PAGE THREE EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1917. The Dean Phone 683 ' Cascade Butter , Strawberries ...........; POTATOES, from Weston Mt, per 100 pounds . $5.00 Dairy Maid Milk, can ..i 10c Campbell's Soups 12Vic FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRUITS , Received every morning. In the market now 'is Cauliflower, Hot House Lettuce, Head Lettuce, Asparagus, Radishes, Green Oni ons, Dry Onions, Turnips and Carrots. White House Coffee 45c Apex Coffee 35c Quaker Oats in big Round Package 25c Gallon Fruits, Solid Pack 50c WE HAVE PLENTY OF THOSE SMALL WHITE, PINK, LIMA, BAYOU AND RED MEXICAN BEANS. HEMSTITCHING ancTPicoting 10 cents a yard Tlie Peoples Warehouse . In Art Needkwurk Dept. .r List Prices l UDinmon rora Cars black 3 'A HSy&ZK ftnMrtKi 1 A II 1 aa t You wlU finfthera btg. burty tires burly In extra rubber and extra wear, made In the five-finger Safety Tread ONLY. They fit 30-Inch rlrna, bat are an inch bigger on the circumference than ordinary tires, with lull three and three-quarter inches in the cross section. Outwears tealher-comfortable-drssfy-n-aicrFrstf- Tatom Co. v. ... 45c 20c WA1X ItKVF-Vl K IlIMV TO ItAIHK Hki Sl-Vt WASHINGTON, May 7. The house wayit and means committee wilt report late .Monday or Tuesday a revenue bill deaiKned to raise $ 1 ,0u.0o0,0o to help to pay expeiinc of the war. Mnny features of the bill are un completed. It Is certain there will Ik substan tial increases in second-class inn I! matter, and that liquor will i-ay a huue sum. A tax on advertlainir, It war learned will be Included in the bill. mtrim. dense safety tread Put "TH REE-SEVEN TY-FTVES" under your Ford, and you add value in appear ance to the class of your car. On account of reduced stress and strain they double your ioy of motoring, and the life of your car, and spell tire econ omy in bigger mileage. Tk B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER CO., Daily Chats With the Housewife WASHINGTON, May 9. Cowppa" or southern field peas, which, despite their name, are really a kind of bean, are, like other dry beans, compara ble with meat in the. kind of nourltm ment contained In them, find can, ,ln the opinion of 'specialists of the U. f. department of agriculture will be uned more extensively aa human food. They are commonly uned in the aoutb where they are extensively grown, bu'. are practically unknown In the north and northwest, where other, often more expensive, beana are consumed In lunve quantities. x There are many varieties of cow- peas, of which the white and black onKidered particularly eye sorts are desirable for the table. In palatabil- ity, digestibility, and nutritive value they compare favorably with other beans,, while their delicate and pleas. Iuk flavor lead tunny to comdder them equal,- if not superior, to the latter. ('owpeas are uned on the table Ut three forms in the pod, shellr-d Kreen. and shelled dry correspond in, respectively, to siring beans shelled green beans, and dried beans, and cnlllns; for much the same meth ods of preparation for the table. The dry cowpeas are by far the most com mon Like dry navy or Lima beans, cowpeas may be boiled with a bit of fat meat or baked and served In place of lean meat or other food rich In nitrogen. Iloiied and mashed throujrh a colander, the beans form a founda tion for numerous dishes. They may be creamed with milk and butter, like mashed potatoes; made Into Inaf with bread, crumbs, minced vege tables, milk, and seasonings; or made into soup. A delicious combination dish, call ed "Hopping John, may be made as follows: Hoil 1 quart of cowpeas and a scant pint of rice (separately and mix toftether when done. The rice should be seasoned after It i cooked. Haoon or a beef bone lulled "with the cow peas adds a desirable flavor lo the dish. Recipes for other cowpeu dishes fftllow: raked Cowpcn. Cook 1 qt:art of larRe. white, dry Fair Treatment UiHfa - TiHE new Ford-cv I I ft SUPER-TIRES U I ILL Goodrich's"THREE- p-ive the final touch of perfection to a Ford car. Though they cost a little more than ordinary tires, the greater style, comfort, and efficiency you gain from a Ford with them thrice can eel the first