East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 27, 1917, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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of Service
While ordering the daily groceries cus- . " .
tamers often send us a message like
this: "You are always so prompt and
.understand my needs so well that it is T
-a .pleasure to deal with you."
A compliment yes but that's what they all
ay. We specialize not only in the quality of our
trobda but in the service we reiider you. Whether
you order over the 'phone or call in at the store,
you will find the same courteous attention and
desire to please you it's part of our business
system, just as much as is our prompt delivery
and painstaking attention to your every order,
no matter how small.
You are (respectfully invited to give it a trial.
Two Phones, 28 823 Mam St.
Two BuiMlnK Permits.
G. W. Byera has taken out a permit
to fculld a garage at his East Court
street home at a cost of 200 and
Lou Sutton has taken a permit to
build an addition to his dwelling- on
Aura street at a cost of 1100.
KnllNts nt Navy.
Oryl Richardson, who spent the
greater part of the winter with his
aunt. Mrs. Ous Flyers, In this city, re
cently enlisted in the navy at Boise,
Idaho, and la now at Bremerton. Mr.
Richardson entered the engine room
department as fireman.
Are leading the pro
fession, they are the
talk of the- town.
There is a reason. No
two garments alike,
correct styles, correct
materials and prices '
that are less thanVu
would expect to pay.
We aever had a big
.ger spring business
nor a better lot of
boosters who are now
wearing garments
from this store. May
we show you why we
are so busy?
(The "Down Stairs Store" is doing more
business every day, too.)
The Merchandise we sell com
bined with the service we give
represent the best Values Obtainable.
Goodyear Tires
FUk Tiros
Monogram Oil
Accessories of
Proven Quality.
(Nothing counts like service.)
Xew Snnjrs Arrive.
The new sonKS to be usod in the
Klka Tuxedo Minstrels next month
arrived today and will be at the next
rehearsal. The first rehearsal held
last even in if paw practically the full
cast out and enthusiastic over the
Now at Smith Rend.
Jean Kirkpatrick, son of W. Kirk
Patrick and formerly a printer here,
has accepted a position ats advertis
ing manager of a paper at South
Bend, Wash. Before taking that po
sition he was for several months In
charge of the Oregon Messenger at
came ill he- was attending the ugency
school. The youth was a son of the
wif of Challe Van Pelt, well knuwn
Indian. His mother's name was for
marly Jennie Pvo, daughter of the
late Chief Peo of the Umatilla., Fu
neral arrangements have not yet been
M". K O-nrvh Hah Bait Ttwn.
Ah a start toward organizing a twi
light league to play evening baseball
this summer, the baseball enthusiasts
of the Methodist church met last ev
ening and organized a team with Balfe
Ulrieh as captain and Sheldon ITlrtcta
as manager. They will begin practice
May Iave Willow Street.
A petition asking for the paving of
Willow street for a distance of two
blocks, between Court and Webb, is
being circulated today and it Is hoped
that it will be ready for presentation
to the council tomorrow evening.
Quite a number of property owners
along the street have already signed
the petition.
Finds Old Ootd Pau.
Major Lee Moorhouse yesterday
added to his curio collection an old
iron gold pan such as was used by
prospectors in washing the gravel and
nd in creek bottoms in their search
for the yellow streak. It had been
sold to. the Stroble store along with
a second hand lot of goods. Major
Moorhouse was himself a prospector
in the early days.
Senator lne Is fittrrattt-c
Replying te the resolutions con
demning his recent action in assisting
to hold up the armed neutrality bill
as sent by Secretary Orauston of the
Commercial association, Senator Har
ry Lane grows a bit sarcastic.
"Thanking you more for your can
dor,' he writes, "concerning my ac
tion upon the so-called armed neu
tralityijblll than for the personal sen
tim ent expressed by you. I am tak
ing the liberty of mailing you here
with a statement giving some of the
reasons for my action. J trust In
fairness, that you will do me the
courtesy to read it and then judge it
upon its merits,! f it has any. Ac
companying the letter was a copy of
the statement, denying taking any
part in any filfbuster, which he re
cently sent broadcast to the papers
of the state.
You Will Someday, Why Not Now
There is no question about it, you will be one of our customers before" long,
simply because, if for nothing else, this wave of cash trading ts gripping every one all
over the country and people are beginning to realize that they can save from 10 to
15 per cent by purchasing their goods at the strictly cash store. Remember this,
thought you can gain no advantage by spending your" cash at the stores allowing the
other people credit, for the reason, that, from 10 to IS per cent is figured and tacked
on to the retail price in order to defray the losses entailed in a credit business. You
have an additional advantage with us which is, our method of doing business, and
our immense buying power for our 12S stores. We can save yets from 20 to 33 per
cent. Think this over.
