TEN PAGES D AltY BAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1917. rAGE TEN iff u mi Store Closed Today and Saturday- Gray Bros. A Splendid Line That is what every one said, yesterday, when they took look at the New Coats that came in. If you are wanting one don't wait as we are selling , lots of them. By the way look at the new "Sport Spot" Crepe Meteor. See the new pieces of Black Satin Duchess. Just what they are calling for now. (Yesterday was another good day in our "Down Stairs Store.") TOLE CO) MORE CLASS THAN YOU HAVE EVER SEEN BEFORE. Watch for our first showing of these beautiful cars. They will be on the street TOMOR UO W AFTERNOON. After you have once seen the new Tuxedo Roadster and the latest Standard Touring design you will be as enthusi astic as we are. Be sure and see them TO MORROW. PENDLETON AUTO COMPANY FRANKLIN COLE REO Pleasure Cars. REPUBLIC Trucks. Oeatnrical Contest Tonight. Tfe l.'matllla county oratorical and declamatory contest will be held thl evening' in the hlsh school auditorium at 8 o'clock. Fifteen students repre senting sewn schools of the county will compete for gold and silver medals. rniiiiHiniiiHiiiiiHHiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiHiiniiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiniK 3 Idnlio Officers He. Major H. T. Lawis and Lieutenant S. A. MoOonnell of the Idaho Nation al Guard, were In Pendleton this moraine en route from Boise to Pas co to establish battalion headquarters. The Idaho guardsmen lire assisting In guarding bridges and railroad property. Speaks to Students. Roy Kb ley gave the third of a ser ies of patriotic addresses this morn ing before the high school assembly. In speaking of our attitude toward Germany and Germans, he said that Americans should never cultivate a national hatred of any race, and that we should reserve judgment as to the loyalty of Germans in our midst un til all facts are known. Ilhe only accident that befell the truck n the long run was a broken spring. To Itulld Addition. Roland Oliver has taken out a per mit to build a pergola addition to his new home on Jackson street. It will cost about $150. Xot Expected to Live. Word was received in Pendleton lust night that Chief of Police KYnnk Xash. who is In a Portland nuspiuu. was 'not expected to live through the niisht. No further word has been re-, otivod today. J & P COATS CROCHET THREAD . Ha just arrived and consist, of sizes No. S, No, 10, No. 20, No. 30, No. 40, No. 50, No. 60, No. 70, No. 80 in White, and size No. 5, No. 10, No. 30, No. 40, No. 50 in Ecru. This is the largest shipment of the above commodity that has probably been received at one time by any merchant in Pendleton. For the benefit of those who have been paying different prices-for each size, we wish to announce that we sell all sizes for lOc a ball. Do you appreciate such a price ? I f you will step into our store you can under stand why we do the business that we do. We have no leaders, every thing is priced in the same low ratio as the above article. , ' l-arirc Flununlow Aprons Three Piece llreakfaxt Suit . I.argc Asst. House HreHses. . . . J. & I. Couta Sowing Thread , Corticclli Silk Thread Fancy Root Kllk. Hunt rancy All Silk llo.se White artd Mark Silk .lov-, Fanc; Turkish Towels 4ftc, ASc, S9o . . . So nne, ti.tn 4o ac 4BO Sr .ISO, 9Hv . aso, ntc 3.M to st.so Want Objector Out. D. H. Nelson, president of the local good roads organization, has received word from Bruce Dennis, executive secretary of the state legislative good roads committee, approving the dates set for the meeting of Commissioner Adams in this county. In his letter Mr. Dennis asks that good crowds be secured for the Adams meetings anu that a particular effort be made to get the attendance of those who seem opposed to the bond plan. ?ue for Kent of Horses. Ftloilena Casciato and Curmeln Rasnone have brought suit in the cir cuit court aKuinst the Newport una & 'construction Ce. for judgment for 3388 alleged to be due as rentul for 12 head of horses and harness. Henry S. Westbrook of Portland is attorney for the plaintiffs. Passed Kara! Tests. Word has been received from Hal Corby and Don Saunders who recent ly enlisted in the navy. Sanders pass ed i he test for the aviation corps and is to be held at Bremerton, while Cor by qualified for Ine wireless depart ment and is to be sent to Mare Is land. ' ; 5 ::,;::. tl.to' . - -J.L '.tL-J--JJii-U gJL-JMBrerg are allowed to have ridden th bicy cles to Pentlletun. The boys do not tell a very straight story a to their past whereabouts. C ma till Baby Born. A nine pound son was burn last ripht at St. Anthony's honpltal to Mr. and Mrs. E.