East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 10, 1917, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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fMsllesrd roily and Benti Weekly at IVs-
4i,ea, Or-nB, by the
I ttoe oontnfflre at Prndletoa,
aa fmdcUM MkW mutter.
City Official Paper.
County Official Papar.
Member United Prase
WW llirtl Newt stand, rorllenl.
lUwue News Vi . Portland, Oregon.
ON ril.K AT
Cfcirare fturrau, u Serorlty Building.
WakbUu.tia. I f-. Bureau. Wl Four--eseaUi
Mueet. X. W.
Seallr. m, r. by mail
nailf. mi aviatha. by nail
BmIIj, ibr ro'.nlh. by n.ML
iMilr. eae mon'ta. by
ftelly. eoe year, toy carrier
frHilr, nt moetti. by carrier
VaU,, three sunilti. by carrier
Hetty, see atiath, by carrier..
,i-Wrcly. Mie year, by mail.
I Weekly, an monlba, by mail
Weekly. f"Ur months, by man
. 2..r0
. 1 .25
, .50
. tw
"Stand toether. and we ain!"
It waa Washirgton who spoke
In th daya of rebel din.
When a nation new awoke;
And. deaertin for and field . and eastern Oregon,
eone forward already for the
different branches of the ser
vice. It is a good showing un
der the circumstances, one of
which Pendleton may be proud.
But that is not all this sec
tion will do for Uncle Sam dur
ing the war. Umatilla county
can and will mobolize a four or
live million bushel wheat crop
this summer that will accom
lish a lot towards feeding our
army and the armies of our al
ii pa in EuroDe. Then we have
our cattle and our sheep and
hogs and wool and potatoes
and hay and fruit They will
all be needed and Umatilla
county farmers may be depend
ed upon to turn out the maxi
mum production. There are
no slackers here. .
N various parts of the coun
try the sDirit of fair play
is being invoked towards
Germans living in this country.
The following editorial from
the Boston Post iy pica. :w
It should be an axkma that tmero
fc Mute mml for Uie amhoillicai of
city or stae to demand fair play (or
German reddcnts in Una " OkaaaaM
wrmlth.. Anoisrdlng to all appearancn
Uirr ntll certainly (C It
We don't think oar people of etnor
nm or older antenedenu In Assert.
on will be sngnst and tntoiernnt
enough to rlsit the sins of the Cer
nu sntoomcy on perfevtly'tanooent
tttouands of mllra away froan Berlin.
It Is not our habit to do aaQlbirur pita
that. '
Mind, we said "innocent' persons
If aliens living here wrrfer to be
something esse, tney can nave all the
trouble they want. But are are cer
tain that the OTerwhetnatag majot-U
of them do not prefer It.
The East Oregonian believes
the spirit expressed in the fore
going is the spirit of Pendleton
It is no
Kama was entered into with a keen
spirt of enjoyment by all present.
A, J. Crabbe. a brother of Joe
Crabbe of Walla Walla fell through a
cellar door at Walluln Sunday and
dislocated his neck.
Taylor. Jones A Co. received a car
load of choice. Juicy nails yesterday
consisting- of 260 kegs fresh from the
east- There is no nothing- to prevent
any Pendleton man from having- a
keg of nails for his Sunday dinner.
Married in Pendleton April . 188.
it i p. m. at the residence of Mr. and..
Mrs. J. H. Turner. E. R. Wheeler ana
Miss Belle Crisp, the nev. Mr. Le of.
Another large section of the cor
nice of the" Firrt National Bank
Rank building was knocked off to
day, to apply the ounce of prevention
for possible accident- -
.jiffs mm
That Webster's dictionary defines
the word chicken as "a young worn-
; a maiden" and that Swift man?
years ngo In one or his poems had
the line "Stella Is no chicken" ?
That R. Alexander and Tom Taylor
served as members or the same coun
cil in Pendleton?
That the t'matllla. river early In
the last century was ealled by the In
diana Toumalolam. meaning "water
rippling- over sand"?
That the government measurements
showed over eight feet of snow near
Kamela last week?
