EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1917. T AGE FTV Phone 640 GQnOY will help you! Every day more Satisfied Customer are added to our Money Saving Store. Comb Honey, the comb :. .. . 15 Best Cider Vinegar, quart bottle 10e Strawberries, the basket 20 Pie Plant, 4 pounds 25 Herring, 2 tins 25 9 lb. Sack Yellow or White Meal ............ 43 9 lbs. Best Eastern Hominy t. 45e Matches, the box 5 10 lb. Sack Rolled Ooas "Z7.".'.'."55e .1 lbs. Palace Car Macaroni . 25 Skinners Egg Noodles, the package , 10 3 Packages Corn Flakes 25 4 Packages Baking Soda 25 Italian Prunes, the pound 10 Peaches, Pears or Apricots, No. 2yt tins 20 Log Cabin Syrup, quarts 42; 2 gallon 70. gallon fl.35. Pineapple, the tin 10 Hersheys Cocoa it lb. tin 20; 1 ib. 35 Head Rice 3 lbs. 25; 13 lbs. $1.00 Red Salmon small 15; tall 20 Oysters 8 oz. tin 20 ; 4 oz. 10 Van Camps Pork and Beans , 10 Best Evaporated Peaches, lb 10 Light House Cleanser, the tin 5 ARM AND'S The only NEW face powder ia the past 50 year Oh yea, there are many, many kinds of powders on the market, but this one is absolutely different from any you have ever had. The price is reasonable, toe 50 cents KOEPPEN'S Have It. Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES -r HOT TAUALES CSIlLUCOn CARNE AfflSH sTtxa LUNCHES COFFEE Bverjrtblni elsaa aad up-to-date. riBST CLASS BBRVICB TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb and Cottonwood mm. Pkooo MT. Poodloton. Or. The Call of Spring ia answered by Bond Clothefs $15 to J3S Be a part of the season. Your suit is here. Bond Bros. Utitfitiera Fair and Tnol Wm-k. WAKHI.-lTOf. April SJ. Pacific Slates: Generally fair weather, except occasional show. era along- the north Pacific e coast, with temperature some- what below the seasonal aver- aire. Rocky Mountain and Plateau Regions: Generally fair weath- er with temperature near the e seasonal a venire. B. W. BOWIE. Forecaster. et MANY KKKK OPMOK1W BERTHS War THirimrtit to Artk Money to Pay Kalarie of HrnfeV. WASHINGTON. April 23. Mors than 16,000 applications have been received by the war department for rommiaslons In the officers' reserve corpa. The department will aik con rreaa for appropriations to pay sal aries of thoae attending; training eflmpa, but in the meantime will a0t those who have passed examinations to attend cam ps pen d 1 n jr conald era tlon by conRTew. Transportation and subKintencv hIao will be 'paid. STOMACH UPSET? Get at the Real Cause Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That' what thousand! of stomach offerers are doing- now. Instead ot taking tonics, or tryins to patch tip a poor digestion, they are attacking the real cause of the ailmentr-clogged liver and disordered bowels. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse the liver in a soothing, healing way. When the liver and bowels are per forming their natural functions, away goes indigestion and stomach troubles. If you have a bad taste in vour mouth, tongue coated, appetite poor, lazy, don't-care feeling, no ambition or energy, troubled with undigested foods, you snould take Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel Dr. Edwards' Olive' Tablrts are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. You will know them by their olive color. They do the work without griping-, cramps or pain. Take one or two at bedtime for quick relief, so you can eat what yon like. At 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. 5 Cfotliiera. gj MONDAY, Turning to IVaneful Purwalts. . Karl XToutts, local boxing promoter, say he's coins to trliliKt and quit the fight came. '- s . Honor ami Jinwerve. First Boob What Is , this here Girls Honor GuHrd? - Second Boob Oh, that's the maid enly reserve. , Or Make I'se of Our Dead Beats. ,Wlth sugar selling at a price that almost bankrupts a rich man, more of . us ought to take to raising cane, They Saw the Herr Up. Several smull children of the grade schools were sent to the high school one day last week and they arrived there breathleiw and excited. . "Oh Mim Butler," they cried to the hea-1 of the UoineMtlc science "a German spy followed us all the way up the hill. "How do you know he was a Ger man spy?" she asked. 