DAILY EVENlNGEDITi , ' ' f ; ' DAILY EVENING EDmOH ' paper la Oregon, full of Portland and by , ,, liL mi ,. , 9 NT I mM.MrntTVx .-X .y m. -asaa Y3T " wlnd- w,t "H'"- ""''ner. Ii-tl fur the Isrrnit clrculatloo la Pendleton of .' 'i''''''''-"-- cl"",y- PIPEft . COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPEB VOL. 29 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1917. NO. 9126 REGULARS AND MARINES ORDERED TO FRANCE LLOYD GEORGE OF IS Kerensky, New Minister of War and Marine, Most Popular Member of New Coalition Cabinet; Also Youngest. PROPOSES IRON DISCIPLINE J1.d Brfon PeaHMite" Omtcrcw That KUMia KIkvw World They Not Only jukw How to Destroy Itut Hon to (iwf. I-HTKOOHAIJ, May IS. It ap pears thut the I.lo d-Ueorge of Kus ala ) found, lie's A. F. Kerenski, rsdiral socialist, and minister of war and marine In the new coalition cab. Inet. Krrrnaky pleaded that Itussis t in the war. Hla orders to troop wnJ sailors Indicated thut Kerensky would exact Implicit discipline. The Duma ha adopted new resolution warning the new government tha: "ubsolulc. unshaken l)-ally to our al lies' la esaentlal. Plead for creation. "Lt'a (how the world." Kerenskj jileiuted before the peasants' con gress, "that we not only know how to 1.roy. but also how o create. "I call on yiiu to make one last he roic effort to help me show the world that the Ruaidan army la an nndemollshe.1 temple. The restora tion of discipline la eascntlal I pur poM to make It like Iron. I am aure we will aucoeed" Kerencky proposed otn to go to the front and addrcaa soldiers, to spur th-m to renewed activity. on Kerenaky'a ahouldera falla the aiiper-taak of revising the army and refitting- It In mind, aoul and body, or ganizing an adequate transport serv ice throughout the nation He Is the most popular member of the ministry and the moat youthful Mux Knvlsr Treaties. Russia's new coalition government Insists on ths revlalon of all exlstlnt treaties pedglng the nation with th allies, and will demand full publicity on war alms and peace terms. The government doesn't demand the publication of the present Inter ally agreement or the treaties the old regime signed. It Insists theae old agreements must be abrogated and new compacts replace thrm. It atatea President Wilson s aid 1 sought. French and Hrltleh sorlal Ints delegations here announce they will recommend such step" to their Kitvemments. ENLISTMENT FOR TROOP 0 BEGINS A.lual enlistment for Troop r. I'.-ndleton was begun this afternoon fallowing receipt of order I'V ".p l:.m K. OJcdsted of Troop It from ...liutant tiem-raj While to ir..cc'l Ith the orgonlnatliin of the hcal troop of cavalry. The first drill will be held tomor row afternoon at Uound-l"p I'ark foliolwng the ball game and all pros pective members are asked to attend. 1 he drill will be without mounts. I'aplaln OJodated has bpen oommis rtoncd by the adiutant general to act m recruiting officer and to remain hirv until the troop Is formed and In rorf condition. He haa brought en listment papers with him nnd this Hfn-rnoon began signing up the men ho had previously signified their mention of Joining About had 'i--r.dv signed a promise to enlist ami the ull 70 Is expected to be signed within a few days. The orders from the secretary or ,.r esterday make It appear that the endleton troop along with the ..her Oregon troops will be ordered t.. r.-port st a mobollsatlon camp on ..lulv S&. ray In Remel Incmnr Taws. HAN FIIA.VIW. May It. In come taies paid Int.. the Internal revenue office here since May T total :tSJ. ths greatest amount ever collected here In the same space of . time. It was announ.'ed toouv bv J M Plait, acting colle. tor ..f Intern l im enue. RUSSIANS DISCOVERED THEY WILL GREET THE ij0vmm,'yi''s B J 'i , l,n-;-,. L ( y wi- ' r. .v; j JHfo'Q2S 1 all al sail llsat'M M Mil KSJOP-GSM. MUCH L SCOrr . 