PAGE SEVEN EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1917. ABSENTEES ARE TO REGISTER BY MAIL it' A X 0 N War PegwrUnrat rrmrldes KpexiaJ More "Pep" Lower Price And you get all the beauty, performance, comfort and easy driving of the big high-priced cars at a lower first cost and far lower operating cost. Stripped chassis here for your inspection call and note the specifications. Cars here for immediate delivery. Repair Shop With Competent Mechanic. Tires, Accessories, Gasoline .service station. Cars washed and stored, i City Auto Company 722 Cottonwood St. Telephone 46 The Best Place in Town to Get CANDY la at th Hon "what has" taa "WHITMA.V8" sign. Nobody In America, makaa saady Ilka "WHITMANS." Othera has tried, are atlU trying, but thay can't do It. HJTMAVS" atanda for tbs beat. A box of "WHITMAVS" CAN I1 KM era rcvelaUona to people who don't know tbelr sod seas. Tollman & Co. Lee dm DruOno Best literature of the moment the directions on the, back of the seed envelope. How' ThU? We offer One Hundred tfollere Reward trw anr at Catarrh that annot M currO by Hall'a Catarrh Medli Halle Catarrh Medii-lne ban aeo wire by cata-rh nuttrrrm for tb pet thlrtr- ve year, and nas awoef lJ" m.M rlihl nniMlv far Catarrh Hall a Catarrh Medicine aria thro the Blond oa tile Mnroua aurlacea, expelling the TolaiiD from the Blood a ad urallDf Ibe dlseaaed portions. Alter you niff xaaeu nan . - , MMtlrln fur a abort time JOU will see a ureal improvement In your georral health. Htarl laklng llall'a 1'elerrb Medicine at once and gel rid of catarrh. Head for tee tiinonlata. free. K. J. CHUNKY A CO . Toledo, unio. Sold by all Krugglata, T6c. neuuNi ror jwen wro wa m Away from limn PrteftnrtM On Day of War Census. PORTMNDl May 1. One of the questions most frequently asked rel ative to the procedure of taking the war census la how person who are absent from their home precinct on the day of the census may register. For their convenience, the war de partment haa provided a apecial method whereby they may register by mail. Five daya after publication of the president's proclamation naming a war cenaua. there will be a aupply or reglstatinn blanks at the office of the county clerk of every county In the United State, or at the office of th mayor of every city of more thjn 3. Ono population. The county clerk, or In the cane of citlea of more than 30,000, the city clerk, la authorized to record the an swer! of men absent from their horns precincts who apply to him, and to certify to their registration cards. In Portland, the city auditor, who cor respond to city clerk of other ciies, ix authorized to do thie. Ktill l p to the Man. Hut after the clerk haa made out the registration card. It la still up to the man for whom It is made out to see that the card reaches the reKls trar of his home precinct by war cen sus day He will be given the card, which he must mall to the registrar of hia home precinct, care bf the sheriff of his home county. To make the procedure clear, the following imaginary case la cited for illustration: Suppose that John Brown, resident of Pendleton and of military age from 21 to 30, Inclusive la travel ing on the road and will be absent from his home town the day of the war census. About the fifth or sixth dny after the president's proclamation. he finds himself, say, in the town of Ku gene. His procedure should then be as follows: He should go at once to the office of the aheriff of Lane county, which is In Eugene, and have his reg istration card filled and certified. The card will be given to him and he must then mall It to the registrar. Precinct, care of