'Oh, he wore big slack goggles." said one, and another piped up, and he had the funniest little mous tache." Mies Butler looked out the window and found that the Teuton spv .was none other than Chet Feo who diutlne-iilshefi his appenrn-nce wltli horn-rimmed Specs and a 'misplace. I eyebrow. The S"ng of Poor Fattier. There has been a great cry ralscri for a national anthem auch as may be used as a battlesong. The Bull dogger leaves Jhe task of writing such a sonjr to others but proposes the following for-the army of father" who foot the bills at home. It should be sung with a tremulo effect and to the tune of "The Old Oaken Bucket." How dear to my pur is the high coat of living When the first of each month comes a-rolling around. The precious potatoes, the corn and tomatoes. And e'en every product that comes from the ground. Oh. the high coat of living, the tri- cost of living. The sky cost of Irving that nana o'er us now. long for the time when my bank roll will cover, Th. nrice, of nuch thin as so fondly -.riied For ncn it W .train me. vea verilv drain me To buv the proud onion that once I deettlned Oh the high enrt of living, the cost of living. The -ir. vat of llvlne- that hanrs o'er us now LOCALS 8b Advertising in Bi iet Her tin ftrst .uiwrtto- ...lr lr Hue. additional tnaertloa.. . . . 5 lr Una. pr moats 91 No itw-ai taken for leas tbsa 2&c. Coast tf ordinary vorM tu ho. Locals ill ot be taka over tee telephone eioept frout Beat Orttft taii paid op ubacrleere Howwis for rent. Oeo. W. coutta. For rm Aipartmfnt, V 1 7 Lllleth- Dr. Proebstel. chiropodist. Tel. 111. McMatr Apartments, 77? Thorn p. son street. ' For rent l-room house, food oon dttion. Phone 44. Wanted Good, clean rags, at Tht East Oregon Ian office. For rent Furnished front room, or 1 tf desired. Phone 74. Milk Clean, pure. When In need ot It phone Bd Morgan. IJ. Sewlns; try engagement or at home. Phone 731 at. Wanled Girl for general house work, phone 414. Married man want steady job in city. Apply 914 Tustin. Rufca and carpet a cleaned. Old onea bought K. F. Hill. Phone 47. For rale Oheet of carpenter tool. A bargain. Inquire F. this off! re. Room and boant for man and wife. 7S7 tardnn stret-t. phone 341W. D. B. Waffle auio for hire. Phone 2MM. Stand. Charles Co.. Phone T. 1 haul your garbage and traah Phone 6&3M. H'H W. Railroad at. Two second hand pianos fur sale very reasonable. Inquire this office. Furnished rooms ground floor tei Water street. For rent Furnished room In pri vate home. 06 OUvln. Widow wa-nta position as house keeper on ranch, phone X3K4. For rent Furnished or unfurnish ed eight room houee. Phone 24SW " For sale Few good youns; register ed Hhorthorw and Herford bulla. Phone 14C. Pendleton aleat Co. Ettgm for hatching;. Barred Ply mouth ftocka, l. Ot for 1. Inquire O. W. Jackson, i2 Ijnng street. For rent New 7 -room house. If J per month. 712 Mill street. Apply Walters Mill For rent Sleeping room with bath and telephone Oentlemen preferred. 309 8 Main. Phone 72W. .For carpentering, remodeling lob work, country or town, see John ltow man, 400 R All. Phene iJ. Books audited, office work and correspondence handled by hour or day. reasonable. Phone lOiW. For sale Omfectlonery store do ing rood buslmsas In live town near Pendleton. Address "J" this office. Al'lln SS. 117. Standing; ret. Pat Lonergan, who sells the public coal in winter and Ice in summer, was one of the recruits who reported for drill in the second reserve yes terday. Pat had forgotten much ot his military training- in the interim since his college days. So it happen e that when Lieutenant Venler gavu the command, "Rlgrht face," Pat turned the wrong way. . The officer called him down. Corporal Freder ick tttelwer interceded. "Pat's a fuel dealer," he said, "and shouldn't be ex. pitted to know right from wrong." ttolng- Up. Hpell Hal Corby and Don Saun ders are going to enlist in the avia tion corps. Buck That so? How did they hap pen to pick out the aviation corps? Kpell They took physics when they went to school and learned that hot air rtees naturally. Oil,, Ien, How Could You? If girls and women are going to learn military tactics, "there'll have to be some changes made in the in structions for drill regulations. Lieu tenant Lee Drake made this discov ery when he was Instructing the Girls ! Honor Guard. He was reading to them the instructions ror a soldier's position when at attention. "The heels should be held as close ly together as the conformation of the person will permit and the toes should point outward at an angle of 60 de. grees. The body snould be held straight, the cheat out and the shoulders slightly thrown back. Th? arms should be held at the sides." the elgows loose and the little finger ot either hand opposite the seams of the trousers" He never got any further. The drill broke up right there pbu-iivr Them by Xante. If local men were to serve their country according- to their names, we would find J. A. Horseman In the cavalry. Glen Cannon in the artillery and -Lyman Rice, 11. c. Bean and Ma.