DAILY EAST OREGONIANf. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, APRIL 10. 1917. EIGHT PAGES ' imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii i "T "' PAGE EIGHT i I V I I J Bulk Macaroni SPECIAL 12 lbs. for S1.00 EXTRA FANCY WINESAP APPLES PER BOX $2.00 Giager Snaps, pound 15c Hersheys Cocoa, H. 35c; Vi lb. 20c Grosjeans Rice, package 30c Blood Orange, doien 15c SEED POTATOES, ONION SETS, SEEDS, CHICK FOOD, BLUE STONE. GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. "QUALITY" Two Phone 28 823 Main St ftwuiiHiiiuiHiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiuiiit' One Irnk In. ( The f t -neap pea rinjr John Doe con tributed $10 to the city this morning for imbibing too freely of liquor. lan McKe-nale Here. - Dan AlcKensie, formerly an exten sive farmer near Adams and now in the livestock commission business in cpokene is spending the day here. t-Jce Club PasHea Through. Taking the body of their student manager, Vernon Henry, who wsjf killed in an auto accident at Boise,' the members of the University of Ida ho Olee Club patteu through Fendle- ton this morning tin route to Moscow. Their schedule has been cancelled owing to the unfortunate accident. posted before, the match. Both boys have many followers and. as they have never met before, their battle will be keenly anticipated. Two Maniaif Uconm, " A marriage license was issued yes terday afternoon to Robert Hasel vood. 37, and Elizabeth Vey, 22, both of Pendleton. Another was issued to Dallas W. Dupuis 24, and Estelle W. Steele, 18. both of Nolln. vAdvanc Man IUre, M. O .Evans of the O. A. C exten sion department is here today as ad vance man for the food conservation train to be here on next Monday un der the auspices of the agricultural college and the O-W. R. & X. Co. He lift this evening for Milton. Nolln Team Overwhelmed Nolin sent her best baseball team fts Pendleton Sunday to meet the VF. O. W. team. Tne visitors were overwhelmed by the woodcutters, the final score reading something like I to 1. Southpaw Darling had too much on the ball ror the tNo Unites, while his teammates had an easy time ambling about the bags. rnltariWMl Dogft. Beware! Chief of Police Nash Saturday be gan a drive upon the unlicensed ca nines in the city and rounded up n goodly number of the animals which have been impounded. They will be held long enough to give the owners a chance to redeem them. Dogs not redeemed will be given rapid trans, portation to another life. Just a Word About Our Prices We have not anticipated the market on our goods nor will we. In plain English we are not marking up anything that we now own. Not a single item. You can still ..liuy anything we have, now, at the old prices but, this cannot last always and you know it Our Ready-to-Wear is priced under the usual market, let alone existing conditions and it is to every ladies' ad vantageto buy now as you cannot hope lor a "Sale" this year. Ourjow prices will not permit. (Have you visited -Store?) our Down Stairs 'A 5 Helta Beauty Parlor. Mrs, K. C Day has sold her hair dressing and manicure parlors to Ml as Ora Poage, who has been engaged in a similar business at Salem for the past six years and who is a pupil of Madame Patenaude. Mrs. Day left today for Portland where she will be joined by her husband later and to gether they will go to Chicago. Troops at Pasco. Sixty troopers under Captain Jones are now stationed at Pasco to guard the bridge over the Columbia river at that point, according to word brought over this morning. A num ber of the local high school boys as signed to similar duty left on the morning train for points east of th'fi city. Cheese Factory IncorimrateH. Articles of incorporation for the Swiss Cheese Factory of Stanfield were filed af the county clerk's office. The incorporators are A. L. Steiner. Herman Fuchs and Dominick Dettling and the company will have a capita lization of $6000. Would Foreclose Men. Samuel C. Jackson, local painter and paper-hanger, has