East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 06, 1917, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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The Bean Tatom Co.
Phone 688
Flake White Cooking Compound, No. 3 tin,
75c, No. 5, $1.00; No. 10, $2.00.
Red Croat Syrup, thU is a Bargain, No. 2 tin
15c; No. 5 tin. 35c; No. 10 tin 70c.
Extracted Honey in gallon tins . $1.25
Ripe Olives in tin ............. 10c to $1.25
Quaker Rolled Oats, big round package.. 25c
Beans, lots of them, small white 10c
Solid Packed Fruit in Gallon Tins
Blackberries 50c
Sliced Yellow Peaches 50c
Apricots ':. 50c
Loganberries 50c
White Minced Clams, 2 for 25c
a Ah hkjj tukbday
pitiuly Club mnt Thnrxday Afternoon
With Mm. F. b, Stuart as lloatee
Other Newsy Notes of Infreat to
lite jonim"iiky.
Cod Dang Low
verytnln- clean and up-to-date.
TEA 5c Package -
Under State
Cor. W sad Cottonwood Its.
Phone Ml. Pendleton, Or.
omrKIM 8IG.X DIH- 1'IHltE
Example for Mm Met in Firm Arizo
na Infantry.
DOITOI.A8. Ariz., April . 1'nd.r
the leadership of their commanding
orricnr. Col, A. M. Tuthlll. every offi
cer of the Flint Arizona Infantry siaii-
ed a pleditr Wednesday to abstain
from alcoholic liquors durinit the
period of their service. '
Col. Tuthlll .said he- thnuxht it an
excellent idea for the office to set
the men a (food example.
form'fit COLLAR
Be Prepared for.Sudden
Sickness or Accident
(Kat Oresonlan special.)
HTANFIKI.D. April . The funeml
services of the late C. W I'regniu
"Kan held Tuesday afternoon at the
family residence, Itev. J. E. Faucett
conducting the service, the Odd Fel
lows taking charge. The Rebecca
and Weoman lodges were in attend
ance. The remains were laid to rest
in the Btanfleld cemetery.
Beaidea the widow three snna and
one daughter are left to mourn the
IosA of a loving father. Two sons. Kd
ward and Darwin, live in Portland.
Mias Catherine and Charlie live in
Htanfleld. The bereaved family has
the sympathy of a large circle 'of
Mrs. W. P. philips was a Portland
visitor Thursday.
Mrs. C. W. Pregnltz and sona Dar
win and Charlie and daughters Cath
erine were In Pendleton Thursday.
Mr. H. C. Kerr or St. Paul, Minn.,
visitimr her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. B. Stuart.
Mr and Mrs. T. B. BuTgerstaff of
Seattle, were In town Monday.
Miss Kvplyn Graham of 6an Fran
cisco Hpent Hunday nere.
F. H. Ladd of noise. Ida., was
looking after business interests here
this week.
Mrs. Alexander Held attended the
meeting of the Embroidery Club In
Kcho Thursday afternoon.
W. W. White of Prairie City, Ore.
is here having several loads of hay
baled to be shipped to his homa place.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ixughlin, Mr.
and Mrs. James Lougtflln, and Mrs.
Fred Ottenger and daughters of
James Town. North Dakota, arrived
Monday to attend the runeral of their
sister, Mlsa Viola I.oughlin.
R. M. Tuttle of Portland was In
town for a few days.
Dr. H. W. Coe left Sunday for his
home In Portland after spending a
week here.
J. R. Htookey of Pilot Hock, was in
town the last of the week.
The tftudy Club met Thursday aft
ernoon at Hotel Htanfleld, the guest
of Mrs. F. II. Rtuart. Papers were
read by Miss Albon end Mrs. Apple
by, the discussion waa led by Mrs.
S. R. Archer and Mr. H. Smith left
Sunday for Canada where they will
locate on homesteads.
