t TEN PAGES "' PAGE TWO a mi r at xr k en rrTrrH 4 Vt Bt?S?t tHvSM noftirtti FRinAY MAY A. 1917. - ' - - ' " ' " jsasnsssnsnsEEmnEES! ihuiml ul I u vv li - t e e Style and what is beneath. Underlying the surface look of gar ment are the things that determine its stamina, its staunchness, its service ableness. But if a suit is cankered with weak spots inside, they will eat their way out side at the first sign of vigorous wear. A suit that is 90 per cent genuine and W per cent imitation soon looks 90 per cent imitation and 10 per cent genuine. No man ever received satisfactory wear from a garment that did not con tain these essentials: AN ALL WOOL FABRIC, thoroughly shrunk by the best approved cold water process, and not by the first rain in which , the wearer is caught. GENUINE LINEN CANVAS and not a cheap cotton or burlap substitute. , SEWING at all points of strain done painstakingly by hand with silk thread, and no weak, unsightly cotton. For the man who wants to be sure there is not a detail in the whole suit where a makeshift is tolerated there is one safeguard. It is the HART, MARX LABEL. Our prices range S30.OO. SCHAFFNER & from ? 17.50 to WE ARE COMPLETE OUTFITTERS TO YOUR LITTLE GIRL New Wash Dresses '; !3V V'fT" ' jsljf' fij 11 ' Xl M$ 1 n v, u Vv feu i W I CoprtKhi Han SchaifncrtV Man NECESSARY GARMENT P 59c to $2.95 Vour little girl will need many of these dresses and want more when she sees the cute styles that are so well adapted to her juvenile figure. They appeal to mothers because of the practical service they give. The materials are gingham, percale, galalea, repp and linen ; they come in a great variety of solid colorings as well as stripes, dots and checks - 59t to $2.95 DAINTY WHITE DRESSES FOR PARTY AND CONFIRMATION When you get your little girl dressed up in one of these confections of lace and organdy, she'll look so dainty, you'll hardly dare to touch her. Every one who has seen these dresses just marvels at their reasonable prices from 81.25 to 5.95. COLORED BEADS Thia is one of the novelties for spring. We are show ing a tig collection of high colors. These are hand strung and t best quality beads. The string 50 to S1.50. - DRESS VOILE A big selection of colored dress voiles shown in our Wash Goods section. Lots of new patterns and colorings, such as stripes, floral patterns and neat figures. The yard 1 to 35 SILK AND COTTON SHANTUNG A splendid silk and cotton fabric for waists and dresses, shown in natural Shantung shade, also white grounds, with neat figures, such as they are using for sport wear, 36 inches wide. The yard 75f THE SEPARATE SKIRT A No woman's outfit is complete without one or more separate skirts. They fill a place in the ward- ' robe that no other gar ment can. Whether your taste suggests a plain tail ored skirt of blue serge of fancy wool plaid, black taffeta or novelty khaki kool silk, our complete stock can supply your de mands in the size you re- auire, at the price you want to pay for ww have them from $3.95 to S2i.00. Women's Union Suits EXTRA VALUE in women's union suits. Hade of fine quality selected yarns. , Very elastic and fits well. Shown in beading and band top with lace and tight kin pp We have all sizes. Each suit 50. 65. 75 KINDERGARTEN CLOTH Used for house dresses, rompers, boys' waists, etc., is fast of colors and will give satisfactory wear; 32 inches -wide ; a splendid lot of patterns in all colors. Yard 25 Peridletons Greatest Department Store ' The Peoples Warehouse Where It Pays to Trade if I BERG'S SCIENCE DEFEATS JOHIISOII Ahboacfc Hjidiinied 1 Creator Wafct mm! wmnk. Hrrx utrrm PW KdlWlM of 1WS and KTMter weiirtit and 'h. miperlor amuth of I. A. J'l"i". bl MwmI Croat XlniwM". John Kr f Rpokan lt evening cave a scientific and intermlns nmuii uuicknow, headwork and akill count for more In the wreftllng- time than bulk and muacular might. After lo tnic one !!! to the Herculean Norse man, he famened ton Bold" twice upon the other and forced him to ield. Johnson'e Mrenslh wan allv that it ru touted. At tlmne the lighter Her eeemed almom a baby In hi handa However, he was alow and vtunuty while the Spokane man wa quick and eklllful in hla exeeuUon nt the mat adence. Hera- loat the flrat fall to Jnhn.ii In exactly 29 minutea The two lik f-llow k-p their t mi of the bout, Johnaon ae-mlnit to prefer .MIIllllllMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIIMIIinHIIIHIIIinilllllMHIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIHIMIIIIIIIH"!"""'