PAGE SIX EAILY EAST OREGON! AN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1917." EIGHT PAGES AM IMjKrMMXCNT NKW8 PATER 4 and Rcml Weekla at rea- tffrton, Orejron. b the OKKtiUMAN I'liitLIMlINO CO. t the iwwtoffW lit Peadleton. as second-class null setter. City Official Paper. County Official Paper. Member United Prase Association. ON SAI.R IN OTHKR OITIKS taaawtal Hotel News Stand, 1-ortlasd. eVMneaa News Co.. Port land. Orcgtaa. ON FII.H AT Cslnave Barron. !H9 Security Rnlldln WartuairtaB, U r.. Bureau. &01 Four eaattai Street. N- W. SL'IWRIPTIO.N RATES 1N ADVANCE) neatly, eae year, by mail aaaiiy. 4X muiu tiR by nail nauy. tare eaontlia, by mail any, eae atoutn. y man.. y, year, by carrier slartli. fax aaoeltia. by carrier -taatly, taree im.ntlis. by carrier eae sao&ta. ay earner.. faaat Weekly, one year, by mall eaal-ev'eeviy, alx riwiths, by nail eaasf-Weasty. four months, by Mil. ..$.1.00 3.S0 1 23 .50 T50 a T5 . 1 9S . .6ft . 1.S0 . .75 tX TTMKS USE THESE. la liraea like these to aee at " last How petty and how vain such a tfeinsa Tfeat aeeraed erstwhile so huge and vast Tills is the hour for wider " wings, Ff nobler destinies, for deeds " That on high hills, where morning sings Twra Jire to action. not to " creeds, e Aaa buiij in soul and spirit, too. e The glory of a nation's needs And of great things to do. Slwrt.5d1S.;BRINGS CARRANZA'S REPLY TO U.S. QUESTION tier the necessity not merely oi supplying: .our own armed fore es with supplies but obligated to render such service aa far as we can to millions of men in the ranks of our allies. Then it becomes a pressing Quty upon all to take any steps possible to help this situation along. . The raising of additi onal food products in back yards, vacant lots, etc., can be made to - count for much Farmers can help greatly by using all their available land even if it be necessary to raise crops they would ordinarily neglect This extra cultiva tion may serve to keep starve tion next winter from thous ands of homes. It might turn the tide of war for soldiers cannot fight unless they eat. At a time like this the indi vidual should not wait upon his individual wishes or weigh too closely the cftance former sonal profit. The chief con cern is the general welfare. If you are able to buy all the vegetables you may need, raise them anyway if you can so as to increase the production. Don t be parasitical. - The food preparedness cam paign aims to reach everybody : don t be a slacker. - - MEN OF GOOD STAMP 5J la times like these to turn out and backs On little personal facta "W achemes a Tat seek new ways on broader tracks, And turn to duty from our drt-ami, Kb interest counting as our " -own. "Rut aa the land's all-interest " Hon "" Or saeh dominions as are known 4 - In the clear light of cloudless morn To cap the towers of time with strength "" For all tnat must he borne. " Selected. ... TO MEET A GENUINE NEED - fj'HERE may be some wast ed motion at times and more or less impractical advice but taking the food preparedness campaign as an e-otirety it is a splendid line of effort The campaign is in recogni tion of a genuine need. There is a. food shortage confronting the country. Next winter this I I If you are interested in purity first KG BAKING POWDER 13 what you should always use. There are many other reasons why but try a can and see for yourself. i ! I Ask i m am. m m in i " ,"a4 l J' 1 htm mmd i ... . M 'W' A OTH England and France are sending to America men with records entitl ing them to respect and good will from this country. Ar thur J. Balfour is known to the United States as well as to Great Britain. He is a business man and a capable one. From France come ex-Pre- rrier Viviani and General Jof-j fre. That he was at one time I the head of the French cabinet testifies to- the position of the tormer. Joffre has a different sort of a record and it is one with a particular appeal. He is the soldier who was com mander-in-chief of the armies of France turned back the Ger mans at the battle of the Marne. He is the man who blocked the kaiser in the one big thing the kaiser hoped to accomplish but could not the investment of Paris. Gen eral Joffre will be welcome in America not only because he comes as the representative of a friendly power Put because the average American admires him for the courage and abil ity with which he blocked, a foe. that was rushing hard towards his nation's heart. f nil Yk & -'w.xn Naaaev'. v. .wtv xw-- vvk ItXICAH AMBASSADOR ARRIVING Mexican Ambassador Ignacio Bon- ilas as he entered the United States at Laredo, Texas, being met by