filed suit in the circuit court to foreclon a mechan ic's hen on property -of Modesto Mau ri d. He alleges $29.14 due for his services and asks 125 attorney fees and $3.50 costs of lien. Frederick Hteiwer is his attorney. Our Nationally Advertised Lines i You probably have asked the other merchant just lAw it its that we can af ford to sell articles so much less than he can do it, and the first thing he tells you- is that we do not carry any standard or nationally advertised brands of goods. We have on our shelves more advertised lines of merchandise than probably any other .store in Pendleton, and if you will notice the prices quoted below you will discover that we can save you from 10 cents to SO cents on the price established by the manufactur er. We never buy seconds or job lots, but good honest new and regular merchant dise. Take this list and ask our competitor his prices on the same articles, for they all carry them. 'li. V. l." I nkm Suit "Chalmrra PoroNknlt" Union - Suit . . "Chalmers Porowkiilt" for Boys . . . , , "Solwuo" Shirt . ; Site 4SO ' Mo "PurlM" Pad tiartrrx .....f lc "Boxtou" Pad ;arter . . . '. 13c "CroMMtt" Shorn ror Men . 1 1.98 to f 5.90 frown" 320 Ih-nini Overall . c ' "KuMivr Irown"' Shorn for IKs. . $1.98 to Si!.9 YOU CAN "Nasarrth" Waists "KubtniH" Shirts, wool, all Hiiro. "J. P. Coats" Sewing Thread fortloelll" Milk Threw! Sic . 4e . 8c "CoIrmuh" Tooth Parte Sc. ISe "Colirakm" or "Monnens" Tah-um. . . . .' 13c Mllward" Necdlin 4c Itrd Seal" Glntrluuns. yard . .' 13 He "liiirnon" Hone 19e, Sic DO BKTTKll aT VK r.KAI (THKltS FOLLOW D"BB Is Sentenced. Blayne Dugger,. who entered a plea of guilty to the indictment chnrRins; him with soliciting and procuring a minor child, was this afternoon sen tenced by Circuit Judge Phelps to ths penitentiary from one to 20 years. 1'he case was brought from Athena and the offense was committeed about year ago. Heal Colored folk, to Have Show. Following close on the heels of the Elks minstrels wilt be the minstrel to bf staged Thursday night at the Alta threater by the colored folk of the town. They have been rehearsing for some time and have some goo-1 voices in their number. They plan to make their organization a permanent affair and intend staffing their show in other parts of the county. Crahb-M'atts Caws KnilH. The talcing of testimony in th Crabbe-Watt case was ended at noon today and the federal court reporter returned to Portland on No. 17. Theru she will transcribe the testimony an1 submit copies to the attorneys who will then file their briefs. Judge Wolverton Is not expected to make a decision for several weeks. Presbytery Meets Today. Rev. J E. Snyder. Rev. J. M. Cor nellson. Rev. William Wheeler and Allan Patawa left today by auto for Umapine to attend the annual spring meeting of the Pendleton Presbytery. Presbytery will go up during the dav Presbytery wil Igo up during the day and it is anticipate! that there will be at least twenty present. The ses sion will extend until Thursday even ing. THIS MEANS SOMETHING TO YOU PENDLETON AUTO COMPANY Where Will We IloaMe Them? Owing to the Portland-Pocatello mail division liavimr been divided, ten or a dozen mail clerks will bring their f&milea to Pendleton from Portland and suborns about May 1 and W. I Collns of MeUger. one of the number, has written the Comnier. dal- association asking for informa tion as to the rates on gas. light and water, and as to available houses for rental purposes. WAR DECLARATION FROM BRAZ DEEMED IH IE! S T RIO DE JANEIRO. April 10. War seemed more likely than a mere dip lomatic rupture between Brazil and Germany. The city seethed with a de mand for instant bestilltles. Foreign Minister Muller Is reported to have resigned. It is understood passports for the Oerman minister, and Oerman consul are already signed and ready for instant delivery. Minister of Marine Alencar order ed the speeding up of Brazil's naval preparations. Great activity for na tional defense is