HVowu" Overalls sc
"Khnuuin" OverallN use
Waist Overalls 3o
IUim Stripe Overalls SSc
Horn' Overalls 4t SSo
Roys' Work Shirts 4 so
Hoyx' F.Ik Shoes SMS, SI. 09, Sl.wH
Men's Work Shirt 4 so
Men's ltreos Shirts 49c
"Oown" Corsrj Bsc to $2.
"All Over" A perms 4 Be, SSfe; SSw
Xew Novelty Aprons)
Pink and Blue Crib HlankeM
Fancy Turkish Towels and Wwdi ItaK. set. too
New Cieonrette Waists St
re- le chine Waists $I.S. $S.
811k. Glove 4 wo, tSe
Sole cases ...... TBe lo S8.S
Sons Have Pneumonia,
The two little sons of Mayor and
Mrs. Frank C. McKenxie of Hermis-
ton are at St. Anthony's hospital
with pneumonia and their parents
are here attending them. The boys
only recently recovered from the
measles and at that time one of them
had pneumonia. Their mother, too.
has . only recovered from a three
months' illness.
Ken-alts Are Rejected.
Hamuel Oliver, George Howard ant
Alvin Lawrence, the three boys who
left here Saturday for Portland as
recruits in Uncle Sam's navy, have
returned to their homes, having been
rejected by the medical examiner is
Portland for one reason or another.
Another would-be recruit was reject
ed yesterday by Recruiting Officer
Swarts because of deficient vision.
Pcrrtl Plait is Dead.
Word was received here today by
Mrs. G. W. Byera of the death of her
nephew, Percil Piatt at Tacoma. He
died this morning from pneumonia
and the body will be brought here
Thursday for burial, the funeral be
ing announced later. The dead minJ
was also a nephew or James and FTea
Beck and Mrs. Henry Thompson.
Lr. I. IJ. Temple and family were
this morning considerably excited by
the strange antics of their house
cat which occupied the back
porch and diapluyed such symp
toms uf madness that the fam
ily feared to approach It. E. p. Av-
erill, ' inspector ol thebiologleal
survey, was culled and, with the as
sistance of the doctor, finally succeed
ed in imprisoning the feline in a bu
ret. There It will be held for obser
vation and, should it develop the ra
bies as is feared, it wilt be klled. Jn
that event the Pasteur treatment will
probably be given to the girl employ
ed at the Temple home a she was
bitten by the cat on Sunday. The cat
also bit the Temple dog, it ts believ.
ed. For a time this morning the cat
stationed Itself before the door of the
house and manifested such a desire
to attack all moving objects that the
family was forced to enter and leavu
the house by a window.
(Continued from Page 1.)
road so full that the cars were
stranded. The iron rn the sand got
into the motors and made a short clr.
cult. The two men spent the night
there and part of Saturday trying to
repair the cars and get out. Finally
they secured some horses and rode 1 1
miles to the nearest telephone to call
for help from Pendleton.
Simpson, Thurman and Katlng sc
out during the afternoon In a Chevro
let but the sand so filled the air that
they became lost down In the Han J
Hollow country and drove about aim
lessly. Finally they cut a wire fence
to make a circuit and by mere chance
drove Into a farm place where they
found the two deserted Fords. This
was 2 a.' rru. Hall and Tobin had se
cured some horses and pulled the
curs to this rnnch and the farmhouse
being deserted ' there, had ridden on
five miles to spend the night. The
three local - men took shelter from
the storm for the balance of the night
in the empty house and In the morn
ing set out in search of the other
men, whom they flmilly located.
'The two Fords were towed Into
Echo by cable. Arriving there the
party learned that the nnt upon
which there was another shipment of
14 Fords had been forced to put in
at Irrigon. All five set out for irrl-
gon and drove the cars from there In
to this cotsnty. leaving some at Her
mint on. some at Echo and bringing
the others here.
Mr. Simpson advises all autolstn
against trying to go through Morrow
county by way of the Oregon trail.
It will be some time before the sand
is rleared away, he says.
Three prices only S, 19 and IS
cents. Nothing over 15 rents at Tay-lor-Knobel
Co.'s We never raise the
B cent limit. Open Saturday I a.
m. Adv.
