:f . EIGHT PAGES PAGB rgVBM BRINGING UP IF XOO eANT TO ilT our TONIGHT-JOtT COMPLAIN AJBOUT "YOUR FOOD AND 5M OW OUT to e DIE, SPUniNG.- NX HFAnAnHF IIU 1UIIUIIU Dr. Jae' Head ache Powders re fier it me 10 cento a package. Yon tats a Or. James' Headache Powder and, in juat a few moment joar head dears and all neuralgia and distress vanishes. It's the quickest ad nMt relief for headache, whether dull, throbbing, splitting or nerve racking. Send someone j the drug trior and get a dime package now. Quit suffering it'a mo rjeedleea.' lie rf you get Dr. James' Headache Powdsas then there will be bo diaap poiataeai, NUTICB OK HTBKET IMl'HOVEMBNT. Ssyrtssi IR HF.RKMT GIVE, that at e t otar meeting at the Common Council of Twe cetv of Pendleton." held on March 1 4. )17. IH following reeoluton a opted WIIKKKAK, toe survejor of Til fit W of I'mdMoa did na the I4ib day of March. 11117. u4 direction and hy requirement of Ike CoafaKUi Council file plana and epeclrleatious for an appropriate improve ment of Mala Htreet frutn tna orlli line of Jerfceoa street to the Mouth line of V II-a-n Hireet. toieether with eatlniatce of the ..rx te ke done and tbe probable coal thereon with the etateuient of tbe lota, parte of lota aau iiarcela of land to be le-nellleS hy aorh Improvement and the per tentae of the total eoal of Improvement. hlr eerb of aeeh lota, parte of lota and parreM of land nbonld "7 oo arrount of the beneflta to bo derived from auch Im provement", and , . VYHKKKAM. the eonnell haa . examined .Kb plaaa and awrlrlcetlen and fotind the name aalbifaetorj and the eatlniatea 1 1. wet or te be In a.-eordaore with Ibe prob able rot of atH-b work, and WHKI1KAS. tbe properly reeommended .L h. InliidMl ortlhln Of loe vi. j - - . tl.e b-.nodarl.-a of the dl.trl.-t benefitted la la the lodement of the f..roiuon t oun.il protxrla- to be Included within aitrh Im prevenent dlairlct and no proerljr la el- Iude4 therefrom whkrh abould properlr be Ineledl therern ; and WIIKIIHAH. the Improvement . of the berelaeanve tfc'errltjed (rartlona of Main ttlraet with gravel Itllullthlr pavement la at thle time oeeeaaary; therefore, be It lliMl i;l b live Owimoo totinell of The Cltf of I'epdleton ehat It la eiedlent lo Impn.ve and It la hereby ijrqHWe4 to Inv prove. Main Ktx-et fr..m the .Norlb line of Ja.-kaon Htreet to the Houlh line of Wll o.n Street br eieavatlng and itradltia the aane and eonairorllna; rnnr-reie enrne at the alrt.-nalh line thereon and by rouatruct In coorrete amtera at a . l.tance of enbteen f.-et from the enrh llnea there on and by eon-truetlnf a hardurfarW pavemenl eon.tlli.,( f a fi Inea rravel llllulllhle pavement on enrh aide of oald - atreet to a wKllb of el(lhtn feet from , h- curb line and by .onamietlnf r.m rr.te aoltera at the enVe f a.uh pave at ain b iiaveinent to be .-oiilrueted T.'S the anrfa. Ih.reof to he flnl.hod m.n ' . entabllabed yrane of ld all other tblnira In a.mrdaiue nilh and aa Jhown in he Plana and pe.ifl.-.tl.n.. for t J "unprovemetit of ld Portion. Mam Hireet. iepre.l by (.eery Mmbrell. t Hy E irTeyor. filed with the rltv Ke,-.rder on "he 14th d.y of Ulatrb. IKlf. whh-h plan, ind apeelt.ratl.nn. are hereby particularly referted to: and he it BKMOI.VKI1, that the englneera eatl mate at the probable total c-t thereof. ?r. ld enalnew a eetlmate In the aum If 5.".l "I'd TjS.tnKlVB?TBh, JLL ,h. I4ih day of March. 