DAILY EAST OREOONTAN PENDLETON. QREGON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1917. PAGE SIX EIGHT PAGES 11 it If ai UUII'MDSM KBWSPAPn Mat Dally and fVmi Wklv at Fat tfieton, Oiwok, br th ORUUUNIAN PLBLIHHINa Ca lit the pnerofflce at Pendleton, mm mwwaiM-vtmmm mall Batter. City Official Paper. County Official paper. Member United Association. ON RAI.R IN OTHER CITIE8 tweerlal Hotel News Stand, rortlaad. News Co., Portiaad, Oregon. ON FILE AT Bureau, . 908 Security Ratldtnc. eainetoa. I. c Bureau, $0t Four- Btreet, M. W. 0B8CRIPTtO.N RATES (IN AliVANOh.) aaaiii. mm rear, ay mall.. mmtitf, an atontna, Dj man wily, taree months, hw mall SVMl. oae moatb. br mall smRt. eee year, by carrier.. aaltr, ats si oat ha, by carrier..... lITr, tares months, by carrier, statu, eoe month, by carrier ami-Weekly, one year, hy mall $5 00 3 .V) . X 25 50 T 50 does not leave the defence of the country or its interests to sentiment or chance. War is bad business, to be avoided if possible with safety and credit, but if we must take the field why not do it right. If we work with effi ciency we get farther and ac- trumpusn more ai. jess expense in men and money than if we follow hap hazard or alio shod methods. When sifted to the bottom the arguments against compul sory training are founded up on insufficient studv of the subject. THE COUNTY'S PART 4 CONTROLS ALLIED DESTINIES OF THE SEAS .TR i.w -5 I SO wwfciy, an month a, hy malt .75 Mkt, four nontha. by nail J&Q ,TY T1US RAINBOW. Hov glorious is thy girdle, cast Oer mountain, tower. and town. Or mirrored in the ocean vast, thousand fathoms dawn. Act fresh In yon horizon dark Jut youn? thy beauties seem, A when the eagle from the ark , First sported in thy beam. FWr. faithful to the sacred page, Haaven Mill rebuilds thy span. Nor lets the type grow old with aa Tfca first spoke peace to man. Thomas Campbell. H s ' fca,8 - ' Nss I i ' d o s f I ; m, . .,,, .,f..m :! HERE is misunderstand ing on the part of some people as to the amount o work a county has to do on a roadway in order to have it nard surfaced by the state, in the event the road bonds are carried. The impression nre- vaiis among some that -the county has to Drovide a crush. ed rock or gravel foundation ior the roads. This as an er ror. The county merely grades the road and does not have to provide the rock foundation the roads in Umatilla countv ,.T t l:1el: " """.r".11. of. Br"i8" -L. f j- . , - i " ...... ii mot nvu i' " ii in jsiiuiu 1 1' cu n b vu men rainea to J K aamiraity, who as sueh directs i tho rank of admiral and made first uaua aiiu pruviuillg necessary 1 "w ri"w nut oniy oi faigiana. dui sea loro, bemir succeeded ln com a" "i me entente allies upon the mand of the fleet by Vlce-Admlral seas. Admiral Jelllcoe until recent- Sir rmvirt ittir ! ; 28 Years Ago Today T IS HOT UNDEMOCRATIC try drainage would not be heavy. On our macadam highway be tween Fendleton and the state line the expense to the county would be virtually nothing. At the same time the fact this road already has a base for a paved road places it in position to command first attention 1 1"0"1 " Daily East oreguuian. from the rnmmksinn in (ha I April 4. 1889.) VenJhe bndS ftre VOted. 18B. p. m.. at the residence of the umauna county seems m no-1 bride's mother t v Rohi,,n ami sition to derive very material Miss Helen Welch., the Rev. w. e. benefit from the state work in 'otwi'" officiating. The happy the event the bonds are voted. l?.r amon8r ,ne "p"P'"" iuis wun cumparauveiy smailltheir friends one and all hope and believe their matrimonial vnyaK- will be a prosperous and contented one. expense to the county. THE PRICE OF INTRIGUE NE point made apparent by President Wilson's address to con (Tress Monday evening is that he be came exaggerated beyond en