIItllllllllliHIIIIC PACE EIOHT I WaichYour Health I improve with its uszs 1 olive: oil I Tk Highest StAiui&rd of Quality I MadU and Bottled in NICE , FRANCE I FOR PEOPLE WHO QI5Ciltf!!ATE i Aitmlior Uuiok Buyer. The Oregon Motor Garage reports the sale of a D 4 4 Buick tu Hugh Stan fie Id of Kcho. Is Vagged Again. Iris Smith, a mixed blood woman who was "vagged" last winter, re turned to the city last night and was arrested again on a similar chance. morning at the park at I ft with officers' school at ft. GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. "QUALITY" Two Phone 25 823 Maia St. tHmHiiinnuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHHHiniiiiHi- I i Silk Petticoats A complete assortment of these gar ments in all the popular materials, including Taffeta, Wash Satin. Silk Jersey. Pongee and Gloria Silk in plain colors, fancy and the much want ed Paisley. These are also -sizes. complete in out- ... dkitZHU XSee our wonderful showing of "Wash Materials, Devonshires, Gabar dines. Galatea, Romper Cloth, Fancy Crepe, Voiles, Cotton Challie. Ging hams and Prints in our "Down Stairs Store.") fl YOU BE THE JUDGE All WE ask Ls an opportunity to show you personally the motor cars we believe in. Then JUDGE FOR YOURSELF as to the real VALUE of such a car to YOU. PENDLETON AUTO COMPANY FRANKLIN "The Liffht-weight of Motordom." REO "The Gold Standard of Value." MARMON "The Easiest Riding Car in the World." COLE 8 -Hill aee no (MMlarlr." REPUBLIC TRUCKS "The Honest Truck at the Honet Price." Ball (Mne Tomorrow. The Pendleton Colored Tigers will play the Umatilla Indian crack team at the Round-Up grounds tomorrow, the game being called at 2:30. tast Sunday the Indian team defeated the Woodmen by a score of 12 to 2. Clint Iluaau Knlisus. Clint Buzan. son of George Bumn of this city, has enlisted in the eights regiment, engineers, for service in the wur and expects to be sent to France at an early date. Young Buzan lived in Pendleton all his life until a few years aso and was a member of com pany.L,. O- N. O. when it existed here. Arrested for lighting. W. W. Jones, local barber, and Bill Hart were arrested last night by Of ficer Hall for fighting and will stand trial in police court this afternoon. Jones is alleged to have knocked Hart down but. in Justification, de clares Hart had his hands in hid (Jones' pockets. Hall called upon Doug McDonald to assist in taking the men to the station. Instead Mc Donald disappeared with Hart and both were later arrested. Jones and McDonald are out on bail. Over For Graduation. Tom Murphy, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Murphy, is spending the week end here, having come over yesterday to attend the high school graduation exercises, hfs sister having been one of the graduates. He is a member of the class which graduates from La Grande high -school next week but. with four other senior boss, has been working in the freight department of the O.-W. R. A N. at Huntington the past few weeks. The company ap pealed to the La Grande school au thorities for assistance in meeting the labor shortage. Indian la Alleged Thief. Andrew Buahman, an Indian, has been arrested upon a warrant issued by tha district attorney charging him with the theft of a hat. His hearing has not yet been held. Completing Library Plans. Architect Raymond Hatch is com pleting the plans for the branch li brary building at- Milton and expects to have them finished within three or four days. Bids will be received soon after. Threw Shoulder Out, A. R. Simpson this morning re ceived a bad fall out of a porch swing at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Manuel Friedley, and had his shoul der thrown out of Joint. Physicians were called to put it back in place. u rt ais.ooo tate. Iouise Van Orsdall has been ap pointed administrator of the estate of her husband, the late P. H. VanOrs dall. The estate consists of property valued at $15,000, the petition repre sents, i I tot urn from Montana. County Judge C. H. Marsh. Roland Oliver and J. E. Montgomery have re turned from Montana where they spent two weeks looking over farm sections of the state. They were much impressed with the quality of some of the land there. Hk Roads Fine. The road between Echo and Pen dleton, characterized aa the worst road in the county last fall, ls now the best, according to W. H. Morrison of Helix, who has just returned from trip to Heppner with James Johns, sr. The part of the road near Kcho that has been dragged is ideal, ha states. 15 . . Wa SHOE PREPAREDNESS ARE YOU PREPARED? We Are. The Newest! Classiest! Niftiest! and Most Beautiful Shoes for Ladies in Pendleton LOOK AT THESE PRICES All White Kid. IahiIh Heel M.n Jr- Kid Vamp. Ivory Top 7.0 Mue Vanip. White Top and Heel : . 7.o Mark Yarnis White Kid Top $.t.lrO, B..V) tint? KM Vamp, Gray Kelcnskin Top Stl.M Ill-own Kid Vamp, White KelgniiUn Top... S.YAO Unmn Kid Vamp, Ivory KeUnHkln Top. . . M t Brown Kuwla, KiikIIkIi Walking Boot t.u IOC CAN DO BETTER AT SJ Wf GOLDEN MULE J Brown Itumla, Kngllsh White Sol . . ... S4.AO While RelaiiKklii Boot, White Welt $4.