TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGON! AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1917. PAGE NINE BRINGING UP FATHER' (Copyrift-Iit, 1917, International News ferries. rtectatered United , State Patent Office.) , - 5,r AAAN ! WKHT-tN-CMJL: r 50OM05 MORE UKE an owl: M0.rVTO TOUT OF HE1?En n an'to THINK Some oy& are TO AOID otrV TO BEAT IT VELL-IR- WHO ARE ?0 AN' VHADDA "YOU WViT! WHO ARE OVH ii i .. . . . i i -mm"- itsjr ji i e I I . ' - I I i l.-Y.m i ,.. v -tm .-.a i, . rx j i i . i way it v;i i -r-w t ...... i i itLVnt jpti i .a . t sewu. - - . j-r . r MR.J14S- DOrVT.tCO AVE VOC WIFE J LEMONS BY GEORGE McMANUS WILLIE -LOCK THE DOOR!! (VjnTwawoman Rankin says she hurl "heard of no oka In thi house v ho to supporting the president's conscription bill." Miss It link in KhuuM consult an aurktt. SWnCK OF BTHKKT IMI'ftOVKMKNT. Nestce In hereby given thnt nt a regu lar aeeti'-x f the Comniou Council of Ti lly of I'Midletoa, held uu April 1.5, 111 . Die follow log rttoii.lion htv duly adopt rtl : VVtoereaa. the City Hurveynr of Tbe City ur INmdleton did cm tbe 2.'. tit day of April. 7, mmAer uin-rtloii and by requirement of ttie ConnMin Council lite hi the office o tli fterortjer of Tha City of "Pendleton. tans ud specifications for an uppropri xif InproviDPfit of the following named Miit Hi mid city: Welrb Hlieet from ttie I a line of College Hi reel tu Hie Ho "lb line ef Court Klrprt, togd her with eatl iiNtr ef the work lo be done vud I lit prob attlt- mrt thereof with a HtHleiwltl of Ibe lulN. parts of lota and parrels of land lo be tfiirfltad ay eurb iinpruYement and the frrtrmtr of the total rual of luiprore not, shirs each of aurh lfj. parts of toia and parcels of land ahould pay on ac- 'Mint of the benefit to be derived from ) h waproveoBettt ; and. Vhimaa the rotmril ban mined aurh i na ad aikcrlflrationa and entimatoa ana i uad rbe Mine aatlwractory and the rati ol(iri tbaroof to be In ac-ordaa(e. with the pi oiatMe coat of curb work, ami, V fcrrraia. tba profterty mtimroended by the fty Horveyor to bf Included within the tundarte of the iMntrlrt beueflted la in tba jodgiueat of the I'ommon Connell pnatrty to be lwlndH within atK-h Im itoewt dlatrl- t and no property la es- imted tberefroni whirh aliould properly be m lTaVd Iberrin ; and v imm. th Iniicoveiuenl of the her iit leiHTioed Kirtiona of Webb Htreet mlik ravel llittillllii- avemnt ui at thia tinte awe wnary ; therefore, be It, ItmotTed. by i hi Coojuuhi Council of 1 li City of rendl'tnn that it In pipedieut l. unavmee and it ia bretiy proHjaed to In. prove fVaMi Htreet from the Kt line of i M,-gt Btnet to the Houlb line of Court m iwt by parlna: the Mine with 4irave. l.i wIMble pareuirnt ; such parinent to be 4i ft from curb to curb with tli exep li a f a atrip N feet wide down ttm ren tr of aaid H'ebb Hinret, Bm occupied by th iUUraad of the Northura l'atllic Hull aay Ce.paay. which la not to be pa rod ; ' pan lamt to be mwttrncted and tbe iirfaate taMTeof fo be flniahed om tbc ea tauiMkcal arade of aaid atnet and tha an eel bav cwtkv.ajul cuitera and all otuar tain In accordance with and a ahM tat tbe plana and neolftrailota for th-i laapn nauni of aaid portion nf renb Htreet prepared by Orary Kluibrell, City bnnpar. hied with tbe Bertnler of aa ehy aw tba JAfh day of Aptil. 