TWELVE PAGES PAGE SEVEN DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1917. I I I Sunday at Round-Up Park, 2:30 p. m. UOODHEl. vs. COLORED t.KHMANS THY TO C!ttSK IiOIU)Kll TO HtHAAKn AM8TKRJAM. April 11. More than KX Ocrman rusilllers, sailor. landstrumers on Monday evening tried to cross the Dutoh'-Uelglan fron Iter from the environs of Knockle to near Cadxand. Holland, saya the Han 'rielsblad. but the attempted desertion was fruat rated after the party had been ouraued and attacked by Uh lans. The deaerteda were fired on by VKVKlt IIEMOVK YOCIt ;IiASNr'.S FKOM MIlllMMI TO XHiHT tw- everything with 'he mine pair of glasses. Be able to look up from the letter on your desk and see the wall chart or map acroaa the room or ' the distant buildlnKS with per fect clearness. Changing from reading glasses to the ones adupted to far vision is a waste of time sad putlen.ce. IV OLASSES XX TMf mVISU BMSOCAi. KRTPTOKH (pro nounced Crn-tocka) elimi nate wearing glasses with unsightly lines In them (hat blur your vision. KRYPTOK Glasses have clear, smooth, even sur- TiAI.K RrTHWFI.J. OinosnetrM Optician. American Nntl. Bank Hldg. PHONE 640 ft. 1 1 ! 1 1 ? Admission including urana jj Stand 25c f LEJ'S GO! L J "The unfailinc tUfactioia we give our cuto tners each day U WHY we hold our ever iiv-creating- trade. The name "Conroy' i on the tip of each housewife' tongue who profits by our CASH savin? ayatem." COFFEE The Folirer line of high grade Coffee's has . our trade going. Today note the saving made on this celebrated Coffee' "Ensign." Regular 30. the pound 25 "Comrade"....l lb. 30 ; 3 lbs. 85; 5 lbs. $1.25 "Shasta" 1 lb. 35f ; 3 lbs. 81.00; 5 lbs. S1.50 "Fireside," "Golden Gate" 1 lb. 40; 2't lbs (M; 5 lbs. $1.75. coion Phone 5c n s i of UOOLD TIGERS the I'hlan wlih machln gun and In a flffht which lai-d half an hour 38 of the deserters were wounded. The mounted gruardji along the frontier the newRpuper adds, have been dou bled. Though mot commonly eaten raw. radtnhea. especiaUy the laraer mortn. are a) ho cooked and served like creamed turnip, which they much re semble In flavor. The leaves can be used for irreens, or if they are very tender, can be added to aalade. ITnl ed States Department o Axiiculture. The your. and tender seed pods of nome varieties of radishes are some times used for picklinff like capers: In fact, the Madras or rat-tail radish 1m grown exclusively for its pods. Which are eaten cooxed and alv used in pickle maklnc. I'nited States De partment of AKTicmture. , It Is often said that celery is st nerve food, but there seems to be n warrant for such a statement: th belief Is probably a survival of th time when specific virtues were at tributed to atmoKt an plants and vejr". tnblea Bulletin ITnrted Ftates De partment of Agriculture. Wise Is the man mho declines to take his troubles too seriously. Flour was tl.;5; Is $3.05. . SuKar was $:.&: is $14. BO. Potatoes were $1; are $5.00. 8havna Boap was $2.S0; Is $4.00. Hair Tonic was $4.00; is $7.00. AM) fcTIIX, TUB HMIBKK KHAVKK yrK 16a. X. 1 PHONE 640 640 LOCALS St Advertising in Bl iet KATEo. ' Per tin tint Inaertlou ..10 ir Una, additional lueartlse.... Sc. Per Use. pr raonlh 1.0 No locals taken for less tbaa Hoc Count 6 oroinsry wunls w Una. Locals will nut be uses ovsr tba telcpbone esrvpt froui Uast Oregoev lan paid-up auiMtcrtbara. HoUHes for rent. Geo. W. Coutts. For rent Appartment, 7J7 Lillfth Dr. Proebstel. Chiropodist. Tel. 111. MoM aster Apartments, 777 Thomp. son street. For rent 6 -room bouse, good con dltlon. Phone 44. For rent Wheat farm. Phone 38 7M. Pendleton. Ore. Wanted Good, clean rags, at Tha East Oregonian office. For rent Furnished front room, or 2 it desired, phone 746. Milk Clean, pure. When In need of it phone Ed Morgan, tttJ. Sewing by engagement or at home. Phone 7J1M. Wanted Girl for general houie work. phone 11. Married man wants steady Job In city. Apply 14 Tustin. Rugs and carpets cleaned. Old ones bought B. F. Hill. 1'hone 47- For ale Chest of carpenter tooK A bargain. Iniuire F. thl oi. ice. Room and board for man and wife. 727 Garden street. Phone 24 Man and wife wih position "r ranch. Address Box 702. Echo. or. D. B. Waffle auto for hire. Phon. J84M. Stand. Charles Co.. Phone 1 For ale Few good young register ed Shorthorn and Herford bolls. Phone 146. Pendleton Meat Co. I haul your garbage and trash Phone SS3M. 140 W. Railroad au Two second hand pianos for sale very reasonable. Inquire this olflce. Furnished rooms, ground floor 501 Water street. ' For rent Furnished room in pri vate home. 80a Calvin. ' Widow wants position as house keeper on ranch. Phone 22F4. ' For rent Furnished or unfurnish ed eight room house. Phone 14 8 W " Eggs for hatching. Barred Ply mouth Rocks. $1.00 for rs. Inquire O. W. Jackson. J20 Long street. For rent New 7 -room house. Xtl per month. 