Sheriff. !" THE OLD prtlABLfc 1 Erin REMEDYFORMI AT YOU F) DRUGGIST. CHICHESTER SPILLS eaW TMR lIAMNI RB4rk ' lUSMlie-al Jma.ii f afa.. -a- - I'tllw.a H'4 ! I h,f.. HaUrrl wttk B'ler 1 tW-.. "a v a rew H 1.4 attest Vl K new, MarM.AI'aiy. Ke-tuX S SOLD BY DawtsTsnuminiRE rmaillla County. .Should he live In Portland, a city of more than 30,000. Instead of Pen dleton, he should mall the card to the Registrar. Precinct, care Mayor. Portland. May Bci AWwl to Sheriff. llany men, however, do not remem ber the number of their home pre cinct. In such case, address the card to the sheriff, and fill out also on the envelope so addressed, the fol lowing information. V J n V- ,bly Htilctte m Alia Sunday and Monday. Kegixtratlon card of tstr.-et and number Poa office or R. F. D If you reaire a registration certifi cate. Inclose a self-addressed stamp ed envelope with your registration card. These instruction are of the ut most importance and should be fol lowed exactly, for If the registration The burden of having hia card reach the registrar of hia home precinct bf War Census day, the absentee is con sidered aa not having registered and I subject to the prescribed penalties, card of the abaentee fails to re.icn the registrar la on him. If the absentee cornea from outside this state, he registers under the same procedure aa outlined above. State lines make no difference. SIXTH BRIDE LAST, PROMISES MAN, 39 Outlapa Nat Goodwin When He Find Ideal Woman. nuncmif VCI? 1 T Uav 111 Otis lister Kelley, a machinist, five tlmea divorced during hia years or nie. hue announced hia marriage to Miss Viola Kleanor IJnton, of Pawtucket His sixth bride la 10 years his Junior, fche is a divorcee. 'The other five times were all mistakes." Kelley told newspaper men. "I've now found my Ideal woman and I'll never marry again." Kelley now la a lap nhead jf Xat lloodwln. 1'efore the fourth Mrs. Kelley sued tor and got a divorce, her husband had taken another bride at Cumber land. It. I. He was arrested for bisa my in 1915. The newest Mra. Kelley"s husband was 4 feet S Inches tall and weighed lees than 100 pounds. She won her divorce on the ground of cruel and abusive treatment. Build Now! All of Europe will hare to be rebuilt and when the war ia over, price are going to soar skyward. Your delay ta going to be expett aitre. Regardless of the kind of build ing or alteration yoa have in mind investigate our FREE PLAN SER VICE to customers. Our Serrico Department is at your command in all building matters. Talk it over with us. OREGON LUMBER YARD PENDLETON Telephone A SWIRE MARKET SHOWIIIG STRENGTH PORTI-ANI), -May IS. Swine msr Wr conditions are showing strength at North Portland with top quality stuff selling at II whenever offered Ir the local yards. There ' another rather fnlr run or hogs In the yards over nicht and trailing started good with prices well rpaintuined. Seneral hoa range: Pest heavy 1 5.75 ti 1 n lest light 15.00rl.7r. Rough hcavv I 4.50 15. e" rat, i4. net 14.::. Siotkerx 13.i"'rH..; Morr 4alifornia Cattle. Small supplies of California cattle ere again offering In .the North T'crtland market. Everyone Should Drink Hot Water in the Morning t Waah away all the stomach, liver, sad Devral poiaens befora breakfast. BKTTER AJm SOPTKR la assured by th use at aoms ef these beautiful flxtoraa of ears. They give a light that Illuminate tha room perfectly, but that does aotnira or atraln the eye. They are not expen sive conalderlng their extra ef ficiency and extra beauty. Why not at least aea them t J. L. VAUGHAN To feel your best day In and dav out; to feel clean Inside: no aour bile to coat your tongue