! 1 POOR TEETH-ILL HEALTH E how. ften doe- the doctor tell his patient to go have their teeth fixed? He knows that disease germs enter the body principally through the mouth. Li not delay rnv longer to have your teeth fixed. . No charge for eti- liite. We extraot teeth painlesn. E I Newton Painless Dentists Entrance on Webb St. Open Evenings. 1 Cor Main and Webb Sts Phone 12. standing on his legs so that he could take advantage of his great strength In one of xhe few times they went to the mat during the first bout.. Johnson fastened a bar-arm and head lock on Berg and literally crushed him to the mat. After a five minute reel they went at It again and within seven minutes fVrg had fastened such a cruel double-toe hold upon Johnson that the Swede was forced to quit though his shoulders were not on the mat. Rerg had locked the toe or one of John son's feet In the knee of the other and with both arms and all his weight bent the other leg back. The pain was severe and Johnson called "enough. Johnson was very cautious when he came back on the mat and tried to ke-f his sore ankle out of the way. However. It wasn't long until Rrrg had ecured aonthrr painful toe hold ami was twiMlng the leg of the big follow. To save himself needless pun ishment. Johnson Sthrew hi shoul ders on to the mat. The bout was enjoyed throughout by the crowd, which wsa not eery large. flay al"arroll actMl as ref eree. IWore the match It was an nounced that Christiansen, now in Hole, challenged the winner. Two wreetllng prHlmlnarlea pre eoiled the main event. Toung Co thr-w Yntmg Willis twk-e. onre In a tnliiiile and a hiilf and once In five miniit- Mc'arr,ll threw Hwr (iunn In i 1-2 minutes in a handicap snatch. UMAPINE RED CROSS PLANS ACTIVE WORK TIITHSDAV CHOKKN AS Mt2STIXi 1H 1X PI'ICTHr-K l-hat-' FRCT- ri,VN8. IVetty Shout aiven for Silw Mvrt'e Suoave, ltrid"-u-l4-; Ixtdica' Aid HoKtena at Sun;eiauJ Tea; OUw Xeway Xotctt. WOMAN SOES TONGS E0R$10.493:WASHIT IN LEG BY BULLET 1MHTLA.NU, May 4. Mrs. Cella George, hit In the leg by a tongman'b bullet during an attack on William Eng at Im. Orande. sued yesterday the Suey King and the Hop King tongs for ten thousand four hundred and ninety-three dollars damages. The ehnoting happened In front of the postoffice and caused a local sen-aation. FiglaiMT tifte. siK.M.n.0(M. IIXIXIN, May 4. England's pres ent national debt la elght-en billion, four hundred and ninety million, ac cording to figure in the budget Chan cellor of the Kxchequer Andrew Bon sr Uv introduced in the house of commons. To handle this great In-debtedn-ffs the budget proposed In creajBs in the present avatcm of rais ing money. An Inerea-ie In tobacco duty and Increase In the iwe prof its tax. iIcnll.Miin mine lo make undue l!M?ic(:l profit-, from the teorlds - "wi.s sr- riiaktns a mlitnke rl. -I lb are gentleman. i EnHt Oregonlun 8peciul. ) I'AWNli, Ore., May . Thursday afternoon at the I'maplne grunge hall a Red Ci-ohs auxiliary wus organized with twenty-one members for an ini tial membership and the prospects for a far larger membership rlht away. Meedamea H. H. Hattery, John Vert and W. Ia Thompson of Pendleton were present and assisted in organ ization. The following officers were elected: liella Phillppl. president or chairman; Mrs. D J. Klrk, vice chair- man; Mrs.-Guy Young, secretary, and Mrs. Charlie lMxon, treasurer. The initial membership Is as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Klrk, Mr. und Mrs. R. K. Bean, Mea- dames C P. Ulxon. Gu5fYoung, will Moore. W. W. Phillppl, "Kettle Davia- son, Sam Harp, E. Moore, O. Hodgen, H. W. Stockton, N. Allen, . and the Misses Delia Phillppl. Lorena Harpe, Jeanette Xoyea, Lois Records, Kthel Hodgen and W. H. 1-auer. VV. II. Gentry, and Sam Harp. 1 Members and all interested are meeting Thursday afternoon ut the home of Miss Phillppl for sewing uiid will perfuct plans for the chapter. Khower for Ilrtde-to-lv. One of the most enjoyable affairs of the community took place on Sat urday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Guy Young when Mrs. Kd Hoon and her daughters, 5 tla und Nela were hostesses at a surprise mlKcellaneous hope shower for Mi. -fa .lrtle Bneuve whose marriaKe to Roy l'hillppi ft Karly. (irejjtiii. takes pluco within the next lew months. The bride-lo-ne re ceived many lovely gift from her ! guests, uuring tne aiiernoon gumeB were pluyed and a mock marriage ceremony performed with all the trimmings necessary to an elaborate marriage. Refreshments