cost. Tires of HEROIC SIZE, they last longer. Look them over at your dealer's. Ask him for i7atn lk?Lru. tires yUron. Ohio e GOODRICH ibre sole cr shoes ctfwpeas slowly Jnwaler until they begin to soften. ' Thin will require five or six hours. Put them in a bean pot, add one-half pound of salt pork and either 1 tablespoonful of molasses or a small onion cut up fine. Cover with water and bake slowly six or seven hours. Jt t well to have th pot covered except during tljc last hour, Om-uca Soup. 1 tablespoon butter or pork fat, 2 tablespoon finely chopped onion, J stalk celery, finely chopped, l cup dry cowpea. Halt. Hoak the peas eight or ten hours in water enough to cover. Fry the J;'':t"b'' - " ,ne bult"- add 'he pea ( v mri in wiiii-n iney were soaked, and cook preferably in a dou ble boiler) until the peas are tender. Put the mixture through a sieve and add water enough to bring it to the consistency preferred. lie heat f this soup is thickened with I table spoonful of flour mixed with a 'little water, the pea pulp will not sink. Pure of owpcs. tl'Hed like mashed potatoes Hoak 1 pint of dry cow peas in roh' water over night, cook untill soft in Just enough witter to cover. Drain and pass through a sieve. Heason with salt, pepper, one-half pint of cream (or milk and a tea-spoonful of butter or other fatj, and 2 teaspoon fulls of brown sugar, reat thoroughly reheat, and' nerve like mashed pota toes. Baked t'owpo and (lire. SulU Hitc for Meat IP Ml. a. 1 tablespoon butter, i tablespoon finely chopped onion, 1 tablespoon finely chopped sweet green pepper. or celery. 2 cups cooked cowpea. 1-? cup aTuted cheese. I'rejs the peas through a sieve to remove the skins and mix with the cheese. Cook 'the onion and pepper or celery, in the butter or other tat. being careful not to brown, and add them to the peas and cheese. Form the inltture into a roll, place on a buttered dinh and cook in a moderate oven. haMting occasionally with butter or other fat and water. Serve hot or cold like meat. I'ltl fc CTTKS. Thene are deliciouH cakea, made of raiw-d dough. Diasolve 1 cake of eaht in 1-2 cup of lukewarm milk, with l teanpiMH of auxar, and let It rie. Hub together 6 ounces of but ter and 1-2 cup of suf?ar. Add to thia 1 pound of flour. 1 eir. well bfitten. 1-2 teaspoon of Bait and MavorlnK to tarte. When the .yeast haa riaen sufficiently, add to the flour and other iixredient. miiciti? it In Kradually. Then add 1-2 cup f warm milk an beat until douph hlubhera lt it stand in a warm place until it rise to double the or iginal quantity. Knead it down then and act It away to rise attain, always in a warm place, of course. Next roll it out and cut in ohlona- pieces, about 5 Inches Ion and 4 inches wide. 'In the center of each piece place 1' ta blespoon of mashed stewed prune and fold the dou Kb about it in dumpltnir style. Place these prun ettea" in a btitterefl plan and sei. aside in a warm place to rise fof 1-? hour, then bake in a moderate oven. lI.lltT fl.OATFD 4 HOIKS Soldier on British Troop Ship played Card After Torpedoing. I,OXiON". May ;. The 11.000 ton liner UHa rat. which waa aunk by a Otrman submarine when carrying troops from Australia to England, w-as torpedoed Wednesday, A$ril 25. while the officers of the troops were Planning to hold a memorial service In oDservane of "Anzac day." I H st royers and trawlers loon appeared on the scene. The sea was moder ate. The Hallarat was atruck near th propeller and settled down hv the atern, but did not sink until ftir hours lutrr. Kvorythinn was orderly and the men satm and played cards while waiting for the boats to be made ready. No one on the Bullarat was injured, and all the mails and evn the soldier's pet were saved. A Wamiivs? to fet tired before ex ertion is not laxi net's it's a simi th: the system lacka vitality, and need the tonic effect of Hood's sarsaparil!u. Sufferer should not delay. Oet rid of ihat tired feelimc by beginning t" take Hood's Sarsaparilla today. Ady. Mil. OHM J. F.MJSTS, UK W.VXTS 1X H,I1T 1JKK K-E:itTIILi DENVER, May 7. A man walked Into the recruiting: sta- j tlon today and In rather a bash- ful. timid way imid he wanted to enlist. I , "Whafs your