PAGE FIVR 'DAILY 'EAST nnHCONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1917. EIGHT PAGES Unmatchable Economy Prices CON ROY PHONE 640 Strawberries, 2 boxes 25? Head Lettuce - 104 ; 3 for 25f Dry OnionB, new, 3 pounds 25i Cauliflower 154 and 20" Pie Plant, 6 pounds 25t New Cabbage, the pound Lemons, the doEen 25? 100 lbs. Good Table Spuds S.OO 3 Packages Jelly Powder 25 Olympic and Albers Flackjack Flour, our price - 35? When present stock is exhausted we can not sell for less than 45c. Best Eastern Corn Meal, 9 lb. sack 454? To replace will cost US 50 cents. We are underselling the wholesaler today on a ' great many articles. SPOR TS i i and I Batteries Peterson, Bonner ' Stevens; uchoor and Baldwin. iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiMUMiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiinmimHiiiiiiinitiiimHiiiiiK '. Mvpec. AiriiT ti .'.UIIIIIIIIIIIillllHliMIIIIIIMIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilUMMlllllllUillMlilllllM'- NEWS NOItS C . J .J "jl CTaWIIFDV IL ' W PEOPLE OF UMAT11 sEs JlAllVOLJC.l J (Rant Oregonian Special.) I $i&F- 2; May IK- Born. 5 L ' 1 " . , . : Mr. and Mrs. K-ugene DcsJer, M y w Mr AnMwUsui 1 league. Boat-on 1. Cleveland 7. Chicago 7. Philadelphia. 0. Ifetrott 2, Washington 4. . Louis iy. New York 7. National l'suru f'hicago Z, Boston 1. ' . PhilHdeiphia g, Pittsburg -Brooklyn 13, Cincinnati 10. New York 10,. St. Louis Coaat, lwgten. Portland . . .i 2 Hun Francisco 8 I Batteries, Helfrich. Houck Tfsepalveda; Oldham end Baker. :Uoa Angeles v I ' 1 Ve-rnon 0 2 2 Htandrldge and Bancler; IKscannlerB ,-Arrellanes and Klmon.J .Oakland 8 1 1 : Salt Lake .' .-' S t 2 ! Kr.iUKO and Itoche;' Horf, HuKhea and Hiinnah. I NortliwcM. ijwunie. i Great Falls 1 0 Vancouver - Butteries Gardner and Cheek; Ho. Ja and t'adirun. Butte 2 I Seattle 5 8 j Batterien .MeOinnnty. Hunt and ' Kafora; Alexander and T. Cunnlng j ham. v i Tacoma i 2 Ktiohin - 6 R,ries Peterson. Bonner ami THE UMATILLA Pretty Boxes of Crane's Linen Highfama linen Willow Linen and marry others box or bulk. in Sjsi Mr. and Mrs. Eugene IXTJer, May It. 21" ,1 re. B. J. Wlthey rrtoroed nme "E' today from Pendleton. l Mrs. Elmore McKentSe will go to 2 1 Pwtlawd today. French and Mrss Gilbert -win s give an entertainment Friday ewenlng H'May is. Sr Mrs. K. B. Fibaw and lau Kilter Te ; turned Haturday from Butter creek. (where tneytaad spent a week with r.mwre jnrivriim! -- LOCALS (Sh Advertising in Bi iet BATES. Per lloa drat IBaerttou . lOr Per Ha, additional laaartloa.... be Per line, per noatb ... ...!. No lucala takea for less thaa 2Sc Coaot S ordinary words to line. Locals will not fee takes over tba telephone except from Bast Orefoa lan paid-up subscribers. MOTION PICTURE KIWS r What the Picture Theaters Have to Tell You. was trs 'from part of the Refined stationery that will make your correspondence fleet yoor character re- t- Mm Kdward Tteemsm The miles the latter- i week. Tm1 drop your 'book In -he -mtmr H 'hole with others if you would suc- e4444'' i z ------ - a Economy Drug Co. II Day Telephone 711 Night Telephone 718 iilllinMNnilUWlllllllllllllllllMIIIIHIinillMIIIIIIIIIIIUfllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIMMmiri BAKER WOOL SELLS FOR 50 CENTS IN PORTLAND Large Clip or Very Lignt Cross Bred Brings Record lnae. PORTLAXI). May 1 Although cold weather ts delaying sheatlns; In eastern Oregon, a cnalderane part of the clip ku been removed In Tlha early sections and the market la de elopln nim activity. I"r)oea are steadily advanclnn under a stroti de mand. The beat price paid o date was 60 1-1 cent. This wss for a ar;! clip of very tlrht crossbred Bker wool a local speculator belnu tha buyer. Other sales of Baiter coanty wool were at 41 cents for cear and 41 l-g eeasts ler fine.. The baavleat buy'.nir has been In the Echo section, where about 144,. 