TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1917. PAGE FIVB 6HDE3W MR. RANCHER Buy that harvest order now and 'save money. Prices are advancing every day.' Most lines of Groceries will cont you from 13 to- y more by harvest time. GET. BUSY . Strawberries, box : 15f Hot House Lettuce, pound 25 Head Lettuce ...... 10, 3 for 25 Spinach lO, 3 for 25 Sunkist Oranges j 15 and 40 Rhubarb, pound '. 5 Krinkle Corn Flakes, 3 for 25f Shredded Wheat, 2 packages 25 Italian Prunes, pound 10? Best Shrimps, 2 for 25 Best Iowa Corn, 2 for 25c Carnation Milk, can 11 MOTION PICTURE NEWS What the Picture Theaters Have to Tell You. LOCALS ffl Advertising in Bi let bates! Per Una flrat liwertlon ...KM He- line, additional loaertlo..... 6 Per line, per month fl WI No locali taken for leas tbaa 25c Count ordinary wotda to line. Local will not ba taken ovar to telepbun except from Kaat Orefoo lan paid op nbacrlbara. roat Punch of keya containing three keya, return to thlH office. Wanted To buy good wheat ranch In Umatilla county. Inquire Oeorgv Kt angler, Pendleton, . Ore. Irvirtffton Height la offered for sale In blocks of 26. 60 or the entire 17 lota, to the hlKhe bidder, Plat of the property can be hud at this of. flea. HnttMt for rent. Geo. W. coutta. Dr. Proe betel, Chlropodiat. Tel. ill. MoM eater Apartments, 777 Thomp. non street. For rent I -room houae. good con dtttea. Phon 44 9. Wanted Good, clean ruga, at Tha Kaat Oregonlan office. Fur rent Furnished front room, or 2 if oeeired. phone 74i. MXItt Clean. pur. When in need of It phone Ed Morran. 244 J. tfewln bv enRagf'inent or at home. Phon 71 1M. Kvrntehed mora for rent, close In, North Side. Telephone 71J. Lost A Red Cross receipt book. Kinder call 744. Kor nale Cheat of carpenter tool. A bargain. Inquire F, this office. For sale One Unlit suto truck, thrap. Box 121 City. D. B. Waffle auto for hire. Phon J MM. Stand. Charles Co.. Phone 7. I haul your fax baa-a and trash. Phone tSSM. 14U3 W. Railroad at. Two second hand pianos fur aale ry r i saw liable. Inquire this office. Far earpenterlnjr. remodeling job wtrrk, country or town, see John Kow m.n, 40e H. Aita. Phone 23 I. Books audited, office work and cor reap denes handled by hour or day, reassnabls. Phone I0SW. Per sale Confectionery store do ing aroed bunineae In live town near Pension. Address "J" this office. Far rent Furnished apartments Call MS B. HaJlroad, or phons 224W. Fsr Rent Three rinxlcrn house, keeplnsr rooms for rent. Inquire SOI Willow. Ieat 8temer robe. Mack on one aide and red braid on other. Howard If rota r ned tothis office. ! Fsr sale 40 srrrs, lftrt stands j boea, ereiun separator. Fl Matter, j Hereateton, Ore. H. f Jackson sells wall paper and j linoleum. Samples taken to your home. Phone &2I--11. Mattress msktn. furniture repair Ins, upholsterlnc. called for and deliv ered, city or country. Le. Dow Bros Sit Beauresard. Phons 127 J. Call Penland Bros. Tan to mors your household pjooda. Telephone 129. Also Imismsss transferrin, and heavy haul- For sale Several hundred rood Ke 1 second hand wool bags at 4& Cfnts each, inquire H. W. Collins, 114 E. Cenrt street. lise's Dreesmaklns; School, drafting: and tailoring taught. Patterna cut to niesurs. All ktnda of eewinic done Mvnkk residence. 90 C. Bluff. P: noming house for sale. Main street, In center of business district. I olng good buainess. Inquire of Po 1m nd Bros. .4rs Lee Mrhmiae for In durance Fire, aorldent. casualty, prompt ad jiiAaaanla without red tape. Phone ICS. Fsr rent to cnujde. If takn st once. 4 farstshed ronnin. C ne ruoni re Mtrved by lady 727 harden. Phone 21 4 W. For Rent -Hewlnc machines of all makes. $1.0 per week. IS 00 per month. MiOintock A Simpaon. 409 K. Court. Iter sale New and second hand Kewtnff Machines. Wnicer, White New Hume and The Free Machine. McCtintock A lmpeon, 400 & Court. Let ua do your eveanlna. preasln and repaliiTiK. Ws pay particular at tention to It. Hults msds to order. Call at 112 E. Court, next to Western In Ion Phone 70. For paintlmr. raleomlnlns: and pa-pt-rlna. call 5!J. Hour- 7 to 8 a. m . 