TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONTAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1917. PAGE FIVE o. s. mm arf to li . , m -r 111 The Dean Tatom Co. Phone 688 SOLID PACK GALLON FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Sliced Peaches .. 50y Halves Peaches : SO? Loganberries .. . 50 Blackberries .. 50? Apples .. .: 50? " I. . Gooseberries .'. 65? Pumpkin 50? Huckleberries 75? Small White Beans, pound 15? Homi ny, 2 large cans 25?, Ripe Olives, in tin . 10?, 20? Maccaroons in packages :. 10? WEAR STEEL HELMETS (InpfiMo of lEONlNtfnr fltcel-Jwkrtcd r.u I let At a obttamw of loo Feet froiti a KprlnftTflrid III fir. W AHHI K"C3 TO N, April 21. Bullet and shrapnel resistant trench hi-lmeH have been adopted for the 17. S ma rt ties. The ''Soldier of the Sea." are the firm American armed forces to adopt thin apitsser -proof headgear and to actually prepare for Its man ufacture. The new Marine Corp helmet, with which the entire corps will be eiuip per. In a compromise between the French and the British tyna. it conform to the alze and shape of the average head and can be snugly fit ted by the adjustment of a ctoth cap inside. ' Tt la made of a Mingle piece of chilled fteei. Unler text the hel met resisted eight steel-Jacketed bul leta at lo feet from the sprinicfield rifle and broke only upon the Impact ft the ninth miasie. III .P- j-s.- w ' V T m luv ill VVJJ vCJcDUL JIVVQJ )UWJV IV&JU MUl mm mw m w. v. KNI.lNTM KNXH iiHxr.;K wood Ttwy prme, He Kay TMit VnWeraal rirrvl Is vnly Kound potfvjr. NEW TOUK, April lg. Major General Wood Issued a statement law night deplotiiift the, failure of popular recruiting alnc tre war declaration, and urging the support of President Wilson's demand for a universal mtl Itary service bill. He' said: "I think the press would serve AIT Kll OP HIIKI'MATISM. A. J. Walsh. neffela. Colo., Buf fered so with rheumatism he was un able to work. Me found that Foley Kidney Hills got rid of it for him. When the next attack came, ho wrote. "Send me Foley Kidney pills. I im badly done up with rheumatism and they are the only thing thr.t heli me." They work right on the kidneys, strengthen them to perfect action, clear awny the cause of rheii. inattsm, lumbago, stiff swollen, Ben in Joints, Are yeu a sufferer? Then j " " try Foley Kidney Pills. Your druif- Its Impossible for the rlhl git sella them. Tallman CV. - to kit a girl against her will. the country better rf It supported vigorously the president's announced policy concerning' the necessity for universal military service as the best emergency. "Recruiting; i not heavy, consid ering the circumstances. There seemn to be a general feerlng that military service should lear equally upon all who are fit. The publication of Incorrect reports to the effect that recruiting stations are swamped tend to encourage the Idea that the volunteer system will work, and thereby tends to bihld up opposition to the sound policy advocated by the administration and to mislead th-j people as to the facts." The statement was made follow ing a discussion of the success of re cruiting during the last few days In N'fff York fit v. Army . officers pointed out that at no time hu-l thrre been any congestion at the re cruiting stations. Thy snid that re ports showed that many times th ni mi tier of applicants coud be handled. SPORTS SUindtriKK W I, Pet. San Francinco 12 Vernon f 11 7 .1 1 Bait Lako 7 7 .60.1 Loa Anavle 7 .46 T Portland 7 10 .412 Oakland 7 11 . R. H. K. Oakland 6 9 Portland S 13 1 Batterien ArlU. Ilurnp nnd Murphy; lake. Keif rich an-l Fliiher. Sari FYnnclaco 3 ' Salt Lake 0 A V Hatterlea Steen. and McKf, Du bue and Hannah. . Vernon ; . 