1117, which puM awd apariflcatlona are betWy parttca iai aerrad to; and be It further, tLm arrad. that the eolner'a eatlasatea f tb prooaa4e total coat of aorte laapror atr, wfckw aaid City Kna;inrr'a aatl aaateai waa aiada and preparrd by OeAry t lin n CHy IJurTeyor of aaid Hty. la tba em f fl.tf71 30 and waa filed wltb tbe H 9i aaid city on the 2Titb day o A)trrt, 1017, a hert-hy Included and lwret ref(-rrl to partk-alarly, and b It farther llrajoreed. that tbe plana and ape If ica tloaa aad eanituatn for iwh Improvamant a tareparrd by the City tiui-rpyor and Hied with tbe Hecorder of The City of IvudVta an the 2ftth day of April. ll17, b- ad they are hereby adoted and ap pior4l and be It further. ItMBolred. that (he cri of making: am-h improreaiADt anall be a a-harco and n up on at) Mb. iarta of Iota and parvela of land ta be benefited by aoch iraprovement. and ta ownera of auch Iota, art of lota and parcela of land po atwlally benefited hy cb mproYMnnt aball be liable for the poyateat of tbe coata thereof, and ba It ftajrtnar, UewatTid. that an aMMewment district la areaay eraated to be knowa aa "Aaaeaa at DbarVrt Ko. bi." eaabraclnjt tbe pro pry beaefltad aad to be aawwd for tba pMvaaent of each lmproreraenta. wblrb A i ajuaiiiait piptrict aball Include all lot, aw ran f lata nnd parcela of land lyior and bl4 wHbin tbe diatrict boondad aad d errtaoa aa follow, towit : DVwHrTUo of Ataaoiit Wafrlrt No. b: f Hmaeilaae railed Local Improrojnettt &"nMaft Mo. $2). (aMsctec at tha N. W. corner of Lot Ptnea A of South IVodteton : tbeoco n' j3 d. a aala, B. ll f to tba H W rwraer of Lot !. Block "J" of aat Hm Peaenetop; throve N. M dca; J4 a i a. W. 9 feet to tb - M. corner of Lot 14 Hoek TI. ftrrratloa Aibfttloa to tba Towa, w City of rendletoa. Ormm t tbwe H. 2& W. 3d mln. K. V2U fet to the ranter of the west line of Lot 4 of Mid Hearh 71; thence S. tW d. 24 mln., V. 1400 feet to Hie center of tbe eoat Una f rac 4, Hlock 0 of aaid Keaerratloaj Ad rililaat; fbrftc K. A4 dc. Hi mln. K. AO-Oft fot en a iwint on the weat line of IxH 11, litor H. .'.iiKi fert oowtberly from tha N. -W corner af aaid It 11; thnce N. A3 rlM M tain. C- HK .2 feet to a point oa the Dae of lot 4 of aaid Block W. 17.25 fat aontberly from the N. W. corner of .atd lt 4 ; thcuccV til de. 2 mln. R. ih. foot to point on the eaet Una of aaid bt 4, f.5 fWt eontherly fr-ra tbe N. K onrwer of ald Lot 4 ; thence N. '2S dec. atla W IN.V feet to ihe N. K. corner of Lot of natd Block : theoi-e N. no dec 3M mln. R. an feet: ihoncv N. ?S dea. :m a. W 7 feet; tbencw H. K de 5 imo W. 132 eet to the eaat point ot i;ik 1ft of and Itcaervatloa Addition, H- 7 deu. 17 min. W. feet; ta.aao B 0tt 24 feel W. throufh the t enaer of Blocfca 2, 1. W and All of aalq Hewrvatlon Addition, and 1 1 lock A" of Hwaaat IVadleloD. Wd 17 feet to a point an weot line of tt 3 of aaid Block 3b feet northerly from the H. W. cor nee of aad lt 2 ; thence M. 23 de,. im rota. ft. 12. f"et to the N. K. rorner of .t of Mid Block A" : theooe B. M de 4 a,a. W feet to place of befloalnjC- 4 be It nmher ltwoled. that a ropy of thta raaolatloa t. uvtber wttb the notice that the Hurvey m i 4wtlaiata of the proportion of the root ,.f aakt work to be charared aralnat each lot. rart of tot and narrol of land ta oa file In the office of the City Recorder be pnbltehed for a period of ten dare la the Keat Ora tontan. which newapoper la hereby d , ined by tbe Coaimoa Council for Um pob licattoa thereof. d notice ia