711 Mill street. Apply Walters Mill. , For rent Two nicely ffurniHhe-1 housekeeping rooms. Inquire 121 Stonewall Jackson street. For rent Sleeping room with bath and telephone. Gentlemen preferred. 309 S Main. Phone 72W. For carpentering, remodeling .lob work, country or town, see John liow nuin, 400 E. Alta. phone ivttl. ' Books audited, office work anil correspondence handled by hour of day. reasonable. Phone 108W. For sale Confectionery store do ing Rood business in live town near Pendleton. Address "J" this office. Ixet Ladles small black purse, containing money and other article Reward if returned to this office. Notice If your Overland car is not nght do not blame the car. bring It to us. verland Hales Room and Ser vtct Station. 644 Main St. Wanted To, buy 4 or i room house. Small payment down and rea sonable nsyments by the month. In quire X this office. Mattress making, furniture repair ing, upholstering, called for and dellv. ered. city or country. La Dow Bros. 31 Beauregard. Phone IJ7J. Call Pentand Bros, van to move youi nouaehold goods. Telephone It. Auk uaggaga transferrin and heavy haul ng. Wanted To buy a few stick bogs, weighing 7 lbs. and up. Phone 14. Pendleton Meat Co. Although I did not win in the Dia. mend Ring Contest. I wish to thank the many friends who so kindly sup ported me. Marie Mlkesell. Irvlngton Heights la offered for sole In bKK-ks of 26. 60 or the entire 167 lota, to the highest bidder. Pla! of tin property ran be had at this of fice). ' For sale Several hundred good No. 1 second hand wool bags at 46 rents each. Inquire H. W. Collins. 114 K. Court street. Lee's Dresaaklng School, drafting and tailoring taught. Patterna cut tc measure. All kinds of sewing done Myrirfc reeldencs. l E. Blurt Rooming house for sale. M.-ili street, in center ol business aistrict Ooing good business, inquire of Pro tend Bros. For Rent Hewing lliaehines "if all makes. i.oo per week. tJ.on per month. McClmtock a Simpson. 4" E. .Court. Fur sale New anil second hand Mpwlng Machines. Singer, White New Home and The Free Machine. McCllntork Wmpson. 4O0 K. Court, lis sell Window washer, carpet and wajlpa4er cleaner and gardener An.' kind o fwork done by the day or Job satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 14. Let ue do your cleaning, presstns and repairing. Wo pay particular at tention to It. Suits made to order. Call at 11 IE. Court, next to Western In Ion. Phone 7(0. Agents Wanted For our non-Irri gated, low priced trees. Unequalled proposition for right man. Our new agents' contract is a winner. Addre-s Pacific. Nursery Company. 132 1-t Grand Ave-. Portland, Oregon. Bend. Oregon, as a rapidly growing town of alx thousand Inhabitants, good acnoolo. churches and excellen" climate. We want men and boys for employment In logging camps, saw mills, box and eaeh and door factor- Men with families preferred. Address Knapp-Cheney Company. Spalding Building. Portland. Oregon. MOTION FiCTURf What the Picture Theaters Have to Tell You. aivta fsiwfwitra paramch vr PKTTI RBH ABTI VAUI VlXdJa TODAY. The Iuiky-Paramount production of "The Winning of Salty Temple" in which Fannie Wara will be seen ai the Alta theater today only, is taken from Rupert tSarffent Holland's fa mous novel "The Heart of Sally Tem ple" and deals with the adventures of young actreiw hired to impersonate ward of a wealthy young noble man, in'the cast supporting Miss Ward are suchS excellent artists a Jack Iean, Horace B Carpenter, Vol Vale, Kugene Pal let te, Billy Klmer. Paul Weigel, Walter Vong and oth ers. AUTA SUWD AY-MOWD A Y. Umire llrloh In "Her own pple. Iu xnjunc4ion With VudeIIIe. Leuore Ulrlch, the beautiful and versatile young star who