Sour, gassy, upset stomach, indi
gestion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when
the food you eat ferments into gases
and upsets you; your head aches and
you feel sick and miserable, that's
when you realise the wonderful acid
neutralizing; power In Pane's Diapep
sJii. It makes all such atomach mis
ery, due to acidity, vanish in five
If youn stomach is in a continuous
revolt If you can't get It regulated,
please, for your sake, try Pape's Dia
pepsln. It's so needless to have an
acid stomach make your next meal
a favorite food meat then take a lit.
tie Dlapepsln. There will not he ant
distress eat without fenr. It's be
cause Pape's Diapepsin "really does"
sweeten out of order stomachs that
gives it its millions of sales annually.
Get a large fifty cent case of Pape r
Diapepsin from any drug store. It is
the mitdceat aureet antacid and stom
ach relief known. It acts almost like
magic it la a scientific, harmless and
pleasant atomach preparation which
truly belongs In every home.
Cenmrahlp Ftanllshed.
EL, PASO, April 10. Censorship of
all messages - between the United
States and Mexico waa Instituted to
day. '
Purpose s:ngle. pulses steeled .j. of tO iumn Onto
Cast asiUe the ancient yoke.
Hacked the hirt of IJberty;
When fou- years of living hell
Waa the price of principle
In the country of the free.
people when they are handi-
-stand together and we win!" 1 capped as uermans 11VH1K
Uncoln called for nnity ithl3 COUntrV- now are. At tlie
When the wronirs of colored !.,,;,, tim "it will be well fot
A j t,frriiittii v nu iiiaj iiul i9ijs
!of our country's course to have
j regard for the proprieties " of
;tlu ncpticinn Tht7 will nnli7.e
of courre that loyal citizens
will have scant patience with
expressions of disloyalty from
-Kfcand together and we win!"
It is Wilson's word today.
When di!ial sons within
. - Auccor foemen far sway;
When, forsaking l,eace's path.
We arise in Honor's wrath.
And we Join the bloody fray.
"Stand to(Sther and we win!"
North and South and Kast
' and West; .
Let the shirker's dastard sin
Damn alone the . traitors
tt n bark the flng again
As w e rallied to it when
Firm and fearless minute men
Stood t.Mhcr f-- the test!
James C. McNally.
,-faOT having a national
I, guard company Pendle-
ton has not regarded her
self as being especially strong
in ttie matter of sending men' to
ttie front. Yet 100 men, enough
t fill such a company, have
HERE has been some cri
ticism from Portland be
cause Pendleton boys
have joined the Idaho national
guard instead of the O. N. O.
The explanation is that an Ida
ho company kept a recruiting
officer here, paid transporta
tion to the recruits and kept
the local boys together in one
company. I he Oregon guard
put forth no such efforts, con
sequently the boys went witn
the Idaho regiment. Had .an
effort been madefd keep.'tne
boys from joining 'the "Idaho
regiment in the hope they
might go with the Oregon
troops the net result might
have been to keep them at
home. Would it have been pa
triotic to have done that?
Should -not the national need
have preference over state or
local pride?
il g
28 Years Ago Today
" T-.it
j tlf Oariv-rfiiii. MtuucfenM"nt, tr-f-wtaiskMt,
tpiHhf-d d'l; . x-in Sunday, at
f tfJ-ton. Orrn, rfiuirl ' the
-t 4ft August rl. 13 13.
K'lilor. K. ii. AMiiih. IViulIototi,
XuNinnMit Mani-cr, F. . lMiinkint .
A4vrtihtnz Wantftr, U I. Drake.:
Ownni (a corporation with 1h
Tliwin par'i-tt Trnm one -r cent j
r m'trrt (,f lei il amount f tn k . K.
V laiiikiti. l'-tnMr-.in. rrKn, K. V'- '
Adr wit. I'n':i-lni. rori; I D. i
Mkioii httn'lht.Mi r. mortz
nd nibrr -fr.t hoM.-rfl. h.ldin
t Krm Ih latl .KAnt Orrscinuiu.
Aj-ril 10. lSSi.J
Mum; ar aain on the rampage.
J, K. Koiinjn tirid H. J. i'-fnit are the
LtM virtirns.