durance by German intrigue in this country. While pro fessing the greatest friendship ior America and while enjoy- This morning nn 7:30 o'clock thre buildings belonging to J. A. innov were attacked and rteetmyed by the fire fiend. Fears were entertained 1 for a time that the Thompson Flack brick building might suffer but vigorous use of the nse prevented any damage. A. J. Cripe, the milk man has been looked for In vain by m:iny a good ing a policy of strict neutral- Ly all reD(rtil h nas , ln liy irora our government me I business, either br the light of the imperial government resorted I moon or some other lisht. SEEKS HEALTH BY LONG HIKING TRIP . K. Mlnto Hope!) to Itexalii Hear ing by Walking Trip or HO.tXHi Mil'-s over L'nited States. lime to Re-tire? (BuyFisk) i The Standard of Tire Value AM Dealers Recommend and They9 re Proud to TTHEY give you more dbllar-for-dollar value than you can get in any other .tires, and that's what you want reai dollar-for-dollar value. Don't forget this "When you pay more than Fisk Prices you pay for something thai does not exist." Let that be your tire buying motto &.v.d you can't go wrong. Sold By All Dealers The Fisk" Rubber Company of N. Y. General Offices, Chicopee Fall. Mas. G. K. Minto, the deaf pedestrian who Is makiiiK a 30,000 mile hike in the hoes that the outdoor life will restore his hearins. arrived in Pen dleton tochiy. He started yexterdav I 191 while iIuyiiiK a piano in an or he has been for several months, hav- 'I'hestia. h!i hearing reft him instant iy. in the famous old 1'erKlns institution for the blind in Soutn Boston, Uaxa, He stayed with this position two year and then worked as a book keejer in a large shoe factory la Cheltta- His eyes gave out and in morning from Walla Walla where lug been detained by an attack o'J pneumonia. When he arrived In Walla "Wallri last fall Minto had covered some S,- 000 miles since leaving Hoston, Mmss. He went to New Yora and came wet t by the northern route, except f cursious Into Kansas, Missouri braska, odorado. Womlng. Ily the time he completes nia tour, he ex- tects to have higed s ome 3i,o0'i He spent sometime m treating his ears without success and finally start ed on his hike In June, 1I14, with the hope that constant outdoor life would restore his hearing and improve his yes. M;my thrilling adventures were n a prairie in Kansas by nt;htning and his ex- ' n,pt and once Xe- I he was struck hearing restored for half un hour only to leave him again. Minto ulwayx sleeps out of doors to almost every known device to carry on their propoganda in the United States. There was seemingly no limit to their outrageous program. They even plotted to lure Mexico and Japan into an invasion or OME newspapers not en thused over prepared ness efforts by this coun- resent the suggestion for "Compulsory military training. Tr instance the San Francis co Bulletin classes the scheme! our western states with a view as Prussian, rather than Am-to permanent occupation o wican, and essays to say that j American territory. f war comes there will be suf- Under such circumstances tfknent volunteers without the president has been justi "conscripts." The Bulletin ap-ified in refusing to place con jrars to think compulsory j f idence in any promises or pro training is undemocratic. Sessions from Berlin. A direct 'Mat universal training is the and open foe is less dangerous essence of democracy. It than a slippery and hypocri weans that, all must do their tical one who while whispering uty be they rich or poor, words of peace and friendship Ward will as natural a pretty. make your photograph i life and 10 times as REALTY TRANSFERS Warranty Icecl. N'els F. Johnson, to American Na tional liank. Pendle-ion. $1.00. NE .