2 9 1 Lom AiiKelen . . . . i 1 6 t Batteries Tecannrere and I ,lm on. Brown and nle. (11 Inning - National earu. Ronton 4. New York !. 14 inning". Phllnelphla 4. Ilrooklyn J. . PHIshlira- . Chlcno 1. Kt. 7. rlnclnnatl . Amerlin I.aar. 'Milcair.. r. St. LoiiIh Iwroll 7. Olevelnnd 4 Phll.iili-llihln . Waithlnirton 4. New Vortc-Boston postponed. t " . ,:;n..i:i;ll.lll : !i:iimfttiHiHimnimiititifiiiiiiiHiiiiiittiiimi(imiiiiiiiiiiniHiiitnitiiiiiiiiiiililiilllllllllHTftfl& lii!!l!i!iiilitiliiiUiuiliii''!!iiulL : Hospital Supplies Fill your medicine chest from our fresh and full strength stock. ' TWO REGISTERED PHARMACISTS IN CHARGE OF OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT. Every prescription double checked. HOURS: Week days 7:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. Saturdays 700 a. m. to 11 :00 p. m. Only the best and sold reasonable. , Consult us when you want a registered nurse we maintain a nurse's directory. 1 TELEPHONE 711 , , . NIGHT CALLS 718 Economy Drug' Co. 1 j V SI William Courtenav, Patba Star. Omy Kunday and nday. TO INKVItK I'KAt'K HV XI W Km. I rinal Victory for lcniot-rac MHitlnl. VA.H.UTtX. April 21. Trux- Ilees if the -"!riwsic Kndow meat fr int rnatlonal Piiice in aniu'.il session ltre today tormallx rernnli-d ' their ielit.f that (be most effectual means of proinoiiii' du ruble p-ce is to j prosecute the war uglnst tiermany I to a final victory for democmcy. j Th re was no difference of opinion gjg nniotig th- It trustees present. S Tod.-iv's meeting was preliminary to ; be regular biistress WHMlnnn w hieh J 3 will I hld tomorrow. Tiiosc at - , E3 ti-mHnu w re Kllhu Hod, Joseph I. t'hoHtc, Robert l-'ncon. Jeoru1 " Ira . j rjS Robert S. 1 rotdtinus. Tbotnus i j Rurke. Xichdas Murray Hutfer. j 5 Charles Klliut, Ausim O. Fi. j j Robert A. Fmnks. Andrew J. Mon- E-3 j tan tic. J:iriU' l!riwu Scott, Jam s 1 Sladen. Oscar F. Straus. Rolnrt IS. j (Woodward and I.til e K. Wright. ! Hotel St. Ceorgo Building IH Telephone 711 Night Call 718 Kllllillllffl ISO l!iliiililiil!i;i rtmtx illlili iimrfimmr- liiUiilililUlUiliubltf 25 STALLIONS 25 GREAT PUBLIC 'SALE AT W. II. IIK.;S' STUl.K. Il K Or' I1VKKH Til K AT UK. Bate City, Ore, WEDNESDAY, HAY 9, 1917 AT, ONK O't'l.tN'K. IMItlltlr l AM V.MKICI W ltltt i ii:iu iil-:it(Nx MIIKI s, IU.M.I.WS M t I.MKSI l,tH l-Yiwn Twit to FJidtt Vears Md. ItKXKMItl It You will have an opMmiiiity to buy Stiilliotis st thU sjtle wHh sine and tnine talso correct ediareei that are extra aood and are etiunl In conformation to any you can find in the Northwest. A iso a few Stallions that I hnvt taken in exchange that 1 can recom n.tnU, that an broken to work, tine pair extra Kood perc heron nmrea, one Kood stntiflard Itred troitins stullion. -! hands hiKh, Weighs 13H. ne imiMirtcd ncman coach stallion. year Iasdd 14 stallions at public sale at Pendleton. While they o)d bm. I Ml.l Al l.. Afranae to see hors-s before sale. THIS IS Vul lt uI'l,ollTl NITr. Terms will be one-third cardi. Imlance 6 months' time: approved se ci.rlt. Two per eetu dwoutit for cash. I. It. .U M U K. niMncr, I In mm V.H. 1 taker City, Ore. ri.oiiinA To t iT nM .!; srpi'i.v PHI AMons oitr omirt a Month In Dry tVimtlew, TALI. A HASSKB. Ma.. A pi it 2 The lower house of t!te Fbrida leKis lature today passed a senate (till to prohibit shipment of t more than one Hi ait of Ibiuor a month to ramUlea in dry counties. The hill also m-oiil.l provide that no one in prohibition ter ritory except the head or a family may order liquor. The senate adopted a house bill In bs r so -ca 1 1 ed lock e r c I u I s fro m d r v counties. MEN'S, YOUNG MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE, INCLUDING