A hfnliIay party wa ivri at the
reid.n-- of Mr. WelcM last evpning
in honor of h.-r daunhtr. Mim (iweft's
17th hirtfcday. I'rinrewjiv hrt
van th- ord-r of th fvninc an the
AwerasTe numhr of copfen of ach
woa f this puMlealton iwld or di-O-ivutrMl
lnrm the i-nail or other
( to pa Ml .iWrtbt-ni during the
m tiffwUia prMrjin the dat of this
KumfHi: r. W. UMPKIS,
ihun men- They wnlle and suffer
p(in nnemriplMlnlnirjjr wher a num'i
demmnda a doctor and name. A.
Mitchell, liacdad, Ky., wiita: -
dauahwr vaa in terrible ahape witn
kidney trouble. I tot her to take
Foley Kidney Pills and aha la com
pletely cared." Aching back; mar
wrn to and atiHarriHed before ma 'niuarlea. miff joint a. abooUna; paifia In
tr.w T'h dar uf April. 11 7.
Ktary Palic for Onwon.
M) fummuawn eftpirea Kebruary
aldea, ratumaUo aChea ara Indication
tKat tha kJdneya are Hot work! a
properly. Foley Kidney pllla correct
bladd trouMa. Tallman A Co.
Good Teeth and Good Health
are what you want and what you can have. I stand back
5 f my work with a written guarantee. Before having
your tft-th fixed come in and get n-.S' prices. Try my pain-
le.ia methods, my scientific work.
Newton Painless Dentists
f Cor Main mnd Webb St Entranc oa Webb SU
PkosM 12. Opn Evenings.
liAH MiOrKI.
Mixs Meda Strrklo Snrprtses P"r
nu and STlrnds by EKSn With
Ibb Mutem, BrfnK Married a
TIm IMtlbM; Now Kesadr at Kernel
" (Bast Orcsronian Special.)
Jl RAOHAM, April . Last Mon
day there was a lt-lnch snow rail out
since then the weather has Ofpn
sarin so there has been quite a
chanjee of exieriencl,na: lots of rain,
which has melted the snow down sev
eral fnet but there la still 4 l-"2 anl
S feet to dispose or. The tracks were
twire at wins during; the' week for the
first time all winter hut on Hundny
mornlne there waa I or I Inches of
now again There was plenty of
weli-omed eunehine In between show
ers all week. A government measure
ment mas tuk-n of the snow depth
lHt week and at that time It was
fet 1 1 lm-he here anil 8 feet 3 Inch
es at Kamela.
Those who mny remember Roy
nriMT. brother of Mrs. H. Fann of
thi pliice. and who was here for a
time dlirinK II4 may be Interested
to hear that he haa Joined the Na
tional ttuards of Palo Alt?. Calif., a
few weeks aso. tTpon notice of war.
he was ordered to report to duty snd
then secretly married Vies Viola
Mantisn of Oakland Calif. They
intend maklnr their home st Il-d
wood Cltrfor the present, unless the
recruit must serve at once.
Mis It eta fichreklss or this place
surprised her parents, as well as her
many friends, by marrylna- Bob Math
ews, of Kamela. sntneUms last week.
They went to Pendleton and ther
quietly slipped to The I allies, where
a marriage license wss secured. Thev
are now residing at Ksmela wher.
j Speaking of Breakfasts I
Thr a Beason"
the bridegroom Is an. engine wiper
for the O -W. K- A N. Co. Their
friends heartily wish them much
joy and happiness.
Geo. Irby went to La Grande on
Monday night.
('has Hawes and John D. Lasson
went to La. Grande on Tuesday, the
latter remaining there, having se
cured a position at the O.-W. R. A N.
P. N. Cassell. operator, made a trip
to Pendleton on Tuesday to see the
Geo. Cleaver of Imbler. made a trip
to this place on Tuesday for orders
fnTm the merchants for apples and
Geo. Hliyard of Telocaset. palJ
Meacham a Tlelt on Tuesday and re
mained until. Thursday.
H. Bchrekise and daughter. Ruby,
went to Is. Grande Tuesday morning
for acreral dayst
Jack. Doekweiler ma3e a trip to La
Grande Tuesday. .
Mrs. M. r. Wilder went to Pendle
ton Wednesday to visit for a while.
Mrs. P. Blackburn went to Uleth
Wednesday, returning the following
C. E. Welch went to Pendleton
Thursday and then oil to Nolin to see
about some cattle.