Auto Stage.
For Adams Athene an Weston,
leaves Allen-Ward Co., at IS a. m
sod :S0 p. in. each day. Phone 4
for reservations. Ralph Shaffer, prop
Open and readily accessible dis
plays of clean merchandise In plnln
fipure prices. One of the modern 10
cent store methods so noticeable nt
Taylor-KnObel Co. new store. Open
Saturday t a. m. Adv.
Freer Freer
Another 1200 phonograph t be
given away at the Boston Store, see
It In their window Adv.
Attention: Monar.
Hig time Moose hall Wednesday
night. 28th. for Moose and their fam
ilies and their lady friends. Be sore
to come. No admission. Committee.
It Pars to Advertise.
While he la not seeking advertise
ment, Jimmy Bannon. popular trav
eling salesman of this city, has some
evidence. of the value of advertise,
menu On February 22 of this year
the East oregonlan ran a small Hera
to the effect that Mr. Bannon was
confined to his home with rheuma
tism. Yesterday he received the
clipping together with a circular ad
vertisement of a rheumatism cure
from Hamilton, Ohio.
Publisher I Sued.
n the name of Dennis McNamee.
suit was brought against I K- Har
lan of Pilot Rock yesterday after
noon by a number of creditors snd
attachment papers were served. The
olsims Incorporated In the complaint
are as follows: McNamee note for
111, Dave McAtee and George Aiken
note for $100. Minor Co. of Hepp
ner SIS on account, Ida Warneck of
Hrppner 1127 tt rental, and Henry
Hchwars I5 7S on account. Raley
Kaiey are attorneys for the plaintiff.
-TSisHf pea's GrsndMMa Dies.
Hamuel Walker. 1 year old In
dian boy of the Umatilla reservation
and grandson of the late Chief Pen
died this morning about o'clock at
Ht. Anthony's hospital where he had
been since Friday. His Illness was
diagnosed as Inflammatory rheuma
tism and typhoid. At the time h4j be-
The fnderml reserve t-tunl has
imlnia imiK bank to ra-h all
I'eabrel otrw sr hit qnarbr-rina.
era voortHT" pesaling the H-prtalk-sw.
The ar-thm was takes)
erlsse the war defiartmeM fa-a
Mmt tsslMIHy to otiulsj fnrth-r-r
aaprtk am rrrdit. It e-sulka
lh rowrasms to rarry oat de
fi ine work. wnevntnmsid by
Ue la-k of fund.
of the functions of the
stomach or bowels
Stomach Bitters
It is a good Spring tonic
a and appetizer, ajjrjsaj
Wednesday, the price
of any article in our
special window is 70c'
Hand painted cups and
saucers, salad bowls,
miscellaneous dishes,
guernsey wear, Pyrex
glass for baking, and
sandwich baskets', 10c
less each day.
Every purchase dur
ing our Dutch Auction
is a saving. These ar
ticles were formerly
priced from $1.00 to
Royal M. Sawtelle
Optometrist- aneT Optician
Olassea ground
and fitted. 11
years experience.
American National Bank Building.
United Artisans
March 27
Sawyer's Orchestra
Cents 50c Ladies Free.
The Appeal of Spring
OUR store, this store, is headquart
ers for all that Is new, stylish and
really worth while. The new
things are shown here first.
Bond Clothes
SIS to J35
We invite you to come soon while the as
sortment is complete.
All the newest novelties in shirts and
neckwear await you hre. A perfect riot
of colors.
Bond Bros.
Me s oosaplete 1-etidln. . 1 -r iding
Owtfluera CVMhiera.
Your Warmest Friend is
Ask Your Neighbor
AlTlieSonW Ihelacuck"
for trio.1 order
Sal Smytlie-
Quality Quantity
SH!J'f f TT ? ff IT! I f HI 1 1 If f 1 1 HI ! Ill -''M t"?''!? 1 TT?T, - f f TTT f TTT'n w www m mtvytt w if i ftit f titff iitit w pm r m t pf &
Hudson 8uprr-Mx .
itnick y i
O. M. C. Trt
We are agents for i
Goodyear Tires
Valvoline Oil
Standard Products Only
are carried here
Our rnra ir haa ben rmodle1. .
affording yua rrcwllent mmrricm.
Oregon Motor Garage
s Incorporated.
i I
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117. II. Itl. IIJ West Cevrt St.