F. B. Ftuart and daughter. Mrs. IT.
C Kerr, motored to Pendleton Thurs
day. '
Morse's fever
failing CCdS
for txt malt in Spring forerw
d wtfetablc. PUac now Svct
ps pauiMa4 ettur Grand Priam
California Seeds
Also CaKo4o Carrot, Oaioa.
Beet. Pea, Spinach, Turnip.
IWt take rnU tUm "jmM ms gtUr
Ct Mora .
Om Sab hf all ldhmf DuUn
It ymmw 4Ut do . carry Mtni'i
f ' .rt ir qr ataiora Ftm.
Ymw mAt will t prmtly mtttwi4 tm.
C C. M0KSE 8 CO.
Seedamea San Francisco
I'malilla Ilolda Itocord for I"n)be u
tlon and Conviction of Illegal
liunu-ra and riahermen.
I Do You Want a Nurse?
p AVe have established a complete directory of s
all the registered nurses in Pendleton. gf
if . If You' Want a Regiaterod Nure Phone Us. J
Iff If you want hospital or medicine chest supplies, we 3
h can fill your wants. tif
1 Economy Drug Co.
Never Put
a Croup
Child to
BeiWilfc. ILJfW
Foley's Honey and Tar
Mothers know it stops croup
because it cuts the thick chok
ing mucus, clears the throat of
phlegm, ptops the hoarse me
tal,: cough, eases the difficult
Lre . liing, then quiet sleep.
MiT. Niurener, Ku Clalrr, VC
vrltea: "Foley Honey and Tar cx.m
pletly rurod ray tny of a ttt sever
at tuck of emu p. W k onw f rutu ex jer
feoce tli at It U a wonderful remedy for
Umatilla county, through the effi
cient work, of Deputy Game Warden
Ueorgw Tonkin and the cooperation
Kiven him by hia aflslntanU and by
tarnier and vtockmen, made a rec
ord for prosecution of frame law vi
oliiton, u per tor to that of any othi
county In the state during the year
ending December 1, accordion
to a compilation of Btatixtic just iv
en out by the titate fish and. game
From a standpoint f arrests, con-vk-tinns
and amount of fines. T'nia-
tilla county was well in the lead.
There were 41 arrests made in thta
county during that year, ten more
than in Marion country which stood
second and 11 more than in Multno
mah county which wax third. Of the
44 cases 33 resulted in convictions.
Marion county was second in convic
tions with 29 and Multnomah third
with 11155 and Manoiv third with
$835. Fine wore suspended In five
canes in this city, seven caaes result
ed in not guilty verdicts and one case
was dismissed.
The months of October. November
and December. 1916, resulted in the
following cases In this county:
JeFSe ioffe. arrested for usine now..
der in stream to Kill fiPh. fined $2K-
Telephone 711
II St. Georjre Hotel Building.
Divinity Walnut Fudge
Only 25c Pound
Easter treats in our Candy Department and at our
fountain for all. i
Also all kind of Horn Made Candies in Bulk of
boxes and they are priced right.
Ice Cream te Order. We deliver to any part of city.
623 Main Street. Telephone 575
Corns Peel Right
Off With "Gets-It"
J Drop, and the orn I a Uonrr!"
WUfii you've ot t nk nn the sides of
four shoe to get wy from those swfnl
corn paius. there's only en comuna-s-ni
thing to do. lut 3 or X drops of "UetK-lt
and 30 days In jail; Harley Yetter. ar
rested for killing Chinese pheasants in
closer! season, fined imprison
ed; W. D. Warren arrested for kill
ing elk. fined 3200. nald: ?f. Ventur
an. arrested for hunting at night, fin
ed $25. paid; C. W. Vnnderahe. ar
rested for trapping without license.
case dismissed. R. p. Pike, arrested
for hunting at night, fined paid;
Frank Allen, arrested for hunting at
night, fined $25. paid; i,uke Lane, ar
rested for killing der in closed sea
son, found not guilty; Charles Smith,
arrested for killing came bird In
cloned season, fined 2S. paid.
