PACE FOUR otptoi ipnoi 10 The Missionary Society of the Chris lian church was entertained with an excellent program by I i vision 3 at the study of the church yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Greultch led tli program which Included a splen did talk by Mr. Hubbell, a much en Joyed reading by Mrs. Hoe. "Christ o: the Andes," a paper on 8outh Amerl-j cm. by Mrs. Anibal and a wonderfully I Interesting La Ik bv Mr HnmWi w The delightful afternoon was brought t a close with several musical num brs. me iarin Am or tne cnurcn 01 tn Kedeemor is making an earnest ap- peal for old naner of all kinds Not only old magaxlnes and newspapers but old envelopes, scrap pa,per, books with covers, wrapping paper, etc. .are perfectly acceptable. Anyone having the same Is asked to notify a Parish Aid member and it will be quickly col lecied. The great scarcity of paper and the increasing demand has pro vide a good market and the ladied hope to acquire a neat sum for the church by this means. Rev. and Mrs. J, K. Snyder yester day celebrated the twenty-fifth or sil ver anniversary of their wedding and received many congratulations from their friends. ImM evening a few friends called at their home to cele brate the occasion with them infor mally. Misses Runic 1 ?mtth and lice Clark of Helix are Pendleton visitors today. Mrs. H. K. Bartholomew of Stan- ' ield. who has been at St. Anthony hospital for some time past, has left the hospital and is now at the Hotel Pendleton. Mr. and Mra I N'eely of itaker are in the city today. W. c. Sloan, superintendent of the Pasoo division. HL Strasdig, roadmast er. a B "alderhead. general agent, and E. L. Hoppel, traveling passenger agent, conmituted a party of Noth rn Pacific official In the city yes terday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Raymond motored to Walla Walla Unlay to spend a shor; time with their son in law and daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. Rees. The evle lub will m.-et tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock in 'he rluh room of the library. All member are aaked to be preeent. LATE WIRE HEWS WAKH1SMJTOV. My . So that he) Caltind State" may feed Hadf witfiawc InterfeS'ewe' frtmi raMconfl i food ismMm Uie prOddent u em- wimnl to mX mt fd dictator under I 1 rxar food hill. nw In tlie house, j maid episode, only one of six tremen Thn irirei vew the reMkleiit nn. dUs festurea disiilays the carefully limitnri mnirul oer food rlw and nepiterl beauties of the water kin4 diatribuUon. Ilerln-rt Hoover, food ; , disporting Jn summer seas and e-xjx-ct, may lie) the man on which the ! n glistening corral strands TAY T-IIMK TIM. OISIKISKI. SAW r'1t'N4"IM. Mar 4. Men Plilyltix Utr srtnilttaiMi- to the re Mre ftnn training rami, begin iiin? si tlM ITeldlo Mar 15 re fuewftrd hf l.ientinaiit olnie! ltow--. to miwln at hitrnv. until onlcn-d o Uie Irr-4d(c. 1.IRKRTY IsOAX oVKItNI'lWt'RIBFU ; WAhI11(iT'. May 4 Over sub MviptioB of Um first issue of tit Ilb- j no red. tttomrmnd mmictina for snb Mripsni to Oie two bill km dollar hmm sew m wived over night It w4 .tsiiwMwnrd. Not cw a ronjtti cstl nuris r tir amomit nub iTrild Is -aflaMe. vts :t-rn.i. i1TIMtim : W.tKHIMiTHV yr t. Til Uie I I 1 1 ddi IU IhhiM ! inimi1"l to pm, M ultimatum oa m-utrmlo warn- Int liuitt tttat ftmtliiiird ri"Hrtatl- ; i of AnnTkin fI-lf Into iT ,i anr axmUl la' nat alili a inilflr M-iirsivv- r finuit4-ri-al rilatl4,ii aa dc-aiaiKktl li v iialor ttnl-h " klalana. m the flwr f miir. itio iik .nxniio la I. Ml-', INvtianha. fttmuT ,'iit if Itra 4.1. a aMalMtri ra--tt:n ntlriKtrr. MMm-dlnic IH-. MulItT r-4ii-(l. illllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllltllll1. I HE CAKE BACK ! Ltt Time This Season If you have any l'l p t .via wish ivn tar- into S. A. f I t :- . Z P 1 r. Ph'.ne "i '-K. 10C30I Social and Personal Miss Alice Butler, in co-operation uith Mrs. Kenneth McRae, president of tne High School Parent-Teachers Association, announces that all high school patrons and teachers are in vited to a "Jolly Up" at the Practice House, Monday, evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Every patron is urged to come, Mr. Harley J. Curl (Mayree Sny der) of Tillamook, is visiting at the home of her parents. Rev. and Mrs. J. K. Snyder. ? n w Revelts of Salem, is. register , ed at tne George. Hram SchreckhIse of Meacham., is a p, vtsitor tod ( p- H. uchhois or Stanfield is up j from tne we8t end of tne county to- day. I?. B. Wood, chief special agent of the 0.