further airea that tha Purveyor a eailmata of the proportion of tha t-f of aaid a or a to be chanred asiilnot n h lot, part of lot and parcel of land -Ithtn the Afteatncnt nirtct In aaid t-eamlolfcon dearntted la oa file la tba of-H-e of the City Kcorder latei at lvnriietoaw Oregroa, thm Sfltfe day of April, 1017. . J. R n ft A St. A--t n nerarder of Tba City of reodtetoa, CATTLE SHORTAGE VERY SERIOUS I'OHTI..XI, Miiy 4. Th- xtr--HhfirtHK nt callle ut rountrv fxtinu in by no uipnna cuiifineri tfp thu -hhi-ern HoilniiM. for report ri-relwd from Piwiflc northtfftit iKiintH indicate i vtry MHrloim hmit in holdinnfl. Of nil the lint of livcmi,ol. at North Portland, th nly onp to how tin in-crwt- In iiffi-rlnc, l in the cattle vinlon. no fur a the year to date In concerned. A rather fuir Kaln wji shown In the innrkctlnK of cattle here an compared with a year atco. The killing of k many eulve, dtir Init the lant twors iji aid to have contributed most to the ahoruu;e or cattle, and not only ia tha K-overn-ment making an effort to atop thii ulauithter, but private intertels are working along aimflar lines. In aome Hectiona the country ha awakened to the neceMilty of takinp care of it ciilvea, and during the luat few weeks rather liberal shipmenta from d:iiry mjctlona to the "cow country" have been made. 1'aUlo Market Very rlrm. Kven the extreme prioes now beinK paid for cattle on the North Portland market fail to reflect the actual shortage of Kiipplie. In the country, t-ecause the marketing from there has been ao llberaJ that the country tnmine la not yet seen by many. How ever, all sorts of cuttle are in demand here, with prices allowing extreme levels, and poor quality is today bringing far in excess of what the best claita of finished stuff brought a year or s ago. OenoraJ cattle market range: Prime light beef alwn 1 1 !. 1 l.Si Prime heavy beof ateere. lO.OOfc I. S Choice beef cos i liV tlest heifers I.OOMIO.0 Ordinary to good oows. .00r s.6o Prime heavy butcher bulla s.tO$ S.ls Light bulls .0 7.50 Calve. 7.00lO... Btocker-feeder steer.... .0 7.0. Hlocker-feed.T cost. ... i.OOU tJiO HMiiMi Market In Firm. Market Tor swine continue, to re flect great strength at North Port land, with only a small run reported In over night. Trend of the trade ut eastern centers indicates a still further advance there, which In turn ia expected to influence the situation along the Pacific coast. Ueneral hog range: Heat heavy II 5.65 to J 5.K6 Best llKht 16.5(rl6.S Hough heavy 15.00WH.26 I. Pit-s M.'0i H.:." Stock. 1 a. 00 t 1 4."." Nhe-p Iccniain Nominal. Price situation in the sheep and luftih division of the North Portland market continues on a nominal baHto, not a single head having been receiv ed during the Ir.M two days; in fuct. practically none e-ime for the market thiiH far this week. Nominal mutton and lamb market: Best east o fmountain yearlings Hest valley TearlingS Wethers Kwes . . . Ooats Spring lumbs llinrMlay I Hogs A. S. load : Robert W:uih., 1 loud. Mixed stuff A. ". Nelson, Kioit Portland, I load cattle and hogs; M. Hoyorth. Ridgefield. Wash., cuttle. 3 calves and hogs by boat. No "KMIIAIMKn IIKKr 11)11 I'. S. AltMV IN THIS WAIL 110.0041 1 1.CII' 10.40 f 10.50 10.00 '. s.no'ir lo.oo 4.25 W 4.5 1S.50 IteMock KllilM-rs. Milne. The Ualies, I MK'row, t'enterville. IN HANKUriTl-V. In the, Dt.