PAGE SEVEN EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENftLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 10. 1917. BRINGING VP FATHER tCopyriiebt, 1917, IuternatJotia! New Servlr-e. neutered Catted B Y GEORGE McNfANUS c-sd iwwtoto 1 i, , H-i'-v-T - . 1 ( N TV0UH-THE WHM - I DOrfT know Rht ooUT-fc MAcy. SCytf. HOPE HE UfARti-, I HORSE KICKED f FOR?' ' AK ftlNOT JOlM' 4? ASVoS!' rlVv LEN HCfW DO ABOUT V . soCE.TX- Q y TJ ) HIP"!. T Ti! i - - l ASO'N The best car in the world at its price. A crack-a-jack six for the price of an ordinary four. All the fine features of construction, power, de sign, economy and durability of the highest priced (sixes without paying the higher price. Cars here for immediate delivery. Stripped chassis for your inspection. Repair Shop With Competent Mechanics. Tires. Accessories, Gasoline service station washed and stored. Cars City Auto Company 722 Cottonwood St. Telephone 46 LIVESTOCK SHOWS STEADY TONE M'HiTUND, May 10 There wan another steady to firm t'me 'ill through the livestock market at North I'ortlaild for the day. .' Itecripts of hogs were yuite fair but no change wua Indicated In the demand and values In general were safely maintained at the previous average. CORNS HURT TODAY? Lift your corn or calluses off with fingers and K won't pain you ens bit. . lieneral hog: range: Beat he--vy- Bent liRht ItoijKh heavy Pigs rttookers . J15.7S J 15 . ir..r.o4i is. r, . 15.ii 15.25 ' 14.0 14.SH . lS.OOW 14.2; NEW YORK VESSEL ARRIVALS GAINING rmitmra KIm liberty IH1. PHILADELPHIA. May t Marsha Ji.ffr. Vlvianl and other members of the French cummimmi, kissed the liberty brU at Independence hall. Vlvianl hailed Independence Hall a -the birthplace of the liberty of the world " There u absolute silence a the Frenchmen tiptoed forward and klaed the historic relic. g" HETTI It AND SOFTER lioht fs "9 i. .Mitred by rho u of " fJ7ii RP-wJf ef these beautiful f.xture. of U4 kZS& . , our. They give a '" Wy 1---3 illuinlnatea the room perfectly. 'Hf . V f -Kt hut that doe. not ttr. or .train ; iff I -tJl the eye..' They re not utpon- vT, ZZ .iv. considering their ''- h flctency and extra beauty. Why ?S A .3, j not at least see them f tTN jtS J.L. VAUGHAN M r J Food 1 Chick E3 if F h 11 I'i i X J The best insurance for the baby chicks Its not what you hatch Its what you raise Laying Tonics. Lice Killers, Etc. Colesworthy's Baled Hay. Oats, Rolled Barley Etc. Ye.: You truly can lift off 'every hard corn, aofl corn or corn between the toe., ax wi ll aa h.-irdened cllliia e on bottom of feet without one bit of j.aln. A gi i'c in Cincinnati dlscoverel lre'oj,.. It t. an ether contpoun 1 -n-! tiny bittlea of (hi ma!c fluid can now be h.i.1 at any druj rtoro for a fe.v cent.. . Apply dro.a of thla freencne u:Oil a ten tier, achi'i-f corn or taWiM Instantly al' hoithch-i di appear. shortly you will find ille corn or laim o ahrlveled nnd iooe that von lft It off with the f Insert. You feel no pain whi'c- appoin t free, aone or afterwards. Just think! No m rn crn? or cl- liiFes to torture you and .hey xo wi'h otit causing one twin" of iain or sorenerM. You will Clll tla magie drue and It reallv la. tienumc freeione ha." a yellow laSel. Look for yelniw iaixd. it stcp catarrh: ope;-: nostrils and head far. Cream Applied In Nostril, j Ik Move Moad-Colil at Once. 1 Handful f t'Httlc In. While there was not enough car lie reported In the yard for the open market at North Portland during the dav. the. trend of the trade agnin Indi cated liberal strength. Former val ue, were maintained In full General cattle market range; ITime light beef .teera $1 1 00r 1 1.25 J-rime heavy heef ateeni 10.004 10.51 I Choice beef cowa S.25W .5 iKeat hclfcra H.00-3 10.00 Ordinary to good cowa.. J.00 00 ' I"rime heavy butcher Dulla 8.00 8 "1 , Ught bulla .00 J. 60 falve. 7.00fei0 00 j mocker-feeder steers ... .00 7. 00 Htocker-feeder cows ... 5.00 .&' j Mutton Oomea rHrert. I There 111 a small supply of mut ' ton reiMrted In the North Portland I yards over night but aside from a inomina' stock In from the valley, there was nothinc In sight but the di ; rect shipment of a local meat com ! pany fr.mi its rfn feed lots, j trend imqulet but uniform ly steady. Nominal mutton and lamb market. ' Rect east of mountain year Bart mountain yearlings 110.00 1 1 00 Wethers ..-... - noat, ...... .....i.'..... . " Spring lambs lS.tC I Wednrwilay livestock SliipP"-. I Mixed Stuff F. B. Decker, silver ton. 1 load cattle, calves and hogs; S U Overton. Browneille, 1 load cattle. ' calves mi hogs; J B smith Newberg ; 1 load cattle, hog. and sheep; fnlon Meat Co.. l.yle. Waeli., loads hogs . and pheep direct. Take K3.OOA.nnn of lJb.Tt' Ion. I WAHHI NtTt N, May s. Half of ! the two billion dollar liberty loan has been subscribed. I Ainong the larger individual sub scriptions Is one from a former 1 ni- cd States senator who leieErapneu wrsonal subscription for tnree million d.illars worth of bonus. " If yoir nostrils are clogged and your head Is stuffea an you can ' . breathe rreely becauseof a cold or ca. tarrh. .lust get a small bottle of KIV cream Halm at any drug store. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic ureairl Into your nostrils and let H : penetrate throuch every air pajcpliee your re".rt, rootning ana neaung 111 inflamed, swollen mucous memlu-are and you get Instant relief. Ah1 how good It feels. Tour nos trils are. open, your head Is clear, ti" more hawking, snuffling or struggling for breath. Bly's Cream iwlm Is Just 1 what sufferers from head colds and catarrh need It's a delight. t VIIXNS WHO TOOK IMIMK7. TO I. KM AIOIY !' WAK 51 More Reach Port in April Than Previous Month. XKW VORK, May 7. Flftj -one more vessels, entered this post la.t month than in March, notwith.tand inK the Herman submarine menace. The increased tonnage was'. S0.40S. of which 82.470 was represented by seven- more ships flying the Ameri can flag than during March. Departures In April were decreas ed by 13 vessels, of 87.562 tons, as compared with March. Kbihteen fewer American till pa .sailed from here. These represented 49.651 tons. The total number of vessel, of all nationalities arriving here last month was 41. of which 121 were American. The total tonnage was 1,149,740; Am erican, 317.202. In March the nnm ner of vessels arriving .here w as 80S. 1,088,272 tons; American, 114, 284, 732. torts, : . ' March and April clearances, re spfctively. were 89 vessels of 4,- I 4jK T nS t rs. and 3S3 vessels of 1, !M3Afli tons. One hundred