-W. R. & is making Pendle. ; ton a visit. R. H. Hargett and W. L. Guerrant prominent Holdman residents, are in the city today. N. J. Vanskike. publisher of the Milton Eagle, has been a business vis. itor in Pendleton today. Kdgar W. Smith of Portland, son of Mr. and -Mrs. R. Ij. Smith, is up o n a s hort b usi n ess t ri p. J. W., Morris, representing the Ore gon State Motor Association, is now in the city and may be here- for sev eral days. Mayor and Mrs. p. O. Harley of Astoria passed through Pendleton on No. 1 7 todflv en route home after a month in New York I'Amusements What the press agents say about Pendleton s pres ent and coming attractions. T1k luina or the Surf Cniiim ll"re. William Fox has lecou:2 tne biggest plurger of the motion picture world. On May 3 and I the patrons of the Arcade theater will be given an opt portunity to see the feature on which he staked a million dollars, and won. They will be able tn see where every dollar of the vast amount amount was well expended. The theme is a fascinating- flight of the imaKination, narrating- the vicissitudes of the souls of a baby boy and airl who left this old "wayside inn of earth" at a very tender a?-e. Triumphant reincarna tion, mythological and fairy-lore. Ori ental opulence and medieval battles all figure in the tale. The action in lt entirety required ;o.ciiio people, the moo and populace being recruited from the nn- tires of the island of Jamaica, where tne picture was filmed. The mer- l Annette K Henna, the only 'living woman who could portray the , (irc;on was thp first Ftate of th' trials exjerlenced by the tmmortil j union whin citizens had orzunized ; 4,f "A UaiiL'htf-r of the Oods.' Is ; f,.r dffense, because he had passed bv truly termed "The Iiana of the Surf"; j ih entire movement in making hi .-h is. in (act. the iana of both earth 'appointment, and been use he had a; and sa bee -i use she is the most per- : p;irently thwarted every effort of th fectlx formed woman t In the w-rid ltaeue ti be rf service fr some un today. No Oryad f Fan's Mountain j explained motive which he intimated ; was ever more wonderfully fashioned, . more really akin to the verdant for- I t. no Tritan daughter was ever , closer to the moods and bsm of th : great sea. Let your nean ptay me gypsy ior a jsuiieo. tie reruseo to stay two mm I few hours and follow with her the jute longer at the insistence of the call of salt spray and the lure of the chairman, saying he "had a train . open road. ; I PART OF .?- r ""1 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY ! ITVK MlMTi: TALKS BY NA. TIONAJ, l.KAIKUS. fj aqsw-iyw ttiwumr mum wwp i " 1 In only a small number of states have tenants a legal right to sunlight and air. Those are the states that have housing laws. They are the only states, too, that have any pro tection against slums, and every state. every city, every town has slums o, slum spots. COMPLAINT OF LOWELL RESENTED BY GOVERNOR Local Lawyer Had Criticised Appointments to State De fense Board. (Oregon Journal.) Departing in & burst of ungovern able temper. Governor Withy com be brought to a sudden and confusing trnii nation Wednesday a conference between himself, representatives of the Oregon Patriotic Service league and H. L. Corbett, temporary chair man of the Oregon branch of the na tional defense commission. The meeting had been arranged by the league's publicity committee to secure a working agreement and to end the uncertainty as to the place which the league should take In the general state patriotic movement. Though the league had been organiz ed for emergency patriotic service at the outbreak of war with delegates sent from more than 500 organiza tion, the governor had nt recogniz ed it in his subsequent appointment ot the national defense committee for Oregon. Nor had he responded in any defi nite way to the league's request tha. it be given some official designation that would end the confusion of au thority between the committee which has not yet organized and the league which has made progress in organiz ing the state for patriotic purposes. The meeting began with the read ing of a letter from Stephen A. I a) well of Pendleton criticising the governor's appointments, folding him resnonsi ble for the confusion and calling at- J tention to the fact that the Willam ette valley had been left unrepresent ed. The governor spoke resentfully of the letter. He declined to rccogni-se the league officially and Riid he would not give it a letter nuggf-sting its ap pointment as a citizen's auxiliary tn the Oregon members of the Nati.ona1 lfenpe league. Then J K. Werleln asserted thut th governor's fictions had been criticised bemuse he had not recoqnired that I was political. The