40S poarais have chanced hands, mostly mixed clips at 40 cent to 41 1-2 menta. This Is the hlirbeet price that has be paid for fine wool in that atatei. attention. Officers and members Pauline Re becca IjOdajB No. 13. Meetlnr will be called promptly at 7 o'clock Fnda ovenlng In order thnt adjournment can be made n time for members to attend the craduatinir exerclees By order of Noble Grand. Adv. Any woman ho merely twders feels superior t, the woman who paints. If Your System Is Prisoned a sssssss " 1 7 W .- y i rHh acids, -yon ennnot know what it httbt healthy. Acids povon thm Hood and sr the aoarce of many dis eases sffeetin Ue heart end arteries, kin and mucous surfaces, joints and muscles, and tha brmta ral reneral nervous system. Sosne of thc dui aea are thewnstisai in yat'oua forms. Catarrh. K.cteaw, Pl. Kfls. rashes, and other sk dw. Malaria, Srrofma and s-eneral blei troshlea. In order to restore yourardf fo a health condil inn, yoa most dnre these 'acids from -vour r-yrtern and purify your blood. S. 8. S. hns bee-, purifying and re vitalizing the blood of thousands for fifty years. It is purely vegetable remedy, ana ta uie nsui raraaiv acnv known for rleauuiar the blood and building up the sy5teas don't accept a snbstitarte. Hor snrcial medsral advice write u aieoicai w Eartsamt, Swift Seoific Co, 308 Bwilt uiUUsur, Atlanta, Us. tWCSA .tPtBKV. nmer A Hneirs. avlaorm exjwrt 'and nventr of the Sperry syrnscopl ) utabillainir device for aeroplanes, who. accordrn to tinofficJal report" from V.'ahuR-ton. kas sutmiltteo so the naval csnsultins board and the navy department a device which wlU rove to be a complete and definite means of eliminating the menace o the German saCmatines. It ts said to have been to the Sperry tnvenrmn that W V. Oaunden-a. csatlrman of the naval consulting-. board. referred when he stated recently that sneana had been found te successfully P wlth the V-bots. fei' If PURE FOOD SHOP tl 3 Phones, AH 15. Cleenli Economy Service J e. i.. CkanMn will Hnrl here the finest stock of Fresh Fruits nd Vege tables,-together with the greatest variety of Pure Food T.We Supplies in Pendleton 6-3 ll t E E 13 II M I Shop Early. 1 II Strawherries, lots of extra fancy berne for Saturday's trade, 2 boxes 25 Home Crown Asparagus, fresh from the gardens at Stanfield, pound lO T. P. W. Special Blend, the best 35 "Coffee on earth. Rice One of our greatest foods; eco nomical, healthful; the extra fancy head rice. 2 pounds 25 Natural Rice, 2 lb. package ... 35 Cream of Rice, pkg. 18; 3 pkgs. 50s Fancy "SunkistM Oranges, full of sweet ness and sunshine, doz. 20, 50, 60 New Nifty Cttndieh, today, pound. .. 35 Sweet Apple Cider, clear and sparkling, bottle 15 and 25 Crockery Dept in Grocer' Basement Dinnerware in sets and open stock. Fire-proof Cooking Ware, Ho point Electric Appliances. If fa !3 E3 E-3 PENDLETON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE. Apts., for rent, 400 E. Alta. House for refit. Call 781J. Fos rent Furnished house. Phone 21SR. For sale IS acres land. Address Box lit, .City. Light housekeeping rooms for rent. 6 Johnson street. " Wanted Woman to do waahinK. Addreas A.1 B. C. this ofnee. Modern seven room house for rent m Orange street. Apply John Vert. Wanted Good, clean rags, at The East Oregonlan office. Sewing by engagement or at home. Phone 7C1M. For sale One light auto truck, cheap. Box 12Z City. A lhn-e roomed henee for rent. In ijulie at 1 Johnson atfeet. Attorney Ooutts has money to loan and houps for sale and rent. fne five room furnished house, 4 room apt. all Modern. Call 664. Furnished boetse for rent. Chickens and garden for sale. 71S W. Asia. n B. Waffle auto for hire. Phons 284 kt. staad. Cfeartes Co- Phone 1. I haul your garbage and trash Phone 553M. 1402 W Railroad St. Two second hand pianos for sale very reasonable, ftmulre this office. Modern six room bouse for rent on June let. Inquire John Vert. Vnr r,nt . a room modern bunga low -on .North de. Phone J0SM. Booka audited, office work and correspondence handled by hour or day. reasonable, pnone zvsw. Va.nt ad To -rent modem & or 4 room house. Notify M. J. Barthel la care of Don 'P. Stnythe. u unted Scran iron, brass an-1 aluminum. Highest prices guaran teed. Blewett Harvester Co. rhironody work for ladies and gen tlemen at ipendletoa Halnlreesm 1-avlors. 