mill, tary and consular representatives and walking from the -boundary monu ment, at which he arrived in an au tomobile from Nuevo lAredo, Mexico, to the American side of the bridge. Here he marched through a long line of soldiery provided by a battalion of the Ninth infantry regiment and en tered a car awaiting him just as the band struck up "El Himno Naciona!.' the national anthem of Mexico. Am bassador Bonillaa was taken to the brigade headquarters at Kort Mcin tosh, where a salute was fired and h reception" tendered him, and at noon took the train for Washington. The picture shows Ambassador llonlllas aulking in the center; on the right Is Brigadier-General J. w. Ruchman, commander of the district of Lnredo. while on the left is United States .Consul Alonso B. Garrett. In the rear of these are Mrs. rtontllas. walk, ing with Major Swltzer, of General Ruckman's staff. THEY WILL REMEMBER 1914 TT the outset of the war the German socialists were bitterly opposed to the rtruggle. They resented the manner in which the kaiser and his war lords precipitated the fight. It was only love of the fatherland plus military compulsion that held them in line. The disregard for the wishes of the German social- iyts shown by the Berlin war I makers three years aifo stands :in striking contrast with the present policy of the imperiai government. The kaiser now I wishes the socialists to help 'him obtain- peace and he sends them to confer with Russian socialists. But such intrigue , may be expected to fail. In 'their hearts the socialists can Inot fail to ask why the war j lords did not consider their (wishes three years ago. They ; cannot have confidence in tht ;men v h' knew them not wher !they had a chance to render service and now comes to them i only because they have favor? to ask of the socialists. In the mind of the German as well as the Russian socialist the thought must stand out that the first step towards peace should consist in the overthrow of the Prussian au tocracy in favor of a govern ment by the German people. NO STOCK JOBBING HIS is not a time when n is necessary to mobolize the widows ana orpnans. the working girls and the pit tances of the poor to finance shipbuilding concerns in Ore- gon. It is not yet necessary to draft the savings balances o'- the humble to grease the way , for motorships. Men with business experi ence, business sen.-e and busi ness judgment are looking for oprortunm,f to invest mone agents will tell you so. But these men of sense, experience and judgment want to invest in the shipbuilding business. They do not want to embark in stock gambling. They want to put their money into the building of shipyards, into the construction of ships, not into commissions for stock sales men or bonuses for promoters. Shipbuilding promises to have a great future in Port land. It should not be an ac tivity for inflations or the plaything of promoters. The mining business in Ore gon has been throttled, stran gled and stagnated by stock jobbery, fake promotion and by fraud. In the argot of those responsible for its wreckage it was . the mining game, not the mining business. Such a cancer should not be permitted to infect the ship building industry of Oregon. When symptoms appear, the corporation commissioner, the f.istrict attorney, or both. should diagnose the case. If recessary, they should operate to remove the cause. It is a duty they owe the industrial health of the community. Portland Journal. THF OltOWIXG Glltl- . A girl when in her tens is passing through a critical period or h r life. The transition from childhood to ma. turity Is not always easy: consequent ly. In many cases health brenks down enUrely and the girl goes Into a de cline and dies, young If she escapes thistfate, she may fall Into a state of ill-health. ft Is of tne utmost im portance, Irf order to Insure normal and healthy development, that proper precautions le taken, and not h in ha proved more 'helpful than the faith. ful use of Lydla E Pinham' Vege table Compound, the great woman medicine and toliic. Adv. BRYAN DOES NOT INSIST ON BEING MADE A GENERAL DO YOU KNOW- That while Pendleton's Ited Cross membership la nearlng the thousand mark. Baker just organized last week with 10 members and La Grande ha nut vet got started? That it whs 141 years as tonlBht hat Iaut Kevere made his famou? ride? That competent ituthorleies estimate that SO per cent of the aseswd Ihii'1 Cmatiila county is mort.mmed 7 That tjeorge Strand has swirn off "nioking for a year That only the turn of n coper iln fcipt 1'orlland. Oregon, from be- ng n.imed Boston. Oregon? REALTY