-J. Witney of Umatilla. l-ldwurd Thompson ill. Edward Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. VV. tL. Thompson, Is reported to be quite ill with turn, litis at tho home of his parents. Transcontinental Auto Truck. The O M C auto truck, which re cently took a capacity load of Oar nation milk from Seattle to New York, will arrive in Pendleton tomor row en route back and will tour the main streets of the city. This word was brought over today by Frit LsUndstrom and H. Dovey of Walla Waiku who are making the tour ot the northwest with the driver, War wick. The transcontinental trip was :n the nature of an experiment and proved a revelation to the auto world. To Aid Boy Work. Arrangements have been mad. uhereby a man is to be sent here to have charge of the boys and girls' vegetable gardening work under the industrial club movement in this county. Mr. Seymour, who has charge of the work in the state, was here this morning in connection with the move. No county agricultural agem han been secured for L'matilla county tyit Mr. rial ley is here acting as district agent in connection with t he food pre uaredness cam pa Ipn d! - rocte.l by President K'rr of O. A. C ! Forewtws Are Here. Thomas P. McKemeie of Portland, assistant district foruster. and Robert Kvana of Paker, superviaor of the Whitman forest are here today con ferring with Supervisor V. W. Cry-der. Uoy Stole Hlrx-lcs, AIIred. Sheriff T. t. Taylor this morniu-i placed under arrest two boyn, John Ftpper and Harry Sherman who ure wanted in Walla WaJla to answor to a charge of stealing bicycles. Tlu-y Big Guns of the P n isflvan'a - '-issC n .1 ...F 3 t I It 1 :-JII W 7T r.u ii rT?!J. r-r A1 III V V N Foit r I-Vet of S mw. l-'rank Hanlen of Kamela, w ho l in the city today, reports four feet of snow yet on the mountain top and packed so hard that a wuttun can be driven over it. There is still enough I snow in the mountains to make very high water, he states. I'kiah Woman Ak Divorce. Mary C. Peterson of t'ktuh today brought suit in the circuit court for a divorce from her husband, Valen tine V. Peterson, and for the custody if fr. it- minor nhlMran Thau nrura I married in Grant county In and she alleges her h unhand deserted her I in March, 1915. They have five chil dren between the ages of six and 22. she asks that the decree give hr hus band the riKht to visit the children. W. M. Peterson is her attorney. time to uccpt the offer. In order to secure some preliminary training1 and have a nucleus In case of a call, a re serve cavalry unit, hus been decided upon. itlancett has a string of thirty saddle horses of his own and believes there are quite a number of men In Pendleton and vicinity who could fur nish their own mounts. f T4 James Cooke, local manafter of the New York Iubrk'atltlK Oil Co.. was a serKeant in the OreKon cavalry on the Mexican border lust year and his ser vices will be secured as a drillmaster in the event of an orsanizatlon. ..It Is believed that a troop can be onranir.ed and drilled In time to pnrtjeipate In the Decoration Imy parade. Muxtanl and Gold T'iK IH t hine, yard,. . . ft. New Kmbroldcred f Seormtu WhIhIs $4.a Creiw IH- t'hlne Valt ., S. Vaim Ualsts ! , Hc, tl.4. $I.HN Throe INMind Cot urn Hatbt 73t Hue Small CtUn Halts ttH ISc. Ih-muUful lane of Collars SSo, lc. Kport WaMh Kklrta and Plain White Ho to :!. SKrt VtOOl niurtH, very nii( . WE I.IMO UTIIKItS r'urther Census 1ireeliins, Sheriff T. l. Taylor. Clerk U. T. Irown and Count'- 1'hysiclan D. J. McKaul today received from Gover- I nor Wtthyeombe adled instructions relative to reuterinir nil men or cer tain uMes in the county for the infor mation of the Kovernnient. liefiuitf instruction will be sent later. All precinct pollinB places will be openeJ 1 1-. deslunated dates and all men be tween prescribed aires will be required