and sicken your breath or dull your head; no consti pation, bilious attacks, sick headache colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid stomach, you must bathe on the In side like you bathe outside. Thia ia vastly more Important, because the skin por-c do not absorb ImpuMtle Into the blood, while the bowel porea do. amy a well-known physician. To aeep these poisons and toxins well flushed from the stomach. .liver. kidneys and bowels. drink -before breakfast each nay. a glass or no. water with a, teasp.Mnful of limestone phosphate In It. This will cleanse, purify and freshen the entire alimen tary tract, before puulng more food Into the stomach. Oet a quarter pound of limestone phosphate' from your pharmacist. It Is inexpensive and almost tasteless, except a sourish twinge which la not unpleasant. Drink phosphated hot art every morning to rid your eve- tem of thee vile poisons and toxins: also to prevent their formation. To feel like young folks feel: like you felt before your blood, nerve and muerlea became salursted with an ' accumulation of body pols-ms. begin I this treatment and above all. keep it .up1 As so:,p and hot watei act on ! the skin, cleansing, sweetening and puri ying so limestone phosphate and ht water befire berakfast. act on the slon.ex-h. liver. ku!nes and bowcl Oeneral trade condltione xemain Klad to atrong for good quality stuff although neglect continues in the poor dairy stuff. (General cattle market range: Prime liuht beef steer 10.50a 11. SS I riine heavy beef steers 10.50ft lO.7S Choice beef cows .OO0 .B0 I-eet heifers 9.000 10.00 ordinary to good cows. .25r 8.7S Prime heavy butcher bulls 8.00f .R0 Light bulls 5.004 7.50 Calves 7.0010.00 Stocker feeder steer .. 7 00 8.00 Stocker-feeder cows ... 4S.00W 7. SO Sheep Remain Normal. Off.Tirs of sheep and lambs on the open market continue nominal. Hulk of rccelpte come direct to killers and verv little stuff Is available for the market. No apparent change In lue-tntlons. Nominal mutton and lamb market: Rcrt east of mountain yearlings 1 1.50 1 .0l Pest valley yearlings... 11.50W1I.75 Wrthera .?51S. Kwee S.OOfJ 10.50 Coats Spring lambs 1J.0S Friday IJveetook Shlpfiera. Hogs M. M. Hoctor. Li-le. Wash.. 1 load: U A. Thomas. West Stayton. 1 load; W. R. McCrow, Goldendale. Wash.. 1 load. Cattle J. W. Chandler. Willofa. Cal.. I load. Cattle and Calvea P. W. Reynelta. Salem. 1 load. Mixed Stuff C. E. lcke. Canby. I load cattle, calvea and hoga: Cutford Prothers. Hubbard. I load cattle and hogs; H. M. Oarner. Willow. Cal.. loads cuttle and hogs: Peterson Hp. Wixwtburn. ! load cattle and hogs: V. H. Kilrtx, Maupln, I load cattle, calves and sheep. tr-. I i ' s '.J . ' A.' FAMOUS ri.vta - raa ve-ct ; Alia sn.l and Monday. W jf1-ZAT, I WS V T'4Bl iK P.P.1 M JiatJsaji. II .-sjj'f.iji ifiil m ' . i I llaW i ' rk. a 1 Xa I aT . -m. m a . W I . -. VOa m. veQW l Jr V-k II t- I grr xJP.ri ir - in t Vt AT' txZhe Most Beautiful Car inlmcrica YOU may be one of the thousands of people who have planned to buy a Paige Lin wood "SiX'39" this spring. If so, let us suggest that you place your order immediately. There' is a tremendous demand for these beautiful five-passenger models. Orders are pouring into the factory from all sections of the country, and it is a foregone conclusion that our "Linwood" production will fall far short of the demand. Then, also, remember that the cost of manufacturing materials is steadily advancing. Each day it becomes more difficult and consequently more ex pensive to secure the steel, aluminum, copper and brass that are found in a car like the Linwood." Plight now, you can buy