3UCL s JAUd DUNCAN IUHUBOOI - u- '"..". I JOMM MO crws ww- - w.j. These men of all political faiths. Including Oenrral Scott, chief of the Oeneral 'Htaff of the United ritntes srmy. and Admiral Glennon of ths navy, will go to Russia to welcome the new republic The commission is headed by former Secretary of War end Htate Ellhu Root, but It contains a labor man in the person of James Duncan, vice-president o fths Ameri can Federation of I-abor. and a Fociallat In Charles . Kdward Russell of New York. The full list of mem bers follows: OREGON SELECTIVE SERVICE TROOPS WILL BE ASSIGNED TO THE WESTERN DEPARTMENT Guard Units to Preserve Their Identity; Plan Considered Whereby Troops' Will Re tain State Designation When Merged With National Army WASIUSOTON, May !. Thej war department has noww) that trie artrrtive iwrvh troona from orrcon. Washington and Idaho trill bo a stgncd to tiie snotrra d-T"runrnt. V WAflHINtiTuN. May 1. The war department has announced tha dlstrt button nf the national guard. Tha na tional guard from the twelve mlddls western and northern atatea will ba sent to the southern department along the border. The New England and Atlantic statea will train In the south, esstem department. Oregon. Washington snd Idaho guardsmen In the twentieth division, will train In the western department. The war department Is endeavoring Ths war department Is endeavoring ern guardsmen as far south as pos sible. The guard units will preserve their Identity. A plan Is being considered wherehv the guard will retain lt Mate detenatlon when It is merged wilh the li..tioiiai army. NEW RUSSIAN REPUBLIC 'T wswsstrHjrie-re- tymK)wmmm 5 s 1 y I R BtTPON. tWSPO ?Jl Klthu Root, republican, of New York, chairman. Charles Edward Russell, socialist leader and writer, of New York. James Imncan. vice-president of the American Federation of Labor, of Massachusetts. Cyrus Mct'ormick. Chicago manu facturer. Charles R. Crane, manufacturer democrat, of Chicago. Samuel R. Betron, banker, of New York. r v. t J . . . w Vnrk KecretarV 1 International Committee. Y. M. C. A. GIVE MONEY ALONG WITH GRAIN URGES SECRETARY 1,1'ADOO Throw It Into thn Kwte for lMfitutariy cr He Itrad mi m Mammoth Lum'twon Hold In St. Paul. ST. PAl'U May lS.Sruu-y .f ihr Treuury McAdoo uritid thf iiorthv.et to thiw It money t ll as uratn into thf caloa for dtmorr c In thf world war at a mummoth lunrhMn. A thouiwnd iankprw. pub lic officiula and bunlnwmn Attndd. "Our allien have been finhiinir nearly three vtra for a ciiuim- mm it.uch oun as thelrf. hf an id. "They have built u the moat won derful fichttnie machine. but ttvolr fiHsd rotuetton ha-e auffered at the expenne of arwater military effict fnry. It up to ua to render the Urkt aid jHwuthle. W intiM fn i'liee the needi of our o n gtivpmmrnl and help the allied Rovernnienta." MAX rltWflWH. Mmj . Th'Tf fff- no awmalikTM ahra the rmnnrrr j sunnire Kiandard rounleit la lirlw- it1, iiay. it w rvtnea an i-wwtsi I ami rtew mk to tlx fft4Mtal an! h ) KEY POINT IN THE AUSTRIAN LINE SEIZED II 652 Falls Before Fierce Assaults of Italian Troops; Fighting Literally From Rock to Rock. ENEMY LOSES 12000 MEN IN THREE DAYS ICOMK. May It. lltlitinir fiercely literally from rock to rock and ravine lo ravine, the ItaJiana captured Hill .";. It la I lie pivotal point in Teu tonic defciMCs. A dcMcriptkm of th IwttkN It Is officially stated. nlio'Ved tlie trcmendonN natural obstacles that Oeneral ( adorna'a troops otHome. Uurliuc the advance -I7t prisoners were taken. Aastrlan eastialtlea up to Ttu-stlay- It Is reliably extlnuucd are 12.1)0(1 dead, wounded and .missing. Since Tuesday Austrian losses are probably as great. Home Is afire with enthusiasm. front dispatches Indicate an almost unceasing battle on the entire front. 