-. Korn in the commissary department. Ren Burroughs would be a trench digger, Horace Htlllman a sentry. Clarence Rixhnp a chaplain. Joe Tallman a lookout and Ray Crystal doing duty on watch. Anton Kratt and Frank -feline; would naturally be In the navy, Frank King would be In the rear and jonn ijyer ana worse Kell would be tn the bivouac ot me. dead. John ItaKer and Jim loose would find a place aim any company, i as would Horace Mann. 15. I. rower ! would be an asset tj any army or na j vy. dun Bye and Judge Fee ouu belong- to the purchasing department trl-!and we might expect to find Clint I Brown. A J. Klaok. Garlan Gray. Al- i iM-rt W hite and H. B. Green in the l comreci RKinwni. I Wanted Lady to assist In cooklna ! at Brown Ha.ll. j For ren t Fu rn tshed a par tmen ta Call 803 K. Railroad, or phune 224 W. For rMit Three modem house kevping rooms for rent. Inquire 300 Willow Wanted -Hunch grass pasture for about 300 aheep. Herder with them. Phone 10F5. For rent Furnished housekeeping apartmenta. Everything- new. In quire Downey Market. Wanted To buy a few stock hogs, weighing 70 lbs. and up. Phone 14. Pendleton Moat Co. Notice If your Overland oar is not right do not blame the car. bring it to us. Overland Hales Room and Ser vlct Mutton. 34 4 Main St. Wanted To buy 4 or 6 room house. .Hmall payment down and rea sonable payments by the month. In quire X this office. Mattress making, furniture repair ing:, upholstering, called for and deliv ered, city or country. . La Dow Bros.. lit Beauregard. Phone 337J. .Call Penland Bros, van to move your household goods. Telephone 339. Also I baggage transferrin and beavy4.au! log. i Irving ton Heights is offered for anJe In blocks of 36. 60 or the entire 107 lots, to the highest bidder. Plai of the property can be had at this of fice. For Nile Several hundred goo J No. 1 second hand wool bags at 46 cents each. Inquire H. W. Collins, 114 E. Court street. tree's Dressakins; School, drafting and tailoring taught. Patterns, cut to measure. All kinds of sewing done. Myriv-k residence. 90S E. Bluff Rooming bouee for sale. Male street, in center ot business district Doing good business. Inquire of Po land Bros. For Kent Sowing machines of all makes. 91.00 per .week. 93.00 per month. McOintock ft Simpson. 400 K. Court. Fr sale New and second hand Hewing Machines. Stager, White. New Home and The Free Machine. McCltntock sV Simpson. 400 fci Court. sLet us do your cleaning, pressing and repairing. We pay particular at tention to It. Suits made to order. Call at 111 E. Court, next to Westers ITnion Phone 7S9. Now ia the time to have your dam aged looking glasses resUvered. All work guaranteed perfect. Headquar. ters John 9. Raker Furniture Store. Main phone 76. Rend. Oregon, Is a rapidly growing j town of six thousand Inhabitants, 'good eohools. churches and excellent '. climate. We want men and boys for employment In logging camps, saw mills box and sash and door factor ies. Men with families preferred. A ddress K na p p -Cheney Com pa n v. Spalding Building. Portland, Oregon. KOHOS PICTURE MS What the Picture Theaters Have to Tell You. AITA TODAY. Lenore llrfa-li In "Her own people," In Omjunotion With Vaudeville. Ignore Ulrich, the beautiful and versatile young star who created such a sensation on the speaking stage In Moroaco's "Bird of Paradise" and Belaaco's "Heart of Wetona," scores another personal triumph in this stirring, modern photo-drama of ra cial conflict. Miss rJlrlch has the distinction of being; the beat portrayer of Indian types on tne screen and in "Her Own People" her peculiar taJ ents are given full sway. Krfith mtoreiy and Antonio Moreno at parti ma Today; He Met Her In Mecca. A most unusual place to meet a white girl and aho on a most adven turous errand. A wealthy