one of these cars for $1175. If you delay the matter too long, you may have to pay considerably more. - Or, as we said in the beginning, it may be impossible to secure early delivery on a Linwood at any price. " Stratford -Six-ei" seven-passenger. $149? f 0 b Detroit Fairfield "Six-46 seAnrn-passengcx, $137? f o b. Detroit Linwood "Six-30" five-passenger. $1 175 f. a b. Detroit Brookiands "Srg-Ji four-passenger, $1695 f. o. b Detroit Dartmoor "Sn-39 a or 3-passenger, $U7J fob Detroit Limousine "Six-51" seven-passenger. $2750 fab. Detroit Sedan "Six-i" seven-passenger, $2300 tab Detroit Sedan -Six-39" five-passenger, $1771 fab. Detroit Town Car "Six-51 seven-passenger, $1750 f. a b. Detroit 1 Paige-Detroit Motor Car Company, Detroit, Mich. PAIGE MOTOR SALES CO. lyOC A. 81TTO.X Service Station Independent Garage. Phone 633 rr--iA .rVi 4 ft " , I mm ai-r m m I r. 1 taa '..a-.l v ' 4 r.e0-'d CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ATTORjrEYS. D. W. BAJLKT, ATTORXBT AT Law. Rooms 7, s. s. uaepsua xua- QEORGB W. COTJTT8, ATTORNETT st law. Boom IT, Bcnmim w" wARTER BMTTHE. ATTORN fctTS at law. Offloa In rear et Americas National Bank bonding. fKK FES. ATTORKNT8 AT LAW. Office, la Daepaia ouixjina. JOHN W HITT, ATTORNT-AT-Law. Room a. Amarlcaa Ksttoa Bask bnlldlnS- R 1. K BATOR, ATTORNST AT 'law. Room 14. Smith-Crawford Building. TOMUli DBUBCTORS. J. T. BROWN'S FTJRNITTTRB 8TOR3 PniMral director and llceaeed am balmar. Moat modem raaienl aar lor. morgue aad fusaral cars. CSv reepoaded to day or BlsbL Coraa) Mala and Water at reel. Talapbos t. JOHN B. BAKER. FUNERAL DI rector and lice need mbaJmor. Oy poart poatorfloa. Ponaral parte two funeral aara. Calls responded a day or algbt. Pfcoa Tt. nooroRa. a a. roe. m. r. practicb irav rted to th ere. ear. noae and threat. Boom XI. Judd Bulldlns- lsu scEaxAXEor a. montawa farm laxm 1 A. KSWBERHT. ATTORNIT AT Law. amitsjrawiorwt d."""' PaTTKRSON BISHOP. ATTOR ey st law: rooms S as . Smlth rrawford baildlnc . IAMES B. FFRRT. ATTORNaTW AT law. Office oTr Tmjrlor Hard war -orapeny. RALKT A RALXT. ATTORENTS AT law. Office la Amortcaa NaUooaJ Bank Bulldlna. rREDKRICK BTErWER. ATTOB aay at taw. Offloa la 8mlta-Crw 'ord batldtos B. A. LOWEUU ATTORNEY ANT counsellor at taw. Office la Do apals SoUdtaa. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY Lands la aaMera Montana at (1 tS to tit par aero aultablo for farm mc or sraatnc Eaxey tarasa. For ta fonnarlos writs or seo W. M. Holt. Mile at?. Mowtaaa. ARCBITKCT. RAYMOND W. HATCH. AROH1 toe. Dearaata BaHdlac. Tit. Peidleana. Oracoa. trBTONB HA!TB BEALKRS. V. DTROBUt, DEALJCR IN NEW and second haad roada Caa paid for an tad-baad awoda. Cheap a placa to bay ktoaaeawsl (ovSa. lit L Coajrt, rbtu TIW. IJtSrRAJiCTE AXD LD BfSltm B ENTIRE T A MO.NTOOatr.RT. REaJ aetata, flra. I'f and accident tnear unuu tit Mais street, Pasa t ATTENTION. BlTTIiK to FSft pound W will pay 1 1101 reward) If our Home Butter Mersr falls ta merit on pint of milk and pound of butter into two pound ta two minute. Sweeter than creamery batter. Prtc mnl!y Butte Memrr Company, tit E&xt Oak Ift Walla Walla. Waablncton. FETAU'MA HT11KRf. EJTAB liehed ls: fan snip day 1 chicks to points rra' hed In thre aara Ftv varietle. We challens tba ben. Free circular. I, W. Clara, retaluiua. alif ArcnoMKiaia, COL W. F. YOHNKA. AUCTIOM- eer. snake a apdaity of stock and machinery aalea anaa tbat seta yes tb money." Laato orders at East (rwnnlaa of flea. M IHTELI AN tol a BA.KM. WIMs-iw WAKIIBH Carpet and W&,!4.rr Cleaner ao4 ra rili-m r Ant km. I of work don by the tlv .r t'a i!.,n (uaraa- led 1'h.r.e 212 tC Court. I i ' 4