EIGHT PACES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1917. PACE TWO LIVE NEWS OF (E3 I l i a M F E 1 H IE S3 i E in it r 1-J Clean-Up Sale of Women's Cloth Suits IS NOW IN FULL SWING LADIES THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY Ery doth suit in our slock reduced. We hare divided them into four great loUl LOT 1 $13.85 for suits woith up to $27.50 LOT 2 $19.98 for suits w orth up to $35 We bought an unusually large number of suits this spring and backward weather has held sales back till so late that we have decided to sacrifice our suits so as not to carry any over into the next season. There U not an old suit in the entire lot. Every garment is the last word in style. Materials and workmanship are unsurpassed. Full range of sizes from Misses' 16 to bust 48. Every bright color as well as the conservative shades are included. This"will be a sale long to be remembered. The prices quoted would be low at any time, but in view of the rising values of all woolen mat rials, they are" the extreme in value giving. LADIES Be wise and save by taking advantage of this sale of suits of real Qual ity offered by this store where a sale advertised is a sale worth attending. Come and be convinced. CORDUROY For SPORT COATS, use the high shades in Corduroy. Shown in the medium wale and of one quality, colors of lemon, rose, emerald, pur ple, Copenhagen, brown, etc., 29 inches wide. The yard $1.25 WASH SILK. One of the best silks you can buy for wash skirts, waists or dresses. You'll find the patterns and color ings different from what we have shown before; 36 inches wide. The yard ?1.25 PETTICOAT SATIN Absolutely guaranteed to give service, made especially for petti coats. Shown in colors of rose, green, brown, tan, orange, Vermil lion, lemon, black and white; 36 in. wide. The yard $1.50 The Bangain Basement Shoe Sale Are you one of the fortunate ones? Have you bought a pair or sev eral pairs of shoes on sale in thU most popular of all shopping places 7 Friday and Saturday, the opening days' of best of all economy shoe sales, have been hummer.. Think of whole families being sho ed. Think of people laying in two years supply of shoes hi advance And after all it is but the exercising of their better judgments, their determi nation to save. Such Shoe Bargain as these Help You to 5ave. S2.87 Men's Gun Metal Calf Dress Shoes; made on the new lasts and made to wear; come in button or lace, $4 shoe; all sizes; $2.87. $1.3 Women's Kid Shoes, Pat ent Leather Tip ; made on sensible lasts for dress wear or street wear; come in button or lace; $3 ... shoes; all sizes $1.63 $1.5t Boys' Calf Shoes, Capped Toe; the only bargain of its kind in the entire market; memorize the price $1.59; sizes 9 to 13'- Two Hundred and Fifty Pairs Com fort House Slippers, special 79 special, all sizes 3 to 7. Children's street Shoes, thick, heavy elk sole, heavy brown canvas, ar phunpr than tennis shoes. SDecial 98. $1.29 Visit the Bargain Basement and convince yourself that you can buy shoes at "Before tne war" rnco. Pendletons Greatest Department Store The Peoples Warehouse LOT 3 $24.75 for suits worth up to LOT 4 $28.75 for suits worth up-to $47.50 Another New Arrival in Our Shoe Department Women's white kid boot with white sole and heel, 9 inch top, lace, made on the Petite last, with long vamp and pointed toe, the greatest value offered this season. Comes in all widths from AA to D. Our price only $8.50 DRUG SUNDRIES UNDERPRICED. Pebeco Tooth Paste 39 Lyons Tooth Paste 19 Lyons Tooth Powder 19 Colgates Tooth Paste l&t Colgates Tooth Powder 19f Pears Soap 13 4711 Soap 19 Cashmere Boquet 10 Hinds H. & A. Cream 39 Elcaya Cream 50 Listerine 19 Palm Olive Shampoo 39 Palm Olive Talcum 19 Palm Olive Cream 39 Palm Olive Powder 39 Peroxide .. 