TRANSFERS Former Secretary of State Again Offer Services "Wherever Needed." WAaSKI.VOTON, April 1. William Jnninvft Firyan personally told tlw president he is for ''anything the gov ern men t wants in push in if the war to a .ji'fc. successful end." During the confert-nce with the president laMinft over a half hour he told the president j he is willing to. serve on the firfntr line j WndniiiiUniXit-iH.HiflUiiiilli.lS i ..iH i.UiUau.hiUiuMaatu.lU yjbeaitaJ ,4 at You Can Drive a Jeffery Sedan Every" Day in the Year Throughout all twelve months of the calendar, the family that owns a Jeffery Sedan is sure of driving comfort. With trie Sedan top in place and the. windows closed, neither a driving March downpour nor a December blizzard can disturb the passengers. For this top is built complete in Nash shops and fitted by experts to the Jeffery Six body. For summer driving, when there is no need for an enclosed car, the Sedan top is quickly removed and a regulation touring car top and windshield attached. The result is a standard Jeffery Six touring car. This is the new Jeffery Six which has been refined and improved by Nash experts. It is now built, backed and -guaranteed by the Nash organization. Jeffery Six Sedan, $1630. ' Standard touring car top and windshield $60 extra. THE NASH MOTORS COMPANY, KENOSHA, WIS. C. H. TORRENCE A complete service station maintained In otir own Karate at otninwood Htreet. Pendletutl. Telephone 4 or any where cine him. he president want Prof. Hertzog PraFses This Perfect Laxative Warrant) IM-eds. A. M. Mam. et ux, to R. F. Vanell. 1.09. mete and bound description In rnav addition to Milton. o. K. Wilson, et tix. to Anna Henn. I3l lota S and a. block 4. Xlrholrf Addition to Milton. I'matillM Farm Iands tn.. to W. A Mux hie. lio. ;i acres In section 5. township 4 north. rane 2. Now we know, hearts are put on no they'll le read. Thoae cute little vslentiues merely SAYS SHE CAVE HE COMMON COBN FLAKES FOR BREAKFAST INSTEAD CF DR. CAIaIVKKfc,'S SYRtP PEPSIN AS IDEAI, RRMKRY FOR CONSTIPATION. In every family there la more or 'ens occasion for a laxative remedy. It Is to meet this need that Dr. Cald well' Syrup Pepsin tie prepared, and chat thin combination of simple laxa Ive herbs with pepsin fulfills Its pur Done is proven by its place In thou sands of American homes. Prof. K. J. C. HertzoK, the well known linguist, 2341 North Orianna Street, Philadelphia, Pa., wrote t" Dr. Caldwell that he has used Dr. Caldwell's Syrup S'epsln n hi house. hold with excellent results and tn.-.t he and his family consider It Indeed tt friend in need, and always keep ft bottle of It on hand. Conut patlon Is the direct cause of much serious Illness and is a condi tion that should never be nerlected. Harsh cathartics and violent purga tives ehould never be employed to re lleve constipation, because the very violence of their action shocks the en tire s v-tem. A mild laxative, such a Dr. Caldwell's Frrnp Pepsin m far preferable, being mild and gentle in it action, without griping or other pain or discomfort; Its freedom from all opiate or narcotic drugs mnke It sn Ideal remedy for children. j IVofFJGKsrtzoAM r J IVarmtli and Economy go hand in hand with those w ho use our ROCK SPRINGS COAL Lump or Nut Dry Wood of All Kinds B. L. BURROUGHS Telephone 5 Or. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin la sold In drug stores everywhere for firtv r-ents a bottle. To avoid substitutes -I be sure to get Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. See that a facsimile of Dr. Caldwell's signature and his portrait appear on the yellow carton In wh eb the bottle Is packed. A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained bv writing; to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. Hi Washington St., Montlcello. Illinois. orBS""aai -r asr f 0 I nlEN YOU PAY A E'U It is not necessary to go in person irf or der to pay bill when a Check ins; Account is carried in the American National Bank. A check may be drawn for the required amount and mailed to the creditor. Much time avd trouble are saved by paying ex pense by check. W invite yavur Checking Account wheth er it U small or large. . 'fe n IV. I A Ihe Thor Electric Washing Machine SAVES YOU TIME, EXPENSE AND LA BOR in doing- your weekly laundry. j .. .7 ' t h 1 III If iitererited we will send a machine to your home for trial, and you may have a year to pay for it. PHONE 40 Pacific Power & .light Company POSTTOASTIES" (Always 6 the right kind) in the miines on "Always at Your Service.' the Columbia and Willarrett ii rivers. Ba kers and fi-a.