-4 section 23, township 5 north. range 30. Maude U. Hailey to H. Crowner. f tix. tl OH. lots II and 12. block 5s. Keservation addition to Pendle ton. miles and now. Hearing his fourth j a' night in any sort of weather. He year on the road, he sayes he will do well to finish in a total of ten years Story of Ills l.lfc. Minto is 26 yearn of age an'? hb home was in Kansas City when he courageous t.r atraid. It does " not take the willing to the fir sj)g line and leave the reluct ant brother at home in eae -rl safety. There is nothing r about the pltin that interferes . the slightest with democra cy. France and Switzerland are both republics and have gained by compulsory service. Kngland, a monarchy, did not 'rave compulsory sen-ice, and the English amiy was not com petent at the outset of the war. Aside from its fairness the dkief point of value about compulsory training is that it is efficient and certain. r mav be planning to stab you in the back. Germany is now paying the price of deceit and trickery just as an individual generally does who resorts to such practices. Honest deal ing is not only the nest but it is the safest policy. Those who deal in injustice and chi canery may prosper for a time but m the end their multiplied enemies assay them at their true worth and downfall is certain. The alignment of the great est nation of the world in war fare acrainst the kaiser's em pire may be charged very largely to German intrigue. C rwc 6O00 .iupfcc and mis rnnwD NORTON. 1 aosron, u (. I tnij is tmc list Au.1 Nams Mr SCNTiniNn"! a ast n au. mryJ 4"ti and cut ( I a urn cmc satis- I ' ' mi K C is THt totAcco tmatI I nu amo you oOH-rr1 0l Af.i M NAPS-r ANOl InAVI TO SPIT SO t vT,irc 'ItAi.snt'ol 1 Muc 'p ZZ-i THERE is something mighty democratic about rich, sappy tobacco. Now that men have W-ii CUT Chewing, a good tobacco, to lend each other, it cements friendship. Com nion-stnse about tobacco is getting mighty gen eral now no one wants the over sweetened kind when he can get rich tobacco shredded and lightly salted to bring out the good tobacco taste. aaV Vf wrrAt rrro contrANT. nor (Wnt, Hr Tt CtT ENTHUSIASTIC OVER THE LIFE AT NAVAL TRAINING STATION UlH-rt lluinpliryy Writer Inicreof. iiX Lrtut fnm Kan trttmiMfi: IIhh llef'n hIc Mm IVIU Offl ivr tir r4int nltit. An interest In if letter feliinjr of life ;t.t the Hun FranolCf nuvui training station ha JtiKt lxf n received by Mr and Jlrt. W. D. Humphrey from thHr you. Hobert Humphrey who only re. centl en tinted at the locl recruit -in if office. Incidentally yniitit Humphrey han been appointed fir petty officer hecnue of d cm duct and excellence In drill. The you n if man in so enthunlaMic uver life in the navy that he plan to rtudy at ncn for an appointment to Annapoliji naval academy. A pet ty officer h haJ charge of n dormi tory and alo hiiM-charse of the drill- Ina alxut thirty men and hoya. Incidentally he draw frmr dollar nvr a month and la pr1vilfed to carr- a aword during drill. In writing of hla d ollv routine, he nym: "W have irood meala at (S, 11 30 and 6:30 reularlv. l-t to hed very nirht hr o'cltik when out ro the Ilahta. rp at ( 30 take cold ahower. dre. crab onr hed to i the atrinir plue. hanr out our blank- , and trah our heda and go to our cteaninr atatlona before hreakf;ia. ' After lireakfnat e lav off until ' oVUKk. then dfill till II M tilt I o'cWk then drill ilitlil S t and off for day unlei I hnve i drill J hat oner- bumble Hee tud that I jtjfo re'tiowa to learn. Itut thi in st j sret life. TVere re cert tin amok In hoiita. ; no clffarettw all'ttreo nut pM ani Htcara. amoke a plr. Von m trt he ri if you are caucht Mnkln( ut ft hour and t a week If v(u re mufht with ciaarettea tr i "t yr.fl Wh "1 . K. Minto. dear liMk-Htiin, Who U Walking Mt.OiH tlcs In llc or Itct4rliiff ll-aHiu. entered Uallaudct College In 1S. Ho left action! in the aecond year to teach Tommy stringer, a blind, deaf and dump proteffe of Helen Keller cairiea an air alceplng bag: and pil low. wetRhinff 18 pounds. His whole outfit we.Khs 20 35 pounds. In Montana last winter when the mer cury was 35 below, he slept outsldo and rot I"8t in a nnowstorm. From (levelnnd to CTolumbuK. dhio, he ran in a trnck suit livinar on vegetarian dlt. The distance waa 2 7 miles and the time 45 hours and 15 minutes, the finish beinfc in the governor's of fi-e from MiaHoiila to Spokane. 