-Mrlc Oourt of the I nlted StjUCM for Uie llirU, of oswm. In the Matter of Martha, fhildreth. Bankrupt. To the Creditors of Martha Children, of Pendleton. In the County, of Umatilla, and district aforesaid, Bankrupt. Notice to hereby given that on the :oth day of April, A. U. 17, the aid. Martha ChlldreUi, waa duly ad judicated a bankrupt, an that the first meeting of hec creditor, will te held at the office of tha undersigned ref eree In Bankruptcy at Pendleton, Or egon. Oregon on May 19th, A. D. 117. at 10 o'clock a. m.. of aaid day at which time and place the creditor, may attend, prove and file their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business aa may properly come tie fore the eetid meeting. Done and dated at Pendleton, yrw on, this 2nd day' of May, A. D. 117. THOU FITZ OF.RAU), llefere In Bankruptcy. YVOIt MS HAXMC'AP VOIR CHII.1 Worms drain the strength and vi tality of children, making them dull and liMlca. Their power to resi.-t more terious diseases i. reduced and energy and interest In play is lack ing. Klc.kapoo Worm Killer is mildlv laxative remedy in candy ta. let form that children like to take. II kills and removes the worms and lets your' child grow Mrong and healthv like other children. Don't let yo-ir child be dragged down by worms Knit directions on tbe box. At all drags M, tSc. SPORTS National IjeagTiK. ClnrinnaW 3, Chicago 10. Ml. Louis 4. Pittsbura; 1. Philadelphia 7, Boston t. Brooklyn 4. New Tork 1. Annrtoan Lmurue. 'HeveJand S. -hlcago 1. . New Tork I, Washington 3. 'K.ieton 1, Philadelphia 0. Detroit St. Iulfl postponed, tww lrague. Oakland S 4 4 Portland 5 7 1 Batteries-Burns. Arlett and Mur ray; Fits Patrick, Helfrlch and se pulva. Salt lke 0 1 Vernon 1 - Hattenes Kvane and . Hannah, Froome and Mitxe. Lo. Angeles San FYan Cisco t Batteries. Rya and Baaalcr; olh.t O'Uoul and Maker. Northwrex IMm. Vancouver 3 Seattle S 7 S Batterlee Hood and Cad man; Htmnd and Sullivan. Taooa 1 Butte Hnttertee Bonner. Telford, feath er land and Ht evens; Lelfer. Hydron. Melhalf and Kafora. Oreat Fall. T 3 Kpokane 1 'S t Batteries Hall. Nettle and Cheek. Byler, Hchoor and Maldwln. 11 5 4 0 r. . bAa( tn eikiHA n l ' ' ." re marks the Toledo Blale. "it is ne cessary to have been a boy." This will intereet a number of succeestui mothers. TRY A LITTLE SALTS IF KIDNEYS AND BLADDER ARE TROUBLING YOU s viTH 11,1-niim KinxFrks urni- 1)1 T INJl KY: Al NKlTBAIe 734 IIUO AOIl. KND1NO ,BLAJII-It IimlTATION. vUn.i- r.a 111. .4 ii weakness re sult from uric add, says a noted au thority. The kidneys niter tnis aoia . i. kiMi n a naM tt n m the bladder, where It often remains to Ir ritate and Inflame, causing a tumin . ul.. MnMlInn or setting tin an Irritation at lh. neck of the bladder. obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. The suf ferer uf In constant dread, the water passe, sometimes with a scalding aen- M.lnn mnA im HCT UrofUSS - again. there I. difficulty In avoiding it. Bladder weakness, mom. route can It, because they oan't control urina tion. While It u extremely annoying and nonietlmes very painful, this M really one of the most simple ailments to overcome, tiet about four ounces of Jad flta from your pharmacist and take a taileponnful In a glass of water before breakfast, continue this for two or three day. This will neutrallxe the acids In the urine aa It no longer la a source of Irritation to the bladder and urinary organs which then act normally again. Jad Kalte ia Inexpensive, harmless, and Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthla. and Is usrd by thousand, of folk, who are subject to urinary disorder, caus ed by uric add Irritation. Jed ftalts K.endlil for kidneys and causes no bed effect a whatever. Here you have a pleasant, effervee- jcent llthia-water drink, which quick ly relieve, blaader trouuie. 