11117. la r taeiSied a" d h'-reh, re(.rrl t. nartlrtilarlr. aud be It further HrVI.VKI. tbat the plan, and apeH Z. and 'eat .male, for atn-h Improve meat ee preired by the City i""'! TZS t wllh the Keeorder of The CI If " Pendleton on the 14. b day of Mareh 1917 be and they are herel.y adopted and appred. and be It further TlKHttl.VKK. that 'he coat of maltln aucb tn.provent .hall he a rh.re and lien ration all ll. part, of lot. ami parcela land to be h-u'lll.e.1 by .o.h Improve e.r and the owo-re of .och lota, parte of pirTe" of land an .J l.lly benje fitted by .orh improvment .hull he liable for the pavment of the coal, thereof, and Wp!r-.l!5rr.. that a. ae.e..n,ent dial rlrt la h-retiy ctoa.ad 1 be 'iaJ-ament Kl.lrlcl No. 4." embracln. .bVIIriy to l-e aiwea-d for the pay i,tP of improvement., which Aa " . li .irlet ahall Include all Iota, Tf lo "aid parcel, of land lyln. and Knl with" "he dl.trlct hounded and d. r2rZrUZZ!Lt nidrw - riea ztxrEm . tie a W romerof 1 . "'"' '.J Adilllloa: thence N. He, de(. K 'eS to pl of heglnnln.. J.t.trUr.'Thlt'i ropy of thle reaoln ..JI irithei with the a-tle. that the anr-V-JTZ'i' he proportion f the IT If Mi work to be charted aalnat TL mm of lot and parcel of land Tea nien ne oTflre '" Z2- i. pnMl.hed foe a period of tea 21 In the TMl Oretmnlan. .hlch newa - "u. kiertcT deelaoated hy the Com rrrc--oreob..c.,l.n. there-rf X?ZZ M iork to n. charged aaalna. I.rt"T!t nTt of lot and l-nel of land wltMn aald A.e.ment 111 In aald n,." I de-cnte-l la on file In the ofrice ','1.!".' 1CT'.Su7;.n. Oreron. thl. 1Mb ' 'tiVos ttt. t.ritAi.r.. City Keeorder FATHER WT'b SURE. TO U "1 MARKET ADVANCES: RUN SMALL IHHTUANT. March 17. Hoga, cat tin and ahep were all higher at North Portland for the first day trading; of the week. It waa one of the . amalleat total runa Mint the local market had re celved for many a day, the entire showing: being; but 4f carloada. Tlnira BKHln aold at 114.60 In the North Portland yarda. a load of (rood tuff Koine; early at tbe advance of lOo over Friday and Battirday, al though at the at art of last week ale were made at a simllnr price. General hog range: Heavy packing IU.J561IM Beet lia-ht 13.15W14.1-, Rough heavy iJOOell-Sd Plga 11.00911.e atate nf Ohio, City of Toledo, l.ncaa County, aa. Frank 1. Cheney makes oath that he la enlor partner of the firm of K. J. Chenej C, doing bnalaeae In the City of Toledo County and State aforesaid, and that aew firm will pay the aom of HSR 111 NOItKr Iwil.I.AItH for each and every ceae of Ca tarrh that eannot be cured by the nee of HAl.r.K CaTAKHH CUIIB. r-lNli. i CIIKNKT. .. , . Hwom to before me and eubarrihed It my preeenee. thle tlth day of Uecetnber, A O. A. W. 41I.KAHON. (H,, Notary Hnblle. Mali's Catarrh Cnre la taken Internally and acta thrcorti the Hlood on the klnrnnv Snrfacee of the Hy.tem. Send for teatl atonlala. free. . . V J. CHRNRT CO., Toledo. O. a.ild bv all lrovl"ta, TV. Hell a ramlly rilhi for conatlpetloa. Glass' of Hot Water Before Breakfast' a Splendid Habit Open sluices of the system each morning and wash away the poisonous, stagnant matter. Tlioae of us who are axcutnmed to feel dull and heavy when we arlMe; splitting headache, slurry from a cold, ftiul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom ach, lame back, can instead, both luck ami feel as fresh aa a daisy always by wHxhlng the poisons and toxins from the body with phosphated hot water each morning. We should drink before Iweiikfnat. a ulnaa of real hot water with a fea apoonful of limestone phoaphate in It to fluh from the stomach, liver, kid neys and ten yards of boa-els the previous day's indigestible wnste, sour bile and poisonous toxins; thua cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary tract before putting more food Into the stomach. The action of limestone phoephate and hot water on an empty stomach Is wonderfully Invigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gnncs. waate and acidity and given one a splendid appetite for breakfsst and it Is said to be but a little while until the roses begin to appear in the cheeks. A quarter pound of ' lime, stone phoaphitte will coat very little at the drug store, but is sufficient to make anyone who Is bothered with bllliiuaneas. constlpntlon, stomach trouble or rheumatism a real enthu siast en the subject of Internal snnl t at Inn. Try It and you are assured that you will