W ;twni-fiv vessels eof 319.972 ton I 'fr.. .of American registry in March ' and i7- vessel, of 270.321 ton were ot the same registrly in AprU. r ment continued. ''Bplwen Winter , burs; and Corbany. fresn Frmct. force tt:stked after drumfire. Aftwe ; fierce fighting the enemy ra lrl ; bacV partly in hati'l-to-hand c " flict. "Fighting m the Alsno and Chatn pe gne fronts is les lively FVrmny Mrmly llckl. ' BERLIN, May f. Fresnoy is held firmly against all British attacl . the war ofce announced. An addition al hundred prisoners have been taken. "At Reous and Bullecourt. British advances were repulsed." the state- h ,. .Mr . WafHington Is filled almost to ! brim with patrtitiein and politlcsi feeling a bH out of place. - - HOT WATER THE BEST LIVER AND ' BOWEL f.;edicine ; SAYS til.ASS tF HOf WtTKIi PK- " innK BRKAKFAST WIMIIV poisons uto.M sv-trw. Alta CHOP MILL and Cottonwood Phone 134 MYSTFIIIOVS PIXS AND ACHKS Mate Ufr Hrd to Bear for Mnj ! niilclou Homrn. Toe rr.nry women mistake their pain, and ailte for trouble, peculiar to the mx. More often disordered kidne.-.s are causing the aching oac. di.ry spells, headache, and Irregular urinal Ion. Kidney weakness becomes dangerous ii neglected. Ue a time- . . . . .1 nnkn'i1 wltlnev irieu siaiie lotiruj - j PlUa Hosu of people teetlfy to their merit. Read a Pendleton case: j Iln. Mary A. U Ellis. 810 B Bluf I street. Pendleton, says: "Whenever 1 feel In need of a kidney medicine, I take Poan-. Kidney Pill, and thev always give splendid satisfaction. " am subiect to kidney disorder, at jt, i i i I r- 1 ; -V- -j,., eetss ; j . .. ; 4T-.veV., !it j-,-!!,' ,hf , Si-.; ALT Til l-IWDAY. I'hysiclan. the world over rooomi mend the Inside bath lalinip thin is of vastly more Import uije than t sfce cleanliness. ,beca" rse' the sk- pores do not absorb Impurities lnt- the blood, causing ill hca'rh.- waist the pores in the ten yr 1. of howefc. do. Men and women are iiried to dr4wtc eachnorning. before nrejkfjist J nra. of .hot water with a teapof ul or limestone phosphate in it. as- a heirm--less means of helping to wail, !r-k, the stomach. liver, kidney, and bow-, els the previous day's indigestible material, poisons, sour bile and ta ins; thus cleansing, sweetening? nail, purifying the entire alimentary caral before putting more food into thea stomach. Just as soap and hot water ciearses.. and' freshen the skin, so hot water and limestone phosphate act oa Uo ellminative organs. Those who wake up w-tth ha.t" breath, coated tongae. nasty taste have a dull, aching head, sallow com pletion, acid stomach; others wtoo. are subject to bilious attacks or eon- . st illation, should obtain a quarter pound, of limestone phosphate at toe. drug atone. This will cost very little but Is sufficient to demonstrate the value of Inside bathlns Those who continue it each morning are assured of pronounced results, both in regard, to health and appearance- CHICHESTER S PILLS , 4W .w-aaw 1 UK f 4 laj X O-O Sl-reM-v-Kai UtassHMsst iirmm t . in. HrrlA Tnt m 4MfMr mmr - lr-ffxtt- A kfwCill HIT t-TTnt llAllO-B II R N PIL1A fc- ft mtv k som m Br-rt at -Vn Rtits CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y ATTORNEYS. D W. BA1LJET. ATTORNST AT Uv. Room. 1. t, . Deopeln Bldg. OEOBGB