19 Etc. Etc. Women's White Shoes, several styles of them, most appropriate new white footwear, spec. $2.89 Women's Bronze Shoes, nine inch top, high heel, plain toe, lace, sold for $7.50 and $8.00 ; can be stained black. Bargain.. $3.89 $1.00 Again we offer Women s Shoes. The only place in the country offering women's shoes at this price: all sizes $1.00 Hundreds of Other Women's Shoe Bargains. Children's Shoe Bargains Friday and Saturday convinced them all that the Bargain Basement is the lowest priced of all. No need to go barefooted. Low Shoe Bargains For Every body. You lose if you miss this Where It Pays to Trade will b4 $40 SPRING COATING Some new colorings and patterns have just arrived, especially for the new spring styles of coats. The new wool velour and zibelines, 54 and 56 inches wide. The yard, econo mically priced. GRADUATION GIFTS Look this list over, it will help you decide what to give her for graduation. Silk " Hosiery, Silk Underwear, Gloves, Parasol, Bou doir Caps, Beads, Fan, Handker chief, Purse, Collars, etc. SILK AND WOOL POPLIN One of the best fabrics that can be made that give the wear and looks better longer; for dresses and suits; shown in the season's most wanted shades; comes 40 inches wide and price, the yard $1.50 "Pure Food Shop" 3 Main Phones, all IS. Cleanliness Economy Service T. P. W. Tea and Cocoa Sale Com: mences Monday and . lasts one week. See window display. 50c Japan Tea Sale pound 30 ; 5 pound lots 25 pound. The Celebrated T. P. W. Tea This sale, pound 55 Tetley's Tea "Ceylon and India" Vi lb. 20 ; Vt lb 38 Breakfast Cocoa We contracted 55 cases of this delicious cocoa six months ago, it arrived today and we have placed it on Special Sale, together with our Tea Sale : Vi pound cans 9 i pound cans - 17 14 ounce cans 28 Remember this sale lasts just one week, look to your needs. :Tl 6LYMPIA, Wash.. May U- Throughout Washington tomorrow will be observed a Young Men's Christian Association day. The pur 5 pose ot the day Is to secure am in w association's campaign to finance work in the army and navy. "One of the outstanding features of every re cent war has been the work of the Young Men's Christian association among the enlisted men." reads Ac tive Oovernor Louis Hart a statement to the public. "On the Mexican bnr i...,. Bnmmr even before the regi mental camps were pitched, the asso ciation had Its quarters up ami ready for occupancy. Now that we r onti-intr the trentest war or an time, making ready to raise the larg est army In our history, tne associa tion Is facing a line of work before which all Its previous like activities eem triflimt. To carry on this war fare work, a fund of 3.oil,000 will h.. .,....,1 ..ri i. n (1 nr this amount 140.- fi0 has been apportioned to the state of Washington. The state association has undertaken a definite plan for raising this amount and in connection with the plnn. Sunday. May 1J has been fixed as Army and Navy Y. M. C, A. Day.fc' Plans have been com pleted for observing the day through 2 out the slate. PPKTLAXU. Ore., May 12. The se veral thousand city Hardeners In Port land will nnrade tonight. Clad in their working clothes and carrying hoes, ishovrla, rakes and spades they wis march throiich downtown streets in one of the most unique processions in the history of Portland. It will be a poor man's parade. No automobiles will be allowed, and only those wear ing old clothes can take part In It. Following the parade a patriotic pro gram will be -given. The Citjaen's Unification league, in charge of both parade and program, announces that the object of the demonstration' is to promote harmony among loyal aliens state own law. and native-born citizens and to fur ther the spirit of patriotism. can COTTAGE G ROVE, Ore.. May 1!. President Wilson was re-elected and the United 8tates declared war on Germany since O. W. Davis and Wil liam Butler last heard the news ol the outside world. They are moun taineers and for six months we so snowbound. Today they came to Cot tage Grove and to their ostonlnhment heard of the entry of the United states into the war. TILLAMOOK. Ore., May , 12. In terest in the great halibut banks off the Oregon coast, suid to be the great est In the world, is being awakened here. Todav the Dells, the largest craft which has yet been sent from this port to engatje in deepseas fish ing, today is at work somewhere off the coast. One or two craft have been worklns out from Astoria for some time, but more extensive fishing Is planned and more boats will be put to work. ,:-.