look better and feel better In every way aliortly. PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tells How To Open CIokrcI Nos trils as End Head-Colds. Vou feel fine In a few momenta. Tour cold In head or catarrh will be gone. Tour clogged nostrils will open. The air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more dullness. Headache; no hawking. snuffling, mucous dis charges or dryness; no struggling for breath at night. Tell your druggist yoo want a smnll bottle of Ely"a cream Balm. Apply a little of this fragrant. antiseptic cream In your nostrils, let It pene trate through eveey air pnewfKe of the head: soothe and heal the awollen. Inflnmed mucous membinne. and re lief comes inatant'y. It Is Jttt whAt every cold end ca tarrh sufferer need. l.mt stav atuffed-up and mleerable. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. TKKE THAT VTOFF AVAff I CWT EAT IT IF THAT'S THE. BEVT. nuuvc wt its, tOUS" OUT TO EAT Ktockers 13.0013.b9 oauie Market Better . With a small run of cattle reported in the yards over Sunday, there was a slightly Improved feeling In tee trade generally at North Portland. Karly In the day cows advanced to IS. So. and the cattle market in general was considered 10 to 25c higher than last week. General cattle market range: Prime heavy beef steers 19 SOvr 55 Prime light beef steers .. .&0 .6S Choice beef cows I.00J 3.60 Beef heifers 3.00 Ordinary to good cows... I. OA1 7.75 Prime butcher bulls.... .76 1. is IJght bulls .0r 60 Calves 7.006T10.60 Stocker-feeder steers ... f.000 7.75 Stocker-feeder cows.... 5.004 3 00 Imbs Advance to tlS.SO. A rather unexpected advance of STic was forced for lambs In the North Portland yards at the opening of the week's trade. A carload of extra good stuff sold at 311 60. but this win said to be worth a premium of at lea a quarter over the regular efans of stuff called topa. tleneral mutton and lamb market; Rest east mountain lamb .1.00 & 1 3.50 Best 'valley lambs 12.60 01 J. 00 Wethers 11.50612 00 Rwes 10.00fjin.00 Gnats 4.2EW4 50 Shorn sheep 1 1-!$! t-2c below offerings. Monday Mvctaock Wilisnrra,. Hogs J. P. Hood. Buhl and Klm herly. Idaho. 2 loads; J. "W Ogburn. Cittonwood. cal.. I load; H. l- fc- Fadden. Horrinburg. 1 load; Orson M.Midv. North Powder. 1 load; Brown at Wilson. Klmherly, Idaho. 1 load; O. K. Finley. Totichet. wash.. 1 load; J. W. Chandler, Union Junction. 1 load; I. H. Ekin. Adrian. 1 loads. Cattle W. C. Calhoun. Nnnipa. Idaho. ! loads: H. H. Peacock. : load; Wnrd eV Harrington. ICaldwell. Idaho. 2 loads: C. B. Hoffman, ray- ette. Idaho, t loads; C K. Hoffman. Payette. Idaho. 3 loads: p. J. Brown. Huntington. 1 load; G. M. Simon. Cove creek. 1 load; P. L- Coon. Ter rebonne. 1 load; Kimple Bales. Cald well Idaho. 2 loads; K. Fnckson. Welaer and Caldwell. Idaho, t loads: K C. Corntt, Weiser. Idaho. 1 bind; Blackwell Bros.. Folio. 4 loads. Sheep I'nlon Meat Co.. Ile. Wash.. 4 loads direc-t; II. Shepnrd. Cranjre. Waeh.. I load; nustern Ore gon Kxperimental Station, Union Junction, 1 load. Mixed stuff C. TV. Miller. Hed mond 1 load cattle and hogs: BUtir Hughes. Washougal. Wash.. 1 load entile and hogs; J. O. Bowkcr. Pay ette. Idaho. 1 load cattle, calves and lings; Sol nlckersnn. Weiser. Idaho. ! loads cattle and hogs; Peterson Bros.. Welser. Idaho. 1 load cattle and hogs; J. A. Wilson. North Pow der, 1 load rattle and hogs; J. S. Wil son. North Powder. 