otnerwise indicated. Governmental leaders hope theru needn't be an actual war declaration, although a break Is considered like ly. The public apparently regarded a diplomatic break as purely a pre liminary step to war. iimshwiiiismih, ,i I TIIK APPETITE POOR THE DlfiEKTlOX WEAK THE I.ITKIl INACTIVE THE SOLITIOX TREE Cook Book Wouldn't you like lo taste the delicious crisp-crusted biscuits and hot bread that Cotcolene makes? Wouldn't you like to see how quickly and delicious!' wholesome Ccxtolene does all kinds of frying? Wouldn't you like to taste de licious cakes and cookies made without butter with Cottolene? We believe you would. So we have printed a Special Cook Book containing 239 recipes by famous cooks. We shall be glad to mail you this Cook Book free. If you prefer to um torn of your own recipe be wire to ine one-third lea Cottolene than you uae of other shortening. Cottolene u richer and goes farther. But this unwual Cook Book n well worth writing for. Write The N. K. Fsirhank Company, 111 West Washington Street, Chicago, 111. Cottolene namat wsosr bevin trtlrr At grocers in tins ot (HHh Anrnmpny Illlcrr. When O. E. IMnto. th daf "iiround-the-world" hiker. Ifft Ven dlfton this m or nine for Portland he wu accompanied for a distance of five mile by Miws IJlllan Flndley. Xrrie Ovinia and Airnea and Koi Brichoox who intend to form a. hik ing ctub. Pinto Intends walking straight through to Portland without makinjr further stni save for foorl and sleep. fcolf Irlv.njr Conlr. A drirhiir contest fnr lot-al R-'fer ts to be held at the links tomorrow evening; bea-lnninaT at ( o'clock, sc cordln to an announcement mad today by Oeore Kddy, profettona1. Rarh player will drive three tv.l and the irreatest average fltstance wins the rrent. n Punday it Is the inten tion to hoM another hocey tourna ment. The appearance of sprin weather has been the stuns for a rartral of Interest In rolflna and plans are be-In mid" for some spe cial event each week. TRY - HOSTETTERS Stomach Bitters UALG Ktn'HWKtL OptometrlK and OvUciaa .Olasses ground and fitted. 11 ears exnerlenoa. American National Bank Building Pendleton. 7VarHer Most May at Home. (rowrnniMit hunters and trappers most stay on their prenent job de salt th call of I'ncle Ham for more rlillaraa mnA ml lora. Th rs neeit- led there more thnn'st the front an they are considered a factor In In ereaatns the food pnpptr Inasmuch S the- kill nft the animals who prey up on stock. Thit Is the Hnhetance of a letter received this morn In r hy fls trtd Inspector Fl T. Averill IVom his chief In reapnnse to the- atter re quest to form his hunters Into a d--tachsnent of scoots. IVxa -Trfft for Mattf-h. Kay Mc'srr'll. local wrestler, and Jack Kennedv. If Hrmtston's priHe. nre to meet on the mat Jhe the Or-cov theater on the ere nine of April t for lift aide het. Mcarrolt posted s t".'. forfeit this morninf fr himself and Hftnry Hit of T!ermltn did likewise for Keni)-d. The balance sill be t 5 L A Touch of Spring and our thoughts turn to new life and all that is new in wearing apparel. You will be perfectly contented and cor rectly dressed, in Bond Clothes IIS to S35 Guaranteed to fit and ways assured at satisfaction al- Bond Bros. Mew's ooeaplrta Owtfiuera Pendletoa's LMdtag Ornate. Seed Barley. Choice beardless in an quantity desired. Seed JUST RECEIVED EXTRA FINE CONSIGNMENT WESTON MOUNTAIN. PHONE 178 I a is 4 ." 5 & Smythe- 'Al The Sign 01 lheJtNicouK nan Co Quality Quantity Service , $635. Now $665 May 1st --because of the increased cost of the high-grade materials used in the manu facture of Maxwell Motor Cars and because the policy of the Maxwell Company will not permit of cheapening its product therefore the price of the Maxwell will be slightly increased as follows: Touring Gar, from $635 to $665 Roadster - from $620 to $650 All prlcaa f. o. a. Detroit Buy YOUR Maxwell before MAY FIRST and sare the increase Oregon Motor Garage, Inc. 117, 111. 121 ; V. Court fct. TrlPilHnr 4 Motor Cars