governor bridled. He said he had made appointments as he thought best. He left the room in a huff, de- daring. "I will not stay her to be In- catch." THE. FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE '''" t uti j Hi inT'j I - f EVANGELIST MAKES MIGHTY PLEA FOR, A CHRISTIAN LIFE IN.lTFKIflKNl'Y Or' TKMI'KKM. Xi:NDATION8 IS VIVIDLY SHOWN. liM K veiling Was HrfMbyterluii Night und a Splendid VugreaUon Was Prvstfttt; Mu-sio Jri Much Knjoyed. (Contributed.) tvungelist Henry preaches on the insufficiency of temperaJ foundations. Last evening was the Presbyterian night, and that church c$me out in full force and made a .splendid show ing. An appropriate feature of the service was a solo by Mrs. Harley J. Curl, the visiting daughter of Key and Mj a. Snyder- Dr. Henry preached a powerful sermon upon the theme of "Short Beds with Narrow Covers." The text was Isaiah 28:0. "For the bei shorter than an man can stretch him self upon it and the covering narrow er than he can wrap himself in. This text is a graphic one, giving a -remarkable description of a storm of Judgment, a moral and spiritual cy clone by which God .swept away all false supports from men who thought themselves secure. Yet there was a sure foundation. an adamantine basis upon which man might build, by which he has kept un shaken, undisturbed, unmoved, through every storm, und which was in strong contrast to the inadequacy referred to in the text. Must Have Firm Foundation. Everybody longed for a place oV spiritual security, for a hiding place, a shelter wherein rest and comfort can be had at all times, such a place must have a foundation secure against the storm of conscience. They must have shelter from the attack of evil appetite and desire; their support must be sufficient to enable them to withstand the power of passion, as well us the power of Satan, which was declared to be great by the Bible, by Christ himself, and by their own ex periences. More than that men need ed exemption from the consequence of the wrath of c;od spoken of in John 3:3tf. The unrequited and despised love of the Lamb or was men tioned In Revelation as being turned into wrath. Apart from Ood, man has' no means of protection of defense from the fire of conscience, the powex of passion, the attacks of the evil one. the wrath of Ood; but he sought to find such means himself. Hut these are short beds with narrow covers valueless supports. One. of these Is human reason. The Christian religion always has honor- ed reason. Hut the mind of man is not supreme Mere intelligence nev er solved the3rehlem of sin. Byron, Burns. Edgar Allen Poe. and Hume were examples of t he fa ct that the highest gilts of mind wore impotent to satisfy man's, conscience,, to ally his desires, or to fit him f r the great beyond. Hume after robbing his own mother of her christian experience, died wishing he had never !een bom. Human intelligence and reason are too short a bed and too narrow a cov er to meet man's ne ds. fled Too SlHjrt, Coven fjon. Mere Oodless morality be It ever so rigid never justified a man. outward conformity to the1 law and in aliena tion to God. is a bed too short and cover ton nurrow Nothing short of , loving the Tjord with all our mind Jsoiil and strength Is adequate. I Money ta sume is a security supx. ed. .Mtny has proved a passport to so many pleasures and privileges that some have deluded tbenweives to pr uine it a p issport to all thinurs even eff-rnal life-. As iomrnodire Vunder ilt. who 1- ft $).'t0 Ooi), lav dying, the hymn he rei(iiestd was "(tmo ye- sinners, poor and needy." God's grace und forgiveness alone will prove satisfactory. How many there are fhat depend trpon worldly pleasures. The whole world semfl afflicted with lightmind edncss. Drinking long at every world ly pleasure results In satiety and sur feit. Others try formalismtry to appeir religious! Some have tried scepti cism and infidelity. but these have hi. .. 'S v4 4, 1917. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiMiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiifiiiiiiiiiimiiiiniiiiiMiiiiimiHi BABY THINGS I Today and tomorrow we chases amounting to ONE Baby Foods ' ' Mellins' Food.. 50. 75f Thompsons' or Holick'b Malted Milk, 50f, Sl.OO, ?3.75. Denno's Food Imperial Granum.... 75 Patent Barley.. 