Fx ho lmle omtribuie (kumujv
In No) In (iiun-ii Fund; CMlK-r N
N'vHw uf Intcrrol
V-e Miet-lt" Year fmrmm Wesit
Swell In ter. HeMwi, Tkey il
shrrrel, Lssstst as-a Jeel Ofl!
a the com right away- rata aad tnfisns.
mat I will diwipprsr. the ears will bests
to shrlrel from ttist Instsat thea It lous
M and falls Hsht off.
There's so other eorn-reaiorer la the
world that sets like 'Mlets-lt. ttw
dlsroTry baa been made la eern-resanTers
Iocs Mrta It' km bH-n. Ikna't forgM that
fact. "Oela-lt tiea sway forever with the
as mt salreJi that Irritate. bantagw thet
aiake a btiodle of jroor toe. plsstera that
taklf do th work. knlre ana arkaotsra that
dis blood. I as "Oets It" as bboto dig
tn or oittlna.
"t.eta ll" la sold VTerywhere. t-V hot
rte. or aet cm relpt W price by R. Uw
rente t'o, i'hkwso. 111
H-ld In IVn1letoa and reconmended a
rlw world ha corn remedy by Tallaaa A
Co., ami Iivllet4ie lmg.
( Kat Oregonian special.)
KCHO. April C. Henrietta Kebek
ah I.odRe No. SC. I. t- o. F., of Kcho.
Wfdnwtay elected Airs William Wil
der and Mrs. Milium llemstt as dele
gates to the Hehekah Assembly to be
held at Kugene, Oregon. In May. Mrs
Wild or was also chosen as deputy
district preaident for this lodge.
U. p, Kteel and wire of Xolin. while
In Tficho on Wednesday morning,
deeded a tract of land situated at Xo
lin to the t'nited Brethren church u
a building site for a !S00 church.
This land was a donation by Mr. and
Mrs. Steel.
The purchase by the IT. B. church
of the Noltn hall, situated on this
ground, for a coasi deration of S3
has brought to a climax a matter
which has bung fire since the hall
was built several years ago by a club
of Nolln la die
Three years ,-igo the building was
sold at sheriff's snle to liquidate the
lumber and building bill. Snr then
it has belonged to private parties.
As soon as the hall can be cleared
away a $5t0 church building will be
Of this amount $2ana has ajread.'
been donated. The largest donor an
far la r-aWd Shumwsy. a prosperous
Nolln farmer, a ho geve li-f. Two
hundred dollars waa donated by Pen
dleton friends and several neat do.
nations were made her in Echo, Rev.
C. F. Oinningham or HoMman. is the
tiastor in charge. While watting for
the thurch bmldi ig services wUl be
h-ll In the schtKI h.ue.
The Store That is on Speak
ing Terms Wii
Hen's Lite
You, as a progressive young man on the way to a
record future, have ambition to dress in a clean-cut way
in other words, . the "Graduate" way. It is not our
rlan or our purpose to indulge in extremes in the plan
ning of young men's clothes. It's a false notion of most
stores that young fellows want "freakish" clothes.
Though the styles of our "Graduate" clothes are unmis
takably breezy, they're truly dignified and genteel
that's why they're so likeable.
PRICED $12.50 TO $25.00.
Visit Our New Enlarged Shoe Pep't.
Correct Spring Styles
for Women and Misses in
Coats and Suits
New and distinctive creations with a decided smart
and exclusive style and touch that will win the in
stants admiration of a fashionable younger set who
seek an individuality in dress that is created especi
ally to preserve the graceful, youthful lines, charming
simplicity and a styfe supremacy that is authorative.
We have that indispensable separate blouse that has
taken many pieasant forms this year from the most
practical sport model to the fluffy embroidered cre
ation of chiffon and Georgette crepe. Prices from
?1.00 to S15.0O. .
Our line of Spring Coats for the little ones is most
complete. Silk poplins, wool velours, serges "and
checks in the same bright colors shown in the larger
garments; sizes 2 to 14.