THIS SEA SON'S NEW STOCK, NOT ONE SUIT RESERVED. MEN, DONT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY, IT LASTS A FEW DAYS ONLY. BUY NOW AND GET FIRST CHOICE OF THE NEW STOCKS. f ml v hv film III ' Remodeling Sale of Men's and Young Men's Spring and Summer Suits HERE'S YOUR CHANCE Not one suit reserved from our large and well selected fine stock of Men's and Young Men's Suits. A chance to make a big saving on your next suit of clothes. Don't paes this op portunity. Merchandise is going higher and higher, and here we are making big reductions right at the beginning of the season. IT'S ALL YOUR GAIN. i , ' " The carpenters are busily remodeling our Clothing Depart ment right now and we are compelled to lighten our stock in order to meet the changes now under way. --,. DONT WAIT BUT BE HERE SATURDAY and select that new Spring Suit and save dollars by doing so. The makes are Stein-Bloch, Sophomore and Schloss Bros. , ' Here are some of the prices of the High Grade Spring Suits : $12.00 $ 15.00 .SI 8.50 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 27.50 $30.00 Men's New Spring Suits; Remodeling Price Men's New Spring Suits; Remodeling Price Spring Suits; Spring Suits; Spring Suits; Spring Suits; Spring Suits Men's New Men's New Men's New Men's New Men's New Men's New Spring Suits; We guarantee a perfect fit. A the suit value. Remodeling Remodeling Remodeling Remodeling Remodeling Remodeling Price Price Price Price Price Price .. S9.60 $12.75 15.7 V 917.00 $19.15 $21.25 $23.35 $25.50 well fitted garment is half Remodeling Sale of Boys New Spring and Summer Suits modeling rrice f $8.00 Boys' New Spring Suits; Re modeling Price $6.40 8.50 Boys New Spring Suits; Re modeling 1'nce ?-o" Our stocks were never more com plete in the Boys' Department than this Spring, and we are going to give you an opportunity to save a nice snug sum on each s"uit if purchased during I his Remodeling Sale. Nte the prices below : $5.00 Boys New Spring Suits; Re modeling Price .j $4.00 $6.00 Boys' New Spring Suits; Re- ' modeling Price i.... $4.80 $6.50 Boys' New Spring Suits; Re modeling Price $5.20 $7.00 Boys' New Spring Suits; Re modeling Price $5.60 $7.50 Boys' New Spring Suits; Re Rovs' New Sijrinir Suits ; Re modeling Price $7.20 $10.00 Boys' New Spring Suits. Re modeling Price - $8.00 $12.00 Boys' New Spring Suits; Re modeling Price . $9.60 Complete showing of Boys' Blouses, Hats, Caps, Underwear, Ties, Knee r-ants, Coats, Etc. We are adding an exclusive boys' department during our remodeling of the store. r.,., m Our Bi S tore Will be Represented in lhimUreat Remodeling Sle. Dry Goods, Ready- to-Wear, Shoes and Notion... A EX AMP T P S llt:itMIKIT Ml t il ItkTTKK. NEW YOltK. April 20. The condi tion of Sarah Bernhardt Is erectly im proved, her physicians announced. Her recovery 4" expected. FOR BREAKFAST. EVERYBODY WHO WANTS THE BEST IN CORN FLAKES EATS POST TOASTIES STAItS n sntirKs l-'I.Y WITH I MOX y uK IOX1OX, April 20 Today is American day here. The stars and stripes are nanKlna every where. Formal ceremonies were held at Ht. l'aulp with roy alty, all members of the Krttbdi eabiitft and scores of prominent liriOshers attending. Kir the first time in history 'a foreign fhiti leide the I'nlon Jurk ovw the House of I'arliatikent. It mas the stars and stripe. KTUHiinnyiiriiiiinnrnniinnnininiiiiiu'Tiiininninrninirninninj illMilllllUlliilUllltUiililt.iillUllhlIiMiUiMllilMi.MilltHllHt!l( I jlW ME s. ( ZfZJ M's3 AH Rev. J. Q. A. Henry and Large Chorus Choir IN Union Evangelistic Service BEGINING SUNDAY NIGHT in HAPPY CANYON Bldg. 7:30 o'clock il II Tni!liirTl,fMSn,'rni''tfti-jlM!H'it',l,"tr'tTl'!'''tl,nmi'Ftiiir"f