created such aaensation on the speaking stage in Morosco's "Bird of Paradise" and Belasco's "Heart of Wetona." scores another personal triumph in th! stirring, modern photo-drama of ra cial conflict. Miss ririch has the distinction of being the best portrayer of Indian types on tne screen and in "Her Own people' her peculiar tal ents are given full sway. Rdtlli Storey sjmI Antonio Morenu Mt Fwttlme tHunday-Mimdn-y. lie Met Iter In Meocm. A most unusual place to meet a white girl and also on a most adven turous errand. A wealthy young New Yorker, he wagered his fortune to reach Mecca the forbidden land mere no Christian ever trod. To prove his case he was to get an old Bible secreted in the ruins. He gets the Bibl a knave steals It and aets the natives after him. H'" becomes a pilgrim and presto he Is kidnapped and forced into a ' mar riage. But there Is a provision he mut announce the triple Moslem di vorce vow. How he fools his captors escapes 1th the girl he has never seen and to whom he is married, and how he regains the Bible, maKefe a joyous photo-drama jammed with action humor pathos love and purpose that wilr instruct, entertain and hold by its sheep heart pull. The story or a jmung American who in carrying out a wager is forced to marry a girl whom he has never seen, is caught in a sandstorm in the Orient and retusns to New York vic torious with his eompulsory brile. whom he has learned to love. St? t Kliow "Ronwintic Journey. The Cosy theater Is now able to announce that he will present Wil liam Courtenay anc Alice Dovey in the Pat he (Sold Rooster play "ThP Romantic Journey" on Sunday and Monday. The scenario was written by Otilda Bergere and the production made Ty the Astra Film Corporation under he direction of George Fits maurlce. The story deals with the rescue of a beautiful young Ameii; can girl by an adventurous young fel low countryman who invades the-4air of Batnor. the East Indian villain. The supporting cast includes Macey Harlan as Ratoor and Norman Tharp as a young millionaire. THFTA RARA IV THE UHKATTCR. IjOVR" OPFTffi IVKW ARCADE THKATT2. The opening pietttre of the Arcade TheHter. formerly the Temple the ater, has been selected with much care and is a picture that should aive the new houwe a good start. William Fox. noted for his better class of pic tures, presents Theda Kara In her latest special production Pe tame. The Oreater lve" Those who like Theda Para's plays need no Intro duction to the type of play "The (T-reater love represents. The biar brolh.r of pldlty. Cupid is ru- If you want lo w. Rudd really splint, phon 95. Tell him you have a ault to or press. Tou will say that he is not only fast on his feet but also that h. is the best cleaner In town. -HrmiAI. OFFER. THIS WEEK ONLY. Vhn I call for your clothes if you strike me with a shovel or run me around the block there will be an extra chsrjre of 25 cents. No one barred but Johnson. fANMit Waco . . ThE. Winning of 5ally Temple AI.TA THEATRE (Formerly the Temple) GRAND OPENING Sunday, April 22 William Fox PreaenU Theda Bat a in "THE GREATER LOVE" 7Act 7. DlTiK OF AJjBA KEsPUSES PORTIXIjI O OP TOfAWCf: MJnJUT of interior in Ietirlnjf Cab inet one o Causes of Reeiff nations. MADRID, April 21. The Duke of Alba, minister of the Interior in th retiring- cabinet whose differences of opinion with Premier Romanonec were one of the principal causes of Mhe resignation of Count Romanones, refused at first to accept the portfol io of finance in the new ministry of Premier Prieto. Subsequently, how ever, he changed his mind, havinp learned that his declination if per sisted In would cause several other liberal statesmen to refuse to serve. The duke said that in agreement with Premier Prieto, they would continue the international policy set forth In the king's mess-age unless a change should be necessary, in which case the intervention of parliament natur ally would be required. CJIRI TlRNS DOW' KI.AOKKRS (lih-atfo Mfftfl Has Had Tliat Man Proposals In a Week. CHICAGO, April 21. An 18-year- old rnlKg. whose name Is withheld. In letter to Capt. Kensey of the re cruiting service, voiced her contempt for slackers today. "Six young- men, she wrote, 'have proposed to me since the war was de clared, and I think they did it to evade