to present themselves for reBlstralion. Those who fall to comply will be sub ject to arrest. After the census men of certain classes will be eliminated. In view of the agricultural de partment's upieal for more people to endertake bee culture one would like to know whether modern science lias el invented a safety bee? STEPS BEING TAKEN ! FOR ORGANIZATION i OF A CAVALRY UNIT Pboto by American Ao?lat.on. The suner-dreaduoiiKbt Pennylrnnla, flagship of the At's'itic fleet, baa twelve fourteen-liicD gnu. Her triple turrets earn carry three of these mon strous weapon. The Pennsylvania in the mont powerful Mhlp in the Cnlted States nary. Wbe Is a :tl,4ou ton ship. Mcftina f Called fr Vxt .Mondn.i F:eiilttg In the tmnmifilia Aw. elation J loom to Wxihim Matter. With three reserve Infantry units a Ire tidy organized In Pendleton, steps are now being takn to organize a cav alry unit and to that end a meet In has been called for next Monday even ing in the Commercial aasocintlon moms. J. Roy Haley, first president of the Round-!Tp and an enthusiastic IlUnttUIIUHIIHIIIIIIIllHIIiriinHIlillllllllMIfllllinMllintlltlllllttlllfllMIMIIIItllllin hrxmnn Iell Itlanc fit. prominent anil Ie l. rrike. who have ben a'- ' tive in forming the other military ! units, are taking the lend in be fr S i mation of a cavalrv unit. Recently !!l:inevt vnlunieered t raise an entire sjnadron cf rough-riders from among the cowboys. He has received word from Adjutant Oeneral White that he h;is no authority at th BILLY'S BRAN-NEW "PHILOSOPHY "Drink Bran-New" 1 BHIIIT TUWltKKIlY . It ASPHKKHV I.FMOJi CHKIIHV ORAXI.K From January until Uecein-v-r. vu can't ko wront on these. bovs They're makinic kikhI everywhere. four a little lep ssiem. Sold at all good regular fellows to r F.I.IWH. Into your place- by KEIil'UK f;iltCKHVMI-:- T MKK We the tindersiiened airr,-e to elope our places of business, from 10:30 A. M. to II o'clock. May Mh. out of re spect to llnrrv tlray. deceased. It. AI.F.XAMiEK. THB I'WM'I.KH WAIlBHot'HK PFNI'l.rTTON' CAHH MARKET. : ROHKMAN. STANKAItK lihol'KHT, V. M. lil'lin.lNK. JOHN UNO. LYXIIK KKfl?. CflNltoY'H CASH tilMK'Klir ". OKAS TATf'M. PKA.VK HIlIIHiB. Dry 16 inch Cascade Red Fir woo Get Your Order in Early Before Sup ply Runs Out BLYDENSTE1N & Co. Phone 351 JIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimillllllllMIIVr I FOR SALE. I The lest stK-k ronch In Eastern Oreunn. with all the equip- s: S ment, all fenced. Kood buildings, orchards, telephone and ditiUr 5 mall, cun be bought for .B0 per acre, on eusy terms. The cat- S tie and horses con be bought at range prices. H 5 10 acres on reservation 185 per aTre. ensy payment. 310 aeros aruin land, half In crop, close to lown and raiiroud. S l'nce including crop, $40 per acre. S 110 acres, half In wheal, uood linproveoii nts. plenty of wa- . s 2 ter. Price Including crop. $37.r.fl per ai.-re. S 1S3D acres. 1000 in grain, good improvement. 3 mile haul to warehouse. Price 945 per acre including croi.. E I have 40 or 50 residence rroperty in I'emlleton for sal. s: E Home of thi'in are mighty good bargains. C'oino In and talk it over. 5 E. T. tt Mil, 1-einlleton, One. .Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mini iiiiniiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiuii" I Dependable Service !. ( and Repairs . J That which means the most to every t"ar owner after he haw bought his car. Goodyear Tir Service Station. Repairs by' Skilled Mechanica ' Car S'tored or Waihed Acceorie, Part. Oil, Caioline Care and courtesy. Si m 4 a, in r i i r a. I VonnJ women rowing sKouU Pendleton I hnjj nt sken exms'ivtjy. Oregon -iililiilliliiiiiiiilllliiilllliiii!illiiiiiiiiiiiillliiiiilliiiilliiliiiliiMiiiliiitiiillliiiiiiiiiiii; I an! of TliaDkm. I Q wih to e,r- tiur sincere ap- ! preeitlon t the many kind friends i l,,r their s iiialhv and kindness , show n durlmr our bereavement and I loss of 'lir t-loved daughter, siste" IsnJ wlf-; slwi for the many l.eHutlfiil , fl.,r il .fferins received. , Mlt. AMI MltH T. J TWKKHV l MUX IlKI.I.K ItoNNKV S E 3 Oregon Motor Garage .Incorporated. II) West Court St. Tele j on 4S 17. If. Itl. IJ,,,,M,,,,,Pe-wi.Tmme.fsaee"',w''W'WW'i;"''l'7 . V KKNXKOV. 1 ;,;i,;.ii.iiiHiHuuiiii"iettiUMi.uiJ.il""'"'""i