'Yesterday afternoon we vigorously attacked with the object of carrying Hill sa. tlie key to the enemy's de fensea." the statencat said. -Tlae stnliniirn defense of the enemy made the attack a long and severe one. Flgtitliuc progressed from rock to rock, we evpelled the enemy from their trem-lies. and taking caverns well protected by machine guns. We finally reached the long contested height. Strong counter attacks were suocxewiully renulsed and our troops are maintaining their positions dc apltfl enncentratd fire from the flee InaT enemy." It Is mostly hand to band fighting. Gorlzla Is suffering severely from the Austrian bombardment. KI'K HIM. A B A N DON Kit. VIENNA, May 1. The abandon ment of Kuk Hill, southeast of Ula va. "after two daya of fiercest fight ing" Is officially announced. "In the Uorizln region." the statement said "we stopped fierce night attacks. Around Monte rami a strong attack ing party was rejielled in hand-to-hand fighting. We took 3n prison- tiFHM W IlltlVF. I1KI'I IF1. I'AHIS. May is. (Jermany hac launched a formidable drive west of Braye over a wide front II Is officially stated. French artillery smashed the drive, except at one point, where a few liertnan groups succeeded In gain ing French, advanced positions. The Uerinana. unlng HuuH fire and a tre mendoua storm of artillery, determin edly counter sttarked northwest of Rhelms. The Cermans strove vainly around ISraye ami Caroline to force the French to relinquish the ground Nivelle gained. Their losses were tremendous. ItKITISII I!K DF.lBUHKKD, lit i I m iN. May It. The British of fensive Is apparently deadlocked with Hindenl'uru's massed r.-serve . forces. Maie rej.rted a number of raiding encounters but no actions of major im IMirtance. SENATE PASSES ' BIG WAR BUDGET W KII1;T0N. Mm? It. The x-nstr has pawd tlw grcato war bi.fur.-t In I ntlen Main, history, car rying three Mllstn three hundred forty ln million dollars. The rail pn.vl.les the approtarla IH.n for the military and naval es tablishments and authorised anllmltrd power In the l"n4dent In purchasing and CMi-rw-t lo thins. Kennndiiui to atsjs-al for a1lon trom i lie emintrv and the l"rr-d.lewt. the senate nasM sneaMire srlthoat nrtay. efforts to limit the Preakleat's wee under the shipping scctlrss were defeated. Jn-4 before the vote, tlie arnatr -k fivrty two mutton five hnnnred lh.smna from the anrnrialMme f.sr aimy parpowrs. leaving twenty flr million. TIm. MM ha alread nswd tlie mhos- awl X1 Into tsNifen-mr ss.w. GOOOTRUriKROADS HEEDED FOR WAR USES SAYS BAKER R. N. Stanfield Brings Back Advice From Washington; Business Should Not be In terrupted Needlessly. "Good road work should be carried on during the war. particularly when through roads leading; from the coast to the interior are being built, as such roads may be of great military value. "Business should be conducted as usual; the chief need everywhera is for a speeding up of production and manufacture so as to meet the needs of the war situation." . The foregoing represents advice brought back from Washington by R. N. Stanfield, Oregon's representative at the meeting of the defense coun cil a few weeks ago. "The advice as to road work was given by the secretary of war after a query had been made by th governor of Maine, says Mr. Stanfield. "Secre tary Baker emphasized the value of good roads for military purposes and pointed out the advisability of such work as a preparedness step. In the event of war being brought home to this country the mobilisation of sol diers and, of the population could be vastly facilitated through use of good trunk roads. . "Admonition against SBistaken no tions of .economy was iPS bw ,,Mr. Kedfield. secretary of