name?" quer- j led the sergeant' In chance The reply sounded like. th, Hell. Tou Go." j Leapiifpr from his chair, the serinant seiaed the prospect rotnrhly by the arm. He thoucht his prospective recfult had ehanaed his mind and was about to ba k out. ' "Have you lost your n'rve or are iu kidding me?" asked the ' serecint. i ' My name " vid the youth in f r rrtet-tiy prm-er iincen.trea r fit7hsh. -ls Arthur WUHhiii o'- Hell. I in fr..m Huicn.' He was enlisted as an aptren- tlce seaman. '-'Hell. you otta o now." commented the sergeant A WILL LET OUT EMPLOYES WHO SAY TOO MUCH WAHHI.VOTO.V, May . S"orlaM vf State ldiwini followed the new Ironclad c.:nsmrhip by annouoclna today he will mimmarny anmiw an. employe of the department who Klven the prem any Information on wnicn critlcwm of soverniriml pf.litl. can be bajed. EmployeB darln.t critl- cize any policy will be dlamiHtn-d im- mediately, ,- ' i ' While clalinins he aetloli "a taken in an effort to help the prean I Kvt new, Lansing declared hl de termination to discharge any employe for violating the new muzzle regu lation. ot Secret IHplomavy. The secretary faced a large group of correapondeuta who pretexted ugainit the order. Lanaing denied he a paving the way for secret diplo macy. His statements snoweu cienj that the machinery for the main tenance of such secrets was complet ed. No effort was made to conceal Hie 1 ill. I i ii iiou ......... . . lute dictator of the news relations of this country and all foreign nations. VOf NEED A SPRIXG LAXATIVK. Dr. King New Life P1H will re move the accumulated wastes of win ter from your intastinea, the burden of the blood. Get that sluggish spfli fever feeling out of your ey-teni, brighten your eye. clear your plexlon. Get that vim and snap good purified healthy bleed. Dr. New Life Pills are a non-srlpln laxative that elds nature- process. trv them tonight. At all druggist tie. Adv. .. , . ., . Kaler cronfldent of ktory. A M.ST E ft D M. May . The kaiser expressed confidence that all German battlefrontis will continue InvlnciDle Starting On The Road To TSSaSSsViir l m i... ii.,lniiii,i,liii-lyii,li , , ,i , n 7 wits utwe's reesewjr 4. S. S. It firmm Tttml ity . iapererisk4 bl.ed, Mktaa it aaaUr te resist taw grms vt la se. sai strMgtk te drive eat JImu. If It nU a. f ewlhoM fm ymmt iritML If yea g. sk r km a. Setter ekaace for reewrery It ywmr Uewel is Vrm thaa If it Is rea em Jt W isspsrtset t ksy ymmr bleed wore at mM eeaiees. at r ere Ma wt mitm er Oatanti, er BariAar eSe Is I Tl S. S, S. Is . M sweaV '"" eaJT if I n4nr I I I I hd e hln I tfler mmd ms el tisls. Get S. S. t. at T eVu evers, Pemt MeP. . 'a sakstitate. IMa, Ml M il II it 1 1 illln aaar Medical Daet. ' ATI What is YOUR wife doing? . Is she drudging over a steaming wash tub on wash day, or Is she getting out in, the healthy sunshine and making your home happy? Which? The latter is not only the best way but the cheapest way in the end. Let us help you make it such. Let us do your washing Rough-Dry, 7c lb. Telephone 179, our auto delivery will call Troy Laundry Co. "We wash everything but the baby" FEATURING a few of the latest models in ! WASH , ta K , B i .j A 9 I JS Made of washable Satin, La Jerz, Yo San, printed Silks, Gabardine, Rumie Linen, Pique andH Indian Head. These numbers are bet ter in workmanship, and higher1 class and style than ' has ever before been of fered for the inpney. Prices from . j : A $2.95 ill A LIIA ' m a. congratulatorj" birthday message to his crown prince, according to . Berlin advices. "In a grateful spiru. I with full confidence. I look upon your oameironi, iiiii an I. Health" fJC JSVT SrlfJfK bt mpmvttnm h Mere! SKIRTS to $25.00 jI D I jqS I imperturbly resist in all attacka , They will continue invincible." Consistency Is a jewel, "but it not bring a very high price. doe ARM AND'S Th oatr NEW face powder in the past 50 years Oh yes, there are many, many kinds of powders on the market, but this one is absolutely different from any you have ever had. The price is reasonable, too 50 cents KOEPPEN'S Ha It. OVF.IUA'D TOIRJXO CAR rXK S.UiK AT A BARGAIN. 191 model, in sood condition. Inquire at Overland sales room. S44 MhId Street. "i 9