&0 White? llrhniMkln rlngUs-li, KM Trimmed.. tS.aS White 1'anvaa Kngllwh Boot . $a. White Canvas Hoot, Cuban Heel.. stf.4 White- Canvas Pump, l.ouls Heel.. . lilat'k Kid Pump. IxniiH Heel J.K, $:t.A0 Patent Pump, IxhiIm llitl Sil.wN, $.ft4 Mary Jane 8llpfMr, Dull and Patent fa.W WE I.EAD OTliK.lt a IUU.OW deep snows on the higher parts of the mountains has hardly begun to melt yet. The warm sun of last Sun day, he states, caused a high water that swept out many bridges In that country and put streams out of their banks. Cooler weather was all that prevented a great flood, he states. There ls much spring seeding yet to be done, he stntes. but the grass is coming along In fine shape. The stock loss has only been about three per cent, he states. IJc-enae to "Wed. A marriage license has been Issued to William A, Brace. 30. and Evelyn X. Meager, 29, both of Pendleton. Leave rXato Here. The late Myrtle tfcott, who died In Nes Perce county. Idaho, left prop erty in this county valued approxi mately at $5000 and Charles O. Scott has asked that Will M. Peterson be named administrator. To Measure for I 'ni forms. Members of the second or married men's military unit will be measured of their uniforms at the reaular drill tomorrow morning at Round-Up Park. The company at the drill last evening voted in favor of khaki breeches, regulation leggings, flannel rhirt and campaign hat. A commit tee consisting of lieutenant Cham bers. Sergeant Htelwer and Sergeant Thompson was appointed to make the purchases and an effort will be made to get them here in time for the , Decoration Day exercises. Bach member will pay for his own uniform but It is the intention to reimburse him from the company funds in part or in whole. The unit as well as the first and third will drill tomorrojr DA1.E ROTHWFTX Optometrist and OpUclaa Glasses ground and fitted, lenses duplicated. American National Bank Building. Pendleton. Much !taM4 In Washlimton. Babies is still Very prevalent in the central part of Washington, according to K. F. Aver ill. district Inspector who returned last evening. He found that the disease is killing off man? coyotes but is also cauee uf loss of stock. On his return he received a telegram announcing that 1 3 cattle had died near Wilbur of rubies. To Make Interior Trip. V. I Thompson, highway com missioner, accompanied ty Kepresen- tative R. W. Ritner. will leave early next week on an extended - trtfi through the interior, takiiiH in Con don, Fossil, Madras. Bend. Prineville, Uikeview and Klamath Falls. They will speak In behalf of the good road, bonds. Km a to of Frank Nawh. !ertrude Xash has been appoint el administrator of the estate of the late chief of police. Frank I.. Nafh. and J. IX Brown. William scheer and James Hall have been appointed as appraisers. The estate consists of about 390 In personal property. Funeral Arrangements Nut Made. " The arrangements for the funeral of the late Emmet Rees of Helix have not yet been made but the services will probably be held Wednesday or Thursday. His father is coming from Texas and his sister-in-law. Miss Hel en Raymond, who is attending Terry- town-on-the-Hudson, is coming from New York. The body is now at th Folsom chapel High Water Ye to Come. That the big high water Is yet to come Is the belief of B. K. Cleaver as a result of a trip he made to the John Day country. He states that the rtllltllllllMllllllllllflllflllllllllltllllfllllllllflfllllflllllllllllllllMllllffllllflllflllllfllllllf I BILLY'S BRAN-NEW PHILOSOPHY "Ho other color scheme requires so much cxpUna I tiotv as a Hack eye' USLESS PERHAPS It If a poor drink lite kind that drive a May "good wilder. Try our BRAN-NEW 1tG.y IIKKIIT KTHAWItKKKY RASPBKHKY I.KMON IMRAPPI.K CIIKKKY OKANC.K The ilttnortt In Soft Drinkt eostM no nmre than the explana tion ktnd. and bos, she'H loadfd with Pep. Wm. Roesch Botflfng Co. 1 Pendleton Oregon Home of Rraa-New. Marshultt Al Appointed. Sheriff T. r. Taylor has almost completed swearing in the cenNiis marshals who will register the men of military aye In the county on June ". In most instance he secured one of the judges of the regular precinct election board. It will be necessary for th- marshals to secure their assistants. Attn, hnuwit Knits 11'eW. Thf Van pc t ten Lumber to. hai brought suit In the circuit court against Carl Swanson on two alleged claims of $&.50 and S2A.75 for lum ber and other materials. Recently the same company brought suit against Carl Xewquist for $94 12. an alleged tialance on a promissory note j ana dpi en nan nas now iiiea an an swer claiming he turned over a hors In full payment. 