1 load rattle and hogs; J. p. Flint Junction City. 1 l"'ad cattle, calves and hogs. SO PltOUW UK IS MAIlllIKIl llli f.KOWS NKAItl.Y A MSKT Or IvrhniNi tlie in bcr Man's Head Wunut to ; alius Among thn clouds. NEW YORK, March 27 "Well. Mr. Scully. I feel a better and big ger man since you've married me. I 111 Hoing to try to rise to meet my new respnnslliilitl, s and become a big fig ure in the world. As he spoke the bridegroom, who was about five feet ten Inches tall, be gan to grow, until he looked down on the astonished city clerk from height of six feet five inches. Then he extended an arm at least a root longer than it had been a moment be. tors, and grastinc Mr. Scully's haid. thanked him warmly for having per formed the ceremony. The bridegroom was Clarence Kd Wlltard. "The Rubber Man." who for years has astonished audiences in Rurope end Arrferlca try his power to Increase his height and reach at will. The bride waa Miss 11a M. Bernard of No. Asylum Avenue. Hartford. Conn. SlfMIOOO lVllt WIITTS IOV K. CHICAGO. March 27 Judgment hy .lefault of finoone. was M'"rM in the circuit court here today In fa- ! vor of tleorxe Oelnuer. a prfe.-iio.t-1 h I ekoter. Hgtinst Thomas M. tlr"g"rv !a rtt'5Mrg nianuf.icttirer J n.-hruer charned tlreeorv with -il-1 It-r.nltlic Mm. Gehalier's Affec'Vl.. , afrcrt-t.ns. and the manufacture.' iiiale no anawer to the suit. I L J m OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1917. (OopjrUlht, 1817, International News Service. States Patent Office.) I THOUGHT TOO UKED VHN- THAT TAVTE LIKE FREE LUWCM P I -i ' ' i ! PENDLETOH TIED WITH POTLATCH FOR LAST PLACE lOMKKOY IJEFEATS JXtCAl, TKAIHOOXratS IK MATCH SUNDAY. Standing; tbe duba. Won. Iet. Pet. Spokane 0 1.000 Kalispell Kellogg Wallace '7 Pomeroy . . . . 3" 1 . .600 Lewiston i -600 Sunnaide 1 4 -S3a I'alouse 2 .331 Wenatchee -. . . 2 4 .332 Garfield 2 .133 Potlatch 1 6 -I7 Pendleton 1 6 .17 ttub Averagew. , Total. Matches. Ave. K;iliapell 720 120 Kellogg 700 119 fewiston .. 700 Il 7 I Spokane I H Wenatchee 6 115.8 Garfield 1 HI' Wallace 81 , 113.7 Pomeroy .......... 376 112.5 Palouse S7 111.2 Pendleton 65 109.2 Sunnyside 4 107.3 Potlatch 619 103.2 The Scores Sunday. Kali.ipell 118. Sunnyside 114. Spokane 119, Garfield 112. I'alouse 113, Potlatch 102. Pomeroy 111, Pendleton 102. Wenatchee 117, Wallace 10. I .e wist on 122. Kellogg 118.' Pendleton's trapshooting teant is now tied with Potlatch for the cellar position in the Spokesman Review tournament aa a result of losing Sun day to Pomeroy. However, in the team average the pendletonians lead both Potlatch and Sunnyelde with a score of 109.2. The leadership In the tournament, remains unchanged aa a result of Sunday's scores, sppkane and Kalls kell still being tied for high honors, each with six consecutive victories. Neither of these teams has lost a match so far In the tournament. Wallace and Kellogg, which clubs were tied tor first place two weeks ago, are now two full games behind the leaders, both losing their matches Sunday. Kalixpcll Has 120 Average-. Knli.-pell leads all the other teams In tile averages with a team average HOT TEA BREAKS ' A COLD TRY THIS Get a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea. or as ths German folkt, call It. "Hamburger Burst Thee." at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea. put a cup of bailing water upon It. pour through a sieve end drink a teacup ful at anytime. It Is the most effective way to break a old and cure grip, aa It opens ths pores, relieving congestion. AlfO loosens the bowels, thus breaking a cold at once. It is inexpensive and entirely vege table, therefore harmless. CLIP THIS OUT MAY COME HANDY TH,I,S HOW TO TAKR VKKNK. I'UOH A OlHtv A.M 1JIT IT I RIGHT OUT. j Hospital recorda show that every i time you cut a corn you invite lock jaw or Wood poison, which Is need less, save a Clncmnatt authority. ) who tells you that a quarter ounce of j of a drug called freesone can tee- ob I tained at little cost from the drug j store but Is sufficient to rid one's feet of every' hard or sort com or callus. J Uu simply apply a few drops of ! this on a tender, achlnr com and the jaorenee Is Instantly relieved. Shortly 'the entire corn can be lifted out, root ' ami .ill. without psin. This drug ia sticky but dries at t..nr.. and' is claimed to Just shrivel up 'an v.irn without Inflaming or even irr".itinK