Children's Dresses in . the all white plain tailored
linen with novelty pockets and belts; sizes 1 year to
6 years. Price SI. 25 to S3.0O. -4
Beautiful little dresses in organdies and lawns trim
med in fine laces, ribbons and rosebuds. The dresses
are the most charming little models. We would be
delighted to show you. Prices S1.25 to S15.00.
Visit Our Infants Department, Second Floor
All Vegetables in season, the cleanest
and freshest we can get.
Your Easter dinner will not be com
plete without a good vegetable. Come
in and take your choice of the best and
nicest vegetables on the market. Rad
ishes, Cauliflower, New Carrots, New
Beets, New Turnips, Spinnach, Celery,
Fresh Peppers, Lettuce of all kinds, Ar
tichokes, Asparagus. Rhubarb, Ripe To
matoes. New Spuds, Cabbage, Etc.
Extra Special Fresh Country Egg,
dozen 25c.
The moat wonderful of all proceaaea
is King's patented process for Dried
Vegetable and Fruits. This being the
only' process ever given a patent by the
United States government, and indorsed
by the army officers as being the most
practical and best flavor retaining pro
cess in existence, being in a very com
pact form. No chemicals are used in
this new way process. Vegetables when
cooked have the same appearance and
flavor as if they were fresh from the
garden. Call at our Grocery Store next
week and receive free samples, and
learn more about King's Vegetables and
Aaron Ieo and bride who wire
married in Pendleton on Wednsdav.
hare returned here and will make this
place their home. ,
M. P. Wilcox of Sprinjrfleld. Ore .
la here viaitinc als daughter. Mrs. T
M. Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Vfudfre moved
Into the Schnli cot; ace on Garden
street the first of tha week,
Mrs. T. a. Rmllh spent Tuesday in
Kcho. the truest of her sister, Mrs. W
A. Jones.
Guy !mith. an Echo boy. the son
nf Mr. and Mrs. T. rf. smith, who has
l-een In Spokane. Wash,, the paat few
montha writes his psrenta that he
has joined the army and is now sta
tioned at American lake.
dav saving- that "In spite of the In
ternational crisis.' there waa no In
tention to abandon the national con
vention fixed for April 1S u and II
in St. Louis.
A letter from President Wilson to
Hal la quoted to show the- president
has no fear that "-political activity
and the holding- of the convention at
this time "miKht embarrass the pres
ident while he and his advisers are
seulously lonkinir after our foreitrn
affairs." The letter, dated March :'.
sav It would rive the president (ran.
ine pleasure to attend the V Louis
convention If the circumstance wsr
not so unusual as the present.
"I am varr proud indeed," the pres
wrote. "to have jrou feel, as ro do.
that I have proved myself the leader
of the liberal force or the country.
Such a -wu ranees make me very crate,
ful and trive me the deepest encoar-atrement,"
j l,'thdl-4 Hearvl-ii. Tnalrhl.
' "A Day of Sufferm" ta the mi.k
j this evening: at the Methodist rhiirrl
There mill be l-e.-.l munc The pn
'lie ia invited. J !- JO.
llvtHillKKIVRS nj, 1WF.FT
rrr-aidV-at Write to rfcalrsaaa lisle
That Moldtnc of Convention M ill
No rktbarrSNS Arfmlnlvtratloa. . .
NKW TORK. Aprit Headquar
ters of the national rroarntjiive partv
of which Mat hew Hale Is actin
hiraaii cave out a tnuteiiient to-
J? Yau
Treat The Body As
A Delicate Machlno
Too wruM not k-t machine built for efficient
work, ret rusty and full of dust ami dirt. Why
let the body, the moot delicate of all machine,
ret rusty and run down from Inattention ?
Cleanse the blood; that's the secret; keep It clean.
S. 8. proven for years the bet of all blol
tonics, will do it. Get a bottle at your drueji.t
TODAY aM tnk it accortiinr to directioa.
SV.1FT srctiFic CO. ATLAMTA, ua.
S.S.S. Kescs HAItyaysFit