Mrs. J. Larson and children, mov
ed to La Grande Friday morning
reside there Their many friends will
miss them very much. Mrs. Larson's
father. -ha Hawes. assisted her on
the trip.
Mrs. Alec Thompson went to La
Grande on Friday for several days,
and her son Arthur went there Sat
urday morning.
John Casey went to Iji Grondi
Friday night to be gone for several
Chas Hanna and Mrs. Eva Hall
went to Hot Lake Friday and return'
ed the following day.
H. F. Schrecklas and daughter R.
by went to Pendleton on 8nturda
Geo. Oreen and family went to
Pendleton on Saturday.
Lloyd Hewitt went to Pendleton
Haturdny morning.
Secretary Waa ObI!ed to be
the Audience Until He Con
trived a Ruse.
NKW TnRK. April The recent
death of Mgr. Marsoitnl. for thirty
ear w-cretary to Popo ! XIII.
amending through his service as fir
llnul Peed and as the Head of the
nhurcl,.' has brourM to light an tn
tereMIng' story of the ded pope.
As cardinal he tos his e.-retsr
with him on sll his religious vtM'-s.
and on one occasion, at a small oi t
of ths way hamlet, the parish prlee
enuld only furnish one room for th- I
two. 8o Mr M'rrolml slept -n I
We Gladly Recommend
This New Jeffery Six
. As it-now stands, refined and improved by the Nash Motors
Company, Jeffery Six has our unqualified approval.
When we took over the Jeffery plant we knew we had
secured a big asset in Jeffery Six. - 1
But after we had studied this car -we saw that with 4 few
slight changes we could make it unquestionably the leader
in its price class. - ,
Inspect the Nash-improved Jeffery Six. Ride in it. Drive It.
. You'll find it the easiest riding and the easiest handled car
- you've ever known.
The body lines are right stfeam lines. The motor is
vibrationless at ail speeds. The tire mileage is high and
the upkeep low.
Improved and backed by the Nash Motors Company, Jeffery
Six is rare value at $1465. ' -
' a
A comjilete service station maintained In our own garag
at Cottonwood Htreet. Pendleton.
Telephone tt
I -
sofa in the corner. Bach night on
going to bed he took out a copy of
Dante and read a canto of "II Para
dise." When he came to a difficult
or interesting passage he would real
it to his secretary and disauss It with
him. The secretary did not take In
tense Interest In Dante ss did the car
dinal, and often he waa sleepy. After
a few nights he decided to nut an
end to It. When the cardinal as usu.
al. read a passage and asked hi
opinion ths only answer he got was
a snore.
'The man has no taste who can
fall asleep while Dante Is being
rend." ejaculated the future pope In
disgust aa hw threw hla book
and decided to .go to sleep himself.
t :)i cent ujs.w'ia.'jf-'t
,1" i
a Jr
V4 J
for this namQ
Four People Receive $3000 each
In our euTOouncetnent last fall of the Evereedy Contest lor a better name -than
"flashlight," we stated that if "two or more contestants submit the
word selected the full amount of the prize will 'be paid to each,'
We have made our selection without re
gard to the number of duplications. The
word chosen was submitted by the four
following contestants, to each of whom we
are paying $3000.00:
Mra.F.C.Crw. 121 2d 9t, N.E,Wstertswm,S.D.
Katssa sa W. Hand. 1 80 1 Madras 3t-.Tp saa. K aa.
Miss J. M. SchoJs, 23 led it- Ussoa Hill. N. J.
Bertha A, WUsoa, 413 Park Af. Madams, H. Y.
The prizswwinnang word is DAYLXX h fuMUls as a
ssasasfly way ths requirements specined, viaj a
coined word that wa can register as a trads-ssark
and a name easy to remember and entirely simple
o pronoanre. "DAY" suggests perfect hght, sod
-IjO sieens "Behotd!" "Beel"
The true algmnosnce. the hvmg Ideal of tha relia
bility and service characteristic of oas pradoct arill
hereafter And Ks espreseion in the new name,
Bveraady OAYUO.
I wish I might peraonally thank each of the half
million conteessnta and the millions of Bveraady
friends snd seers who have contributed eo earnestly
o the sum sss of oor saarch for a new name.
Asterk-an Res Ready Works
of National Carbon Co.
The Droduct that has outgrown it$ name "FLASHLIGHT'