the surrounding tissue or 'km I If ottr wife wears hlch heels she j a ill be glad to know of this. rU-trlstrred United J I HAVE NO DOU&T ACOOT THAT ' of 120 per match, an average of 24 per shooter. Kellogg is second with a team average of 111. Spokane, al though tied for first place in the team standings is fourth in team average, being several points behind the Kal ispell team. Harry Gayhart of Kalispell. who has been heading the individual av erages tor the last two weeks, suffer ed a reversal of form Sunday and as a result has been dislodged from hi. high position. He did not even make the team, only succeeding In breaking 22 out of 26 which Is below tbe form he has displayed in previous matches. Wind Keeps Scores Down. Tbe wind In most of the cities played havoc with the shooters and resulted in keeping the scores down to a minimum. At Kellogg the Teloc ity of the wind waa so terrific that It blew the traphonse down. Despite the miserable weather con ditions a number of perfect scores were recorded. W. A.. Mann of Kal ispell, Wallace and Johnson of Iw. lston and Browne and Owens of We natchee all broke 25 straight. STOMACH AILMENTS THE NATION'S CURSE Wondmrfal Kmdy Quickly RmatorwB There is no ailment causing more woe and misery than Stomach Trou ble. Often Gall stones. Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines, Constipation, Acute Indigestion. Auto Intoxication, Yellow Jaundice, Appen dicitis snd other serious and fatal ailments result from It. Thousands of Stomach Sufferers owe their com plete recovery to Mayr's Wonderful remedy, it sweepa the poisonous bila land catarrhal accretions from the ; system. Soothes and allaya Chronic I Inflammation. Many declare It haii saved their lives, and prevented seri ous surgical operations Try one done today. Watch its marvelous re ; sulta Contains no alcohol no hab !it forming drugs. Book on Stomach ! Ailments FREE. Address. Geo. H. llliT, Mfg. Chemist. Chicago. Bet ter yet obtain a bottle of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy from Pendleton th-ttg Co. or any reliable druggist who will refund your money if It faila CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ATTORNEYS. A- LOWE IX. ATTORNEY ANI .L n . - . counsellor at law. Office la Ds D. W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY AT .pain building. Law. Rooms 7. t. . De--paln BIdg. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS. at law. Room 17. 8chm:dt block. L ., . . ... - J. T. BROWN'8 FURNITURE STOR1 CARTER A 8MYTHE. ATTORNEYS Funeral director and licensed sot at law. . Office in rear of American t,. Uout mod.rn fun,ri par National Bank building. lor morgue and funeral cars. Ca.li ' ' " responded to day or night. Cornel FEE A FEE. ATTORENYS AT LAW. UmAn and Water streets. Telephom Office ha Deepaln building. 13, JOHN W. HUF-F. ATTOrtNEY-AT. JOHN a BAKER. FUN KRAI. Dl I -aw. Room 6. American Nation nctor Kod necked embalmer. Op al Bank bnlldlns- . posits Dostoffloe. Faneral parlor " A-reirvrs-v at ,wo funeral ears. Calls responded U R I, KTSATOR. ATTORN KT AT pv. 71 Law. Room 14. Smith -era wfor day or nlghc Phone 76. Bllduf. MONTANA FARM LANDS. a A. NKWBERRY. ATTORN ft f AT N70RTHKRX" PACIFIC RAI YWAi Law. Smith-Crawford Building. Lands In eastern Montana at 83 l to 313 per acre, suitable for rajrmlnl PETERSON A BISHOP. ATTOR- or graslng. Easy ternla. For la for nevs st law: rooms 3 and . Smith- tnatloa write or see W. K. Holt. Mile Crawford battdlng. City. Montana. JAMES R. PERRY. ATTORN EW AT ttiaCOJUkXBDC. law. Office over Taylor Hardware -i. - company. WANTED OLD FALSE TEETH. Dont matter If broken. I pay 31. .,.,II ATTOREN'TS AT 85 per set. Mall to U Maser Will send cash by return man. Rank Building. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY DE FRTDKItlCK STKIWKR. ATTOR scr pUon for county court. trcup nev st law. Office ia Kmlth-Craw court Justice court, real satste etc tord building. 