8. A. Newberry Is attorney for the company. Teai'lMT Are Icvmg. Miss Minnie Fortna, who taught at Athena this year, and her sister. Miss Ella Fort una. Milton teacher, will leave tonight for their home in Da vid City, Neb., to spend the summer Miss Ines Wagner, who taught at Umaplne. will leave In a few days for Luahton, Neb. Her sister, Ieota, who will teach t-n Pendleton next year. will attend the Bellingham noruial school during the summer. ltOIUKN WANTS CONSCltllTION. OTTAWA. May 19. Sir Robert Horden's conscription measure will he Introduced In the house In the next ten days. It Is stated. Horden Is de termined to secure conscription. HffuitiiiiiiniiiiiitiiffiniitiimitiMifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiffiiiiiiiiifiiitiiitiiifiiiiJin HAVE YOU HEARD? . Live News of the Country by John Dunning, Field Editor mm ir M Let Nothing Spoil Conserving food supply of utmost importance. U. S. Department of Agriculture in recent bulletin lays particular stress on the following points: "Keep perishables cold, clean and covered. The moment meat, fish, milk and eggs are allowed to get warm they begin to spoil. Bacteria and germs multi ply rapidly in slightly warm food, and quickly make it dangerous or unfit to eat." The Answer is No Raise in Price We are pleased to announce that in spite of the increased cost of everything which is required in the manufacture of ice ecept air and water and the in creased cost of delivery that we do not contemplate raising the price of ice this season. Use OF ICE GENUINE ECONOMY We are confident that as soon as this fact is gen erally realized the increased use of ice will offset the increased cost of manufacture and delivery and we are more than pleased to give the consumer the benefit of it. Phone in your order for ice and secure an ice book. If you have no refrigerator or ice box let us show you one of our Economy Ice Boxes at a price and on such terms which will convince you that you cannot afford to be without one. SAVE EVERY MORSEL OF THAT HIGH PRICED FOOD STUFF. The family ice box properly taken care of will re duce the cost of living. It enables the housewife to buy in bulk at a saving in price, eliminates waste be cause' it preserves the remnants of every meal, things that you cannot afford to throw away. Perish able foodstuff may be kept wholesome, sweet and fresh in a well iced Economy Ice Box. Phone 178 Smythe-Lonerg'an Co. QUALITY QUANTITY SERVICE. iiBIIiH llllimillllltlllllllllllNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII: 1 FOR SALE The ! Ptock rwnch in Kastern recon, with all tha equip- 3 ment. all fenced, good buildings, orchards, telephone, and daily msil. can be bought for per acre, on easy terms. The cat- Z tie and horsf can 1-e n-o'tgnt st range prices. Z 0 acre. In cp. 3 N-. K. 31. 40 in arain, 1-4 of orop goes with j K delivered In aarhousv. Price 4S per acre. 31 acres arain land, half in crop, do to loan and railroad. Prwe including crop. $4 per acre. ZZ seres, half in m heat, rood improvements, plenty of wa- 3 ter. Price including crop. ISi.tft pr acre. 13 irm, lAos In grain. g'KKf Improvements, 3 mile hsul to areh-uut. Price 4 per sere Including crop. Z X have 4t or r-m i1enc ropert v in Pendleton for sale, X rVrme of them are mighty good bargains. H Come in snd talk It oer. x V- T. V 1F. iVmUe-nm. Ore. iiiiiititiitiiifif iiiiiitftfiiiififiiiiiiiittiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiMiiiiiiiiifiiiiifiriiififiiiMi? II 3 Will lrmlu-r More IImM Knap ton Mros., livtns; three and a half miles esst of Herniistnn. will help re lieve the suftar shortage by doubling the capacity of their honey rain in k entablinhment this summer. They have 130 stands of bees and by arti ficial swarming will double the num ber during the season. Iast year these people raised eight tons of honey and expect to produce 30 tons this year. They were able to sell their - honey at eight cents a pound last season. The;- make all their own stands, boxes, etc. being fully equip ped for all work of this kind. They have a new honey extractor which they operate by power, thus extract ing honey from the comb in a short time. Wtrawlw tries ha Two ilrekn. Ceorae I Hriggs. former hotel nan at Hermiston, is now tht proud and practical farmer on a 30 acre place three and a half mile east of the project town. H has 33 acres un der cultivation and will have straw berries ready for the market within two weeks. Mr. Hrlgss' ranch In call ed the Four Ulsters' Ranch and Is MMA-d for diversified farming purpose He raises some rhickens. hogs end most everything else from which t profits may he secured. Ist year I I VaiVtH M feAP J T CJjy MOTOH CAW li r 3 li When yoii see this nameplate on the radiator, step up and ask the owner what he thinks of his car. What HE says will be what YOU will say if you buy a BUICK. Let us demonstrate. Oregon Motor Garage Iihcorpora tL 117. II. 121. IU Wast CaartSt. Telephone 48 iHtrothy fir tees won out In the Indus- 5 trial club pig content with h I Miroc fHll.,Hiinimimnininn iuj piirs. x- .Ullt-'MlitUiWiUUilUitMUJaUWi.tUiiillitrtiiltUjUt.MimaU.. ii.iUtatttutiilUiU4(UiiiM(liiitlitliiiltlMj