254 mflea, lie also ran In a track suit, t he f i rat seven ni i lea In 41 ni i nut eg. He crofted the Hitter Hoots bare 1-c-ffed and alone. He walked from I'omeroy-to Walla Walla In one, day. 57 miles. Minto make a business of wrltln Utt ncwspHperH and magazines, both poetry and prone, at hot h of which he ia exc.'piIo!iallv iipt. ! still ptavs t he piano by net me of touch ami ia an expert at lipreadinK. Hla outfit cotiaists of sleeping hfijr, camp axe. compass pedometer. hunting knife, first aid kit, writ in materia la and a tooth brush. He be lieves in two meals a day, very little meat, plenty of raw foods, -ater and fresh air. His best record has In en I 26 miles In 2 hours and 40 minute I running;. He is making- the trip t Portland, currying five or lo poumlx In time of need Every woman should know the comfort, and experi ence the relief of a reliable remedy that am be de pended upon to right conditions which cause head ache, dizziness, languor, nausea and constipation. At such times, nothing is so safe, so sure and speedy as During the past sixty yean, millions of women have found them most helpful in toning and strengthening the system, and for regu lating the stomach, liver and bowels. These famous pills are entirely vegetable and contain no harmful or habll forming drugs. Use them with entire confidence for they cause no unpleasant after-effects, and will not fail you Directions of Special Vaju to Womea are with Every Box. Sold by drugfi.ta throughout the world. In boaaa, 10c, 25c teflSS i mm H ITR IM.KIS ; II.TV. SAI.KM. April 3. Fnnk White cnvict chanced with an attack with intent to kill, pb-aded guilty and was sentenced to three year In the peni tentiary to be served after hia prei ent sentence. 1 UMleaa - - - - . t-M r SUrtin On The Road To Health' with ulm'i ranedy S. S. S. It firm vital. Hf to bwooveriahod MoawV aamkhig It oaaUr to reaiat the goraao W disease mmd etroofth to drtVa ami aliaoaao U it eta m t eotfcohl ia year eyetaaa. If jam gwt aack ymm kaeo a W1tr ckaaeo for recovery if yoar Mood Is pare thaa if M ia raa etewa. It la iaaportaat f keoa jrotar Uood owro at all naaaaa. f rmm ara atiartea wtta lia.iaH er Catarra. ae fr.ii.. ar Malaria, ar SUa Enaptl.au, aaka tlaaa aa a.Kiauaa m Htm.mi Hill a4 ft a VMitaala bW mmrmw tm alrWa i-l taw li ..illln. S. S. . at r . mm pmntr vta.iaala, mm4 la naiatilly I 1 1 lai a i n ' -4 mm a tli i a fmnim mm tim nal ti.lt. Ct S. S. S. at aay earauj etoraw Deal acera . aohatirota. w tar kaafcbt aa Maad airaWa. alaa MtJSral Jttwtmm, oaata aa tiitil arltiaaal cWra. jtaar.aal MacScaJ Dept. It, SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. ATLANTA, CA. i) '1 il Si L-::...i- M JS "4 W laWottont CI j j I 1)1 S6S and fte WANTED We will t in Pendleton at DUTCH HENRY fEED VAH Saturday, April 7th To buy mares and horsea, 15 hand 1 in., to 16 hands 1 in.; 1100 to 1600 lbs.; area 5 to 9. Must be broke and in good flesh. Mabee & Pyle Kansas City, Mo. BETTr-R AXO BOFTrR LIGHT la aaaurrit by the uae of some of thea beautiful flxturae of euro. They (ive a light that lllumlnatra the room perfectly but that dors not tire or strata the eyea. They are not ipo slve Conalilerlna their extra ef flcleney and extra beauty. Why not at least see them? J..L. VAUGHAN '9