commerce. He explained that the raising of war revenue calls for normal business ac tivity and denounced any efforts to cause a slump ,in legitimate business and industry" MANY ATTEND STATE SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSN. The convention of state Sunday s hool workers is well under way to Jay and there is a large attendance. "Hie convention opened laat evening it the conclusion of the county con vention and will conclude tomorrow. Group meetings were held this morning at the various churches. The counties reported and made their as sessments for the coming year. Uma tilla county increased its apportion ment from IT5 to 1200 for the year's v. ork. The chief speaker of the morning v.as Marion Ijiwrence of t'hicago who discussed the theme, "Some Things That Must Be." "You nrs looking forward to better Sunday schools, better eoulpment. better training. elc. hut some thinaa must be before our ideals become achievements. We must have vision. A boy is worm more than a man and a girl more than a womnn. Animated dividends come through Christian service In the siinauv achool. Three w.eks I watch ed 1700 men and women strike the sowdust trail in Billy Sunday's meet In m New York City. As I watched them I could not help but think -twenty, thirty and forty years have ls-en disalpato.1. good work hut salv ase work. Which shall we have, salv-sce or educational evangelism as j In the Sunday echo.. I." The following officers for the Cms- i tills county association were el.'Cted this morning: I'resident. Rev. Floyd Boss. Milton: vice president. Bev. 1. S. Psvis. I'ilot llock; secretary -treasurer. Bruce Shnngle. Milton: super intendents: adults. Mrs. F.. 1. Power. Kendieton. elementary, Mrs. Mary Harvey, t'cndleton: home. Mrs. !. S. Fhtelds. Milton: teacher training. F. K. Xoordhoff. Freewater: temperance. Mrs. W. Smith. IMInt Hock: missions. Claude Price. Weston: secretary. S. .5 Beets. Pendleton: evangelism. ReV. J It. Hasten. Adams. I.KS IKCY m:r KKVTH. ' MF.MPIUK. May 1. '- TarcT. Aa-trallan snKkllewi-iaht l near le4h a a rcwtlt of an Infection of his tooth. He was not expected to live mil morning hnt rallied at and may recover. n.uo onicvirn TiviMt- ( Mr l AT IrKH MOI3ir9 WASHINs.TN. May I -A tierro fioen- tratninc rrniip for tmelve t.umlred men. including to hundred frm ih- regular army. hs he-n e tihl'ihed at IV Moir the war Ivj tiiA ut amivif'd. PERSHING AND DOYEN NAMED AS COMMANDERS WILL LEAVE AT ONCE One Division of Regular Troops and' Regiment of Marines Compose First Expedition to Europe; Roosevelt Division Will Not be Organized; 2 Regiments of Engineers Recruited $1- I -Li Photo by American Preae Association, - Majar Canaral. John J. Perehin. OnanmaiKhi Troops Sent to rwace. LABOR SHORTAGE DURING HARVEST SEEMS CERTAIN There la a certainty of a labor shortage during; the harveat aeaaon and it will be well for armera to co operate with their neishbors in mafc inif up crews for hay harveat inc. aay W. A. Bailey, district a sent, who ha been makinR a study of the situation in L'matilla county. Already Mr. Bailey haa received re. quests for men to be used at farm Uthor and he has taken ftepa to help out m-herever he could- He haa port ed notices in ciirar stores and pol halls telling of the places where men are needed. With no extra labor available now Mr. Bailey look for a pronounce! shurtUrtn durina- harvest unleaa effec tRc mora is done towards makina up crews in advance. DR. SHELDON MAKES PATRIOTIC APPEAL TO P. H. S. GRADUATES Commencement Addreaa Brief But Inapirinf ; Alt a Mentzer U Awarded Lantern Cup. Ffty-one students of the Pendle ton high school were last evening graduated from that Institution an I from the hands of principal H T Irill received the diplomas hU-h signify that they have