25S 50f Sterno Stoves, Nursing Bottles, Nipples, Pacifiers, Rattles, Talcums, Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs and hundreds of other articles for the Babies Phone 520 MltMOIItlMMinillJNnOOMOnilOHIIIIIIIIIIMnHIHIOIIUIIIIUIIIUOIIIIIIIMIMHMinOlllllHIOnilllflllOlllllllllllllllllllllIlllMISUR The Armored T" 11 The aroiortl cruiser Montana Is twenty-lwo ku.Ms anil mrrytiuf four Her keel was In Id in 11t5. The North proved to b- a cypher with the rim off merely a great denial. Only in tine could ease of con science, the power to control passion and to defy the devil, freedom from the wrath of Ood. be found namely. in the perfect life, conquering cross. The message was a mighty plea for the Christian life. SAV UK "I SF. ItK.SK.N - tiov tp m ; iti IMtKMlKlt. COUNT ATZSV. rouiit Jullua An1rny. former!; premier of Hunirary. who, aceordlnf to report. orirHniaed a coalition party in tha Hungarian parliament. iau. inic the renlirnatlon of Prima Minister Tl.iia. HOUSE DEFEATS CENSOR CLAUSE WAMIIXtaTON". May I. The hur IhK aftcriMH.n klllcil the ei-ntrMilu Iso-e In Uie Mpy btll, by s vote cn ilJU lo l7. 1 In- hfiiM- thr-n adopted a nw een MHhi i'aue giving the presiilcnt lnf r to ct'iiwir whm and piiitln? be fore u Jury tlie qiicMion f wilfuf vi olation of the citsorM prM-tlUon. ALL EUT TWO MEN OF STEAMER ROCKINGHAM HAVE BEEN RESCUED MN's'N. M'ty 4.- The loss of lite j in the t lifted in "f ' n Americs't steamer lt'K-kinghnm has tteen reduc. ; ed to the mo nv-inher f the crw j kilbd during th attaek. A third be:it , bind f survivors, carrying fourteen . mn lifted at mlHing. was r-fued. i the ndmiru'ty aniiouii'-ed i fi LA" If ftv j.SVrsti : fry, Mi are giving away TWO GOLD DOLLAR of the following: Goafs Milk, can 20 Goat's Milk. case.. S4.50 Baby Laxatives Castoria 35c Syrup of Figs.. 25, SO Aromatic Caster Oil 25 Analax 10. 25 THOMPSON'S DRUG Cruiser Montana :s,. . ;f- ----mK s vessel of 14,600 tons, with a speed ol ten inch guns, besides sniHller ordnance Carolina is her sInJit tdii. UKr l KK WAIl TKIMXO, UM STllFXT8 IHtOITKU Al'STIN. Tex. May 4. The state University today dropped' 400 men students from Its rolls because they failed to comply with the order of President K. E- Vinson that all stu dents enroll for a coursu in military science by last evening. About i:0H students of the univer sity have applied for admission to the citizens' military training camp to be gin at Leon Springs on May s. t Bond Clothes "DOUBLE The purchase of one of our Society Brand "DOUBLE SERVICE" uits is a clothes in vestment involving 'a slightly higher initial cost than the average ready-to-wear pro duct. But the "DOUBLE SERVICE" wears longer, looks bitter arid hence is a better investment in the long run. We would appreciate the opportunity of showing you these better clothes. $15 to $35 ' 1 Bond Mea'a CXwnplet Outfitter Peanut Brittle Special for Saturday and Sunday 20c Pound All Kinds of Ice Cream. Orange Sherbet. Caramels, Chocolates, Bon Bons, Fancy Box and Bulk Candies. The Best on the Market, AH Home Made and My . What a Difference in the Price. We deliver to any part of the city. Windows. THE TEN PAGES FISH and GLOBE with pur. Glvcerinex Suppositories 2.V Hot Water Bottles. OO? to ?3.00. , Infant Syringes, 25f to 91.00 Thermos Bottles Sl.SO to SS.OO STORE Prompt Deliveries LOCAL BANKS TO SELL WAR BONDS l IMX WANTS T KNOW HV MI C'II W TWO HI M JON ISKl'K VANTKI IIKUK. The two banks of IVmlteton this morning received authority from retary of the Treasury McAdoo to receive subscriptions (o t he two bil lion dollar war bond jssue. The tHtn ls will bear 3 1-2 per cent Interest n4 individuals tut well as (tanks r liected to sutiscrile. The banks yestenlny received au thority ti receive siituirripiions to thn two hundred million dollar additional three per cent treasury certificates of indebtedness w hteh mature on .fitly IT and which will be dated May 14. The following is a copy sf the rele Kiam from McAdoo received this morning. "The government wdl receive sub scriptions until Juno 15, for th la billion dollars, three and half per cent Liberty Inn. You can render inval uable service to your country by re ceiving subscriptions and rooperm,tlnS with the federal reserve bank In your district. Will you kindly do this and telegraph me, at government expens, as soon as practicable a rough esti mate of the amount of honds you think will be subscribed by you nd your customers. "W. G. McAIms, "Secretary of Treajriry ' Those ndventurotis young mi who wore sport shirts in the fae of public. ridicule should make met tl -v one soldiers. SERVICE" Bros. Peadleton' leading CtotJalera. Watch Our PALM Te.cphonc 573 z f:. at Cnce. Don't may funis' it!!? 11 1 f et U T ,n lieicitiff It t, Delav. jtuiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiMiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiii. "2 , . fKUiVt' fkiboma. part of I'ncle Hnm Tir line of 6-3 Main Street.