were served to a very jolly crowd at the close of the after noon. Those present' were Mlsees Myrtle sneave. Florence Phillppl, Kd- ith Harper. Irene Wilson, Ruth Reed, Edna Ooyle, Lucie and Lois Records, Janes Noyes, Inea Wagner, Delia Phlltppi. Neta and Zella Hoon; and Meirtamee Jim and Dan Klrk, It. K. Kean, J. Ei. ones. Ole Goodman. IJine Hoon. Paul Caldwell. Guy Young. Hoy Fraxler, George Sanderson. ' W. W. PhUlppl and Ed Hoon and James Klrk. Miss Sneave is a Portland girl and is the popular teacher at the Huilson Kay school for the past two years. Aid (lives Tea. Last Wednesday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. C. E. Simond. the La dies' Aid of the Presbyterian church served a tea. Despite the wet weather a big crowd was out and en- Joyed the afternoon. Neat Wednes day they will meet with Mrs. jonn Al lan and tie comforts. Mr. WeUman is UL ' Umaplne community was ahocked Thursday afternoon to learn that R. H whitman, one of the best Known and respected men of the Walla Walla valley waa suddenly stricken witn pa. ralysis at his home here and at this writing la but very little Improved. Mr. Wellman had been perfectly well until taken with tha stroke, although complaining of a alight headache few minutes before his attack. His many friends are hoping for his re covery. His son. Harry Wellman. who has been attending school at Corvallls. is home and also his son Charlie Wellman, arrived Monday aft ernoon from Chewelah. S!r. and Mrs. Jim Klrk were enter tained the week-end with Mr. and Mr Jim Romine of Milton this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Zehter of Walla Walla were dinner guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Hlmonds of the 7L Ranch. The Vincent school pupils are prac ticing thl week for the track meet which will be held at Tum-a-Luin school on this coming Friday. Last week the meet waa postponed on ac count of wet weather. Mrs. J. H. Peffley Is III at her home north of Umaplne. The patrona of the telephone lines In the Hudson Bay country are de- llahted at the re-establishment of service to Milton and Freewater again. This last week all the men turned out and reset poles, untangled wires and with the linemen's aasieesnce, short ened slack wires. t m Til "Four-Ninety" Touring. Car 1635 F. O. B. PENDLETON. The Chevrolet Four-Ninety Touring Car is a car of ideal rA economy. It gives you tne mosi vu,u i. "VS"-! fat EX-PRINCESS DETAINED ON SHIP IN NEW YORK Attempt Made to Prevent En try Into U". S. of Former Wife of Pnrlce Radziwill. NEW TORK, May 4. Catherine Kolb. formerly the wife of Prince William Radsiwill, from whom she waa divorced, will be taken to Elh Island to await an inquiry by Imml gratlon authorities aa to her status aa an alien seeking to enter the Lnited States. She waa detained last night aboard the Norwegian steamship up on which she arrived yesterday to de liver K seriea of lectures on life In the Huaslan Imperial court. The name of the complainant who pre- vrnted her from landing has not been disclosed. . Mr. Kolb. who was to sneak under the name of Princess Radziwill. to raise funds for the relief of Russian prisoners of war. was to have de- leered her first lecture this after noon. Her tour was to have been itnder the auspices of several promi lent society women of this city. The former Princess is the duoghier cf Count William Rasewski of lti fian Poland. She was divorcer! from the Prince in 11C and later m:irr!o Ch.irl'S Kolb. a civil engineer, .'he onomy. n gives you me --- --.-i ti, rv..erniM r?piivprs the maximum power to the rear .AIIV2 V41VHW1V .w. - . . 'A M W. S wheels. It accomplishes this feat tnrougn ppuv S ta . rt ... I . j ...tnauu ni nci ifin. me ir1 m m mecnanism. mis compels uncvu.v. - - 4 suit is more power and speed and less fuel and expense. 4 fA The path of Chevrolet power is short and direct. 