13 to I and 6 30 to 7 P. m. All flmt rlaan work Kuaran'enl. Ws always clown wwlwork on crtlomine Jon. Atv & ym-k. Free m.ip f Montana and free In formation rfrrrtins train anl erK 'iitfl"i at NrTh Montana Writ N; t :i M .svtana Immtcratlyn Aa'n Lrpt :j. I.avre. Mont. Do Ton Want a Home? Do you want a home? If so, 1 wil. sell you a lot and you can build yourself, or I will sell you the lot and build the homo for you and give you terms on ths same. a. H. Cox. tAdV.) Auto Stard For Adams, Athena and Was ton I saves Allsn-Ward Co., at 10 a. m and 2:20 p. m. each day. Phons 404 for reaervation. Ralph Shaffer, prop Adv. Will Pay You Owh For potatoes, any quantity Alac for fa ten, poultry, drewed pork and veal. Pendleton Fruit Co., Phone SIS. Notiiie to Patron. Owing to the high price of ffed, on and after May 1st. the price of milk, wholesale, will be 30 cents per gallon. C. I HI RST. FRANK W. JOHNSON , 8KTH M. RlCHARTWON (Adv.) OHO. OKAX.KOrriri PAKTIMB TOD.IY -TUB BLi;K bTKKaK" AND VUXrUM COM 1TDY "The Blue Streak," a Fox Feature Film will be shown at the pastime theater today. Vhe character known as "The Blue Streak,' a dissipated youth, played by William Nig-h, is cast out by his father. He goes west and becomes :i train robber. He and his men enter a saloon Just as a gambler is to wed the proprietor's daugnter, the part played by Violet 1 'aimer. The "Streak shoots up the place and steals tha girl. At a mountain cabin the "Streak" relents kidnappinfr the girl and find he loves her. When the sheriff arrive3 he prepares to surrender but she runs to him and begs him to flee with her. He lifts her behind him and they es cape. The "Streak' and his little wife re turn to his father a new man. (;trl iii diVkTl OwU Rlgr Bhie Jtlril orferliiK at Tilay. For your approval the Cosy Theater is presenting today the popular fa vorite, Dorothy Phillips, in a M sensational photoplay called ''The Girl in the Checkered Coat." Your attention Is especially called to the fact Miss Phillips plays both roles In this extraordinary dram.L. Miie Phillips does not merely pose but actually acts both leading parts. H- complete is her change of expression that critics who have seen this drama have bf-en Inclined to disbelieve that Miss Phillips is playing both parts. ILKSOM'TIONS. Whereas, Providence has called the Itev. CharU-s Qulnney, Rector of thv Church of the Redeemer of Pendle ton, Oregon, from earthly labor to heavenly real, and whereas, his care' among men baa been one itanipel with the manifest approval of the Matter of Mercy, who walked upon the shores of 0!i(ee, and, whereas, throughout his mature life he follow ed both In fact and sentiment the In junction to go into all the world ami preach the gospel to every creature. and. whereas, the story of .-his pa tience, his charity and his sacrlfic for others Is impressed upon tha hearts of men snd women In the old worldus well ss the new. upon the red race as well as thewhi(e, and where as, none were ever turned from hie door empty-handed, or. without a word of encouraxtMiient or kindly ad munition, and Whereax, his lubors were confined to no church no denom ination, no creed, but were cheerful! rendered alike to high and low, rich and to"r, red. brown. yphw. black and white among men, and, whereat, probably no man has ever resided in the city of Pendleton for whom thi general public held so high or so lov ing regard as was held fur Mr. Quln ney, or who has dons so much In tha field of religious labor and christian service as he has done, and whereas. In this hour of his departure there la genuine sadneaa everywhere throughout the city, and whereas. H In dealred to make some record and to pirbltah soem recognition of the uni versal love and eeteem In which the late rector was held, and of the wide apread regret at hi death; Therefore Be It Rsolved, That the cltlsens of Pendleton, generally, snd the memlerahip of the Church of the Redeemer, particularly, do r-'cosniw the great -atue to humanity of ths career of tle Ilev. Charles Qulnney, his catholic apirlt. hi loving klndneae. hi wacriilco, his devothm. hm sterling and scjf-effnclng Christian!! v. hi unceaahifC labor for church upbuild ing, and his rrmarkable missionary work both In the o'd world and the new and that we regret hi death al moet as the