succesafully completed the four years' course. The big auditorium of the hich schos.l ws crowded to the dort with hundreds who cm the red for the exer cise which completed comment e meit week Ir Henry l. Sheldon. d-.tn t uc:tion at the t'niversity of ,r-ttn. deilered the commencement address Hu address was a rtef one but ver Inspiring to the grnduatea He struck a patriotic note in his remarks mhe.i nr reffrred to the call betns mad bv ths oountr- amonn; the vouns men of the nation and he endreed m;li tarv training and phscsl culture in the school ns a means toward de-l-opinc the physical we.ll being f th yt-u'ic p-nple. As an evidence .f the nrtni fir such attention to phviat d-elinn.ent he decUtr-d that In tn " cnimntiit''- the frnnir i i- t-v. , (ell. J to T;-t bdil! ft " i ' WASHUVOTON. May 19. The President haa aliened the army bill and isaued a procla mat ion aettinfc June & as recia- t ration day. The President or- dered a division of regular- troops under Major Oeneral Pershinr sent to France imrne- d iately. The President issued a statement sayinte'lt waa unad- vbrable to orffanixe the four "Itoosevelt" volunteer div laivtta aa the bill permits. WA.SHIN'OTOX, May 1. A regi ment of marines. 2S0 men. under command of Colonel Charles Doyen, will accompany Pershing's first ex pedition to Franc. The reaiment is composed of oro nitrations with ac tive service in Haiti. San . Dominiro and Cuba- They Are armed and equip ped similar to the rea-ular army. I fa S-en Active service.' Doyen la now commandant at the Washington marine barrack and president of the examining- and retir injf board of the marine corps. He has seen real fiKhtina- service. He commanded the marines abow&rd the Hanooek. stationssl in DtHniaicaii wa ters in 1914 and also saw service the Philippines. The marines will live up to their traditions in accom panying the Pershina- force. They are. always known as the "first to fight - Two Kiurlncer Ilesmrats ftesdy. The war department has received reports that two of the nine regi ments of engineers for the French service has been raised. In the Pitts-. burg district more men applied than could be accepted. Marine recrultin ir progressing satisfactorily. JULY WHEAT GOES CHiCAOO. May 1. (Special to. the Kaat Csregonlan. Range of wheat prices today: Open. High. Iw. close. July $3 S3 MO 1.33 , 3. Sept 3.36 33 3 17 i Portland. PORTLAND. May 19. (Special N'lub. S3.CC : bluestem. 13 73. Illieher at MlnneaSlls. MINNEAPOLIS. May 1 Wheat . and flour skyrocketed, responsive to .strong buying In other markets. FHotir j Jumped from IIS.; to 1.3S per I barrel wholesale. July w heat opened j two cents above last night's close st S.r.s and $3.75 and closed at 13 & I I.-S navy re-rultM heca i"e of phyu- .i de fects. NtUskTMhlpa Ansountd. Principal lrill during the erci es announced the winners of the four college vet. '! r nipt tffered PnUI ton hiich graduates. To Mis Helen F" was awarled the Whitman iv-l-leav hoiamhip. Ms Natalie K-r.n-mn was awarded the Willametis schurhip and Miss LsUCtlle Haer and Stirling prternn wre given their rhtxce of n m ho;rhip in -ifhwr f the f..ur n-Mi-o-nferenre rll--ce. I :-. f, Mir.nvtUe Paclflf or AMifiv Mle Aha MrnUrr wa ptetente t ) ihe Mvr ltvinr fun awarded th ! nir.jr-ment of the t-ntern to the ' h-M all-around and mot poputa'' student f'm a list of th'-se oml netted ftr the hnor bv the student , the fsruttv sele-te Vl-S Mntxr j the one moM enntt.i to receive It I t:ride beinr an honr tident. M j Mcntser hs b-en l-l-ntifie4 witn I m..n of the school attivitles and w ; c.i ptstn of the hkii-liet butt I fn m thit ; w-.ii the ki.r) cfamtt"fiphip Two M while ft ill. j Twi -f the m-n.hwr of the grud - -I .tii.c wsfw n-t prwwni .t Hlf C ItrMrv lrrrlt rnl tlth II' , (4'ofii I . vu Pa I i