1 he g vaporized fuel enters directly into the valve-in-head mo- 9 2 tor. The impart of explosion strikes full against the f & piston head. It is an act ot lace-io-iace to-y ' j a nL. r..n r f,,ma ia ovortorl immpfliatelv on the K S roar wheels. No iiactioi. of a second or horse-power is J 4 unduly spent. The 1'irtv powev plant type of construe- J f. tion does the business. . d i tv. ia if cniirao that vou ride faster ana d f. farther on one gallon of gasoline in this particular model, d i : ..,knt u ill t m1 in rna afl 2 J That is economy. And that is what you will find in the Chevrolet rour-Mincty. We are the authorized agents for Pendleton and Uma tilla county. Carload just received for immediate de livery. - ' Simpson Auto Co. Johnson and Water Streets. Telephone 403 has spent much of her time In recent years In Germany, but has been llv Irg of late In Stockholm. Hy her first marriage she had three chil dren, and her eldest son was killed on the eastern front early In the war. In Il she was sentenced to two yeura' imprisonment In the penitenti ary outside Capetown. South Africa, after a jury had convicted her of forging the name of the late Cecil Rhodes to promissory nntos to tak ing 11150. line was pardoned. Mrs. Kolb Is about 1.0 years or age. Hhe always ha held revolutionary views. This Is her first visit to America. "TIZ'' FIXES ACHING, SWOLLEN, TIRED FEET HOW TI." IMt:S tTM1MIT Tlltl HlltNIXC. CI.MI VJ.3 KKMr AMI UOI IKK. PERSONAL NOTES ABOUT PEOPLE OF UMATILLA (East Oregonian Special.) CMATILLA. May I. Milton Dun can of London,, Canada, la the gueet of hla uncle. J. W. Duncan. The case of the City of UmatllU versus A C. Campbell, was settled out of court Wednesday afternoon- Mrs. E. M. McKentle, acting recorder waa the judge. F. A. Browp was a Pendleton visit or Tuesday. Dr. W. Freese. oculist of Portland. spent Wednesday here. W. R- Spinning and F. A. Ilagedom drove to the McCarthy farm In Juni per canyon , Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Hngedom Is buying stock. W. J. Warner of Hermlston, was a Visitor here the first of the week. Alex Milbum came down from Star buck to take a position of watchman on the railroad bridge. A. Luite left for Portland today. art, "Sur! i tiz -' twAl' every dm lor any '& 1 toot lisuliU" Good-bye, sore feet, burning re'. swollen feet, tender feet, tired frt Oood-bye, corns, callouaea, traanews and raw spots. No more ahoa tight ness, no more limping with pain er drawing up your face In agony. TV"" la magical, acta fight off. "Tla" draw out all the poisonous esudatons whir puff up tha feet. Use "Tla" and wear smaller shoe. Vse Tls" and forge your foot misery. Ah! how comfort able our feet feel. I Get a 25-cent bog of Tla' now any druggist or department stare. Don't suffer. Have good feet, glad feet, feet that never swell, never feat, never get tired. A year's foot comfort guaranteed or money refunded. Lemons Whiten and Beautifythe Skin! Make Cheap Lotion OVEIUiAKD TOfRINfl OAR FOR KALK gT A RARGIUI. 11 model. In good conditio. Inquire at Overland 144 Main Street. " The Juice of two freeh lemons strained into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of tha most re markable lemon skin beautlfler at about the cost one must pay for a small Jar of the ordinary cold creams. Cars should be taken to strain the lemon Juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets In. then this lo tion will keep fresh for months. Kv ery woman knows that lemon Juice is used to bleach and remove such blem ishes aa freckles, sallowness and tan and Is the Ideal skin softener, rmooth ener and beauUfler. Just try It! Make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massage It daily Into the face, neck, arms and handa It should naturally help to whiten, soften, freshen, and bring out the hidden roses and beauty of any skin. It i wonderful for rough, red hands. , Tour druggist will sell three ouncei of orchard white at little cost, and any grocer will supply the lemons. STOP AT HOTEL HOYT tth and Hoyt 0ta., Mar iMvata PORTIaAKD, orjc. Flrr proof. Newly Ifeooratad and RaoTaa4 Rater Tfte to M.0. How'. TKU7 otfrr One Hotvlrrd Oollani RwrJ for an rmmm itt T'afurrh that ravDOt - rurorl hy Mall's Catarrh Motrin. 1 In I la i.atarrii Medic in? naa rnj.a bj- cutn-rh snfffrra for th past thlrtT- fla y-an. ami liaa befDmf known a it aiisBt rvliahlt rn.T for Catarrh. Hal' ( Mtitrrh UrdU In- arta thru th Blnd on f h Mnroii tnrtmevm. iwTJng th I'mwo (t nra t IUotk ivi healing th diacaav! I f IflsM. Aitrr yon hnv taHti HaM'a Catarrh tlrvlivln tnr a phort time jron will a a rsnt I'nnr-rrtnr-it In yur rnral hfithh ltt ta Una 1 1 it tin fa tart It M-ll ln at . -r and net rll of catarrh. H.-ol ftr tra iin r.ln . fr V J. llr '-KY !. Tolwl.. Ohio .. hy all Mrufislata, 7.H-. ARMAND'S Th only NEW fax powder ia th past 50 wears Oh yes, there are many, many kinds of powders on the market, but thin one is absolutely different from any you hav ever had. The price is reasonable, too 50 cents KOEPPEN'S Have It. ?.iiiriMimiiMiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiii'l''lll,,,,,ll,,IM,,'l,",,,",l,,l,,l,1,U