young New Yorker, he wagered his fortune to reach Mecca the forbidden land where no Christian ever trod. To prove his case he was to get an old Bible secreted in the ruins He gets the Bible; a knave steals it and sets the natives after him. He becomes a pilgrim and presto he is kidnapped and forced Into a mar riage. But there is a provision he must announce the triple Moslem di vorce vow. How he fools his captors escapes with the g-irl he has never seen and to whom he is married, and how he regalna the Bible, makes; a joyous photo-drama Jammec with action humor pathos love and . purpose that will instruct, entertain and hold by Ha sheer heart pull. The story of a young American who In carrying out a wager Is forced to marry a girl whom he has nearer seen. Is caught in a sandstorm in the Orient and returns to New York vic torious with his compulsory bride, whom he has learned to love. Kny to Show Roman tic joorney. The Cosy theater is now able to announce that he will present Wil liam Courtenay arte Alice Dovey In the Pathe Oold Rooster play "The Romantic Journey. It was written by Ouida Bergere and the production made by the Astra Film Corporation under the direction of Oeorge Flta maurice. The story deals with the rescue of a beautiful young; Ameri can girl by an adventurous young fel low countryman who invades the lair of Ratoor. the East Indian villain. The supporting cast Includes Macey Harlan as Ratoor and Norman Tharp as a young- millionaire. T1TKI. RARA IX FOX IK WXE f EATI'RK OPKN'R XEW ARC ADR TUFATEB The New Arcade theater was form ally opened yesterday with "The Greater Love." a William Fox feature De Iuxe starring- the popular Theda Bara. The big theater played to ca pacity both afternoon and evening and Pendleton critics gave the picture much prwire. "The Greater Love" will have Its final screening tonight Picture doors open promptly at seven o'clock. WOXXD HAVE JEWS NAME ARMY I'NITS AFTKR BIBIsE HEROES NEW YORK. April 23. The Rev. DrI David O. Wylie. corresponding secretary of the board of the church erection fund of the general assem bly of the Presbyterian church. In a statement issued here, suggests the formation of Jewish regiments named after Jewish heroes. The statement, in part, follows: 'What an inspiring sight it would be to see say eight or ten regiments of Jewish young men marching to the sound of martial music, each regi ment named after some great Jewish U-ader, for example: Abrahams regi ment, Mo!es' regiment. Joshuas regi ment, tSldeon's regiment. King David's regiment, Solomon's regiment. Dani el's regiment. ' FARM PAP10RHTO DONATE SPACE publishers Offer to Print Ads for Re cruiting Free of Cfeanro. WAWHINOTON. April 33. Pub lishers of aricultural papers, representing- C.OOO.Ooo readers offering; to the government free advertising; space for the sale of war bonds or to pro mote enlistments In the army or na vy. Card of Thanks. We wish to express our sincere thank and appreciation to the manv i kind friends for then sympathy and j kindness shown during our bereave- j ntpnt an1 Iowa of wife and mother; alno for the many bountiful floral of-ferine-. La, R. DICKENSON (Adv.) ' and Family. 0"od IMrt for foalo If you have a lot that you want 1 v..w. - 7" ... " it at a reaannanie pnee. 11 win pa? It will yon to phone 22 'H at once. Adv. Fr! Another $2K phonograph to be irtven away at the Boston Store. See It In their window. Adv. Aato 9tac. For Adaina, Athena and Weeto leevee Allen-Ward Co.. at a. ra and t lO p. m. each dav. Phone 490 for reeervatlona Ralph Shaffer, prop Adv. 1o Tow Want a Tfoane? To you want a home? If eo. I wiP eell yon a lot and ma ran build ronrwlf. or I will aell you the lot an hulld the home for yon and a-tve yoa term on the aarne. A. H. Cox. .Adv.) Will Pay Yo raw. For potatoee, inr quantttv Alee for emrn, pooltrr drewed pork and iL Pendleton Fruit Co.. phone 'CASCfflS" BEST If HEADACHY, BILIOUS. SICK, CKTIPATED BEfcT FOR UVKK A.VD BOWELS. HAD BREATH, BAD XM, sjOUR aTOMACIf. Get a 10-cent box. Sick headache, biliousness, coated tongue, bead and nuse clogged up with a cold always trace this to tor pid liver; delayed, fermenting; food In the bowels or sour, gassy stomach. Poisonous matter clogged in tha intestines, instead of being; cast out of the system is re-absorbed Into the; blood. When this poison reaches thi delicate