removal of ne from the circle of our own fsmlliea; And He It Further Reaolved. That a copy of theae resolutions be spread upon the records of the Church of the Redeemer, of Pendleton, that like copy be handed to the widow of Mr Qulnney and that like cony be mailed to his only son. Heaped fully submitted. ROY A I M HAVTWJil Oll.RBUT W. IHHIIK J. T. LANRItlTH. W. FT RROCK. STRPHFN A. I vWFn J Adv. Vmmittee Arcade Khcmfiur Paramount Picture TKlay; Mae Murry In On Record." Tom Formun Ihe clever LAaky Ju venile who Is appearing as lead! n a man for Mae Murray in her latest production "On Record" which will be the Paramount attraction at the Arcade today, had his ambitions ful filled when as the young Inventor, he is supposed to make an aeroplane flipht. Mr. Form an vanished from the studio before the picture was started and Induced the members of the ci- villon squad at the military aviation school in San Diego to let him make a trial flight with them. He was not permitted to handle the machine him self until he was at work in the pic ture and then to show his aeronauti cal inatlncts. when no one was around, started on a flight by him self, nearly accomplishing his own de struction as well as demolishing the aeroplane. The t'nwriun Uw. At the Alta Theater on Friday and Saturday. "The Unwritten Uw" by Kdwln Milton Royle. will be the at traction with lieetria Mlchelena as the atar. The work of this young screen artist Is the moat real and con vincing emotion in this dramatic pic ture that has ever been seen. Miss Michelena Is no reatrained. so free from exagR-eratinn that her work ap proaches artistic perfection. The re ception of the MlTnwrltten I-aw" by the motion picture press Is well indi cated by the following excerpt from the picture supplement of the New York Fvenlng Mail: "To sum up. this ia a picture In which there are no flaws. It is wonderful. ' in addition will be shown two high claas vaude ville acta 67 YEARS OLD; IS ILL FOR THE FIRST TIME i Kaat Oregon ian Special) I'KIAH. April 27. Tom Wil- loby. who wuh brought to town some time ago,' ! still very 111. wtth but little chance for the better. He is 67 years old and thta beinK hta first aickneaa, it Turnev. hailing from nobody know w rMNKKD TO ATTACK V. H. (Continued from Pago 1.) 'We are at war with a government poNBeavlng the greatest military ma chine the world haa ever seen, and which believes (irrespective of Am rican opinion upon the subject) not only that the only effective way t urge modem war la, by universal, ob ligatory military service. but that force is the only thing to be regarded. To adopt at the outaet universal obligator military service would be to dei the morale of our enemies a llrtcr la lropp:ajr. j The river rose laat .n:ne past th j & ft In. mark at the Mnin street i bndgo as a r-ault of the heavy sh'-w-ra f the atrrikenn. Tn1-y. hi vi r It haa. been elowly dropping. At 1 o'clock the atandard hwed a ft. I In ln. n around Krho the rlvr is poitrti! t t-e do.n; cousuicraMe damage. (B0SV TODAY liluc Itlrd Pnac nts Dorothy Philips THE GIRL" IN THE CHECKERED COAT Tsur attention la called to the fact that Mia rhillti is play int both of the leading parts In this UU SMAHHIN'J liloTi) VtKY THAT S1VKKL.Y Wll.1-TI-KAHE Yot. In adIIUoa a firmer Cndy. staggering blow and demonstrate at the outset that we are in thu war to win. "And do not forget that to deal this blow at once may save counties Am erican Uvea, 8res Vol lint Systran. "On the other band,' to hesitate, to discuss, to dispute, or to reject uni versal service and adopt the volun teer system Is to 'give aid and com-, fort to the enemy by convincing him that we are not 'in earnest. "The president made every effort to keep the peace, but peace or any thing else in this world Is worth noth ing if bought at the price of honor. "The, Germany military caste hate the very name of America. I know that if we had remained out of this war we would have been attacked by Germany. Middle West Apathetic "I have heard that people in the Interior of our great country. In our : great middle west are apathetic do not believe that war with a European power would affect thfem. I do not ! believe this: The people of