1 for sale at Ka Oregon laa offii s. BY GEORGE McMANUS TOUR F"RlErHO NOORE ENT I CAN'T EAT IT veil both co OUT TO EAT- An Effective "Laxatlvel3 IR. OAI.DWKI.IK SYRUP PF-PSIX HIGHLY KHWiMBIWHI A FAM II. Y JtEMEDY. In children the slightest irregularity of tie bowels has a tendency to dis turb the entire digestive system, and an lees promptly remedied Invitee se rious Illness. The experienced moth er knows that by training her chil dren to regular ty in this respect, and when occasion arises administering a mild laxative, she will have little need for the doctor's services. Mrs. Leq wlegand. 2261 Central Ave-, H. S-, Pittsburg. Pa-, whose two bom Frank, and Joseph, are shown in the Illustration, writes that she hset found Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin a most effective laxative, not only for the children but also for herself, and tbat she will always keep It In the house to use when needed. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup pepsin Is a combina tion of simple laxative herbs with pepsin that acts easily and naturally, without griping or other pain or dis comfort. It is pleasant to the taste so that children like It, add Is equal ly effective on the strongest eonstitu. tien, Now is the time to realize money on your old junk. mc Eastern Kids &JimK Co. 121 W. Railroad St, Pendleton, Ore. Res. phone 73V-J. Itns. Phone Ml M. GORFkLE, Prop. We buy the following arti cles: Mixed Iron, Rags. Pelts. Furs, Copper Boilers and Ket tles and all kinds of brass. We also buy old second hand Automobiles. We pay for, f. o. b. Pen dleton. Green hides 1814c Pelts No. 1.?. 22c Dry hides 27 Vic Also we buy horse hides and calf hides. If you favor us with a ship ment we can assure you a prompt remittance. References: First National Bank of Pendleton: Third Na tional Bank of Walla Walla. If you happen to be in our city don't forget to give us a call as we always like to have a personal talk with our customers. r DlNTf IT OVER EITHER: - For Growing Children ' , h9, ' A r. I r jl Dr. Caldwell's Syrup pepsin cast be obtained at any dreg store for fifty cents, and should nave a placet is every home. It will save many tlmem Its cost in lessened doctor bills nasi maintain the neaftn of the ewtirtv family. To avoid imitations and inef fective substitutes be stirs to get Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepcrin. See that a. facsimile of Dr. CaldweJJ's signature and his portrait appear on the yellow carton in which the nettle Is pehrkext. A trial bottle, fro a of charge, can est obtained by writing -to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 456 Washington St, Monti -cello, Illinois. ' The Best Place in Town "to Get 'WW Is at the store "what has" the "WHITMAN'S- sign. - Nobody In America makes, candy like "WHITMAN'S." Others have tried, are still trying, but they can't do It. "WHITMANS" stands for ths best. A box of "WHITMAN'S" CANDIES are revelations to people who don't know their goodness. . Tollman & Co. Leading .Drugjsts , INSURANCE AXD LtXD BUSINIDS BENTLKY A MONTGOMERY. REall estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. 815 Main street. Phone 404. A UCTION EEIIS. COL. W. F. YOHNKA. AUCTION eer. mskes a spcialty of farmers . ssock and machinery sales. "The . man that gets you the money." Tenia orders at East Oreguntan office. ARCHITECT. RAYMOND W. HATCH, tect. Deepaln BuHdlag. Tit. Pendleton. Oregon. 6HCOND II AMD Dt-ALEKA. V. 8TROBLK. DEALKaL Ui N aV8o and second hand sooon. paid for all 2nd-has4 goods. est place to buy household goods, toss B. Court, pnone IT1 W. DOtTOelA. DR. A. ROB, PRACTlt'a M li lted to the eye. ear. now sad tnrnsi. Charity patients let an J 3rd Hwtmraeji mornings. 21 Jadd Bullaing. M livt IJJA.1 1-A1 a. LEGAL BLANKS or EVERY tB- scr'ptlcn for county court, ctrcaus court. Ju.tl -e curt. real eetara. vim w I V