brain tissue it cune con gestion and that dull, throbbing, sickening- headache. Cascarets immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigest ed food and foul gases, take the ex cess bile from the liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poisons In the bowels. A Oascaret tonight will surely straighten you out by morning. They work, while you sleep a 10-cent box from your rugglst means your head clear, stomach sweet, breath right complexion rosy and your liver and bowels regular for months. RUSS FOOD STORES EXPROPRIATED FOR GOVERNMENT USE Harvest of 1916 and 1917 Must Be Placed at Disposal of State. LONDON, April 21. A Petrograii dlspatcli to Reuter's says that the provisional, gowroment has ordered all reserves of the 1918 harvext ot corn and cereals wnich are fit for fodder to be placed at the disposal of the state. The entire reserves ot the 1917 harvest, except what is re quired for seed and the needs of fam ilies of the. peasants, has alao been expropriated. Isme Breshkovskaya, known as tbfe "grandmother of the revolution." has arrived at Petroarad from Egreria. where she has been exiled for her political activities against the old regime. win a.i.i. ill . . O 1. .1114 ...... 1 : The New Baby To the expectant mother the eominr of the new baby should be an event of great joy. She should be bright and happy. A cheerful frame of mind will influence her cominr baby's entire future Hfe. Thousands of mothers Tor the past fifty years have used "Mother's Friend. This preparation has a soft- 1 en in r, penetrating effect on the ab- I dominal muscles. The period before I childbirth is made much easier. Much of the pain is avoided at the crisis. ' '. "Mother's Friend" is a safe prep aration. It has won the hifrhest re- , Card of all mothers who have used it and is a prescription of a noted doc- ! tor. Get a bottle from your druggist ! today. Apply it night and morning. A valuable book containing some- i tiling every mother should know has been prepared for users of "Mother's Friend." It is free. Write Bradfield Rejrulatsr Company, Dept. N, 479 Atlanta, Ga, today for this book. KEEP URIC ACID OUT OF JOINTS TKUI.fi RlfTCI tMATTSM Sl irKR TO KAT IsKSS MKAT ASU JUieumatiam ia raster to avoil than to cure, atutea a well-known au thority. We axe advi.I to rirf. warmly; keep the fret dry; avoid ex posure; eat lesa meat but drink plen ty of rod water. Rheumatism i a. direct result of eating too much meat and other rich foods that produce urtc acid m hie! ia aoMorbed into the Mood. It ia the function of the kidneys to fitter thi acid from the blood and ca4 it out in the urine; the pore of the akin t arr alao a meuia of free in it the Mood .if this Immiril v In f a. m killi- 'rold weather the kln pore ere closed thua forclnp: the kidneys to do double work. they become weak and ftliurKiah and fall to eliminate the uric arid which keepa acvumulat- ' irur and circulating throuarh the li tem, eventually eettllna; In the Joint and muaclea cauame; atiffneaa. ir neni and pain called rheumatism. ; At the first twinre of rheumatism gnt from any pharmacy about four ounce of Jad Saita; put a taMespwtn ful in a prlaaa of water and drink be fore breakfast each mornina for a week. This la aaid to eliminate uric acid by frttmulailnr the kidneys to normal action, thua ridding- the bloo I of.theae impurities. Jad Salt la Ineipenstre. harmlen and la made from the add of gm ) (and lemon juice, combined with lit H - it and la ueed with excellent result by thousand of folka who are ub Ject to rheumaUam. Kere -ou hav- a pleant. effervescent ltthia-.t r drink which help t.rcm uric arid nd ia bvnefiil to vmir K t -! rt as well. (ARtADEfi jJTHEATRE I (Formerly the Temple) ' TODAY Paramount Presents "Her (ten Pec? Is' with LENORE ULRICH. . f , A thrilling modern drama . of racial conflict. Vaudeville! BILLINGS DUO Singing, Talking, Dancing. MOGENI & TRAIN Singing, Talking Specialty COSY Way Pathe Cold Rooster Play, The Romatic Journey with William Courtney and Alice Dovey. A thrilling, absorbing pho toplay on romance. mj-' tery and adventure. PASTIME Today! Greater Vitagraph PrseasU "Aladdin from Broadway with EDITH STORY aad ANTONIO MORENO. How to Get a Divorce in a Minute. In Addition The Katzenjammer Kids, "The Captain Goes a Flrv tog. ihtui? I 0 W 1B A f ' s aSis ssai 50SY ruES.