7 'jrYe.e-vv': M !-? VsSw OGDET JAf KKrS STIVfi SFItlOl s. Wfiiiiaii'ii BKly CovtpI Whh HUh4t and I-un)C Aff't,d. HAKKH, Ore.. May 2. lira. T. K Kirk pa trick Ih jrlounly HI at her heme at Uracil Creek, tlrant county," Mufl'triiig from the ating of a yellow j Jnckeit. It is thought that the stint; ponetruted a vein. j Within half an hour Mm, KirkpaJ.- i rick' .-ntire lody waa coveiTd with j blisters and ihe suffered groat uguny j from the intense- burning and itching, I aluo affcted her lungs greatly, causing severe couKhing-. followed by a high fever and headarhe. It is Iwlieved that she has a chance ftr recovery. J. ogden Armour, of the Armour Tacking Company, who has tendered the e-ntire billion-dollar beef Industry of Chicago to the United State gov ernment for the duration of the war. Mr. Armour acted for himself and for the Swift, Cud any and other In terests. It is not likely that the in dustry wit! be taken over by the gov ernment, rauarnuch as) the packers bavtt already agreed with the Council of National Lrttfense to the fixing of maximum price and to the federal ticne,nar of food oontrol agencie. it ia expected to bring the packing In terests of Omaha and Kansas City ln tav the axrejement. It is good to be wise, but It is wisor to be god. Having performed her duty toward her sex, as she conceived It, perhaps Representative Rankin will now do her duty toward her country. PERSONAL AND NEWS NOTES OF Pli-OT ROCK eas.aae miaOT RtrCK. May X. Mr. and Mrs. tmrge Fanning of Portland ar rived Monday for a visit with their daughter and son, Mrs. L C. Scharps and K. T. Fanning. Mrs. G. X- Johnston, who waa very UI lat week ia reported to be Improv ing. Mr. and Mrs. L C. fikcharpf and Fred Moeaj motored to 1'endleton Pendleton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Belts and Mrs. Charlea Mathews of Pendleton were in Pilot Rock Sunday, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Byrd. aUwfll Stordlvant. Cecil Brown liarry tVnnor and El don rfutchinson left Pilot Ruck Wdnnsday for Port land where they expect to take the examinations for the navy. The four hoys are all under age and had to have their parents' consent. L M. Whannnp was a business vis itor to Pendleton Tuesday. Shorty K Id well, who has v been ground Pilot Rock for a number of year, returned last Saturday from Missouri where he had spent the win ter. Mr. Kid well came back acom panied by a wife. IX BAVKUITTCV. In tlx? litric 0"t of the United Slate for the DlHtricC of CJrrgnn. In the Matter of H- E Irjche, a Bank rupt. To the Creditors of H. EX Dyche of Pendleton. In the County of Uma tilla, and district aforesaid. Bank rupt. Not it is hereby given that on the 30th day of April, A. ., 191 the said II- E. Dyche was duly adjudicat ed a bankrupt and that the first meet ing of his creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned referee in Bankruptcy at Pendleton, Oregon, I'matilla county, on May the lvth. A. D. 1917, at 10 o'clock a. m. of aaid day, at which time and place the creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee,, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come be fore the said meeting;. Done and dated at Pendleton, Ore gon, this 2nd day of May. A. D. 1917. THOfl. FITZ OKKAIaD, Referee in Bankruptcy. CiAIifi FOR BIDfi. Notice la herein t"1a, that sealed Mr will be rereleed at tbe office af tbe City Beeorder of iVatdletoo. Oregeak. lis te ft oVIorfc P. M. aa Hay Wh, 1817, for tbe ImproTeiasat f tbe folkwmg parts of tba following aanMd atreet ii said eity. to-wlt : Willow Street from tbe Nortk Una of Webb Street to the South line of Court Htreet la accordant with tbe plana and epecifteations for a orb Improvements, pre pared bj Ueary Klmbrell, City Surveyor, and now on file la tbe office of tba He corder of aaid city, each bid moat be a com pa Died by a certified rheck ia tbe anna of $0, made payable to tbe order of tbe Mayor of The City of Pendleton, the cheek to be returned to the bidder, if nnanerase fnl. and to be forfeited if tbe Md la soe eeaafnl and the bidder falsi te eater tnte ta contra t in accordance with tbe tense of bis bid. Sealed bUte aball specify as fol ! Iowa: Oraeel HitTjilthlc paTement. la- clutllnjc tbe aurtace. naiaamg course and Mtnmlnooa foosda- AXON The best car in the world at its price. A crack-a-jack six for the price of an ordinary four. All the fine features cf construction, power, de sign, economy and durability of the highest priced sixes without paying the higher price. Cars here for immediate delivery. Stripped chassis for your inspection. Repair Shop With Competent Mechanics. Tires, Accessories, Gasoline service station. Cars washed and stored. 1 City Auto Company 722 Cottonwood St. Telephone 46 tloa, aa aee f Use aad apeelte esttoas. aer sa. yd. rare assr (etter, ex Oaeal M. Hotter, per mill BL. - . EiosTattoa, eastk. per eeWc yd. Eicentieai nlnHiil, er mam yard Per eattr. linpsniiMMt cpisttts rTotal star) 1 Tae Cwsssms, O.ssill I imn 1 1 ske rlfbt aad al Md. te reject aay Dated AarH 91. 1817. Art 1ms lktaj af ' . K RXAM. i Clrr ex rtadletaa. SHOE REPAIR SHOPS BENEFIT BY SHARP RISE IN SHOE COST The sharp advance In t he price of s hi-es has made the av- eraare shoe repairman shp look like a museum of antlqul ties. The explanation lies in the fact that wearers of shoes have be-n riu.sacking their garres and attrt" for footwex.r long aarn ltcrded which at the prevailing high prices they be- I (eve It will pay to have re- psired. Hiive rHtlruien report their btimneea heavier than ever be- for, and they attribute thin fact to the areneral disposition of the people to make e-erthlng poav wlts ot it of an old pair of up pers. Most loc4 shoe repair shops hsve put extra men to work and there are open in for still more men if suitaHe operators could be found. iAUU FOR BIW. Notice Is beseby gtves, that sealed bids III be i everted aa tbe ofrice of tbe Oty ecorder f Tbe City of Pesdletoo, Ore gon, np te 9 e elara p. av eo may inn. 1917, for tae mprorement or me xoiiow- ! Ing parts of tba following named street ta aaid city, te-ww :. IfsHlsos) street from tbe north line of Jackson street as she sooth line of Wlfe-os atreet h ammihiaia wHh tba plane and aneelfliattoas far sweb Usui cement pre pared by tJumj KkiaYU. City ttarveyor. sbo saw en uie is toe ernce or the Be-, corder of said city ; each Md mast be a eostnanlssd bv a certified eber- ha a saaaaa. of $3U0, aMde payable te the order sf be Mayor ef Tbe City of rftdeanv tb check to be retarned to tbe WiMar, If sav aucceaafui, aad to be ne fefteii tr bba- sd bi awvessfat, and tbe bidder falls ta eat- terms of his bid. Sealed bids sbsJI aseci- . fy ss follows: Gravel Hltnlltbie pavement, tav clnding tbe avrface. fin iahftntr eoorae aad bltanilnMS fuaalar- tion ss per plane' and sper- fWatloaa, per eq. yd .