W. COtTTTS. ATTORN ET at law. Room 17. Bcnmmi CARTER MITTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American National Bank building. FEE A FEE. ATTORENTB AT LAW. Office In Deepaln .building. JOHN W HUFF. ATTORN EY-AT-Lw. Room t. American Nation al Bank boildinn. R I. K BATOR, IATTORJIET, AT Law. Room 84. Smith-Crawford Rulldlnc. Fl 1ERAX DIRBCTOR8. J. T. BROWfc'8 TORN1TURK 8TOR1 Funeral director and licensed em palmer. Most modern funeral par lor. morgue and funeral oars. CaLlt . . .i.k. rin ii i reaponoeu o v - Main and Water streets. Telephone -. i DOCTORS. S. A. ROE. M D. PRACTICE 1,1 Ited to the eve. ear. nose and laroae. Room 31. Judd Building. JOHX 8. BAKER, FUNERAL DI j rector and licensed embaimer. u ; M18CElXAXXrS. rwmtta noaiofflce. Fnneral parlor two funeral care. Call, reeponded t day or night. Phone Ti. MONTANA FARM LA YDS. LEGAL BLANTC8 OF EVERT ecrtptlon for county conn, drra.. wnrt hi.tliA enurt real aetata sr. j for sale at East Ore. on lea sftMs, . A NEWBERRT. ATTORN ET AT Law. Smith -Crawford Bulldlnf CcJ.AUR.EUA HEVIA Col. MAT1A5 DETANCOVJRT Oolonel Aurella Hevia. secretary of government In tuba, and Col. Matlas ltet:'nrotirt. who caught oeneral o. PETERROM. BISHOP. ATTOR nevs st law: rooms t and . Smith Crawford blldin. JAMES B- PERRY. ATTORN EW AT Us. Office over Taylor Hardware company. RALET RALET. ATTORENTS AT times bn' after 1 have taken Doan'a ., " .i",,,!.- , down the revo. I iw. Offios ta American National Bank Bulidins- Kllnry rule a week or two, I feel a. well as ever. I can con-cientlously ment M i recohimcnd them, for I know thev tr. zjz ,. service are a mtdi.Uie ol mini. i,,...mi:-l"nl"l"!"'"'Mi!rt'l'!l,im'l,l,ir!:' o..mjtill"r!;jl'rfi;rMfi;M(r-5 lutl.'n saalnst the Menoial govern- ill le In conimsnd of the -s : (-obi piirtaises to rvw for in l-Mrope. She will place tr.MO r in rharire of the I'nite-l The e.'retrtrv of wir ill . i. . - .. . . . i a lia l 1 draiera " urt ln X. Y. aMu: tonimand of them. NORTHERN PAOIFIC RAILWAY Land, ln eastern Montana at II 58 to S18 sr acre Suitable (or farm ing er graalnc- Eaey terms. For la formaUoa wrUa sr see W. B Holt, Miles City. Montana, ARCHITECT. RAYMOND W. HATCH, AROfll toot. DesseJa Butldtng. Phon 718. Pent! tot oa. Orevom. SBCONTJ HATD DF-AIJIM. ) 1 h-!e ' hn e FRFDER1CK STEIWER ATTOR ney at law. Office la Jsmltk-Craw ford bulldlns & A U'WEli. ATTORNEY ANI ! ccnnsellor at law. Office ta De I .pain bulldlns. V. 8TROBLC DEALER IN ST and ' seeond hand goods. Caa paid for all tad-hand goods Cheaa est place to bar household goods ll BV Court, phone 371W. PETAU'MA I1ATCHEHY. R-TAH. lished 103.. can snip day olj chirks to points reached In three 0w nve varieties e rnaiirn.e ire. hen. Free circuUir. i. w. Clark, Prtaluma, Calif. ArCTIOfEER COL. W. F. TOHN'KA, AUCTIOI eer makes a .pctalty of farmers Mock and machinery sales. man that get. you the money. L orders at East Cre-rnlaa office. MIMULU tort INSURANCE AND LAND ltfilNrf l BKNTLlfT A JloXTI'iMFIlI. r.E? state, firs, life and scciO-nt lnu ance agents 81S Main street, l'bnn-.. 'leoal bwnks of evkpy riv i scr.ptlon for county court, clreum 1 court. Ju.-tlce court, real es'ata el'-. io.- aa:e st kj oreson'.ao off he. . Wt". Bu.Ialo, 1 7'H";::.7' U." lUllHiltilUtillliittlU.ltiuI '