8. C. Jackson sells trail paper and linoleum. Samples taken to your heme. Phone 6J1-HI. 'ound .Bunch of keys In Crest ot tke Allen a- Knight store. Owner eail and get same. For sale Hoaaebold . famiture. seaving machine. 2 stoves, chairs, etc. Call S10 West Webb street. Ito you know that Estes aV r"ried!.'--Kell, rent -or Insane AnythiesTT" 1 Mjiin street. Phoneieet. .)O0 to t:so to loan at rates ac cording o 8-curity. Inquire A this of ftew. Overland Service station, starts, re pair shop. Bxpertcsioed man to do yoar -work. S44 Maiai street. Wanted Kxpericneed girl for gen eral housework. Secerences required. I'hene 93U. For sale, cheap, 't-foot HoH com bine In good condition. Inquire E. J. King. Helix, Ore. rmr rent fThree tight honsekeep lns (Kinui. Kleetrtc lights, tiot and cold svater. g,ciarlen street. Mattress making, furniture repair ing, upholstering, called for aad deliv ered, city or country. Lei Dew Bros !1 Beauregard. Phone II7J. Call Penland Bros, van to move your household goods. Telephone St. Also baggage transferrin, and heavy haul ing. lwt-Xw Ajax 3x 1-1 automo bile tire. Tuesday between Pendleton and -Kcho. Finder pleaae return to J this offaue. Roomina- house for sale. Main street. In center of business district- Doing good business.' Inquire or Pea land Bros. S-e Lee aloorhouse for insurance. Fire, accident, casualty. Prompt ad justments without red tape. Phone 1(0. For rent To one or two men,, fur nished room with afeoarer bath, rea sonable. Close tn. S0 W. Caaart. pnnne 4l&J. , For Kent Sewing machines of all makes, tl 00 per week. 11 00 per month UcClintock Simpson. 40 K. court. Summer arhool eeaskoa at the Field school. May SI to June 2. cUasee for all grades. Bthel Freeman. Phon 144. Neat five room . cottaae. garage, small house In rear. I14S0. Kma'l payment down, balance like rent. Box 747. Pn, uU- Vew and second hand -V-wIng Machines. Singer. White New Home and The Free Machine. I McCllntock Simpson. 400 RV Court, j T.xJiet.-d samples for patteraa new deetgna. IS-ISe. yokes. Jl.3. tow. el ends. SSc earh. Insertion, per In. j Side, lec yard R. Hlmrhaw. Salem. Ore. ('mat ilia county Pioneer Associa tion's! Woaton. Oregon, June sth and th. 1'sual attractions. All Invited. Geo I. Peebler. president; 8. A. Rnrnee, secretary. For sale Nearly new Overland Ught Four at a bargain for cash. In first class condition, overland Sales Room and Service Station. 44 Main street. Inet May IS. on Webb or Main street, black leather wallet, contain ing receipts and photos. Return te I W. K Johnson. Telephone office and receive reward. laid lea. learn to embroider your summer goens In the new machine emiroi4erv that la so p. this eaton. lll at the Stnser Sewinc hine office. US f,urt street. snJ I'ASTIMK TODAY. Gludya HrockweU, Star la "Her Tcmp Teroptatlon," Has , Many Actor . Friends.. Gladys Brockwell has arranged the upper hallway In her home in Holly wood as a Uallery of Notables. There the William Fox star, who is appear ing In "Hap Temntatlon." is Discing autographed photographs of all her actor friends. As Miss Brockwell is one of the most popular members of the nlavera' colony on the West coast, the walls of her hall are com pletely covered. If I get any more I ll nave to make a new hall somewhere. Mis Brockwell complains; but she always managers to find room for one more. TUEASOV AT THE 4XSY THURSDAY AD FKU- A . Tti rilling War Drama wnicn TV-wtvti a Grnat. Uraefm. Thi. is a war story, of the late war of the spectacular sort laid in a trus tified kingdom. Staging elaborate oai- u uwn,i in the early Dart or mo nlav and a thrilling automobile race- occurs in the last reel. Treason Is a tremendous feature that stirs the emotion of every patriotic cltlxen In America to the greatest depths and a true lesson of -patioturm and a con vincing and faithful picture oi mm Ara urfe The seatinsr capacity is limited and we respectfully aak you to come afternoons or early in mi evening. The) T rummy t Alta