the mid- : die went are too intelligent to believe that if German submarines ruled the. : schb, their prosperity would not be touched, that If a German army land. ed In Mexico and armed and led a force to the north that the middle west woul get off scot free. ' An army which meets no opposition can go far find a tribute on a blockaded country muRt be paid by all. "Knowing the mind, and might of Germany as I have for the past two and a half years, I appeal to the en tire country, not only as a patriotic duty but as an absolutely necensary measure of self-preservation, to stand by the president and urge the pas sage of the administration bill for universal obligatory military service." MILTON HAS GREAT PATRIOTIC PARADE Wlioh- ity ;lvce 1'iiiiiHl Support to Hreparednees cmont raton- Mass M.'llrur Is Ab Held. ( Eaft Oregon ian Special.) MILTON', April 27. By the work of a committee of patriotic citizens and by the support of ths whole city, the grand patriotic preparedness pa rade and mass meeting which was held last night was made a grand suc cess. Nearly all of the Milton residents gathered to see the grand parade, which was led by the Twin City band. The parade was formed af the college and marched through the main streets of the town. The real thing that caused the grand event was from the Influence of prominent speakers from Pendle ton who held a meeting In the com mercial rooms last Saturday. After the parade a program was j rendered In the college. The program was as follows: "America" By Band Invocation By E FL Naylor "The Reason for America's En trance Into the European War By Mr. McRat Muslo ; .Olee Club- And many more numbers that need not be mentioned here. Fre! Free! Another $200 phonograph to be given away at the Boston Store. See it In their window. Adv. ARCADE TODAY I 'arowiou n t f krewta Mae Murray 1n ON RECORD a drama of aviatlonflMd, poliea court and MS". The aero plane always picturesque tos j?ct. plays an important part tm the story. In Addition Paramount Pkloraftfr. Pastime TODAY IT'S A Til HIM. KK This film drama of the West with Its bandita and cow punchers But it's different and better because It's a WIIiMAM POX film presenting for tha first time two new stars JV1LMA- XICH and VIOLET PALMER Don't Fail To See "The BLUE STREAK" In Addition. Ftoxfllm Corned) A BATH HOrsE TANGLE With Porter Sunns. Mill HI LAW A; ) ; A Is Any lie Safe? A Gripping Story Intensely Interesting STARRITVO BEATKIZ M1CIIFXKKA. "thk I'xwKrrres law -is wvea part ptKrto-trmm adjtj.d from Kdwin Milton Korle-'s Maire ncros off I tic mme tittoC Tlw mary ia whole some and Mr and droHopa Uiroagto brrathleiM ntsprnor to one of me non Uirllling rlinuura ever attained ta motion picture art. An advmnoe ay uoptiia or it nere is inadviiiaiile and would detract from onea later pleas ure In weine It, stnee much of tne m terext of tlie derelnpmrnt of tne pio on the screen banrs on a thread of mjrxterjr and Mtrprlxe that Is wma oat. with ek-ver produtina; toorhea. to the rjr end of tlie Mory. ALTA THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WORKS I'KIU'IV AIj Mntrin". trroliatle, lanrlnff. Contorti on. Talkinc and Corned jr JugUnK. VAUDEVILLE ARCADE ?Xday May 3 and;4 : TWICl daily-2:30 . M. and arts r. ' BICOWN Jt UHKRM.lt ClasKT Singing and Talking. I SI AL, ADMIKKIUN. Priors: Matinee, 1st 10 liows 3Sc lteKt or House Sue tight: Baloonjr 3.V: 1st 10 rows SOer. icest or House 3c - ' ID 1 I-"'" I vi f Afc. ft . . I- i - ; 99 William Fox of m Goo Awwerre The Tranwendental Triumph or Ititarii RpiftarularlKsn. th- Ouipl-d Climax f IsitlMh lrolntikn. Km hanllnK llcaiitr. Sr-nlc M4i'nlir. KxqubJto Art ami .StausiTiiie Maimltiidt. 1IIK OM.V M1I.IJON IKI.I.M Mrl l fill I I! K K 1 It M AKK. YOU WILL SEE The ni MiiiNmlou isMTt'smry err -him-n: u will o tlirilhMl with hn:e twtlh hthm-o. autnjMd with darlm: vtatfr Miitilr ir Mlv Kt'lli-rninn: dctichlctl with tlie Tiiulttlr aiiiatl- of the hi'aiiiintl MYmail until a are fNu-ly 'll iHttind with tlM fiM.rntily of It all. st I'l Kll Ml .-U Al. x lH;Ki)iaII) rKUM'd tor tlu priMilH-tifin. i'llrTK K SIX I'1K1 Mil. V i I V-wJS- V J v . i 1 ' . ' l-T Hill llrTK OK SIX IMtVKS Mild. I tltVlvl, M a .... f i