-.---y,--i;.-:.::f:- HURCH ES Maptlxt. We will have the Kihle school as usual at 10 o'clock. There will he a . nlon service at the M. K. church at 1 1 o'clock for the baccalaureate ser in. in. At 3 o'clork and again at 7:3'l thert will lie union meetings at the himv ciiiivmi. ltr. J. o. A. Henry v.lil preach, and Prof. Krwln will liad the music. 1irl-laii. Everybody out for Hible school. We have a growing school and would see the whole church and as many more in the 8. H. Meets at ::.. No morning preaching service at the Christian church on account of the Haocalaureate service of the high school at the II. R. church. Pastor Huhbell will preach at the evening hour on the theme of God's Gift of Kalvatlon." Special music. You are welcome. t Catholic tiurch. Fifth Sunday after K.ister: Masses at . and 10 o clock At tne nign I maw at 10 o'clock, a week's "Mission" will begin under the direction of Rev. Thomas A. Meagher. H. J., and Ker. i Patrick J. o'Kellly, H. J. The order I of exercises for eight days will be U:il a. m.. mass and short Instruc tion; :30 a. m.. mass and sermon: 'l:On p. m , Way of the Cross; 7: IS p. I m... special Instruction In the rectory parlor for adults preparing Tor First Communion and for non-Catholics seeking Information; f :4S p. m.. ros ary, mission sermon and benediction. The papal blessing will be given it the close of the week. - Method iM. Sunday school at 10 a. m. I ta important that wa have a good attend- lance, viaeses weu iMKMi - " Bring the children. At 11 a. m. will j be the annual Liar caJ aureate service I for the high school gradual of 1 117. Hpectal music and sermon by the lis. C R. Howard of Walla Walla, Wash, coma early Jf you de, sirs chotea sea. No other services will b held at .w . hi. Interest al the re vival meetings at Happy Canyon. Onlv a few more days and we trust that ! all our constituency will make a spec- 1 lal effort to attend all the remaining j . meetings. i Thin country nli Ko"I bn fin 'I I. I i.f ih.-;ii in fonwwi and in in THE NOR VET ' ' -- -iw FORD Agency FORD Repairs FORD Parts FORD Accessories FORD Oils Service Station for GOODYEAR TIRES Simpson Auto Co. Water and Johnson Sts. JITXKY BONDS STII.I. Hl'NG VP. New Company's Authority to Write Tlicni I llM.'llli'd. OLYMPIA; May 9. The Mutual Union Insurance company, recently Incorporated by Jitney men in the for the purpose of writing their $2500 surety bonds required by has been issued a certificate by Commissioner Flahback to write acci dent, health, liability and motor car insurance, but whether the company write surety bonds under the state charter is a question that has been submitted to Attorney General Tanner for determination. This means that for the present Jitney bonds can not be written. The company has S21 applications for liability Insurance policies of 12500 each. It Is well to watch virtue which em ploy a press agent. Special Sale of UKELELAS; PIANO BENCHES, MUSIC AND RECORD CABINETS A few bargains in Sfightly Used Pfionograplts Buy now and take advantage of these - ... BIG BARGAINS. A bijt stock of musical instruments of every description, sheet music and musical supplies always on hand. Warren's Music House 814 Main Street During the last twelve-month period a grand total of 228 a h. a WERE ACTUALLY SOLD delivered and placed in operation in the states of Washington and Oregon. The CMC, record of achievement, which will be cheerfully demonstrated, is unique in northwest truck history. - , . , THERE IS A MESSAGE HERE FOR YOU "Let your next truck be a CMC STURGIS, STOIilE & CO. Phone 408 Cor. Johnson and Webb Sts. Service Station for GOODRICH TIRES Telephone 408 2 QUALITY DENTISTRY Dr. F. L M DENTIST. Rooms 3 and 4, Belts Bldg . Telephone 523. Telephone 524 TRUCS 3