service. I simply told them what I -thought of them. I'd enlist as a nurse If I could, but 1 have to stay home and take care of my in valid mother." ONE WOltl) RHPL.Y TO PACIFIST CorurrcMsnian 31cCormick Teiccram to Chicago Woman. WASHINGTON. April 41 -Old-dal Washington is smiling; broadly a: the telegraphic correspondence be tween Representative Medlll McCor mick of Illinois and a woman pacifist of Chicago. "We elected Presiaent Wilson to keep us out of war, sue wired, pro testing against any action asainst Germany. McCormick answered with a one word message: "Stung." CAS ONLY PI-3USHABI: XMD CHICAGO. April II. Ouiners and Jobbers met here today to prepare pinna for the canning of only periah able products, such as fruits ' and vegetables, during the mar. This i ssld to be necessary necause of a shortage of tin. NKW SP.V-VISII CABINKT IXMtMED Marquis Prieto sncroeds to Portfolio of emmt do Rnsiaaoaea. MADRID. April 11. Marquis Man uel Garcia, Prieto. president of the senate, today formed a new cabinet to take the place of the ministry of Count de Oomanones, which had ten dered Its resignation. Marquis prieto at times held the portfolios of minister of foreign af fairs, minister of Justice and minister of public works. He is a member of the permanent Hague tribunal. As was the retiring cabinet. the TiI.Y. iaTH- X TODAY 1 Paramount Presents The Winning of Sally Temple with FANNIE WARD Eaed upon Rupert Sar gent Holland's celebrated novel. VAUDEVILLE EDWARDS & McKENNA That Harmony Singing Duo. SWIFT & DALEY The Musical Bugs. PASTIME Today! "Mar&h the Pythoness ' 3 Acts 3 HAM & BUD In "The Safety Pin Smug gler in Stumpland." Clever comedy. PASTIME Sunday Monday Greater Vitagraph PrsenU "Aladdin from Broadway with EDITH STORY and ANTONIO MORENO. How to Get a Divorce in a Minute. In Addition The Katzenjanuner Kids, "The Captain Goes a Flrv ing." new ane will be liberal. Count de Romanones asserted that revisions In pulio opinion with regard to the cab. i net's foreign policy had compelled him to resign. WAIt LOANS TO RE PIT IN OPERATION AT OXCK WASHINGTON. April Jl. The government won't wait the sixty days required to put the war loan Into op eration. Wlien the house passes the bill the treasury certificates will be issued Immediately so the flow of gold to finance the war can begin. McAdoo announced. OstnoUc Ti arch. Second Sunday arter Easter. Mass es at , I and 1 o'clock. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Bvenlng services at 7:39. Daily mass at T:SS a. m. Wed nesday la the Solemnity of the Pat ronage of St Joseph and Thursday the feast ef St Mark, evangelist. Rood Dirt for Kale. If you have a lot that you want filled with good dirt and want to get It at a reasonable price, it will pay yoa to phene 2STR at ones. Adv. 0I.EGQ Sat. NOT A PICTURE CASK1LL a Mac VITTY, inc., OFFER A NEW PLAY "THE OTHER MANS WIFE" By VICTOR E. LAMBERT With ANN HAMILTON A strong-, clean, ten drama that grip. but never offend. PRICES 50c, 75c, $1.00 SEATS. DELTA CANDY STORE. SUNDAY-MONDAY Paramount Present "Her -On People" with LENORE ULRICH. A thrillingmodern drama of racial conflict. Vaudeville ! BILLINGS DUO Singing, Talking, Daneing. MOCENI &. TRAIN Singing, Talking Specialty COSV Today "WOLF OF LOS A LAMA' ' Marion Siaa, "REGISTERED POUCH" Helen Gibs "PIRATES OF THE AIR" Grantland Rice Police Re- COSY SUNDAY MONDAY Pathe Gold Rooster Play, The Romatic . Journey with William Courtney and Alice Dovey. A thrilling, absorbing; pho toplay on romance, mys tery and adventure. Another 2 .phonograph t given away at the Boston Store, it in their window. Adv Aaio stage. ' For Adsuna, Athena and West as leaves Allen-Ward Co.. at II a. k and tit p. ra. each day. Pbeae for reservations Ralph Shaffer, area. Adv. To Ton Wast Tl aai T Do you want a home? ir so, I wm sell you a lot and you can bails) yourself, or I will sen you the lot and build the noma for you and give yew terms on tha same. a. H. Csul Adv.) Will Pay You Ovsa For potatoea. any quantity, ass for eggs, poultry, dressed pork and) veaL Pendleton Fruit Co.. Pheaw t(t. PablsB Dusk TouJrn. M-s Tha public is cordially la attend tha regular Saturday aigh dance tonight la Moos halL Msst by Sswyer-s orchestra. A dm tea lea. ! cents. Adv. . THEATRE April 21 t 1 :