rdar-auirdaj If you talk in your sleep, eon i to poae as a deaf and dumb detective! Jack Pickford. who Is playing the title role in the Famous Psxyers- Paramount adaptation of the cele brated play "The Dummy" a the Alta theater next week nearly lost his life and hit Job, to say nothing of spoiling the story by talking right out loud in his sleep when he was nretendine to be a deaf and dumb boy. Tou see. H was this way but vmi'H rather see It for yourself. It will be at the Alta theater. For sale Wicker baby carriage. Call 5I1W. Nicelv furnished front room apt with sleeping porch. ii Water. Phone 20SM. Wanted By couple, a laree room with kitchen and store room In a private house. Phone 743W. wanted To sell our fruit and ornamental nursery stock, roses. hrip,- - exclusive territory, lib. eral cash advance weekly on orders: free outfit. Yakima columnia River Nursery Co.. North Yakima. ,-......., VCnrlr nn Mlirh b' Til S 11 . wife and grown son. qnallBed to take full charge, wife to oeok tor am crew. Give full details ana waaee in first letter. Address S. A. Meyers. Baker Hotel. Baker. Oregon. Frr sale "One gelding S years old. weittht 14SS: one geldtwg t years old. weiaht 14S: one bay snare 8 years ... j ,s All good stock. For further Information write Box 115, Weston Oregon, or phone ISJ. PASTIME TODAY Presents THE ;IIU OF A THOUSAND KXPKF-SSlONl GLADYS BROCKWELL s A sotHi smiuiiJfG drama OF TOE POWER OF WIIJ- HER TDsPTATIOir Revealed in this story of a girl's efforts to save her sister from unhappy marriage and to free herself from the seal of secrecy. Fox Film Comedy A Hvrcaas In Parts HANK MAN A LOVE FIGHT rMince at Omms Hall natnrdsy night. May Is. The pub- lie is cordially Invited and aasured a good time. Good music. Good floor nnd good management. Aav. Notice ot Payssesst of ty o pesMSle- ijotina ie hereby given that City of Pendleton Improvement Bonds Noa 6, Series 0. t and s. series au Series one. will be paid upon preeen ...i M n the nndersirned St the American National Bank. Pendle ton, Umatilla County. Oregon, mer est on said bonds ceases June 1, 117. Dated May 14. 1917. UJK MOORHOUSE. Treasurer. City of Pendleton. By Wm. Mickelaen. Deputy. A FRIDAY anU SJUOA Y Presents JACK PICKFORD In a picturization of the great stager ruccksh "The Dummy A snappy comedy drama that is sure to please alL P,r, mminl Pictosnraph Late European was new. VAUDEVILLE The Two Tips CLEVER ACROBATS; The Bridewell SISTERS A CLASS IE SINGING anxti MUSICAL ACT. COMING PAULINE FREDERICK SAPHO HI For Adaaoa, Athena and Weston, leaves Allen-Ward Co.. at H a. m. and S:I P- m. each day. Phons 4 for reeervatlona. Ralph Shaffer, prop Ad. MaaefVcaa) ceiebrmtloil. On July 2nd. 3rd and 4th. Mans field, Wash., will hold a grand three- Huhn,(nii anil rha manaeemenl worklwants to get in touch with all hinds of amusements, mciuoing camivai at tractions, merry-go-rounds, etc. Ad dress A. F. Rosenstock, Mansfield Wash. Adv. Do Toa Want a Hossarp 1 Do you want a home? If so, I wn sell von a lot and yea cava sua yourself, or I will sen yea the lot asal, build the homo for you aad give yew, terms on th suns, A. H. Cos tAdv.) Agent to haVdle the smith Ftm. Truck Only takes small capital ts handle. Big profits. For partlcttasra; address H. E. Orifflth. care HotH . Pendleton. Free! Another $2f0 phonograph to riven away at the Boston Store, it in their window. Adv. he See a.''. av eV. ,,. "V. ar- 1.. Hltllil-ru HJ, WSTK1LS AT ALTA TODAT. The Best Place in Town to Get CANDY Is at the store "what baa tba "WHITMAN'S- sign. Nobody inf America saaksa candy Ilka -W HITMAN'S. -Others have tried, are SUM trying, but they cant da M. "WHITMANV the best. A boa of lllTw ? CAD1ES sre revelations te people who don't know their goodness. Tollman & Co. TODAY 66 T COSY REASON TODAY 99 A TRUE LESSON IN PATRIOTISM A tremendous picture surpassing the Bugler of Algvrs the Basics Winas and Behind tha lanes. A Picture for Every Patriotic American Mtmhrr of tlx- IteU ln l4-wwtl-jr .r 11m- 4 lir Its- ! stsps this mtrk tirinonfiraifd -- MmuKI hw- 1ln rt turs-.