$ . ,. . Straight curb, per lines I ft. f. Circular earn, per lineal ft. X . Intersection drains, etr. a Hlrulithic besders per trnesl ft. a F.KcaTatlng, earth, per enbec yd. a . . r KxraTstloa. embaokmeat, per cubic yd. f , , mts For entire ImprvremeBt romplets t lOISI mo ,g . Tbe Commas Council reaerves tbe right te reject any and all bids. Listed April 27, 1917. J. R. bPUaJ, Acting Recorder of tbe City rra ttiia i CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ATTORN KT8. D. W. BAILKT, ATTORNBT AT 'Law. Room. 7, A. . rMspata Bids: OEOROE W. COTJTTS. ATTOrWBT at law. Room IT, Schmidt Moek. CARTER SMYTH IE. ATTORNET8 at law. Office In rear of Amaricaa National Bank bulldlnc FEE FEB. ATTORENTS AJ LAW. Office la Daapala balldlnc JOHIf W. HTJFF. ATTORMBT-AT- Ua. Room t, Aanarleaa NaUoa Bank balldlnc. R L KEATOR. ATTvRfisT " 1 Law. Raom 14. Bmltb-crawioro Balldlnc. 8. A. NEWBERRT. ATTORNBT AT Law. smlth-Crawfora Bananas. PETEROI a BI6HOP. ATTOR aeva at law: room. S aad 4. Sralth- Craaford balldlnc. JAMES H PERRT. ATTORN EW AT law. Offloe over Taylor naraware company. ' RALKT A RALJCT. ATTORENTS AT law. Office la America NaUoaal Bank Bullolac FREDERICK BTKIWER. ATTOR ney at law. Offloe ta Smltb-Craw ford bntldlaa A. LOWKLU ATTORN ET ANX eoansellor at taw. omoa la te pala kolldlac. ililltH J. T. BROWN'S rURMlTURS TORJ " Fn natal director aad H balmar. Moat suuaura fa lor. mm and fa a seal eara. Call responded ta day or nl.ht- - Corn. Mala aad Watar auaeta. TMepboa- JOHN a BAR BR. rOTKRAL, Dl reetor aad He, nets amlialian. Op poslte poet off) oa. Faaaral parlot two funeral eara. Call, raaawaded t day or atca. Pteee 7C MONTANA FARM LaainkS. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAT Land fe. laima Moaaaaa at 1 SC to til per aere Sosakbte Car. farm Inc ar isusk. Maay terma For m formaOea write er aea W. a Holt. Mllea CHy. Memaaa. ARCHITECT.. RAYMOND W. HATCH. A ROM) tae. Deanaln BuUdlns. Pkoa 744. Paadlatoa. Oracoa. SECOND HAND DRALKRA. V. STROBILE. DEALER IN NI aad aecoad baad cooda Caal paid far all tad-aaad coooa. Cheap eat peaea to bay bsue.helC cooda II mw. I N Rl'RA N CIC AND U.VD BCSlNEa BENTLET MONTGOMERY. REa.' aetata, fire, hfe aad accident tneot aaca aceata Ilk Mala street. Pboa 44. DOCTORS. DR. m. a. Roa. PRAcnca umtb. itad to tba aye, ear, aosa aad lei ssl. Charity patients 1st aad Ird a uu as, mornlnca. 1 Judd Balldlnc MISC13XANEXVS. BAZWO, WINDOW WASHslN. Caroet and Wallnanev rardener. Any kind of work Case by oy or joo. Hatisractlea rv teed. Phone 111. RH08 AND CARPETS ClJIANrm. Old one. bouirht HL p. itiii - 474. LEOAL BLANK d OF EVERT Dl ecrtDtlon for rnnnl eane, court, JueUre court, real aetata eel . je at ua oracoaiaa aroaa. PETALI'MA JIATtllBltr. RMTAH. Ilahed 1J Can snip day SJJ ehicaa to points re, hed In three dava Five varieties. we challenge the hen. Free rirrtilar. I. ay. Clara. Peciluma Calif At (TIOXTKR. COU W. F. TOHNKA. AUCTION. eer, makea a spctalty of farmer. nock and machinery satea The ooaa that cet. yoa th. money. Lear. ordera at UM ore .-. alaa of flea